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The life cycle of Amblyospora camposi n. sp. is described from the mosquito Culex renatoi and the copepod Paracyclops fimbriatus fimbriatus collected in the leaf axils of the plant Eryngium cabrerae in Argentina. Meiospores of A. camposi (5.8 x 4.1 microm) were infectious per os to female adults of the copepod P. f. fimbriatus. All developmental stages in the copepod had unpaired nuclei, with sporulation involving the formation of a sub-persistent, sporontogenic, interfacial envelope and the production of a second type of uninucleate spore. These spores, formed in the ovaries of P. f. fimbriatus, were large, pyriform, and measured 10.70 x 3.85 microm. When ingested they infected C. renatoi larvae to initiate a sequence that involves schizogony and gametogony and ends with plasmogamy and nuclear association to form diplokaryotic meronts. Oblong ovate binucleate spores (7.86 x 2.96 microm) are formed in the adult mosquito and are responsible for vertical transmission to the filial generation. This is the first report of an Amblyospora species from a mosquito that inhabits the small-water bodies held in parts of terresterial plants (phytotelmata).  相似文献   

The epizootiology, transmission dynamics and survival strategies employed by the microsporidium Hyalinocysta chapmani were examined in field populations of its primary mosquito host, Culiseta melanura and its intermediate copepod host, Orthocyclops modestus over a three-year period in an aquatic subterranean habitat. H. chapmani was enzootic and was maintained in a continuous cycle of horizontal transmission between each host. There were three distinct periods during the summer and fall when developing mosquito larvae acquired infections; each was preceded by or coincident with the detection of infected copepods. Results were corroborated in laboratory bioassays, wherein transmission was achieved in mosquito larvae that were reared in water and sediment samples taken from the site during the same time periods. The highest infection rates, ranging from 60% to 48%, were repeatedly observed during the first six weeks of larval development. These were coincident with the most sustained collections of infected copepods obtained during the year and highest levels of infection achieved in the laboratory transmission studies. The high prevalence rates of lethal infection observed in larval populations of C. melanura at this site are among the highest recorded for any mosquito-parasitic microsporidium and clearly suggest that H. chapmani is an important natural enemy of C. melanura. H. chapmani appears to overwinter in diapausing mosquito larvae but may also persist in copepods. The absence of vertical transmission in the life cycle of H. chapmani and the sole reliance on horizontal transmission via an intermediate host are unique survival strategies not seen among other mosquito-parasitic microsporidia. The epizootiological data suggest that this transmission strategy is a function of the biological attributes of the hosts and the comparatively stable environment in which they inhabit. The subterranean habitat is inundated with water throughout the year; copepods are omnipresent and C. melanura has overlapping broods. The spatial and temporal overlap of both hosts affords abundant opportunity for continuous horizontal transmission and increases the likelihood that H. chapmani will find a target host. It is hypothesized that natural selection has favored the production of meiospores in female host mosquitoes rather than congenital transfer of infection to progeny via ovarian infection as a strategy for achieving greater transmission success.  相似文献   

