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采用"压力应对方式问卷"对陕西师范大学148名大四毕业生进行调查,结果发现:(1)大学毕业生面临压力时以积极应对方式为主;(2)大学毕业生在消极应对因素上存在显著的性别差异,女生高于男生;在积极应对因素上不存在性别差异;(3)大学毕业生在解决问题、求助取向、自责、幻想、合理化这5个应对因子上不存在性别差异,而在退避这一应对因子上存在显著的性别差异,女生高于男生。  相似文献   

刘淡莹  陈育芬 《蛇志》2013,(4):460-461
随着社会、经济的快速发展,人们对健康需求日益增长,同时医疗技术、护理知识也不断更新,对护理质量的要求也越来越高,护士的压力也随之增加。血透室是医院重要科室之一,工作环境封闭,而且工作量大,生活无规律,面临的风险大,给血透室护士带来了巨大的工作压力。  相似文献   

孙文凯  郭茜 《生物信息学》2016,1(1):112-128
本文使用最新的大学生调查数据研究大学期间从事校外兼职或实习经历对毕业后起薪的影响。研究发现:从事校外兼职或实习对毕业起薪有统计显著的负面影响。具体地说,在控制其他因素后,校外兼职会降低起薪6%,而实习会降低起薪7%左右。使用匹配的平均处理效应估计得到了稳健的结论。兼职和实习降低起薪的主要原因是降低了去收入较高的国企的概率。此外,校外工作能提高英语成绩和学生工作经历的收入效应,同时促进证书获得、学生工作经历获得和GPA提高,降低成为党员的概率。总的看,校外工作经历对学生既有负面影响,也有正向的促进作用。  相似文献   

寿命的性别差异段建明,张宗玉(北京医科大学生物化学与分子生物学系,北京100083)关键词衰老,长寿,寿命的性别差异随着社会老年化趋势的加速。衰老机理的研究已成为老年医学、老年生物学研究的热点,而女性寿命长于男性即“寿命的性别差异”(genderga...  相似文献   

阿尔茨海默病是(Alzheimer's disease,AD)一种中枢神经系统退行性疾病,以认知、记忆障碍为主要临床症状,老年斑和神经纤维缠结为主要病理特征。AD发病率、临床表现和病理改变具有显著的性别差异,本文从大脑结构与功能、性激素类型、基因表达以及社会行为习惯等方面综述AD性别差异机制的研究进展。  相似文献   

伍莎  魏蓉  李芳  潘浩  李昌琪 《生物磁学》2009,(21):4146-4148,4132
目前已有许多临床流行病学研究和实验研究证实了人类的疼痛存在性别差异。临床迹象表明疼痛存在性别差异,许多慢性疼痛疾病(偏头痛、颞下颌关节痛、纤维肌痛、风湿痛等)的发生率女性明显高于男性。女性对一些实验性疼痛(机械刺激痛、电刺激痛、热刺激痛等)更加敏感,痛阈和对疼痛的耐受性比男性低,而且女性月经周期与疼痛有关。啮齿动物实验研究也发现存在疼痛的性别差异。但是在不同动物研究或不同实验性疼痛刺激下雌雄性别的反应不完全相同,这些差异可能是由很多影响因素所导致的。目前许多研究对疼痛存在性别差异的解释也有所不同,机制尚不清楚,可能的因素包括:生物因素(性激素、内源性镇痛、基因等)、社会心理因素以及两者的相互作用等。  相似文献   

疼痛的性别差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前已有许多临床流行病学研究和实验研究证实了人类的疼痛存在性别差异.临床迹象表明疼痛存在性别差异,许多慢性疼痛疾病(偏头痛、颞下颌关节痛、纤维肌痛、风湿痛等)的发生率女性明显高于男性.女性对一些实验性疼痛(机械刺激痛、电刺激痛、热刺激痛等)更加敏感,痛阈和对疼痛的耐受性比男性低,而且女性月经周期与疼痛有关.啮齿动物实验研究也发现存在疼痛的性别差异.但是在不同动物研究或不同实验性疼痛刺激下雌雄性别的反应不完全相同,这些差异可能是由很多影响因素所导致的.目前许多研究对疼痛存在性别差异的解释也有所不同,机制尚不清楚,可能的因素包括:生物因素(性激素、内源性镇痛、基因等)、社会心理因素以及两者的相互作用等.  相似文献   

