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An oral delivery system based on ApxIIA#5‐expressed on Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied for its potential to induce immune responses in mice. Murine bone marrow‐derived dendritic cells (DCs) stimulated in vitro with ApxIIA#5‐expressed on S. cerevisiae upregulated the expression of maturation and activation markers, leading to production of tumor necrosis factor‐α, interleukin (IL)‐1β, IL‐12p70 and IL‐10. Presentation of these activated DCs to cluster of differentiation CD4+ T cells collected from mice that had been orally immunized with the ApxIIA#5‐expressed on S. cerevisiae elicited specific T‐cell proliferation. In addition, the orally immunized mice had stronger antigen‐specific serum IgG and IgA antibody responses and larger numbers of antigen‐specific IgG and IgA antibody‐secreting cells in their spleens, Peyer's patches and lamina propria than did those immunized with vector‐only S. cerevisiae or those not immunized. Furthermore, oral immunization induced T helper 1‐type immune responses mediated via increased serum concentrations of IgG2a and an increase predominantly of IFN‐γ‐producing cells in their spleens and lamina propria. Our findings suggest that surface‐displayed ApxIIA#5‐expressed on S. cerevisiae may be a promising candidate for an oral vaccine delivery system for eliciting systemic and mucosal immunity.  相似文献   

To evaluate whether the rectal route of immunization may be used to provide appropriate protection against enteric pathogens such as rotaviruses (RV), we studied the antibody response and the protection induced by rectal immunization of mice with RV virus-like particles (VLP). For this purpose, 6-week-old BALBc mice were rectally immunized twice with RV 8-2/6/7-VLP derived from the bovine RV RF81 strain either alone or combined with various adjuvants including four toxins [cholera toxin (CT) and three attenuated Escherichia coli-derived heat-labile toxins (LTs), LT(R192G), LT(R72), and LT(K63)] and two Toll-like receptor-targeting adjuvants (CpG and resiquimod). Six weeks after the second immunization, mice were challenged with murine RV strain ECw. RV VLP administered alone were not immunogenic and did not protect mice against RV challenge. By contrast, RV VLP combined with any of the toxin adjuvants were immunogenic (mice developed significant titers of anti-RV immunoglobulin A [IgA] in both serum and feces and of anti-RV IgG in serum) and either efficiently induced complete protection of the mice (no detectable fecal virus shedding) or, for LT(K63), reduced the amount of fecal virus shedding after RV challenge. When combined with RV VLP, CpG and resiquimod failed to achieve protection, although CpG efficiently induced an antibody response to RV. These results support the consideration of the rectal route for the development of new immunization strategies against RV infection. Rectal delivery of a VLP-based vaccine might allow the use of adjuvants less toxic than, but as efficient as, CT.  相似文献   

Genetic immunization is a novel form of vaccination in which transgenes are delivered into the host to produce the foreign protein within host cells. Although systemic immune responses have been relatively easy to induce by genetic immunization, the induction of regional and mucosal immunity has often been more challenging. To address the problem of eliciting mucosal immunity in the lung, we utilized macroaggregated albumin to target plasmid DNA to the lung. Macroaggregated albumin is trapped in the lung after i. v. injection, and it is routinely used in radiolabeled form as an imaging modality to evaluate pulmonary blood flow. To couple DNA to this targeting agent, polyethyleneimine (a polycation that binds DNA and enhances transfection) was conjugated to serum albumin, and the conjugate was aggregated by heating to produce particles of 25-100 microm. The resulting particles bound plasmid DNA avidly, and when injected i.v. in mice, the particles distributed in the peripheral lung tissue in the alveolar interstitium. Particle-bound luciferase plasmid transfected a variety of cell lines in vitro, and after i.v. injection, gene expression was detected exclusively in the lung. Using human growth hormone as the encoded foreign Ag for immunization, i.v. injection of the particle-bound plasmid elicited both pulmonary mucosal and systemic immune responses, whereas naked DNA injected either i.v. or i.m. elicited only systemic responses. Thus, particle-bound plasmid DNA may have utility for genetic immunization by intravascular delivery to the lung and potentially to other organs and tissues.  相似文献   

