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Rabbit antiserum raised against the isolated native epsilon subunit of the chloroplast coupling factor 1 activated the ATPase activity of coupling factor 1 in solution by removing the epsilon subunit. Incubation of thylakoid membranes with the antiserum in the dark had no effect on photophosphorylation or on the dithiothreitol-induced Mg2+-ATPase activity. Incubation with the antiserum during illumination, however, strongly inhibited both activities and caused the membranes to become leaky to protons. The results indicate that the formation of a proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane induces a change in conformation of the epsilon subunit of the ATP synthase such that it becomes susceptible to attack and removal by the antibodies. This change may be a part of the mechanism that results in energy-dependent activation of the ATP synthase.  相似文献   

Using DTT-modulated thylakoid membranes we studied tight nucleotide binding and ATP content in bound nucleotides and in the reaction mixture during [14C] ADP photophosphorylation. The increasing light intensity caused an increase in the rate of [14C] ADP incorporation and a decrease in the steady-state level of tightly bound nucleotides. Within the light intensity range from 11 to 710 w m–2, ATP content in bound nucleotides was larger than that in nucleotides of the reaction mixture; the most prominent difference was observed at low degrees of ADP phosphorylation. The increasing light intensity was accompanied by a significant increase of the relative ATP content in tightly bound nucleotides. The ratio between substrates and products formed at the tight nucleotide binding site during photophosphorylation was suggested to depend on the light-induced proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane.Abbreviations AdN adenine nucleotide - Chl chlorophyll - DTT dithiothreitol - FCCP carbonylcianide p-trifluoromethoxyphenilhydrazone - Pi inorganic orthophosphate - PMS phenazine methosulfate - TLC thin-layer chromatography - Tricine N-[tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl] glycine  相似文献   

Incubation of spinach chloroplast thylakoids with pyridoxal 5'-phosphate modified the epsilon subunit of ATP synthase (CF0CF1). Illumination of thylakoids stimulated the modification of one specific amino acid residue of the epsilon subunit by a factor of 3. Endoproteinase Glu-C treatment of the isolated epsilon subunit and fractionation of the peptides by high performance liquid chromatography revealed a major fluorescent peptide with the sequence GKRQKIE. Further treatment of this peptide with endoproteinase Arg-C gave a strongly fluorescent tripeptide (GXR). From the primary structure of the epsilon subunit, the specifically modified residue was deduced to be Lys-109. This suggests the energy-dependent conformational changes in the epsilon subunit which change the surroundings of Lys-109 and alter the reactivity of this residue.  相似文献   

Under steady state photophosphorylating conditions, each ATP synthase complex from spinach thylakoids contains, at a catalytic site, about one tightly bound ATP molecule that is rapidly labeled from medium 32Pi. The level of this bound [32P]ATP is markedly reduced upon de-energization of the spinach thylakoids. The reduction is biphasic, a rapid phase in which the [32P] ATP/synthase complex drops about 2-fold within 10 s, followed by a slow phase, kobs = 0.01/min. A decrease in the concentration of medium 32Pi to well below its apparent Km for photophosphorylation is required to decrease the amount of tightly bound ATP/synthase found just after de-energization and before the rapid phase of bound ATP disappearance. The [32P]ATP that remains bound after the rapid phase appears to be mostly at a catalytic site as demonstrated by a continued exchange of the oxygens of the bound ATP with water oxygens. This bound [32P]ATP does not exchange with medium Pi and is not removed by the presence of unlabeled ATP. The levels of tightly bound ADP and ATP arising from medium ADP were measured by a novel method based on use of [beta-32P]ADP. After photophosphorylation and within minutes after the rapid phase of bound ATP loss, the measured ratio of bound ADP to ATP was about 1.4 and the sum of bound ADP plus ATP was about 1/synthase. This ratio is smaller than that found about 1 h after de-energization. Hence, while ATP bound at catalytic sites disappears, bound ADP appears. The results suggest that during and after de-energization the bound ATP disappears from the catalytic site by hydrolysis to bound ADP and Pi with subsequent preferential release of Pi. These and related observations can be accommodated by the binding change mechanism for ATP synthase with participation of alternating catalytic sites and are consistent with a deactivated state arising from occupancy of one catalytic site on the synthase complex by an inhibitory ADP without presence of Pi.  相似文献   

