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Under the assumption of two family types, one with linkage and one without linkage, the number of phase-known double-backcross families required to detect heterogeneity is investigated. The case of testing for heterogeneity with two offspring per family is shown to be formally equivalent to testing for inbreeding effects in a sample of unrelated individuals.  相似文献   

No software currently implements a test of linkage disequilibrium in autotetraploid species. We propose a program, LD4X that performs a Fisher's exact test between pairs of alleles at two loci. All combinations of alleles from two loci are treated in turn. If two alleles of a pair of loci have a nonrandom distribution, the markers are considered as linked. The program was tested on a set of microsatellite markers in synthetic alfalfa populations.  相似文献   

Stephan W  Song YS  Langley CH 《Genetics》2006,172(4):2647-2663
We analyzed a three-locus model of genetic hitchhiking with one locus experiencing positive directional selection and two partially linked neutral loci. Following the original hitchhiking approach by Maynard Smith and Haigh, our analysis is purely deterministic. In the first half of the selected phase after a favored mutation has entered the population, hitchhiking may lead to a strong increase of linkage disequilibrium (LD) between the two neutral sites if both are <0.1 s away from the selected site (where s is the selection coefficient). In the second half of the selected phase, the main effect of hitchhiking is to destroy LD. This occurs very quickly (before the end of the selected phase) when the selected site is between both neutral loci. This pattern cannot be attributed to the well-known variation-reducing effect of hitchhiking but is a consequence of secondary hitchhiking effects on the recombinants created in the selected phase. When the selected site is outside the neutral loci (which are, say, <0.1s apart), however, a fast decay of LD is observed only if the selected site is in the immediate neighborhood of one of the neutral sites (i.e., if the recombination rate r between the selected site and one of the neutral sites satisfies r<0.1 s). If the selected site is far away from the neutral sites (say, r > 0.3 s), the decay rate of LD approaches that of neutrality. Averaging over a uniform distribution of initial gamete frequencies shows that the expected LD at the end of the hitchhiking phase is driven toward zero, while the variance is increased when the selected site is well outside the two neutral sites. When the direction of LD is polarized with respect to the more common allele at each neutral site, hitchhiking creates more positive than negative linkage disequilibrium. Thus, hitchhiking may have a distinctively patterned LD-reducing effect, in particular near the target of selection.  相似文献   

Historically, most methods for detecting linkage disequilibrium were designed for use with diallelic marker loci, for which the analysis is straightforward. With the advent of polymorphic markers with many alleles, the normal approach to their analysis has been either to extend the methodology for two-allele systems (leading to an increase in df and to a corresponding loss of power) or to select the allele believed to be associated and then collapse the other alleles, reducing, in a biased way, the locus to a diallelic system. I propose a likelihood-based approach to testing for linkage disequilibrium, an approach that becomes more conservative as the number of alleles increases, and as the number of markers considered jointly increases in a multipoint test for linkage disequilibrium, while maintaining high power. Properties of this method for detecting associations and fine mapping the location of disease traits are investigated. It is found to be, in general, more powerful than conventional methods, and it provides a tractable framework for the fine mapping of new disease loci. Application to the cystic fibrosis data of Kerem et al, is included to illustrate the method.  相似文献   

We present a maximum likelihood method for mapping quantitative trait loci that uses linkage disequilibrium information from single and multiple markers. We made paired comparisons between analyses using a single marker, two markers and six markers. We also compared the method to single marker regression analysis under several scenarios using simulated data. In general, our method outperformed regression (smaller mean square error and confidence intervals of location estimate) for quantitative trait loci with dominance effects. In addition, the method provides estimates of the frequency and additive and dominance effects of the quantitative trait locus.  相似文献   

