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A defensin-like gene, BmdefA, was rediscovered in the silkworm genome and expressed sequence tags databases. The open reading frame of BmdefA encodes a prepropeptide consisting of a 22-residue signal peptide, a 34-residue propeptide, and a 36-residue mature peptide with a molecular mass of 4.0 kDa. The mature peptide possesses the characteristic six-cysteine motif of insect defensins, and its predicted isoelectric point is 4.12, indicating it is a novel anionic defensin. An intron is present in BmdefA and several cis-regulatory elements are in the regulating region. It is transcribed constitutively at a high level in the hemocyte, silk gland, head, and ovary of the silkworm larvae, and in the fat body of early-stage pupae and moth. BmdefA is also strongly induced by immune challenge. These results suggest that BmdefA plays an important role in both immunity and metamorphosis. Hongxiu Wen and Xiqian Lan contributed equally to this work and should be considered co-first authors.  相似文献   

Testis-specific expression of the human MYCL2 gene.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

A mouse intronless gene, encoding a testis-specific poly(A) polymerase (mPAPT), was previously identified. mPAPT may play a role as a putative enzyme that is responsible for polyadenylation regulation during mouse spermatogenesis. In order to understand how PAPT genes are conserved in mammals, we isolated a human cDNA homolog encoding a human PAPT (hPAPT), which was specifically expressed in the testis. The structure of hPAPT was very similar to that of mPAPT. The about 100 residues at the C-terminal region of a nuclear poly(A) polymerase, PAP II, were missing in both PAPT proteins. An analysis of the genomic DNA showed that the hPAPT gene is an intronless gene that is similar to the mPAPT gene. Interestingly, the sequence homology between hPAPT and mPAPT was much lower than the homology between hPAP II and mPAP II. The phylogenetic analysis suggests that PAPTs arose through retrotransposition after the amphibian-amniote split during evolution.  相似文献   

A novel cDNA clone, Tad1, was isolated from crown tissue of winter wheat after differential screening of cold acclimation-induced genes. The Tad1 cDNA encoded a 23kDa polypeptide with a potential N-terminal signal sequence. The putative mature sequence showed striking similarity to plant defensins or gamma-thionins, representing low molecular size antipathogenic polypeptides. High levels of Tad1 mRNA accumulation occurred within one day of cold acclimation in crown tissue and the level was maintained throughout 14 days of cold acclimation. Similar rapid induction was observed in young seedlings treated with low temperature but not with exogenous abscisic acid. In contrast to defensins from other plant species, neither salicylic acid nor methyl jasmonate induced expression of Tad1. The recombinant mature form of TAD1 polypeptide inhibited the growth of the phytopathogenic bacteria, Pseudomonas cichorii; however, no antifreeze activity was detected. Collectively, these data suggested that Tad1 is induced in cold-acclimated winter wheat independent of major defense signaling(s) and is involved in low temperature-induced resistance to pathogens during winter hardening.  相似文献   

We report the cloning and sequence determination of the mouse H19 gene. This gene is under the genetic control of two trans-acting loci in the mouse, termed raf and Rif. These loci determine the adult basal and inducible levels, respectively, of H19 mRNA, as well as the mRNA for alpha-fetoprotein. By elucidating the sequence and structure of the H19 gene we show that it is unrelated to the alpha-fetoprotein gene, and therefore must have acquired its regulation by raf and Rif independently. The sequence also indicates that the H19 gene has a very unusual structure. It is composed of five exons, 1307, 135, 119, 127 and 560 bp in size, along with four very small introns whose combined lengths are 270 bases. The largest open reading frame of the gene, sufficient to encode a protein of approximately 14 kd, is contained entirely within the first large exon, 680 bases downstream of the cap site of the mRNA. Preceding the translation initiation codon are four ATG codons, each of which is followed shortly thereafter by translation terminator codons. The rest of the gene, which encompasses all five exons, is presumed to be untranslated. That the long 5' untranslated region may be used to regulate the translation of the mRNA is suggested from in vitro translation studies. Experiments which utilized tissue culture cell lines of the mesodermal lineage suggest that the gene is activated very early during muscle cell differentiation.  相似文献   



Aromatase, the key enzyme in estrogen biosynthesis, is encoded by the Cyp19a1 gene. Thus far, 3 unique untranslated first exons associated with distinct promoters in the mouse Cyp19a1 gene have been described (brain, ovary, and testis-specific). It remains unknown whether aromatase is expressed in other mouse tissues via novel and tissue-specific promoters.  相似文献   

We have identified and cloned a novel zinc finger gene, Fez (forebrain embryonic zinc-finger), as a potential downstream determinant of anterior neural plate formation in Xenopus. Fez was isolated as one of several neural-specific genes that was induced by the neuralizing factor, noggin (Smith and Harland, 1992. Cell 70, 829-840), in uncommitted ectoderm. Fez has an open reading frame comprising 466 amino acids, and contains six C(2)H(2) type zinc finger domains, which are highly conserved among Drosophila, zebrafish, mouse, and human. In Xenopus, the expression of Fez begins at stage 12 in the rostral end of the neural plate, and by stage 45, it is localized to several telencephalic regions, including the olfactory bulbs, nervus terminalis, and ventricular zone. The mouse homologue of Fez is similarly expressed in the mouse forebrain by embryonic day 11.  相似文献   

Plant defensins are small, diverse, cysteine-rich peptides, belonging to a group of pathogenesis-related defense mechanism proteins, which can provide a barrier against a broad range of pathogens. In this study, 51 defensin-like (DEFL) genes in Gramineae, including brachypodium, rice, maize and sorghum were identified based on bioinformatics methods. Using the synteny analysis method, we found that 21 DEFL genes formed 30 pairs of duplicated blocks that have undergone large-scale duplication events, mostly occurring between species. In particular, some chromosomal regions are highly conserved in the four grasses. Using mean Ks values, we estimated the approximate time of divergence for each pair of duplicated regions and found that these regions generally diverged more than 40 million years ago (Mya). Selection pressure analysis showed that the DEFL gene family is subjected to purifying selection. However, sliding window analysis detected partial regions of duplicated genes under positive selection. The evolutionary patterns within DEFL gene families among grasses can be used to explore the subsequent functional divergence of duplicated genes and to further analyse the antimicrobial effects of defensins during plant development.  相似文献   

We have isolated mouse cDNA clones that are homologous to human Parkin gene, which was recently found to be responsible for the pathogenesis of autosomal recessive juvenile parkinsonism (AR-JP). One of these cDNA clones had the 1,392-bp open reading frame encoding a protein of 464 amino acids with presumed molecular weight of 51,615. The amino acid sequence of mouse parkin protein exhibits 83.2% identity to human Parkin protein, including the ubiquitin-like domain at the N-terminus (identity = 89.5%) and the RING finger-like domain at the C-terminus (identity = 90.6%). Two other clones had the 783-bp open reading frame encoding a truncated protein of 261 amino acids without RING finger-like domain. It was proved to be a novel splicing variant by 3′-RACE method. Northern blot analysis revealed that mouse parkin gene is expressed in various tissues including brain, heart, liver, skeletal muscle, kidney, and testis. It is notable that mouse parkin gene expression appears evident in 15th day mouse embryo and increases toward the later stage of development. These mouse parkin cDNA clones will be useful for elucidating the essential physiological function of parkin protein in mammals. Received: 5 May 1999 / Accepted: 11 February 2000  相似文献   

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