This article summarizes some of the evidence for the existence of light-driven structural changes in the and subunits of the chlorplast ATP synthase. Formation of a transmembrane proton gradient results in: (1) a change in the position of the subunit such that it becomes exposed to polyclonal antibodies and to reagents which selectively modifyLys109; (2) enhanced solvent accessibility of several sulfhydryl residues on the subunit; and (3) release/ exchange of tightly bound ADP from the enzyme. These and related experimental observations can, at least partially, be explained in terms of two different bound conformational states of the subunit. Evidence for structural changes in the enzyme which are driven by light or nucleotide binding is discussed with special reference to the popular rotational model for catalysis.  相似文献   

The effect of pyrophosphate (PPi) on labeled nucleotide incorporation into noncatalytic sites of chloroplast ATP synthase was studied. In illuminated thylakoid membranes, PPi competed with nucleotides for binding to noncatalytic sites. In the dark, PPi was capable of tight binding to noncatalytic sites previously vacated by endogenous nucleotides, thereby preventing their subsequent interaction with ADP and ATP. The effect of PPi on ATP hydrolysis kinetics was also elucidated. In the dark at micromolar ATP concentrations, PPi inhibited ATPase activity of ATP synthase. Addition of PPi to the reaction mixture at the step of preliminary illumination inhibited high initial activity of the enzyme, but stimulated its activity during prolonged incubation. These results indicate that the stimulating effect of PPi light preincubation with thylakoid membranes on ATPase activity is caused by its binding to ATP synthase noncatalytic sites. The inhibition of ATP synthase results from competition between PPi and ATP for binding to catalytic sites. Published in Russian in Biokhimiya, 2009, Vol. 74, No. 7, pp. 956–962.  相似文献   

We established a bacterial system for high-level over-expression of the spinach chloroplast atpB gene which encodes the ATP synthase beta subunit. Upon induction, atpB was expressed as at least 50% to 70% of total cell protein. Although the over-expressed beta polypeptide formed insoluble inclusion bodies, more than fifty percent of it was restored to a functional form by solubilizing the inclusion bodies with 4 M urea and slowly removing the urea by stepwise dialysis. The resulting beta subunit exhibited specific and selective nucleotide binding properties identical to those of the native beta subunit.  相似文献   

General structural features of the chloroplast ATP synthase are summarized highlighting differences between the chloroplast enzyme and other ATP synthases. Much of the review is focused on the important interactions between the epsilon and gamma subunits of the chloroplast coupling factor 1 (CF(1)) which are involved in regulating the ATP hydrolytic activity of the enzyme and also in transferring energy from the membrane segment, chloroplast coupling factor 0 (CF(0)), to the catalytic sites on CF(1). A simple model is presented which summarizes properties of three known states of activation of the membrane-bound form of CF(1). The three states can be explained in terms of three different bound conformational states of the epsilon subunit. One of the three states, the fully active state, is only found in the membrane-bound form of CF(1). The lack of this state in the isolated form of CF(1), together with the confirmed presence of permanent asymmetry among the alpha, beta and gamma subunits of isolated CF(1), indicate that ATP hydrolysis by isolated CF(1) may involve only two of the three potential catalytic sites on the enzyme. Thus isolated CF(1) may be different from other F(1) enzymes in that it only operates on 'two cylinders' whereby the gamma subunit does not rotate through a full 360 degrees during the catalytic cycle. On the membrane in the presence of a light-induced proton gradient the enzyme assumes a conformation which may involve all three catalytic sites and a full 360 degrees rotation of gamma during catalysis.  相似文献   

Ni ZL  Dong H  Wei JM 《The FEBS journal》2005,272(6):1379-1385
Five truncation mutants of chloroplast ATP synthase gamma subunit from spinach (Spinacia oleracea) lacking 8, 12, 16, 20 or 60 N-terminal amino acids were generated by PCR by a mutagenesis method. The recombinant gamma genes were overexpressed in Escherichia coli and assembled with alphabeta subunits into a native complex. The wild-type (WT) alphabetagamma assembly i.e. alphabetagammaWT exhibited high (Mg2+)-dependent and (Ca2+)-dependent ATP hydrolytic activity. Deletions of eight residues of the gamma subunit N-terminus caused a decrease in rates of ATP hydrolysis to 30% of that of the alphabetaWT assembly. Furthermore, only approximately 6% of ATP hydrolytic activity was retained with the sequential deletions of gamma subunit up to 20 residues compared with the activity of the alphabetaWT assembly. The inhibitory effect of the epsilon subunit on ATP hydrolysis of these alphabetagamma assemblies varied to a large extent. These observations indicate that the N-terminus of the gamma subunit is very important, together with other regions of the gamma subunit, in stabilization of the enzyme complex or during cooperative catalysis. In addition, the in vitro binding assay showed that the gamma subunit N-terminus is not a crucial region in binding of the epsilon subunit.  相似文献   

