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To determine the long-term impact of elevated CO2 on primary production of native tallgrass prairie, we compared the responses of tallgrass prairie at ambient and twice-ambient atmospheric CO2 levels over an 8-year period. Plots in open-top chambers (4.5 m diameter) were exposed continuously (24 h) to ambient and elevated CO2 from early April to late October each year. Unchambered plots were monitored also. Above-ground peak biomass was determined by clipping each year in early August, and root growth was estimated by harvesting roots from root ingrowth bags. Plant community composition was censused each year in early June. In the last 2 years of the study, subplots were clipped on 1 June or 1 July, and regrowth was harvested on 1 October. Volumetric soil water content of the 0–100 cm soil layer was determined using neutron scattering, and was generally higher in elevated CO2 plots than ambient. Peak above-ground biomass was greater on elevated CO2 plots than ambient CO2 plots with or without chambers during years with significant plant water stress. Above-ground regrowth biomass was greater under elevated CO2 than under ambient CO2 in a year with late-season water stress, but did not differ in a wetter year. Root ingrowth biomass was also greater in elevated CO2 plots than ambient CO2 plots when water stress occurred during the growing season. The basal cover and relative amount of warm-season perennial grasses (C4) in the stand changed little during the 8-year period, but basal cover and relative amount of cool-season perennial grasses (C3) in the stand declined in the elevated CO2 plots and in ambient CO2 plots with chambers. Forbs (C3) and members of the Cyperaceae (C3) increased in basal cover and relative amount in the stand at elevated compared to ambient CO2. Greater biomass production under elevated CO2 in C4-dominated grasslands may lead to a greater carbon sequestration by those ecosystems and reduce peak atmospheric CO2 concentrations in the future.  相似文献   

A tallgrass prairie ecosystem was exposed to ambient and twice-ambient CO2 concentrations in open-top chambers and compared to unchambered ambient CO2 during the entire growing season from 1989 through 1991. Dominant species were Andropogon gerardii (C4), A. scoparius (C4), Sorghastrum nutans (C4) and Poa pratensis (C3). Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in A. gerardii, P. pratensis and dicotyledonous herbs above ground biomass were estimated by periodic sampling throughout the growing season in 1989 and 1990. In 1991, N and P concentrations in peak biomass were estimated by an early August harvest. N and P concentrations in root production as a function of treatment were estimated using root ingrowth bags that remained in place throughout the growing season. Total N and P in above- and belowground biomass were calculated as products of concentration and peak biomass by species groups. N concentration in A. gerardii and dicotyledonous herb aboveground biomass was lower and total N higher in elevated CO2 plots than in ambient CO2 plots. N concentration in P. pratensis aboveground biomass was lower in elevated CO2 plots than in ambient, but total N did not differ among treatments in 2 out of 3 years. In 1990, N concentration in root ingrowth bag biomass was lower and total N greater in elevated CO2 than in ambient CO2 plots. Root ingrowth bag biomass N concentration did not differ among treatments in 1991, but total N was greater in elevated CO2 plots than in ambient CO2 plots. P concentration was lower under elevated CO2 compared to ambient in 1989, but did not differ substantially among treatments in 1990 or 1991. In all years, total P in aboveground A. gerardii and root ingrowth bag biomass was greater under elevated CO2 than ambient. P concentration and total P in P. pratensis was similar among treatments.  相似文献   

