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Previous work on community structure of the invertebrate fauna of Japanese wetlands indicates the presence of intraguild predation between the heteropterans Laccotrephes japonensis (Nepidae) and Kirkaldyia deyrolli (Belostomatidae). We designed a series of experiments to understand the biotic interactions of several species of sympatric heteroptera and their shared prey. Adult Laccotrephes japonensis (Nepidae), first-instar nymph of Kirkaldyia (=Lethocerus) deyrolli (Belostomatidae), Hyla japonica tadpole, and fourth-instar nymph of Appasus japonicus (Belostomatidae) have been shown to be intraguild predator, intraguild prey, common prey, and prey of L. japonensis, respectively. To further understand the factors affecting prey preference by L. japonensis, we also examined the comparison of swimming speed in the three prey animals (K. deyrolli first-instar nymph, A. japonicus fourth-instar nymph, and H. japonica tadpole), and effects of prey animals on weight gain of L. japonensis adult. Despite there being no significant difference in weight gain or swimming speed of the three prey species, L. japonensis exhibited a strong preference for the 1st-instar nymph of K. deyrolli. We suggested that this may be evidence for one of elimination of a potential competitor, K. deyrolli, by L. japonensis through intraguild predation.  相似文献   

The rate of osmotic water uptake through the hydrophilic cuticle of Nepa cinerea has been measured and compared with that found in other water bugs possessing a hydrophobic cuticle.  相似文献   

Functional response curves were constructed for adult Ranatra dispar feeding on four different densities of notonectid prey at 15, 20, 25 and 30°C. Values for the attack-rate and handling time were estimated from Roger's random predator equation. The most generally applicable response was the type II, with the mean number of prey eaten increasing with increase in temperature. The attack-rate was linearly related to temperature while handling time decreased exponentially with increase in temperature, although values changed very little between 20 and 30°C. It is suggested that changes in metabolic activity and related ‘hunger’ effects on various components of predatory behaviour account for the observed number of prey eaten up to 25°C, however, an increase in the level of prey activity at 30°C may influence the observed number of prey caught (and eaten) at this higher temperature.  相似文献   

The waterscorpion Telmatotrephes simpsonae Sites and Polhemus is described and illustrated based on two male specimens collected in a small stream among rootmats and leafpacks in Phitsanulok Province, north-central Thailand. This brings the number of described species of the genus to seven, three of which are Asian. Distributional notes are given for Telmatotrephes breddini Montandon and T. grandicollis Kuitert.  相似文献   

Summary Nitrogen and phosphorus flow in litterfall and throughfall were studied in two California Quercus species (the evergreen Q. agrifolia and deciduous Q. lobata) before, during, and after an outbreak of the California oak moth, Phryganidia californica. All of the foliage of both oak species was removed by the herbivore during the course of this outbreak. During the outbreak, total N and P flow to the ground more than doubled from Q. agrifolia and increased to a lesser extent from Q. lobata over the previous year. The composition of the litter during the outbreak year shifted so that in Q. agrifolia, almost 70% of the total N and P flow to the ground moved through frass and insect remains, while in Q. lobata, approximately 60% of the N and 40% of the P moved through frass and insect remains. Short-term leaching experiments showed that nitrogen was far more rapidly lost from Phryganidia frass than from leaf litter of either species. These results and the relative frequency of Phryganidia outbreaks suggest that this herbivore has significant effects on the nutrient cycling beneath these trees.  相似文献   

Gäde G  Simek P  Marco HG 《Peptides》2007,28(7):1359-1367
Two novel octapeptide members of the AKH/RPCH family have been identified from the corpora cardiaca (CC) of two species of water bugs. The giant water bug Lethocerus indicus (family: Belostomatidae) contains a peptide code-named Letin-AKH with the sequence pGlu-Val-Asn-Phe-Ser-Pro-Tyr-Trp amide, and the water scorpion Nepa cinerea (family: Nepidae) has the peptide code-named Nepci-AKH with the sequence pGlu-Leu/Ile-Asn-Phe-Ser-Ser-Gly-Trp amide. The sequences were deduced from the multiple MS(N) electrospray mass data from crude CC extracts. Synthetic peptides were made and co-elution on reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) with the natural peptide from crude gland extract confirmed the accuracy of the deduced sequence for Letin-AKH and demonstrated that Nepci-AKH contains a Leu residue at position 2 and not an Ile residue. A previously characterized member of the AKH/RPCH family was identified in the stick water scorpion Ranatra linearis by mass spectrometry: Grybi-AKH (pGlu-Val-Asn-Phe-Ser-Thr-Gly-Trp amide) has the same mass (919 Da) as Nepci-AKH and differs in two positions from Nepci-AKH (residues 2 and 6). The apparent function of the peptides is to achieve lipid mobilization in the species under investigation; indications for this came from conspecific bioassays using the appropriate synthetic peptides for injecting into the insects. This function is very likely linked to dispersal flight metabolism of water bugs. Swimming activity in N. cinerea also results in an increase in lipid concentration in the hemolymph.  相似文献   

