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-Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH) occurs in Drosophila melanogaster in three isozymic forms. These are separable by starch gel electrophoresis and have been tentatively numbered 1, 2, and 3. GPDH-1 is most concentrated in the adult thorax and GPDH-3 in the abdomen; 1 and 3 are in approximately equal amounts in the head. GPDH-2 is relatively weak in all preparations. In larvae, only GPDH-3 is present. Purified GPDH-1 has optimal activity at pH 6.7–7.0. GPDH-3 at pH 7.5, and GPDH-2 is intermediate. Changes in total GPDH activity parallel larval growth, pupal histolysis, and differentiation of adult tissues. In the latter period the ratio of activity at pH 6.7 to pH 7.6 increases, reflecting the shift from GPDH-3 to GPDH-1. Two types of homozygous GPDH patterns which differ in the electrophoretic mobilities of all three isozymes have been found in inbred strains. In heterozygous adults six bands, the parental forms of GPDH-1 and GPDH-3 and hybrid forms of each, can be resolved. Analysis of F2 and backcross progeny suggests that a single genetic locus affects all three isozymes. Heterozygous embryos have only the maternal form of GPDH-3 until just before they hatch as first instar larvae. At this stage they have maternal and paternal GPDH-3 plus an intermediate band.This project was supported in part by National Institutes of Health research grant GM-15597.  相似文献   

Changes in amylase (E.C., maltase (E.C., sucrase, and PNPGase activities in relation to changes in wet weight and protein content were studied during the development of larvae and adult flies from two strains of Drosophila melanogaster, homozygous for different amylase alleles. All -glucosidase activities increase exponentially during a large part of larval development, parallel to the increase in weight, and drop at the end of the third instar. Amylase activity of the Amy 1 strain follows the same pattern. In contrast, amylase activity of the Amy 4,6 strain continues its exponential increase longer. In the third larval instar amylase activity in the Amy 4,6 strain becomes much higher than in the Amy 1 strain. During the first hours of adult life amylase activity of the two strains does not differ. Then Amy 4,6 activity starts to rise and becomes much higher (4–5 times) than Amy 1 amylase activity, which remains approximately constant. All adult enzyme activities are much higher than in larvae. Comparison of enzyme activity of amylase and -glucosidases in larvae and adults confirms that differences in amylase activities can become important only when starch is a limiting factor in the food.The investigations were supported by the Foundation for Fundamental Biological Research (BION), which is subsidized by the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (Z.W.O.).  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding an α-l-fucosidase from Drosophila melanogaster was obtained from the recombinant plasmid named pGEM-DmFuca and inserted into the pBacHTeGFPT vector to construct the recombinant donor plasmid which was transposed to the target AcBacmid in Escherichia coli (DH10) by Tn7 transposition function. The AcBacmid-GFP-DmFuca plasmid was used to transfect Tn-5B1-4 cells of the Cabbage looper Trichoplusia ni. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed a band of about 80 kDa. Using a polyclonal antiserum raised against α-l-fucosidase protein from D. melanogaster Western blotting analysis confirmed that the fusion protein eGFP-DmFuca has been successfully expressed in a biologically active form in Tn-5B1-4 cells. The recombinant protein, containing the histidine-tag motif, was purified using an affinity chromatography column. In vitro binding assays the purified eGFP-DmFuca interacts with α-l-fucose residues present on the micropyle of the D. melanogaster eggshell, confirming that the α-l-fucosidase is a good candidate as receptor involved in gamete interactions in fruit fly.  相似文献   

The basis for the differentiation of l-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (-GPDH) into larval and adult isozymes in Drosophila melanogaster was investigated by the correlation of a lack of appearance of each isozyme during development within Drosophila bearing -GPDH null alleles and by the study of a putative conversion factor. Conversion studies indicate the presence of a heat-labile RNase-resistant conversion factor present in crude larval extracts with the ability to convert GPDH-1 to GPDH-2 and GPDH-3 but not vice versa. In addition, null mutations at the Gpdh locus obliterate all isozymatic species of -GPDH in all developmental stages. These observations suggest that all -GPDH isozymes are the product of a single structural gene and that the multiple forms of this enzyme arise during successive developmental stages through an epigenetic modification of the primary Gpdh + polypeptide. Finally, observations are reported which bear on the functional divergence of the -glycerophosphate cycle in the adult and larval stage of development.This investigation was supported in part by NIH Research Grant No. GM-15691 and Genetics Training Grant No. 2 TI GM-685 at the University of North Carolina and by NIH Research Grant No. GM-11546 at North Carolina State University.Paper No. 5054 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh, North Carolina.  相似文献   

