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In a previous study, we examined thermodynamic parameters for 20 alanine mutants in beta-lactamase inhibitory protein (BLIP) for binding to TEM-1 beta-lactamase. Here we have determined the structures of two thermodynamically distinctive complexes of BLIP mutants with TEM-1 beta-lactamase. The complex BLIP Y51A-TEM-1 is a tight binding complex with the most negative binding heat capacity change (DeltaG = approximately -13 kcal mol(-1) and DeltaCp = approximately -0.8 kcal mol(-1) K(-1)) among all of the mutants, whereas BLIP W150A-TEM-1 is a weak complex with one of the least negative binding heat capacity changes (DeltaG = approximately -8.5 kcal mol(-1) and DeltaCp = approximately -0.27 kcal mol(-1) K(-1)). We previously determined that BLIP Tyr51 is a canonical and Trp150 an anti-canonical TEM-1-contact residue, where canonical refers to the alanine substitution resulting in a matched change in the hydrophobicity of binding free energy. Structure determination indicates a rearrangement of the interactions between Asp49 of the W150A BLIP mutant and the catalytic pocket of TEM-1. The Asp49 of W150A moves more than 4 angstroms to form two new hydrogen bonds while losing four original hydrogen bonds. This explains the anti-canonical nature of the Trp150 to alanine substitution, and also reveals a strong long distance coupling between Trp150 and Asp49 of BLIP, because these two residues are more than 25 angstroms apart. Kinetic measurements indicate that the mutations influence the dissociation rate but not the association rate. Further analysis of the structures indicates that an increased number of interface-trapped water molecules correlate with poor interface packing in a mutant. It appears that the increase of interface-trapped water molecules is inversely correlated with negative binding heat capacity changes.  相似文献   

beta-Lactamase inhibitory protein (BLIP) is a potent inhibitor of several beta-lactamases including TEM-1 beta-lactamase (Ki = 0.1 nM). The co-crystal structure of TEM-1 beta-lactamase and BLIP has been solved, revealing the contact residues involved in the interface between the enzyme and inhibitor. To determine which residues in TEM-1 beta-lactamase are critical for binding BLIP, the method of monovalent phage display was employed. Random mutants of TEM-1 beta-lactamase in the 99-114 loop-helix and 235-240 B3 beta-strand regions were displayed as fusion proteins on the surface of the M13 bacteriophage. Functional mutants were selected based on the ability to bind BLIP. After three rounds of enrichment, the sequences of a collection of functional beta-lactamase mutants revealed a consensus sequence for the binding of BLIP. Seven loop-helix residues including Asp-101, Leu-102, Val-103, Ser-106, Pro-107, Thr-109, and His-112 and three B3 beta-strand residues including Ser-235, Gly-236, and Gly-238 were found to be critical for tight binding of BLIP. In addition, the selected beta-lactamase mutants A113L/T114R and E240K were found to increase binding of BLIP by over 6- and 11-fold, respectively. Combining these substitutions resulted in 550-fold tighter binding between the enzyme and BLIP with a Ki of 0.40 pM. These results reveal that the binding between TEM-1 beta-lactamase and BLIP can be improved and that there are a large number of sequences consistent with tight binding between BLIP and beta-lactamase.  相似文献   

We have determined the thermodynamics of binding for the interaction between TEM-1 beta-lactamase and a set of alanine substituted contact residue mutants ofbeta-lactamase-inhibitory protein (BLIP) using isothermal titration calorimetry. The binding enthalpies for these interactions are highly temperature dependent, with negative binding heat capacity changes ranging from -800 to -271 cal mol(-1) K(-1). The isoenthalpic temperatures (at which the binding enthalpy is zero) of these interactions range from 5 to 38 degrees C. The changes in isoenthalpic temperature were used as an indicator of the changes in enthalpy and entropy driving forces, which in turn are related to hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions. A contact residue of BLIP is categorized as a canonical residue if its alanine substitution mutant exhibits a change of isoenthalpic temperature matching the change of hydrophobicity because of the mutation. A contact position exhibiting a change in isoenthalpic temperature that does not match the change in hydrophobicity is categorized as an anti-canonical residue. Our experimental results reveal that the majority of residues where alanine substitution results in a loss of affinity are canonical (7 of 10), and about half of the residues where alanine substitutions have a minor effect are canonical. The interactions between TEM-1beta-lactamase and BLIP canonical contact residues contribute directly to binding free energy, suggesting potential anchoring sites for binding partners. The anti-canonical behavior of certain residues may be the result of mutation-induced modifications such as structural rearrangements affecting contact residue configurations. Structural inspection of BLIP suggests that the Lys(74) side chain electrostatically holds BLIP loop 2 in position to bind to TEM-1 beta-lactamase, explaining a large loss of entropy-driven binding energy of the K74A mutant and the resulting anti-canonical behavior. The anti-canonical behavior of the W150A mutant may also be due to structural rearrangements. Finally, the affinity enhancing effect of the contact residue mutant Y50A may be due to energetic coupling interactions between Asp(49) and His(41).  相似文献   

