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The developmental transition from a residential, immature ‘yellow’ eel to a migratory, maturing adult ‘silver’ eel is accompanied by many morphological changes that appear to be under endocrine control. High circulating levels of the teleost, and usually male-specific, androgen 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) are found in migrating female short-finned eels, Anguilla australis. We examined the role of this steroid in silvering by implanting immature, female short-finned eels either with blank vehicles or with vehicles containing 11-KT. Six weeks after they had received the implants, eels treated with 11-KT had developed ‘chisel-shaped’ snouts and black pectoral fins with tapered ends, and the size of their eyes had increased significantly. 11-KT treated eels had a thicker dermis than control eels and an epidermis with fewer or no mucous cells. Ventricular mass at the end of the experiment was two-fold larger than in control eels. 11-KT treated eels also had larger livers and gonads. Ovaries contained predominantly cortical alveolus stage III oocytes, as opposed to the smaller gonads of control eels containing previtellogenic stage II oocytes. All of these changes correspond to changes during the developmental transition from yellow to silver eels in the wild. This demonstrates that silvering in eels is under endocrine control and that the presumed male-specific steroid 11-KT is capable of inducing silvering-related changes in a female teleost. We discuss how species-specific responses to 11-KT may differ depending on tissue-specific androgen receptor abundance and how a dual demand on liver function can explain the apparently positive effects of 11-KT on liver growth.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of sex steroids on silvering in the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica, the development of oocytes, eye size, digestive tract, and swim bladder were studied in relation to observations of the profiles of plasma levels of sex steroids (estradiol 17β, E2; testosterone, T; 11-ketotestosterone; 11-KT) during silvering for each sex and by administrating 11-KT to yellow eels. All steroids examined in the study increased in female eels after silvering had begun, whereas in males, only 11-KT increased significantly, and no statistical differences were found in plasma levels of E2 and T between eels in both developmental stages. 11-KT appeared to induce the early stage of oocyte growth, enlargement of the eyes, degeneration of the digestive tract and the development of the swim bladder. This suggested that 11-KT synchronously accelerates early development of the ovaries and the morphological changes, possibly in adaption to oceanic migration, and that 11-KT is one of the most important factors in early stages of development in the Japanese eel, as it appears to be in other anguillid eels.  相似文献   

Synopsis An approximately monthly sampling programme in Lake Ellesmere, Canterbury, New Zealand, from January 1974 to April 1976 yielded 487 eels. The stomachs were fixed in 10% neutralised formalin and the contents examined. Preliminary analysis indicated that the mollusc Potamopyrgus antipodarum, the isopod Austridotea annectens, the mysid Tenagomysis chiltoni, the amphipod Paracalliope fluviatilis, the midge larva Chironomus zealandicus and the teleosts Retropinna retropinna, Galaxias maculatus and Gobiomorphus cotidianus together made up the bulk of the diet. The pre-ingested dry weight (i.e. the reconstructed weight) of the most important of these prey species was obtained by relating the length of a digestion resistant part to actual dry weight in field collected specimens. Regression equations for this relationship in each season enabled the reconstructed dry weight of each stomach item to be calculated. In some instances reconstructed weight was less than the actual digested dry weight of the prey specimen. In every case the larger value was used. This method is referred to as Combination Dry Weight (CDW) and is believed to be new. These data, used in conjunction with the energy content of the species concerned, enabled the caloric dietary contribution of each prey species to be determined. Comparison of relative contribution to eel diet between CDW and energy values calculated from CDW and bomb calorimetry revealed large differences. Marked variations in diet between ⩽40 cm, 40.1–50 cm, and>50.1 cm size classes were also shown. Eels ≤40 cm feed primarily on invertebrates and become progressively more piscivorous as they grow. Eels >50.1 cm are almost entirely piscivorous. Seasonal differences in diet also exist within each size class examined.  相似文献   

