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A complete endogenous type D viral genome has been isolated from a baboon genomic library. The provirus, simian endogenous retrovirus (SERV), is 8,393 nucleotides long and contains two long terminal repeats and complete genes for gag, pro, pol, and env. The primer binding site is complementary to tRNA(Lys)3, like in lentiviruses. The env GP70 protein is highly homologous to that of baboon endogenous virus (BaEV). PCR analysis of primate DNA showed that related proviral sequences are present in Old World monkeys of the subfamily Cercopithecinae but not in apes and humans. Analysis of virus and host sequences indicated that the proviral genomes were inherited from a common ancestor. Comparison of the evolution of BaEV, exogenous simian retrovirus types 1 to 3 (SRV1 to SRV3), and SERV suggests that SERV is ancestral to both BaEV and the SRVs.  相似文献   

Simian type D retrovirus (SRV) is enzootic in many populations of Asian monkeys of the genus Macaca and is associated with immunodeficiency diseases. However, the zoonotic potential of this agent has not been well defined. Screening for antibodies to SRV was performed as part of an ongoing study looking for evidence of infection with simian retroviruses among persons occupationally exposed to nonhuman primates (NHPs). Of 231 persons tested, 2 (0.9%) were found to be strongly seropositive, showing reactivity against multiple SRV antigens representing gag, pol, and env gene products by Western immunoblotting. Persistent long-standing seropositivity, as well as neutralizing antibody specific to SRV type 2, was documented in one individual (subject 1), while waning antibody with eventual seroreversion was observed in a second (subject 2). Repeated attempts to detect SRV by isolation in tissue culture and by using sensitive PCR assays for amplification of two SRV gene regions (gag and pol) were negative. Both individuals remain apparently healthy. We were also unable to transmit this seropositivity to an SRV-negative macaque by using inoculation of whole blood from subject 1. The results of this study provide evidence that occupational exposure to NHPs may increase the risk of infection with SRV and underscore the importance of both occupational safety practices and efforts to eliminate this virus from established macaque colonies.  相似文献   

Simian acquired immune deficiency syndrome (SAIDS) caused by the type D retrovirus SRV-1 results in opportunistic infections and a spectrum of oral lesions similar to those seen in humans with AIDS. To better understand the pathogenesis of these oral lesions we have retrospectively examined the oral mucosa from ten rhesus monkeys that died with SAIDS and prospectively examined the oral mucosa of ten additional animals inoculated with SRV-1 to determine at what time, and in what cells SRV-1 infection of the oral mucosa occurs. Using single and double label immunohistologic techniques, and electron microscopy we detected SRV-1 in clusters of oral epithelial cells and rare Langerhans cells as early as 1 month postinoculation.  相似文献   

Pregnant macaques were used as a natural model for maternal-infant transmission of SRV-2 retrovirus. Fifty-one pregnant females were placed into one of four virus/antibody groups. Nonviremic mothers produced 100% virus-negative offspring at birth. In contrast, viremic mothers produced offspring which were 17% virus-negative and 83% virus-positive at birth. SRV-2 infection occurred principally in utero by the transplacental route. Infants born to viremic mothers exhibited low birth weight, prematurity, high perinatal death, and increased incidence of SAIDS.  相似文献   

Celebes macaques were tested for type D simian retrovirus (SRV) infection. SRV infection was first detected in one serum sample collected during 1980. By 1983, 32 of 46 monkeys (70%) were infected. Serotyping of the SRV isolates determined that 0/26 of the isolates were SRV-1; 24/26 were SRV-2; 1/26 was SRV-5; and 1/26 could not be typed. Restriction endonuclease mapping confirmed the SRV-2C and SRV-5 isolates. In addition, two SRV-2C variants were detected.  相似文献   

