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Climate change alters regional water and carbon cycling, which has been a hot study point in the filed of climatology and ecology. As a traditionally “water-rich” region of China, Yangtze River Basin plays an important role in regional economic development and ecosystem productivity. However, the mechanism of the influence of climate change on water and carbon cycling has been received little attention. As a coupling indicator for carbon and water, the water use efficiency (WUE) is widely used, which indicates the water consumption for carbon sequestration in watershed and regional scale. A lot of studies showed that climate change has significantly affected the water resource and production of the ecosystems in Yangtze River Basin during the period of 1956–2006, when great climate variations were occurred. To better understand the alternation pattern for the relationship between water and carbon cycling under climate change at regional scale, the WUE and the spatiotemporal variations patterns were simulated in the study area from 1956 to 2006 by using the Integrated Biosphere Simulator (IBIS). The results showed that the WUE spatial pattern had the annual and seasonal variations. In general, the average annual WUE value per square meter was about 0.58 g C/kg H2O in Yangtze River Basin. The high WUE levels were mainly distributed in the eastern area of Sichuan, western area of Jiangxi and Hunan, and the highest value reached 0.88 g C/kg H2O. The lowest WUE’s were mainly located in the western area of Sichuan and Qinghai with the lowest values reaching to 0.36 g C/kg H2O. The WUE in other regions mostly ranged from 0.5 to 0.6 g C/kg H2O. For the whole study area, the annual WUE slowly increased from 1956 to 2006. The WUE in the upper reaches of Yangtze River increased based on the simulated temporal trends, which mainly located in the western area of the Sichuan Basin; the WUE of the middle reaches of Yangtze River had increased slightly from 1987 to 1996, and then decreased from 1996 to 2006; the lower reaches of Yangtze River always had smaller WUE’s than the average from 1956 to 2006. The spatiotemporal variability of the WUE in the vegetation types was obvious in the Yangtze River Basin, and it was depended on the climate and soil conditions, and as well the disturbance in its distribution areas. The temporal variations of WUE among different vegetation types had similar trends but different in values. The forest type had higher WUE than any other vegetation types ranging from 0.65 to 0.8 g C/kg H2O. The WUE of shrubland ranged from 0.45 to 0.6 g C/kg H2O. The WUE of tundra was the lowest, indicating the differences in plant physiology. The consistence of the spatial pattern of WUE with the NPP indicated that the regional production of Yangtze River Basin increased based on the water resources prompted and vegetation restoration. We found the drought climate was one of critical factor that impacts the alteration of WUE in Yangtze River Basin in the simulation.  相似文献   

Climate change alters regional water and carbon cycling, which has been a hot study point in the filed of climatology and ecology. As a traditionally “water-rich” region of China, Yangtze River Basin plays an important role in regional economic development and ecosystem productivity. However, the mechanism of the influence of climate change on water and carbon cycling has been received little attention. As a coupling indicator for carbon and water, the water use efficiency (WUE) is widely used, which indicates the water consumption for carbon sequestration in watershed and regional scale. A lot of studies showed that climate change has significantly affected the water resource and production of the ecosystems in Yangtze River Basin during the period of 1956–2006, when great climate variations were occurred. To better understand the alternation pattern for the relationship between water and carbon cycling under climate change at regional scale, the WUE and the spatiotemporal variations patterns were simulated in the study area from 1956 to 2006 by using the Integrated Biosphere Simulator (IBIS). The results showed that the WUE spatial pattern had the annual and seasonal variations. In general, the average annual WUE value per square meter was about 0.58 g C/kg H2O in Yangtze River Basin. The high WUE levels were mainly distributed in the eastern area of Sichuan, western area of Jiangxi and Hunan, and the highest value reached 0.88 g C/kg H2O. The lowest WUE’s were mainly located in the western area of Sichuan and Qinghai with the lowest values reaching to 0.36 g C/kg H2O. The WUE in other regions mostly ranged from 0.5 to 0.6 g C/kg H2O. For the whole study area, the annual WUE slowly increased from 1956 to 2006. The WUE in the upper reaches of Yangtze River increased based on the simulated temporal trends, which mainly located in the western area of the Sichuan Basin; the WUE of the middle reaches of Yangtze River had increased slightly from 1987 to 1996, and then decreased from 1996 to 2006; the lower reaches of Yangtze River always had smaller WUE’s than the average from 1956 to 2006. The spatiotemporal variability of the WUE in the vegetation types was obvious in the Yangtze River Basin, and it was depended on the climate and soil conditions, and as well the disturbance in its distribution areas. The temporal variations of WUE among different vegetation types had similar trends but different in values. The forest type had higher WUE than any other vegetation types ranging from 0.65 to 0.8 g C/kg H2O. The WUE of shrubland ranged from 0.45 to 0.6 g C/kg H2O. The WUE of tundra was the lowest, indicating the differences in plant physiology. The consistence of the spatial pattern of WUE with the NPP indicated that the regional production of Yangtze River Basin increased based on the water resources prompted and vegetation restoration. We found the drought climate was one of critical factor that impacts the alteration of WUE in Yangtze River Basin in the simulation.  相似文献   