Acoustic telemetry and microchemical analysis of otolith strontium-calcium ratios were used to evaluate how exotic brown trout Salmo trutta have responded to Japanese riverine environments of south-western Hokkaido by observing their migratory patterns. The existence of anadromous S. trutta was also verified. Most S. trutta caught in rivers for otolith analysis were freshwater residents (95·6%), whereas those caught in the sea were mainly smolts (91·3%), which had just migrated from rivers during spring. Anadromous S. trutta (n = 6) were captured in rivers and in the sea, confirming the existence of mature pre- and post-spawning fish. According to telemetry results, both mature and immature S. trutta used the river in winter, and their estimated sea-run timings showed individual differences. Through the combination of these two methods, migratory patterns on various spatio-temporal scales were observed. This first documentation of the presence of both male and female anadromous S. trutta in the same region within Japan indicated the risk of further colonization of exotic S. trutta via oceanic migration.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypotheses, using glass eels of longfin eels Anguilla dieffenbachii and shortfin eels Anguilla australis migrating into fresh waters, (1) that both species prefer water from their river of collection to well water, (2) that shortfin eels prefer lowland, pastoral stream water to mainstem river water, (3) that longfin eels are attracted to both waters but do not prefer one to the other, and (4) both prefer water scented with geosmin, a widely occurring metabolite of bacteria and algae, to well water. Glass eels of both species from a river on the west coast of South Island, New Zealand, and shortfin glass eels from an east coast river significantly preferred water from their river of capture to well water. Two to three times as many eels chose their own river water as chose well water. Longfin eels were rare in the east coast river. Shortfin glass eels from the two rivers chose lowland stream water to mainstem river water about two to one in three experiments with different pairs of waters to which they had no prior exposure. Longfin glass eels significantly chose mainstem river water over lowland water in one pair but showed no preference when presented with a different pair. Reactions to solutions of geosmin at concentrations of 10–5-10–7 mg 1–1 were inconclusive, with geosmin being preferred significantly, by shortfin eels, in only one experiment. The interspecific differences in discrimination of natural waters demonstrated in this study, with shortfin eels preferring lowland waters and longfin eels more indifferent to water types, are in broad agreement with both the distribution of adults and observations on their habitat preferences.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood neutrophils were studied in eels injected with phosphate buffered saline, bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), carrageenan (CAR), LPS and CAR together (CAR/LPS(T)), CAR and LPS 4 days later (CAR/LPS(S)), zymosan and latex beads. All stimuli caused a left shift toward neutrophil immaturity but LPS-elicited neutrophils, particularly in CAR/LPS stimulated eels, were often extremely basophilic, enlarged, vacuolated and had a large nucleus with poorly differentiated nuclear chromatin. These intensely basophilic neutrophils (IBN) had few granules and lower acid phosphatase and non-specific esterase, but higher PAS levels, compared to normal neutrophils. Ultrastructurally, IBN showed loss of cytoplasmic content that gave a ragged appearance, the nucleus was often immature and many rough endoplasmic reticulum profiles restricted the distribution of reduced numbers of cytoplasmic granules. These features are attributed to asynchronous development, and IBN are compared with mammalian toxic neutrophils.  相似文献   

Synopsis Eel samples from Lake Ellesmere, a brackish water lake in the South Island, New Zealand, were taken at approximately monthly intervals from January 1974 to April 1976. Nets were set for 24 h and emptied every three hours. Total lengths and stomach fullness values of 498 eels were recorded. Analysis using the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test showed that eels ⩽40 cm and 40.1–50 cm in length increased in fullness through the night with greatest fullness values at 0300 and 0600 h. Seasonal analyses revealed greatest eel activity in spring, summer and autumn. There was little eel activity in winter.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Changes in the blood and in the rate of oxygen consumption of Japanese eels injected intramuscularly in the head with a lethal dose of typical or atypical Aeromonas salmonicida at 20°C were investigated.
  • 2.2. Eels infected with the bacteria became moribund within 4 to 6 days, and then died within 1 day.
  • 3.3. The O2 consumption rate and blood parameters changed markedly with infections. The responses of hosts to infection by the two kinds of bacteria differed with regard to the following four points: blood pH, plasma Cl, lactic acid, and the numbers of granulocytes and lymphocytes.
  • 4.4. The responses of eels infected with atypical A. salmonicida were larger and more rapid than those of eels infected with typical A. salmonicida.