An intraspecific comparison of -glycerophosphate (-GPDH: E.C. and alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH: E.C. enzyme activity levels was carried out in Drosophila melanogaster. The results indicate that (1) -GPDH is a relatively conservative and ADH a relatively variable enzyme system with regard to structurally determined activity variation but that (2) the conservative nature of -GPDH activity variation does not extend to the intra-genotypic level. The results are consistent with the view that different kinds of selective pressures are being exerted on the enzyme's structural and modifier gene loci.  相似文献   

Three sets of experiments have been conducted in order to evaluate the role of natural selection at the -Gpdh locus in Drosophila melanogaster. (1) The evolution of the F-allele frequency has been followed for many generations in 13 experimental populations having different genetic backgrounds. (2) Egg-to-adult viability has been measured in synthetic populations derived from one locality (Brouilly) and the results have been compared with those of a previous experiment involving a different local population (Tostes). (3) The effects of sodium octanoate on egg-to-adult viability have been measured on the genotypes FF, FS, SF, and SS. The results demonstrate that selection operates on a small block of genes which includes the -Gpdh locus.ERA 406 CNRS: Analyse et mécanismes de maintien du polymorphisme.  相似文献   

The kinetics of uptake and retention of β-ecdysone by imaginal discs from late third instar larvae of Drosophila melanogaster correspond well with those of the first synthetic response of discs to hormone, an increase in RNA synthesis.Competition studies indicate the presence of two types of hormone binding sites, specific and non-specific. The specific sites are saturated at hormone concentrations which fully induce morphogenesis. Results are consistent with the hypothesis that analogs which induce morphogenesis at differing concentrations bind to the same sites. Experiments with the inhibitors N-ethylmaleimide, actinomycin d, and cycloheximide suggest that the binding sites are pre-existing in the cell and require functional sulfhydryl groups for binding.Specific binding, binding that is competed by excess unlabeled β-ecdysone, is saturable (70–80 nM). Kinetic rate constants for this specific binding were estimated to be ka = 1.5 × 105M?1 min?1, kd = 3 × 10?2 min?1. The equilibrium dissociation constant calculated from the kinetic rate constants was Keq = 2 × 10?7M compared to 1.7 × 10?7M β-ecdysone required to induce morphogenesis in vitro and 2.5 × 10?7M determined to be the in vivo concentration at the time of induction of morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The apoptosis program of physiological cell death elicits a range of non-phlogistic homeostatic mechanisms—“recognition, response and removal”—that regulate the microenvironments of normal and diseased tissues via multiple modalities operating over short and long distances. The molecular mechanisms mediate intercellular signaling through direct contact with neighboring cells, release of soluble factors and production of membrane-delimited fragments (apoptotic bodies, blebs and microparticles) that allow for interaction with host cells over long distances. These processes effect the selective recruitment of mononuclear phagocytes and the specific activation of both phagocytic and non-phagocytic cells. While much evidence is available concerning the mechanisms underlying the recognition and responses of phagocytes that culminate in the engulfment and removal of apoptotic cell bodies, relatively little is yet known about the non-phagocytic cellular responses to the apoptosis program. These responses regulate inflammatory and immune cell activation as well as cell fate decisions of proliferation, differentiation and death. Here, we review current knowledge of these processes, considering especially how apoptotic cells condition the microenvironments of normal and malignant tissues. We also discuss how apoptotic cells that persist in the absence of phagocytic clearance exert inhibitory effects over their viable neighbors, paying particular attention to the specific case of cell cultures and highlighting how new cell-corpse-clearance devices—Dead-Cert® Nanoparticles—can significantly improve the efficacy of cell cultures through effective removal of non-viable cells in the absence of phagocytes in vitro.  相似文献   



In Drosophila melanogaster dosage compensation of most X-linked genes is mediated by the male-specific lethal (MSL) complex, which includes MOF. MOF acetylates histone H4 at lysine 16 (H4K16ac). The X-linked Larval serum protein one α (Lsp1α) gene has long been known to be not dosage compensated. Here we have examined possible explanations for why the Lsp1α gene is not dosage compensated.