The importance of adhesins in pathogenicity has resulted in them being useful targets in the defense against bacterial infections. To produce edible vaccines against piglet diarrhea caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), plants were genetically engineered to produce recombinant fimbrial adhesin FaeG. To evaluate the efficacy of the edible vaccine FaeG in mice, the soluble protein extracts were examined by about 15 microg recombinant FaeG for each oral immunization dose per mouse. After four doses of vaccination, both IgG and IgA antibodies specific to K88ad fimbriae were elicited in serum, and specific IgA antibodies were also evoked in feces of the immunized mice. Moreover, visible K88ad ETEC agglutination by the specific serum from the immunized mice was observed, implying the antibody was highly specific and effective. Results from an in vitro villous-adhesion assay further confirmed that serum antibodies of the immunized mice could inhibit K88ad ETEC from adhering to pig intestinal receptors, further demonstrating the oral immune efficacy of the plant-derived FaeG. This study provides a promising, noninvasive method for vaccinating swine by feeding supplements of transgenic plant. Moreover, the low cost and ease of delivery of this edible ETEC vaccine will facilitate its application in economically disadvantaged regions.  相似文献   

The Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is the leading cause of viral encephalitis. Although there are four classes of vaccines against JEV, all of them are administered by s.c or i.m injection. Here, the effectiveness of sublingual (s.l.) administration of a JEV live‐attenuated vaccine or recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) vaccine, including JEV prM/E, was investigated. The mice were immunized three times i.m. or s.c. One week after the final immunization by both s.l. and i.m. routes, the titers of IgG1 induced by the recombinant MVA vaccine were higher than those induced by the live‐attenuated vaccine, whereas the titers of IgG2a induced by the live‐attenuated vaccine were higher than those induced by the recombinant MVA vaccine. However, both vaccines induced neutralizing antibodies when given by either s.l. or i.m. routes, indicating that both vaccines induce appropriate Th1 and Th2 cell responses through the s.l. and i.m. routes. Moreover, both vaccines protected against induction of proinflammatory cytokines and focal spleen white pulp hyperplasia after viral challenge. Virus‐specific IFN‐γ+ CD4+ and CD8+ T cells appeared to increase in mice immunized via both s.l. and i.m. routes. Interestingly, virus‐specific IL‐17+ CD4+ T cells increased significantly only in the mice immunized via the s.l. route; however, the increased IL‐17 did not affect pathogenicity after viral challenge. These results suggest that s.l. immunization may be as useful as i.m. injection for induction of protective immune responses against JEV by both live‐attenuated and recombinant MVA vaccines.  相似文献   

Live attenuated bacteria can be used as a carrier for the delivery of foreign antigens to a host's immune system. The N-terminal domain of SipB, a translocon protein of the type III secretion system of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, is required for secretion and outer membrane localization. In the present study, vaccine plasmids for antigen delivery in which the non-toxic tetanus toxin fragment C (TTFC), which contains a T cell epitope, is fused to the N-terminal 160 amino acids of SipB were developed. It was found that the recombinant proteins are secreted into the culture media and localized to the bacterial surface. TTFC-specific antibody responses are significantly increased in mice orally immunized with attenuated S. Typhimurium BRD509 strains carrying TTFC delivery plasmids. When the TTFC delivery cassettes were introduced into a low copy vector, the plasmid was stably maintained in the BRD509 strain and induced an immune response to the TTFC antigen in mice. These results suggest that expression and delivery of heterologous antigens fused to the N-terminus of SipB enhance the induction of antigen-specific immune responses, and that the N-terminal domain of SipB can be used as a versatile delivery system for foreign antigens.  相似文献   