The epizootiology of the microsporidium Amblyospora albifasciati was studied in natural populations of its definitive host, a multivoltine, neotropical, floodwater mosquito, Aedes albifasciatus, and its intermediate copepod host, Mesocyclops annulatus, in an ephemeral floodwater habitat during a 12-month period. A. albifasciati was enzootic in mosquitoes. Vertically (transovarially) transmitted meiospore infections occurred regularly and were detected in five of eight larval broods but the prevalence of infection was always low, ranging from 0.5 to 6.9% with an overall average of 0.7%. Horizontal transmission of A. albifasciati infection from copepods to mosquitoes was nominal and limited. It was detected at levels of 6.4 to 20% in larval Ae. albifasciatus populations on two occasions, the month of August and late September through early October. The low levels of horizontal transmission of infection to mosquito larvae appeared to be the principal limiting factor that prevented the proliferation of A. albifasciati in Ae. albifasciatus populations. Copepod populations were abundant from May through September and weekly prevalence rates of A. albifasciati averaged over 50% (range = 5.8 to 100%). The moderately high infection rates in M. annulatus copepods were inconsistent with the low prevalence of meiospore infection in Ae. albifasciatus mosquito larvae. Results suggest that either meiospores of A. albifasciati produced in the mosquito host are highly infectious to copepods or they are long-lived and remain viable within the pool as long as some standing water is present. Observations further indicate that A. albifasciati has a significant detrimental impact on M. annulatus copepod populations but minimal impact on larval populations of Ae. albifasciatus at this site.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A new species of Amblyospora , a parasite found in wild populations of the predacious Australian mosquito Culex halifaxi , was investigated with light and electron microscopy. This species was found to be heterosporous with two concurrent sporulation sequences in the host larvae, both arising from diplokaryotic meronts and ending with haploid spores. One sequence was dominant and involved meiosis to produce eight thick-walled, broadly oval meiospores in a sporophorous vesicle (SV). The other sequence involved nuclear dissociation to produce lanceolate, thin-walled spores in a subpersistent SV. Horizontal transmission to the mosquito host, by one or both of two distinctly different pathways (one via an intermediate host, the other by cannibalism of infected individuals) and by vertical transmission, are postulated but have not been demonstrated. A new species, Amblyospora trinus , is proposed and its affinities to other heterosporous microsporidia in mosquitoes are discussed.  相似文献   

