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We identified a rat sperm flagellar surface antigen using an IgG1 monoclonal antibody (MC31) against rat epididymal sperm. Avidin-biotin-peroxidase immunohistochemistry demonstrated that the antigen was first expressed in the cytoplasm of early primary spermatocytes, then gradually became restricted to the principal piece of the sperm flagellum during spermatogenesis. However, when the sperm reached the corpus epididymidis, the antigen was expressed on the surface of both the principal piece and the midpiece of the flagellum. The epithelial cells of the epididymis were not stained with MC31. Immunogold electron microscopy showed that the antigen was present on the surface of the sperm flagellar plasma membrane. Immunoblotting of Triton X-100 extracts of epididymal sperm after one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) under nonreducing conditions demonstrated that MC31 detected a major antigen of 26,000-28,000 daltons (26-28K). Two-dimensional isoelectric focusing and SDS-PAGE indicated that the 26-28K antigen had an isoelectric focusing point (pl) of 5.8-5.3; minor antigens were also detected from 26K (pl 5.8) to 35K (pl 5.0). These results indicate that the antigen recognized by MC31 is an acidic 26-35K protein that originates in the testis, is integrated into the sperm flagellar plasma membrane of the principal piece during spermatogenesis, and then is expressed on the entire flagellar surface during epididymal transit.  相似文献   

Previously, we reported that the epitope of a 54-kDa sperm surface sialoglycoprotein on the flagellum is masked by sialic acid residues. The epitope is referred to as a hidden determinant or cryptodeterminant. This paper reports the manner in which the epitope is masked as evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively by means of SDS-PAGE/immunoblots (Western blot) and ELISA. Immunoblotting with four specific monoclonal antibodies to the 54-kDa sialoglycoprotein--T21 (IgM), MC71 (IgG1), MC81 (IgM), and MC91 (IgM)--demonstrated that not only IgM but also IgG antibody MC71 and the Fab fragment MC71 are masked. Quantitative evaluation with ELISA to compare the antibody titration curves of the masked and unmasked antigens on sialidase-treated and untreated sperm, respectively, indicated that sialidase caused the antibody-binding ability of the epitopes to increase to a different level for each antibody. There were 32-256-, 8-16-, 16-, and 2-4-fold increases in binding to T21, MC71, MC81, and MC91 antibodies, respectively. These results suggest that the antigen-masking through the cryptodeterminant does not depend upon the subtype or the molecular mass of the antibody, but upon the biochemical nature of the epitope region that is closely related to the sialic acid. The mechanism and physiological roles of the antigen-masking are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Sperm antigen expression during epididymal transit was examined in 4- to 16-week-old intact and castrated ICR mice, using the avidin-biotin complex (ABC) immunohistochemical method with monoclonal antibody T21 against a flagellar surface antigen. On untreated sections, the antigen was first expressed weakly on sperm in the proximal part of the corpus epididymis, and intraluminal components were stained in 4-week-old mice. Epididymal epithelial cells and their stereocilia, and cells in other reproductive organs were not stained. In contrast, on sections treated with neuramainidase, (1) the initial site of antigen appearance is a more proximal position in treated than in untreated sections, (2) stereocilia stained strongly, (3) the staining intensity of sperm and intraluminal components increased, and (4) some clear cells in the epithelium from the distal position of the caput to the corpus epididymis were stained. These results indicate that the antigen is produced by clear cells of the epididymal epithelium, that the antigenic determinant is masked initially by sialic acid residues, and that expression of the antigenic determinant on the sperm surface during epididymal maturation apparently involves desialylation.  相似文献   

Sperm antigen expression during epididymal transit was examined in 4- to 16-week-old intact and castrated ICR mice, using the avidin-biotin complex (ABC) immunohistochemical method with monoclonal antibody T21 against a flagellar surface antigen. On untreated sections, the antigen was first expressed weakly on sperm in the proximal part of the corpus epididymis, and intraluminal components were stained in 4-week-old mice. Epididymal epithelial cells and their stereocilia, and cells in other reproductive organs were not stained. In contrast, on sections treated with neuraminidase, (1) the initial site of antigen appearance is a more proximal position in treated than in untreated sections, (2) stereocilia stained strongly, (3) the staining intensity of sperm and intraluminal components increased, and (4) some clear cells in the epithelium from the distal position of the caput to the corpus epididymis were stained. These results indicate that the antigen is produced by clear cells of the epididymal epithelium, that the antigenic determinant is masked initially by sialic acid residues, and that expression of the antigenic determinant on the sperm surface during epididymal maturation apparently involves desialylation.  相似文献   

