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The effects of hydraulic retention time (HRT) and sulfide toxicity on ethanol and acetate utilization were studied in a sulfate-reducing fluidized-bed reactor (FBR) treating acidic metal-containing wastewater. The effects of HRT were determined with continuous flow FBR experiments. The percentage of ethanol oxidation was 99.9% even at a HRT of 6.5 h (loading of 2.6 g ethanol L(-1) d(-1)), while acetate accumulated in the FBR with HRTs below 12 h (loading of 1.4 g ethanol L(-1) d(-1)). Partial acetate utilization was accompanied by decreased concentrations of dissolved sulfide (DS) and alkalinity in the effluent, and eventually resulted in process failure when HRT was decreased to 6.1 h (loading of 2.7 g ethanol L(-1) d(-1)). Zinc and iron precipitation rates increased to over 600 mg L(-1) d(-1) and 300 mg L(-1) d(-1), respectively, with decreasing HRT. At HRT of 6.5 h, percent metal precipitation was over 99.9%, and effluent metal concentrations remained below 0.08 mg L(-1). Under these conditions, the alkalinity produced by substrate utilization increased the wastewater pH from 3 to 7.9-8.0. The percentage of electron flow from ethanol to sulfate reduction averaged 76 +/- 10% and was not affected by the HRT. The lowest HRT did not result in significant biomass washout from the FBR. The effect of sulfide toxicity on the sulfate-reducing culture was studied with batch kinetic experiments in the FBR. Noncompetitive inhibition model described well the sulfide inhibition of the sulfate-reducing culture. (DS) inhibition constants (K(i)) for ethanol and acetate oxidation were 248 mg S L(-1) and 356 mg S L(-1), respectively, and the corresponding K(i) values for H(2)S were 84 mg S L(-1) and 124 mg S L(-1). In conclusion, ethanol oxidation was more inhibited by sulfide toxicity than the acetate oxidation.  相似文献   

The applicability of a fluidized-bed reactor (FBR)-based sulfate reducing bioprocess was investigated for the treatment of iron-containing (40-90 mg/L) acidic wastewater at low (8 degrees C) and high (65 degrees C) temperatures. The FBRs operated at low and high temperatures were inoculated with cultures of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) originally enriched from arctic and hot mining environments, respectively. Ethanol was supplemented as carbon and electron source for SRB. At 8 degrees C, ethanol oxidation and sulfate reduction rates increased steadily and reached 320 and 265 mg/L.day, respectively, after 1 month of operation. After this point, the rates did not change significantly during 130 days of operation. Despite the complete ethanol oxidation and iron precipitation, the average sulfate reduction efficiency was 35 +/- 4% between days 30 and 130 due to the accumulation of acetate. At 65 degrees C, a rapid startup was observed as 99.9, 46, and 29% ethanol, sulfate, acetate removals, in respective order, were observed after 6 days. The feed pH was decreased gradually from its initial value of 6 to around 3.7 during 100 days of operation. The wastewater pH of 4.3-4.4 was neutralized by the alkalinity produced in acetate oxidation and the average effluent pH was 7.8 +/- 0.8. As in the low temperature FBR, acetate accumulated. Hence, the oxidation of acetate is the rate-limiting step in the sulfidogenic ethanol oxidation by thermophilic and psychrotrophic SRB. The sulfate reduction rate is three times and acetate oxidation rate is four times higher at 65 degrees C than at 8 degrees C.  相似文献   

The performance of a fluidized-bed reactor (FBR) based sulfate reducing bioprocess was predicted using artificial neural network (ANN). The FBR was operated at high (65 degrees C) temperature and it was fed with iron (40-90 mg/L) and sulfate (1,000-1,500 mg/L) containing acidic (pH = 3.5-6) synthetic wastewater. Ethanol was supplemented as carbon and electron source for sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB). The wastewater pH of 4.3-4.4 was neutralized by the alkalinity produced in acetate oxidation and the average effluent pH was 7.8 +/- 0.8. The oxidation of acetate is the rate-limiting step in the sulfidogenic ethanol oxidation by thermophilic SRB, which resulted in acetate accumulation. Sulfate reduction and acetate oxidation rates showed variation depending on the operational conditions with the maximum rates of 1 g/L/d (0.2 g/g volatile solids (VS)/d) and 0.3 g/L/d (0.06 g/g VS/d), respectively. This study presents an ANN model predicting the performance of the reactor and determining the optimal architecture of this model; such as best back-propagation (BP) algorithm and neuron numbers. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm was selected as the best of 12 BP algorithms and optimal neuron number was determined as 20. The developed ANN model predicted acetate (R=0.91), sulfate (R=0.95), sulfide (R=0.97), and alkalinity (R=0.94) in the FBR effluent. Hence, the ANN based model can be used to predict the FBR performance, to control the operational conditions for improved process performance.  相似文献   