Two highly conserved amino acid residues, an arginine and a glutamine, located near the C-terminal end of the gamma subunit, form a "catch" by hydrogen bonding with residues in an anionic loop on one of the three catalytic beta subunits of the bovine mitochondrial F1-ATPase [Abrahams, J. P., Leslie, A. G., Lutter, R., and Walker, J. E. (1994) Nature 370, 621-628]. The catch is considered to play a critical role in the binding change mechanism whereby binding of ATP to one catalytic site releases the catch and induces a partial rotation of the gamma subunit. This role is supported by the observation that mutation of the equivalent arginine and glutamine residues in the Escherichia coli F1 gamma subunit drastically reduced all ATP-dependent catalytic activities of the enzyme [Greene, M. D., and Frasch, W. D. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 5194-5198]. In this study, we show that simultaneous substitution of the equivalent residues in the chloroplast F1 gamma subunit, arginine 304 and glutamine 305, with alanine decreased the level of proton-coupled ATP synthesis by more than 80%. Both the Mg2+-dependent and Ca2+-dependent ATP hydrolysis activities increased by more than 3-fold as a result of these mutations; however, the sulfite-stimulated activity decreased by more than 60%. The Mg2+-dependent, but not the Ca2+-dependent, ATPase activity of the double mutant was insensitive to inhibition by the phytotoxic inhibitor tentoxin, indicating selective loss of catalytic cooperativity in the presence of Mg2+ ions. The results indicate that the catch residues are required for efficient proton coupling and for activation of multisite catalysis when MgATP is the substrate. The catch is not, however, required for CaATP-driven multisite catalysis or, therefore, for rotation of the gamma subunit.  相似文献   

A modified ‘cold chase’ technique was used to study tight [14C]ADP and [14C]ATP binding to noncatalytic sites of chloroplast ATP synthase (CF0F1). The binding was very low in the dark and sharply increased with light intensity. Dissociation of labeled nucleotides incorporated into noncatalytic sites of CF0F1 or CF1 reconstituted with EDTA-treated thylakoid membranes was also found to be light-dependent. Time dependence of nucleotide dissociation is described by the first order equation with a k d of about 5 min−1. The exposure of thylakoid membranes to 0.7–24.8 μM nucleotides leads to filling of up to two noncatalytic sites of CF0F1. The sites differ in their specificity: one preferentially binds ADP, whereas the other – ATP. A much higher ATP/ADP ratio of nucleotides bound at noncatalytic sites of isolated CF1 dramatically decreases upon its reconstitution with EDTA-treated thylakoid membranes. It is suggested that the decrease is caused by conformational changes in one of the α subunits induced by its interaction with the δ subunit and/or subunit I–II when CF1 becomes bound to a thylakoid membrane.  相似文献   

The beta subunit isolated from the chloroplast ATP synthase F1 (CF1) has a single dissociable nucleotide binding site, consistent with the proposed function of this subunit in nucleotide binding and catalysis. The beta subunit bound the nucleotide analogs trinitrophenyl-ATP (TNP-ATP) or trinitrophenyl-ADP (TNP-ADP) with nearly equal affinities (Kd = 1-2 microM) but did not bind trinitrophenyl-AMP. Both ATP and ADP effectively competed with TNP-ATP for binding. Other nucleoside triphosphates were also able to compete with TNP-ATP for binding to beta; their order of effectiveness (ATP greater than GTP, ITP greater than CTP) mimicked the normal substrate specificity of CF1. The single nucleotide binding site on the isolated beta subunit very closely resembles the low affinity catalytic site (site 3) of CF1 (Bruist, M.F., and Hammes, G. G. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 6298-6305), suggesting that tight nucleotide binding by other sites on the enzyme involves other CF1 subunits in addition to the beta subunit. The results are inconsistent with an earlier report (Frasch, W.D., Green, J., Caguial, J., and Mejia, A. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 5064-5069), which suggested more than one nucleotide binding site per beta subunit. Binding of nucleotides to the isolated beta subunit was eliminated by a brief heat treatment (40 degrees C for 10 min) of the protein. A small change in the circular dichroism spectrum of beta accompanied the heat treatment indicating that a localized (rather than global) change in the folding of beta, involving at least part of the nucleotide binding domain, had occurred. Also accompanying the loss of nucleotide binding was a loss of the reconstitutive capacity of the beta subunit. ATP protected against the effects of the heat treatment.  相似文献   