Results from power studies for linkage detection have led to many ongoing and planned collections of phenotypically extreme nuclear families. Given the great expense of collecting these families and the imminent availability of a dense diallelic marker map, the families are likely to be used in allelic-association as well as linkage studies. However, optimal selection strategies for linkage may not be equally powerful for association. We examine the power to detect linkage disequilibrium for quantitative traits after phenotypic selection. The results encompass six selection strategies that are in widespread use, including single selection (two designs), affected sib pairs, concordant and discordant pairs, and the extreme-concordant and -discordant design. Selection of sibships on the basis of one extreme proband with high or low trait scores provides as much power as discordant sib pairs but requires the screening and phenotyping of substantially fewer initial families from which to select. Analysis of the role of allele frequencies within each selection design indicates that common trait alleles generally offer the most power, but similarities between the marker- and trait-allele frequencies are much more important than the trait-locus frequency alone. Some of the most widespread selection designs, such as single selection, yield power gains only when both the marker and quantitative trait loci (QTL) are relatively rare in the population. In contrast, discordant pairs and the extreme-proband design provide power for the broadest range of QTL-marker-allele frequency differences. Overall, proband selection from either tail provides the best balance of power, robustness, and simplicity of ascertainment for family-based association analysis.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of human selection for yellow endosperm color, representing increased carotenoid content, on two maize genes, the Y1 phytoene synthase and PSY2, a putative second phytoene synthase. Multiple polymorphic sites were identified at Y1 and PSY2 in 75 white and yellow maize inbred lines. Many polymorphic sites showed strong association with the endosperm color phenotype at Y1, but no detectable association was found at PSY2. Nucleotide diversity was equivalent for whites and yellows at PSY2 but was 19-fold less in yellows than in whites at Y1, consistent with the white ancestral state of the gene. The strong sequence haplotype conservation within yellows at Y1 and a significant, negative Tajima's D both verified positive selection for yellow endosperm. We propose that two independent gain-of-function events associated with insertions into the promoter of the Y1 gene and upregulation of expression in endosperm have been incorporated into yellow maize.  相似文献   

A class of two-locus two-allele viability matrices is exhibited which has the property that, for a large range of recombination values, both linkage equilibrium and linkage disequilibrium are stable. The model is specified by five viabilities; the classical schemes previously analyzed involve at most four selection parameters.  相似文献   

Wu R  Ma CX  Casella G 《Genetics》2002,160(2):779-792
Linkage analysis and allelic association (also referred to as linkage disequilibrium) studies are two major approaches for mapping genes that control simple or complex traits in plants, animals, and humans. But these two approaches have limited utility when used alone, because they use only part of the information that is available for a mapping population. More recently, a new mapping strategy has been designed to integrate the advantages of linkage analysis and linkage disequilibrium analysis for genome mapping in outcrossing populations. The new strategy makes use of a random sample from a panmictic population and the open-pollinated progeny of the sample. In this article, we extend the new strategy to map quantitative trait loci (QTL), using molecular markers within the EM-implemented maximum-likelihood framework. The most significant advantage of this extension is that both linkage and linkage disequilibrium between a marker and QTL can be estimated simultaneously, thus increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of genome mapping for recalcitrant outcrossing species. Simulation studies are performed to test the statistical properties of the MLEs of genetic and genomic parameters including QTL allele frequency, QTL effects, QTL position, and the linkage disequilibrium of the QTL and a marker. The potential utility of our mapping strategy is discussed.  相似文献   

GOLDsurfer is a java-based analysis and graphics program for three-dimensional plotting of linkage disequilibrium (LD). Simultaneous presentation of LD measures, including recombination rate estimates and disease association statistics, helps to clarify LD patterns and facilitates interpretations based on multiple indices of local genetic data.  相似文献   

Effectiveness of marker-assisted selection (MAS) and quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping using population-wide linkage disequilibrium (LD) between markers and QTL depends on the extent of LD and how it declines with distance in a population. Because marker-QTL LD cannot be observed directly, the objective of this study was to evaluate alternative measures of observable LD between multi-allelic markers as predictors of usable LD of multi-allelic markers with presumed biallelic QTL. Observable LD between marker pairs was evaluated using eight existing measures and one new measure. These consisted of two pooled and standardized measures of LD between pairs of alleles at two markers based on Lewontin's LD measure, two pooled measures of squared correlations between alleles, one standardized measure using Hardy-Weinberg heterozygosities, and four measures based on the chi-square statistic for testing for association between alleles at two loci. In simulated populations with a range of LD generated by drift and a range of marker polymorphism, marker-marker LD measured by a standardized chi-square statistic (denoted chi(2')) was found to be the best predictor of useable marker-QTL LD for a group of multi-allelic markers. Estimates of the level and decline of marker-marker LD with distance obtained from chi(2') were linearly and highly correlated with usable LD of those markers with QTL across population structures and marker polymorphism. Corresponding relationships were poorer for the other marker-marker LD measures. Therefore, when LD is generated by drift, chi(2') is recommended to quantify the amount and extent of usable LD in a population for QTL mapping and MAS based on multi-allelic markers.  相似文献   

