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Several physical and chemical techniques were used to extract, and to identify the location of, proteolytic enzymes associated with mixed rumen bacteria. Most activity was removable by gentle physical methods such as shaking and brief blending, without cell disruption, indicating that it was associated with coat and capsular material. Proteases were present also in the cell envelope, corresponding to the inner membrane fraction of gram-negative bacteria, and intracellularly and were removable by detergent and French press treatment. Temperature and pH profiles were obtained for the coat enzymes, likely to be the most important in the digestion of food protein. Inhibition studies indicated that these proteases, and those of the whole bacterial fraction from rumen fluid, were predominantly of the cysteine protease type.  相似文献   

Metabolites arising from the catabolism of lysine by the mixed rumen bacteria were chromatographically examined by using radioactive lysine. After 6 hr incubation, 241 nmole/ ml of lysine was decomposed to give ether-soluble substances and CO2 by the bacteria and 90 nmole/ml of lysine was incorporated unchanged into the bacteria. δ-Aminovalerate, cadaverine or pipecolate did not seem to be produced from lysine even after incubation of the bacteria with addition of those three amino compounds to trap besides lysine and radioactive lysine. Most of the ether-soluble substances produced from radioactive lysine was volatile fatty acids (VFAs). Fractionation of VFAs revealed that the peaks of butyric and acetic acids coincided with the strong radioactive peaks. Small amounts of radioactivities were detected in propionic acid peak and a peak assumed to be caproic acid. The rumen bacteria appeared to decompose much larger amounts of lysine than the rumen ciliate protozoa did.  相似文献   

An optical density of a whole bacterial suspension, prepared from sheep rumen contents, increased very rapidly when the cells were incubated in a glucose-containing medium. This is largely due to the accumulation of intracellular polysaccharide(s) and appears to proceed without cell multiplication. The increase has an apparent relationship with feeding conditions of animals and reflects the availability of easily fermentable sugars for bacteria in the rumen. The data suggest that the ruminal fermentation proceeds under extremely low level of easily fermentable sugars.  相似文献   

Lysis of Viable Rumen Bacteria in Bovine Rumen Fluid   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Streptococcus bovis and Butyrivibrio sp. were labeled with thymidine-methyl-(3)H, washed, and resuspended in rumen fluid or rumen fluid fractions obtained from Holstein and Jersey cows fed alfalfa hay once daily. Factors affecting the lytic activity found in untreated rumen fluid were examined. Day to day variation and differences before and after feeding were observed for the same cow. There were also differences between cows on the same day. For a given rumen fluid, the rate of release of label was roughly proportional to the number of labeled cells present over a 100-fold range in concentration. Removal of protozoa largely abolished the lytic action of fresh rumen fluid for S. bovis, but some soluble lytic activity remained. Mixed rumen protozoa added to media containing labeled S. bovis caused label to appear in solution. In a sample of rumen fluid containing 4.3 x 10(4) protozoa/ml 5.2% of the S. bovis population were destroyed by protozoa per hr. The mean rate of destruction for 12 runs on whole rumen fluid was 8.7% per hr with a standard deviation of 6.05. Parallel experiments with Butyrivibrio indicated that soluble lytic factors were more important for this organism. They could be destroyed by autoclaving and were generated when viable rumen bacteria were resuspended in autoclaved rumen fluid. The lysis of S. bovis and Butyrivibrio, at equal cell densities, by mixed rumen protozoa was compared in 30% rumen fluid media, and Butyrivibrio appeared to be more readily lysed than S. bovis.  相似文献   

反刍动物瘤胃是自然界中最有效的纤维素降解系统,其纤维素降解能力主要源于寄居于其中的纤维素降解细菌、真菌和原虫。其中,瘤胃纤维素降解细菌因数量庞大、种类繁多以及代谢途径丰富,在木质纤维素降解及利用方面发挥着重要作用。本文综述了国内外瘤胃纤维素降解细菌的种类,分析了瘤胃纤维素降解细菌的特性;阐述了瘤胃纤维素降解细菌通过纤维小体对纤维素的降解过程,以及瘤胃微生物之间的相互作用和相互制约关系;简述宏组学技术在开发新纤维素降解菌和新纤维素酶方面的应用,旨在为进一步研究纤维素降解细菌的降解机理,开发新的纤维素菌种和酶资源提供新的思路。  相似文献   