The applicability of anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) was investigated for the treatment of acidic (pH 4.5–7.0) wastewater containing sulfate (1000–2000 mg/L) and Zn (65–200 mg/L) at 35 °C. The ABR consisted of four equal stages and lactate was supplemented (COD/SO42− = 0.67) as carbon and energy source for sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB). The robustness of the system was studied by decreasing pH and increasing Zn, COD, and sulfate loadings. Sulfate-reduction efficiency quickly increased during the startup period and reached 80% within 45 days. Decreasing feed pH, increasing feed sulfate and Zn concentrations did not adversely affect system performance as sulfate reduction and COD removal efficiencies were within 62–90% and 80–95%, respectively. Although feed pH was steadily decreased from 7.0 to 4.5, effluent pH was always within 6.8–7.5. Over 99% Zn removal was attained throughout the study due to formation of Zn-sulfide precipitate.  相似文献   

A fluidized-bed biofilm reactor using activated carbon particles of 1.69 mm diameter as the support for biomass growth and molasses as the carbon source is used for wastewater denitrification.The start-up of the reactor was successfully achieved in 1 week by using a liquor from garden soil leaching as the inoculum and a superficial velocity u(0) = 5u(mf). Typical biofilm thickness is 800 mum; therefore covered activated carbon particles have 3.3 mm in diameter.Reactor hydrodynamics was studied by tracer (KCl solution) experiments. The analysis based on residence time distribution theory involved a model with axial dispersion flow and tracer diffusion with linear adsorption inside the biofilm. Peclet numbers higher than 100 were found, allowing the plug flow assumption for the reactor model.Experimental profiles of nitrate and nitrite species were explained by a kinetic model of two consecutive zero-order reactions coupled with substrate diffusion inside the biofilm. Under the operating conditons used thick biofilms were obtained working in a diffusion-controlled regime.Comparison is made with results obtained in the same reactor with sand particles as the support for biomass growth. Activated carbon as the support has the following advantages: good adsorptive characteristics, homogeneous biofilm thickness along the reactor, and easy restart-up of the reactor. (c) 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Competition for ethanol between sulfate-reducing and fermenting bacteria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Competition for ethanol between the sulfate-reducing bacteria Desulfobulbus propionicus, Desulfotomaculum orientis, Desulfovibrio vulgaris Marburg, Desulfovibrio gigas, Desulfovibrio desulfuricans Essex and the fermenting bacteria Pelobacter propionicus and Acetobacterium carbinolicum were studied in batch culture. A number of these bacteria was also chosen for competition experiments under ethanol limitation in chemostat culture. The maximum growth rates determined by washout experiments were higher for the fermenting bacteria (max=0.096 resp. 0.335h–1) than for the sulfate-reducing bacteria (max0.03h–1). In contrast, the saturation concentrations for half maximum growth rates (Ks values) for ethanol were lower for the sulfate-reducing bacteria (Ks5 M) than for the fermenting bacteria (Ks50 M). In batch culture competition experiments the fermenting bacteria turned out to be the better competitors, degrading 51–80% of the ethanol added. In competition experiments with ethanollimited chemostat cultures the sulfate-reducing bacteria Desulfobulbus propionicus and Desulfovibrio vulgaris outcompeted Pelobacter propionicus at dilution rates below their maximum specific growth rates. At a high dilution rate, a fast growing population of Desulfobulbus propionicus originated and was enriched in the chemostat during the competition experiment.  相似文献   

This study reports the feasibility of recovering metal precipitates from a synthetic acidic wastewater containing ethanol, Fe, Zn, and Cd at an organic loading rate of 2.5 g COD/L-day and a COD to sulfate ratio of 0.8 in a sulfate reducing down-flow fluidized bed reactor. The metals were added at increasing loading rates: Fe from 104 to 320 mg/L-day, Zn from 20 to 220 mg/L-day, and Cd from 5 to 20 mg/L-day. The maximum COD and sulfate removals attained were 54% and 41%, respectively. The biofilm reactor was operated at pH as low as 5.0 with stable performance, and no adverse effect over COD consumption or sulfide production was observed. The metals precipitation efficiencies obtained for Fe, Zn, and Cd exceeded 99.7%, 99.3%, and 99.4%, respectively. The total recovered precipitate was estimated to be 90% of the theoretical mass expected as metal sulfides. The precipitate was mainly recovered from the bottom of the reactor and the equalizer. The analysis of the precipitates showed the presence of pyrite (FeS2), sphalerite (ZnS) and greenockite (CdS); no metal hydroxides or carbonates in crystalline phases were identified. This study is the first in reporting the feasibility to recover metal sulfides separated from the biomass in a sulfate reducing process in one stage.  相似文献   