The main prevention and control area for wind-blown sand hazards in northern China is about 320000 km2 in size and includes sandlands to the east of the Helan Mountain and sandy deserts and desert-steppe transitional regions to the west of the Helan Mountain.Vegetation recovery and restoration is an important and effective approach for constraining wind-blown sand hazards in these areas.After more than 50 years of long-term ecological studies in the Shapotou region of the Tengger Desert,we found that revegetation changed the hydrological processes of the original sand dune system through the utilization and space-time redistribution of soil water.The spatiotemporal dynamics of soil water was significantly related to the dynamics of the replanted vegetation for a given regional precipitation condition.The long-term changes in hydrological processes in desert areas also drive replanted vegetation succession.The soil water carrying capacity of vegetation and the model for sand fixation by revegetation in aeolian desert areas where precipitation levels are less than 200 mm are also discussed.  相似文献   

At a global scale, cereal yields and fertilizer N consumption have increased in a near-linear fashion during the past 40 years and are highly correlated with one another. However, large differences exist in historical trends of N fertilizer usage and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) among regions, countries, and crops. The reasons for these differences must be understood to estimate future N fertilizer requirements. Global nitrogen needs will depend on: (i) changes in cropped cereal area and the associated yield increases required to meet increasing cereal demand from population and income growth, and (ii) changes in NUE at the farm level. Our analysis indicates that the anticipated 38% increase in global cereal demand by 2025 can be met by a 30% increase in N use on cereals, provided that the steady decline in cereal harvest area is halted and the yield response to applied N can be increased by 20%. If losses of cereal cropping area continue at the rate of the past 20 years (-0.33% per year) and NUE cannot be increased substantially, a 60% increase in global N use on cereals would be required to meet cereal demand. Interventions to increase NUE and reduce N losses to the environment must be accomplished at the farm- or field-scale through a combination of improved technologies and carefully crafted local policies that contribute to the adoption of improved N management; uniform regional or national directives are unlikey to be effective at both sustaining yield increases and improving NUE. Examples from several countries show that increases in NUE at rates of 1% per year or more can be achieved if adequate investments are made in research and extension. Failure to arrest the decrease in cereal crop area and to improve NUE in the world's most important agricultural systems will likely cause severe damage to environmental services at local, regional, and global scales due to a large increase in reactive N load in the environment.  相似文献   