The single sulfhydryl residue (cysteine-63) of the beta subunit of the chloroplast ATP synthase F1 (CF1) was accessible to labeling reagents only after removal of the beta subunit from the enzyme complex. This suggests that cysteine-63 may be located at an interface between the beta and the alpha subunits of CF1, although alternative explanations such as a conformational change in beta brought about by its release from CF1 cannot be ruled out. Cysteine-63 was specifically labeled with [(diethylamino)methylcoumarinyl]-maleimide, and the distance between this site and trinitrophenyl-ADP at the nucleotide binding site on beta was mapped using fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Cysteine-63 is located in a hydrophobic pocket, 42 A away from the nucleotide binding site on beta.  相似文献   

The photoaffinity analog 2-azido-ADP has been used to investigate the high-affinity binding site(s) for ATP on the chloroplast thylakoid membrane. Photophosphorylation of 2-azido-ADP results in the rapid formation of 2-azido-ATP, which remains tightly bound to the membranes after extensive washing. The kinetic parameters of the tight binding of ATP and of 2-azido-ATP are similar (apparent Km = 1-2 microM; maximum extent = 0.2-0.4 nmol/mg of chlorophyll). Ultraviolet irradiation of washed thylakoid membranes containing tightly bound 2-azido-[gamma-32P]ATP induces covalent incorporation of the label exclusively into the beta subunit of the chloroplast coupling factor one. Previous results have shown that the tight binding site for ADP is also located on the beta subunit of the ATP synthase (Czarnecki, J. J., Abbott, M. S., and Selman, B. R. (1983) Eur. J. Biochem. 136, 19-24). To further characterize the tight binding sites for ADP and ATP, the membrane-bound coupling factor has been covalently modified with either tightly bound 2-azido-[gamma-32P]ATP or tightly bound 2-azido-[beta-32P]ADP. The photolabeled beta subunits have been isolated and subjected to partial proteolytic digestion and SDS-gel electrophoresis. The results of these experiments demonstrate that the tight binding sites for ADP and ATP are located on identical portions of beta subunit polypeptide.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the epsilon subunit (atpE) of the chloroplast ATP synthase of Spinacia oleracea has been overexpressed in Escherichia coli. The recombinant protein can be solubilized in 8 M urea and directly diluted into buffer containing ethanol and glycerol to obtain epsilon that is as biologically active as epsilon purified from chloroplast-coupling factor 1 (CF1). Recombinant epsilon folded in this manner inhibits the ATPase activity of soluble and membrane-bound CF1 deficient in epsilon and restores proton impermeability to thylakoid membranes reconstituted with CF1 deficient in epsilon. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to generate truncations and single amino acid substitutions in the primary structure of epsilon. In the five mutants tested, alterations that weaken ATPase inhibition by recombinant epsilon affect its ability to restore proton impermeability to a similar extent, with one exception. Substitution of histidine-37 with arginine appears to uncouple ATPase inhibition and the restoration of proton impermeability. As in the case of E. coli, it appears that N-terminal truncations of the epsilon subunit have more profound effects than C-terminal deletions on the function of epsilon. Recombinant epsilon with six amino acids deleted from the C terminus, which is the only region of significant mismatch between the epsilon of spinach and the epsilon of Pisum sativum, inhibits ATPase activity with a reduced potency similar to that of purified pea epsilon. Four of the six amino acids are serine or threonine. These hydroxylated amino acids may be important in epsilon-CF1 interactions.  相似文献   

Catalytic and noncatalytic sites of the chloroplast coupling factor (CF1) were selectively modified by incubation with the dialdehyde derivative of fluorescent adenosine diphosphate analog 1,N6-ethenoadenosine diphosphate. The modified CF1 was reconstituted with EDTA-treated thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts. The effects of light-induced transmembrane proton gradient and phosphate ions on the fluorescence of 1,N6-ethenoadenosine diphosphate, covalently bound to the catalytic sites of ATP synthase, were studied. Quenching of fluorescence of covalently bound 1,N6-ethenoadenosine diphosphate was observed under illumination of thylakoid membranes with saturating white light. Addition of inorganic phosphate to the reaction mixture in the dark increased the fluorescence of the label. Quenching reappeared under repeated illumination; however, addition of phosphate ions had no effect on the fluorescence yield in this case. When 1,N6-ethenoadenosine diphosphate was covalently bound to noncatalytic sites of ATP synthase, no similar fluorescence changes were observed. The relation between the observed changes of 1,N6-ethenoadenosine diphosphate fluorescence and the mechanism of energy-dependent structural changes in the catalytic site of ATP synthase is discussed.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the last seven to nine amino acid residues at the C terminus of the gamma subunit of the ATP synthase act as a spindle for rotation of the gamma subunit with respect to the alpha beta subunits during catalysis (Abrahams, J. P., Leslie, A. G. W., Lutter, R., and Walker, J. E. (1994) Nature 370, 621-628). To test this hypothesis we selectively deleted C-terminal residues from the chloroplast gamma subunit, two at a time starting at the sixth residue from the end and finishing at the 20th residue from the end. The mutant gamma genes were overexpressed in Escherichia coli and assembled with a native alpha3beta3 complex. All the mutant forms of gamma assembled as effectively as the wild-type gamma. Deletion of the terminal 6 residues of gamma resulted in a significant increase (>50%) in the Ca-dependent ATPase activity when compared with the wild-type assembly. The increased activity persisted even after deletion of the C-terminal 14 residues, well beyond the seven residues proposed to form the spindle. Further deletions resulted in a decreased activity to approximately 19% of that of the wild-type enzyme after deleting all 20 C-terminal residues. The results indicate that the tip of the gammaC terminus is not essential for catalysis and raise questions about the role of the C terminus as a spindle for rotation.  相似文献   