Temperature and nutrition are crucial environmental variables that determine rates of growth and development in insects. However, the simultaneous effect of these factors on life‐history traits is rarely addressed. In the present study, the influence of two diets (linden fruit and sunflower seeds) on the duration of immature stages and thermal reaction norms for development is tested in the bug Pyrrhocoris apterus L. (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae). Eggs and larvae are reared at five constant temperatures (20, 22, 24, 26 and 28 °C) under an LD 20 : 4 h photocycle. Development rates deviate from linearity in the studied thermal range, especially in larvae; therefore, a nonlinear (power‐law) approximation is also attempted. Parental diet causes no change in thermal reaction norms for egg development. However, the progeny of sunflower‐fed bugs are more variable in terms of their development time, suggesting a transgenerational effect. Larval mortality rates increase in cooler conditions and are always higher on sunflower seeds. This is accompanied by more variable, less temperature‐dependent and generally slower larval development. A review of previously published case studies on temperature–diet interactions in the control of insect development leads to two general conclusions. First, there are two approaches for assessing the temperature‐dependent development in insects: one based on the concept of the sum of degree‐days and the other based on the concept of reaction norm. Despite an obvious non‐exclusiveness, the two approaches appear to have developed in isolation from each other. Second, three principal patterns of temperature–diet interactions can be recognized. The pattern found in P. apterus (the direct effects of diet are stronger at higher temperatures and much weaker or absent at lower temperatures) appears to be the most widespread.  相似文献   

Digestive processes and the effect of adipokinetic hormone (Pyrap-AKH) on the amount of nutrients (lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates), and on the activity of digestive enzymes (lipases, peptidases, and carbohydrases) were studied in the midgut of the firebug, Pyrrhocoris apterus. The analyses were performed on samples of anterior (AM), middle (MM) and posterior (PM) midgut parts. The results revealed that the digestion of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins take place in the acidic milieu. The Pyrap-AKH treatment increased significantly the level of lipids and proteins in the midgut, and also the level of triacylglycerols (TGs) predominantly in the AM, and the level of diacylglycerols (DGs) in the MM. The increase was not uniform for all present TG and DG species - those containing the linoleic fatty acid were predominant. No hormonal effect on lipase activity was recorded, while peptidase and glucosidase activity was increased in the MM and PM. All these facts indicate that the Pyrap-AKH probably stimulates digestion by more intensive food ingestion or turnover, and perhaps by the stimulation of metabolite absorption; the activation of digestive enzymes seems to be secondary or controlled by other mechanisms.  相似文献   

Nezara viridula (L.) is a cosmopolitan and polymorphic pentatomid. Several genetically determined types have been described due to body color variation in adults. A survey covering 13 Brazilian states was conducted during 2001 and 2002 to determine the geographical distribution of the main types. Type G (smaragdula--body entirely green), the most common, showed a wide distribution, from south to north (latitude 2 degrees 49' N to 31 degrees 46' S), except in the Central-West Region. Type O (torquata--body green with lateral and median lobes of the head and anterior margin of the pronotum yellow), less abundant than the former, was more frequent at latitudes > 23 degrees 18' S and mean annual temperatures < 20.8 degrees C (Southern Region). Type Y (aurantiaca--body entirely gold or orange), which is rare, was collected only in the Southern Region. N. viridula (smaragdula) was captured in only one place in the Northern Region (Boa Vista, RR, latitude 2 degree 49' N). The abundance of the two most common types, smaragdula and torquata, was not correlated with altitude.  相似文献   