Membrane halves of boar sperm flagella were produced by freeze-fracture and labeled in situ with concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin; the lectins were visualized with protein-gold complexes. Concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin binding sites partition with both protoplasmic and exoplasmic halves of the membrane. A high density of lectin marking was found on protoplasmic membrane halves; we conclude that the label corresponds to transmembrane glycoproteins that, on freeze-fracture, are dragged across the outer (exoplasmic) half of the phospholipid bilayer. Our demonstration of numerous transmembrane proteins in sperm flagella offers the structural setting for previous models on flagellar surface motility that postulate accessibility of motile membrane components to the submembranous cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Antiserum prepared in rabbit against 4-day-old mouse cerebellum (anti-NS-4 serum) reacts in the complement-mediated cytotoxicity test with unfertilized and fertilized mouse eggs, cleavage stage embryos, and cells of the trophoblast and inner cell mass of the mouse blastocyst. This activity is specifically removed by absorption of antiserum with adult mouse brain and epididymal sperm but not with adult liver, spleen, kidney, and thymocytes. The antiserum reacts most strongly with cells of the trophoblast and inner cell mass and, in order of decreasing reactivity, with four- to eight-cell stage embryos, zygotes, unfertilized eggs, and two-cell stage embryos.  相似文献   

Epididymal SPAM1 is a marker for sperm maturation in the mouse   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sperm adhesion molecule 1 (SPAM1), is a glycosyl phoshatidylinositol-linked sperm membrane protein that is dually expressed in testis and epididymis. Epididymal SPAM1 is secreted in all three regions of the epididymis in all mammalian species studied, including humans. It shares the same molecular mass and neutral hyaluronidase activity as the testicular and sperm isoforms that are responsible for the penetration of the cumulus during fertilization. Using wild-type (W/T) sperm and those from mice homozygous for either a null (Spam1-/-) or mutant Spam1 allele, which results in decreased mRNA and protein, we demonstrate that sperm binding of epididymal SPAM1 occurs in vitro after exposure to W/T sperm-free epididymal luminal fluid (ELF). Binding or adsorption that occurred after incubation at room temperature or 32 degrees C was detected immunocytochemically and confirmed quantitatively using flow cytometry. The localization of SPAM1 on the plasma membrane of Spam1-null sperm mimicked that seen in the W/T. The remarkable increase in binding on W/T caudal sperm indicates that they are not fully saturated with SPAM1 during storage, and suggests that uptake of epididymal SPAM1 in vivo augments testicular SPAM1. Spam1-null sperm exposed to W/T ELF for 45-60 min during in vitro capacitation to allow epididymal SPAM1 binding showed a highly significant (P < 0.001) increase in cumulus penetration after 6-7 h compared to those incubated in ELF from null males. Similarly, the number of cumulus-free oocytes was also highly significantly greater (P < 0.001) than that for sperm capacitated in W/T SPAM1-antibody-inhibited ELF. Because epididymal SPAM1 uptake significantly increases cumulus penetration, we conclude that it is a marker of sperm maturation.  相似文献   

Sperm maturation antigen 4 (SMA 4) is a glycoprotein secreted by the mouse epididymis that binds specifically to the sperm tail. Its fate has been examined on cauda epididymidal sperm in vivo and in vitro. SMA 4 was detected by indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) on sperm flushed from uteri of mice 5.5 h after natural or artificial insemination, but not on sperm attached to cumulus cells or zonae pellucidae of eggs recovered at that time. Detectable SMA 4 declines with time in vitro, as assayed by IIF on intact sperm or by enzyme immunoassay (EIA) of detergent extracts. After 3 h in vitro, 90% or more of sperm are not positive for SMA 4 by IIF. EIA of medium in which sperm have been incubated suggests that SMA 4 is being released from the cell surface. This time-dependent loss of SMA 4 is inhibited by mouse or rat cauda epididymidal fluid, low incubation temperature, or lack of protein in the incubation medium. However, the loss does not seem to be affected by the presence of eggs, cumulus cells, or oviduct fluids. SMA 4 is not removed from the sperm by selected treatments, suggesting that it is bound to the plasma membrane by strong, noncovalent interactions.  相似文献   

Mammalian spermatozoa undergo changes in morphology, composition, and function during transit through the epididymis. These changes correlate with acquisition by sperm of the ability to fertilize ova. It has been found that sperm from the cauda epididymidis, but not those from the caput epididymidis, are able to bind to the zona pellucida. This would imply a modification in sperm surface characteristics. Biochemical and immunological studies have demonstrated changes in sperm surface composition during epididymal maturation. These changes involve addition of epididymal secretory products to the sperm surface, loss or alteration of existing sperm surface molecules, and possibly the unmasking of preexisting molecules or epitopes. Several laboratories have studied the epididymal secretory proteins in the rat, but a consensus has not been reached on the identification, characterization, source, and sperm surface association of these proteins. Monoclonal antibodies are beginning to be used to characterize sperm surface components and sperm maturation antigens. They are proving to be valuable tools for the dissection of epididymal maturation when used in conjunction with biochemical and physiological approaches.  相似文献   

