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Banded mongooses (Mungos mungo) extract encased food items by throwing them against anvils. Observations indicate that their chosen anvils are generally hard enough to crack open casings, suggesting an understanding of the physical properties that render an anvil suitable for cracking. We report results from two field experiments investigating spatial and physical aspects of anvil selection in a wild group of banded mongooses. Mongooses rapidly carried prey items to nearby anvils in their environment, without simply returning to the last anvil they passed, suggesting a detailed knowledge of anvil locations. Moreover, in choice experiments with hard or soft anvils, they always chose the appropriate anvil when both anvils were natural but chose indiscriminately when they were synthetic. These results support a recent suggestion that mongooses lack a generalized understanding of the functional properties of anvils but also indicate that they may mediate their decisions on the basis of familiarity. Together, our experiments suggest that mongooses employ simple rules of thumb that, in most cases, result in the selection of appropriate anvils. Where environmental problems are limited and predictable, selection will favor the evolution of such rules of thumb rather than a more generalized understanding of functional properties.  相似文献   

Food item categorization should reduce the cost of information processing by herbivores when selecting their diet in complex environments. We assessed the ability of sheep to categorize food items by offering them ryegrass (Rg) and fescue (Fe) in pots cut tall (T) or short (S). Ewes’ preferences were tested in three binary choices, RgS-FeT, RgS-FeS and FeT-FeS, before and after aversive conditioning against RgT. After conditioning, the ewes decreased their preference for RgS, but their choice between tall and short fescue was unchanged. Thus the ewes generalized their aversion to the species but not to the sward height. Comparing the choices between the two species offered at the same height showed choices were similar between RgS and FeS here and between RgT and FeT in Ginane and Dumont (2006). We conclude that sheep can use species-based, open-ended categorization when selecting their diet, while other plant characteristics, such as sward height, are not used to define a category, despite their importance in diet selection.  相似文献   

Plants show defensive responses after exposure to volatiles from neighbouring plants infested by herbivores. When a plant’s neighbours host only species of herbivores that do not feed on the plant itself, the plant can conserve energy by maintaining a low defence level. An intriguing question is whether plants respond differently to volatiles from plants infested by herbivores that pose greater or lesser degrees of danger. We examined the secretion of extrafloral nectar (EFN) in lima bean plants exposed to volatiles from cabbage plants infested by common cutworm, two-spotted spider mites, or diamondback moth larvae. Although the first two herbivore species feed on lima bean plants, diamondback moth larvae do not. As a control, lima bean plants were exposed to volatiles from uninfested cabbage plants. Only when exposed to volatiles from cabbage plants infested by spider mites did lima bean plants significantly increase their EFN secretion compared with the control. Increased EFN secretion can function as an indirect defence by supplying the natural enemies of herbivores with an alternative food source. Of the three herbivore species, spider mites were the most likely to move from cabbage plants to lima bean plants and presumably posed the greatest threat. Although chemical analyses showed differences among treatments in volatiles produced by herbivore-infested cabbage plants, which compounds or blends triggered the increased secretion of EFN by lima bean plants remains unclear. Thus, our results show that plants may tune their defence levels according to herbivore risk level.  相似文献   

Research on the behavioural ecology of ultraviolet (UV-A, wavelengths of 320–400 nm, hereafter: UV) sensitivity in terrestrial vertebrates has mainly focused on sexual signalling and foraging in birds and reptiles, whereas the fact that some rodents are also sensitive to UV light has been somewhat ignored. Here, we present the results of two behavioural experiments, which tested whether rodents use UV cues in foraging. In the first experiment we asked whether the colour contrast in the UV waveband is used as a foraging cue. House mice were offered UV-reflecting and UV-absorbing artificial food items in two different illuminations where UV light was either present or absent. The food items were offered to two groups of mice, one group on a UV-reflecting and the other on a UV-absorbing background. The second experiment investigated more specifically whether UV cues are especially important in dawn and dusk when short wavelengths are high in the proportion of available light. House mice showed no preference between the food items regardless of illumination or background. Therefore, our results indicate that house mice do not use UV cues in foraging.  相似文献   

Haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus in the North sea increased their distributional range when more abundant, but this density dependent habitat selection (DDHS) explained only a small part of the year‐on‐year variation in distribution patterns. The condition of haddock was examined at 24 sites in the North Sea in August and September 2004 and related to their abundance, to examine if the ideal free distribution theory (IFD), which assumes that organisms select habitats that maximize their rate of food intake, can be used to explain this variation in large scale distribution patterns. At a given temperature, condition (hepato‐somatic index, I H) was better at stations where haddock were most abundant. Therefore, haddock were not distributed perfectly according to the IFD in 2004. The positive correlation between abundance and I H, however, indicated there was some habitat selection by haddock, as in the total absence of habitat selection no correlation between I H and abundance, and no spatial variation in abundance was expected. DDHS may only explain a small part of the yearly variation in the distribution because haddock did not equalize and maximize their fitness at the scale of the North Sea. In addition, stable isotope analysis of muscle samples showed that haddock did not avoid competition for food when at high abundance by feeding at a lower or wider range of trophic levels.  相似文献   

The state of the environment parents are exposed to during reproduction can either facilitate or impair their ability to take care of their young. Thus, the environmental conditions experienced by parents can have a transgenerational impact on offspring phenotype and survival. Parental energetic needs and the variance in offspring predation risk have both been recognized as important factors influencing the quality and amount of parental care, but surprisingly, they are rarely manipulated simultaneously to investigate how parents adjust care to these potentially conflicting demands. In the maternally mouthbrooding cichlid Simochromis pleurospilus, we manipulated female body condition before spawning and exposure to offspring predator cues during brood care in a two‐by‐two factorial experiment. Subsequently, we measured the duration of brood care and the number and size of the released young. Furthermore, we stimulated females to take up their young by staged predator attacks and recorded the time before the young were released again. We found that food‐deprived females produced smaller young and engaged less in brood care behaviour than well‐nourished females. Final brood size and, related to this, female protective behaviour were interactively determined by nutritional state and predator exposure: well‐nourished females without a predator encounter had smaller broods than all other females and at the same time were least likely to take up their young after a simulated predator attack. We discuss several mechanisms by which predator exposure and maternal nutrition might have influenced brood and offspring size. Our results highlight the importance to investigate the selective forces on parents and offspring in combination, if we aim to understand reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

Primates are unique among eutherian mammals for possessing trichromatic colour vision. It is generally proposed that trichromacy evolved to aid detection of ripe fruits against mature foliage. However, while trichromacy is routine in all Old World monkeys and apes (the catarrhines), a cone opsin polymorphism in New World monkeys (the platyrrhines) results in foraging groups with mixed capacities for chromatic distinction. Although 50-66% of female platyrrhines are trichromatic, all males are dichromatic. Here, we test the hypothesis that trichromatic platyrrhines use visual cues to detect fruit rewards more successfully than do males. Specifically, we ask whether female emperor tamarins, Saguinus imperator imperator, and saddleback tamarins, S. fuscicollis weddelli, are the first members of their foraging group to locate food patches; and, furthermore, whether they are more successful than males in using colour, shape and size cues to discriminate between sham and reward feeding sites. Our results show that females and males do not differ in their ability to locate or discriminate between feeding sites. We conclude that trichromatic vision in female tamarins does not confer an advantage for detecting yellow fruit rewards against mature foliage. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

Are there real differences among aquatic and terrestrial food webs?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently, aquatic and terrestrial ecologists have put forward several hypotheses regarding similarities and differences in food-web structure and function among these ecosystem types. Although many of these hypotheses explore why strong top-down effects and trophic cascades might be less common in terrestrial than in aquatic ecosystems, there is little theoretical or empirical evidence available to support or refute these hypotheses. Many unanswered questions remain about potential differences across ecosystem types: progress will require empirical studies designed within a broader context that allows for more direct comparisons.  相似文献   