Study on ecosystem service values (ESVs) is the bridge of understanding ecosystem and economic decision-making. To investigate the response of ESVs to ambient environment and their spatial scales is an urgent work in the process of ecological restoration and sustainable development in southwest China. Based on the previous research results, the remote images, and weather data of 31 years (1975-2005), the response of ESVs to ambient environment and their spatial scales in a typical karst area of northwest Guangxi, China were evaluated with the method of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) in this paper. The results showed that ESVs had obvious variations with changes in elevation, rocky types and soil types, and had corresponding characteristics of spatial scales. The ESVs in middle and low elevation areas were higher, but they decreased due to human activities such as deforestation. The ESVs in peak-cluster depression areas were lower, and they would increase as influenced by policies such as returning farmland to forestland. The ESVs were influenced by rocky types, showing lower values but an increasing trend in the typical karst regions while higher values but a decreasing trend in non-karst regions. The average ESVs in the west part of the study region, which is not only the main nature reserve for rare wildlife species in Guangxi, but also one of the best preserved natural vegetation regions in China, were more than 15,000 RMB Yuan ha-1,. Comparatively, the ESVs were less than 10,000 Yuan ha-1 in the middle part of the region attributed to low vegetation coverage, serious peak-cluster depression and karst rocky desertification. After about 20 years, that is from 1985 to 2005, the ecosystem conditions had been improved and the ESVs had increased in the middle and eastern part of this study region. On the contrary, in most western part, which was dominated by subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, they had been worsened, and the balance values of ESVs were negative. As for the relationships of ESVs with rocky types and soil types, lime soil and red soil were the two main soil types that contributed to ESVs (The total contribution was above 60%, and it is 63.77%,64.37%,64.56%,64.91% respectively in the four years of 1985, 1990, 2000 and 2005.). The variance contribution of intrinsic mode function (IMF) and trend (R) showed that there were obvious special sales for ESVs in this study area, and the main spatial scales were about 2.7 km, 5.5 km, and 11.6 km. The variance contribution ratio was 12.29%, 11.26%, 11.49% respectively, and the trend (R) was high (17.74%). In conclusion, this study indicated that ecosystem conditions in the typical karst area were improved owing to the application of rocky desertification control policies, such as ecological migration and returning farmland to forestland. Besides, the main spatial scales of ESVs in the study area were the interactions of terrain, physiognomy, land use / land cover and human activities.  相似文献   

The influence of climate change on the terrestrial vegetation health (condition) is one of themost significant problems of global change study. The vegetation activity plays a key role in the globalcarbon cycle. The authors investigated the relationship of the advanced very high resolution radiometer-normalized difference vegetation index (AVHRR-NDVI) with the large-scale climate variations on the inter-annual time scale during the period 1982-2000 for the growing seasons (April to October). A singular valuedecomposition analysis was applied to the NDV! and surface air temperature data in the time-domain todetect the most predominant modes coupling them. The first paired-modes explain 60.9%, 39.5% and 24.6%of the squared covariance between NDV! and temperature in spring (April and May), summer (June andAugust), and autumn (September to October), respectively, which implies that there is the highest NDVIsensitivity to temperature in spring and the lowest in autumn. The spatial centers, as revealed by themaximum or minimum vector values corresponding to the leading singular values, indicate the highsensitive regions. Only considering the mode 1, the sensitive center for spring is located in westernSiberia and the neighbor eastern Europe with a sensitivity of about 0.308 0 NDVI/℃. For summer, thereare no predominantly sensitive centers, and on average for the relatively high center over 100^o-120^o E by 45^o-60^o N, the (110^o-140^o E,55^o-65^oN)sitivity is 0.248 0 NDVI/℃. For autumn, the center is located over the high latitudes ofeastern Asia (110^o-140^o E, 55^o-65^o N), and the sensitivity is 0.087 5 NDVI/℃. The coherent patters asrevealed by the singular decomposition analysis remain the same when coarser resolution NDVI data wereused, suggesting a robust and stable climate/vegetation relationship.  相似文献   