The unique immunoglobulin idiotype expressed on the surface of B lymphoma cells can be used as an effective antigen in tumor-specific vaccines when fused to immunostimulatory proteins and cytokines. A DNA vaccine encoding for an idiotype antibody single chain Fv (scFv) fragment fused to the Tetanus Toxin Fragment C (TTFrC) has been shown to induce protective anti-tumor responses. Protein-based strategies may be more desirable since they provide greater control over dosage, duration of exposure, and in vivo distribution of the vaccine. However, production of fusion protein vaccines containing complex disulfide bonded idiotype antibodies and antibody-derived fragments is challenging. We use an Escherichia coli-based cell-free protein synthesis platform as well as high-level expression of E. coli inclusion bodies followed by refolding for the rapid generation of an antibody fragment – TTFrC fusion protein vaccine. Vaccine proteins produced using both methods were shown to elicit anti-tumor humoral responses as well as protect from tumor challenge in an established B cell lymphoma mouse model. The development of technologies for the rapid production of effective patient-specific tumor idiotype-based fusion protein vaccines provides opportunities for clinical application.  相似文献   

The proton-translocating ATP synthase from chloroplasts and cyanobacteria forms ATP upon photosynthetic electron transport by using the proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane. Both enzymes contain nine different subunits and from the similarity in gene organisation and the high degree of amino acid sequence homology of the subunits it appears that these ATP synthases might have a common ancestor. Both enzymes need to be activated by membrane energisation in order to perform catalytic activity but, in contrast to the chloroplast ATP synthase, that from the studied cyanobacteria (with the exception of Spirulina platensis ) shows no effect of the redox state on activation. Functionally, the cyanobacterial enzyme corresponds to the reduced form of the chloroplast ATP synthase. In the chloroplast enzyme a stretch of 9 amino acids, including two cysteines in the γ-subunit, is involved in this redox effect and this stretch is absent in cyanobacteria. With γ-mutants from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis 6803 the role of this stretch is studied. When active, both the cyanobacterial and the reduced chloroplast ATP synthase transport 4 protons per ATP synthesised and hydrolysed. This ratio may depend on the environment of the enzyme such as protein and lipid composition and pH.  相似文献   

To understand the regulatory function of the gamma and epsilon subunits of chloroplast ATP synthase in the membrane integrated complex, we constructed a chimeric FoF1 complex of thermophilic bacteria. When a part of the chloroplast F1 gamma subunit was introduced into the bacterial FoF1 complex, the inverted membrane vesicles with this chimeric FoF1 did not exhibit the redox sensitive ATP hydrolysis activity, which is a common property of the chloroplast ATP synthase. However, when the whole part or the C-terminal alpha-helices region of the epsilon subunit was substituted with the corresponding region from CF1-epsilon together with the mutation of gamma, the redox regulation property emerged. In contrast, ATP synthesis activity did not become redox sensitive even if both the regulatory region of CF1-gamma and the entire epsilon subunit from CF1 were introduced. These results provide important features for the regulation of FoF1 by these subunits: (1) the interaction between gamma and epsilon is important for the redox regulation of FoF1 complex by the gamma subunit, and (2) a certain structural matching between these regulatory subunits and the catalytic core of the enzyme must be required to confer the complete redox regulation mechanism to the bacterial FoF1. In addition, a structural requirement for the redox regulation of ATP hydrolysis activity might be different from that for the ATP synthesis activity.  相似文献   

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