Amblyospora species and other aquatic Microsporidia were isolated from mosquitoes, black flies, and copepods and the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene was sequenced. Comparative phylogenetic analysis showed a correspondence between the mosquito host genera and their Amblyspora parasite species. There is a clade of Amblyospora species that infect the Culex host group and a clade of Amblyospora that infect the Aedes/Ochlerotatus group of mosquitoes. Parathelohania species, which infect Anopheles mosquitoes, may be the sister group to the Amblyospora in the same way that the Anopheles mosquitoes are thought to be the sister group to the Culex and Aedes mosquitoes. In addition, by sequence analysis of small subunit rDNA from spores, we identified the alternate copepod host for four species of Amblyospora. Amblyospora species are specific for their primary (mosquito) host and each of these mosquito species serves as host for only one Amblyospora species. On the other hand, a single species of copepod can serve as an intermediate host to several Amblyospora species and some Amblyospora species may be found in more than one copepod host. Intrapredatorus barri, a species within a monotypic genus with Amblyospora-like characteristics, falls well within the Amblyospora clade. The genera Edhazardia and Culicospora, which do not have functional meiospores and do not require an intermediate host, but which do have a lanceolate spore type which is ultrastructurally very similar to the Amblyospora spore type found in the copepod, cluster among the Amblyospora species. In the future, the genus Amblyospora may be redefined to include species without obligate intermediate hosts. Hazardia, Berwaldia, Larssonia, Trichotuzetia, and Gurleya are members of a sister group to the Amblyospora clades infecting mosquitoes, and may be representatives of a large group of aquatic parasites.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of microsporidia, Andreanna caspii n. gen., n. sp. is described from the mosquito, Ochlerotatus caspius (Pallas) based on ultrastructural morphology, developmental characteristics, and comparative sequence analyses of the small subunit (SSU) ribosomal DNA (rDNA). Parasite development is confined to fat body tissue and infected larvae appear swollen with dull white masses within the thorax and abdomen. Meronts have diplokaryotic nuclei and are delineated by a simple plasmalemma contiguous with the host cell cytoplasm. Merogony occurs by synchronous binary division followed by cytokinesis. Diplokaryotic sporonts undergo meiosis and synchronous nuclear division forming sporogonial plasmodia with two, four and eight nuclei enclosed within a persistent sporophorous vesicle. Cytokinesis of sporogonial plasmodia results in the formation of eight uninucleate spores. The episporontal space of early sporonts is filled with a homogeneous accumulation of electron dense granular inclusions and ovoid vesicles of various dimensions, transforming into an interwoven matrix during the initial phase of sporogenesis. Spores are oval, uninucleate and measure 4.8 ± 0.3 × 3.1 ± 0.4 μm (fixed). The spore wall is 260 μm thick with an irregular exospore consisting of two layers (150-170 μm) and a thinner endospore (90-100 μm). The anchoring disk is well developed and is contiguous with a lamellar polaroplast that occupies the anterior third of the spore and possess more narrow lamellae on the posterior end. The polar filament is gradually tapered and arranged in a single row consisting of six coils ranging from 180 to 150 μm in diameter. The posterior vacuole (posterosome) is moderately sized and filled with a matrix of moderate electron density. Phylogenetic analysis of SSU rDNA from A. caspii and 30 other species of microsporidia including 11 genera parasitic in mosquitoes using maximum parsimony, neighbor joining and maximum likelihood methods showed A. caspii to be a sister group to the clade containing all of the Amblyospora species, including Culicospora, Edhazardia and Intrapredatorus, as well as Culicosporella and Hyalinocysta thus providing strong support for establishment of Andreanna as a separate genus.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The ultrastructure of meiospores of six different species of Amblyospora found infecting larval mosquitoes of Aedes abserratus, Aedes aurifer, Aedes cinereus, Aedes excruciates, Aedes sticticus , and Aedes stimulans are described. Meiospores of all species exhibited characteristics typical for the genus Amblyospora including: a single nucleus, a large posterior vacuole, a thick undulating exospore and thinner endospore, a bipartite and lamellate polaroplast with more tightly stacked membranes in the proximal region, and an anisofilar polar filament with distal coils reduced in thickness. Distinct differences were found in the arrangement and number/ ratio of coils formed by the broad basal and narrow distal portions of the polar filament. These differences, when quantified and averaged, were unique from all other mosquito-parasitic species that have been examined ultrastructurally. Information on parasite development, natural field prevalence and transmission to suspected intermediate copepod hosts is presented. The creation of six new species, Amblyospora abserrati, Amblyospora auriferi, Amblyospora cinerei, Amblyospora excrucii, Amblyospora stictici , and Amblyospora stimuli is proposed. Synonymies and complete host lists of all forms and species of Amblyospora described from mosquitoes are given.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Amblyospora californica is a polymorphic, eukaryotic microsporidian. Three types of sporogony producing three types of spores occur in male larvae and female adults of its mosquito host, Culex tarsalis , and an alternate copepod host, Acanthocyclops vernalis. Development of A. californica in male larvae includes merogony and sporogony. Karyogamy and meiosis was observed in sporogony in male larvae but not in the female adult or in the copepod. Chromosomal evidence showed that sporogony included two consecutive meiotic divisions and a subsequent mitosis forming an octosporont, ultimately containing eight haploid, uninucleate mature spores. In this species, the haploid number of chromosomes is nine. Macrosporoblasts and macrospores, containing 1, 2 or more nuclei, can be seen in infected male larvae. The stage of sporogony in which cytokinesis was arrested seems to determine the number of nuclei. Those with only one nucleus, we believe are due to failed nuclear division at meiosis. Although A. californica displayed a process of karyogamy and meiosis similar to that of the species from Cx. salinarius , they may not be the same species because of the difference in their chromosome numbers.  相似文献   

