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M A Soto  C J Tohá 《Bio Systems》1985,18(2):209-215
A quantitative rationale for the evolution of the genetic code is developed considering the principle of minimal hardware. This principle defines an optimal code as one that minimizes for a given amount of information encoded, the product of the number of physical devices used by the average complexity of each device. By identifying the number of different amino acids, number of nucleotide positions per codon and number of base types that can occupy each such position with, respectively, the amount of information, number of devices and the complexity, we show that optimal codes occur for 3, 7 and 20 amino acids with codons having a single, two and three base positions per codon, respectively. The advantage of a code of exactly 4 symbols is deduced, as well as a plausible evolutionary pathway from a code of doublets to triplets. The present day code of 20 amino acids encoded by 64 codons is shown to be the most optimal in an absolute sense. Using a tetraplet code further evolution to a code in which there would be 55 amino acids is in principle possible, but such a code would deviate slightly more than the present day code from the minimal hardware configuration. The change from a triplet code to a tetraplet code would occur at about 32 amino acids. Our conclusions are independent of, but consistent with, the observed physico-chemical properties of the amino acids and codon structures. These correlations could have evolved within the constrains imposed by the minimal hardware principle.  相似文献   

The visual system is the most studied sensory pathway, which is partly because visual stimuli have rather intuitive properties. There are reasons to think that the underlying principle ruling coding, however, is the same for vision and any other type of sensory signal, namely the code has to satisfy some notion of optimality--understood as minimum redundancy or as maximum transmitted information. Given the huge variability of natural stimuli, it would seem that attaining an optimal code is almost impossible; however, regularities and symmetries in the stimuli can be used to simplify the task: symmetries allow predicting one part of a stimulus from another, that is, they imply a structured type of redundancy. Optimal coding can only be achieved once the intrinsic symmetries of natural scenes are understood and used to the best performance of the neural encoder. In this paper, we review the concepts of optimal coding and discuss the known redundancies and symmetries that visual scenes have. We discuss in depth the only approach which implements the three of them known so far: translational invariance, scale invariance and multiscaling. Not surprisingly, the resulting code possesses features observed in real visual systems in mammals.  相似文献   

The present paper will focus on the relation between the structure of the table of the genetic code and the evolution of primitive organisms: it will be shown that the organization of the code table according to an optimization principle based on the notion of resistance to errors can provide a criterium for selection. The ordered aspect of the genetic code table makes this result a plausible starting point for studies of the origin and evolution of the genetic code: these could include, besides a more refined optimization principle at the logical level, some effects more directly related to the physico-chemical context, and the construction of realistic models incorporating both aspects.  相似文献   

shCherbak VI 《Bio Systems》2003,70(3):187-209
The first information system emerged on the earth as primordial version of the genetic code and genetic texts. The natural appearance of arithmetic power in such a linguistic milieu is theoretically possible and practical for producing information systems of extremely high efficiency. In this case, the arithmetic symbols should be incorporated into an alphabet, i.e. the genetic code. A number is the fundamental arithmetic symbol produced by the system of numeration. If the system of numeration were detected inside the genetic code, it would be natural to expect that its purpose is arithmetic calculation e.g., for the sake of control, safety, and precise alteration of the genetic texts. The nucleons of amino acids and the bases of nucleic acids seem most suitable for embodiments of digits. These assumptions were used for the analyzing the genetic code.

The compressed, life-size, and split representation of the Escherichia coli and Euplotes octocarinatus code versions were considered simultaneously. An exact equilibration of the nucleon sums of the amino acid standard blocks and/or side chains was found repeatedly within specified sets of the genetic code. Moreover, the digital notations of the balanced sums acquired, in decimal representation, the unique form 111, 222, …, 999. This form is a consequence of the criterion of divisibility by 037. The criterion could simplify some computing mechanism of a cell if any and facilitate its computational procedure. The cooperative symmetry of the genetic code demonstrates that possibly a zero was invented and used by this mechanism. Such organization of the genetic code could be explained by activities of some hypothetical molecular organelles working as natural biocomputers of digital genetic texts.