Anthrax edema toxin (EdTx) is an AB-type toxin that binds to anthrax toxin receptors on target cells via the binding subunit, protective Ag (PA). Edema factor, the enzymatic A subunit of EdTx, is an adenylate cyclase. We found that nasal delivery of EdTx enhanced systemic immunity to nasally coadministered OVA and resulted in high OVA-specific plasma IgA and IgG (mainly IgG1 and IgG2b). The edema factor also enhanced immunity to the binding PA subunit itself and promoted high levels of plasma IgG and IgA responses as well as neutralizing PA Abs. Mice given OVA and EdTx also exhibited both PA- and OVA-specific IgA and IgG Ab responses in saliva as well as IgA Ab responses in vaginal washes. EdTx as adjuvant triggered OVA- and PA-specific + T cells which secreted IFN-gamma and selected Th2-type cytokines. The EdTx up-regulated costimulatory molecule expression by APCs but was less effective than cholera toxin for inducing IL-6 responses either by APCs in vitro or in nasal washes in vivo. Finally, nasally administered EdTx did not target CNS tissues and did not induce IL-1 mRNA responses in the nasopharyngeal-associated lymphoepithelial tissue or in the olfactory bulb epithelium. Thus, EdTx derivatives could represent an alternative to the ganglioside-binding enterotoxin adjuvants and provide new tools for inducing protective immunity to PA-based anthrax vaccines.  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is one of the most important pathogens of infancy and early childhood. Here a fruit-based edible subunit vaccine against RSV was developed by expressing the RSV fusion (F) protein gene in transgenic tomato plants. The F-gene was expressed in ripening tomato fruit under the control of the fruit-specific E8 promoter. Oral immunization of mice with ripe transgenic tomato fruits led to the induction of both serum and mucosal RSV-F specific antibodies. The ratio of immunoglobulin subclasses produced in response to immunization suggested that a type 1 T-helper cell immune response was preferentially induced. Serum antibodies showed an increased titer when the immunized mice were exposed to inactivated RSV antigen.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) containing immunostimulatory cytosine-guanine phosphate-linked dinucleotide (CpG) motifs are potent systemic and mucosal adjuvants in mice that have synergistic action with numerous other adjuvants, including alum and cholera toxin (CT). Herein, we evaluate CpG ODN with intranasal (IN) delivery of purified hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), relative to and in combination with CT, Escherichia coli heat labile enterotoxin (LT), the B subunit of CT (CTB), and a nontoxic derivative of LT (LTK63). MATERIALS AND METHODS: BALB/c mice were immunized by IN administration of HBsAg, alone or combined with CT, LT, CTB, or LTK63, and/or CpG ODN, or non-CpG control ODN. In addition, the effect of low-or high-volume administration was assessed, in order to target upper respiratory or entire respiratory tract, respectively. HBsAg-specific systemic (immunoglobulins: IgG, IgG1, IgG2a in plasma) and mucosal (IgA in fecal, lung, vaginal, saliva, and gut samples) humoral responses, as well as cell-mediated immune responses including T-cell proliferation and cytokines (interleukins: IL-4, IL-5; interferon: IFN-gamma) were evaluated. RESULTS: CpG ODN, CT, and LT augmented anti-HBs titers equally, and more so than did CTB or LTK63. CpG ODN acted synergistically with CT and LT, but not CTB or LTK63 to enhance anti-HBs titers. Nevertheless, CpG ODN induced a more Th1-like response for all combinations, compared with the same formulation without CpG. Strength of induced systemic and mucosal immune responses was better with IN delivery of a large volume. A small volume required multiple administrations and higher doses of antigen and adjuvant for equal results. This suggests that delivery of antigen to the lung and/or diges-tive system is superior to delivery to the nasal cavity. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the synergy between CpG ODN and native toxins (CT, LT) may depend on their enzymatic activity and that the lack of synergy with nontoxic derivatives (LTB, LTK63) arises, since they do not have enzymatic activity. Because both CT and LT are too toxic for use in humans, it is possible that CpG ODN may be combined with bacterial toxin mutants that retain some enzymatic activity to optimize immune augmentation.  相似文献   