Habitat use and preferences may be subject to spatial and temporal changes. However, long-term studies of species-habitat relationships are the exception. In the prese nt research, I on g-term trends in habitat use by an alpine ungulate, the Tatra chamois Rupicapra rupicapra tatrica, were analyzed. We exami ned how envir on mental changes attributable to climate cha nge, removal of sheep, and habituation to hikers, which took place over the last half-century have changed the spatial distribution of animals. Data on the localities of groups sighted between 1957 and 2013 during autumnal population surveys were used to evaluate habitat associations: these were correlated with year, group size, population size, and climatic conditions. The results indicate that the Tatra chamois is tending, over the long term, to lower its altitude of occurrenee, reduce its average distance to hiking trails, and stay less often on slopes with a southerly aspect. These trends are in dependent of group size, population size, and the weather conditions prevailing during observations, though not for altitude, where increases in air temperature are related to finding chamois at higher elevations. The proportion of alpine meadows and slope in the places used by chamois is correlated with population size, while the proportion of areas with trees and/or shrubs is correlated with group size and air temperature, though long-term changes were not evident for these variables. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to document Iong-term trends in habitat use by ungulates. It shows that a species' ecology is influe need by huma n-in duced cha nges: abandonment of pasturage, high-mountain tourism, and climate changes, which constitute the most probable reasons for this aspect of behavioral evolution in the Tatra chamois.  相似文献   

The meadow moth, Loxostege sticticalis L., is an important outbreak pest in Northeast China. The spring population in Northeast China was considered as immigrants from North China; however, the population dynamics during 1996–2007 was not consistent with this traditional theory. In this study, the source area of the spring population of the meadow moth in Northeast China was identified by trajectory analysis using the wind field simulated by mesoscale numerical forecast model MM5. The results indicated that the population of the meadow moth in North China was able to migrate into Northeast China, but had not made a crucial contribution to the outbreaks there since the weather systems were generally adverse for such a long range migration in most of the years. On the other hand, high density cocoons of L. sticticalis have frequently been found in autumn in Northeast China since 1996. The trajectory analyses indicated that most of L. sticticalis in Northeast China in spring emerged from the cocoons that had overwintered either locally or in neighboring countries, i.e. Mongolia and Russia. The development of overwintering areas at higher latitudes coincides with the increased frequency of second-generation larvae; both phenomena might be attributed to the regional climate change associated with global warming.  相似文献   

Chen X  Zhai B P  Gong R J  Yin M H  Zhang Y  Zhao K J 《农业工程》2008,28(4):1521-1535
The meadow moth, Loxostege sticticalis L., is an important outbreak pest in Northeast China. The spring population in Northeast China was considered as immigrants from North China; however, the population dynamics during 1996–2007 was not consistent with this traditional theory. In this study, the source area of the spring population of the meadow moth in Northeast China was identified by trajectory analysis using the wind field simulated by mesoscale numerical forecast model MM5. The results indicated that the population of the meadow moth in North China was able to migrate into Northeast China, but had not made a crucial contribution to the outbreaks there since the weather systems were generally adverse for such a long range migration in most of the years. On the other hand, high density cocoons of L. sticticalis have frequently been found in autumn in Northeast China since 1996. The trajectory analyses indicated that most of L. sticticalis in Northeast China in spring emerged from the cocoons that had overwintered either locally or in neighboring countries, i.e. Mongolia and Russia. The development of overwintering areas at higher latitudes coincides with the increased frequency of second-generation larvae; both phenomena might be attributed to the regional climate change associated with global warming.  相似文献   

Arid regions of the world occupy up to 35% of the earth's surface, the basis of various definitions of climatic conditions, vegetation types or potential for food production. Due to their high ecological value, monitoring of arid regions is necessary and modern vegetation studies can help in the conservation and management of these areas. The use of remote sensing for mapping of desert vegetation is difficult due to mixing of the spectral reflectance of bright desert soils with the weak spectral response of sparse vegetation. We studied the vegetation types in the semiarid to arid region of Mond Protected Area, south-west Iran, based on unsupervised classification of the Spot XS bands and then produced updated maps. Sixteen map units covering 12 vegetation types were recognized in the area based on both field works and satellite mapping. Halocnemum strobilaceum and Suaeda fruticosa vegetation types were the dominant types and Ephedra foliata, Salicornia europaea-Suaeda heterophylla vegetation types were the smallest. Vegetation coverage decreased sharply with the increase in salinity towards the coastal areas of the Persian Gulf. The highest vegetation coverage belonged to the riparian vegetation along the Mond River, which represents the northern boundary of the protected area. The location of vegetation types was studied on the separate soil and habitat diversity maps of the study area, which helped in final refinements of the vegetation map produced.  相似文献   