The aphid–ant mutualistic relationships are not necessarily obligate for neither partners but evidence is that such interactions provide them strong advantages in terms of global fitness. While it is largely assumed that ants actively search for their mutualistic partners namely using volatile cues; whether winged aphids (i.e., aphids’ most mobile form) are able to select ant‐frequented areas had not been investigated so far. Ant‐frequented sites would indeed offer several advantages for these aphids including a lower predation pressure through ant presence and enhanced chances of establishing mutuaslistic interactions with neighbor ant colonies. In the field, aphid colonies are often observed in higher densities around ant nests, which is probably linked to a better survival ensured by ants’ services. Nevertheless, this could also result from a preferential establishment of winged aphids in ant‐frequented areas. We tested this last hypothesis through different ethological assays and show that the facultative myrmecophilous black bean aphid, Aphis fabae L., does not orientate its search for a host plant preferentially toward ant‐frequented plants. However, our results suggest that ants reduce the number of winged aphids leaving the newly colonized plant. Thus, ants involved in facultative myrmecophilous interactions with aphids appear to contribute to structure aphid populations in the field by ensuring a better establishment and survival of newly established colonies rather than by inducing a deliberate plant selection by aphid partners based on the proximity of ant colonies.  相似文献   

According to the environmental cues hypothesis, female birds use information available to them in the early‐season environment to fine‐tune egg production annually. However, support for the hypothesis derives largely from correlational studies. In each year from 2002 to 2006, which spanned a period of extreme variation in environmental conditions, we removed eggs from early‐laying rhinoceros auklets Cerorhinca monocerata, burrow‐nesting seabirds that lay a single‐egg clutch. We then measured their relaying rates, relaying intervals, and breeding success. We also monitored the timing and success of breeding in control pairs, and control chick diets. If the experimental females base their relaying decision on early‐season cues, then we predict that few will relay in years in which early‐laying control birds breed unsuccessfully, and in which a preferred prey species, Pacific sandlance Ammodytes hexapterus, is in short supply in nestling diets. Results matched neither prediction. In each year, almost all (88–90%) of the experimental females relaid, despite that the control pairs’ breeding success (32–87% fledged chicks), and their chicks’ diets (twofold variation in proportion of sandlance), varied markedly. We conclude that female rhinoceros auklets did not modify their relaying decision in response to variation in environmental conditions, although relaying intervals and their own breeding success (0–78%) covaried negatively. Our results may have important implications related to using seabirds as monitors of the marine environment.  相似文献   

I propose a mechanism by which viruses successfully infect new individuals, despite being immotile particles with no ability for directed movement. Within cells, viral particle movements are directed by motors and elements of the cytoskeleton, but how viruses cross extracellular barriers, like mucus, remains a mystery. I propose that viruses cross these barriers by hitch-hiking on bacteria or sperm cells which can transport themselves across mucosal layers designed to protect the underlying cells from pathogen attack. An important implication of this hypothesis is that agents that block interactions between viruses and bacteria or sperm may be new tools for disease prevention.  相似文献   

Chelatases catalyze the insertion of a specific metal ion into porphyrins, a key step in the synthesis of metalated tetrapyrroles that are essential for many cellular processes. Despite apparent common structural features among chelatases, no general reaction mechanism accounting for metal ion specificity has been established. We propose that chelatase-induced distortion of the porphyrin substrate not only enhances the reaction rate by decreasing the activation energy of the reaction but also modulates which divalent metal ion is incorporated into the porphyrin ring. We evaluate the recently recognized interaction between ferrochelatase and frataxin as a way to regulate iron delivery to ferrochelatase, and thus iron and heme metabolism. We postulate that the ferrochelatase-frataxin interaction controls the type of metal ion that is delivered to ferrochelatase.  相似文献   

Each primary olfactory neuron stochastically expresses one of approximately 1000 odorant receptors. The total population of these neurons therefore consists of approximately 1,000 distinct subpopulations, each of which are mosaically dispersed throughout one of four semi-annular zones in the nasal cavity. The axons of these different subpopulations are initially intermingled within the olfactory nerve. However, upon reaching the olfactory bulb, they sort out and converge so that axons expressing the same odorant receptor typically target one or two glomeruli. The spatial location of each of these approximately 1800 glomeruli are topographically-fixed in the olfactory bulb and are invariant from animal to animal. Thus, while odorant receptors are expressed mosaically by neurons throughout the olfactory neuroepithelium their axons sort out, converge and target the same glomerulus within the olfactory bulb. How is such precise and reproducible topographic targeting generated? While some of the mechanisms governing the growth cone guidance of olfactory sensory neurons are understood, the cues responsible for homing axons to their target site remain elusive.  相似文献   