Williams  Mark A.  Rice  Charles W.  Owensby  Clenton E. 《Plant and Soil》2000,227(1-2):127-137
Alterations in microbial mineralization and nutrient cycling may control the long-term response of ecosystems to elevated CO2. Because micro-organisms constitute a labile fraction of potentially available N and are regulators of decomposition, an understanding of microbial activity and microbial biomass is crucial. Tallgrass prairie was exposed to twice ambient CO2 for 8 years beginning in 1989. Starting in 1991 and ending in 1996, soil samples from 0 to 5 and 5 to 15 cm depths were taken for measurement of microbial biomass C and N, total C and N, microbial activity, inorganic N and soil water content. Because of increased water-use-efficiency by plants, soil water content was consistently and significantly greater in elevated CO2 compared to ambient treatments. Soil microbial biomass C and N tended to be greater under elevated CO2 than ambient CO2 in the 5–15 cm depth during most years, and in the month of October, when analyzed over the entire study period. Microbial activity was significantly greater at both depths in elevated CO2 than ambient conditions for most years. During dry periods, the greater water content of the surface 5 cm soil in the elevated CO2 treatments increased microbial activity relative to the ambient CO2 conditions. The increase in microbial activity under elevated CO2 in the 5–15 cm layer was not correlated with differences in soil water contents, but may have been related to increases in soil C inputs from enhanced root growth and possibly greater root exudation. Total soil C and N in the surface 15 cm were, after 8 years, significantly greater under elevated CO2 than ambient CO2. Our results suggest that decomposition is enhanced under elevated CO2 compared with ambient CO2, but that inputs of C are greater than the decomposition rates. Soil C sequestration in tallgrass prairie and other drought-prone grassland systems is, therefore, considered plausible as atmospheric CO2 increases. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Plant nitrogen (N) relationship has the potential to regulate plant and ecosystem responses strongly to global warming but has not been carefully examined under warmed environments. This study was conducted to examine responses of plant N relationship (i.e. leaf N concentration, N use efficiency, and plant N content in this study) to a 4‐year experimental warming in a tallgrass prairie in the central Great Plains in USA. We measured mass‐based N and carbon (C) concentrations of stem, green, and senescent leaves, and calculated N resorption efficiency, N use efficiency, plant N content, and C : N ratios of five dominant species (two C4 grasses, one C3 grass, and two C3 forbs). The results showed that warming decreased N concentration of both green and senescent leaves, and N resorption efficiency for all species. N use efficiencies and C : N ratios were accordingly higher under warming than control. Total plant N content increased under warming because of warming‐induced increases in biomass production that are larger than the warming‐induced decreases in tissue N concentration. The increases in N contents in both green and senescent plant tissues suggest that warming enhanced both plant N uptake and return through litterfall in the tallgrass ecosystem. Our results also suggest that the increased N use efficiency in C4 grasses is a primary mechanism leading to increased biomass production under warming in the grassland ecosystem.  相似文献   

Jastrow  J.D.  Miller  R.M.  Owensby  C.E. 《Plant and Soil》2000,224(1):85-97
We determined the effects of elevated [CO2] on the quantity and quality of below-ground biomass and several soil organic matter pools at the conclusion of an eight-year CO2 enrichment experiment on native tallgrass prairie. Plots in open-top chambers were exposed continuously to ambient and twice-ambient [CO2] from early April through late October of each year. Soil was sampled to a depth of 30 cm beneath and next to the crowns of C4 grasses in these plots and in unchambered plots. Elevated [CO2] increased the standing crops of rhizomes (87%), coarse roots (46%), and fibrous roots (40%) but had no effect on root litter (mostly fine root fragments and sloughed cortex material >500 μm). Soil C and N stocks also increased under elevated [CO2], with accumulations in the silt/clay fraction over twice that of particulate organic matter (POM; >53 μm). The mostly root-like, light POM (density ≤1.8 Mg m-3) appeared to turn over more rapidly, while the more amorphous and rendered heavy POM (density >1.8 Mg m-3) accumulated under elevated [CO2]. Overall, rhizome and root C:N ratios were not greatly affected by CO2 enrichment. However, elevated [CO2] increased the C:N ratios of root litter and POM in the surface 5 cm and induced a small but significant increase in the C:N ratio of the silt/clay fraction to a depth of 15 cm. Our data suggest that 8 years of CO2 enrichment may have affected elements of the N cycle (including mineralization, immobilization, and asymbiotic fixation) but that any changes in N dynamics were insufficient to prevent significant plant growth responses. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Liu  Xiaozhong  Wan  Shiqiang  Su  Bo  Hui  Dafeng  Luo  Yiqi 《Plant and Soil》2002,240(2):213-223
Although CO2 efflux plays a critical role in carbon exchange between the biosphere and atmosphere, our understanding of its regulation by soil moisture is rather limited. This study was designed to examine the relationship between soil CO2 efflux and soil moisture in a natural ecosystem by taking advantage of the historically long drought period from 29 July to 21 September 2000 in the southern Central Great Plain, USA. At the end of August when soil moisture content at the top 50 mm was reduced to less than 50 g kg–1 gravimetrically, we applied 8 levels of water treatments (simulated to rainfall of 0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, and 300 mm) with three replicates to 24 plots in a Tallgrass Prairie ecosystem in Central Oklahoma, USA. In order to quantify root-free soil CO2 efflux, we applied the same 8 levels of water treatments to 24 500-mm soil columns using soil from field adjacent to the experimental plots. We characterized dynamic patterns of soil moisture and soil CO2 efflux over the experimental period of 21 days. Both soil moisture content and CO2 efflux showed dramatic increases immediately after the water addition, followed by a gradual decline. The time courses in response to water treatments are well described by Y=Y0+ate–bt, where Y is either soil moisture or CO2 efflux, t is time, Y 0, a, and b are coefficients. Among the 8 water treatments, the maximal soil CO2 efflux rate occurred at the 50 mm water level in the field and 100 mm in the root-free soil 1 day after the treatment. The maximal soil CO2 efflux gradually shifted to higher water levels as the experiment continued. We found the relationship between soil CO2 efflux and soil moisture using the data from the 21-day experiment was highly scattered, suggesting complex mechanisms determining soil CO2 efflux by soil moisture.  相似文献   

