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Target molecular size of the red beet plasma membrane ATPase   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Radiation inactivation of the red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) plasma membrane ATPase was carried out using γ-ray radiation from a 137Cs source. Inactivation of vanadate-sensitive ATPase activity by γ-ray radiation followed an exponential decline with increasing total dose, indicating a single target size calculated to have a molecular weight of about 228,000. Since the catalytic subunit of the red beet plasma membrane ATPase has been demonstrated to have a molecular weight of about 100,000 by dodecyl-sulfate gel electrophoresis following 32P-phosphorylation, it is suggested that the native enzyme may exist, at least, as a dimer of catalytic subunits.  相似文献   

Intermediate reaction states of the red beet plasma membrane ATPase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The phosphorylation reaction for the plasma membrane ATPase of red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) was examined in order to further understand the mechanism of this enzyme. The level of steady-state phosphorylation had a pH optimum of about 6.0 while ATPase activity (32Pi production) measured under identical conditions had a pH optimum of 7.0. Phosphoenzyme decomposition was accelerated as both the pH and temperature were increased. The former effect may account for the observed difference between the pH optimum for phosphorylation and ATPase. Although the kinetics of K+ stimulation of ATP hydrolysis have been observed to be complex, the kinetics of K+ stimulation of phosphoenzyme turnover were observed to be simple Michaelis-Menten. An antagonism was observed between MgATP and K+ for the stimulation of phosphoenzyme turnover. Increased MgATP concentration reduced the degree of K+ stimulation of phosphoenzyme turnover and ATPase activity. These effects could be explained by the observation that two forms of phosphoenzyme occur during ATP hydrolysis. One form is discharged by ADP while the other form is ADP insensitive. Potassium stimulation of phosphoenzyme breakdown occurs primarily because of effects on the ADP-insensitive phosphoenzyme form. These results are consistent with a mechanism of ATP hydrolysis involving interconversions of conformational states.  相似文献   

Role of magnesium in the plasma membrane ATPase of red beet   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The phosphorylation technique was used to assess the role of Mg in the red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) plasma membrane ATPase. When an excess of ethylenediaminetetraacetate (Tris salt, pH 6.5) was added to phosphorylation reactions at steady-state, the phosphorylation level declined exponentially and the rate constant for dephosphorylation was similar to that observed when phosphorylation reactions were chased with unlabeled ATP. When KCl was included with the EDTA chase, a 2.4-fold increase in the turnover of the phosphoenzyme was observed. Thus, the formation of the phosphorylated intermediate but not its breakdown requires free Mg to be present. When an excess of unlabeled ATP containing MgSO4 was added to plasma membranes incubated for 20 seconds with [γ-32P]ATP in the absence of MgSO4, a burst of phosphorylation was observed that declined exponentially. The rate constant for this decline was similar to that observed for phosphoenzyme turnover after initial labeling in the presence of MgSO4. Extrapolation of this kinetic plot to zero time indicated that ATP binding can occur when MgSO4 is absent. It is proposed that Mg has a specific role in the transphosphorylation reaction of the terminal phosphate group of ATP to the enzyme.  相似文献   

Red beet ( Beta vulgaris L., cv. Detroit Dark Red) plasma membrane ATPase solubilized from a deoxycholate-extracted plasma membrane fraction with Zwittergent 3–14 was reconstituted into liposomes. Detergent removal and reconstitution was carried out by column chromatography on Sephadex G-200 followed by centrifugation at 100 000 g for I h. Prior to reconstitution, optimal activity in the solubilized preparation was observed when dormant red beet tissue was used in the extraction/solubilization procedure. Following reconstitution into liposomes, ATP-dependent proton transport could be demonstrated by measuring the quenching of acridine orange fluorescence. Proton transport and ATPase activity in the reconstituted enzyme preparation were inhibited by orthovandate but stimulated by KNO3. This stimulation most likely results from a reduction in the membrane potential generated during electrogenic proton transport by the reconstituted ATPase. The ATPase activity of the reconstituted ATPase was further characterized and found to have a pH optimum of 6.5 in the presence of both Mg2+ and K+. The activity was specific for ATP, insensitive to ouabain and azide but inhibited by N;N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and diethylstilbestrol. Stimulation of ATP hydrolytic activity occurred in the sequence: K+ Rb+ Na+ Cs+ Li+ and the kinetics of K+ stimulation of ATPase activity followed non-Michaelis-Menten kinetics as observed for both the membrane-bound and solubilized forms of the enzyme. Reconstitution of the plasma membrane ATPase from red beet allowed a substantial purification of the enzyme and resulted in the enrichment of a 100 kDa polypeptide representing the ATPase catalytic subunit.  相似文献   

