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A small but growing number of loci that exhibit covalent histone modifications, such as hyperacetylation, over broad regions of 10 kb or more have been characterized. These hyperacetylated domains occur exclusively at loci containing highly expressed, tissue-specific genes, and the available evidence suggests that they are involved in the activation of these genes. Although to date little is known concerning the formation or function of these domains, rather more is known concerning repressive, heterochromatic domains, and the example provided by heterochromatin may be instructive in considering mechanisms of active domain formation.  相似文献   

Novobiocin inhibits passive chromatin assembly in vitro.   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
L Sealy  M Cotten    R Chalkley 《The EMBO journal》1986,5(12):3305-3311
Novobiocin, an inhibitor of prokaryotic DNA gyrase and eukaryotic type II topoisomerase enzymes, interferes with in vitro chromatin assembly using purified histones, DNA and nucleoplasmin. The target of inhibition is not topoisomerase II; this energy-independent assembly system lacks any ATP and Mg2+-dependent type II topoisomerase or gyrase activities. Rather, novobiocin interacts with histones, disrupting histone-histone associations required for octamer formation, and causing histones to precipitate from both nucleoplasmin-histone and histone-DNA complexes. Thus, novobiocin is able to generate 'dynamic' chromatin in vitro in the absence of ATP and Mg2+ by removing histones from previously assembled static chromatin, so that the DNA supercoils, previously constrained by conventional nucleosomes, become susceptible to removal by topoisomerase I.  相似文献   

The adhesive protein vitronectin (75 kDa) occurs in human blood fluid in a one-chain (Vn75) or a two-chain form (Vn65+10), and is produced by a specific cleavage (at Arg379–Ala380), by a proteinase not identified hitherto. These two forms were shown to be functionally different and therefore, this cleavage may have a regulatory significance in vivo. Here, we report the use of a tailored one-chain recombinant Vn, a specific protein kinase A phosphorylation at Ser378, and sequence analysis to show: (1) that none of the proteinases originating from blood, previously thought to be the endogenous proteinase (plasmin, thrombin, tPA, and uPA), is indeed the in vivo convertase; and (2) that furin, a serine endoproteinase residing in the secretory pathway of hepatocytes, where Vn is synthesized, specifically cleaves Vn at the endogenous cleavage site. Consequently, we propose that the Vn75 to Vn65+10 conversion takes place in the liver (not in blood) and is carried out by furin.  相似文献   

Stepwise assembly of chromatin during DNA replication in vitro.   总被引:29,自引:6,他引:23  
A cell free system that supports replication-dependent chromatin assembly has been used to determine the mechanism of histone deposition during DNA replication. CAF-I, a human cell nuclear factor, promotes chromatin assembly on replicating SV40 DNA in the presence of a crude cytosol replication extract. Biochemical fractionation of the cytosol extract has allowed separation of the chromatin assembly reaction into two steps. During the first step, CAF-I targets the deposition of newly synthesized histones H3 and H4 to the replicating DNA. This reaction is dependent upon and coupled with DNA replication, and utilizes the newly synthesized forms of histones H3 and H4, which unlike bulk histone found in chromatin, do not bind to DNA by themselves. The H3/H4-replicated DNA complex is a stable intermediate which exhibits a micrococcal nuclease resistant structure and can be isolated by sucrose gradient sedimentation. In the second step, this replicated precursor is converted to mature chromatin by the addition of histones H2A and H2B in a reaction that can occur after DNA replication. The requirement for CAF-I in at least the first step of the reaction suggests a level of cellular control for this fundamental process.  相似文献   