Rhizodeposition under ambient and elevated CO2 levels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As global CO2 levels rise, can soils store more carbon and so buffer atmospheric CO2 levels? Answering this question requires a knowledge of the rates of C inputs to soil and of CO2 outputs via decomposition. Below-ground inputs from roots are a major component of the C flow into soils but are still poorly understood. In this article, new techniques for measuring rhizodeposition are reviewed and discussed and the need for cross-comparisons between methods is identified. One component of rhizodeposition, root exudation, is examined in more detail and evidence is presented which suggests that current estimates of exudate flow into soils are incorrect. A mechanistic mathematical model is used to explore how exudate flows might change under elevated CO2.  相似文献   

With the ability to symbiotically fix atmospheric N2, legumes may lack the N-limitations thought to constrain plant response to elevated concentrations of atmospheric CO2. The growth and photosynthetic responses of two perennial grassland species were compared to test the hypotheses that (1) the CO2 response of wild species is limited at low N availability, (2) legumes respond to a greater extent than non-fixing forbs to elevated CO2, and (3) elevated CO2 stimulates symbiotic N2 fixation, resulting in an increased amount of N derived from the atmosphere. This study investigated the effects of atmospheric CO2 concentration (365 and 700 mol mol–1) and N addition on whole plant growth and C and N acquisition in an N2-fixing legume (Lupinus perennis) and a non-fixing forb (Achillea millefolium) in controlled-chamber environments. To evaluate the effects of a wide range of N availability on the CO2 response, we incorporated six levels of soil N addition starting with native field soil inherently low in N (field soil + 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, or 20 g N m–2 yr–1). Whole plant growth, leaf net photosynthetic rates (A), and the proportion of N derived from N2 fixation were determined in plants grown from seed over one growing season. Both species increased growth with CO2enrichment, but this response was mediated by N supply only for the non-fixer, Achillea. Its response depended on mineral N supply as growth enhancements under elevated CO2 increased from 0% in low N soil to +25% at the higher levels of N addition. In contrast, Lupinus plants had 80% greater biomass under elevated CO2 regardless of N treatment. Although partial photosynthetic acclimation to CO2 enrichment occurred, both species maintained comparably higher A in elevated compared to ambient CO2 (+38%). N addition facilitated increased A in Achillea, however, in neither species did additional N availability affect the acclimation response of A to CO2. Elevated CO2 increased plant total N yield by 57% in Lupinus but had no effect on Achillea. The increased N in Lupinus came from symbiotic N2 fixation, which resulted in a 47% greater proportion of N derived from fixation relative to other sources of N. These results suggest that compared to non-fixing forbs, N2-fixers exhibit positive photosynthetic and growth responses to increased atmospheric CO2 that are independent of soil N supply. The enhanced amount of N derived from N2 fixation under elevated CO2 presumably helps meet the increased N demand in N2-fixing species. This response may lead to modified roles of N2-fixers and N2-fixer/non-fixer species interactions in grassland communities, especially those that are inherently N-poor, under projected rising atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