The complete life cycle of the microsporidium Hyalinocysta chapmani is described from the primary mosquito host Culiseta melanura and the intermediate copepod host Orthocyclops modestus. Infections are initiated in larval C. melanura following the oral ingestion of uninucleate spores from infected copepods. Spores germinate within the lumen of the midgut and directly invade fat body tissue where all development occurs. Uninucleated schizonts undergo binary division (schizogony) followed by karyokinesis (nuclear division) to form diplokaryotic meronts. Merogony is by synchronous binary division. The onset of sporogony is characterized by the simultaneous secretion of a sporophorous vesicle and meiotic division of the diplokaryon resulting in the formation of eight ovoid meiospores enclosed within a sporophorous vesicle. Most infected larvae die during the fourth stadium and there is no evidence of a developmental sequence leading to vertical transmission. Hyalinocysta chapmani is horizontally transmitted to O. modestus via oral ingestion of meiospores. Infections become established within ovarian tissue of females and all parasite development is haplophasic. Uninucleate schizonts divide by binary division during an initial schizogonic cycle. Newly formed uninucleate cells produce a thin sporophorous vesicle and undergo repeated nuclear division during sporogony to produce a rosette-shaped, multinucleated sporogonial plasmodium with up to 18 nuclei. This is followed by cytoplasmic cleavage, sporogenesis, and disintegration of the sporophorous vesicle to form membrane-free uninucleate spores. Infected females eventually die and there is no egg development. The small subunit rDNA sequence of H. chapmani isolated from meiospores from C. melanura was identical to the small subunit rDNA sequence obtained from spores from O. modestus, corroborating the laboratory transmission studies and confirming the intermediary role of O. modestus in the life cycle. Phylogenetic analysis was conducted with closely related microsporidia from mosquitoes. Hyalinocysta chapmani did not cluster within described Amblyospora species and can be considered a sister group, warranting separate genus status.  相似文献   

Tubulinosema kingi is a pathogen of Drosophila spp. that was originally described 40 years ago. Although Drosophila melanogaster is widely used as a model organism for biological research, only limited data about microsporidia infecting Drosophila have been published so far and very little is known about the ultrastructure of T. kingi. In this study, we present the results of ultrastructural and molecular examinations of T. kingi. The whole life cycle took place in direct contact with the host cell cytoplasm and all examined life cycle stages contained a diplokaryon. Very few membrane elements were present in early merogonial stages, but their number and order of arrangement increased as the life cycle proceeded. The cell membrane of meronts had a surface coat of tubular elements that encircled the cell. Later, numerous electron-dense strands without any ornamentation accumulated on the plasma membrane, indicating that cells had entered sporogony. The cell membrane of sporonts was covered by electron-dense material. The polar filament in the spores was slightly anisofilar with the last three or four coils being smaller in diameter. The polar filament has 10 to 14 coils which were arranged predominantly in a single row, but in many spores, one winding of the coiled polar filament was located inside the outer coils. In some spores, the polar filament was irregularly arranged in two or even three rows. Molecular analysis showed that all Tubulinosema spp. are closely related and form a clade of their own that is distinct from the Nosema/Vairimorpha clade. All these ultrastructural and molecular features are in concordance with the family Tubulinosematidae and the genus Tubulinosema which reinforces the recent reclassification of this microsporidium.  相似文献   

A new species of Amblyospora, a parasite found in wild populations of the predacious Australian mosquito Culex halifaxi, was investigated with light and electron microscopy. This species was found to be heterosporous with two concurrent sporulation sequences in the host larvae, both arising from diplokaryotic meronts and ending with haploid spores. One sequence was dominant and involved meiosis to produce eight thick-walled, broadly oval meiospores in a sporophorous vesicle (SV). The other sequence involved nuclear dissociation to produce lanceolate, thin-walled spores in a subpersistent SV. Horizontal transmission to the mosquito host, by one or both of two distinctly different pathways (one via an intermediate host, the other by cannibalism of infected individuals) and by vertical transmission, are postulated but have not been demonstrated. A new species, Amblyospora trinus, is proposed and its affinities to other heterosporous microsporidia in mosquitoes are discussed.  相似文献   

