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The fate specification of the developing vertebrate inner ear could be determined by complex regulatory genetic pathways involving the Pax2/5/8 genes. Pax2 expression has been reported in the otic placode and vesicle of all vertebrates that have been studied. Loss-of-function experiments suggest that the Pax2 gene plays a key role in the development of the cochlear duct and acoustic ganglion. Despite all these data, the role of Pax2 gene in the specification of the otic epithelium is still only poorly defined. In the present work, we report a detailed study of the spatial and temporal Pax2 expression patterns during the development of the chick inner ear. In the period analysed, Pax2 is expressed only in some presumptive sensory patches, but not all, even though all sensory patches show the scattered Pax2 expression pattern later on. We also show that Pax2 is also expressed in several non-sensory structures.  相似文献   

Control over ionic composition and volume of the inner ear luminal fluid endolymph is essential for normal hearing and balance. Mice deficient in either the EphB2 receptor tyrosine kinase or the cognate transmembrane ligand ephrin-B2 (Efnb2) exhibit background strain-specific vestibular-behavioral dysfunction and signs of abnormal endolymph homeostasis. Using various loss-of-function mouse models, we found that Efnb2 is required for growth and morphogenesis of the embryonic endolymphatic epithelium, a precursor of the endolymphatic sac (ES) and duct (ED), which mediate endolymph homeostasis. Conditional inactivation of Efnb2 in early-stage embryonic ear tissues disrupted cell proliferation, cell survival, and epithelial folding at the origin of the endolymphatic epithelium. This correlated with apparent absence of an ED, mis-localization of ES ion transport cells relative to inner ear sensory organs, dysplasia of the endolymph fluid space, and abnormally formed otoconia (extracellular calcite-protein composites) at later stages of embryonic development. A comparison of Efnb2 and Notch signaling-deficient mutant phenotypes indicated that these two signaling systems have distinct and non-overlapping roles in ES/ED development. Homozygous deletion of the Efnb2 C-terminus caused abnormalities similar to those found in the conditional Efnb2 null homozygote. Analyses of fetal Efnb2 C-terminus deletion heterozygotes found mis-localized ES ion transport cells only in the genetic background exhibiting vestibular dysfunction. We propose that developmental dysplasias described here are a gene dose-sensitive cause of the vestibular dysfunction observed in EphB–Efnb2 signaling-deficient mice.  相似文献   

Patterning and morphogenesis of the vertebrate inner ear   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The positional cues for formation of individual inner ear components are dependent on pre-established axial information conferred by inductive signals from tissues surrounding the developing inner ear. This review summarizes some of the known molecular pathways involved in establishing the three axes of the inner ear, anterior-posterior (AP), dorsal-ventral (DV) and medial-lateral (ML). Signals required to establish the AP axis of the inner ear are not known, but they do not appear to be derived from the hindbrain. In contrast, the hindbrain is essential for establishing the DV axis of the inner ear by providing inductive signals such as Wnts and Sonic hedgehog. Signaling from the hindbrain is also required for the formation of the ML axis, whereas formation of the lateral wall of the otocyst may be a result of first establishing both the AP and DV axes. In addition, this review addresses how genes induced within the otic epithelium as a result of axial specification continue to mediate inner ear morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Development of the mammalian inner ear requires coordination of cell proliferation, cell fate determination and morphogenetic movements. While significant progress has been made in identifying developmental signals required for inner ear formation, less is known about how distinct signals are coordinated by their downstream mediators. Members of the Rac family of small GTPases are known regulators of cytoskeletal remodeling and numerous other cellular processes. However, the function of Rac GTPases in otic development is largely unexplored. Here, we show that Rac1 and Rac3 redundantly regulate many aspects of inner ear morphogenesis. While no morphological defects were observed in Rac3(-/-) mice, Rac1(CKO); Rac3(-/-) double mutants displayed enhanced vestibular and cochlear malformations compared to Rac1(CKO) single mutants. Moreover, in Rac1(CKO); Rac3(-/-) mutants, we observed compromised E-cadherin-mediated cell adhesion, reduced cell proliferation and increased cell death in the early developing otocyst, leading to a decreased size and malformation of the membranous labyrinth. Finally, cochlear extension was severely disrupted in Rac1(CKO); Rac3(-/-) mutants, accompanied by a loss of epithelial cohesion and formation of ectopic sensory patches underneath the cochlear duct. The compartmentalized expression of otic patterning genes within the Rac1(CKO); Rac3(-/-) mutant otocyst was largely normal, however, indicating that Rac proteins regulate inner ear morphogenesis without affecting cell fate specification. Taken together, our results reveal an essential role for Rac GTPases in coordinating cell adhesion, cell proliferation, cell death and cell movements during otic development.  相似文献   