Quantitative RNase protection analysis showed that the genes flanking Lsp1α are expressed equally in males and females and confirmed that Lsp1α is not dosage compensated. Unlike control X-linked genes, Lsp1α was not enriched for H4K16ac in the third instar larval fat body, the tissue in which the gene is actively expressed. X-linked Lsp1α promoter-lacZ reporter transgenes are enriched for H4K16ac in third instar larval fat body. An X-linked reporter gene bracketed by Lsp1α flanking regions was dosage compensated. One of the genes flanking Lsp1α is expressed in the same tissue. This gene shows a modest enrichment for H4K16ac but only at the part of the gene most distant from Lsp1α. Phylogenetic analyses of the sequences of the genomes of 12 Drosophila species shows that Lsp1α is only present within the melanogaster subgroup of species.


Lsp1α is not modified by the MSL complex but is in a region of the X chromosome that is regulated by the MSL complex. The high activity or tissue-specificity of the Lsp1α promoter does not prevent regulation by the MSL complex. The regions flanking Lsp1α do not appear to block access by the MSL complex. Lsp1α appears to have recently evolved within the melanogaster subgroup of Drosophila species. The most likely explanation for why Lsp1α is not dosage compensated is that the gene has not evolved a mechanism to independently recruit the MSL complex, possibly because of its recent evolutionary origin, and because there appears to be a low level of bound MSL complex in a nearby gene that is active in the same tissue.  相似文献   

Summary A Drosophila null mutant(BO-1-4) of -glycerolphosphate dehydrogenase induced by ethylmethane sulfonate(EMS) was analyzed by double immunodiffusion, enzyme immuno-inactivation, immunoelectrophoresis and two-dimensional electrophoresis. Based on all the immunological evidence, this mutant appears to express no protein that can cross-react with the antiserum specific to -glycerolphosphate dehydrogenase. A protein spot corresponding to -glycerolphosphate dehydrogenase was identified on two-dimensional gels of the soluble fly homogenates. The absence of this protein spot on two-dimensional gels of this null mutant further supported the immunological data. The activities of seven other enzymes in the related metabolic pathways were determined for the mutant and the control Drosophila. The null mutant does not show significant alterations in activities of these enzymes. The relationship between the deficiency of this enzyme and the inability for the sustained flight of the null mutant was discussed in terms of cellular metabolic regulations.Abbreviations used -GPD -glycerolphosphate dehydrogenase (EC - EMS ethylmethane sulfonate - TEMED N,N,N,N-tetramethylene diamine - pI isolectric point - CRM immunological cross-reacting material  相似文献   

Measurements of wing-beat frequency (WBF) have been used to characterize flight muscle metabolic rate in Drosophila melanogaster during tethered flight. Progeny of crosses between 17 X-chromosome substitution lines and three null-activity stocks have been studied in order to determine the effect on flight metabolism of sharply reduced activity of -glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH). It was found that flies with an approximate 50% reduction in GPDH activity have a metabolic rate that is, in most cases, indistinguishable from that of wild-type flies and, in the most extreme cases, reduced by only 4%. These results demonstrate that Gpdh is not a major gene for flight metabolism, in the quantitative genetic sense of the term. These results are in agreement with the Kacser and Burns (1973, 1979, 1981) theory of flux, which postulates that the activity of an enzyme embedded in a multienzyme pathway can sometimes vary from wild-type to very low levels (perhaps 5–10% wild type) with no significant effect on flux through the total pathway.This research was supported by several grants to JWC: NSF Grant 8211667, a grant from the Graduate School, University of Minnesota, and a Research Career Development Award from the NIH.  相似文献   