One rhesus macaque displayed severe encephalomyelitis and another displayed severe enterocolitis following infection with molecularly cloned simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) strain SIVmac239. Little or no free anti-SIV antibody developed in these two macaques, and they died relatively quickly (4 to 6 months) after infection. Manifestation of the tissue-specific disease in these macaques was associated with the emergence of variants with high replicative capacity for macrophages and primary infection of tissue macrophages. The nature of sequence variation in the central region (vif, vpr, and vpx), the env gene, and the nef long terminal repeat (LTR) region in brain, colon, and other tissues was examined to see whether specific genetic changes were associated with SIV replication in brain or gut. Sequence analysis revealed strong conservation of the intergenic central region, nef, and the LTR. However, analysis of env sequences in these two macaques and one other revealed significant, interesting patterns of sequence variation. (i) Changes in env that were found previously to contribute to the replicative ability of SIVmac for macrophages in culture were present in the tissues of these animals. (ii) The greatest variability was located in the regions between V1 and V2 and from "V3" through C3 in gp120, which are different in location from the variable regions observed previously in animals with strong antibody responses and long-term persistent infection. (iii) The predominant sequence change of D-->N at position 385 in C3 is most surprising, since this change in both SIV and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 has been associated with dramatically diminished affinity for CD4 and replication in vitro. (iv) The nature of sequence changes at some positions (146, 178, 345, 385, and "V3") suggests that viral replication in brain and gut may be facilitated by specific sequence changes in env in addition to those that impart a general ability to replicate well in macrophages. These results demonstrate that complex selective pressures, including immune responses and varying cell and tissue specificity, can influence the nature of sequence changes in env.  相似文献   

Endemic simian retrovirus (SRV) infection can cause fatal simian AIDS in Macaca fascicularis, but many individuals survive with few clinical signs. To further clarify the parameters of SRV pathogenesis, we investigated the persistence of viral DNA forms in relation to active viremia, antibody response, and transmissibility of infection. In M. fascicularis from endemically SRV-2-infected colonies, viral DNA was present in both linear and unintegrated long terminal repeat circular forms in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of all viremic and many nonviremic animals. Long-term followup of three individuals with distinct infection patterns demonstrated persistence of linear and circular forms of viral DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and tissues, irrespective of viremia or antibody status, but reactivation of latent infections was not observed. The role of viral DNA in transmission and early pathogenesis of SRV-2 was investigated by inoculation of SRV-2 DNA-positive blood into groups of na?ve M. fascicularis from either a viremic or nonviremic donor and subsequent analysis of the virological and serological status of the recipients. Transmission of SRV and development of anti-SRV antibodies were only observed in recipients of blood from the viremic donor; transfer of SRV provirus and unintegrated circular DNA in blood from the nonviremic donor did not lead to infection of the recipients. These results indicate that a proportion of M. fascicularis are able to effectively control the replication and infectivity of SRV despite long-term persistence of viral DNA forms in infected lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Natural infection with simian retrovirus (SRV) has long been recognized in rhesus macaques (RMs) and may result in an AIDS-like disease. Importantly, SRV infections persist as a problem in recently imported macaques. Therefore, there is a clear need to control SRV spread in macaque colonies. We developed a recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV)-SRV vaccine consisting of replication-competent hybrid VSVs that express SRV gag and env in separate vectors. The goal of this study was to assess the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of the VSV-SRV serotype 2 vaccine prime-boost approach in RMs. The VSV-SRV vector (expressing either SRV gag or env) vaccines were intranasally administered in 4 RMs, followed by a boost 1 month after the first vaccination. Four RMs served as controls and received the VSV vector alone. Two months after the boost, all animals were intravenously challenged with SRV-2 and monitored for 90 days. After the SRV-2 challenge, all four controls became infected, and viral loads (VLs) ranged from 10(6) to 10(8) SRV RNA copies/ml of plasma. Two animals in the control group developed simian AIDS within 7 to 8 weeks postinfection and were euthanized. Anemia and weight loss were observed in the remaining controls. During acute infection, severe B-cell depletion and no significant changes in T-cell population were observed in the control group. Control RMs with greater preservation of B cells and lower VLs survived longer. SRV-2 was undetectable in vaccinated animals, which remained healthy, with no clinical or biological signs of infection and preservation of B cells. Our study showed that the VSV-SRV vaccine is a strong approach for preventing clinically relevant type D retrovirus infection and disease in RMs, with protection of 4/4 RMs from SRV infection and prevention of B-cell destruction. B-cell protection was the strongest correlate of the long-term survival of all vaccinated and control RMs.  相似文献   