Open-top chambers were used to study the effects of CO2 enrichment on leaf-level photosynthetic rates of the C4 grass Andropogon gerardii in the native tallgrass prairie ecosystem near Manhattan, Kansas. Measurements were made during a year with abundant rainfall (1993) and a year with below-normal rainfall (1994). Treatments included: No chamber, ambient CO2 (A); chamber with ambient CO2 (CA); and chamber with twice-ambient CO2 (CE). Measurements of photosynthesis were made at 2-hour intervals, or at midday, on cloudless days throughout the growing season using an open-flow gas-exchange system. No significant differences in midday rates of photosynthesis or in daily carbon accumulation as a result of CO2 enrichment were found in the year with abundant precipitation. In the dry year, midday rates of photosynthesis were significantly higher in the CE treatment than in the CA or A treatments throughout the season. Estimates of daily carbon accumulation also indicated that CO2 enrichment allowed plants to maximize carbon acquisition on a diurnal basis. The increased carbon accumulation was accounted for by greater rates of photosynthesis in the CE plots during midday. During the wet year, CO2 enrichment decreased stomatal conductance, which allowed plants to decrease transpiration while still photosynthesizing at rates similar to plants in ambient conditions. During the dry year, CO2 enrichment allowed plants to maintain photosynthetic rates even though stomatal conductance and transpiration had been reduced in all treatments due to stress. Estimates of instantaneous water-use efficiency were reduced under CO2 enrichment for both years. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Long- and short-term effects of fire on nitrogen cycling in tallgrass prairie   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
Fires in the tallgrass prairie are frequent and significantly alter nutrient cycling processes. We evaluated the short-term changes in plant production and microbial activity due to fire and the long-term consequences of annual burning on soil organic matter (SOM), plant production, and nutrient cycling using a combination of field, laboratory, and modeling studies. In the short-term, fire in the tallgrass prairie enhances microbial activity, increases both above-and belowground plant production, and increases nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). However, repeated annual burning results in greater inputs of lower quality plant residues causing a significant reduction in soil organic N, lower microbial biomass, lower N availability, and higher C:N ratios in SOM. Changes in amount and quality of below-ground inputs increased N immobilization and resulted in no net increases in N availability with burning. This response occurred rapidly (e.g., within two years) and persisted during 50 years of annual burning. Plant production at a long-term burned site was not adversely affected due to shifts in plant NUE and carbon allocation. Modeling results indicate that the tallgrass ecosystem responds to the combined changes in plant resource allocation and NUE. No single factor dominates the impact of fire on tallgrass plant production.  相似文献   

Eviner  Valerie T.  Stuart Chapin  F. 《Plant and Soil》2002,246(2):211-219
We tested the effects of plant species, fertilization and elevated CO2 on water-stable soil aggregation. Five annual grassland species and a plant community were grown in outdoor mesocosms for 4 years, with and without NPK fertilization, at ambient or elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Aggregate stability (resistance of aggregates to slaking) in the top 0.15 m of soil differed among plant species. However, the more diverse plant community did not enhance aggregate stability relative to most monocultures. Species differences in aggregate stability were positively correlated with soil active bacterial biomass, but did not correlate with root biomass or fungal length. Plant species did not affect aggregate stability lower in the soil profile (0.15–0.45 m), where soil biological activity is generally decreased. Elevated CO2 and NPK fertilization altered many of the factors known to influence aggregation, but did not affect water-stable aggregation at either depth, in any of the plant treatments. These results suggest that global changes will alter soil structure primarily due to shifts in vegetation composition.  相似文献   