It is well known that if mutation replaces an amino acid, the change of hydrophobicity is generally weak, while that of size is strong. The antisymmetrical correlation between the amino acid size and the degeneracy number is known as well. It is shown that these and some other familiar properties may be a physicochemical effect of arithmetic inside the genetic code.

The “frozen accident” model, giving unlimited freedom to the mapping function, could optimally support the appearance of both arithmetic symbols and physicochemical protection inside the genetic code.  相似文献   

Species may be modeled as comprised of individuals, populations or a virtual code. A virtual code can be understood as general potential that appears as actualization within specific environmental, both internal and external, contexts. These general potentials form a capacity to network that allows potentials to be expressed and offers robustness through its interconnections. In the present work, the degree of within-lineage variation in integration was not strongly model-dependent. However, the relationships among model-dependent estimates of such variation and within-lineage phyletic variation were not equal. The strongest relationship was between within-lineage variation in integration, when species were modeled as a virtual code, and within-lineage phyletic variation. The second strongest, and only other statistically significant relationship, was between variation in integration when species were modeled as a virtual code and as a collection of populations. The last result argues for a strong ontogenetic and micro-environmental effect on the expression of features in an individual. If species were a virtual code they would evolve by incorporation of all attributes, ontogenetic, environmental and genetic into that code until it becomes unstable and bifurcates. Species as a virtual code, an approach that explicitly incorporates developmental change into evolution, is a non-material representation of species as a complex information system, incorporating, if we refer to mathematical analysis, both the real and the imaginary. If one wished to stress the material, this study could be seen as empirical documentation of species as information systems.  相似文献   

The standard genetic code is known to be robust to translation errors and point mutations. We studied how small modifications of the standard code affect its robustness. The robustness was assessed in terms of a proper stability function, the negative variations of which correspond to a more robust code. The fraction of more robust codes obtained under small modifications appeared to be unexpectedly high, about 0.1-0.4 depending on the choice of stability function and code modifications, yet significantly lower than the corresponding fraction in the random codes (about a half). In this sense the standard code ought to be considered distinctly non-random in accordance with previous observations. The distribution of the negative variations of stability function revealed very abrupt drop beyond one standard deviation, much sharper than for Gaussian distribution or for the random codes with the same number of codons in the sets coding for amino acids or stop-codons. This behavior holds for both the standard code as a whole and its binary NRN-NYN, NWN-NSN, and NMN-NKN blocks. Previously, it has been proved that such binary block structure is necessary for the robustness of a code and is inherent to the standard genetic code. The modifications of the standard code corresponding to more robust coding may be related to the different variants of the code. These effects may also contribute to the rates of replacements of amino acids. The observed features demonstrate the joint impact of random factors and natural selection during evolution of the genetic code.  相似文献   

Some time ago I proposed in an Editorial in this journal some considerations on the language of biology. I concluded that, to realize an autonomy of such a language (and therefore of biology), we have to develop a valid language for biology. In such a context, it seemed to me that the term "metaphors" referred to the concepts concerning the information carried by genetic code, was a reasonable one. However, Barbieri's article in this issue of Rivista di Biologia / Biology Forum calls for a reply. Of course, we do not know very much in this field, even if we have some evidence that a sequence of bases on a DNA is not determined only by chance. In any case we can exclude that nature in this occasion has "invented" a code. Nature doesn't "invent" anything: it only follows its rules, that we name "laws of nature". Barbieri quotes the Morse code, but forgets to say that such a code is "conventional" in the sense that it is valid only because it is the result of an "agreement" between Morse and the users of that code. There is nothing more unnatural than a "code": with whom nature should actually have to "reach an agreement"? As a matter of fact, we interpret as "information" what happens by law of nature. Also Barbieri's thesis that genes and proteins are molecular artifacts, assembled by external agents, whereas generally molecules are determined by their bonds, i.e. by internal factors, is a disputable one. It is examined how much an external structure plays a role in ordinary chemical reactions. The "information" of physics is not a semantic information. For such information we can refer to history of literature, telegraphic offices, genetics or biochemistry.  相似文献   