Zhang J  Wei Y  Xiao W  Zhou Z  Yan X 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(16):7407-7414
An anaerobic baffled reactor with four compartments (C1-C4) was successfully used for treatment of acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation wastewater and methane production. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency was 88.2% with a CH4 yield of 0.25 L/(g CODremoved) when organic loading rate (OLR) was 5.4 kg COD m−3 d−1. C1 played the most important role in solvents (acetone, butanol and ethanol) and COD removal. Community structure of C2 was similar to that in C1 at stage 3 with higher OLR, but was similar to those in C3 and C4 at stages 1-2 with lower OLR. This community variation in C2 was consistent with its increased role in COD and solvent removal at stage 3. During community succession from C1 to C4 at stage 3, abundance of Firmicutes (especially OTUs ABRB07 and ABRB10) and Methanoculleus decreased, while Bacteroidetes and Methanocorpusculum became dominant. Thus, ABRB07 coupled with Methanoculleus and/or acetogen (ABRB10) may be key species for solvents degradation.  相似文献   

Recently, an increasing application of so called advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) to industrial wastewater has been observed. In particular, an integrated approach of biological and chemical treatment of wastewater is advantageous conceptually. The subject of our study was synthetic wastewater, simulating effluents from knitting industry. The wastewater contained components that are very often used in Polish textile industry: an anionic detergent Awiwaz KG conc., a softening agent Tetrapol CLB and an anthraquinone dyestuff-Acid Blue 40, CI 2125. The toxicity of the detergents and the dye was determined in terms of effective concentration EC50 using mixed cultures of activated sludge as well as pure culture of luminescent bacteria Vibrio fischerii NRRLB-11177. The dye did not undergo biodegradation without AOPs pretreatment, therefore a degree of its removal (decolourisation) by the AOPs has been determined and its bio-sorption properties on the flocks of activated sludge have been studied. The dye adsorption onto flocks of activated sludge was described by Henry's isotherm. Our investigations focussed on the influence of various oxidants like O3, H2O2 and UV light on biodegradation of single components aqueous solution as well as of the whole textile wastewater. The results of kinetic measurements of the biodegradation (by means of acclimated activated sludge) was described by Monod type of kinetic equation. The experimental evidence of the positive effect of chemical oxidation pretreatment on the biodegradation of recalcitrant compounds was quantified by estimation of the kinetic parameters of the Monod equation. Due to the AOPs pretreatment a decrease of the Monod constant and an increase of maximal specific growth rate was observed. The activity of degradative enzymes of activated sludge was assayed by the methods of 2-[4-iodophenyl]-3-[4-nitrophenyl]-5-phenyltetrazolium chloride test.  相似文献   

Pretreatment of textile dyeing wastewater using an anoxic baffled reactor   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Kong H  Wu H 《Bioresource technology》2008,99(16):7886-7891
A study on pretreatment of textile dyeing wastewater was carried out using an anoxic baffled reactor (ABR) at wastewater temperatures of 5-31.1 degrees C. When hydraulic retention time (HRT) was 8h, the color of outflow of ABR was only 40 times at 5 degrees C and it could satisfy the professional discharge standard (grade-1) of textile and dyeing industry of China (GB4287-92). The total COD removal efficiency of ABR was 34.6%, 47.5%, 50.0%, 53.3%, 54.7% and 58.1% at 5, 9.7, 14.9, 19.7, 23.5 and 31.1 degrees C, respectively. Besides, after the wastewater being pre-treated by ABR when HRT was 6h and 8h, the BOD5/COD value rose from 0.30 of inflow to 0.46 of outflow and from 0.30 of inflow to 0.40 of outflow, respectively. Experimental results indicated that ABR was a very feasible process to decolorize and pre-treat the textile dyeing wastewater at ambient temperature. Moreover, a kinetic simulation of organic matter degradation in ABR at six different wastewater temperatures was carried through. The kinetic analysis showed the organic matter degradation was a first-order reaction. The reaction activation energy was 19.593 kJ mol(-1) and the temperature coefficient at 5-31.1 degrees C was 1.028.  相似文献   