To determine where and when hyperactivation is initiated in vivo, the flagellar curvature ratios (fcr) of mouse sperm within the female reproductive tract were measured from videotape recordings and compared with those of epididymal sperm incubated under capacitating conditions in vitro. The fcrs and linearities of trajectory were significantly lowered after 90 min of incubation in vitro, indicating that hyperactivation had been initiated by that time. The flagellar curvature ratios of sperm at the colliculus tubarius, within the uterotubal junction, and in the isthmus, measured at 1-2 h postcoitus and approximately 1 h before and 1 h after ovulation, were found to have fcrs that were not different from those of sperm incubated for 90 min in vitro. It was concluded that the tract sperm had initiated hyperactivated flagellar bending before the time of ovulation and before entering the oviduct. Only sperm in the lower isthmus 1 h before ovulation had fcrs that were significantly different from sperm incubated for 90 min in vitro, but not from sperm measured at the beginning of incubation in vitro. This could be the result of motility suppression in the lower isthmus.  相似文献   

The mammalian sperm must be highly motile for a long time to fertilize a egg. It has been supposed that ATP required for sperm flagellar movement depends predominantly on mitochondrial respiration. We assessed the contribution of mitochondrial respiration to mouse sperm motility. Mouse sperm maintained vigorous motility with high beat frequency in an appropriate solution including a substrate such as glucose. The active sperm contained a large amount of ATP. When carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) was applied to suppress the oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria, the vigorous motility was maintained and the amount of ATP was kept at the equivalent level to that without CCCP. When pyruvate or lactate was provided instead of glucose, both sperm motility and the amount of ATP were high. However, they were drastically decreased when oxidative phosphorylation was suppressed by addition of CCCP. We also found that sperm motility could not be maintained in the presence of respiratory substrates when glycolysis was suppressed. 2-Deoxy-d-glucose (DOG) had no effect on mitochondrial respiration assessed by a fluorescent probe, 5,5',6,6'-tetrachloro-1,1',3,3'-tetraethylbenzimidazolylcarbocyanine iodide (JC-1), but, it inhibited motility and decreased ATP content when pyruvate or lactate were provided as substrates. The present results suggest that glycolysis has an unexpectedly important role in providing the ATP required for sperm motility throughout the length of the sperm flagellum.  相似文献   

Morphological changes in the chorion of the Medaka, Oryzias latipes, brought about by the hatching enzyme were examined by transmission as well as scanning electron microscopy. The structure of the intact chorion, especially its thick multilamellar inner layer, does not change during development until about 1 hr before the onset of hatching. As choriolysis proceeds, the inner layer of the chorion is digested to yield soluble proteins of relatively high molecular weight. During this process it appears that each lamella is successively solubilized from the inner surface of the chorion. Finally, a thin outer layer with accompanying villi and attaching filaments remains.Under the experimental conditions used, the enzyme was in direct contact with both the inner and outer layers of the chorion. Because of this, the enzyme could penetrate the outer layer and act on some peripheral parts of the underlying inner layer. Based on these morphological changes, a mechanism is proposed to account for the solubilization of the chorion by the hatching enzyme.  相似文献   

Spirochaeta aurantia DNA that coded for an antigenic determinant of the flagellin associated with the filament surface of the periplasmic flagella was isolated. When expressed in Escherichia coli, the antigenic polypeptide had an apparent molecular weight of 37,000. Sequence analysis of the antigen-encoding DNA revealed the presence of an open reading frame that determined a polypeptide with a predicted molecular weight of 31,241. This polypeptide showed a region of identity with the N-amino-terminal region of the 39,000- and 37,000-dalton flagellins of the distantly related spirochetes Treponema phagedenis and Treponema pallidum, respectively (S. J. Norris, N. W. Charon, R. G. Cook, M. D. Fuentes, and R. J. Limberger, J. Bacteriol. 170:4072-4082, 1988). The region of identity in the deduced S. aurantia polypeptide was preceded by a possible signal sequence and signal peptidase cleavage site.  相似文献   

Beyond the haploid genome, mammalian sperm carry a payload of epigenetic information with the potential to modulate offspring phenotypes. Recent studies show that the small RNA repertoire of sperm is remodeled during post-testicular maturation in the epididymis. Epididymal maturation has also been linked to changes in the sperm methylome, suggesting that the epididymis might play a broader role in shaping the sperm epigenome. Here, we characterize the genome-wide methylation landscape in seven germ cell populations from throughout the male reproductive tract. We find very few changes in the cytosine methylation landscape between testicular germ cell populations and cauda epididymal sperm, demonstrating that the sperm methylome is stable throughout post-testicular maturation. Although our sequencing data suggested that caput epididymal sperm exhibit a highly unusual methylome, follow-up studies revealed that this resulted from contamination of caput sperm by extracellular DNA. Extracellular DNA formed web-like structures that ensnared sperm, and was present only in sperm samples obtained from the caput epididymis and vas deferens of virgin males. Curiously, contaminating extracellular DNA was associated with citrullinated histone H3, potentially resulting from a PAD-driven genome decondensation process. Taken together, our data emphasize the stability of cytosine methylation in mammalian sperm, and identify a surprising, albeit transient, period during which sperm are associated with extracellular DNA.  相似文献   