A multilayer sediment-water exchange model was used to evaluate the importance of bioturbation in the profundal sediments of L. Esrom. The temporal variation of the vertical distribution of sedimentary phosphorus fractions was modelled with an objective function of 1.50. Deviations between measured and simulated values occurred in the spring, where the measured pool of sedimentary phosphorus sharply declined in the surface sediments. The application of a model for the activity ofChironomus anthracinus based on biomass, oxygen consumption and temperature improved the model in the spring period. The downwards transport of easy-degradable surface sediments reduced the average release of sedimentary phosphorus from 12 mg P · m−2 · day−1 to 11 mg P · M−2 · day−1. The introduction of a similar model for the other important burrowing species in L. Esrom,Potamothrix hammoniensis, lowered the objective function to 1.37 and increased the average release to 12.5 mg P · m−2 · day−1. The minor role of bioturbation in sediment processes is discussed.  相似文献   

Angus RB  Kemeny CK  Wood EL 《Hereditas》2004,140(2):134-138
Chromosome preparations were made from mid-gut and ovarian cells of adult Notonecta glauca L., N. obliqua Thunberg, N. maculata F. and N. viridis Delcourt, using the acetic acid dissociation, air-drying method (Crozier 1968) with Giemsa staining. C-banding was obtained by treatment with barium hydroxide and salt-sodium citrate (2xSSC). The karyotypes of the first three species are very similar, with 11 pairs of autosomes plus XY sex chromosomes (plus sometimes a small 12th autosome pair in N. glauca), and the sequence of chromosome sizes very similar. However, the four longest pairs of autosomes, and the X chromosomes, have characteristic C-band patterns, which differ between the species. The karyotype of N. viridis is more distinct, with one pair of long autosomes, while the remaining chromosomes are much shorter. The long autosomes have distinct C-bands, but these are present in only one of the shorter pairs, as faint terminal bands. In warm conditions the long autosomes of N. viridis appear rod-like, but in cold conditions they have one end heavily condensed, giving a tadpole-like appearance.  相似文献   

Little work has been done on the roosting behaviour of Corvidae, particularly the influence of light-intensity on its timing. This paper describes the effects of light-intensity on the roosting times of rooks (Corvus frugilegus) from a large roost during winter. Light intensity was measured and its influence on the departure of birds from the feeding grounds, arrival at the roost, entry into the roost and morning departure was found to be significant. Departure from feeding areas (and arrival at the roost) was earlier at lower light-intensities and later at higher light-intensities. Control of responsiveness to light-intensity by circadian rhythm for rooks from different feeding grounds was discussed.  相似文献   

The intensity of adult diapause in Pyrrhocoris apterus was measured in two series of experiments as the duration of pre-oviposition period at a constant temperature of 25 degrees C after transfer from short (12L:12D) to long day conditions (18L:6D). Higher diapause intensity was induced with a thermoperiod than at constant temperatures. After the induction throughout larval instars 3-5 and during 4 weeks of adult life at short days and a thermoperiod of 25/15 degrees C the pre-oviposition period was 30+/-4 and 26+/-3 days. After induction at constant 25 degrees C the pre-oviposition period was 22+/-3 and 23+/-4 days, while after induction at constant 20 degrees C it was 17+/-4 and 19+/-4 days. Induction at a lower constant temperature of 20 degrees C was thus followed by a less intense diapause than the induction at a higher constant temperature of 25 degrees C. These counterintuitive results are discussed. The oxygen consumption rate measured at experimental temperatures prior to transfer from short to long days was higher at thermoperiodic conditions than at constant temperatures and it was similar at constant 20 and 25 degrees C. Thus, the oxygen consumption rate measured prior to the transfer was highest (indication of the least intense diapause) in the insects that showed later, after the transfer to long days, the longest pre-oviposition period (indication of the most intense diapause). Within the first two days after transfer to constant 25 degrees C, oxygen consumption rate measured at 25 degrees C decreased in the thermoperiodic insects, while it transiently increased in insects from constant 20 degrees C. Two days and later after the transfer, oxygen consumption rate was similar in all groups. Cold hardiness was not correlated with diapause intensity. The low lethal temperature in diapausing insects was correlated with the night temperature during diapause induction.  相似文献   

An account is given of the effect of transfer to different salinities on the total concentration of the haemolymph and rectal fluid of Notonecta glauca.  相似文献   