A large number of different proteins or protein domains have been investigated as possible scaffolds to engineer antibody-like molecules. We have previously shown that the TEM-1 beta-lactamase can accommodate insertions of random sequences in two loops surrounding its active site without compromising its activity. From the libraries that were generated, active enzymes binding with high affinities to monoclonal antibodies raised against prostate-specific antigen, a protein unrelated to beta-lactamase, could be isolated. Antibody binding was shown to affect markedly the enzyme activity. As a consequence, these enzymes have the potential to be used as signaling molecules in direct or competitive homogeneous immunoassay. Preliminary results showed that beta-lactamase clones binding to streptavidin could also be isolated, indicating that some enzymes in the libraries have the ability to recognize proteins other than antibodies. In this paper, we show that, in addition to beta-lactamases binding to streptavidin, beta-lactamase clones binding to horse spleen ferritin and beta-galactosidase could be isolated. Affinity maturation of a clone binding to ferritin allowed obtaining beta-lactamases with affinities comprised between 10 and 20 nM (Kd) for the protein. Contrary to what was observed for beta-lactamases issued from selections on antibodies, enzyme complexation induced only a modest effect on enzyme activity, in the three cases studied. This kind of enzyme could prove useful in replacement of enzyme-conjugated antibodies in enzyme-linked immunosorbant assays (ELISA) or in other applications that use antibodies conjugated to an enzyme.  相似文献   

Wang X  Minasov G  Shoichet BK 《Proteins》2002,47(1):86-96
The class A beta-lactamase TEM-1 is a key bacterial resistance enzyme against beta-lactam antibiotics, but little is known about the energetic bases for complementarity between TEM-1 and its inhibitors. Most inhibitors form a covalent adduct with the catalytic Ser70, making the measurement of equilibrium constants, and hence interaction energies, technically difficult. This study evaluates noncovalent interactions within covalent complexes by examining the differential stability of TEM-1 and its inhibitor adducts. The thermal denaturation of TEM-1 follows a two-state, reversible model with a melting temperature (T(m)) of 51.6C and a van't Hoff enthalpy of unfolding (DeltaH(VH)) of 146.2 kcal/mol at pH 7.0. The stability of the enzyme changes on forming an inhibitor adduct. As expected, some inhibitors stabilize TEM-1; transition-state analogues increase the T(m) by up to 3.7C (1.7 kcal/mol). Surprisingly, all beta-lactam covalent acyl--enzyme complexes tested destabilize TEM-1 significantly relative to the apo-enzyme. For instance, the clinically used inhibitor clavulanic acid and the beta-lactamase-resistant beta-lactams moxalactam and imipenem destabilize TEM-1 by over 2.6C (1.2 kcal/mol) in their covalent adducts. Based on the structure of the TEM-1/imipenem complex (Maveyraud et al., J Am Chem Soc 1998;120:9748--52), destabilization by moxalactam and imipenem is thought to be caused by a steric clash between the side-chain of Asn132 and the 6(7)-alpha group of these beta-lactams. To test this hypothesis, the mutant enzyme N132A was made. In contrast with wild-type, the covalent complexes between N132A and both imipenem and moxalactam stabilize the enzyme, consistent with the hypothesis. To investigate the structural bases of this dramatic change in stability, the structure of N132A/imipenem was determined by X-ray crystallography. In the complex with N132A, imipenem adopts a very different conformation from that observed in the wild-type complex, and the putative destabilizing interaction with residue 132 is relieved. Studies of several enzymes suggest that beta-lactams, and covalent inhibitors in general, can have either net favorable or net unfavorable noncovalent interaction energies within the covalent complex. In the case of TEM-1, such unfavorable interactions convert substrate analogues into very effective inhibitors.  相似文献   