Oral mucosal immunization is a feasible and economic vaccination strategy. In order to achieve a successful oral mucosal vaccination, antigen delivery to gut immune inductive site and avoidance of oral tolerance induction should be secured. One promising approach is exploring the specific molecules expressed on the apical surfaces of M cells that have potential for antigen uptake and immune stimulation. We previously identified complement 5a receptor (C5aR) expression on human M-like cells and mouse M cells and confirmed its non-redundant role as a target receptor for antigen delivery to M cells using a model antigen. Here, we applied the OmpH ligand, which is capable of targeting the ligand-conjugated antigen to M cells to induce specific mucosal and systemic immunities against the EDIII of dengue virus (DENV). Oral immunization with the EDIII–OmpH efficiently targeted the EDIII to M cells and induced EDIII-specific immune responses comparable to those induced by co-administration of EDIII with cholera toxin (CT). Also, the enhanced responses by OmpH were characterized as Th2-skewed responses. Moreover, oral immunization using EDIII–OmpH did not induce systemic tolerance against EDIII. Collectively, we suggest that OmpH-mediated targeting of antigens to M cells could be used for an efficient oral vaccination against DENV infection.  相似文献   

We investigated whether an intranasal immunization with mutant toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (TSST-1) could elicit a protective effect against nasal colonization as well as systemic infection of Staphyloccoccus aureus in a mouse model. Anti-TSST-1 antibody production in the mucosal exudates and in sera was efficiently induced. Bacterial numbers were reduced in spleen, liver and also nasal cavities in the early stage of nasal colonization, and the survival rate was significantly improved in the immunized mice. It was suggested that the neutralizing activity of antibodies and the enhanced bactericidal activity of neutrophils were involved in the protection against systemic S. aureus infection, and the secreted antibodies could be involved in reduction of S. aureus bacterial counts in the nasal cavity.  相似文献   

In this study, the mucosal adjuvant activity of Salmonella flagellin as a carrier in a conjugate of EXP153–rFliC was investigated. EXP153–rFliC was made by conjugation of a synthetic B‐cell epitope peptide derived from Plasmodium falciparum exported protein‐1(EXP153) to recombinant phase 1 flagellin of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium expressed in Escherichia coli (rFliC), and used to immunize BALB/c mice via intranasal instillation. It was found that robust EXP153‐specific serum IgG antibodies were induced without additional adjuvant. EXP153‐specific sIgA antibodies were also induced, these being detected in bronchoalveolar, nasal, vaginal and intestinal washes. These observations demonstrate that Salmonella flagellin as a carrier is an effective mucosal adjuvant in that its conjugated peptide induces antibody responses.  相似文献   

The expression of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) host-protective immunogen VP2 protein in rice seeds, its immunogenicity and protective capability in chickens were investigated. The VP2 cDNA of IBDV strain ZJ2000 was cloned downstream of the Gt1 promoter of the rice glutelin GluA-2 gene in the binary expression vector, pCambia1301-Gt1. Agrobacterium tumefaciens containing the recombinant vector was used to transform rice embryogenic calli, and 121 transgenic lines were obtained and grown to maturity in a greenhouse. The expression level of VP2 protein in transgenic rice seeds varied from 0.678% to 4.521% µg/mg of the total soluble seed protein. Specific pathogen-free chickens orally vaccinated with transgenic rice seeds expressing VP2 protein produced neutralizing antibodies against IBDV and were protected when challenged with a highly virulent IBDV strain, BC6/85. These results demonstrate that transgenic rice seeds expressing IBDV VP2 can be used as an effective, safe and inexpensive vaccine against IBDV.  相似文献   

