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Laboratory experiments were performed on leaf beetles collected on flowers. Flower consumption (anthophagy) was demonstrated for adults of Donacia bicolora, D. brevitarsis, D. obscura, D. thalassina, Plateumaris discolor, Cryptocephalus laetus, C. sericeus, C. solivagus, Labidostomis longimana, Hydrothassa marginella, Phaedon concinnus, Galerucella nymphaeae, Neocrepidodera femorata, Altica oleracea, Aphthona lutescens, Longitarsus pellucidus, and larvae of Entomoscelis adonidis, H. marginella, and G. nymphaeae for the first time for all the species except for P. discolor, L. longimana, and C. sericeus. The feeding behavior was described, and the mouthparts of adults were studied. The mandibles and maxillae of the Donacia, Plateumaris, and Orsodacne species mentioned are adapted to consuming pollen. Some questions of ecology and evolution of anthophagy are discussed. An overview of literature on anthophagy in the leaf beetles is presented.  相似文献   

Smaragdina schereri sp. n., Chrysolina jiangi sp. n., Ch. geae sp. n., Ch. gansuica sp. n., Sclerophaedon daccordii sp. n., Neophaedon sichuanicus sp. n., Oreomela inflata sp. n., Xingeina nigrolucens sp. n., Shaira hemipteroides sp. n. and Calomicrus atroviridis sp. n. from Sichuan, Gansu, and Yunnan provinces of China are described. Types of the new species are deposited in the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg.  相似文献   

A new species, Macroplea skomorokhovi sp. n., is described from the Russian Far East, and a key to species of the genus Macroplea Curtis is given. Cryptocephalus oxysternus Jacobson (Primorskii Territory) and Longitarsus truncatellus Weise (northern Caucasus) are recorded for the Russian fauna for the first time.  相似文献   

The following new taxa of leaf beetles are described from Chinese provinces Gansu, Sichuan, and Xinjiang based on the material of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, where the types are deposited: Chrysolina confucii sp. n., Ch. daosana sp. n., Ch. infernalis sp. n., Ch. gruevi sp. n., Ch. songpana sp. n., Phratora alternata sp. n., Taipinus rotundatus gen. et sp. n., Oreomela milae sp. n. (Chrysomelinae) and Zangastra sichuanica sp. n. (Galerucinae).  相似文献   

The number and distribution of chiasmata per cell at diakinesis has been analyzed in four populations ofDicladispa testacea (L.) and in two ofPolyconia caroli Lepr. both having 2n=16 and a 7+Xyp male melotic formula. Most bivalents were unichiasmate and the distal chiasma position was the one most frequently encountered. One population ofDicladispa testacea could be distinguished from the remaining ones by the total number of chiasmata per cell. This intraspecific difference is discussed in relation with the degree of isolation between the four populations and other geographical characteristics.  相似文献   

Feeding responses of four Chrysomelidae to six less acceptable plants and to compounds from them were investigated by means of leaf disc tests. Significant differences were found between responses of different species, and plants containing potent feeding inhibitors were always rejected. Cucurbitacins are potent feeding inhibitors to Phyllotreta nemorum, and this species does not eat Iberis species containing these compounds. Cardenolides are potent feeding inhibitors to P. undulata, P. tetrastigma and Phaedon cochleariae, and these three species do not eat the cardenolide containing Cheiranthus and Erysimum.Six different glucosinolates all proved to be stimulatory when applied to pea leaf discs. Although the glucosinolates differed somewhat in their ability to stimulate feeding, no correlation is found between content of glucosinolates and acceptability of the investigated plants. Application of sinigrin to Iberis and Cheiranthus did not improve their acceptability. The presence of glucosinolates is necessary for feeding to occur, but it is less important which glucosinolates are present.Cardenolides and cucurbitacins are suggested to be a second generation of protective compounds in Cruciferae, glucosinolates being the first.
Zusammenfassung Der Einfluss einiger sekundärer Pflanzenstoffe aus Cruciferen auf die Futteraufnahme von vier Chrysomeliden, die auf dieser Pflanzenfamilie vorkommen, wurde mittels Blattscheiben-Tests untersucht. Cucurbitacine sind starke Frasshemmstoffe für Phyllotreta nemorum, weniger starke Hemmstoffe für P. undulata und schwache Hemmstoffe für P. tetrastigma und Phaedon cochleariae. Iberis-Arten, die Cucurbitacine enthalten, werden von P. nemorum und P. undulata abgelehnt, von den beiden anderen Arten aber akzeptiert. Cardenolid-Glykoside vom Strophanthidin-Typ sind starke Frasshemmstoffe für P. undulata, P. tetrastigma und Phaedon cochleariae. Diese Arten lehnen Cheiranthus-und Erysimum-Arten, die solche Stoffe enthalten, ab. Die Futteraufnahme von P. nemorum wird von diesen Stoffen nicht beeinflusst; P. nemorum akzeptiert Cheiranthus- und Erysimum-Arten.Futteraufnahme fand bei Abwesenheit von Senfölglukosiden nicht statt. Sechs verschiedene Senfölglukoside waren alle imstande, das Aufnehmen von Erbsen-Blattscheiben zu stimulieren. Gewisse Unterschiede in der stimulierenden Wirkung der einzelnen Glukoside wurden gefunden. Das Vorkommen bestimmter Glukoside und die Akzeptabilität der Pflanzen zeigten aber keine Korrelation. Anwesenheit oder Abwesenheit von Frasshemmstoffen beeinflusst die Akzeptabilität der Pflanzenarten mehr als die Anwesenheit bestimmter Senfölglukoside.Wenn Senfölglukoside als eine erste Generation von Abwehrstoffen in Cruciferen aufgefasst werden, können Cucurbitacine in Iberis und Cardenolid-Glykoside in Cheiranthus und Erysimum als eine zweite betrachtet werden.