Cell Envelope Morphology of Rumen Bacteria   总被引:26,自引:7,他引:19  
The cell walls of three species of rumen bacteria (Bacteroides ruminicola, Bacteroides succinogenes, and Megasphaera elsdenii) were studied by a variety of morphological methods. Although all the cells studied were gram-negative and had typical cytoplasmic membranes and outer membranes, great variation was observed in the thickness of their peptidoglycan layers. Megasphaera elsdenii evidenced a phenomenally thick peptidoglycan layer whose participation in septum formation was very clearly seen. All species studied have cell wall "coats" external to the outer membrane. The coat of Bacteroides ruminicola is composed of large (approximately 20 nm) globules that resemble the protein coats of other organisms, whereas the coat of Bacteroides succinogenes is a thin and irregular carbohydrate coat structure. Megasphaera elsdenii displays a very thick fibrillar carbohydrate coat that varies in thickness with the age of the cells. Because of the universality of extracellular coats among rumen bacteria we conclude that the production of these structures is a protective adaptation to life in this particular, highly competitive, environment.  相似文献   

Dehydrodivanillin (DDV; 0.15 g/liter) was biodegradable at 37°C under strictly anaerobic conditions by microflora from cow rumen fluid to the extent of 25% within 2 days in a yeast extract medium. The anaerobes were acclimated on DDV for 2 weeks, leading to DDV-degrading microflora with rates of degradation eight times higher than those initially. Dehydrodivanillic acid and vanillic acid were detected in an ethylacetate extract of a DDV-enriched culture broth by thin-layer, gas, and high-performance liquid chromatographies and by mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

乳酸菌胞外多糖是乳酸菌生长代谢过程中产生并分泌到细胞外的一种天然高分子聚合物。作为一种新型的天然食品添加剂,乳酸菌胞外多糖因其独特的生理功能和产业潜力而备受研究者青睐。但由于乳酸菌胞外多糖结构组分、功能效用的不同,很难建立一个通用的生产方法和检测标准。另外,如何提高胞外多糖产量也是未来要面临的一大挑战。从乳酸菌胞外多糖的遗传研究、结构修饰、构效关系、生物学活性几个方面进行综述,并对未来研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

Colony counts which approximated those in a habitat-simulating, rumen fluid-agar medium (RFM) were obtained in medium 10, a medium identical to the RFM except for the replacement of rumen fluid with 1.5 x 10(-6)m hemin, 0.2% Trypticase, 0.05% yeast extract, and a 6.6 x 10(-2)m volatile fatty acid mixture qualitatively and quantitatively similar to that in rumen fluid. Single deletion of Trypticase, yeast extract, or the volatile fatty acid mixture from medium 10 significantly reduced colony counts. Colony counts were also reduced when medium 10 was modified to contain higher concentrations of Trypticase or volatile fatty acids. Significant differences were found between colony counts obtained from diluted rumen contents of animals fed a cracked corn-urea diet, and the colony counts obtained from animals fed either a cracked corn-soyean oil meal or an alfalfa hay-grain diet. Qualitative differences were found between the predominant bacterial strains isolated from rumen contents of animals fed cracked corn diets and strains isolated from animals fed alfalfa hay-grain. Regardless of differences in the predominant flora associated with diet, medium 10 and the RFM supported growth of similar bacterial populations. The results show that medium 10 is suitable for enumeration and isolation of many predominant rumen bacteria.  相似文献   

Pectin-fermenting Bacteria Isolated from the Bovine Rumen   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
Thirty-two strains of pectin-fermenting rumen bacteria were isolated from bovine rumen contents in a rumen fluid medium which contained pectin as the only added energy source. Based on differences in morphology and the Gram stain, 10 of these strains were selected for characterization. Two strains were identified as Lachnospira multiparus, four strains were identified as Butyrivbrio fibrisolvens, and three strains were identified as Bacteroides ruminicola. Characteristics of the remaining strain did not correspond with any previously described species. It was a gram-positive anaerobic coccus, 1.0 to 1.2 mum in diameter, and occurred primarily as single cells or diplococci. The strain fermented pectin rapidly but showed little or no growth on any other energy sources tested. The only detectable end products were acetic acid and gas, a portion of which was identified as hydrogen. Although the physiological characteristics of this organism differ markedly from other described species, it has been placed in the genus Peptostreptococcus on the basis of morphology, Gram stain, relations to oxygen, and the occurrence of cell division in only one plane. End products of fermentation are somewhat similar to those of the cellulolytic ruminococci. Eight previously characterized strains of cellulolytic bacteria isolated in nonselective media were unable to ferment pectin, whereas ten strains of hemicellulolytic rumen bacteria, eight of which were isolated with a xylan medium, showed considerable variation in this characteristic.  相似文献   