Molecular characterization of the insecticide resistance has become a hot research topic ever since the first disease transmitting arthropod (Anopheles gambiae) genome sequence has unveiled in 2002. A recent publication of the Culex quinquefasciatus genome sequence has opened up new opportunities for molecular and comparative genomic analysis of multiple mosquito genomes to characterize the insecticide resistance. Here, we utilized a whole genome sequence of Cx. quinquefasciatus to identify putatively active members of the detoxification supergene families, namely cytochrome P450s (P450s), glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs), and choline/carboxylesterases (CCEs). The Culex genome analysis revealed 166 P450s, 40 GSTs, and 62 CCEs. Further, the comparative genomic analysis shows that these numbers are considerably higher than the other dipteran mosquitoes. These observed speciesspecific expansions of the detoxification super gene family members endorse the popular understanding of the involvement of these gene families in protecting the organism against multitudinous classes of toxic substances during its complex (aquatic and terrestrial) life cycle. Thus, the generated data set may provide an initial point to start with to characterize the insecticide resistance at a molecular level which could then lead the development of an easy to use molecular marker to monitor the incipient insecticide resistance in field environs.  相似文献   

The gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. (Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae), a serious defoliator of deciduous trees, is an economically important pest when population densities are high. Outbreaking populations are, however, subject to some moderating influences in the form of entomopathogens, including several species of microsporidia. In this study, we conducted laboratory experiments to investigate the transmission of an unusual Nosema sp. isolated from L. dispar in Schweinfurt, Germany; this isolate infects only the silk glands and, to a lesser extent, Malpighian tubules of the larval host. The latent period ended between 8 and 15 days after oral inoculation and spores were continuously released in the feces of infected larvae until pupation. Exclusion of feces from the rearing cages resulted in a 58% decrease in horizontal transmission. The silk of only 2 of 25 infected larvae contained microsporidian spores. When larvae were exposed to silk that was artificially contaminated with Nosema sp., 5% became infected. No evidence was found for venereal or transovum (including transovarial) transmission of this parasite.  相似文献   

A new species of Metacyclops is described from hyporheic waters and small rock depression with leaf litter in North Vietnam, the Tam Đao Mountains). Metacyclops amicitiae sp. n. can be distinguished from its congeners by the unique combination of the following characters: 12-segmented antennule, distal segment of P4 endopodite bearing a single apical spine, and the surface ornamentation of the intercoxal sclerites in P1–P4 (pilose on the distal margin of P1-P4 and spinulose on the caudal surface of P4). The latter character separates the new Metacyclops from its closest relative, Metacyclops ryukyuensis, known only from the Ryukyu Islands (Ishigaki). The genus Metacyclops with the new species described herein is also for the first time recorded from Vietnam. An identification key is provided to the south and east Asian species of the genus.  相似文献   

Chytridiopsis typographiWeiser, 1954, the microsporidian pathogen of the spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus L. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), has an early developmental period with plurinucleate mother cells, each of which produces a single bud. The globular bud is connected with the mother cell by a collar and the cellular constituents are pushed to the distant end of the bud. Both the mother cell and the bud continue to develop; the bud then separates from the mother cell and grows to produce a cell of the same type. Both cells then continue sporogonial development and produce sporophorous vesicles with 16-32 spores. The process of a single mother cell producing a single bud that grows to an identical stage is new in the development of C. typographi and has no analogy in other Microsporidia.  相似文献   

Abstract: Two acetylcholinesterases (AChEs), AChE1 and AChE2, differing in substrate specificity and in some aspects of inhibitor sensitivity, have been characterized in the mosquito Culex pipiens . The results of ultracentrifugation in sucrose gradients and nondenaturing gel electrophoresis of AChE activity peak fractions show that each AChE is present as two molecular forms: one amphiphilic dimer possessing a glycolipid anchor and one hydrophilic dimer that does not interact with nondenaturing detergents. Treatment by phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C converts each type of amphiphilic dimer into the corresponding hydrophilic dimer. Molecular forms of AChE1 have a lower electrophoretic mobility than those of AChE2. However, amphiphilic dimers and hydrophilic dimers have similar sedimentation coefficients (5.5S and 6.5S, respectively). AChE1 and AChE2 dimers, amphiphilic or hydrophilic, resist dithiothreitol reduction under conditions that allow reduction of Drosophila AChE dimers. In the insecticide-susceptible strain S-LAB, AChE1 is inhibited by 5 × 10−4 M propoxur (a carbamate insecticide), whereas AChE2 is resistant. All animals are killed by this concentration of propoxur, indicating that only AChE1 fulfills the physiological function of neurotransmitter hydrolysis at synapses. In the insecticide-resistant strain, MSE, there is no mortality after exposure to 5 × 10−4 M propoxur: AChE2 sensitivity to propoxur is unchanged, whereas AChE1 is now resistant to 5 × 10−4 M propoxur. The possibility that AChE1 and AChE2 are products of tissue-specific posttranslational modifications of a single gene is discussed, but we suggest, based on recent results obtained at the molecular level in mosquitoes, that they are encoded by two different genes.  相似文献   