Marciano DC  Karkouti OY  Palzkill T 《Genetics》2007,176(4):2381-2392
The bla(TEM-1) beta-lactamase gene has become widespread due to the selective pressure of beta-lactam use and its stable maintenance on transferable DNA elements. In contrast, bla(SME-1) is rarely isolated and is confined to the chromosome of carbapenem-resistant Serratia marcescens strains. Dissemination of bla(SME-1) via transfer to a mobile DNA element could hinder the use of carbapenems. In this study, bla(SME-1) was determined to impart a fitness cost upon Escherichia coli in multiple genetic contexts and assays. Genetic screens and designed SME-1 mutants were utilized to identify the source of this fitness cost. These experiments established that the SME-1 protein was required for the fitness cost but also that the enzyme activity of SME-1 was not associated with the fitness cost. The genetic screens suggested that the SME-1 signal sequence was involved in the fitness cost. Consistent with these findings, exchange of the SME-1 signal sequence for the TEM-1 signal sequence alleviated the fitness cost while replacing the TEM-1 signal sequence with the SME-1 signal sequence imparted a fitness cost to TEM-1 beta-lactamase. Taken together, these results suggest that fitness costs associated with some beta-lactamases may limit their dissemination.  相似文献   

TEM-1 beta-lactamase is the most prevalent plasmid-mediated beta-lactamase in gram-negative bacteria. Recently, TEM beta-lactamase variants with amino acid substitutions in the active-site pocket of the enzyme have been identified in natural isolates with increased resistance to extended-spectrum cephalosporins. To identify other amino acid substitutions that alter the activity of TEM-1 towards extended-spectrum cephalosporins, we probed regions around the active-site pocket by random-replacement mutagenesis. This mutagenesis technique involves randomizing the DNA sequence of three to six codons in the blaTEM-1 gene to form a library containing all or nearly all of the possible substitutions for the region randomized. In total, 20 different residue positions that had been randomized were screened for amino acid substitutions that increased enzyme activity towards the extended-spectrum cephalosporin cefotaxime. Substitutions at positions 104, 168, and 238 in the TEM-1 beta-lactamase that resulted in increased enzyme activity towards extended-spectrum cephalosporins were found. In addition, small deletions in the loop containing residues 166 to 170 drastically altered the substrate specificity of the enzyme by increasing activity towards extended-spectrum cephalosporins while virtually eliminating activity towards ampicillin.  相似文献   

We describe the use of molecular probes to detect the TEM-type beta-lactamase genes. As a general probe, we prepared a 656 base pair restriction fragment, entirely within the TEM structural gene. This probe was specific for the TEM family, hybridizing only with TEM-1 and TEM-2. The TEM-1 and TEM-2 beta-lactamases differ by only one amino acid. We synthesized two oligonucleotides whose central bases correspond to this difference. The use of these oligonucleotides enables us to discriminate between TEM-1 and TEM-2 genes. Using oligonucleotides homologous to parts of Tn3, we also monitored the presence of TnA-like transposons in bacteria harboring different beta-lactamase genes. Only the TEM-1 and TEM-2 genes were found to be on transposons with terminal sequences identical to those of Tn3. All hybridization experiments were performed with both dot-blot and colony-hybridization techniques, and the suitability of these two methods for epidemiological studies is compared.  相似文献   

The structure of the 28 kDa beta-lactamase inhibitor protein-II (BLIP-II) in complex with the TEM-1 beta-lactamase has been determined to 2.3 A resolution. BLIP-II is a secreted protein produced by the soil bacterium Streptomyces exfoliatus SMF19 and is able to bind and inhibit TEM-1 with subnanomolar affinity. BLIP-II is a seven-bladed beta-propeller with a unique blade motif consisting of only three antiparallel beta-strands. The overall fold is highly similar to the core structure of the human regulator of chromosome condensation (RCC1). Although BLIP-II does not share the same fold with BLIP, the first beta-lactamase inhibitor protein for which structural data was available, a comparison of the two complexes reveals a number of similarities and provides further insights into key components of the TEM-1-BLIP and TEM-1-BLIP-II interfaces. Our preliminary results from gene knock-out studies and scanning electron microscopy also reveal a critical role of BLIP-II in sporulation.  相似文献   