Viruses are major drivers of global biogeochemistry and the etiological agents of many diseases. They are also the winners in the game of life: there are more viruses on the planet than cellular organisms and they encode most of the genetic diversity on the planet. In fact, it is reasonable to view life as a viral incubator. Nevertheless, most ecological and evolutionary theories were developed, and continue to be developed, without considering the virosphere. This means these theories need to be to reinterpreted in light of viral knowledge or we need to develop new theory from the viral point-of-view. Here we briefly introduce our viral planet and then address a major outstanding question in biology: why is most of life viral? A key insight is that during an infection cycle the original virus is completely broken down and only the associated information is passed on to the next generation. This is different for cellular organisms, which must pass on some physical part of themselves from generation to generation. Based on this premise, it is proposed that the thermodynamic consequences of physical information (e.g., Landauer’s principle) are observed in natural viral populations. This link between physical and genetic information is then used to develop the Viral Information Hypothesis, which states that genetic information replicates itself to the detriment of system energy efficiency (i.e., is viral in nature). Finally, we show how viral information can be tested, and illustrate how this novel view can explain existing ecological and evolutionary theories from more fundamental principles.  相似文献   

In this paper several properties of the genetic code are interpreted by assuming that wobbling or some remnant of wobbling has originally been a common phenomenon also in the first nucleotide of each codon, and not only in the third nucleotide. Some of the last steps in the evolution of the genetic code are described on the basis of this interpretation of genetic code features.An attempt to outline some of the earlier steps in the evolution of the genetic code is based on the assumption that at an earlier stage wobbling may also have been common in the central nucleotide of each codon.In the last part of the paper the possibility is considered that the pairing rules which characterize wobbling may have been much more common in the past not only in codon-anticodon pairing but also in polymer copying. The advantages of a freer purine-pyrimidine pairing like the one characteristic of wobbling in a primitive (or prebiologic) environment in which nucleotide production was not entirely (or not at all) under biologic control are stressed.This paper is based exclusively on the “Frozen accident” interpretation of the genetic code (Crick, 1968) with a few modifications introduced or implied in the text. No stereochemical codon interpretations and only a minimum of chemical considerations are involved.  相似文献   

遗传密码子研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为生命信息的基本遗传单位,基因组遗传密码的破译对于人们加深对生命本质的认识具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。目前,遗传密码子的研究重心已由遗传密码子的破译及反常密码子的发现转入到遗传密码子的起源与进化及扩张等研究。遗传密码子的起源与进化是当今基因组学研究的热点命题之一,相关的学说、假设层出不穷,但尚未取得实质性突破。另一方面,无义密码子的再定义及遗传密码的扩张等研究却极大的丰富和发展了遗传密码子的科学内涵,推动了生命科学研究的发展。文章综述了遗传密码子的多态性、起源与进化、无义密码子的再定义及遗传密码的扩张等方面的研究进展,并就其应用价值作了评述,期待为其在基因组学、医学等相关领域的应用研究提供参考。  相似文献   

