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Temperature response curves of chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters were used to assess minimum sub-zero temperature assuring functioning of photosynthetic photochemical processes in photosystem II (PS II) of Antarctic lichens. Umbilicaria Antarctica and Xanthoria elegans were measured within the temperature range from −20 to +10°C by a fluorometric imaging system. For potential (F V/F M) and actual (Φ II) quantum yields of photochemical processes the minimum temperature was found to be between −10 and −20°C. Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) of absorbed excitation energy increased with temperature drop reaching maximum NPQ at −15°C. Image analysis revealed intrathalline heterogeneity of chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters with temperature drop. Temperature response of Φ II exhibited an S-curve with pronounced intrathalline differences in X. elegans. The same relation was linear with only limited intrathalline difference in U. antarctica. The results showed that Antarctic lichen species were well adapted to sub-zero temperatures and capable of performing primary photosynthesis at −15°C.  相似文献   

With the discovery of targeted gene replacement, moss biology has been rapidly advancing over the last 10 years. This study demonstrates the usefulness of moss as a model organism for plant photosynthesis research. The two mosses examined in this study, Physcomitrella patens and Ceratodon purpureus, are easily cultured through vegetative propagation. Growth tests were conducted to determine carbon sources suitable for maintaining heterotrophic growth while photosynthesis was blocked. Photosynthetic parameters examined in these plants indicated that the photosynthetic activity of Ceratodon and Physcomitrella is more similar to vascular plants than cyanobacteria or green algae. Ceratodon plants grown heterotrophically appeared etiolated in that the plants were taller and plastids did not differentiate thylakoid membranes. After returning to the light, the plants developed green, photosynthetically active chloroplasts. Furthermore, UV-induced mutagenesis was used to show that photosynthesis-deficient mutant Ceratodon plants could be obtained. After screening approximately 1000 plants, we obtained a number of mutants, which could be arranged into the following categories: high fluorescence, low fluorescence, fast and slow fluorescence quenching, and fast and slow greening. Our results indicate that in vivo biophysical analysis of photosynthetic activity in the mosses can be carried out which makes both mosses useful for photosynthesis studies, and Ceratodon best sustains perturbations in photosynthetic activity.  相似文献   

Calycanthus chinensis is an endangered plant of the national second-grade protection of China restricted in a small area in Zhejiang Province. We studied parameters of photosynthesis, chlorophyll (Chl) contents, and Chl fluorescence (minimum fluorescence, F0, maximum fluorescence, Fm, variable fluorescence, Fv, and Fv/Fm) of C. chinensis and Chimonanthus praecox. C. chinensis had lower compensation irradiance but higher saturation irradiance than C. praecox. Hence C. chinensis has more advantage in obtaining and utilizing photon energy and higher Chl content, and is more adaptive to higher temperature and propitious to thermal dissipation than C. praecox. In addition, C. chinensis produces abundant, well-preserved seed with a higher germination rate and a wider adaptability to temperature than C. praecox. Thus C. chinensis is prone to survival and viability, and gets rid of the endangered plant species of the national second-grade protection of China.  相似文献   

Bailey S  Horton P  Walters RG 《Planta》2004,218(5):793-802
Plants respond to growth under different environmental conditions by adjusting the composition of the photosynthetic apparatus. To investigate the consequences of the acclimation strategies adopted by Arabidopsis thaliana, we have assessed the functioning of the photosynthetic apparatus in plants with very different chloroplast compositions. Using chlorophyll fluorescence analysis, we have determined the efficiency of, and capacity for, electron transport, assessed the ability to undergo state transitions, and measured non-photochemical quenching over a range of actinic irradiances followed by its resolution into fast- and slow-relaxing components; parallel measurements of leaf carotenoid composition were also carried out. The data clearly show that acclimation serves to maintain the electron transport chain in an oxidised state, ensuring efficient photochemistry. Furthermore, plants grown in high light have a greater capacity for energy-dependent feedback de-excitation, but this is not correlated with xanthophyll cycle pigment levels or de-epoxidation state. Surprisingly, even plants with very low levels of light-harvesting complexes were able to undergo state transitions. We also show that apparent discrepancies between chloroplast composition and photosynthetic function can be attributed to varying degrees of light penetration through the leaf. Thus, leaf chlorophyll content is an important factor influencing acclimation within the leaf.  相似文献   

