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中国木蓼属的研究兼论木蓼族的系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国木蓼属有11种,3变种,其中特有种3个。本文通过对它们的形态,花粉等性状的研究,探 讨了属的系统位置,提出了木蓼族的演化系统。在分析了木蓼属的性状后,认为木蓼组Sect Tragopyrum(Bieb.)Meisn.较为原始,应置于刺木蓼组Sect.Atraphaxis之前。本文还研究了该属的地理分布,初步探讨了它的起源及现代分布格局的形成。  相似文献   

新疆两栖类化石新种属   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新疆有着人所共知的丰富的油气资源,也有着丰富的化石资源。克拉玛依乌尔禾地区发现的魏氏准噶尔翼龙曾名震四海,盆地东部的森林般的硅化木更是令人叫绝。1988—1990年,克拉玛依勘探开发研究院研究生、古生物室副主任张义杰与他的科研同伴们在准噶尔盆地东部火烧山地区以东17公里处的西大沟的野外地质考察中,在红色泥岩中又发现了距今2.59—2.52亿年的,保存极为完整的两栖类圆鳞鲵化石新种属。这一化石的发现,不但具有极  相似文献   

刘国钧 《植物研究》1985,5(3):163-165
本种与D.nodulosum Rupr.近似,不同的是苞片、花尊及花冠均为紫色。花冠下唇中裂片中部具紫色斑点。  相似文献   

新疆束颈蝗属及其新种   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
黄春梅 《昆虫学报》1982,(3):296-302
束颈蝗属Sphingonotus Fied.,已知约有60多种,其中20种分布于中亚。在新疆已知有14种。作者在整理新疆标本时,发现3新种及3新记录。 所有模式标本均存放在中国科学院动物研究所。 新疆束颈蝗属Sphingonotus Fieb.的种检索表 1(26)后翅不具暗色斑纹带,或具较弱的不到后翅前缘的横纹。 2(25)前胸背板中隆线全长较低,在沟前区不成片状隆起。 3(6)前翅较宽短,前翅的长度约为其宽度的5.1—5.5倍。 4(5)前翅的长发约为其宽度的5.2倍。中胸腹板侧叶间之中隔较狭,中隔的宽度为其长度的1.5—1.8倍。后足股节内侧黑色,近顶端具淡色横纹。后足胫节淡蓝色,内侧具2个污蓝色斑纹。——温宿,乌什,乌恰,阿合奇。…………………………………………………………………1.吉尔束颈蝗 Sph.kirgisicus Mistsh. 5(4)后足股节内侧黑色,具2个完整的淡色斑纹(图1)。后足胫节淡黄色,近1/3具1淡蓝色斑纹。——乌鲁木齐。…………………………………………………………………2.二纹束颈蝗 Sph.bifasciatus新种  相似文献   

朱兆香  庄文颖 《菌物学报》2014,33(6):1168-1174
报道了采自我国海南省和福建省的木霉属Trichoderma 2个新种。南方木霉子座紫色至紫红色,垫状至盘状,子囊壳壁橙色至橙褐色,子囊孢子无色;绿黄木霉具有淡黄色子座,绿色孔口,球形至近球形的子囊壳,以及大的子囊和绿色子囊孢子。提供了这2个种的详细描述及宏观和微观特征的图示。  相似文献   

翅果蓼属——中国蓼科一新属   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

后木虱属(Metapsylla)是木虱亚科(Psyllinae)里的一个小属,桑山茂(Sh.Kuwayama)1907年成立此属时是以日本的M.nigra为模式种的;同时还发表了另一个新种M.ma-rginata,则为我国台湾高雄的,只有一雌。宫武赖夫(Y.Miyatake)1963年研究了保存在北海道大学昆虫研究所的M.marginata模式标本,认为应将marginata移到Euphalerus属去,同时重新描述了M.nigra Kuwayama;并记述了日本的第二个新种M.uei Miyatake。我国此属的记载除上述误置者外,余凤麟(Yu Feng-ling)1956 年记述了痘点木虱 M.granulasa Yu,标本14个雌雄是马骏超1940—Ⅳ-20采自福建崇安县武夷山的。他同时指出日本的 M.robinae Shinji(1938)应隶他属;后来宫武(1963)也认为该种需从Metapsylla属中去掉,并判断应移至Arytaina属中。七十余年来此属共发表过五个种,而实际只剩下日本2种和我国一个种。  相似文献   