Variations in vegetation activity during the past 18 years in China were investigated using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) derived from the 3rd generation time series dataset of NOAA-AVHRR from 1982 to 1999. In order to eliminate the effects of non-vegetation factors, we characterized areas with NDVI < 0.1 as "sparsely vegetated areas" and areas with NDVI ≥ 0.1 as "vegetated areas". The results showed that increasing NDVI trends were evident, to varying extents, in almost all regions in China in the 18 years, indicating that vegetation activity has been rising in recent years in these regions. Compared to the early 1980s, the vegetated area increased by 3.5% by the late 1990s, while the sparsely vegetated area declined by 18.1% in the same period. The national total mean annual NDVI increased by 7.4% during the study period. Extended growing seasons and increased plant growth rates accounted for the bulk of these increases, while increases in temperature and summer rainfall, and strengthening agricultural activity were also likely important factors. NDVI changes in China exhibited relatively large spatial heterogeneity; the eastern coastal regions experienced declining or indiscernibly rising trends, while agricultural regions and western China experienced marked increases. Such a pattern was due primarily to urbanization, agricultural activity, regional climate characteristics, and different vegetation responses to regional climate changes.  相似文献   

Variations in vegetation activity during the past 18 years in China were investigated using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) derived from the 3rd generation time series dataset of NOAA-AVHRR from 1982 to 1999. In order to eliminate the effects of non-vegetation factors, we characterized areas with NDVI < 0.1 as “sparsely vegetated areas” and areas with NDVI ≥0.1 as “vegetated areas”. The results showed that increasing NDVI trends were evident, to varying extents, in almost all regions in China in the 18 years, indicating that vegetation activity has been rising in recent years in these regions. Compared to the early 1980s, the vegetated area increased by 3.5% by the late 1990s, while the sparsely vegetated area declined by 18.1% in the same period. The national total mean annual NDVI increased by 7.4% during the study period. Extended growing seasons and increased plant growth rates accounted for the bulk of these increases, while increases in temperature and summer rainfall, and strengthening agricultural activity were also likely important factors. NDVI changes in China exhibited relatively large spatial heterogeneity; the eastern coastal regions experienced declining or indiscernibly rising trends, while agricultural regions and western China experienced marked increases. Such a pattern was due primarily to urbanization, agricultural activity, regional climate characteristics, and different vegetation responses to regional climate changes.  相似文献   