Acclimation of photosynthesis and respiration in shoots and ecosystem carbon dioxide fluxes to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration (C a ) was studied in a brackish wetland. Open top chambers were used to create test atmospheres of normal ambient and elevated C a (=normal ambient + 34 Pa CO2) over mono-specific stands of the C3 sedge Scirpus olneyi, the dominant C3 species in the wetland ecosystem, throughout each growing season since April of 1987. Acclimation of photosynthesis and respiration were evaluated by measurements of gas exchange in excised shoots. The impact of elevated C a on the accumulation of carbon in the ecosystem was determined by ecosystem gas exchange measurements made using the open top chamber as a cuvette.Elevated C a increased carbohydrate and reduced Rubisco and soluble protein concentrations as well as photosynthetic capacity(A) and dark respiration (R d ; dry weight basis) in excised shoots and canopies (leaf area area basis) of Scirpus olneyi. Nevertheless, the rate of photosynthesis was stimulated 53% in shoots and 30% in canopies growing in elevated C a compared to normal ambient concentration. Elevated C a inhibited R d measured in excised shoots (–19 to –40%) and in seasonally integrated ecosystem respiration (R e ; –36 to –57%). Growth of shoots in elevated C a was stimulated 14–21%, but this effect was not statistically significant at peak standing biomass in midseason. Although the effect of elevated C a on growth of shoots was relatively small, the combined effect of increased number of shoots and stimulation of photosynthesis produced a 30% stimulation in seasonally integrated gross primary production (GPP). The stimulation of photosynthesis and inhibition of respiration by elevated C a increased net ecosystem production (NEP=GPP–R e ) 59% in 1993 and 50% in 1994. While this study consistently showed that elevated C a produced a significant increase in NEP, we have not identified a correspondingly large pool of carbon below ground.  相似文献   

We investigated microbial responses in a late successional sedge-dominated alpine grassland to four seasons of CO2 enrichment. Part of the plots received fertilizer equivalent to 4.5g N m−2 a−1. Soil basal respiration (R mic ), the metabolic quotient for CO2 (qCO2=R mic /C mic ), microbial C and N (C mic and N mic ) as well as total soil organic C and N showed no response to CO2 enrichment alone. However, when the CO2 treatment was combined with fertilizer addition R mic and qCO2 were statistically significantly higher under elevated CO2 than under ambient conditions (+57% and +71%, respectively). Fertilizer addition increased microbial N pools by 17%, but this was not influenced by elevated CO2. Microbial C was neither affected by elevated CO2 nor fertilizer. The lack of a CO2-effect in unfertilized plots was suprising in the light of our evidence (based on C balance) that enhanced soil C inputs must have occurred under elevated CO2 regardless of fertilizer treatment. Based on these data and other published work we suggest that microbial responses to elevated CO2 in such stable, late-successional ecosystems are limited by the availability of mineral nutrients and that results obtained with fertile or heavily disturbed substrates are unsuitable to predict future microbial responses to elevated CO2 in natural systems. However, when nutrient limitation is removed (e.g. by wet nitrogen deposition) microbes make use of the additional carbon introduced into the soil system. We believe that the response of natural ecosystems to elevated CO2 must be studied in situ in natural, undisturbed systems.  相似文献   

A common observation in plants grown in elevated CO2 concentration is that the rate of photosynthesis is lower than expected from the dependence of photosynthesis upon CO2 concentration in single leaves of plants grown at present CO2 concentration. Furthermore, it has been suggested that this apparent down regulation of photosynthesis may be larger in leaves of plants at low nitrogen supply than at higher nitrogen supply. However, the available data are rather limited and contradictory. In this paper, particular attention is drawn to the way in which whole plant growth response to N supply constitutes a variable sink strength for carbohydrate usage and how this may affect photosynthesis. The need for further studies of the acclimation of photosynthesis at elevated CO2 in leaves of plants whose N supply has resulted in well-defined growth rate and sink activity is emphasised, and brief consideration is made of how this might be achieved.Abbreviations A rate of CO2 assimilation - Ci internal CO2 concentration - PCR photosynthetic carbon reduction - Rubisco Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - RuBP ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate  相似文献   