Current strategies to prevent or treat human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) infection are promising, but remain costly. More economical but efficient vaccines are thus needed. In this study, we evaluated the protective effects of mucosally coadministered live Lactococcus lactis strains expressing cell wall-anchored E7 Ag and a secreted form of IL-12 to treat HPV-16-induced tumors in a murine model. When challenged with lethal levels of tumor cell line TC-1 expressing E7, immunized mice showed full prevention of TC-1-induced tumors, even after a second challenge, suggesting that this prophylactic immunization can provide long-lasting immunity. Therapeutic immunization with L. lactis recombinant strains, i.e., 7 days after TC-1 injection, induced regression of palpable tumors in treated mice. The antitumor effects of vaccination occurred through a CTL response, which is CD4+ and CD8+ dependent. Furthermore, immunized mice developed an E7-specific mucosal immune response. These preclinical results suggest the feasibility of the low-cost mucosal vaccination and/or immunotherapy strategies against HPV-related cervical cancer in humans.  相似文献   

Both circulating and mucosal antibodies are considered important for protection against infection by influenza virus in humans and animals. However, current inactivated vaccines administered by intramuscular injection using a syringe and needle elicit primarily circulating antibodies. In this study, we report that epidermal powder immunization (EPI) via a unique powder delivery system elicits both serum and mucosal antibodies to an inactivated influenza virus vaccine. Serum antibody responses to influenza vaccine following EPI were enhanced by codelivery of cholera toxin (CT), a synthetic oligodeoxynucleotide containing immunostimulatory CpG motifs (CpG DNA), or the combination of these two adjuvants. In addition, secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) antibodies were detected in the saliva and mucosal lavages of the small intestine, trachea, and vaginal tract, although the titers were much lower than the IgG titers. The local origin of the sIgA antibodies was further shown by measuring antibodies released from cultured tracheal and small intestinal fragments and by detecting antigen-specific IgA-secreting cells in the lamina propria using ELISPOT assays. EPI with a single dose of influenza vaccine containing CT or CT and CpG DNA conferred complete protection against lethal challenges with an influenza virus isolated 30 years ago, whereas a prime and boost immunizations were required for protection in the absence of an adjuvant. The ability to elicit augmented circulating antibody and mucosal antibody responses makes EPI a promising alternative to needle injection for administering vaccines against influenza and other diseases.  相似文献   

Mucosal immunization with soluble protein Ag alone may induce Ag-specific tolerance, whereas mucosal immunization with Ag in the presence of a mucosal adjuvant may induce Ag-specific systemic and mucosal humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. The most widely used and studied mucosal adjuvant is cholera toxin (CT). Although the mechanism of adjuvanticity of CT is not completely understood, it is known that CT induces mucosal epithelial cells to produce the proinflammatory cytokines IL-1, IL-6, and IL-8 and up-regulates macrophage production of IL-1 and the costimulatory molecule B7.2. Because IL-1 may duplicate many of the activities of CT, we evaluated IL-1alpha and IL-1beta for their ability to serve as mucosal adjuvants when intranasally administered with soluble protein Ags. IL-1alpha and IL-1beta were as effective as CT for the induction of Ag-specific serum IgG, vaginal IgG and IgA, systemic delayed-type hypersensitivity, and lymphocyte proliferative responses when intranasally administered with soluble protein Ag. Our results indicate that IL-1alpha and IL-1beta may be useful as mucosal vaccine adjuvants. Such an adjuvant may be useful, and possibly required, for vaccine-mediated protection against pathogens that infect via the mucosal surfaces of the host such as HIV.  相似文献   