蓼属一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
草原蓼新种图1PolygonumreniC.L.Wang,sp.nov.AfinePolygonumviviparumL.,sedracemiscomplexisconstatismultiracemis,proximiscapitulis,foli...  相似文献   

安徽蓼属一新种——舒城蓼   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
舒城蓼 新种 图1PolygonumshuchengenseZ.Z.Zhou,sp.nov.Fig.1SpeciesaffinisP.pubescentiBlume,sedfoliorumlaminispraeternervossparseadpressequepuberulossubglabris,subtusdensefusco_glanduloso_punctatis,ocreisbrevissimeciliolatis,spicisdensifloris,floribisviridi_albidis,…  相似文献   

本文描述了发生在我国广西、云南、贵州及广东的木虱六个新种,属个木虱科Triozidae。对在考察和采集标本时云南省农科院王履浙、郑伟军同志,广西壮族自治区农科院周至宏、王助引同志及广西壮族自治区林业厅黄金义同志均表诚挚的谢意。模式标本保存于北京农业大学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

赵能 《植物研究》1985,5(1):173-175
常绿、高大乔木,高约28米,树干胸径约2.2米;裸芽密被锈褐色小细毛;小枝初被同样的绢毛,后变为近无毛。奇数羽状复叶,长12-20厘米,叶柄和叶轴疏被褐色小绢毛,小叶3-5枚;小叶草质,椭圆形或矩圆椭圆形,先端短渐尖,基部楔形,全缘,长4-10厘米,宽1.5-4.0厘米,腹面绿色,无毛,背面象牙白色或黄绿色,与长0.4-0.6厘米的小叶柄一样均疏被灰色或褐色微柔毛,侧脉6-9对。  相似文献   

浙江葡萄属植物三新种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
裘宝林 《植物研究》1990,10(3):39-43
作者最近对浙江产葡萄属植物进行分类研究时,发现了3个新种:浙江蘡薁Vitis zhejiang-adstricta P.L.Chiu,sp.nov.;仙居葡萄Vitis wentsaiana P.L.Chiu,sp.nov.;龙泉葡萄Vitis longquanensis P.L.Chiu,sp.nov.  相似文献   

王文采   《广西植物》1987,(2):125-126
<正> 永福唇柱苣苔 新种 图 Chirita yungfuensis W.T. Wang, sp. nov. Affinis C. parvifoliae W.T. Wang, quae foliis minoribus late ellipticis margine integris utrinque pilis brevioribus 0.2—0.8mm longis brunneolis tectis subtus haud purpureis, stigmate late obovato 1.5 mm longo differt; habitu similis C. atropurpureae W.T. Wang, quae foliis utrinque pilis breviorlbus  相似文献   

王文采 《植物研究》1988,8(4):77-80
本文发表了赤车属一新种, 即?岗赤车Pellionia longgangensis W.T.Wang.  相似文献   

王文采   《广西植物》1983,(2):77-80
<正> 伏毛苎麻 Boehmeria strigosifolia W. T. Wang, sp. nov.——B. holosericea Bl.var. strigosa W. T. Wang in Act. Bot. Yunnan (云南植物研究) 3 (4):404. 1981, non B. strigosa Bl. Proxima B. dolichostachyae W. T. Wang, quae foliis margine utrinsecus deatibus paucioribus circ. 16 majoribus 7—9 mm longis praeditis differt.  相似文献   

杨昌友 《植物研究》1999,19(3):246-248
1.世界29种甘草数字是不可靠的;2.新疆17种甘草是由于对于老种的错误鉴定和"新种"爆炸造成的;2.对三叶甘草(G. triphylla)、白花甘草(G. bucharica)、黄花甘草(G. flavescens)的新组合是错误的;4.新建的组(Sect.)、系(Ser.)拉丁名,是中文式的拼凑,难为人所接受;5.文中的检索表和分类系统是脱节的,前者是世界的,后者是中国的;均未指明模式产地和保存地及引证原始和近期出版的文献。因而不符合一般分类学文章规范;6.文章内容尤其"参考文献"中的笔误太多,令人惊奇! 7. "新分类系统"是不可取的。  相似文献   