Pea root microsomal vesicles have been fractionated on a Dextran step gradient to give three fractions, each of which carries out ATP-dependent proton accumulation as measured by fluorescence quenching of quinacrine. The fraction at the 4/6% Dextran interface is enriched in plasma membrane, as determined by UDPG sterol glucosyltransferase and vanadate-inhibited ATPase. The vanadate-sensitive phosphohydrolase is not specific for ATP, has a Km of about 0.23 millimolar for MgATP, is only slightly affected by K+ or Cl and is insensitive to auxin. Proton transport, on the other hand, is more specific for ATP, enhanced by anions (NO3 > Cl) and has a Km of about 0.7 millimolar. Auxins decrease the Km to about 0.35 millimolar, with no significant effect on the Vmax, while antiauxins or weak acids have no such effect. It appears that auxin has the ability to alter the efficiency of the ATP-driven proton transport.  相似文献   

Membranes from homogenates of growing and of dormant storage roots of red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) were centrifuged on linear sucrose gradients. Vanadate-sensitive ATPase activity, a marker for plasma membrane, peaked at 38% to 40% sucrose (1.165-1.175 grams per cubic centimeter) in the case of growing material but moved to as low as 30% sucrose (1.127 grams per cubic centimeter) during dormancy.

A band of nitrate-sensitive ATPase was found at sucrose concentrations of 25% to 28% or less (around 1.10 grams per cubic centimeter) for both growing and dormant material. This band showed proton transport into membrane vesicles, as measured by the quenching of fluorescence of acridine orange in the presence of ATP and Mg2+. The vesicles were collected on a 10/23% sucrose step gradient. The phosphate hydrolyzing activity was Mg dependent, relatively substrate specific for ATP (ATP > GTP > UTP > CTP = 0) and increased up to 4-fold by ionophores. The ATPase activity showed a high but variable pH optimum, was stimulated by Cl, but was unaffected by monovalent cations. It was inhibited about 50% by 10 nanomolar mersalyl, 20 micromolar N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, 80 micromolar diethylstilbestrol, or 20 millimolar NO3; but was insensitive to molybdate, vanadate, oligomycin, and azide. Proton transport into vesicles from the 10/23% sucrose interface was stimulated by Cl, inhibited by NO3, and showed a high pH optimum and a substrate specificity similar to the ATPase, including some proton transport driven by GTP and UTP.

The low density of the vesicles (1.10 grams per cubic centimeter) plus the properties of H+ transport and ATPase activity are similar to the reported properties of intact vacuoles of red beet and other materials. We conclude that the low density, H+-pumping ATPase of red beets originated from the tonoplast. Tonoplast H+-ATPases with similar properties appear to be widely distributed in higher plants and fungi.


The dicarbonyl compounds, phenylgloxyl and 2,3-butanedione were used to demonstrate the presence of an essential arginine residue in the mechanism of the red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) plasma membrane ATPase. Treatment of the red beet ATPase with either of these reagents resulted in an inhibition of ATP hydrolytic activity protectable by the inclusion of either ATP or ADP during inhibitor incubation. Ligands of the ATP hydrolytic reaction also protected against phenylglyoxyl inhibition and affected the ability of ADP to protect against inhibition by this reagent. Kinetic analysis of 2,3-butanedione and phenylglyoxyl inhibition suggested the presence of a single arginine residue susceptible to attack by these reagents. As similar results with these arginine modification reagents were found for both the plasma membrane-associated and solubilized forms of the ATPase, it is apparent that the function of this arginyl moiety is not affected by detergent treatment and removal of the enzyme from the membrane.  相似文献   