A photoautotrophic soybean suspension culture (SB-P) was used to study CO2 assimilation while exposed to elevated or ambient CO2 levels. These studies showed that under elevated CO2 (5% v/v) malate is the dominant fixation product, strongly suggesting that phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPCase) is the primary enzyme involved in carbon fixation in these cells under their normal growth conditions. Citrate and [aspartate + glutamate] were also significant fixation products during fifteen minutes of exposure to 14CO2. During the ten minute unlabeled CO2 chase however, 14C-malate continued to increase while citrate and [aspartate + glutamate] declined. Fixation of 14CO2 under ambient CO2 levels (0.037%) showed a very different product pattern as 3-phosphoglycerate was very high in the first one to two minutes followed by increases in [serine + glycine] and [aspartate + glutamate]. Hexose phosphates were also quite high initially but then declined relatively rapidly. Thus, the carbon fixation pattern at ambient CO2 levels resembles somewhat that seen in C3 leaf cells while that seen at elevated CO2 levels more closely resembles that of a C4 plant. The initial fixation product of C3 plants, 3-PGA, was never detectable under high CO2 conditions. These data suggest that an in vitro photoautotrophic system would be suitable for studying carbon fixation physiology during photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic growth.Abbreviations SB-P photoautotrophic soybean cells - PEPCase phosphoenol-pyruvate carboxylase - RuBPCase ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - 3-PGA 3-phosphoglycerate  相似文献   

Ineson  P.  Coward  P.A.  Hartwig  U.A. 《Plant and Soil》1998,198(1):89-95
Fluxes of nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide were measured from soils under ambient (350 µL L-1) and enhanced (600 µL L-1) carbon dioxide partial pressures (pCO2) at the Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) experiment, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH), Eschikon, Switzerland in July 1995, using a GC housed in a mobile laboratory. Measurements were made in plots of Lolium perenne maintained under high N input. During the data collection period N fertiliser was applied at a rate of 14 g m-2 of N. Elevated pCO2 appeared to result in an increased (27%) output of N2O, thought to be the consequence of enhanced root-derived available soil C, acting as an energy source for denitrification. The climate, agricultural practices and soils at the FACE experiment combined to give rise to some of the largest N2O emissions recorded for any terrestrial ecosystem. The amount of CO2–C being lost from the control plot was higher (10%) than for the enhanced CO2 plot, and is the reverse of that predicted. The control plot oxidised consistently more CH4 than the enhanced plot, oxidising 25.5 ± 0.8 µg m-2 hr-1 of CH4 for the control plot, with an average of 8.5 ± 0.4 µg m-2 hr-1 of CH4 for the enhanced CO2 plot. This suggests that elevated pCO2 may lead to a feedback whereby less CH4 is removed from the atmosphere. Despite the limited nature of the current study (in time and space), the observations made here on the interactions of elevated pCO2 and soil trace gas release suggest that significant interactions are occurring. The feedbacks involved could have importance at the global scale.  相似文献   

Standing dead and green foliage litter was collected in early November 1990 from Andropogon gerardii (C4), Sorghastrum nutans (C4), and Poa pratensis (C3) plants that were grown in large open-top chambers under ambient or twice ambient CO2 and with or without nitrogen fertilization (45 kg N ha−1). The litter was placed in mesh bags on the soil surface of pristine prairie adjacent to the growth treatment plots and allowed to decay under natural conditions. Litter bags were retrieved at fixed intervals and litter was analyzed for mass loss, carbon chemistry, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen and phosphorus. The results indicate that growth treatments had a relatively minor effect on the initial chemical composition of the litter and its subsequent rate of decay or chemical composition. This suggests that a large indirect effect of CO2 on surface litter decomposition in the tallgrass prairie would not occur by way of changes in chemistry of leaf litter. However, there was a large difference in characteristics of leaf litter decomposition among the species. Poa leaf litter had a different initial chemistry and decayed more rapidly than C4 grasses. We conclude that an indirect effect of CO2 on decomposition and nutrient cycling could occur if CO2 induces changes in the relative aboveground biomass of the prairie species.  相似文献   