Between October 1999 and October 2001, a total of 510 European eels Anguilla anguilla were captured in 13 different samples from the rivers Thames (five locations) and Test (one location) in southern England. The relationship between parasite component community species richness (CCR) and maximum infracommunity species richness (ICRmax) compared with that previously observed in bird and mammal hosts. Specifically, the maximum number of parasite species occurring in infracommunities equalled or exceeded half the number of parasite species in the component community at that time, across a wide range of CCR values (2-9 parasite species). Furthermore, the frequency distribution of infracommunity richness (ICR) suggested that the species composition of infracommunities is probably random. These findings suggest that intestinal macroparasite infracommunities in eels are unsaturated and potentially species rich assemblages and, in these respects, share a fundamental similarity with the infracommunities of birds and mammals.  相似文献   

The kinematics and hydrodynamics of routine linear accelerations were studied in American eels, Anguilla rostrata, using high-speed video and particle image velocimetry. Eels were examined both during steady swimming at speeds from 0.6 to 1.9 body lengths (L) per second and during accelerations from -1.4 to 1.3 L s(-2). Multiple regression of the acceleration and steady swimming speed on the body kinematics suggests that eels primarily change their tail-tip velocity during acceleration. By contrast, the best predictor of steady swimming speed is body wave speed, keeping tail-tip velocity an approximately constant fraction of the swimming velocity. Thus, during steady swimming, Strouhal number does not vary with speed, remaining close to 0.32, but during acceleration, it deviates from the steady value. The kinematic changes during acceleration are indicated hydrodynamically by axial fluid momentum in the wake. During steady swimming, the wake consists of lateral jets of fluid and has minimal net axial momentum, which reflects a balance between thrust and drag. During acceleration, those jets rotate to point downstream, adding axial momentum to the fluid. The amount of added momentum correlates with the acceleration, but is greater than the necessary inertial force by 2.8+/-0.6 times, indicating a substantial acceleration reaction.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of surgically implanted passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags on growth rate, survival and tag retention of yellow shortfin eels Anguilla australis with an initial mean mass of 101 g. There were no significant differences in body mass, total length, specific growth rate and survival between tagged and untagged A. australis in a 108 day laboratory trial. This tagging method was very reliable, with a tag retention of >95%.  相似文献   

Plasma insulin and glucose responses to a secretin-like factor, extracted from pike intestines, have been investigated in vivo in European eels, Anguilla anguilla L. Intra-arterial injection of pike secretin elicited a dose-related, significant increase of plasma insulin after 30 min at 100 and 250 μgkg-1 body weight, but was without effect at 40μgkg-1. Plasma glucose levels, however, remained unchanged over this dose range. These results suggest that hormonal factors of gastrointestinal origin may modify pancreatic endocrine function in teleost fish.  相似文献   

Peroxidase activity in the granulocytes of eels was investigated using o-tolidine, paraphenylene-diamine-pyrocatechol, and 4-chloro-l-naphthol as substrates, and cyanide, azide and aminotriazole as inhibitors. Most circulating neutrophils of Anguilla australis Richardson, 1848 and A. dieffenbachii Gray. 1842 showed no peroxidase activity at pH 7.6 and pH 9.0, but a few neutrophils, thought to be mature, were positive. Another granulocyte in the anterior kidney, spleen, parasitized gill tissue and, rarely, the blood contained a cyanide-resistant, azide-inhibited, peroxidase and was tentatively identified as the eosinophil. Neutrophils of A. anguilla (L.) showed granular peroxidase activity which was inhibited by cyanide. The eosinophil was not observed.
Absence of peroxidase from most circulating neutrophils in A. anguilla and A. dieffenbachii , and its pattern in the neutrophil precursors and mature neutrophils of A. anguilla , may be due to two morphologically indistinguishable granule types. Primary peroxidase-negative granules occur in precursors and immature neutrophils and secondary peroxidase-positive granules in mature neutrophils of all three eels. Circulating neutrophils in New Zealand eels seldom mature and are theretore peroxidase-negative, whereas A. anguilla neutrophils are mature and are usually peroxidase-positive.
Impairment of microbicidal activity in neutrophils lacking peroxidase is discussed.  相似文献   