The effect of vanadate on the plant plasma membrane ATPase were investigated in plasma membrane fractions derived from corn roots (Zea mays L.) and red beets (Beta vulgaris L.). The Ki for vanadate inhibition of the plasma membrane ATPase from corn roots and red beets was between 6 and 15 micromolar vanadate. In both membrane fractions, 80% to 90% of the total ATPase was inhibited at vanadate concentrations below 100 micromolar. Vanadate inhibition was optimal at pH 6.5, enhanced by the presence of K+, and was partially reversed by 1 millimolar EDTA. The Mg:ATP kinetics for the plasma membrane ATPase were hyperbolic in both the absence and presence of vanadate. Vanadate decreased both the Km and Vmax of the red beet plasma membrane ATPase, indicating that vanadate inhibits the ATPase uncompetitively. These results indicate many similarities with respect to vanadate inhibition between the plant plasma membrane ATPase and other major iontranslocating ATPases from fungal and animal cells. The high sensitivity to vanadate reported here, however, differs from other reports of vanadate inhibition of the plant plasma membrane ATPase from corn, beets, and in some instances oats.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane of Neurospora crassa contains a proton-translocating ATPase, which functions to generate a large membrane potential and thereby to drive a variety of H+-dependent co-transport systems. We have purified this ATPase by a three-step procedure in which 1) loosely bound membrane proteins are removed by treatment with 0.1% deoxycholate; 2) the ATPase is solubilized with 0.6% deoxycholate in the presence of 45% glycerol; and 3) the solubilized enzyme is purified by centrifugation through a glycerol gradient. This procedure typically yields approximately 30% of the starting ATPase activity in a nearly homogeneous enzyme preparation of high specific activity, 61-98 mumol/min/mg of protein. The membrane-bound and purified forms of the ATPase are very similar with respect to kinetic properties (pH optimum, nucleotide and divalent cation specificity, sigmoid dependence upon Mg-ATP concentration) and sensitivity to inhibitors (including N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and vanadate). Upon sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the purified ATPase displays a single major polypeptide band of Mr = 104,000, which is essentially identical in its electrophoretic mobility with the large subunit of [Na+, K+]-ATPase of animal cell membranes and [Ca2+]-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum. The structural similarity of the fungal and animal cell ATPases, together with the fact that both are known to form acyl phosphate intermediates, suggests that they may share a common reaction mechanism.  相似文献   

The reaction mechanism of the solubilized red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) plasma membrane ATPase was studied with a rapid quenching apparatus. Using a dual-labeled substrate ([γ-32P]ATP and [5′,8-3H]ATP), the presteady-state time course of phosphoenzyme formation, phosphate liberation and ADP liberation was examined. The time course for both phosphoenzyme formation and ADP liberation showed a rapid, initial rise while the timecourse for phosphate liberation showed an initial lag. This indicated that ADP was released with formation of the phosphoenzyme while phosphate was released with phosphoenzyme breakdown. Phosphoenzyme formation was Mg2+-dependent and preincubation of the enzyme with free ATP followed by the addition of Mg2+ increased the rate of phosphoenzyme formation 2.3-fold. This implied that phosphoenzyme formation could result from a slow reaction of ATP binding followed by a more rapid reaction of phosphate group transfer. Phosphoenzyme formation was accelerated as the pH was decreased, and the relationship between pH and the apparent first-order rate constants for phosphoenzyme formation suggested the role of a histidyl residue in this process. Transient kinetics of phosphoenzyme breakdown confirmed the presence of two phosphoenzyme forms, and the discharge of the ADP-sensitive form by ADP correlated with ATP synthesis. Potassium chloride increased the rate of phosphoenzyme turnover and shifted the steady-state distribution of phosphoenzyme forms. From these results, a minimal catalytic mechanism is proposed for the red beet plasma membrane ATPase, and rate constants for several reaction steps are estimated.  相似文献   