The importance of individual members of the fibroblast growth factor gene family during innervation of the vertebrate inner ear is not clearly defined. Here we address the role of fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2 or basic FGF) during development of the chicken inner ear. We found that FGF-2 stimulated survival of isolated cochlear and vestibular neurons during distinct phases of inner ear innervation. The potential neurotrophic role of FGF-2 was confirmed by its expression in the corresponding sensory epithelia and the detection of one of its high-affinity receptors in inner ear neurons. Finally, we have analysed the potential of the amplicon system based on defective herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) vectors to express FGF-2 in cochlear neurons. Overexpression of FGF-2 in cochlear neurons resulted in neuronal differentiation demonstrating the presence of biologically active growth factor. This study underlines the potential of FGF-2 to control innervation and development of sensory epithelia in the avian inner ear. Furthermore, amplicon vectors may provide a useful tool to analyse gene function in isolated neurons of the vertebrate inner ear.  相似文献   

Emx2 is a homeodomain protein that plays a critical role in inner ear development. Homozygous null mice die at birth with a range of defects in the CNS, renal system and skeleton. The cochlea is shorter than normal with about 60% fewer auditory hair cells. It appears to lack outer hair cells and some supporting cells are either absent or fail to differentiate. Many of the hair cells differentiate in pairs and although their hair bundles develop normally their planar cell polarity is compromised. Measurements of cell polarity suggest that classic planar cell polarity molecules are not directly influenced by Emx2 and that polarity is compromised by developmental defects in the sensory precursor population or by defects in epithelial cues for cell alignment. Planar cell polarity is normal in the vestibular epithelia although polarity reversal across the striola is absent in both the utricular and saccular maculae. In contrast, cochlear hair cell polarity is disorganized. The expression domain for Bmp4 is expanded and Fgfr1 and Prox1 are expressed in fewer cells in the cochlear sensory epithelium of Emx2 null mice. We conclude that Emx2 regulates early developmental events that balance cell proliferation and differentiation in the sensory precursor population.  相似文献   

The development and evolution of the inner ear sensory patches and their innervation is reviewed. Recent molecular developmental data suggest that development of these sensory patches is a developmental recapitulation of the evolutionary history. These data suggest that the ear generates multiple, functionally diverse sensory epithelia by dividing a single sensory primordium. Those epithelia will establish distinct identities through the overlapping expression of genes of which only a few are currently known. One of these distinctions is the unique pattern of hair cell polarity. A hypothesis is presented on how the hair cell polarity may relate to the progressive segregation of the six sensory epithelia. Besides being markers for sensory epithelia development, neurotrophins are also expressed in delaminating cells that migrate toward the developing vestibular and cochlear ganglia. These delaminating cells originate from multiple sites at or near the developing sensory epithelia and some also express neuronal markers such as NeuroD. The differential origin of precursors raises the possibility that some sensory neurons acquire positional information before they delaminate the ear. Such an identity of these delaminating sensory neurons may be used both to navigate their dendrites to the area they delaminated from, as well as to help them navigate to their central target. The navigational properties of sensory neurons as well as the acquisition of discrete sensory patch phenotypes implies a much more sophisticated subdivision of the developing otocyst than the few available gene expression studies suggest.  相似文献   