Effects of illumination spectrum on the morphogenesis of chrysanthemum plantlets (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. ‘Ellen’) grown in vitro were studied using an illumination system consisting of four groups of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in the following spectral regions: blue (450nm), red (640nm), red (660nm), and far-red (735nm). Taking into account all differences in shoot height, root length, and fresh and dry weight (FW and DW, respectively), observed while changing the total photon flux density (PFD), the optimal total PFD for growth of chrysanthemum plantlets in vitro was estimated. For 16 h photoperiod and typical fractions of the spectral components (14%, 50%, 28%, and 8%, respectively), the optimal total PFD was found to be 40 μmol m−2 s−1. Our study shows that the blue component in the illumination spectrum inhibits the plantlet extension and formation of roots and simultaneously increases the DW to FW ratio and content of photosynthetic pigments. We demonstrate photomorphogenetic effects in the blue region and its interaction with the fractional PFD of the far-red spectral component. Under constant fractional PFD of the blue component, the root number, length of roots and stems, and fresh weight of the plantlets have a correlated nonmonotonous dependence on the fractional PFD of the far-red component.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of species interactions as a mechanism determining the changing seasonal abundance of microphytobenthic species. Different kinds of interactions can occur between microphytobenthic species, e.g., interference competition (a species directly hindering the growth of another) or resource competition. If such interactions are strong, the capacity of species to exploit parts of the seasonal spectrum of temperature and light conditions could be greatly affected. A model system of two freshwater benthic phototrophs, the cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya foveolarum (Rabenhorst ex Gomont) Anagnostidis et Komárek and the diatom Nitzschia perminuta (Grunow) M. Pergallo, was used to study the capacity of each species to grow in ranges of temperature (7, 15 and 25 °C) and light (5, 40 and 200 μmol m−2 s−1) conditions in single-species and two-species cultures. Growth was followed for 14–17 days by measuring chlorophyll a and maximum photosynthetic capacity using spectrophotometry and pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorimetry. A PHYTO-PAM fluorimeter facilitated simultaneous observations in mixed cultures on the two species. In mixed cultures, the diatom appeared to be a ‘cool season species’ (low temperature and low light intensity) and the cyanobacterium a ‘summer or autumn species’ (higher temperature and light intensities). This is different than predicted by monoculture experiments, where a wide range of optimal growth conditions was found. Two-species biofilm tests indicated inhibitory effects of the cyanobacterium on the diatom species, especially under conditions favorable to the cyanobacterium. High or low light intensities, increase of local pH caused by depletion of inorganic carbon, and limitation of other inorganic nutrients (resource competition) were examined as factors contributing to diatom inhibition, but none provided an acceptable explanation for observed growth patterns. Our results pointed towards interference competition.  相似文献   

A revision of Penstemon sect. Saccanthera subsect. Serrulati includes a new species (P. salmonensis), a new variety (P. triphyllus var. infernalis), and the elevation of a subspecies to species (P. curtiflorus), bringing the total number of species to eight, which are keyed and described, complete with nomenclature and type citations.  相似文献   

Quantitative characteristics of photosynthetic electron transport were evaluated in vivo on the basis of the multi-exponential analysis of OJIP fluorescence transients induced by saturating actinic light. The OJIP fluorescence curve F(t), measured in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells, was transformed into the (1 − F O/F(t)) × (F V /F M)−1 transient, which is shown to relate to PS 2 closure. We assumed that kinetics of PS 2 closure during OJIP rise reflects time-separated processes related to the establishment of redox equilibrium at the PS 2 acceptor side (OJ), PQ pool (JI), and beyond Cyt b/f (IP). Three-exponential fitting was applied to (1 − F O/F(t)) × (F V /F M)−1 transient to obtain lifetimes and amplitudes of the OJ, JI, and IP components of PS 2 closure, which were used to calculate overall rates of reduction and re-oxidation of the PS 2 acceptor side, PQ pool, and intermediates beyond Cyt b/f complex. The results, obtained in the presence of inhibitors, oxidative reagents, and under different stress conditions prove the suggested model and characterize the introduced parameters as useful indicators of photosynthetic function.  相似文献   