A study of the anaerobic digestion of wastewater derived from the production of protein isolates from extracted sunflower flour was carried out in a laboratory-scale, mesophilic (35 degrees C) fluidized-bed reactor with saponite as bacterial support. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiencies in the range of 98.3-80.0% were achieved in the reactor at organic loading rates (OLR) of between 0.6 and 9.3 g COD/I d, hydraulic retention times (HRT) of between 20.0 and 1.1 d and average feed COD concentration of 10.6 g/l. Eighty percent of feed COD could be removed up to OLR of 9.3 g COD/l d. The yield coefficient of methane production was 0.33 l of methane (at STP) per gram of COD removed and was virtually independent of the OLR applied. Because the buffering capacity of the experimental system was maintained at favorable levels with excess total alkalinity present at all loadings, the rate of methanogenesis was not affected by loading. The experimental data indicated that a total alkalinity in the range of 2,000-2,460 mg/l as CaCO3 was sufficient to prevent the pH from dropping to below 7.0 for OLR of up to 9.3 g COD/l d. The volatile fatty acid (VFA) levels and the VFA/alkalinity ratio were lower than the suggested limits for digester failure (0.3-0.4) for OLR and HRT up to 9.3 g COD/l d and 1.1 d, respectively. For a HRT of 0.87 d (OLR of 12.1 g COD/l d) the start of acidification was observed in the reactor.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of increasing p-nitrophenol (PNP) concentrations on the performance of anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) (chemical oxygen demand (COD), removals, volatile fatty acid (VFA), p-aminophenol (PAP) and methane gas productions) was investigated through 240 days. The PNP concentrations were raised to 700 from 10 mg/L corresponding to PNP loading rates of 0.97 and 67.9 g/m3 day. The PNP and COD removal efficiencies were 99 and 90% at PNP loading rates as high as 33.9 g/m3 day, respectively, through the acclimation of anaerobic granular sludge. After this loading rate, the removal efficiencies decreased to 79%. The COD removal efficiencies were high in compartment 1 (E = 78–93%) while a small amount of COD removal was achieved in compartments 2 and 3. The PNP removal efficiencies were approximately 90% in all PNP loading rates except for loading rate of 0.97 g/m3 day. The maximum PNP removal efficiency was measured as 99% at a loading rate of 8.32 g/m3 day. The optimum PNP loading rate for maximum COD, PNP removals and methane yield was 8.32 g/m3 day. The total, methane gas productions and methane percentages were approximately 2160–2400 mL/day and 950–1250 mL/day and 44–52% for the PNP loading rates varying between 4.36 and 33.9 g/m3 day, respectively. For PNP loading rates varying between 33.9 and 67.9 g/m3 day, the total, methane gas productions and methane percentages were approximately 2160 and 960 mL/day and 44%, respectively. The highest total volatile fatty acid (TVFA) concentrations were found in the first compartment with fluctuated values varied between 50 and 200 mg/L indicating the acidogenesis. p-Aminophenol was found as the main intermediate through anaerobic degradation of PNP which later was broken down to phenol and ammonia.  相似文献   