Although certain strains of cellulolytic rumen bacteria cannot utilize isolated hemicelluloses or xylan as a source of energy, all strains examined can degrade or solubilize these materials from an 80% ethyl alcohol insoluble to a soluble form. Centrifugation and washing of the cellobiose-grown bacterial cells did not affect the rate or extent of utilization or degradation or both. When the level of a nonutilizing culture inoculum (either normal or washed) was doubled, a corresponding increase in the initial rate of degradation was observed. With a nitrogen-free medium, utilization of xylan was almost completely inhibited for a utilizing strain, whereas degradation by either type of organism was not markedly affected. Cellobiose medium cell-free culture filtrates from a nonutilizing strain were able to degrade or solubilize xylan. The percentage of degradation increased with the volume of cell-free filtrate, and all activity was lost when the filtrate was boiled. No utilization (loss in total pentose) was observed with cell-free filtrates from utilizing or nonutilizing strains. The release of free hexose from insoluble cellulose by culture filtrates from a nonutilizing strain was very limited. On the other hand, carboxymethylcellulose (CMC-70L) and cellulodextrins were degraded to an 80% ethyl alcohol soluble form by filtrates from both types of organisms. Similar enzyme activity was obtained in cell-free culture filtrates from four additional strains of cellulolytic rumen bacteria (one xylan utilizer and three nonutilizers). When the assays were carried out aerobically, CMC-70L solubilization was reduced to a much greater extent than xylan or cellulodextrin solubilization. The enzyme or enzymes responsible for the degradation of hemicellulose by cellololytic rumen bacteria unable to utilize the hemicellulose as an energy source appear to be constitutive in nature, and this activity may be a nonspecific action of a beta-1, 4-glucosidase or -cellulase.  相似文献   

Volatile Fatty Acid Requirements of Cellulolytic Rumen Bacteria   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
A gas chromatographic method was developed which could separate the isomers isovaleric and 2-methylbutyric acid. Subsequent analyses revealed that most commercially available samples of these acids were cross-contaminated; however, one sample of each acid was found to be pure by this criterion. The growth response of seven strains of cellulolytic rumen bacteria (three strains of Bacteroides succinogenes, three strains of Ruminococcus flavefaciens, and one strain of R. albus) to additions of isobutyric, isovaleric, 2-methylbutyric, valeric, and combinations of valeric and a branched-chain acid was determined. Strains of B. succinogenes required a combination of valeric plus either isobutyric or 2-methylbutyric acid. Isovaleric acid was completely inactive. Either isobutyric or 2-methylbutyric acid was required for the growth of R. albus 7. Strain C-94 of R. flavefaciens grew slowly in the presence of any one of the three branched-chain acids, but a combination of isobutyric and 2-methylbutyric acids appeared to satisfy this organism's growth requirements. None of the individual acids or mixtures of straight- and branched-chain acids allowed growth of R. flavefaciens strain C1a which would approach the response obtained from the total mixture of acids. Further work indicated that all three branched-chain acids were required for optimal growth by this strain, although isovaleric acid only influenced the rate of maximal growth. Either 2-methylbutyric or isovaleric acid allowed growth of nearly the same magnitude as that of the positive control for R. flavefaciens B34b. The presence of acetic acid had little influence on the rate or extent of growth of any of the strains except R. albus 7, for which the extent of growth was markedly increased. Determination of the quantitative fatty acid requirements for the three B. succinogenes strains indicated that 0.1 μmole of valeric per ml and 0.05 μmole of 2-methylbutyric per ml permitted maximal growth. However, with isobutyric acid as the branched-chain component, strains A3c and B21a required 0.1 μmole/ml in contrast to S-85 which exhibited optimal growth at the 0.05 μmole/ml level. By use of mixtures of isobutyric and 2-methylbutyric acids, good growth of C-94 was obtained at concentrations of 0.1 and 0.01 μmole/ml, respectively. About 0.3 μmole/ml of each acid was required for satisfactory growth of C1a.  相似文献   