Simian retrovirus type D (SRVD) is a naturally occurring betaretrovirus in nonhuman primates of the genus Macaca. Infection can lead to a variety of clinical, hematologic, and histopathologic abnormalities. We report an unusual clinical presentation of facial paralysis and histologic lymphocytic neuritis in an SRVD type 2 (SRVD2)-infected rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) with a catheter-associated vena caval thrombus, anemia, thrombocytopenia, and multisystemic lymphoid hyperplasia. At initial presentation, a right atrial mass was detected by echocardiography. The macaque was clinically asymptomatic but had persistent anemia, thrombocytopenia, hyperglobulinemia, and later neutropenia. It was seropositive for SRV and PCR-positive for SRVD 2. Approximately 1 mo after initial presentation, the macaque developed right facial paralysis and was euthanized. Histologic lesions included lymphoplasmacytic aggregates affecting multiple organs, consistent with SRV-related lymphoid hyperplasia. The right facial nerve showed lymphoplasmacytic inflammation. The nerve itself was negative immunohistochemically for SRV antigen, but antigen was present infrequently in pericapillary lymphoid cells within the facial nerve and abundantly within lymphoid aggregates in the adjacent parotid salivary gland, bone marrow, and soft tissue. Known neurotropic viruses could not be identified. Given the widespread inflammation in this macaque, particularly in the area surrounding the facial nerve, lymphocytic neuritis and facial paralysis likely were an indirect effect of SRV infection due to local extension of SRV-related inflammation in the surrounding tissue.  相似文献   

Effects of type I interferons on Friend retrovirus infection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The type I interferon (IFN) response plays an important role in the control of many viral infections. However, since there is no rodent animal model for human immunodeficiency virus, the antiviral effect of IFN-alpha and IFN-beta in retroviral infections is not well characterized. In the current study we have used the Friend virus (FV) model to determine the activity of type I interferons against a murine retrovirus. After FV infection of mice, IFN-alpha and IFN-beta could be measured between 12 and 48 h in the serum. The important role of type I IFN in the early immune defense against FV became evident when mice deficient in IFN type I receptor (IFNAR(-/-)) or IFN-beta (IFN-beta(-/-)) were infected. The levels of FV infection in plasma and in spleen were higher in both strains of knockout mice than in C57BL/6 wild-type mice. This difference was induced by an antiviral effect of IFN-alpha and IFN-beta and was most likely mediated by antiviral enzymes as well as by an effect of these IFNs on T-cell responses. Interestingly, the lack of IFNAR and IFN-beta enhanced viral loads during acute and chronic FV infection. Exogenous IFN-alpha could be used therapeutically to reduce FV replication during acute but not chronic infection. These findings indicate that type I IFN plays an important role in the immediate antiviral defense against Friend retrovirus infection.  相似文献   

Although the steady-state virus load during HIV-1 infection is remarkably stable within a patient, it displays variation over several orders of magnitude between patients. Despite intensive research, the host and virus factors that are responsible for the observed variation remain poorly understood. Comparison of model predictions with clinical data suggests that most of the variation in steady-state virus load between patients reflects variation of the net rate at which activated CD4 cells are produced.  相似文献   

Experimental induction of simian acquired immune deficiency syndrome (SAIDS) by inoculation of juvenile rhesus monkeys with a type D retrovirus was prevented by immunization with Formalin-killed whole SAIDS retrovirus serotype 1 containing the adjuvant threonyl muramyl-dipeptide. All six immunized animals developed neutralizing antibody after three injections, while six age-matched cagemates receiving adjuvant alone were antibody free. All 12 monkeys were challenged intravenously with a potentially lethal dose of SAIDS retrovirus serotype 1. The six immunized animals failed to develop persistent viremia and remained clinically normal 8 months postchallenge. In contrast, five of six nonvaccinates developed persistent viremia, four of six developed clinical SAIDS, and two of six died with SAIDS at 10 weeks and 8 months postchallenge, respectively. These results show that prevention of a common spontaneous retrovirus-induced immunosuppressive disease in macaques is now possible by vaccination.  相似文献   

Experimental infection of rhesus monkeys with type D retrovirus.   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The naturally occurring immunodeficiency syndrome of macaque monkeys is an important animal model for the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in humans. A new type D retrovirus, distinct from Mason-Pfizer monkey virus, has been isolated from affected animals at the New England Regional Primate Research Center. We now report the results of experimental infection of macaques with retrovirus D/New England after 13 months of study. Inoculated macaques developed lymphadenopathy without follicular hyperplasia, profound neutropenia, and a transient decrease in peripheral blood lymphocyte blastogenic responsiveness. Despite our varying the strain of virus, the manner in which the virus was grown, the size of the inoculum, and the age of the inoculated animals, infected macaques have not developed opportunistic infections or profound, prolonged loss of T cell function, key features of the macaque immunodeficiency syndrome. Therefore, experimental infection of naive macaques with D/New England has not reproduced the naturally occurring macaque immunodeficiency syndrome.  相似文献   

Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) SIV(smm) naturally infects sooty mangabeys (SMs) and is the source virus of pathogenic infections with human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) and SIV(mac) of humans and macaques, respectively. In previous studies we characterized SIV(smm) diversity in naturally SIV-infected SMs and identified nine different phylogenetic subtypes whose genetic distances are similar to those reported for the different HIV-1 group M subtypes. Here we report that, within the colony of SMs housed at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center, at least four SIV(smm) subtypes cocirculate, with the vast majority of animals infected with SIV(smm) subtype 1, 2, or 3, resulting in the emergence of occasional recombinant forms. While SIV(smm)-infected SMs show a typically nonpathogenic course of infection, we have observed that different SIV(smm) subtypes are in fact associated with specific immunologic features. Notably, while subtypes 1, 2, and 3 are associated with a very benign course of infection and preservation of normal CD4+ T-cell counts, three out of four SMs infected with subtype 5 show a significant depletion of CD4+ T cells. The fact that virus replication in SMs infected with subtype 5 is similar to that in SMs infected with other SIV(smm) subtypes suggests that the subtype 5-associated CD4+ T-cell depletion is unlikely to simply reflect higher levels of virus-mediated direct killing of CD4+ T-cells. Taken together, this systematic analysis of the subtype-specific features of SIV(smm) infection in natural SM hosts identifies subtype-specific differences in the pathogenicity of SIV(smm) infection.  相似文献   

The goal of an effective AIDS vaccine is to generate immunity that will prevent human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) acquisition. Despite limited progress toward this goal, renewed optimism has followed the recent success of the RV144 vaccine trial in Thailand. However, the lack of complete protection in this trial suggests that breakthroughs, where infection occurs despite adequate vaccination, will be a reality for many vaccine candidates. We previously reported that neutralizing antibodies elicited by DNA prime-recombinant adenovirus serotype 5 (rAd5) boost vaccination with simian immunodeficiency virus strain mac239 (SIVmac239) Gag-Pol and Env provided protection against pathogenic SIVsmE660 acquisition after repeated mucosal challenge. Here, we report that SIV-specific CD8(+) T cells elicited by that vaccine lowered both peak and set-point viral loads in macaques that became infected despite vaccination. These SIV-specific CD8(+) T cells showed strong virus-inhibitory activity (VIA) and displayed an effector memory (EM) phenotype. VIA correlated with high levels of CD107a mobilization and perforin expression in SIV-specific CD8(+) T cells. Remarkably, both the frequency and the number of Gag CM9-specific public clonotypes were strongly correlated with VIA mediated by EM CD8(+) T cells. The ability to elicit such virus-specific EM CD8(+) T cells might contribute substantially to an efficacious HIV/AIDS vaccine, even after breakthrough infection.  相似文献   

To elucidate sites of SRV-2/W persistence, tissue DNA from three groups of naturally infected Macaca nemestrina was analyzed for provirus: vertically transmitted, viremic, seronegative macaques; horizontally transmitted, viremic, seronegative macaques, and nonviremic seropositive macaques. In viremic animals infected vertically, provirus was found in many tissues, whereas in those infected horizontally, proviral DNA was limited. In V–Ab+ macaques, provirus was detected in bone marrow and/or ileocecal junction, confirming the presence of provirus in V –Ab+ animals.  相似文献   

The complete genome of the jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV), the suspected etiological agent of ovine pulmonary carcinoma, has been cloned from viral particles secreted in lung exudates of affected animals and sequenced. The genome is 7,462 nucleotides long and exhibits a genetic organization characteristic of the type B and D oncoviruses. Comparison of the amino acid sequences of JSRV proteins with those of other retrovirus proteins and phylogenetic studies suggest that JSRV diverged from its type B and D lineage after the type B mouse mammary tumor virus but before the type D oncoviruses captured the env gene of a reticuloendotheliosislike virus. Southern blot studies show that closely related sequences are present in sheep and goat normal genomic DNA, indicating that JSRV could be endogenous in ovine and caprine species.  相似文献   

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