A variant of the invertebrate mitochondrial genetic code was previously identified in arthropods (Abascal et al. 2006a, PLoS Biol 4:e127) in which, instead of translating the AGG codon as serine, as in other invertebrates, some arthropods translate AGG as lysine. Here, we revisit the evolution of the genetic code in arthropods taking into account that (1) the number of arthropod mitochondrial genomes sequenced has triplicated since the original findings were published; (2) the phylogeny of arthropods has been recently resolved with confidence for many groups; and (3) sophisticated probabilistic methods can be applied to analyze the evolution of the genetic code in arthropod mitochondria. According to our analyses, evolutionary shifts in the genetic code have been more common than previously inferred, with many taxonomic groups displaying two alternative codes. Ancestral character-state reconstruction using probabilistic methods confirmed that the arthropod ancestor most likely translated AGG as lysine. Point mutations at tRNA-Lys and tRNA-Ser correlated with the meaning of the AGG codon. In addition, we identified three variables (GC content, number of AGG codons, and taxonomic information) that best explain the use of each of the two alternative genetic codes.  相似文献   

Cells face a constant struggle against unwanted instructions that arrive in the form of viruses and transposons. At the core of this battle are two issues: how can cellular machinery recognize certain informational molecules as 'unwanted' and how can the cell use this recognition to effectively silence malicious genetic activity. While defenses against some specific parasites may be triggered by individual nucleic acid or protein sequences, such sequence-specific mechanisms have the limitation of allowing the parasite to evade following relatively minor evolutionary change. A more general set of defense mechanisms is based on recognition of structural features that are intrinsic aspects of one or more parasitic lifestyle. Recognition of extended regions of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) provides cells with one such defensive modality. Essentially absent during 'normal' gene expression, long stretches of dsRNA within a cell serve as a dramatic warning that a segment of information may be replicating as RNA. In addition to exemplifying many of the mechanistic issues in genome defense, the cellular response to dsRNA provides several examples of the logic by which organisms attempt to focus their limited immunity resources on the most immediate and dangerous targets.  相似文献   

Procreative beneficence: why we should select the best children   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Savulescu J 《Bioethics》2001,15(5-6):413-426
Eugenic selection of embryos is now possible by employing in vitro fertilization (IVF) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). While PGD is currently being employed for the purposes of detecting chromosomal abnormalities or inherited genetic abnormalities, it could in principle be used to test any genetic trait such as hair colour or eye colour.
Genetic research is rapidly progressing into the genetic basis of complex traits like intelligence and a gene has been identified for criminal behaviour in one family. Once the decision to have IVF is made, PGD has few 'costs' to couples, and people would be more inclined to use it to select less serious medical traits, such as a lower risk of developing Alzheimer Disease, or even for non-medical traits. PGD has already been used to select embryos of a desired gender in the absence of any history of sex-linked genetic disease.
I will argue that: (1) some non-disease genes affect the likelihood of us leading the best life; (2) we have a reason to use information which is available about such genes in our reproductive decision-making; (3) couples should select embryos or fetuses which are most likely to have the best life, based on available genetic information, including information about non-disease genes. I will also argue that we should allow selection for non-disease genes even if this maintains or increases social inequality. I will focus on genes for intelligence and sex selection.
I will defend a principle which I call Procreative Beneficence: couples (or single reproducers) should select the child, of the possible children they could have, who is expected to have the best life, or at least as good a life as the others, based on the relevant, available information.  相似文献   

Two ideas have essentially been used to explain the origin of the genetic code: Crick's frozen accident and Woese's amino acid-codon specific chemical interaction. Whatever the origin and codon-amino acid correlation, it is difficult to imagine the sudden appearance of the genetic code in its present form of 64 codons coding for 20 amino acids without appealing to some evolutionary process. On the contrary, it is more reasonable to assume that it evolved from a much simpler initial state in which a few triplets were coding for each of a small number of amino acids. Analysis of genetic code through information theory and the metabolism of pyrimidine biosynthesis provide evidence that suggests that the genetic code could have begun in an RNA world with the two letters A and U grouped in eight triplets coding for seven amino acids and one stop signal. This code could have progressively evolved by making gradual use of letters G and C to end with 64 triplets coding for 20 amino acids and three stop signals. According to proposed evidence, DNA could have appeared after the four-letter structure was already achieved. In the newborn DNA world, T substituted U to get higher physicochemical and genetic stability.  相似文献   