Hundreds of studies have assessed variation in the degree to which people experience disgust toward substances associated with pathogens, but little is known about the mechanistic sources of this variation. The current investigation uses olfactory perception and threshold methods to test whether it is apparent at the cue-detection level, at the cue-interpretation level, or both. It further tests whether relations between disgust sensitivity and olfactory perception are specific to odors associated with pathogens. Two studies (N's = 119 and 160) of individuals sampled from a Dutch university each revealed that pathogen disgust sensitivity relates to valence perceptions of odors found in pathogen sources, but not to valence perceptions of odors not associated with pathogens, nor to intensity perceptions of odors of either type. Study 2, which also assessed olfactory thresholds via a three-alternative forced-choice staircase method, did not reveal a relation between pathogen disgust sensitivity and the ability to detect an odor associated with pathogens, nor an odor not associated with pathogens. In total, results are consistent with the idea that pathogen disgust sensitivity relates to how olfactory pathogen cues are interpreted after detection, but not necessarily to the ability to detect such cues.  相似文献   

A number of tropical coral reef fish hold station and display restricted home ranges. If artificially displaced, they will return to their home site. We questioned if marine fish are using the same mechanisms for home site detection as many freshwater fish, that is, by olfactory sensing of chemical signals deposited on the substrate by conspecific fish. Behavioral experiments were conducted on Lizard Island Research Station, Queensland, Australia, in 2001 and 2002. Five-lined cardinalfish (Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus) were tested in groups with split-branded cardinalfish (Apogon compressus) as a reference species and individually against Apogon leptacanthus as well as conspecifics of another reef site. The group tests showed that both species preferred artificial reef sites that had previously been occupied by conspecifics. Individual C. quinquelineatus preferred scent of conspecifics from their own reef site to that from another site. They also preferred the scent released by artificial reefs previously occupied by conspecifics of their reef site to that of similar reefs previously occupied by conspecifics of another reef site. No discrimination between species from the same reef site was obtained in experiments with individual fish. Our data suggest that cardinalfish are keeping station and are homing by use of conspecific olfactory signals.  相似文献   

Ecologists have greatly advanced our understanding of the processes that regulate trophic structure and dynamics in ecosystems. However, the causes of systematic variation among ecosystems remain controversial and poorly elucidated. Contrasts between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems in particular have inspired much speculation, but only recent empirical quantification. Here, we review evidence for systematic differences in energy flow and biomass partitioning between producers and herbivores, detritus and decomposers, and higher trophic levels. The magnitudes of different trophic pathways vary considerably, with less herbivory, more decomposers and more detrital accumulation on land. Aquatic-terrestrial differences are consistent across the global range of primary productivity, indicating that structural contrasts between the two systems are preserved despite large variation in energy input. We argue that variable selective forces drive differences in plant allocation patterns in aquatic and terrestrial environments that propagate upward to shape food webs. The small size and lack of structural tissues in phytoplankton mean that aquatic primary producers achieve faster growth rates and are more nutritious to heterotrophs than their terrestrial counterparts. Plankton food webs are also strongly size-structured, while size and trophic position are less strongly correlated in most terrestrial (and many benthic) habitats. The available data indicate that contrasts between aquatic and terrestrial food webs are driven primarily by the growth rate, size and nutritional quality of autotrophs. Differences in food-web architecture (food chain length, the prevalence of omnivory, specialization or anti-predator defences) may arise as a consequence of systematic variation in the character of the producer community.  相似文献   

Trace metals from anthropogenic activities are involved in numerous health impairments and may therefore select for detoxification mechanisms or a higher tolerance. Melanin, responsible for the black and red colourations of teguments, plays a role in metal ion chelation and its synthesis is positively linked to immunity, antioxidant capacity and stress resistance due to pleiotropic effects. Therefore, we expected darker birds to (1) store higher amounts of metals in their feathers, (2) maintain lower metal concentrations in blood and (3) suffer less from metal exposure. We exposed feral pigeons (Columba livia) exhibiting various plumage darkness levels to low, but chronic, concentrations of zinc and/or lead, two of the most abundant metals in urban areas. First, we found negative and positive effects of lead and zinc, respectively, on birds' condition and reproductive parameters. Then, we observed positive relationships between plumage darkness and both zinc and lead concentrations in feathers. Interestingly, though darker adults did not maintain lower metal concentrations in blood and did not have higher fitness parameters, darker juveniles exhibited a higher survival rate than paler ones when exposed to lead. Our results show that melanin‐based plumage colouration does modulate lead effects on birds' fitness parameters but that the relationship between metals, melanin, and fitness is more complex than expected and thus stress the need for more studies.  相似文献   