We have confirmed the result that chicken beta-globin gene chromatin, which possesses the characteristics of active chromatin in erythroid cells, has shortened internucleosome spacings compared with bulk chromatin or that of the ovalbumin gene, which is inactive. To understand how the short (approximately 180-bp) nucleosome repeat arises specifically on beta-globin DNA, we have studied chromatin assembly of cloned chicken beta-globin DNA in a defined in vitro system. With chicken erythrocyte core histones and linker histone H5 as the only cellular components, a cloned 6.2-kb chicken beta-globin DNA fragment assembled into chromatin possessing a regular 180 +/- 5-bp repeat, very similar to what is observed in erythroid cells. A 2-kb DNA subfragment containing the beta A gene and promoter region, but lacking the downstream intergenic region between the beta A and epsilon genes, failed to generate a regular nucleosome array in vitro, suggesting that the intergenic region facilitates linker histone-induced nucleosome alignment. When the beta A gene was placed on a plasmid that contained a known chromatin-organizing signal, nucleosome alignment with a 180-bp periodicity was restored, whereas nucleosomes on flanking plasmid sequences possessed a 210-bp spacing periodicity. Our results suggest that the shortened 180-bp nucleosome spacing periodicity observed in erythroid cells is encoded in the beta-globin DNA sequence and that nucleosome alignment by linker histones is facilitated by sequences in the beta A-epsilon intergenic region.  相似文献   

It was found that nucleoprotein particles formed after DNase I action on calf thymus chromatin contain single-stranded DNA fragments, associated with histones only by ionic linkages. These results suggest that histones in chromatin are bound ionically only to one polynucleotide strand of double-helical DNA, protecting it against nucleolytic attack.  相似文献   

Arrangement of histones in chromatin   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
M Bustin 《Nature: New biology》1973,245(146):207-209

Localization of testis-variant histones in rat testis chromatin.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Nucleosome core particles and oligonucleosomes were isolated by digesting rat testis nuclei with micrococcal nuclease to 20% acid-solubility, followed by fractionation of the digest on a Bio-Gel A-5m column. The core particles thus isolated were characterized on the basis of their DNA length of 151 +/- 5 base-pairs and sedimentation coefficient of 11.4S. Analysis of the acid-soluble proteins of the core particles indicated that histones TH2B and X2 are constituents of the core particles, in addition to the somatic histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4. The acid-soluble proteins of the oligonucleosomes comprised all the histones, including both the somatic (H1, H2A, H2B, H3, H4 and X2) and the testis-specific ones (TH1 and TH2B). It was also observed that histones TH1 and H1 are absent from the core particles and were readily extracted from the chromatin by 0.6 M-NaCl, which indicated that both of them are bound to the linker DNA.  相似文献   

Methylation of accessible DNA within chromatin by restriction modification methylases from Haemophilus influenzae was used to detect movement of histones along the DNA strand during chromatin manipulation. Methylation at different stages of chromatin preparation was followed by titration of the nucleoprotein with ploy(D-lysine), digestion of chromosomal proteins with pronase and analysis of the DNA-poly(D-lysine) complex in steep cesium chloride gradients. Comparison of the specific radioactivities in the peak fractions of the free DNA and the DNA-poly(D-lysine) complex, respectively, reveals that lateral movement of histones, relative to specific sites in the DNA marked by restriction methylases, occurs during manipulation and fragmentation of chromatin.  相似文献   

Role of histones in chromatin condensation   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

To study the relationship between DNA replication and chromatin assembly, we have purified a factor termed Drosophila chromatin assembly factor 1 (dCAF-1) to approximately 50% homogeneity from a nuclear extract derived from embryos. dCAF-1 appears to consist of four polypeptides with molecular masses of 180, 105, 75, and 55 kDa. dCAF-1 preferentially mediates chromatin assembly of newly replicated DNA relative to unreplicated DNA during T-antigen-dependent simian virus 40 DNA replication in vitro, as seen with human CAF-1. Analysis of the mechanism of DNA replication-coupled chromatin assembly revealed that both dCAF-1 and human CAF-1 mediate chromatin assembly preferentially with previously yet newly replicated DNA relative to unreplicated DNA. Moreover, the preferential assembly of the postreplicative DNA was observed at 30 min after inhibition of DNA replication by aphidicolin, but this effect slowly diminished until it was no longer apparent at 120 min after inhibition of replication. These findings suggest that the coupling between DNA replication and chromatin assembly may not necessarily involve a direct interaction between the replication and assembly factors at a replication fork.  相似文献   