Mucosal immune responses are an early and important line of defense against pathogens. The current understanding of the mucosal immune system allows us to consider the use of nasal immunization for induction of antigen-specific immune responses at the mucosal surface and the systemic compartment. Mucosal adjuvants are key for developing novel mucosal vaccines and represent 1 approach to improving mucosal and systemic immunity. However, few mucosal vaccine adjuvants are currently approved for human use. Neisseria meningitidis B proteoliposome-derived cochleate (AFCo1 - Adjuvant Finlay Cochleate 1) has been demonstrated to be a potent mucosal adjuvant. The present work demonstrates that intranasal immunization of 3 doses of tetanus toxoid (TT) coadministered with AFCo1 in mice promotes high systemic and mucosal responses. The anti-TT IgG serum titers and the mucosal anti-TT IgA in saliva and vaginal wash were significantly higher than TT alone. The analysis of antibody subclasses showed that intranasal administration of AFCo1 + TT induced not only IgG1 but also IgG2a anti-TT antibodies at levels comparable to those obtained with TT vaccine (vax-TET). These data support the fact that AFCo1 is a potent mucosal adjuvant in nasal immunization to a coadministered protein antigen.  相似文献   

The ongoing epidemic of chronic wasting disease (CWD) within cervid populations indicates the need for novel approaches for disease management. A vaccine that either reduces susceptibility to infection or reduces shedding of prions by infected animals, or a combination of both, could be of benefit for disease control. The development of such a vaccine is challenged by the unique nature of prion diseases and the requirement for formulation and delivery in an oral format for application in wildlife settings. To address the unique nature of prions, our group targets epitopes, termed disease specific epitopes (DSEs), whose exposure for antibody binding depends on disease-associated misfolding of PrPC into PrPSc. Here, a DSE corresponding to the rigid loop (RL) region, which was immunogenic following parenteral vaccination, was translated into an oral vaccine. This vaccine consists of a replication-incompetent human adenovirus expressing a truncated rabies glycoprotein G recombinant fusion with the RL epitope (hAd5:tgG-RL). Oral immunization of white-tailed deer with hAd5:tgG-RL induced PrPSc-specific systemic and mucosal antibody responses with an encouraging safety profile in terms of no adverse health effects nor prolonged vector shedding. By building upon proven strategies of formulation for wildlife vaccines, these efforts generate a particular PrPSc-specific oral vaccine for CWD as well as providing a versatile platform, in terms of carrier protein and biological vector, for generation of other oral, peptide-based CWD vaccines.  相似文献   

Cholera toxin (CT) has been found to be an extremely potent immunogen for mucosal IgA responses when administered via the intestine. This study has examined both mucosal and systemic immune responses after feeding CT and compared these responses with those obtained after feeding keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH), another protein that is strongly immunogenic in mice. Feeding CT to mice resulted not only in IgA antibody in intestinal secretions but also resulted in substantial plasma IgG and IgA antibody levels. Feeding KLH in much larger quantity resulted in little or no antibody response in intestinal secretions or plasma. Lymphoid cells from various tissues of mice fed CT were cultured in vitro for 10 days and the supernatant was tested for antibody to CT. Spontaneous antibody synthesis (no antigen added to cultures) was present in cultures of each cell type, but IgG anti-CT was found mainly in cultures of spleen and mesenteric lymph node cells and IgA anti-CT mainly in cultures of Peyer's patch and lamina propria cells. Peyer's patch cells cultured with CT as antigen synthesized both IgG and IgA anti-CT, suggesting that the antibody response to both isotypes originated in this site. Helper T cell activity for both IgA and IgG anti-CT was detected in spleens, mesenteric lymph nodes, and Peyer's patches. Lastly, when KLH and CT were fed to mice at the same time, an intestinal IgA anti-KLH and plasma IgG anti-KLH response was stimulated, a response pattern similar to that occurring to CT after CT was fed alone. We conclude that mucosal stimulation by CT generates both a systemic IgG and mucosal IgA response to this antigen, and that CT can cause a similar pattern of response to an unrelated protein antigen when both are administered into the intestine at the same time. The data favor the idea that both the IgG and IgA responses originate in GALT and then disseminate to other tissues. We propose that CT accomplishes these effects by altering the regulatory environment within GALT.  相似文献   

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