近30年中国陆地生态系统NDVI时空变化特征   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:11  
刘可  杜灵通  侯静  胡悦  朱玉果  宫菲 《生态学报》2018,38(6):1885-1896
气候变化已明显影响到陆地植被的活动,但在不同生态系统间存在差异,研究不同陆地生态系统归一化植被指数(NDVI)的时空变化特征,不仅可揭示各生态系统植被活动对气候变化的响应规律,而且可为我国不同生态区制定应对气候变化的策略和生态文明建设提供科学依据。基于1982—2012年GIMMS NDVI3g和中国陆地生态系统类型数据,利用一元线性回归、集合经验模态分解和相关分析等方法,研究了近30年中国各陆地生态系统NDVI的时空变化特征,分析了其与气候事件的关系。结果表明,近30年中国植被活动显著上升,年平均归一化植被指数(ANDVI)的上升幅度为0.0029/10a(P0.05),年最大归一化植被指数(MNDVI)的上升幅度为0.0076/10a(P0.01);植被活动显著增强的区域主要是分布在东部季风区的农田和森林生态系统,显著下降的区域主要是分布于西北的荒漠生态系统和东北的森林生态系统;尽管ANDVI和MNDVI线性趋势的显著性有所差异,但农田、森林、草地和水体与湿地生态系统的NDVI总体呈非稳定的上升趋势,上升过程中伴随着较大波动,荒漠生态系统的NDVI呈下降趋势,植被退化显著;与线性趋势不同,各生态系统植被活动的残差趋势包含"上升—下降"两个阶段,并相继于20世纪90年代到21世纪初发生转折;上述5类生态系统的植被活动存在不同尺度的周期特征,年际周期波动特征(1.9—7.6a)比较显著,而年代际周期(10.7a和22.2a)的显著性相对较差;各生态系统的空间异质性在趋强过程中存在2.1—7.1a的年际周期节律;海洋与大气环流的短周期脉动与各生态系统植被活动的周期性节律有着明显关联,ENSO事件和太阳活动是推动植被活动周期性振荡的重要因素。  相似文献   

Remotely-sensed vegetation indices, which indicate the density and photosynthetic capacity of vegetation, have been widely used to monitor vegetation dynamics over broad areas. In this paper, we reviewed satellite-based studies on vegetation cover changes, biomass and productivity variations, phenological dynamics, desertification, and grassland degradation in China that occurred over the past 2–3 decades. Our review shows that the satellite-derived index (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI) during growing season and the vegetation net primary productivity in major terrestrial ecosystems (for example forests, grasslands, shrubs, and croplands) have significantly increased, while the number of fresh lakes and vegetation coverage in urban regions have experienced a substantial decline. The start of the growing season continually advanced in China's temperate regions until the 1990s, with a large spatial heterogeneity. We also found that the coverage of sparsely-vegetated areas declined, and the NDVI per unit in vegetated areas increased in arid and semi-arid regions because of increased vegetation activity in grassland and oasis areas. However, these results depend strongly not only on the periods chosen for investigation, but also on factors such as data sources, changes in detection methods, and geospatial heterogeneity. Therefore, we should be cautious when applying remote sensing techniques to monitor vegetation structures, functions, and changes.  相似文献   

22年来西北不同类型植被NDVI变化与气候因子的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
 为了研究气候变化对西北地区不同类型植被的影响,利用NASA GIMMS 1982~2003年逐月归一化植被指数(Normalized difference vegetation index, NDVI)数据集和西北地区138个气象站点同期的气温和降水资料,计算了各站22年月平均气温和降水与NDVI的相关系数。同时, 选西北 地区森林、草原、绿洲和雨养农业4类有代表性的植被类型为研究区,对各类植被NDVI与气温和降水的相关关系进行分析。研究结果表明:除无 植被的戈壁沙漠地区外,西北地区NDVI与气温和降水均有较好的相关性。除祁连山中部地区外,西北地区NDVI与气温的相关系数大于降水。天 山、阿尔泰山和秦岭的NDVI与气温相关系数最高,而青海东北部NDVI与降水相关系数最高。西北地区各种类型植被对气候变化反映敏感。其敏 感度因植被类型不同和同类植被所处的地理位置不同而有差异;纬度较高的新疆林区与温度相关性最高,高寒草甸次之。在植被生长最旺盛的 夏季(6~8月),22年来西北地区各林区的NDVI均呈下降趋势。其中西北东部林区下降趋势显著,与这些地区的降水减少和气温增加有关。草 原区植被以上升趋势为主,高寒草甸和盐生草甸上升趋势最为显著,气温升高是这些地区植被生长加速的原因 之一。西北绿洲是NDVI增加极为 显著的地区,以新疆绿洲NDVI上升趋势最大。气候变暖是近年绿洲NDVI增加的主要驱动力之一,绿洲面积扩大、种植结构调整和种植品种变化 等人为因素对绿洲NDVI增加的作用不可忽视,这种作用在新疆表现的尤为突出。雨养农业区NDVI年际 间波动较大,各区域间变化不太一致。 NDVI的波动与降水变化有很好的正相关,与气温变化有很好的负相关,近年来西北东部气温升高和降水的减少是雨养农业区NDVI下降的原因, 农业措施的实施也改变了植被生长对气候条件的依赖性。  相似文献   