Modification of our previous procedure for the isolation of microsomal membrane vesicles from red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) storage tissue allowed the recovery of sealed membrane vesicles displaying proton transport activity sensitive to both nitrate and orthovanadate. In the absence of a high salt concentration in the homogenization medium, contributions of nitrate-sensitive (tonoplast) and vanadate-sensitive (plasma membrane) proton transport were roughly equal. The addition of 0.25 M KCl to the homogenization medium increased the relative amount of nitrate-inhibited proton transport activity while the addition of 0.25 M KI resulted in proton pumping vesicles displaying inhibition by vanadate but stimulation by nitrate. These effects appeared to result from selective sealing of either plasma membrane or tonoplast membrane vesicles during homogenization in the presence of the two salts. Following centrifugation on linear sucrose gradients it was shown that the nitrate-sensitive, proton-transporting vesicles banded at low density and comigrated with nitrate-sensitive ATPase activity while the vanadate-sensitive, proton-transporting vesicles banded at a much higher density and comigrated with vanadate-sensitive ATPase. The properties of the vanadate-sensitive proton pumping vesicles were further characterized in microsomal membrane fractions produced by homogenization in the presence of 0.25 M KI and centrifugation on discontinuous sucrose density gradients. Proton transport was substrate specific for ATP, displayed a sharp pH optimum at 6.5, and was insensitive to azide but inhibited by N'-N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, diethylstilbestrol, and fluoride. The Km of proton transport for Mg:ATP was 0.67 mM and the K0.5 for vanadate inhibition was at about 50 microM. These properties are identical to those displayed by the plasma membrane ATPase and confirm a plasma membrane origin for the vesicles.  相似文献   

The potential role of pyridine nucleotide oxidation in the energization and/or regulation of membrane transport was examined using sealed plasma membrane vesicles isolated from red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) storage tissue. In this system, pyridine nucleotide oxidation, which was enhanced in the presence of ferricyanide, occurred. In the presence or absence of ferricyanide, the oxidation of NADH was several-fold greater than the oxidation of NADPH, indicating that it was the preferred substrate for oxidation in this system. Ferricyanide reduction coupled to NADH oxidation did not require the transmembrane movement of reducing equivalents since ferricyanide incorporated inside the vesicles could not be reduced by NADH added externally to the vesicles, unless the vesicles were made leaky by the addition of 0.05% (v/v) Triton X-100. Using fluorescent probes for the measurement of transmembrane pH gradients and membrane potentials, it was determined that NADH oxidation did not result in the production of a proton electrochemical gradient or have any effect upon the proton electrochemical gradient produced by the plasma membrane H+-ATPase. The oxidation of NADH in the presence of ferricyanide did result in the acidification of the reaction medium. This acidification was unaffected by the addition of Gramicidin D and stimulated by the addition of 0.05% (v/v) Triton X-100, suggesting a scalar (nonvectorial) production of protons in the oxidation/reduction reaction. The results of this study suggest that the oxidation of pyridine nucleotides by plasma membrane vesicles is not related to energization of transport at the plasma membrane or modulation of the activity of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase.  相似文献   

When a plasma membrane-enriched fraction isolated from red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) was incubated in the presence of 40 micromolar [γ-32P] ATP, 40 micromolar MgSO4 at pH 6.5, a rapidly turning over phosphorylated protein was formed. Phosphorylation of the protein was substrate-specific for ATP, sensitive to diethylstilbestrol and vanadate, but insensitive to azide. When the dephosphorylation reaction was specifically studied, KCl was found to increase the turnover of the phosphorylated protein consistent with its stimulatory effect upon plasma membrane ATPase. The protein-bound phosphate was found to be most stable at a pH between 2 and 3 and under cold temperature, suggesting that the protein phosphate bond was an acyl-phosphate. When the phosphorylated protein was analyzed with lithium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis, a labeled polypeptide with a molecular weight of about 100,000 daltons was observed. Phosphorylation of this polypeptide was rapidly turning over and Mg-dependent. It is concluded that the phosphorylation observed represents a reaction intermediate of the red beet plasma membrane ATPase.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of blue light on stomata are critically analysed. Blue-light-induced increase in stomatal conductance is preceded by membrane hyperpolarization, proton efflux, potassium uptake and malate synthesis in guard cells. Hypothetically, a flavin containing plasma membrane redox system can pump protons out of guard cells on illumination with blue light. It is proposed that this electrogenic proton pump requires NAD(P)H but does not involve ATP/ATPase.  相似文献   