张玲  张东来 《植物研究》2019,39(6):876-882
为了探究黄檗雌雄植株的形态学及生理学差异,对黄檗成树雌雄植株的形态学、叶片抗氧化防御酶活性及内源激素含量等指标开展对比研究,结果表明:黄檗雌雄植株形态存在显著差异,雌株叶宽比雄株大1.66±0.148 cm(P<0.05)、雌株枝间夹角比雄株大17.5±1.21°(P<0.001);雌雄株叶片颜色存在差异,但叶绿素含量差异不显著;黄檗雌雄株超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶活性(CAT)酶活性存在显著差异,CAT酶活性在7月最高,雌株含量大雄株;POD酶活性6月含量最高,雄株大于雌株;SOD酶活性8月最高,雄株大于雌株。内源激素赤霉素(GA3)含量雄株大于雌株;吲哚乙酸(IAA)含量为雌株大于雄株;玉米素(ZA)含量为雄株大于雌株,差异显著(P<0.05);内源脱落酸(ABA)性别间无显著差异。黄檗雌雄植株在形态及生理学等指标上存在一定差异,说明黄檗雌雄植株为维持自身生长需要,在形态和生理方面都做出不同调整以适应生存环境。  相似文献   

何骢  姚又丹  陈孜 《现代生物医学进展》2012,12(34):6764-6767,6763
目的:探究在中国人群中使用气质性格问卷(TCI)评测出的人格特质和PTSD的症状之间的关联,并在此基础上验证两者之间的关联是否也存在性别差异.方法:应用气质性格问卷中文版(TCI-144)及事件影响量表(IES-R)评估个体的人格和PTSD症状,以303名经历过5·12地震的大学生为调查对象,通过对两个调查量表的得分进行PTSD和人格的相关性分析.结果:①被调查者中有13.2%为PTSD可疑者,其中女性为35人(占女生总数的15.8%)男性为5人(占男生总数的7.8%).②在女性样本中,除了合作性因子与回避症状两者之间无关联外,性格维度的三因子与PTSD三症状均有相关;对于气质维度,追求刺激因子显示出了与闯入或过度警觉两个症状间有正相关;而回避损害和坚持性因子都只显示出了与过度警觉症状有正相关.③在男性样本中,除了性格维度的自我超越因子与PTSD三症状都显示了正相关之外,只有气质维度上的坚持性因子与回避症状之间存在正相关.结论:人格特质与PTSD存在显著关联,但是男女两性表现的是各自不同的相关关系.  相似文献   

目的:研究Wistar大鼠单次灌服辛伐他汀后体内药代动力学的性别差异。方法:利用高效液相色谱方法检测大鼠血浆中辛伐他汀浓度,采用非房室模型法计算各自药动学参数。结果:雌、雄大鼠体内Cmax分别为(144.66±22.31)ng·mL~(-1)和(165.91±52.50)ng·mL~(-1);t_(1/2)分别为(4.74±1.19)h和(14.98±6.64)h;AUC_(0-10)分别为(0.990±0.19)μg.h·mL~(-1)和(0.726±0.15)μg·h·mL~(-1);AUC0-∞分别为(1.62±0.47)μg·h·mL~(-1)和(2.19±0.62)μg·h·mL~(-1);MRT分别为(9.69±1.60)h和(23.08±8.89)h,经t-检验,雌、雄大鼠主要药动学参数t_(1/2)、AUC_(0-10)、MRT均有统计学显著性差异(p<0.01)。结论:辛伐他汀在大鼠体内的药代动力学存在明显的性别差异,辛伐他汀在雌性大鼠体内代谢较快。  相似文献   

