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Post-mating reproductive isolating mechanisms may be among the earliest reproductive barriers to emerge among incipient species. Trinidadian guppy, Poecilia reticulata, populations in the Caroni and Oropouche drainages in Northern Trinidad exhibit marked genetic divergence and provide an ideal system in which to search for these barriers. We inseminated virgin females with equal amounts of sperm from two males, a 'native' male from the female's own population and a 'foreign' male from the other drainage. Artificial insemination ensured that mating order and mate choice did not affect the outcome. Paternities were assigned to the resulting broods using microsatellite markers. As predicted, sperm from native males had precedence over foreign sperm. Moreover, this effect was symmetrical for both drainages. In contrast, we detected no native sperm precedence in controls, in which females received sperm from the same and another population within the same drainage. Our results show that gametic isolation can arise between geographically proximate, though genetically divergent, populations of a single species and highlight the potential role of this process in speciation.  相似文献   

Mating can increase an individual''s risk of mortality by predation. In response to predation hazards, males in some species court females less often, but alternatively engage in coerced copulations more frequently and females become less selective. Such predator-mediated shifts in mating tactics may result in higher levels of multiple inseminations in females and, thus, in greater frequencies of females with broods of mixed paternity. We tested this hypothesis using two polymorphic microsatellite loci to estimate conservatively multiple paternity in broods of female guppies (Poecilia reticulata) originating from ten natural populations that have evolved under different fish predation regimes in Trinidad. The frequency of broods that were multiply sired was significantly greater on average in populations experiencing high predation pressure compared to populations experiencing a relatively low predation risk. These results suggest that the intensity of male sperm competition covaries geographically with predation pressure in this species and that the local risk of predation mediates the opportunity for sexual selection within populations.  相似文献   

Many species engage in polyandry, resulting in the potential for sexual selection to continue post-copulation through sperm competition and/or cryptic female choice. The relative importance of pre- vs. post-copulatory processes remains unknown for most species despite this information being fundamental for understanding the evolutionary consequences of sexual selection. The Australian fruit fly Drosophila serrata has become a prominent model system for studying precopulatory sexual selection, such as mating preferences and their influence on the evolution of sexually selected traits. Here, we investigated polyandry and the potential for post-copulatory sexual selection in this species using indirect paternity analysis. We genotyped 21 wild-caught and 19 laboratory-reared mothers and their offspring (a total of 787 flies) at six microsatellite loci and found extensive polyandry, with all broods surveyed having at least two sires. Female remating rates were higher than in other Drosophila surveyed to date and no significant differences were found between laboratory and field populations. Additionally, we found evidence for biased sperm usage in several broods of D. serrata . Paternity skew occurred more frequently in broods from the field population than the laboratory one, suggesting differences between the two environments in the level of post-copulatory sexual selection. Our data suggest that D. serrata represents a promising system for studying the interaction between pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection in driving the evolution of sexually selected phenotypes.  相似文献   



Inferring of parentage in natural populations is important in understanding the mating systems of a species, which have great effects on its genetic structure and evolution. Muricidae, a large group (approximately 1,600 species) of marine gastropods, are poorly investigated in patterns of multiple paternity and sperm competition based on molecular techniques. The veined Rapa whelk, Rapana venosa, a commercially important muricid species with internal fertilization, is an ideal species to study the occurrence and frequency of multiple paternity and to facilitate understanding of their reproductive strategies.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We developed five highly polymorphic microsatellites in R. venosa and applied them to identify multiple paternity in 19 broods (1381 embryos) collected from Dandong, China. Multiple paternity was detected in 17 (89.5%) of 19 broods. The number of sires per brood ranged from 1 to 7 (4.3 on average). Of the 17 multiply sired broods, 16 (94.1%) were significantly skewed from equal paternal contributions, and had a dominant sire which was also dominant in each assayed capsule.