We have developed an in vitro system in which higher-order chromatin structures are assembled around naked DNAs in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Membrane-free soluble extracts specific to interphase and mitotic states were prepared from Xenopus eggs. When high molecular weight DNA is incubated with interphase extracts, fluffy chromatin-like structures are assembled. In contrast, mitotic extracts produce highly condensed chromosome-like structures. Immunofluorescence studies show that a monoclonal antibody MPM-2, which recognizes a class of mitosis-specific phosphoproteins, stains the "core" or "axis" of condensed mitotic chromatin but not interphase chromatin. By adding mitotic extracts, interphase chromatin structures are synchronously converted into the condensed state. The increasingly condensed state of chromatin correlates with the appearance and structural rearrangements of the MPM-2-stained structures. These results suggest that mitosis-specific phosphoproteins recognized by MPM-2 may be directly involved in the assembly of the chromosome scaffold-like structures and chromatin condensation. Although both extracts promote nucleosome assembly at the same rate, topoisomerase II (topo II) activity is four to five times higher in mitotic extracts compared with interphase extracts. The addition of a topo II inhibitor VM-26 into mitotic assembly mixtures disturbs the organization of the MPM-2-stained structures and affects the final stage of chromatin condensation. This in vitro system should be useful for identifying cis- and trans-acting elements responsible for higher-order chromatin assembly and its structural changes in the cell cycle.  相似文献   

The in vitro assembly of chromatin, promoted by the Xenopus cell-free extract (S-150), can be inhibited by oxolinic acid and to a lesser extent by nalidixic acid. Both of these antibiotics have been shown to block the activity of the specialized type 11 Topoisomerase, bacterial DNA Gyrase. Oxolinic acid induces a DNA cleavage by Micrococcal Nuclease at specific sequences in the multiple cloning vector pGEM-4. Nalidixic acid does not inhibit DNA supercoiling, but does diminish the extent of chromatin formation achieved by the S-150 on circular DNA templates. The Topoisomerase I inhibitor, berenil, does not inhibit extensive chromatin assembly, although it aloes diminish the level of supercoiling. Taken together, these results suggest that both topoisomerases play a role in the assembly process. Topoisomerase I may catalyze both the introduction of unconstrained supercoils into relaxed DNA and the formation of monosomes, while Topoisomerase 11 may promote extended chromatin assembly.  相似文献   

The maintenance of the genome during replication requires the assembly of nucleosomes with newly synthesized histones. Achieving the deposition of newly synthesized histones in chromatin implies their transport from the cytoplasm to the nucleus at the replication sites. Several lines of evidence have revealed critical functions of the histone tail domains in these conserved cellular processes. In this review, we discuss the role of the amino termini of the nucleosome building blocks, H2A/H2B and H3/H4, in different model systems. The experimental data showed that H2A/H2B tails and H3/H4 tails display distinct functions in nuclear import and chromatin assembly. Furthermore, we describe recent studies exploiting the unique properties of the slime mold, Physarum polycephalum , that have advanced understanding of the function of the highly conserved replication-dependent diacetylation of H4.  相似文献   

A C Bakke  J Bonner 《Biochemistry》1979,18(21):4556-4562
Dictyostelium chromatin has been purified from nuclei in high yield by differential centrifugation and nuclease cleaving. Its chemical composition has been assayed, and its histones have been analyzed by gel electrophoresis, peptide fingerprints, amino acid composition, and ion-exchange chromatography. The mass ratios of DNA/RNA/histone/nonhistone are 1.0:0.18:0.98:1.02. There are four histones including one unusual histone, H7, which is the most abundant histone in the slime mold. The H4-like protein is the most conserved protein, while the other histones show both similarities and differences with mammalian histones.  相似文献   

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