A fast and efficient method is described for the isolation of protoplasts and vacuoles from storage tissue of Beta vulgaris L. The viability of the isolated protoplasts is indicated by the development within a few hours of plasma strands with active cyclosis as well as by transport activity.  相似文献   

The F0 polypeptides a, b, and c of the H+-translocating ATPase associated with membranes when synthesized in vitro. This association occurred when the membranes were present either cotranslationally or post-translationally. In addition, the F0 polypeptides associated with liposomes. The membrane association seemed to be an insertion process since there was protection of polypeptides a and c from proteolysis. The in vitro insertion of the F0 polypeptides a, b, and c was independent of the synthesis of each polypeptide and of the F1 polypeptides.  相似文献   

The portion of Escherichia coli adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) which is peripheral to the membrane (ECFl) is composed of five separate polypeptides referred to as alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon. Treating purified ECFl with pyridine precipitated the three larger polypeptides (alpha, beta, and gamma), but the two smaller ones (delta and epsilon), which represent only about 10% of ECFl, remained in solution. After removing the pyridine, both delta and epsilon were active and both were obtained in essentially pure form after chromatography on a single molecular-seive column. epsilon strongly inhibited the ATPase activity of ECFl, indicating that epsilon has a regulatory role in the enzyme. epsilon inhibited ECFl missing delta, indicating that delta is not required for inhibition by epsilon. However, enzyme containing just the alpha and beta subunits, which was prepared by treating ECFl with a protease, was fully active hydrolytically but not at all sensitive to inhibition by epsilon. This result suggests that the gamma polypeptide is required for the inhibition of the ATPase by epsilon. delta restored the capacity of ECFl missing delta to recombine with ECFl-depleted membrane vesicles. The ECFl, which became attached to the vesicles by the added delta, was functional in energy transduction, as evidenced by the coupling of ATP hydrolysis to the transhydrogenase reaction in the vesicles. The rebinding of ECFl missing delta was directly proportional to the amount of delta added until all the ECFl receptors in the membranes were occupied. delta may be a stalk which connects the Fl headpiece to the membrane, since the attachment of ECFl to the membrane exhibited an absolute dependence on delta. Although delta is known to have an apparent molecular weight of about 20,000 by gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate, the active delta eluted from a molecular-seive column with an apparent molecular weight of about 35,000, suggesting that in the active form delta is a dimer or rather elongated in shape. The active epsilon subunit eluted from the same column with an apparent molecular weight of about 16,000.  相似文献   

We have examined growth, water status and gene expression in dark-grown soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) seedlings in response to water deficit (low water potentials) during the first days following germination. The genes encoded the plasma membrane proton ATPase and two proteins of 28 kDa and 31 kDa putatively involved in vegetative storage. Water potentials of stems and roots decreased when 2-day-old seedlings were transferred to water-saturated air. Stem growth was inhibited immediately. Root growth continued at control rates for one day and then was totally inhibited when the normal root-stem water potential gradient was reversed.Expression of mRNA for the 28 kDa and 31 kDa proteins, measured independently using specific 3-end probes, occurred about equally in stems. However, only the mRNA for the 31 kDa protein was detected in roots and at a lower abundance than in stems. Low water potentials increased the mRNA only for the 28 kDa protein in stems and the 31 kDa protein in roots. This differential expression followed the inhibition of stem growth but preceded the inhibition of root growth.The expression of the message for the ATPase, measured using a probe synthesized from a partial oat ATPase clone, was low in stems and roots but there was a 6-fold increase at low water potentials in roots. The increase followed the inhibition of root growth. This appears to be the first instance of regulation of ATPase gene expression in plants and the first demonstration of differential expression of the 28 kDa, 31 kDa, and ATPase messages. The correlation with the differential growth responses of the stems and roots raises the possibility that the differential gene expression could be involved in the growth response to low water potentials.  相似文献   

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