Our results indicate that a high level of multiple paternity occurs in the wild population of R. venosa. Similar patterns of multiple paternity in the 2–6 assayed capsules from each brood imply that fertilization events within the body of a female occur mostly (but not entirely) as random draws from a “well-but-not-perfectly blended sperm pool” of her several mates. Strongly skewed distributions of fertilization success among sires also suggest that sperm competition and/or cryptic female choice might be important for post-copulatory paternity biasing in this species.  相似文献   

We isolated microsatellite loci for the Trinidadian guppy Poecilia reticulata from the Oropuche and Caroni drainages in Trinidad, using a modified enrichment protocol that provided 93% enriched libraries. The eight loci presented here are polymorphic, and have between seven and 18 alleles in 33–48 individuals initially screened. Observed heterozygosities in this sample range from 0.28 to 0.88. These loci significantly increase the number of polymorphic microsatellite markers available for paternity and population analysis in this species.  相似文献   

Variation in static allometry, the power relationship between character size and body size among individuals at similar developmental stages, remains poorly understood. We tested whether predation or other ecological factors could affect static allometry by comparing the allometry between the caudal fin length and the body length in adult male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) among populations from different geographical areas, exposed to different predation pressures. Neither the allometric slopes nor the allometric elevations (intercept at constant slope) changed with predation pressure. However, populations from the Northern Range in Trinidad showed allometry with similar slopes but lower intercepts than populations from the Caroni and the Oropouche drainages. Because most of these populations are exposed to predation by the prawn Macrobrachium crenulatum, we speculated that the specific selection pressures exerted by this predator generated this change in relative caudal fin size, although effects of other environmental factors could not be ruled out. This study further suggests that the allometric elevation is more variable than the allometric slope.  相似文献   

Heterandria formosa Agassiz, exhibits internal fertilization, internal brooding of embryos, sperm storage and an extreme level of superfetation. In this study we used microsatellite markers to examine variation among seven populations that exhibited significant variance in their histories of population density. We found that the populations were genetically distinct and that the heterozygosity increased as population density increased. We also examined paternity in three of those populations and found that the number of sires per female and the number of sires per brood increased with population density. Overall, the rates of multiple paternity are quite low relative to other species. The correlations with population density suggest that contact rates play a critical role in the breeding system in this species but the low rates of multiple paternity suggest that females may exert control over fertilization of their ova.  相似文献   

Genetic parentage analyses provide insights into mating systems and have revealed widespread evidence for polyandry in natural populations. Here, we use 5 microsatellite markers to estimate female mating rates in a feral population of green swordtails, Xiphophorus helleri, a live-bearing poeciliid fish that has become a model system in the study of precopulatory mate choice and mating competition. Although heralded as a potential model for investigating sperm competition as early as 1950, there has been no attempt to explore postcopulatory sexual selection in its mating system. We thus obtained information on the prevalence, and therefore biological relevance, of polyandry from a wild population. We genotyped the offspring from 14 wild-caught gravid females and determined the number of fathers in each brood using allele counting methods and the programs GERUD and PARENTAGE. Our analyses revealed that 57% (allele counts and GERUD) and 71% (PARENTAGE) of the sampled broods had at least 2 sires, with a global mean 1.74 fathers per brood. Paternity skew was generally high in mixed paternity broods so that our analyses almost certainly underestimate actual mating frequencies in the wild. Our data provide a solid underpinning for future studies of postcopulatory sexual selection in this species.  相似文献   

When females mate with multiple males, they set the stage for postcopulatory sexual selection via sperm competition and/or cryptic female choice. Surprisingly little is known about the rates of multiple mating by females in the wild, despite the importance of this information in understanding the potential for postcopulatory sexual selection to drive the evolution of reproductive behaviour, morphology and physiology. Dung beetles in the genus Onthophagus have become a laboratory model for studying pre‐ and postcopulatory sexual selection, yet we still lack information about the reproductive behaviour of female dung beetles in natural populations. Here, we develop microsatellite markers for Onthophagus taurus and use them to genotype the offspring of wild‐caught females and to estimate natural rates of multiple mating and patterns of sperm utilization. We found that O. taurus females are highly polyandrous: 88% of females produced clutches sired by at least two males, and 5% produced clutches with as many as five sires. Several females (23%) produced clutches with significant paternity skew, indicating the potential for strong postcopulatory sexual selection in natural populations. There were also strong positive correlations between the number of offspring produced and both number of fathers and paternity skew, which suggests that females benefit from mating polyandrously by inciting postcopulatory mechanisms that bias paternity towards males that can sire more viable offspring. This study evaluates the fitness consequences of polyandry for an insect in the wild and provides strong evidence that female dung beetles benefit from multiple mating under natural conditions.  相似文献   