Pinus sylvestris and Salix dasyclados, which differ in leaf longevity, were compared with respect to four aspects of photosynthetic light use and response: high light acclimation, photoinhibition resistance and recovery, lightfleck exposure and use and chloroplast acclimation across leaves. The first two aspects were examined using seedlings under controlled conditions and the other two were tested using trees in the field. When exposed to high light, shade leaves of Pinus acclimated completely, achieving the same photosynthetic capacities as sun leaves, whereas shade leaves of Salix did not reach sun leaf capacities although the absolute magnitude of their acclimation was larger. Shade leaves of Pinus were also more resistant to photoinhibition than those of Salix. Much of the direct light supplied within the canopy was in the form of rapid fluctuations, lightflecks, for Pinus and Salix alike. They exploited short lightflecks with similar efficiency. The greater proportion of diffuse light in the canopy for Pinus than Salix seems to lead to a lesser degree of differential intra-leaf acclimation of chloroplasts, in turn leading to lower efficiency of photosynthesis under unilateral light as reflected by a lower convexity, rate of bending, of the light–response curve. The differences in light use and responses are discussed in relation to possible differences in characteristics of the long and short-lived leaf.  相似文献   

A genetic transformation system has been developed for callus cells of Crataegus aronia using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Callus culture was established from internodal stem segments incubated on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 5 mg l−1 Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and 0.5 mg l−1 6-benzyladenine (BA). In order to optimize the callus culture system with respect to callus growth and coloration, different types and concentrations of plant growth regulators were tested. Results indicated that the best average fresh weight of red colored callus was obtained on MS medium supplemented with 2 mg l−1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 1.5 mg l−1 kinetin (Kin) (callus maintenance medium). Callus cells were co-cultivated with Agrobacterium harboring the binary plasmid pCAMBIA1302 carrying the mgfp5 and hygromycin phosphotransferase (hptII) genes conferring green fluorescent protein (GFP) activity and hygromycin resistance, respectively. Putative transgenic calli were obtained 4 weeks after incubation of the co-cultivated explants onto maintenance medium supplemented with 50 mg l−1 hygromycin. Molecular analysis confirmed the integration of the transgenes in transformed callus. To our knowledge, this is the first time to report an Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system in Crataegus aronia.  相似文献   

Studying Pneumocystis has proven to be a challenge from the perspective of propagating a significant amount of the pathogen in a facile manner. The study of several fungal pathogens has been aided by the use of invertebrate model hosts. Our efforts to infect the invertebrate larvae Galleria mellonella with Pneumocystis proved futile since P. murina neither caused disease nor was able to proliferate within G. mellonella. It did, however, show that the pathogen could be rapidly cleared from the host.  相似文献   

Nitraria retusa and Atriplex halimus (xero-halophytes) plants were grown in the range 0–800 mM NaCl while Medicago arborea (glycophyte) in 0–300 mM NaCl. Salt stress caused a marked decrease in osmotic potential and a significant accumulation of Na+ and Cl in leaves of both species. Moderate salinity had a stimulating effect on growth rate, net CO2 assimilation, transpiration and stomatal conductance for the xero-halophytic species. At higher salinities, these physiological parameters decreased significantly, and their percentages of reduction were higher in A. halimus than in N. retusa whereas, in M. arborea they decreased linearly with salinity. Nitraria retusa PSII photochemistry and carotenoid content were unaffected by salinity, but a reduction in chlorophyll content was observed at 800 mM NaCl. Similar results were found in A. halimus, but with a decrease in the efficiency of PSII (F′v/F′m) occurred at 800 mM. Conversely, in M. arborea plants we observed a significant reduction in pigment concentrations and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters. The marked toxic effect of Na+ and/or Cl observed in M. arborea indicates that salt damage effect could be attributed to ions’ toxicity, and that the reduction in photosynthesis is most probably due to damages in the photosynthetic apparatus rather than factors affecting stomatal closure. For the two halophyte species, it appears that there is occurrence of co-limitation of photosynthesis by stomatal and non-stomatal factors. Our results suggest that both N. retusa and A. halimus show high tolerance to both high salinity and photoinhibition while M. arborea was considered as a slightly salt tolerant species.  相似文献   

The maT clade of transposons is a group of transposable elements intermediate in sequence and predicted protein structure to mariner and Tc transposons, with a distribution thus far limited to a few invertebrate species. We present evidence, based on searches of publicly available databases, that the nematode Caenorhabditis briggsae has several maT-like transposons, which we have designated as CbmaT elements, dispersed throughout its genome. We also describe two additional transposon sequences that probably share their evolutionary history with the CbmaT transposons. One resembles a fold back variant of a CbmaT element, with long (380-bp) inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) that show a high degree (71%) of identity to CbmaT1. The other, which shares only the 26-bp ITR sequences with one of the CbmaT variants, is present in eight nearly identical copies, but does not have a transposase gene and may therefore be cross mobilised by a CbmaT transposase. Using PCR-based mobility assays, we show that CbmaT1 transposons are capable of excising from the C. briggsae genome. CbmaT1 excised approximately 500 times less frequently than Tcb1 in the reference strain AF16, but both CbmaT1 and Tcb1 excised at extremely high frequencies in the HK105 strain. The HK105 strain also exhibited a high frequency of spontaneous induction of unc-22 mutants, suggesting that it may be a mutator strain of C. briggsae.  相似文献   