In the rumen bacteria, ammonia as the end product of nitrogen is incorporated into carbon skeleton (α-ketoglutarate) to yield glutamine and glutamate which are important nitrogen donors in nitrogenous compounds metabolism in cells. The enzymes glutamine synthetase, glutamate synthetase, and glutamate dehydrogenase are involved in these processes. Some experimental results have proven that the global nitrogen regulation system may participate in the regulation of assimilation of ammonia in rumen bacteria. This review offers a current perspective on the pathways and key enzymes of ammonia assimilation in rumen bacteria with the possible molecular regulation strategy, while points out the further research direction.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine if rumen protozoa could form large amounts of reserve carbohydrate compared to the amounts formed by bacteria when competing for glucose in batch cultures. We separated large protozoa and small bacteria from rumen fluid by filtration and centrifugation, recombined equal protein masses of each group into one mixture, and subsequently harvested (reseparated) these groups at intervals after glucose dosing. This method allowed us to monitor reserve carbohydrate accumulation of protozoa and bacteria individually. When mixtures were dosed with a moderate concentration of glucose (4.62 or 5 mM) (n = 2 each), protozoa accumulated large amounts of reserve carbohydrate; 58.7% (standard error of the mean [SEM], 2.2%) glucose carbon was recovered from protozoal reserve carbohydrate at time of peak reserve carbohydrate concentrations. Only 1.7% (SEM, 2.2%) was recovered in bacterial reserve carbohydrate, which was less than that for protozoa (P < 0.001). When provided a high concentration of glucose (20 mM) (n = 4 each), 24.1% (SEM, 2.2%) of glucose carbon was recovered from protozoal reserve carbohydrate, which was still higher (P = 0.001) than the 5.0% (SEM, 2.2%) glucose carbon recovered from bacterial reserve carbohydrate. Our novel competition experiments directly demonstrate that mixed protozoa can sequester sugar away from bacteria by accumulating reserve carbohydrate, giving protozoa a competitive advantage and stabilizing fermentation in the rumen. Similar experiments could be used to investigate the importance of starch sequestration.  相似文献   

When fresh whole leaves of six different species of forage legumes were suspended in an artificial rumen medium and inoculated with rumen bacteria, bacterial adhesion and proliferation were noted at the stomata, and penetration of the stomate by these bacteria was documented by electron microscopy. The invading bacteria adhered to surfaces within the intercellular space of the leaf and produced very extensive exopolysaccharide-enclosed microcolonies. After some of the legume leaf cell walls were disorganized and ruptured by bacterial digestion, these cells (notably, parenchyma and epidermal cells) were invaded by bacteria, with subsequent formation of intracellular microcolonies. However, other cells were neither ruptured nor colonized (notably, stomata guard cells and vascular tissue). At all stages of the digestion of intact legume leaves, the rumen bacteria grew in microcolonies composed of cells of single or mixed morphological types, and a particular ecological niche was often completely and consistently occupied by a very large microcolony of cells of single or mixed morphological types.  相似文献   

Microbes in ruminal contents incorporated (14)C into cells when they were incubated in vitro in the presence of [(14)C]carboxyl-labeled indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Most of the cellular (14)C was found to be in tryptophan from the protein fractions of the cells. Pure cultures of several important ruminal species did not incorporate labeled IAA, but all four strains of Ruminococcus albus tested utilized IAA for tryptophan synthesis. R. albus did not incorporate (14)C into tryptophan during growth in medium containing either labeled serine or labeled shikimic acid. The mechanism of tryptophan biosynthesis from IAA is not known but appears to be different from any described biosynthetic pathway. We propose that a reductive carboxylation, perhaps involving a low-potential electron donor such as ferredoxin, is involved.  相似文献   

The fatty acid compositions of 21 pure cultures of rumen bacteria, representing 12 genera and 14 species, were compared as methyl esters. Each organism possessed a consistent and reproducible fatty acid profile. Overlapping similarities and differences in composition did not allow differentiation between families or genera. Although species differentiation was possible, fatty acid composition appeared to be only an aid in the identification of bacteria.  相似文献   

Cultures of rumen bacteria can be stored at −20°C for at least 2 years in a liquid medium containing 20% glycerol. Thawing, sampling, and refreezing do not significantly affect viability.  相似文献   

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