1982-2016年东北黑土区植被NDVI动态及其对气候变化的响应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘家福  马帅  李帅  任春颖  毛德华  张柏 《生态学报》2018,38(21):7647-7657
植被是陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,在调节气候、水土保持等方面具有重要作用,因此,监测植被生长变化并探讨其与气候变化之间的关系,在全球变化研究中具有重要意义。基于MODIS NDVI和GIMMS NDVI数据集,并通过一致性检验,在区域和像元两个空间尺度上,利用一元线性回归模型,研究东北黑土区1982-2016年植被生长动态,分析植被生长对气温和降水量的响应程度。结果表明:区域尺度上,1982-2016年东北黑土区植被生长季NDVI变化分为3个阶段(先增加继而减少最后再增加),区域植被的生长在气温、降水量的共同作用下,呈现出明显季节差异;像元尺度上,1982-2016年东北黑土区NDVI总体趋势为改善状态,主要改善植被类型为草原、森林和农业植被,鹤岗市、绥化市和长春市改善面积较大;多年平均NDVI值与同期气温和降水量具有一定的相关关系,平原地区植被NDVI与气温主要呈显著正相关关系,植被类型主要为耕地;平原地区边缘和山地地区的植被NDVI与降水量以显著正相关关系为主,主要植被类型为森林和草地。  相似文献   

我国不同季节陆地植被NPP对气候变化的响应   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
阐明不同季节陆地植被净第一性生产力(NPP)对全球变化的响应将有助于理解陆地生态系统和气候系统之间的相互作用以及NPP变化机制。本文使用1982-1999年间的AVHRR/NDVI、气温、降水以及太阳辐射等资料,结合植被分布图和土壤质地图,利用生态过程模型,研究不同季节我国陆地植被NPP的年际变化及其地理分异。结果表明,在1982-1999年的18年间,4个季节的NPP都呈显著增加趋势。其中,春季是NPP增加速率最快的季节,夏季是NPP增加量最大的季节,不同植被类型对全球变化的响应有很大差异。常绿阔叶林,常绿针叶林和落叶针叶林NPP的增加主要由生长季节的提前所致。而落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林、矮林灌丛,温带草原及草甸,稀树草原、高寒植被,荒漠以及人工植被NPP的增加主要来自生长季生长加速的贡献。从区域分布看,在四季中春季NPP增加量最大的地区主要集中在东部季风区域;夏季NPP增量最大的地区包括西北干旱区域和青藏高原的大部分地区,小兴安岭-长白山区,三江平原,松辽平原,四川盆地,雷州半岛,长江中下游部分地区以及江南山地东部;而秋季植被NPP增加量最大的地区主要有云南高原-西藏东部和呼伦湖的周围等地区。不同植被和地理区域NPP的这些响应方式与区域气候特征及其变化趋势有关。  相似文献   