Cell volume distribution in Chlorella vulgaris cultures coming out of senescence was measured by flow cytometry every 6 h for 114 h in a full-factorial experiment with initial nitrate (420–4200 g NO3-N l–1), phosphate (9–186 g PO4-P l–1), and continuous light (50–330 E m–2 s–1) as treatments. The maxima in median and median absolute deviation (MAD) of cell volume were achieved within 6 h of each other and their timing was not affected by any treatment. Population specific growth rate during the first 66 h calculated from volume distribution changes was significantly affected by light treatment only (p=0.002).Revisions requested 4 November 2004; Revisions received 17 January 2005  相似文献   

Plants differ in how much the response of net photosynthetic rate (P N) to temperature (T) changes with the T during leaf development, and also in the biochemical basis of such changes in response. The amount of photosynthetic acclimation to T and the components of the photosynthetic system involved were compared in Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica oleracea to determine how well A. thaliana might serve as a model organism to study the process of photosynthetic acclimation to T. Responses of single-leaf gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence to CO2 concentration measured over the range of 10–35 °C for both species grown at 15, 21, and 27 °C were used to determine the T dependencies of maximum rates of carboxylation (VCmax), photosynthetic electron transport (Jmax), triose phosphate utilization rate (TPU), and mesophyll conductance to carbon dioxide (gm). In A. thaliana, the optimum T of P N at air concentrations of CO2 was unaffected by this range of growth T, and the T dependencies of VCmax, Jmax, and gm were also unaffected by growth T. There was no evidence of TPU limitation of P N in this species over the range of measurement conditions. In contrast, the optimum T of P N increased with growth T in B. oleracea, and the T dependencies of VCmax, Jmax, and gm, as well as the T at which TPU limited P N all varied significantly with growth T. Thus B. oleracea had much a larger capacity to acclimate photosynthetically to moderate T than did A. thaliana.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew is an important foliar disease in wheat, especially in areas with a cool or maritime climate. A dominant powdery mildew resistance gene transferred to the hexaploid germplasm line NC99BGTAG11 from T. timopheevii subsp. armeniacum was mapped distally on the long arm of chromosome 7A. Differential reactions were observed between the resistance gene in NC99BGTAG11 and the alleles of the Pm1 locus that is also located on chromosome arm 7AL. Observed segregation in F2:3 lines from the cross NC99BGTAG11 × Axminster (Pm1a) demonstrate that germplasm line NC99BGTAG11 carries a novel powdery mildew resistance gene, which is now designated as Pm37. This new gene is highly effective against all powdery mildew isolates tested so far. Analyses of the population with molecular markers indicate that Pm37 is located 16 cM proximal to the Pm1 complex. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers Xgwm332 and Xwmc790 were located 0.5 cM proximal and distal, respectively, to Pm37. In order to identify new markers in the region, wheat expressed sequence tags (ESTs) located in the distal 10% of 7AL that were orthologous to sequences from chromosome 6 of rice were targeted. The two new EST-derived STS markers were located distal to Pm37 and one marker was closely linked to the Pm1a region. These new markers can be used in marker-assisted selection schemes to develop wheat cultivars with pyramids of powdery mildew resistance genes, including combinations of Pm37 in coupling linkage with alleles of the Pm1 locus.  相似文献   

Seol E  Jung Y  Lee J  Cho C  Kim T  Rhee Y  Lee S 《Plant cell reports》2008,27(7):1197-1206
Notocactus scopa cv. Soonjung was subjected to in planta Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation with vacuum infiltration, pin-pricking, and a combination of the two methods. The pin-pricking combined with vacuum infiltration (20-30 cmHg for 15 min) resulted in a transformation efficiency of 67-100%, and the expression of the uidA and nptII genes was detected in transformed cactus. The established in planta transformation technique generated a transgenic cactus with higher transformation efficiency, shortened selection process, and stable gene expression via asexual reproduction. All of the results showed that the in planta transformation method utilized in the current study provided an efficient and time-saving procedure for the delivery of genes into the cactus genome, and that this technique can be applied to other asexually reproducing succulent plant species.  相似文献   

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