The fate, as well as the consequence for plant nutrition, of the additional carbon entering soil under elevated CO2 is largely determined by the activity of soil microorganisms. However, most elevated CO2 studies have documented changes (generally increases) in microbial biomass and total infection by symbiotic organisms, which is only a first step in the understanding of the modification of soil processes. Using a Mediterranean model ecosystem, we complemented these variables by analyzing changes in enzymatic activities, hyphal lengths, and bacterial substrate assimilation, to tentatively identify the specific components affected under elevated CO2 and those which suggest changes in soil organic matter pools. We also investigated changes in the functional structures of arbuscular mycorrhizas. Most of the microbial variables assessed showed significant and substantial increase under elevated CO2, of the same order or less than those observed for root mass and length. The increase in dehydrogenase activity indicates that the larger biomass of microbes was accompanied by an increase in their activity. The increase in hyphal length (predominantly of saprophytic fungi), and xylanase, cellulase and phosphatase activities, suggests an overall stimulation of organic matter decomposition. The higher number of substrates utilized by microorganisms from the soil under elevated CO2 was significant for the amine/amide group. Total arbuscular and vesicular mycorrhizal infection of roots was higher under elevated CO2, but the proportion of functional structures was not modified. These insights into the CO2-induced changes in soil biological activity point towards potential areas of investigation complementary to a direct analysis of the soil organic matter pools.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine reciprocal effects of low to high doses of nitrogenous fertilizer (N30, N40, N50, N60 and N70 — 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 kg ha−1 respectively) and CO2 enriched environment on C and N partitioning in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril cv JS-335). Plants were grown from seedling emergence to maturity inside open top chambers under ambient, AC (350±50 mol mol−1) and elevated, EC (600±50 mol mol−1) CO2 and analyzed at seedling, vegetative, flowering, pod setting and maturity stages. Soybean responded to both CO2 enrichment and N supply. Leaves, stem and root reserves at different growth stages were analyzed for total C and N contents. Consistent increase in the C contents of the leaf, stem and root was observed under EC than in AC. N contents in the different plant parts were found to be decreased under EC-grown plants specially at seedling and vegetative stage despite providing N doses to the soil. Significant increase observed for C to N dry mass ratio under EC in the root, stems and leaves at seedling and vegetative stage was decreased in the middle and later growth stages possibly due to combined impact of N doses to the soil and increased N2 fixing activities due to EC conditions. Critical analysis of our findings reveals that the composition and partitioning of C and N of soybean under variable rates of N supply and CO2 enrichment alter according to need under altered metabolic process. These changes eventually may lead to alteration in uptake of not only N but other essential nutrients also under changing atmosphere.  相似文献   

Summary Whole ecosystem CO2 flux under ambient (340 l/l) and elevated (680 l/l) CO2 was measured in situ in Eriophorum tussock tundra on the North Slope of Alaska. Elevated CO2 resulted in greater carbon acquisition than control treatments and there was a net loss of CO2 under ambient conditions at this upland tundra site. These measurements indicate a current loss of carbon from upland tundra, possibly the result of recent climatic changes. Elevated CO2 for the duration of one growing season appeared to delay the onset of dormancy and resulted in approximately 10 additional days of positive ecosystem flux. Homeostatic adjustment of ecosystem CO2 flux (sum of species' response) was apparent by the third week of exposure to elevated CO2. Ecosystem dark respiration rates were not significantly higher at elevated CO2 levels. Rapid homeostatic adjustment to elevated CO2 may limit carbon uptake in upland tundra. Abiotic factors were evaluated as predictors of ecosystem CO2 flux. For chambers exposed to ambient and elevated CO2 levels for the duration of the growing season, seasonality (Julian day) was the best predictor of ecosystem CO2 flux at both ambient and elevated CO2 levels. Light (PAR), soil temperature, and air temperature were also predictive of seasonal ecosystem flux, but only at elevated CO2 levels. At any combination of physical conditions, flux of the elevated CO2 treatment was greater than that at ambient. In short-term manipulations of CO2, tundra exposed to elevated CO2 had threefold greater carbon gain, and had one half the ecosystem level, light compensation point when compared to ambient CO2 treatments. Elevated CO2-acclimated tundra had twofold greater carbon gain compared to ambient treatments, but there was no difference in ecosystem level, light compensation point between elevated and ambient CO2 treatments. The predicted future increases in cloudiness could substantially decrease the effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 on net ecosystem carbon budget. These analyses suggest little if any long-term stimulation of ecosystem carbon acquisition by increases in atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

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