Summary The kinetic features of the action of light on the membrane potential ofNitella mucronata were investigated by measuring the frequency responses at different light intensities ranging from 0.2 to 80 W/m2. Frequencies from 1 cycle/3 h to 32 cycles/min were applied. This range exceeded that of earlier investigations and resulted in the demonstration of allpass elements at low frequencies. From the all-pass elements it was concluded that the system comprises parallel pathways.From the influence of the light intensity on the frequency responses it was seen that the kinetic data depend on the intensity. By means of the Laplace transformation the squarewave responses were calculated from the frequency responses, and it could be demonstrated that a single cell is able of exhibiting all those different types of curve shapes reported in literature, if only one parameter, the light intensity, is changed. With constant modulation depth the amplitude of the evoked changes in potential varied only little with the light intensity. This is in line with a logarithmic dose-effect function as known from many light effects.  相似文献   

Functional response experiments were performed in the laboratory to examine the effect of prey density (as observed in the field) on feeding behaviour, and to measure handling-times and attack-rates for each instar and adult of Ranatra dispar Montandon (Heteroptera: Nepidae) feeding on five size-classes of its common prey, Anisops deanei Brooks (Heteroptera: Notonectidae). The most generally applicable response was the Type 2, although for both the predator fifth instar and adult female and male feeding on the two smallest prey sizes, the asymptote or plateau was not observed even at the highest prey density given. Generally, the handling-time increased as prey-size increased, and decreased as the predator size increased. The attack-rate surface was far more complex. For the first two predator instars (I and II), the maximum attack-rate occurred on the smallest prey sizes (1 and 2). The maximum attack-rate for predator instar III was almost the same for prey sizes 1 and 2, that of predator instar IV was greater for prey size 2, while in the three largest predator sizes (V, female and male), the maximum attack-rate was found for prey size 3. Predator instar V had the largest attack-rate values over all prey sizes, and both the predator adult female and male had lower attack-rates for various prey sizes than instars V, IV and, to some degree, III. The results support the suggestion that small predator instars will usually compete with large instars for prey, unless they are spatially or temporally separated. Observations in the field indicate that a distinct age-specific spatial distribution exists in R. dispar and the prey, A. deanei, with the smallest individuals being found predominantly in the shallow (littoral zone) water, while the larger individuals are found in the deeper water.  相似文献   

Summary During the warm season the larvae of Pyrrhocoris apterus select in their natural habitats places with temperatures which do not exceed 24°C on average even at the hours of maximum sunshine. At the same time other places of their habitats have temperatures up to 50°C. This active behavioral selection of the microclimate regulates the speed of P. apterus development and entertains the monovoltine cycle in climatic, conditions of Central Europe. A less rigorous choice of the microclimate, even when higher temperatures were tolerated and the development was not disturbed by them, would cause the disturbance of the monovoltine cycle and would probably endanger the survival of the population.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown a significant effect of hunger on the predatory behaviour in a sit-and-wait predator Ranatra dispar, the water stick insect (Bailey 1986 a). The experiments reported here were designed to investigate the combined effect of prey size and hunger on the predatory behaviour in order to identify which behavioural components are effected. It was found that the hunger level determines whether R. dispar will initially be aroused or not but the distance at which the arousal takes place is influenced by the size of the prey. This is believed to reflect the capacity and interrelation between visual and mechanoreceptor, sensory organs. The decision to strike at a prey is, although again influenced by hunger, significantly affected by prey size. The distance of the prey when the strike takes place is affected by hunger not the size of the prey. The outcome of the strike is determined by the size of the prey, not the hunger level of the predator. This is believed to reflect the relationship between strike trajectory, leg morphology and prey size. Food deprivation affects all components of predatory behaviour of R. dispar leading up to prey capture, by increasing not only distance of response but also the number of strikes, hits, and captures per unit presentation of prey. It does not affect capture efficiency which remains at about 70 to 80 %. Food deprivation also increases the range of prey sizes that R. dispar responds to and attempts to capture. The effect of food deprivation is considered to reflect a motivational change in responsiveness to particular prey stimuli usually described as a sensitization of particular stimulus-response relations rather than the food deprivation affecting the sensory mechanisms. The predatory success in relation to size of model prey suggested a hypothetical size that could be captured, irrespective of predator motivational level, which is based primarily on the relationship between the shape of the grasping leg and size of prey.  相似文献   

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