The Danish Natural Science Research Council supported the research.  相似文献   

A total of 245 species of 59 genera and 12 subfamilies of Chrysomelidae are recorded for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Province. The distribution of 219 species is proved by the author, 30 species are recorded for the region for the first time. For most species data on the phenology and ecology are given.  相似文献   

Abstract Leaf beetles Gastrophysa viridula have attracted recently increased research interest from various points of view, since they are: (i) pest insects in rhubarb crops; (ii) potential biocontrol agents of dock plants Rumex spp. in grasslands; and (iii) a model species in ecological studies on insect population dynamics, biochemistry, behavior, biomechanics and biomimetics. The continuous rearing of beetles at standardized conditions may help to unify the fitness state of different individuals, allowing a better comparison of experimental results. The present communication suggests a modular space‐ and time‐saving rearing method of G. viridula in stackable faunariums under laboratory conditions, which has been successfully established and continuously used over the last 5 years. Several developmental stages were kept in separate boxes, and multiple generations were kept simultaneously, depending on the required number of beetles.  相似文献   

Stridulation has been observed for the first time in a representative of the subfamily Eumolpinae, Bromius obscurus Linnaeus. A stridulatory apparatus was found in all Eumolpinae examined by the authors. It differs essentially from all the previously described types of stridulatory apparata and is located on the upper side of each wing in the form of a dark convex spot with complicated microsculpture between RS and Cu veins, as well as an apical corn-like convexity on the underside of each elytron near the suture.  相似文献   

The morphology of larvae and pupae of two leaf beetle species, Octodonta depressa Chap. and Pystosia dactyliferae Maulik, is described. Some aspects of their ecology are considered.  相似文献   

An annotated list of leaf-beetle species is given. It includes 76 species of 33 genera of 9 subfamilies, with Cryptocephalinae and Chrysomelinae predominating (42%). The insects were collected in different ecosystems of Mordovia, of them, 11 being pests of crops and forests, especially Phyllotreta vittula, Oulema melanopus, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, Chrysomela populi, Ch. tremula, Plagiodera versicolora, and Agelastica alni. Ecological and biotopical characteristics of the species are given: distribution ranges, preferred biotopes and host plants, periods of activity, flight, and egg-laying, thermal and humidity preferenda. Most species appeared to be mesophilous (71%), xerophilous ones constitute 13.2%, hydrophilous 10.6%, hygrophilous ones are not numerous (5.3%). Of all the species, 78% are heliophilous, and 22%, umbrophilous.  相似文献   

A comparative morphological characteristic of the mouthparts of representatives of five Palaearctic genera of the subtribe Entomoscelidina is given.  相似文献   

A new leaf-beetle species, Acolastus paki sp. n., is described from Tajikistan. New data (including photographs of the aedeagus and habitus) on Acolastus afghanicus, A. anthracinus, A. karatavicus, A. lygaeus, A. nanus, A. nigrifrons, A. syrdariensis, and Tituboea elegantissima are reported.  相似文献   

This publication is based on recent studies of Lower Cretaceous leaf beetles from the Yixian Formation (Liaoning, China), which are represented by five new species of one new genus Mesolpinus gen. nov. (M. antenattus sp. nov. [type species], M. adapertilis sp. nov., M. angusticollis sp. nov., M. basicollis sp. nov., and M. trapezicollis sp. nov.) assigned to a new tribe, Mesolpinini trib. nov. of the subfamily Chrysomelinae. This tribe, which includes only species from the Jehol biota, is the oldest known group of the family in the fossil record. A key to species of the genus Mesolpinus gen. nov. is provided and the position of the new tribe is discussed. A brief overview of the Mesozoic data on the subfamily Chrysomeloidea is given.  相似文献   