A novel parental bla(TEM) gene (bla(TEM-1G)), encoding a TEM-1 beta-lactamase (pI of 5.4) produced by the uropathogenic Escherichia coli strain FMV194 was isolated from a dog. We report PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and nucleotide sequencing of this gene. The bla(TEM-1G) sequence was identical to the bla(TEM-1C) gene framework in the coding and promoter (P3) regions, except for a silent G(604)-->T mutation in the coding region. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of parental bla(TEM) genes indicated two distinct groups, one comprising bla(TEM-1F) and bla(TEM-2). The other group comprises bla(TEM-1C) which is the probable ancestor of bla(TEM-1A), bla(TEM-1D) and bla(TEM-1G). The bla(TEM-1G) gene has the same framework as a gene encoding an inhibitor-resistant TEM beta-lactamase produced by an E. coli strain of human origin. Thus, parental bla(TEM) genes encoding beta-lactamases in E. coli strains isolated from different host species, in this case human and canine, may be phylogenetically very close.  相似文献   

6-Acetylmethylenepenicillanic acid is a new kinetically irreversible inhibitor of various beta-lactamases. Interaction between 6-acetylmethylenepenicillanate and purified TEM-1 beta-lactamase during the inactivation process was investigated. 6-Acetylmethylenepenicillanate inhibited the enzyme in a second-order fashion with a rate constant of 0.61 microM-1 . S-1. The apparent inactivation constant decreased in the presence of increasing concentrations of the substrate benzylpenicillin. Native enzyme (pI 5.4) was converted into two inactive forms with pI 5.25 and 5.15, the latter form being transient and readily converted into the more stable form with pI 5.15. Even a 50-fold excess of inhibitor over enzyme did not produce any other inactivated species of the enzyme. All the results obtained suggest that 6-acetylmethylenepenicillanate is a potent irreversible and active-site-directed inhibitor of TEM-1 beta-lactamase.  相似文献   

Cytochalasin B (CB) and forskolin (FSK) inhibit GLUT1-mediated sugar transport in red cells by binding at or close to the GLUT1 endofacial sugar binding site. Paradoxically, very low concentrations of each of these inhibitors produce a modest stimulation of sugar transport [ Cloherty, E. K., Levine, K. B., and Carruthers, A. ((2001)) The red blood cell glucose transporter presents multiple, nucleotide-sensitive sugar exit sites. Biochemistry 40 ((51)) 15549-15561]. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that the glucose transporter contains multiple, interacting, endofacial binding sites for CB and FSK. The present study tests this hypothesis directly and, by screening a library of cytochalasin and forskolin analogues, asks what structural features of endofacial site ligands determine binding site affinity and cooperativity. Like CB, FSK competitively inhibits exchange 3-O-methylglucose transport (sugar uptake in cells containing intracellular sugar) but noncompetitively inhibits sugar uptake into cells lacking sugar at 4 °C. This refutes the hypothesis that FSK binds at GLUT1 endofacial and exofacial sugar binding sites. Some forskolin derivatives and cytochalasins inhibit equilibrium [(3)H]-CB binding to red cell membranes depleted of peripheral proteins at 4 °C. Others produce a moderate stimulation of [(3)H]-CB binding when introduced at low concentrations but inhibit binding as their concentration is increased. Yet other analogues modestly stimulate [(3)H]-CB binding at all inhibitor concentrations applied. These findings are explained by a carrier that presents at least two interacting endofacial binding sites for CB or FSK. We discuss this result within the context of models for GLUT1-mediated sugar transport and GLUT1 quaternary structure, and we evaluate the major determinants of ligand binding affinity and cooperativity.  相似文献   

Simm AM  Baldwin AJ  Busse K  Jones DD 《FEBS letters》2007,581(21):3904-3908
While the deletion of an amino acid is a common mutation observed in nature, it is generally thought to be disruptive to protein structure. Using a directed evolution approach, we find that the enzyme TEM-1 beta-lactamase was broadly tolerant to the deletion mutations sampled. Circa 73% of the variants analysed retained activity towards ampicillin, with deletion mutations observed in helices and strands as well as regions important for structure and function. Several deletion variants had enhanced activity towards ceftazidime compared to the wild-type TEM-1 demonstrating that removal of an amino acid can have a beneficial outcome.  相似文献   