A species' mating system sets limits on the strength of sexual selection. Sexual selection is widespread in dioecious species, but is less well documented in hermaphrodites, and may be less important. We used four highly polymorphic microsatellite markers to assign paternity to broods of the hermaphroditic eastern Pacific volcano barnacle Tetraclita rubescens. These data were used to describe the species' mating system and to examine factors affecting male reproductive success. Tetraclita can sire broods over distances of 11.2 cm, but proximity to the sperm recipient had a highly significant effect on the probability of siring success. There was no effect of body size or the mass of male reproductive tissues on siring success. Broods showed relatively low frequencies of multiple paternity; even at high densities, 75% of broods had only one father. High frequencies of single‐paternity broods imply either that this species does not compete via sperm displacement, or that sperm displacement is extremely effective, potentially explaining the lack of a positive relationship between male investment and paternity. In addition, there was low variance in siring success among individuals, suggesting a lack of strong sexual selection on male traits. Low variance among sires and the strong effect of proximity are probably driven by the unusual biology of a sessile copulating species.  相似文献   

Aggregate, or explosive, breeding is widespread among vertebrates and likely increases the probability of multiple paternity. We assessed paternity in seven field-collected clutches of the explosively breeding spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) using 10 microsatellite loci to determine the frequency of multiple paternity and the number of males contributing to a female's clutch. Using the Minimum Method of allele counts, multiple paternity was evident in 70% of these egg masses. Simple allele counts underestimate the number of contributing males because this method cannot distinguish multiple fathers with common or similar alleles. Therefore, we used computer simulations to estimate from the offspring genotypes the most likely number of contributing fathers given the distributions of allele frequencies in this population. We determined that two to eight males may contribute to A. maculatum clutches; therefore, multiple paternity is a common strategy in this aggregate breeding species. In aggregate mating systems competition for mates can be intense, thus differential reproductive success (reproductive skew) among males contributing to a female's clutch could be a probable outcome. We use our data to evaluate the potential effect of reproductive skew on estimates of the number of contributing males. We simulated varying scenarios of differential male reproductive success, ranging from equal contribution to high reproductive skew among contributing sires in multiply sired clutches. Our data suggest that even intermediate levels of reproductive skew decrease confidence substantially in estimates of the number of contributing sires when parental genotypes are unknown.  相似文献   

Using ten microsatellite loci, paternity analysis has been conducted for 71 individuals of the Siberian crane (Grus leucogeranus Pallas) obtained under artificial insemination in Oka Crane Breeding Center in 2001–2014. The fathers of 39 chicks were the sires whose sperm was used for insemination directly before fertilized egg laying. Paternity of 23 fertilizations belonged to the sires whose sperm was used in the beginning or middle of insemination cycle. Nine cases of fertilization resulted from natural copulation of artificially inseminated females with their social partners. The terms of sperm storage in the female’s reproductive ducts before fertilization were 0–6 days in the case of paternity of the last sperm donor and 2–15 days in the case of competing sperm by previous donors. Genetic relatedness by microsatellite loci between breeders of the captive Siberian crane population does not prevent fertilization and does not always lead to inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Although classically thought to be rare, female polyandry is widespread and may entail significant fitness benefits. If females store sperm over extended periods of time, the consequences of polyandry will depend on the pattern of sperm storage, and some of the potential benefits of polyandry can only be realized if sperm from different males is mixed. Our study aimed to determine patterns and consequences of polyandry in an amphibian species, the fire salamander, under fully natural conditions. Fire salamanders are ideal study objects, because mating, fertilization and larval deposition are temporally decoupled, females store sperm for several months, and larvae are deposited in the order of fertilization. Based on 18 microsatellite loci, we conducted paternity analysis of 24 female‐offspring arrays with, in total, over 600 larvae fertilized under complete natural conditions. More than one‐third of females were polyandrous and up to four males were found as sires. Our data clearly show that sperm from multiple males is mixed in the female's spermatheca. Nevertheless, paternity is biased, and the most successful male sires on average 70% of the larvae, suggesting a ‘topping off’ mechanism with first‐male precedence. Female reproductive success increased with the number of sires, most probably because multiple mating ensured high fertilization success. In contrast, offspring number was unaffected by female condition and genetic characteristics, but surprisingly, it increased with the degree of genetic relatedness between females and their sires. Sires of polyandrous females tended to be genetically similar to each other, indicating a role for active female choice.  相似文献   