Fgf and Wnt signalling have been shown to be required for formation of the otic placode in vertebrates. Whereas several Fgfs including Fgf3, Fgf8 and Fgf10 have been shown to participate during early placode induction, Wnt signalling is required for specification and maintenance of the otic placode, and dorsal patterning of the otic vesicle. However, the requirement for specific members of the Wnt gene family for otic placode and vesicle formation and their potential interaction with Fgf signalling has been poorly defined. Due to its spatiotemporal expression during placode formation in the hindbrain Wnt8a has been postulated as a potential candidate for its specification. Here we have examined the role of Wnt8a during formation of the otic placode and vesicle in mouse embryos. Wnt8a expression depends on the presence of Fgf3 indicating a serial regulation between Fgf and Wnt signalling during otic placode induction and specification. Wnt8a by itself however is neither essential for placode specification nor redundantly required together with Fgfs for otic placode and vesicle formation. Interestingly however, Wnt8a and Fgf3 are redundantly required for expression of Fgf15 in the hindbrain indicating additional reciprocal interactions between Fgf and Wnt signalling. Further reduction of Wnt signalling by the inactivation of Wnt1 in a Wnt8a mutant background revealed a redundant requirement for both genes during morphogenesis of the dorsal portion of the otic vesicle.  相似文献   

A mature inner ear is a complex structure consisting of vestibular and auditory components. Microsurgical ablations, rotations, and translocations were performed in ovo to identify the tissues that control inner ear morphogenesis. We show that mesenchyme/ectoderm adjacent to the developing ear specifically governs the shape of vestibular components - the semicircular canals and ampullae - by conferring anteroposterior axial information to these structures. In contrast, removal of individual hindbrain rhombomeres adjacent to the developing ear preferentially affects the growth and morphogenesis of the auditory subdivision, the cochlear duct, or basilar papilla. Removal of rhombomere 5 affects cochlear duct growth, while rhombomere 6 removal affects cochlear growth and morphogenesis. Rotating rhombomeres 5 and 6 along the anteroposterior axis also impacts cochlear duct morphogenesis but has little effect on the vestibular components. Our studies indicate that discrete tissues, acting at a distance, control the morphogenesis of distinct elements of the inner ear. These results provide a basis for identifying factors that are essential to vestibular and auditory development in vertebrates.  相似文献   

The mammalian inner ear comprises the cochleovestibular labyrinth, derived from the ectodermal otic placode, and the encasing bony labyrinth of the temporal bone. Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions are thought to control inner ear development, but the modes and the molecules involved are largely unresolved. We show here that, during the precartilage and cartilage stages, Fgf9 is expressed in specific nonsensory domains of the otic epithelium and its receptors, Fgfr1(IIIc) and Fgfr2(IIIc), widely in the surrounding mesenchyme. To address the role of Fgf9 signaling, we analyzed the inner ears of mice homozygous for Fgf9 null alleles. Fgf9 inactivation leads to a hypoplastic vestibular component of the otic capsule and to the absence of the epithelial semicircular ducts. Reduced proliferation of the prechondrogenic mesenchyme was found to underlie capsular hypoplasticity. Semicircular duct development is blocked at the initial stages, since fusion plates do not form. Our results show that the mesenchyme directs fusion plate formation and they give direct evidence for the existence of reciprocal epithelial-mesenchymal interactions in the developing inner ear. In addition to the vestibule, in the cochlea, Fgf9 mutation caused defects in the interactions between the Reissner's membrane and the mesenchymal cells, leading to a malformed scala vestibuli. Together, these data show that Fgf9 signaling is required for inner ear morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic protein 4 (Bmp4) is expressed during multiple stages of development of the chicken inner ear. At the otocyst stage, Bmp4 is expressed in each presumptive sensory organ, as well as in the mesenchymal cells surrounding the region of the otocyst that is destined to form the semicircular canals. After the formation of the gross anatomy of the inner ear, Bmp4 expression persists in some sensory organs and restricted domains of the semicircular canals. To address the role of this gene in inner ear development, we blocked BMP4 function(s) by delivering one of its antagonists, Noggin, to the developing inner ear in ovo. Exogenous Noggin was delivered to the developing otocyst by using a replication-competent avian retrovirus encoding the Noggin cDNA (RCAS-N) or implanting beads coated with Noggin protein. Noggin treatment resulted in a variety of phenotypes involving both sensory and nonsensory components of the inner ear. Among the nonsensory structures, the semicircular canals were the most sensitive and the endolymphatic duct and sac most resistant to exogenous Noggin. Noggin affected the proliferation of the primordial canal outpouch, as well as the continual outgrowth of the canal after its formation. In addition, Noggin affected the structural patterning of the cristae, possibly via a decrease of Msx1 and p75NGFR expression. These results suggest that BMP4 and possibly other BMPs are required for multiple phases of inner ear development.  相似文献   

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