Loss of adipose tissue in cancer cachexia has been associated with tumour production of a lipid-mobilizing factor (LMF) which has been shown to be homologous with the plasma protein zinc-α2-glycoprotein (ZAG). The aim of this study was to compare the ability of human ZAG with LMF to stimulate lipolysis in vitro and induce loss of body fat in vivo, and to determine the mechanisms involved. ZAG was purified from human plasma using a combination of Q Sepharose and Superdex 75 chromatography, and was shown to stimulate glycerol release from isolated murine epididymal adipocytes in a dose-dependent manner. The effect was enhanced by the cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase inhibitor Ro20-1724, and attenuated by freeze/thawing and the specific β3-adrenoreceptor antagonist SR59230A. In vivo ZAG caused highly significant, time-dependent, decreases in body weight without a reduction in food and water intake. Body composition analysis showed that loss of body weight could be attributed entirely to the loss of body fat. Loss of adipose tissue may have been due to the lipolytic effect of ZAG coupled with an increase in energy expenditure, since there was a dose-dependent increase in expression of uncoupling protein-1 (UCP-1) in brown adipose tissue. These results suggest that ZAG may be effective in the treatment of obesity.  相似文献   

The level of hidden variation in populations of Drosophila melanogaster at the Gpdh + locus was determined by thermal stability studies of the protein. The results indicate a lack of variation using these methods both in and between the two common electrophoretic variants. It is suggested that -GPDH is conserved in primary structure, which may be related to its critical role in flight muscle metabolism.This investigation was supported by NIH Research Grants No. GM-11546 and GM-23617. Paper No. 5262 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607.  相似文献   

The carotid bodies (CBs) are chemosensory organs that respond to hypoxemia with transmitter neurosecretion, leading to a respiratory reflex response. It has been proposed that acetylcholine is a key regulator of transmitter release through activation of presynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). In the present work, we studied the identity of such nAChRs and their contribution to catecholamine release from CBs. Neonatal rat CBs were placed in a recording chamber for electrochemical recordings or disassociated for voltage-clamp studies on isolated cells. Fast nicotine superfusion increases catecholamine release from intact CBs. This response was diminished reversibly by the non-selective nAChR blocker hexamethonium, by the selective α7 blocker α-bungarotoxin and by the α4-containing nAChR blocker erysodine. In isolated CB cells the nAChR agonists nicotine, acetylcholine and cytisine all evoke inward currents with similar potencies. The nicotine-evoked current was fully blocked by mecamylamine and partially inhibited by α-bungarotoxin or erysodine. However, the combination of both α-bungarotoxin an erysodine failed to suppress this response. Immunodetection studies confirm the presence of α7 and α4 subunits in isolated dopaminergic CB cells. Our results show that activation of α7 and/or α4-containing nAChR subtypes have the ability to regulate catecholamine release from intact CB due to activation of fast inward currents expressed in chemoreceptor cells. Therefore, our results suggest that both nAChR subtypes contribute to the cholinergic nicotinic regulation of catecholamine signaling in the carotid body system.  相似文献   

Albumin, the major circulating protein in blood, can undergo increased glycation in diabetes. One of the main properties of this plasma protein is its strong affinity to bind many therapeutic drugs, including warfarin and ketoprofen. In this study, we investigated whether or not there were any significant changes related to in vitro or in vivo glycation in the structural properties and the binding of human albumin to both therapeutic drugs. Structural parameters, including redox state and ketoamine contents of in vitro and in vivo glycated purified albumins, were investigated in parallel with their affinity for warfarin and ketoprofen. High-performance liquid chromatography was used to determine the free drug concentrations and dissociation constants according to the Scatchard method. An alternative method based on fluorescence spectroscopy was also used to assess drug-binding properties. Oxidation and glycation levels were found to be enhanced in albumin purified from diabetic patients or glycated with glucose or methylglyoxal, after determination of their ketoamine, free thiol, amino group and carbonyl contents. In parallel, significant impairments in the binding affinity of in vitro and in vivo glycated albumin, as indicated by the higher dissociation constant values and confirmed by higher free drug fractions, were observed. To a lesser extent, this alteration also significantly affected diabetic albumin affinity, indicated by a lower static quenching in fluorescence spectroscopy. This work provides useful information supporting in vivo diabetic albumin could be the best model of glycation for monitoring diabetic physiopathology and should be valuable to know if glycation of albumin could contribute to variability in drugs response during diabetes.  相似文献   

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