This study asked the question, “Are there significant content differences between male and female dream reports obtained in dream seminars conducted in Brazil?” Each of the 240 (137 female, 103 male) research participants volunteered recent dream reports (one per person) during dream seminars that he or she attended between 1990 and 1998. Dreams were scored according to Hall-Van de Castle criteria. Comparative Cohen h-statistics revealed several gender differences. Further study is recommended because the dream reports did not represent Brazil's social-economic diversity, and may not have been characteristic of the totality of participants' dream lives.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(1-2):221-232
Previous studies have reported sex differences in the pathophysiology of hypertension and responses to blood pressure (BP)-lowering medications. Moreover, men exhibit typically higher BP than women, the differences being greater for systolic (SBP) than diastolic (DBP) BP. These differences become apparent during adolescence and remain significant at least until 55–60 yrs of age. Despite such significant sex-related differences in BP regulation, the current recommended ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) thresholds for diagnosis of hypertension do not differentiate between men and women. We aimed to derive separate male and female diagnostic thresholds for the awake and asleep SBP and DBP means based upon cardiovascular disease (CVD) outcome. We prospectively studied 3344 subjects (1718 men/1626 women), 52.6?±?14.5 yrs of age, during a median follow-up of 5.6 yrs. Those with hypertension at baseline were randomized to ingest all their prescribed hypertension medications upon awakening or the entire daily dose of ≥1 of them at bedtime. At baseline, BP was measured at 20-min intervals from 07:00 to 23:00?h and at 30-min intervals at night for 48?h, and physical activity was simultaneously monitored every minute by wrist actigraphy to accurately derive the awake and asleep BP means. Identical assessment was scheduled annually and more frequently (quarterly) if treatment adjustment was required. Cox regression analysis was used to derive outcome-based reference thresholds for ABPM in men and women. Men exhibited greater event rates than women of CVD death, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, coronary revascularization, and heart failure; however, event rates of non-CVD death and cerebrovascular events were comparable. The relationship between progressively higher ambulatory BP and CVD risk increased more rapidly in women than men for awake SBP/DBP means ≥125/75?mm Hg and asleep means ≥110/70?mm Hg. The derived outcome-based reference thresholds for men were 135/85?mm Hg for the awake and 120/70?mm Hg for the asleep SBP/DBP means. In terms of CVD outcome, the equivalent cutoff threshold values for women were 125/80?mm Hg for the awake and 110/65?mm Hg for the asleep SBP/DBP means. Outcome-based reference thresholds for the diagnosis of hypertension were 10/5?mm Hg lower for ambulatory SBP/DBP in women than men. This marked sex difference indicates the need for revision of current guidelines that propose diagnostic thresholds for ambulatory BP without differentiation between men and women. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Preclinical research is fundamental for the advancement of biomedical sciences and enhancing healthcare. Considering sex differences in all studies throughout the entire biomedical research pipeline is necessary to adequately inform clinical research and improve health outcomes. However, there is a paucity of information to date on sex differences in preclinical work. As of 2009, most (about 80 percent) rodent studies across 10 fields of biology were still conducted with only male animals. In 2016, the National Institutes of Health implemented a policy aimed to address this concern by requiring the consideration of sex as a biological variable in preclinical research grant applications. This perspective piece aims to (1) provide a brief history of female inclusion in biomedical research, (2) describe the importance of studying sex differences, (3) explain possible reasons for opposition of female inclusion, and (4) present potential additional solutions to reduce sex bias in preclinical research.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(1-2):280-314
Specific features of the 24-h blood pressure (BP) pattern are linked to progressive injury of target tissues and risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) events. Several studies have consistently shown an association between blunted asleep BP decline and risk of fatal and nonfatal CVD events. Thus, there is growing focus on ways to properly control BP during nighttime sleep as well as during daytime activity. One strategy, termed chronotherapy, entails the timing of hypertension medications to endogenous circadian rhythm determinants of the 24-h BP pattern. Significant and clinically meaningful treatment-time differences in the beneficial and/or adverse effects of at least six different classes of hypertension medications, and their combinations, are now known. Generally, calcium channel blockers (CCBs) are more effective with bedtime than morning dosing, and for dihydropyridine derivatives bedtime dosing significantly reduces risk of peripheral edema. The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is highly circadian rhythmic and activates during nighttime sleep. Accordingly, evening/bedtime ingestion of the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) benazepril, captopril, enalapril, lisinopril, perindopril, quinapril, ramipril, spirapril, trandolapril, and zofenopril exerts more marked effect on the asleep than awake systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) BP means. Likewise, the bedtime, in comparison with morning, ingestion schedule of the angiotensin-II receptor blockers (ARBs irbesartan, olmesartan, telmisartan, and valsartan exerts greater therapeutic effect on asleep BP, plus significant increase in the sleep-time relative BP decline, with the additional benefit, independent of drug terminal half-life, of converting the 24-h BP profile into a more normal dipping pattern. This is the case also for the bedtime versus upon-awakening regimen of combination ARB-CCB, ACEI-CCB, and ARB-diuretic medications. The chronotherapy of conventional hypertension medications constitutes a new and cost-effective strategy for enhancing the control of daytime and nighttime SBP and DBP levels, normalizing the dipping status of their 24-h patterning, and potentially reducing the risk of CVD events and end-organ injury, for example, of the blood vessels and tissues of the heart, brain, kidney, and retina. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