In vitro selections of stabilized proteins lead to more robust enzymes and, at the same time, yield novel insights into the principles of protein stability. We employed Proside, a method of in vitro selection, to find stabilized variants of TEM-1 β-lactamase from Escherichia coli. Proside links the increased protease resistance of stabilized proteins to the infectivity of a filamentous phage. Several libraries of TEM-1 β-lactamase variants were generated by error-prone PCR, and variants with increased protease resistance were obtained by raising temperature or guanidinium chloride concentration during proteolytic selections. Despite the small size of phage libraries, several strongly stabilizing mutations could be obtained, and a manual combination of the best shifted the profiles for thermal unfolding and temperature-dependent inactivation of β-lactamase by almost 20 °C to a higher temperature. The wild-type protein unfolds in two stages: from the native state via an intermediate of the molten-globule type to the unfolded form. In the course of the selections, the native protein was stabilized by 27 kJ mol− 1 relative to the intermediate and the cooperativity of unfolding was strongly increased. Three of our stabilizing replacements (M182T, A224V, and R275L) had been identified independently in naturally occurring β-lactamase variants with extended substrate spectrum. In these variants, they acted as global suppressors of destabilizations caused by the mutations in the active site. The comparison between the crystal structure of our best variant and the crystal structure of the wild-type protein indicates that most of the selected mutations optimize helices and their packing. The stabilization by the E147G substitution is remarkable. It removes steric strain that originates from an overly tight packing of two helices in the wild-type protein. Such unfavorable van der Waals repulsions are not easily identified in crystal structures or by computational approaches, but they strongly reduce the conformational stability of a protein.  相似文献   

Designing selective inhibitor of protein kinase B (PKB/Akt) is an area of intense research to develop potential anticancer drugs. As a general point of strategy, the peptide substrate-binding site only responds to a highly specific sequence of amino acids. Targeting the substrate-mimetic inhibitors to the peptide substrate-binding site has the potential for better selectivity. It is therefore of great interest to understand the peptide substrate binding mode of PKB, as well as its specificity and affinity for different substrate-mimetic inhibitors. In the present study, we used molecular dynamic simulations to better understand the interactions of the PKB substrate-binding site with the substrate-mimetic inhibitors. Our computational models successfully mirrored PKB’s selectivity for the substrate-mimetic inhibitors. Furthermore, the key residues interacting with the substrate-mimetic inhibitor were discussed by analysing the different interaction modes of these inhibitors, with different inhibitory potencies, binding to PKB and by comparing the different binding free energy contributions of corresponding residues around the binding pocket. The pharmacophoric requirements were then also summarised for the substrate-mimetic inhibitor binding to PKB. It is expected that this work will provide useful chemical or biochemical informatics for the design of novel and potent substrate-mimetic inhibitors of PKB.  相似文献   

Linker histone H1, one of the most abundant nuclear proteins in multicellular eukaryotes, is a key component of the chromatin structure mainly due to its role in the formation and maintenance of the 30nm chromatin fiber. It has a three-domain structure; a central globular domain flanked by a short N-terminal domain and a long, highly basic C-terminal domain. Previous studies have shown that the binding abilities of H1 are at large determined by the properties of the C-terminal domain; much less attention has been paid to role of the N-terminal domain. We have previously shown that H1 can be reconstituted via cytoplasmic mRNA injection in Xenopus oocytes, cells that lack somatic H1. The heterologously expressed H1 proteins are incorporated into in vivo assembled chromatin at specific sites and the binding event is monitored as an increase in nucleosomal repeat length (NRL). Using this setup we have here compared the binding properties of wt-H1.4 and hH1.4 devoid of its N-terminal domain (ΔN-hH1.4). The ΔN-hH1.4 displays a drastically lower affinity for chromatin binding as compared to the wild type hH1.4. Our data also indicates that ΔN-hH1.4 is more prone to unspecific chromatin binding than the wild type. We conclude that the N-terminal domain of H1 is an important determinant of affinity and specificity of H1-chromatin interactions.  相似文献   

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