Aim To determine whether arthropod richness and abundance for combined taxa, feeding guilds and broad taxonomic groups respond in a globally consistent manner to a range of agricultural land‐use and management intensification scenarios. Location Mixed land‐use agricultural landscapes, globally. Methods We performed a series of meta‐analyses using arthropod richness and abundance data derived from the published literature. Richness and abundance were compared among land uses that commonly occur in agricultural landscapes and that represent a gradient of increasing intensification. These included land‐use comparisons, such as wooded native vegetation compared with improved pasture, and a management comparison, reduced‐input cropping compared with conventional cropping. Data were analysed using three different meta‐analytical techniques, including a simple vote counting method and a formal fixed‐effects/random‐effects meta‐analysis. Results Arthropod richness was significantly higher in areas of less intensive land use. The decline in arthropod richness was greater between native vegetation and agricultural land uses than among different agricultural land uses. These patterns were evident for all taxa combined, predators and decomposers, but not herbivorous taxa. Overall, arthropod abundance was greater in native vegetation than in agricultural lands and under reduced‐input cropping compared with conventional cropping. Again, this trend was largely mirrored by predators and decomposers, but not herbivores. Main conclusions The greater arthropod richness found in native vegetation relative to agricultural land types indicates that in production landscapes still containing considerable native vegetation, retention of that vegetation may well be the most effective method of conserving arthropod biodiversity. Conversely, in highly intensified agricultural landscapes with little remaining native vegetation, the employment of reduced‐input crop management and the provision of relatively low‐intensity agricultural land uses, such as pasture, may prove effective in maintaining arthropod diversity, and potentially in promoting functionally important groups such as predators and decomposers.  相似文献   

Do foraging bumblebees scent-mark food sources and does it matter?   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary The foraging of worker bees of Bombus terrestris visiting artificial feeders in a climatic test chamber was investigated. The behaviour of worker bees visiting rewarding and unrewarding feeders is completely different. Of all flower visits to rewarding feeders 94% are probing-visits, i.e. the bees land on the flower and probe for nectar. In contrast, only 0.3% of all visits to unrewarding feeders are probing-visits, whereas 47% are approach-visits, i.e., the bees approach the feeders without landing. Exchanging feeder discs proves that the signal used for discrimination must be associated with the plastic disc used as landing platform. Most probably it involves scent-marking of the rewarding feeders with components of high and low volatility. The mean foraging efficiency of bees in a scent-marked foraging arena is 5.7 mg sugar/min and drops to 2.8 mg sugar/min after the scent marked discs are replaced by clean ones. Three components generate this drop in foraging efficiency: (1) the between-flower flight time increases, i.e. the bees search for a longer time before landing on flowers, (2) the bees no longer discriminate between rewarding and unrewarding feeders, and (3) the bees probe empty feeders longer than necessary; obviously they expect to find nectar.  相似文献   

International competition within the dairy market and increasing public awareness about the importance of functional food consumption are providing new challenges for innovation in the probiotic sector. In this context, countless references are currently dedicated to the selection and characterization of new species and more specific strains of probiotic bacteria. In general, these studies adopt basic selection criteria established by the World Health Organization (WHO), including host-associated stress resistance, epithelium adhesion ability, and antimicrobial activity. These aspects are applied to ensure that the candidate probiotic could withstand the stressful conditions of the human digestive system and exert functional proprieties. However, it cannot be assumed that these novel microbial strains are capable of offering several biological benefits attributed to probiotics. Additionally, safety-associated selection criteria, such as plasmid-associated antibiotic resistance spreading and enterotoxin production, are often neglected. This article reviews the recent developments in the processes, strategies, and methods, such as anticarcinogenic, antidepression, antianxiety, antiobesity, antidiabetic, immunostimulatory, and cholesterol-lowering assessments, to select probiotic strains with the ultimate objective of assisting future probiotic microbe evaluation studies.  相似文献   

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