Eosinophilic granule cells (EGC) are reported among peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) of unstimulated and carrageenan-, zymosan-, latex- and Aeromonas hydrophila -stimulated eels, Anguilla australis . At the light microscopy level EGC are large (< 50 μm diameter) and have strongly to moderately basophilic cytoplasm, eosinophilic granules, and often striated colourless cytoplasmic inclusions. Ultrastructurally, the cytoplasm is rich in ribosomes, and contains characteristic granules, parallel tubular structures 46–50 nm in diameter, and parallel rod-like arrays (PRLA) 14–15 nm in diameter that are angular or hexagonal in cross section. EGC contain granule-associated, partially or completely cyanide inhibited, but azide and aminotriazole resistant, peroxidase, acid phosphatase, esterases and weak cytoplasmic periodic acid-Schiff positivity. PRLA lack enzyme content. A few (< 10%) unstimulated and carrageenan- and zymosan-stimulated EGC contain granule-associated and diffuse β-galactosidase, and EGC in eels injected i.p. with filtered carrageenan-stimulated PEC supernatants show heterogeneity in glucosaminidase content.  相似文献   

A total of 261 individuals of the four tropical eel species, Anguilla celebesensis, Anguilla marmorata, Anguilla bicolor pacifica and Anguilla interioris, were collected from 12 locations around Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, to gain knowledge about the riverine distribution of tropical eels. Anguilla marmorata was predominant in the lower reaches of Poso River (94·4% of total eel catch in the sampling area), Poso Lake (93·3%), three small inlet rivers of Tomini Bay (100%) and Laa River (92·3%). Anguilla celebesensis occurred frequently in the inlet rivers of Poso Lake (63·5%). Anguilla bicolor pacifica and Anguilla interioris were rare (1.5 and 0.4%, respectively). Otolith Sr:Ca ratio electron‐probe micro analysis (EPMA) for individual migratory histories revealed that 15 A. celebesensis caught in Poso Lake and its inlet rivers were categorized into 14 river eels (Sr:Ca < 2·5) showing upstream migration seemingly at their elver stage and only one sea eel (Sr:Ca ≥ 6·0) that stayed in the marine habitat for the majority of its life after recruiting to Sulawesi Island before its late upstream migration. In A. marmorata, 19 examined eels from Poso Lake and its inlet rivers were all river eels, while 17 eels from the lower reaches of Poso River were two river eels, six sea eels and nine estuarine eels (2·5 ≤ Sr:Ca < 6·0) that mostly lived in the brackish water. The sex ratio of A. celebesensis was highly skewed towards a dominance of females (99%). In A. marmorata, females were predominant in Poso Lake (95·2%), its inlet rivers (94·7%) and Laa River (100%), while males were more frequent in the lower reaches of Poso River (76·5%) and small inlet rivers of Tomini Bay (94·1%). These results indicate that the riverine distribution pattern of tropical eels differs among species and between sexes.  相似文献   

1. The locations of freshwater yellow eels in an eight-chambered octagonal behavior tank were videotaped during six-day intervals while the animals were being subjected to normal and experimental magnetic fields. 2. The earth's magnetic field (0.5 g) was utilized for two control periods at the start and completion of each run for each animal. 3. During each run, the sequence of applied magnetic fields was +1.0, 0.0, -0.5 and -1.0 g, each being applied for a period of 24 hr. 4. Under the influence of the earth's magnetic field, the eels showed a preference for a northeast direction (27.01%). During the second control period (i.e. after being subjected to variations in the magnetic field), the animals showed a dual preference for north and northwest directions (23.02% and 25.9%, respectively). 5. In a 0.0 g field, the eels preferred the north chamber (24.43%) and the vestibule of the behavior tank (19.46%); a preference for north was also obtained with a field of +1.0 g (25.95%). 6. The preferred direction with the -0.5 and -1.0 g fields was southeast (20.93 and 26.71%, respectively).  相似文献   

Feeding and movement of Anguitta australis Richardson, and A. reinhardtii Steindachner, were studied in Macleods Morass, Gippsland, Victoria from July 1975 to March 1977. Stomach fullness varied seasonally. Both species ingested a wide range of items with teleosts and insects forming the major group for A. australis and teleosts the major group for A. reinhardtii , which fed on a narrower range of items. No relationship between size of items ingested and size of eel was evident. Kendall rank correlation coefficients indicate that both intraspecific and interspecific differences in diets due to seasonal and size variations were usually insignificant.
Tagged eels were recaptured at the overall rate of 18·5 %; of 1051 eels released, a total of 194 eels was recaptured. Maximum linear distance travelled by two eels was 3715 m while maximum days at liberty was 643 days. Home range was in the order of 400m. No relationship between length of a tagged individual and days liberty or with distance moved was evident. Movement was closely related to fluctuations of water temperature with peaks being associated with feeding in the littoral zone of the Morass.  相似文献   

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