In field studies of multiple mating and sperm competition there typically is no experimental control over the number of times that a female mates, the interval between matings, or the genetic identity of multiple fathers contributing to a brood. Irrespective of this complexity, high-resolution molecular markers can be used to assign paternity with considerable confidence. This study employed two highly heterozygous microsatellite loci to assess multiple paternity and sperm displacement in a sample of broods taken from a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster. The large number of alleles present at each of the loci makes it difficult to derive explicit maximum-likelihood estimates for multiple paternity and sperm displacement from brood samples. Monte Carlo simulations were used to estimate maximum-likelihood parameters for the distribution of female remating frequency and the proportion of offspring sired by the second or subsequent mating males. Estimates were made based on genotypes scored at two distinct marker loci because they were found to give statistically homogeneous results. Fitting a Poisson distribution of number of matings, the mean number of males mated by a female was 1.82. The sperm displacement parameter estimated from doubly mated females were 0.79 and 0.86 for the two loci (0.83 for the joint estimate). The overall probability that a multiply mated female will be misclassified as singly mated was only 0.006, which indicates that microsatellites can provide excellent resolution for identifying multiple mating. In addition, microsatellites can be used to generate relatively precise estimates of sperm precedence in brood-structured samples from a natural population.  相似文献   

Data on multiple paternity within broods has been gathered in several animal species, and comparable data in plants would be of great importance to understand the evolution of reproductive traits in a common framework. In this study, we first isolated and characterized six microsatellite loci from the dioecious plant Silene latifolia (Caryophyllaceae). The polymorphism of the loci was assessed in 60 individual females from four different populations. Two of the investigated loci showed a pattern of inheritance consistent with X-linkage. These microsatellite loci were highly polymorphic and therefore useful tools for parentage analysis. We then used four of the markers to determine paternity within naturally pollinated fruits in four European populations. This study revealed widespread multiple paternity in all populations investigated. The minimum number of fathers per fruit varied from one to nine, with population means ranging from 3.4 to 4.9. The number of fathers per fruit was not significantly correlated with offspring sex ratios. High prevalence of multiple paternity within fruits strongly suggest that pollen competition is likely to occur in this species. This may substantially impact male reproductive success and possibly contribute to increase female and offspring fitness, either through postpollination selection or increased genetic diversity. Wide variation in outcrossing rates may be an overlooked aspect of plant mating systems.  相似文献   

We studied the frequency of multiple paternity for American lobster (Homarus americanus) at three Canadian sites differing in exploitation rate and mean adult size. The probability of detecting multiple paternity using four microsatellite loci and 100 eggs per female was in excess of 99% under various scenarios of paternal contribution. Overall, 13% of the 108 examined females carried a clutch sired by two or three males. Multiple paternity was observed at the two most exploited sites (11% at Magdalen Islands and 28% at Grand Manan Island), whereas single paternity only was observed at the least exploited site (Anticosti Island). Within populations females with a clutch sired by more than one male tended to be smaller than females with a clutch sired by a single male. Based on these and other findings, we postulate a link between female promiscuity and sperm limitation in the American lobster.  相似文献   