China has launched multiple afforestation programs since 1978, including the ‘Three North’ Shelterbelt Development Program (TNSDP), the Beijing–Tianjin Sand Source Control Program (BSSCP), the Nature Forest Conservation Program (NFCP), and the Grain to Green Program (GTGP). These programs focus on local environment restoration by planting trees in semi-arid and arid regions and by protecting natural forests. However, the effectiveness of these programs has been questioned by several previous studies. Here, we report an increasing trend of greenness in this region using the satellite-retrieved normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from GIMMS, GIMMS-3g and MODIS datasets in the past 32 years. The NDVI increase for the ‘Three North’ region was 0.28%–0.38% yr−1 in 1982–2000 and 0.86%–1.12% yr−1 in 2000–2013, which is much higher than the country's means of 0.060%–0.063% yr−1 and 0.27%–0.30% yr−1, respectively. Most of the increase occurred in low and sparsely vegetated areas; and enlarged the moderate vegetated area (growing season mean NDVI above 0.5) from 16.5% to 25.7% for the two time periods, respectively. We also analyzed changes in the length of the growing season and the climate conditions including temperature, precipitation and two drought indices. However, these environmental factors cannot completely explain the changes in vegetation activity. Our study suggests these multiple afforestation programs contributed to the accelerated greening trend in the ‘Three North’ region and highlight the importance of human intervention in regional vegetation growth under climate change condition.  相似文献   

两代AVHRR GIMMS NDVI数据集的对比分析——以新疆地区为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
最新发布的1981—2012年的AVHRR GIMMS NDVI3g数据为了解区域植被的近期变化状况提供了数据基础。深入理解该版本与老版本GIMMS NDVIg(1981—2006年)之间的关系,对于使用新数据时充分利用已有老版本的研究结果具有重要意义。以我国西北干旱区的典型区域——新疆为例,研究了两个数据集在反映生长季、春季、夏季和秋季植被现状,植被变化趋势及其对气候变化响应方面的异同。研究结果表明:两个数据集在描述植被活动空间分布、变化趋势及其与气候的相关性方面大体相似,但在数值、动态变化率及其对气候变化响应强度等方面存在的差异也不容忽略。NDVI3g数据生长季和各季节NDVI数值多大于NDVIg,尤其是在夏季和在植被覆盖较好的区域。区域尺度,NDVI3g所反映的植被变化趋势更为平稳,尤其是在夏季和较长的时段,这可能与像元尺度NDVI3g显著增加范围小于NDVIg,而显著减少范围多于NDVIg有关。两个数据集对气温、降水量、潜在蒸散发和湿润指数的响应具有大体一致的空间格局,但对气候因子变化的敏感性存在差异,哪一个数据集更为灵敏依赖于不同的气候因子和时段。一般规律是NDVI3g与热量因子显著正相关的区域小于NDVIg,而与水分因子显著正相关的区域则大于NDVIg。利用长期的生态数据集,尽快理清两个数据集在表征植被变化之间的异同并建立两者的转换关系,对于合理开展植被变化、碳平衡、生态系统服务功能评估等广泛利用NDVI数据的相关研究十分重要。  相似文献   

作为陆地生态系统的主体,植被的时空变化深刻地影响着景观格局和生态功能,深入理解植被动态及其对气候变化的响应,对于提高对生态过程的认识、加强生态管理具有重要意义。在一致性检验的基础上,利用中分辨率成像光谱仪(moderateresolution imaging Spectroradiometer,MODIS)的归一化植被指数(normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI)数据集将新疆地区全球检测与模型研究组(Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies,GIMMS)开发的NDVI数据集的时间序列拓展到2012年,探讨了生长季和各季节植被绿度、气候异常值的动态变化,分析了植被对气候变化的响应。研究结果显示,区域尺度和像元尺度GIMMS与MODIS NDVI之间的一致性较强。1982—2012年,研究区域生长季和各季节植被绿度呈显著增加趋势,但生长季存在明显阶段性:1998年前后分别呈显著增加和显著减少,夏季与秋季与生长季类似,而春季则不存在变化趋势的逆转。NDVI呈正异常值的面积比例与区域尺度NDVI的变化趋势一致;极端异常值、较大异常值多呈明显减少趋势,而一般异常值多呈增加趋势,NDVI的变化倾向于逐渐平稳。区域变暖趋势显著,降水量略有增加,潜在蒸散发显著提高,而湿润指数变化不明显。气温、潜在蒸散发主要在春季、秋季促进植被生长,而夏季降水量、湿润指数对植被生长的调节作用更为突出。  相似文献   

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