Sulfate-dependent degradation of glycolate was studied with a new sulfate-reducing bacterium, strain PerGlyS, enriched and isolated from marine anoxic sediment. Cells were gram-negative, motile rods with a DNA G+C content of 56.2±0.2 mol%. Cytochromes of theb- andc-type and menaquinone-5 were detected. A sulfite reductase of the desulforubidin-type was identified by characteristic absorption maxima at 279, 396, 545, and 580 nm. The purified desulforubidin is a heteropolymer consisting of three subunits with molecular masses of 42.5 (α), 38.5 (β), and 13 kDa (γ). Strain PerGlyS oxidized glycolate completely to CO2. Lactate, malate, and fumarate were oxidized incompletely, yielding more sulfide and less acetate than expected for typical incomplete oxidation of these substrates. Part of the acetate residues formed was oxidized through the CO-dehydrogenase pathway. The biochemistry of glycolate degradation was investigated in cell-free extracts. A membrane-bound glycolate dehydrogenase, but no glyoxylate-metabolizing enzyme activity was detected; the further degradation pathway is unclear. Dedicated to Prof. Norbert Pfennig on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled to denitrification (AOM-D) in a membrane biofilm reactor (MBfR), a platform used for efficiently coupling gas delivery and biofilm development, has attracted attention in recent years due to the low cost and high availability of methane. However, experimental studies have shown that the nitrate-removal flux in the CH4-based MBfR (<1.0 g N/m2-day) is about one order of magnitude smaller than that in the H2-based MBfR (1.1–6.7 g N/m2-day). A one-dimensional multispecies biofilm model predicts that the nitrate-removal flux in the CH4-based MBfR is limited to <1.7 g N/m2-day, consistent with the experimental studies reported in the literature. The model also determines the two major limiting factors for the nitrate-removal flux: The methane half-maximum-rate concentration (K2) and the specific maximum methane utilization rate of the AOM-D syntrophic consortium (kmax2), with kmax2 being more important. Model simulations show that increasing kmax2 to >3 g chemical oxygen demand (COD)/g cell-day (from its current 1.8 g COD/g cell-day) and developing a new membrane with doubled methane-delivery capacity (Dm) could bring the nitrate-removal flux to ≥4.0 g N/m2-day, which is close to the nitrate-removal flux for the H2-based MBfR. Further increase of the maximum nitrate-removal flux can be achieved when Dm and kmax2 increase together.  相似文献   

An anaerobic down-flow fluidized bed reactor was inoculated with granular sludge and started-up with sulfate containing synthetic wastewater to promote the formation of a biofilm enriched in sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), to produce biogenic sulfide. The start-up was done in two stages operating the reactor in batch for 45 days followed by 85 days of continuous operation. Low-density polyethylene was used as support. The biofilm formation was followed up by biochemical and electron microscopy analyses and the composition of the community was examined by 16S rDNA sequence analysis. Maximum immobilized volatile solids (1.2 g IVS/Lsupport) were obtained after 14 days in batch regime. During the 85 days of continuous operation, the reactor removed up to 80% of chemical oxygen demand (COD), up to 28% of the supplied sulfate and acetate was present in the effluent. Sulfate-reducing activity determined in the biofilm with ethanol or lactate as substrate was 11.7 and 15.3 g COD/g IVS per day, respectively. These results suggested the immobilization of sulfate reducers that incompletely oxidize the substrate to acetate; the phylogenetic analysis of the cloned 16S rDNA gene sequences showed high identity to the genus Desulfovibrio that oxidizes the substrates incompletely. In contrast, in the granular sludge used as inoculum a considerable number of clones showed homology to Methanobacterium and just few clones were close to SRB. The starting-up approach allowed the enrichment of SRB within the diverse community developed over the polyethylene support.  相似文献   

Bioremediation of contaminated soils and aquifers is subject to spatial and temporal temperature changes that can alter the kinetics of key microbial processes. This study quantifies temperature effects on the kinetics of an ethanol-fed sulfate-reducing mixed culture derived from a uranium-contaminated aquifer subject to seasonal temperature fluctuations. The mixed culture contains Desulfovibrio sp. and a Clostridia-like organism. Rates of growth, ethanol utilization, decay, and uranium reduction decreased with decreasing temperature. No significant uranium reduction was observed at 10 degrees C. While both Monod saturation kinetics and pseudo second-order kinetics adequately described the rates of growth and utilization of electron donor (ethanol), model parameters for the pseudo second-order expression had smaller uncertainties. Uranium reduction kinetics were best described by pseudo second-order kinetics modified to include a term for inactivation/death of cells.  相似文献   

The model of South et al. [South et al. (1995) Enzyme Microb Technol 17(9): 797-803] for simultaneous saccharification of fermentation of cellulosic biomass is extended and modified to accommodate intermittent feeding of substrate and enzyme, cascade reactor configurations, and to be more computationally efficient. A dynamic enzyme adsorption model is found to be much more computationally efficient than the equilibrium model used previously, thus increasing the feasibility of incorporating the kinetic model in a computational fluid dynamic framework in the future. For continuous or discretely fed reactors, it is necessary to use particle conversion in conversion-dependent hydrolysis rate laws rather than reactor conversion. Whereas reactor conversion decreases due to both reaction and exit of particles from the reactor, particle conversion decreases due to reaction only. Using the modified models, it is predicted that cellulose conversion increases with decreasing feeding frequency (feedings per residence time, f). A computationally efficient strategy for modeling cascade reactors involving a modified rate constant is shown to give equivalent results relative to an exhaustive approach considering the distribution of particles in each successive fermenter.  相似文献   

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