When females mate multiply, postcopulatory sexual selection can occur via sperm competition and cryptic female choice. Although postcopulatory selection has the potential to be a major force in driving evolution, few studies have estimated its strength in natural populations. Likewise, although polyandry is widespread across taxa and is the focus of a growing body of research, estimates of natural female mating rates are still limited in number. Microsatellites can be used to estimate the number of mates represented in females' sperm stores and the number of sires contributing to their offspring, enabling comparisons both of polyandry and of two components of postcopulatory selection: the proportion of males that mate but fail to sire offspring, and the degree of paternity skew among the males that do sire offspring. Here, we estimate the number of mates and sires among wild females in the Hawaiian swordtail cricket Laupala cerasina. We compare these estimates to the actual mating rates and paternity shares we observed in a semi‐natural population. Our results show that postcopulatory sexual selection operates strongly in this species: wild females mated with an average minimum of 3.6 males but used the sperm from only 58% of them. Furthermore, among the males that did sire offspring, paternity was significantly skewed. These patterns were similar to those observed in the field enclosure, where females mated with an average of 5.7 males and used the sperm from 62% of their mates, with paternity significantly skewed among the sires.  相似文献   

Microsatellite polymorphisms are playing an increasingly vital role in primatological research, and are particularly useful for paternity exclusion in both wild and captive populations. Although vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops) are commonly studied in both settings, few previous studies have utilized microsatellite markers for assessing genetic variation in this species. In a pilot project to assess paternity in the UCLA-VA Vervet Monkey Research Colony (VMRC), we screened 55 commercially available human microsatellite markers chosen from a panel of 370 that have been shown to be polymorphic in baboons (Papio hamadryas). Using a standard PCR protocol, 43 (78%) loci produced amplifiable product. Of these, 14 were polymorphic and 11 were genotyped in 51 individuals, including 19 offspring and 14 potential sires. The average heterozygosity across the 11 loci was.719. In all 19 paternity cases all but one male was excluded as the true sire at two or more loci. This includes successfully distinguishing between two maternal half-sib brothers who were potential sires in most of the paternity cases. Given that the colony is descended from 54 wild-caught founders trapped between 1975 and 1987 from an introduced population on St. Kitts, West Indies, these values imply high microsatellite variability in natural vervet populations. Our results provide a panel of markers derived from the human genome that is suitable for assessing genetic variation and paternity in vervets.  相似文献   

Good JM  Ross CL  Markow TA 《Molecular ecology》2006,15(8):2253-2260
Female remating frequency and sperm allocation patterns can strongly influence levels of sperm competition and reproductive success in natural populations. In the laboratory, Drosophila mojavensis males transfer very few sperm per copulation and females remate often, suggesting multiple paternity should be common in nature. Here, we examine female sperm loads, incidence of multiple paternity, and sperm utilization by genotyping progeny from 20 wild-caught females at four highly polymorphic microsatellite loci. Based on indirect paternity analyses of 814 flies, we found evidence for high levels of multiple paternity coupled with relatively low reproductive output, consistent with the high levels of female remating predicted in this sperm-limited species. Overall, we found little evidence for last -- male sperm precedence though some temporal variation in sperm utilization was observed, consistent with laboratory findings.  相似文献   

Johnson SL  Yund PO 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(15):3253-3262
For free-spawning marine invertebrates, fertilization processes control the genetic diversity of offspring. Each egg can potentially be fertilized by a sperm from a different male, and hence genetic diversity within a brood varies with levels of multiple paternity. Yet, few studies have characterized the frequency of multiple paternity in natural spawns. We analysed patterns of multiple paternity in two populations of the colonial ascidian Botryllus schlosseri using microsatellites. Because previous studies have shown that at moderate to high population densities, competition among male-phase B. schlosseri colonies results in the nearest male dominating the paternity of a brood, we specifically tested the effect of population density on patterns of paternity. Paternity was estimated using three multilocus indices: minimum number of fathers, counts of sperm haplotypes, and effective paternity (K(E)). Multiple paternity was evident in more than 92% of the broods analysed, but highly variable, with a few broods displaying unequal contributions of different males. We found no effect of population density on multiple paternity, suggesting that other factors may control paternity levels. Indirect benefits from increasing the genetic diversity of broods are a possible explanation for the high level of multiple paternity in this species.  相似文献   

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