Chang H  Suarez SS 《Biology of reproduction》2012,86(5):140, 1-140, 8
In order to better understand how sperm movement is regulated in the oviduct, we mated wild-type female mice with Acr-EGFP males that produce sperm with fluorescent acrosomes. The fluorescence improved our ability to detect sperm within the oviduct. Oviducts were removed shortly before or after ovulation and placed in chambers on a warm microscope stage for video recording. Hyperactivated sperm in the isthmic reservoir detached frequently from the epithelium and then reattached. Unexpectedly, most sperm found in the ampulla remained bound to epithelium throughout the observation period of several minutes. In both regions, most sperm produced deep flagellar bends in the direction opposite the hook of the sperm head. This was unexpected, because mouse sperm incubated under capacitating conditions in vitro primarily hyperactivate by producing deep flagellar bends in the same direction as the hook of the head. In vitro, sperm that are treated with thimerosal to release Ca(2+) from internal stores produce deep anti-hook bends; however, physical factors such as viscous oviduct fluid could also have influenced bending in oviductal sperm. Some sperm detached from epithelium in both the ampulla and isthmus during strong contractions of the oviduct. Blockage of oviduct contractions with nicardipine, however, did not stop sperm from forming a storage reservoir in the isthmus or prevent sperm from reaching the ampulla. These observations indicate that sperm continue to bind to oviductal epithelium after they leave the isthmic reservoir and that sperm motility is crucial in the transport of sperm to the fertilization site.  相似文献   

H W Liu  J J Wang  C F Chao  C Muller 《Acta anatomica》1991,142(2):165-170
Epididymal maturation is essential for mammalian sperm to develop fertility. Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), a lectin which specifically recognizes N-acetyl-glucosamine and sialic acid, was used to investigate membrane characteristics of epididymal sperm in the mouse. Histochemical and cytochemical localization revealed that WGA-binding sites were increased as sperm became mature. The binding sites were mainly localized in the plasma membrane of the anterior acrosome and tails. On Western blots of NP-40 extracts, two WGA-binding glycoproteins, GP-49 and GP-83, were identified on the sperm recovered from both corpus and cauda epididymidis. GP-83 was removed from the sperm surface by centrifugation and resuspension in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) three times. GP-49 was resistant to centrifuging at 400 g for 5 min up to seven times and the treatment with 1M NaCl in PBS. These observations suggest that GP-49 is very likely an intrinsic membrane protein of the sperm, whereas GP-83 is an extrinsic protein.  相似文献   

A new antigen termed PTA (plasmocytoma thymus antigen) is described which occurs on 70--80% of mouse thymocytes of all mouse strains tested and on an IgG 2b producing BALB/c plasma cell tumor. PTA is detectable on mouse spleen and lymph node cells. It is absent from liver, brain, bone marrow, and antibody plaque forming cells. PTA is not related to theta antigen and is not detectable on rat thymocytes.  相似文献   

We report here recent findings on the sperm maturation antigen SMA4, which is secreted by holocrine cells of the distal caput epididymis and binds to the flagellar surface of mouse sperm during epididymal transit. Washed sperm from the caput and corpus epididymides of mice were examined by immunofluorescence and SDS-PAGE using wheat germ agglutinin, which binds specifically to SMA4 as a primary probe. Results indicate that sperm first exhibit WGA reactivity on their flagellae in the region of the distal caput, and that the appearance of WGA receptors is due to the binding of a 54-Kd glycoprotein (SMA4) to the cell surface. Extracts of epididymis containing SMA4 were tested for their ability to bind to the surfaces of caput and corpus sperm. Caput sperm surfaces bound SMA4 in a temperature-independent manner, and binding occurred in the presence of enzyme inhibitors, suggesting a nonenzymatic process. Biochemical studies revealed that SMA4 contains disulfide bonds which stabilize it on the sperm surface and restrict its mobility. Terminal carbohydrate residues of the molecule are sialic acids. The addition of SMA4 to caput sperm flagellae prevented tail-to-tail agglutination, normally seen when caput sperm are diluted into saline; and SMA4 was able to disperse clumps of agglutinated caput sperm. The data suggest that a primary function of SMA4 is to prevent tail-to-tail agglutination of sperm during storage in the epididymis.  相似文献   

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