Basal relationships in the Chrysomelidae (leaf beetles) were investigated using two nuclear (small and partial large subunits) and mitochondrial (partial large subunit) rRNA (≈ 3000 bp total) for 167 taxa covering most major lineages and relevant outgroups. Separate and combined data analyses were performed under parsimony and model‐based tree building algorithms from dynamic (direct optimization) and static (Clustal and BLAST) sequence alignments. The performance of methods differed widely and recovery of well established nodes was erratic, in particular when using single gene partitions, but showed a slight advantage for Bayesian inferences and one of the fast likelihood algorithms (PHYML) over others. Direct optimization greatly gained from simultaneous analysis and provided a valuable hypothesis of chrysomelid relationships. The BLAST‐based alignment, which removes poorly aligned sequence segments, in combination with likelihood and Bayesian analyses, resulted in highly defensible trees obtained in much shorter time than direct optimization, and hence is a viable alternative when data sets grow. The main taxonomic findings include the recognition of three major lineages of Chrysomelidae, including a basal “sagrine” clade (Criocerinae, Donaciinae, Bruchinae), which was sister to the “eumolpine” (Spilopyrinae, Eumolpinae, Cryptocephalinae, Cassidinae) plus “chrysomeline” (Chrysomelinae, Galerucinae) clades. The analyses support a broad definition of subfamilies (i.e., merging previously separated subfamilies) in the case of Cassidinae (cassidines + hispines) and Cryptocephalinae (chlamisines + cryptocephalines + clytrines), whereas two subfamilies, Chrysomelinae and Eumolpinae, were paraphyletic. The surprising separation of monocot feeding Cassidinae (associated with the eumolpine clade) from the other major monocot feeding groups in the sagrine clade was well supported. The study highlights the need for thorough taxon sampling, and reveals that morphological data affected by convergence had a great impact when combined with molecular data in previous phylogenetic analyses of Chrysomelidae. © The Willi Hennig Society 2007.  相似文献   

  • 1 Tortoise beetle larvae possess a shield composed of exuviae and faeces which functions as an effective defence against some invertebrate predators.
  • 2 In the laboratory, Charidotella bicolor, Deloyala guttata and Chelymorpha cassidea larvae with their shields experimentally removed did not exhibit enhanced performance (i.e. decreased development time, increased body mass, or higher survival) compared to control larvae with shields intact.
  • 3 Disturbance caused during shield removal did not adversely affect larvae because performance did not differ among controls (undisturbed larvae with intact shields), disturbance controls (shield removal simulated, but shield left in place), and larvae with shields removed.
  • 4 Larvae without shields did not exhibit compensatory feeding to reconstruct the shield following its removal.
  • 5 In a field experiment in which predators were excluded, larvae with shields removed did not develop faster than controls; in fact, survival was slightly reduced (10%) for larvae without shields and may have resulted from desiccation.
  • 6 For slow-moving tortoise beetle larvae, the cost of bearing the shield is minimal. Thus, larval shields, composed of recycled waste products, provide an inexpensive mode of protection from some natural enemies.

Abstract.  1. The effect and relative importance of both environmental and geographic factors on species turnover of Chrysomelidae assemblages in the Iberian Peninsula was explored.
2. Ordination and classification analysis of species lists from well-sampled local areas identified two main biogegraphic groups of inventories, discriminating between Eurosiberian and Mediterranean faunas.
3. After describing this pattern, the underlying determinants were explored, separating pure from combined effects of environment and geography by means of partial canonical correspondence analysis.
4. Results indicate that pure effects of environment and geographic position are of similar magnitude (about 20% of the variation from each), and quite important in comparison with combined effects.
5. The power of the pure effect of geographical variables, together with beta-diversity independence of species richness gradients, point to the inadequacy of environmental measurement explanation of beta-diversity patterns, and to the existence of a major component of geographical variation independent of environment.  相似文献   

莲藕食根金花虫成虫活动行为的日节律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱捷  马力  陈琪  夏西聚  陈旭阳  张云宣  黄国华 《昆虫学报》2014,57(10):1227-1237
【目的】通过莲藕食根金花虫Donacia provostii Fairmaire成虫日活动行为节律的系统研究,以期为构建该虫的高效防控技术体系提供科学依据。【方法】采用室外单头隔离和雌雄配对饲养,将莲藕食根金花虫成虫的行为划分为离水静息、触水静息、取食、移动、交配和产卵6个类型,每30 min观察记录一次其活动行为,连续5 d,统计分析其活动行为的日节律。【结果】在时间上,莲藕食根金花虫成虫各行为在各时间点间和时间段间均存在极显著差异(P<0.001);在空间上,成虫各行为在不同位置发生的比例存在极显著差异(P<0.001)、且荇菜叶上和水面的各行为在不同时间点间存在极显著差异(P<0.001)。【结论】莲藕食根金花虫成虫活动行为存在时空上的差异,空间对其行为的影响较时间明显。  相似文献   

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