Feiring E 《Bioethics》2009,23(5):300-310
Many countries have imposed strict regulations on the genetic information to which insurers have access. Commentators have warned against the emerging body of legislation for different reasons. This paper demonstrates that, when confronted with the argument that genetic information should be available to insurers for health insurance underwriting purposes, one should avoid appeals to rights of genetic privacy and genetic ignorance. The principle of equality of opportunity may nevertheless warrant restrictions. A choice-based account of this principle implies that it is unfair to hold people responsible for the consequences of the genetic lottery, since we have no choice in selecting our genotype or the expression of it. However appealing, this view does not take us all the way to an adequate justification of inaccessibility of genetic information. A contractarian account, suggesting that health is a condition of opportunity and that healthcare is an essential good, seems more promising. I conclude that if or when predictive medical tests (such as genetic tests) are developed with significant actuarial value, individuals have less reason to accept as fair institutions that limit access to healthcare on the grounds of risk status. Given the assumption that a division of risk pools in accordance with a rough estimate of people's level of (genetic) risk will occur, fairness and justice favour universal health insurance based on solidarity.  相似文献   

MapDraw,在Excel中绘制遗传连锁图的宏   总被引:113,自引:7,他引:106  
刘仁虎  孟金陵 《遗传》2003,25(3):317-321
MAPMAKER是现今广泛使用的遗传连锁数据分析软件,然而其广泛使用的DOS版本却不具有连锁图绘制功能,给连锁作图工作带来了相当大的麻烦。为了解决这一问题,我们以大家广泛使用的数据处理软件Microsoft Excel为平台,编写了一个Excel宏——MapDraw来在轻松的操作中实现遗传连锁图的绘制。 Abstract:MAPMAKER is one of the most widely used computer software package for constructing genetic linkage maps.However,the PC version,MAPMAKER 3.0 for PC,could not draw the genetic linkage maps that its Macintosh version,MAPMAKER 3.0 for Macintosh,was able to do.Especially in recent years,Macintosh computer is much less popular than PC.Most of the geneticists use PC to analyze their genetic linkage data.So a new computer software to draw the same genetic linkage maps on PC as the MAPMAKER for Macintosh to do on Macintosh has been crying for.Microsoft Excel,one component of Microsoft Office package,is one of the most popular software in laboratory data processing.Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is one of the most powerful functions of Microsoft Excel.Using this program language,we can take creative control of Excel,including genetic linkage map construction,automatic data processing and more.In this paper,a Microsoft Excel macro called MapDraw is constructed to draw genetic linkage maps on PC computer based on given genetic linkage data.Use this software,you can freely construct beautiful genetic linkage map in Excel and freely edit and copy it to Word or other application.This software is just an Excel format file.You can freely copy it from or ftp://brassica.hzau.edu.cn and the source code can be found in Excel′s Visual Basic Editor.  相似文献   



The (almost) universality of the genetic code is one of the most intriguing properties of cellular life. Nevertheless, several variants of the standard genetic code have been observed, which differ in one or several of 64 codon assignments and occur mainly in mitochondrial genomes and in nuclear genomes of some bacterial and eukaryotic parasites. These variants are usually considered to be the result of non-adaptive evolution. It has been shown that the standard genetic code is preferential to randomly assembled codes for its ability to reduce the effects of errors in protein translation.  相似文献   

Alterations to the genetic code – codon reassignments – have occurred many times in life’s history, despite the fact that genomes are coadapted to their genetic codes and therefore alterations are likely to be maladaptive. A potential mechanism for adaptive codon reassignment, which could trigger either a temporary period of codon ambiguity or a permanent genetic code change, is the reactivation of a pseudogene by a nonsense suppressor mutant transfer RNA. I examine the population genetics of each stage of this process and find that pseudogene rescue is plausible and also readily explains some features of extant variability in genetic codes.  相似文献   

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