分离和鉴定不同生物基因的差异序列,有助于功能基因的分离,揭开物种间进化的规律,阐明某些疾病相关基因的作用机理。本文简述了几种近年来常用的筛选差异基因的方法,特别是最新发表的杂交监控差异分析法(HMDA)的原理、适用范围及其特点,重点探讨了HMDA法在真核基因组差异序列筛选中的技术性突破及其研究前景。  相似文献   

Patrick Manson (1844-1922), the so-called father of tropical medicine, played a pivotal role in making that discipline into a specialty. During his early career in China he discovered that the mosquito was the intermediate host of the filarial parasite and he somewhat peculiarly called the mosquito the "nurse" of the filarial worm. The discovery contributed greatly to the intellectual foundation of modern parasitology. In this paper I situate Manson's nomenclature in the context of nineteenth-century biological research on reproductive mech-anisms and argue that Manson's concept of the "nurse" was derived from nineteenth-century theories of sexual division of labor in nature's economy. The way he framed the relation between the mosquito and the parasite, moreover, can be understood in the terms of the domestic arrangement of the colonial European household. Manson's research demonstrates the significant exchange between medical concerns over European women's procreative role in the tropics and biological studies of parasitic reproduction.  相似文献   

1983年,Wickham教授首先提出微创外科(minimally invasive surgery),此后,微创泌尿外科逐渐成外具有科学意义上的微创外科学的一个重要的分支学科。上尿路的腔内手术,包括PNL(Percutaneous nephrolithotomy)、URS(Ureteroscopic)、f-URS(Flexible ureteroscope)等。与传统手术相比,上尿路的腔内手术具有创伤小、时间短、恢复快、并发症少,并且可以直视下进行手术操作,临床应用较广泛。在腔内操作时,为保证术中手术视野的清晰度,手术多采用生理盐水(NS)进行灌注,进而导致肾盂压力升高,引起各项潜在的危害。因此如何在上尿路腔内手术中降低肾盂压力成为一个研究的热点。近些年,腔内器械的改进,包括镜体灌注通道入路与出路的分开设计、回流鞘的设计、压力泵的改进,在一定程度上降低了肾盂压力。灌注液体中加入相应浓度的药物,抑制上尿路平滑肌的蠕动与收缩,也在一定程度上降低了肾盂压力。本文介绍了上尿路腔内手术中肾盂压力的影响因素,回顾了肾盂压力升高后的危害,分析了肾盂压力升高机制,总结了肾盂压力降低的各种方案以及将来的应用前景。  相似文献   

多发性硬化是人类常见的中枢神经系统自身免疫性炎症致脱髓鞘疾病.流行病学研究发现,女性患者多于男性,其平均发病时间早于男性.实验性自身免疫性脑脊髓炎(EAE)与多发性硬化症有相似的临床症状和病理特征,是被广泛应用于人类疾病研究的动物模型.本实验利用髓鞘少突胶质糖蛋白MOG33-35免疫C57BL/6小鼠建立EAE模型,观察29天.通过疾病评分发现雌雄小鼠在发病率、起病时间上均无明显差别,但雄鼠的发病症状明显比雌鼠严重.在其病理切片HE染色中观察到雄性小鼠中枢浸润的炎性细胞多于雌性小鼠,并且在LFB染色中同样观察到雄鼠脱髓鞘区域明显增大.对其发病高峰期中枢浸润细胞的染色分析时,可以发现雄性小鼠中浸润的CD4 T细胞及其亚群TH-1和TH-17细胞均有明显增加.这些都表明MOG33-35免疫C57BL/6小鼠建立的EAE模型存在着性别差异的影响,这一发现为今后建立多发性硬化症的动物模型中动物性别的选择提供了一定的参考依据.  相似文献   

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