多年生草本,无毛。茎高62-100厘米,有短分枝,分枝长1-8厘米。叶无柄,纸质,长圆状披针形,长4-6厘米,宽1.2-1.6厘米,顶端钝,基部宽楔形,稍斜,具有腺的长睫毛,背面沿边缘有黑色腺点,中脉及2对侧脉隆起。  相似文献   

Two factors which affect leaf ontogeny and ultimate leaf size: (1) the rate and duration of cell expansion, and (2) the rate and duration of cell division, were examined for their role in the slower early leaf growth rate and the smaller size of fully expanded leaves of plants exposed to ultraviolet-it (UV-B 280-320 nm) radiation. Rumex patientia L. was grown in controlled environment chambers under enhanced UV-B radiation (equivalent to daily solar UV-B irradiation at 40°N latitude in mid-May with an atmospheric ozone concentration of 0.20 atm-cm) and control treatments. The pattern of growth as expressed in changes of mean cell size in two distinct cell types, tissue cell density, and length of the entire leaf blades are consistent with the hypothesis that the radiation primarily affects cell division rather than cell expansion. Furthermore, it appears that the radiation probably alters the rate rather than the duration of the cell division phase. An understanding of the mechanism of radiation damage should facilitate prediction of how this stress may interact with other stresses to which plants are normally subjected. Species with normally prolonged periods of cell division during leaf expansion may be particularly impacted if solar UV radiation were intensified as a result of atmospheric ozone reduction.  相似文献   

Flowering shoots of Muehlenbeckia platyclados Meisn. bear only reduced scale leaves which resemble the membranous sheath portion (ochrea) of leaves of other members of the Polygonaceae. Shoots propagated from cuttings bear enlarged foliage leaves with distinct lamina, petiole, and ochrea zones. The developmental basis for this heterophylly is explored in order to determine whether scale leaves resemble foliage leaves in their pattern of ontogeny or are developmentally unique. SEM and histological analyses have shown that scale leaves and foliage leaves are distinctive from inception. The scale leaf arises as a collarlike growth and extends over the shoot apex as a hooded sheath without evidence of blade initiation. By contrast, the first stage of foliage-leaf ontogeny is the differentiation of the distal lamina from the future leaf base. As the foliage-leaf ochrea encircles the stem axis, the lamina grows erect and projects from the abaxial surface of the sheath. Lamina reduction coupled with ochrea elaboration in intermediate leaf types indicate a homology between the entire scale leaf and foliage-leaf ochrea. Despite this homology, the production of the bladeless scale leaf does not involve a mere suppression of the foliage-leaf lamina. Erect growth of the saccate ochrea of the foliage leaf contrasts with the hooded expansion of the scale. Early histological differences, including contrasting rates of cell differentiation, also distinguish the two organs. This disparity in modes of growth and differentiation from inception results from separate, predetermined courses of ontogeny. Unlike other plants studied, leaf size and degree of leaf elaboration decrease with shoot meristem enlargement in Muehlenbeckia. Leaf packing does increase with shoot development and may contribute to variations in leaf morphology. It is concluded that the peculiarities of the heterophyllic leaf sequence in Muehlenbeckia are a property of the shoot system as a whole.  相似文献   

本文记述采自新疆南部的裸蝗属Conophyma Zub.二新种.新种“友谊裸蝗”Conophyma amica近似于昭苏裸蝗C.zhaosuensis Huang,以下列特征区别于后者:1)雄性肛上板两后角明显突出,后缘中央锐角形突出;2)后足胫节红褐色.新种“红胫裸蝗”C.rufitibia与C.alajense Misth.相似,其区别为:1)新种雄性尾片显著较大;2)雄性尾须较长,明显长过肛上板后缘中央的突起,3)雌性下产卵瓣下外缘缺一明显的大齿.红胫裸蝗亦近似于C.alamasyi(Kuthy),但可以下述特征区别之:1)雄性肛上板近方形,侧缘中部具一钝瘤状突起;2)雄性腹部背面具二条淡色纵带.模式标本均保存在新疆八一农学院植保系.  相似文献   

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