Microsporidia are believed to play little or no role in outbreaks of the jack pine budworm, Choristoneura pinuspinus Freeman (Lepidoptrera: Tortricidae), because the short duration (2–4 years) of those outbreaks may not permit significant build-up of the pathogen. We conducted the first survey of Nosema sp. (Microsporidia: Nosematidae) over the course of a recent jack pine budworm outbreak in Ontario. Between 2004 and 2010 the outbreak defoliated a cumulative total of 1.78 million ha. Microscopic examination of ∼15,000 overwintering larvae collected over 6 years in sites with densities of 3 larvae per branch or more revealed widespread occurrence of Nosema at generally high infection intensities. The pathogen was present in 69.5% of the 518 plots that were monitored. Prevalence of infection was generally low (below 40% in 84% of plots with infected larvae) but reached high levels (80–95%) locally and increased rapidly in most infestations within 1–2 years of onset. We hypothesize that the habit of early-instar larvae to feed on developing male flowers (pollen cones) after spring emergence is critical in allowing rapid build-up of Nosema by increasing efficiency of horizontal transmission (higher density of both infected larvae and egested spores). Nosema infection may contribute to the complexity of jack pine budworm outbreak patterns by affecting egg recruitment and early-instar survival at the stand level in concert with known effects of budworm-induced reductions in pollen cone production on those processes.  相似文献   

Red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, colonies were successfully infected with the microsporidium Vairimorpha invictae by introducing live larvae, pupae, or dead adults from V. invictae-infected field colonies collected in Argentina. Introductions with 4th instar larvae or non-melanized pupae obtained from infected field colonies, resulted in infection of 40% of the inoculated colonies. Introductions of 4th instars or melanized pupae produced from colonies that were initially infected in the laboratory, resulted in infections of 83% of the colonies, thus perpetuating the infection in other colonies. Infection was detected in 2 of 6 colonies after introducing adult worker caste ants that had died with V. invictae. The average number of adults and the volume of immature ants per colony were significantly lower in the infected than in the control colonies. Infected colonies had 86% fewer adults per colony and 82% less immature ants than the controls. A portion of the 16S rRNA gene of the V. invictae identified from these studies was amplified, cloned, and sequenced; the 1251 nucleotide amplicon was 100% identical to the 16S rRNA gene sequence recorded previously in the GenBank database, thus verifying the species as V. invictae. This is the first report of the artificial transmission of this pathogen to uninfected ant colonies, and demonstration of its ability to hinder growth in individual colonies.  相似文献   

Comparative small subunit rDNA sequence analyses, indicate that Ovavesicula popilliae, a microsporidian parasite of the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica, represents a distant sister group to Paranosema and Antonospora. These three genera represent a second major group (the Nosema/Vairimorpha clade representing the first) of Microsopridia which infect terrestrial insects, suggesting independent origins for both groups. Phylogenetic analyses of Ovavesicula and other Microsporidia having a multi-sporous sporogony reveal that this condition is found in several unrelated taxa implying either that multi-sporous sporogony is the ancestral condition for Microsporidia or that it has multiple origins.  相似文献   

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