Effectiveness of marker-assisted selection (MAS) and quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping using population-wide linkage disequilibrium (LD) between markers and QTLs depends on the extent of LD and how it declines with distance between markers and QTLs in a population. Marker-QTL LD can be predicted from LD between markers. Our previous work evaluated LD measures between multi-allelic markers as predictors of usable LD of multi-allelic markers with QTLs. Since single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the current marker of choice for high-density genotyping and LD-mapping of QTLs, the objective of this study was to use LD between multi-allelic markers to predict LD among biallelic SNPs or between SNPs and QTLs. Observable LD between multi-allelic markers was evaluated using nine measures. These included two pooled and standardized measures of LD between pairs of alleles at two markers based on Lewontin's LD measure, two pooled measures of squared correlations between alleles, one standardized measure using Hardy-Weinberg heterozygosities, and four measures based on the chi-square statistic for testing for association between alleles at two loci. The standardized chi-square measure that best predicted usable LD between multi-allelic markers and QTLs, based on our previous work, overestimated usable SNP-SNP or SNP-QTL LD. Instead, three other measures were found to be good predictors of usable SNP-SNP or SNP-QTL LD when LD is generated by drift. Therefore, the LD measure between multi-allelic markers that is best for predicting usable LD in a population depends on the type of markers (i.e. multi-allelic or biallelic) that will eventually be used for QTL mapping or MAS.  相似文献   

Inferences about linkage disequilibrium.   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
B S Weir 《Biometrics》1979,35(1):235-254
Existing theory for inferences about linkage disequilibrium is restricted to a measure defined on gametic frequencies. Unless gametic frequencies are directly observable, they are inferred from genotypic frequencies under the assumption of random union of gametes. Primary emphasis in this paper is given to genotypic data, and disequilibrium coefficients are defined for all subsets of two or more of the four genes, two at each of two loci, carried by an individual. Linkage disequilibrium coefficients are defined for genes within and between gametes, and methods of estimating and testing these coefficients are given for gametic data. For genotypic data, when coupling and repulsion double heterozygotes cannot be distinguished. Burrows' composite measure of linkage disequilibrium is discussed. In particular, the estimate for this measure and hypothesis tests based on it are compared to the usual maximum likelihood estimate of gametic linkage disequilibrium, and corresponding likelihood ratio or contingency chi-square tests. General use of the composite measure, whether or not random union of gametes is an appropriate assumption, is recommended. Attention is given to small samples, where the non-normality of gene frequencies will have greatest effect on methods of inference based on normal theory. Even tools such as Fisher's z-transformation for the correlation of gene frequencies are found to perform quite satisfactorily.  相似文献   

Refractive error is a highly heritable quantitative trait responsible for considerable morbidity. Following an initial genome-wide linkage study using microsatellite markers, we confirmed evidence for linkage to chromosome 3q26 and then conducted fine-scale association mapping using high-resolution linkage disequilibrium unit (LDU) maps. We used a preliminary discovery marker set across the 30-Mb region with an average SNP density of 1 SNP/15 kb (Map 1). Map 1 was divided into 51 LDU windows and additional SNPs were genotyped for six regions (Map 2) that showed preliminary evidence of multi-marker association using composite likelihood. A total of 575 cases and controls selected from the tails of the trait distribution were genotyped for the discovery sample. Malecot model estimates indicate three loci with putative common functional variants centred on MFN1 (180,566 kb; 95% confidence interval 180,505–180, 655 kb), approximately 156 kb upstream from alternate-splicing SOX2OT (182,595 kb; 95% CI 182,533–182,688 kb) and PSARL (184,386 kb; 95% CI 184,356–184,411 kb), with the loci showing modest to strong evidence of association for the Map 2 discovery samples (p<10−7, p<10−10, and p=0.01, respectively). Using an unselected independent sample of 1,430 individuals, results replicated for the MFN1 (p=0.006), SOX2OT (p=0.0002), and PSARL (p=0.0005) gene regions. MFN1 and PSARL both interact with OPA1 to regulate mitochondrial fusion and the inhibition of mitochondrial-led apoptosis, respectively. That two mitochondrial regulatory processes in the retina are implicated in the aetiology of myopia is surprising and is likely to provide novel insight into the molecular genetic basis of common myopia.  相似文献   

Fan R  Jung J 《Human heredity》2003,56(4):166-187
This paper proposes variance component models for high resolution joint linkage disequilibrium (LD) and linkage mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) based on sibship data; this can include population data if independent individuals are treated as single sibships. One application of these models is late onset complex disease gene mapping, when parental data are not available. The models simultaneously incorporate both LD and linkage information. The LD information is contained in mean coefficients of sibship data. The linkage information is contained in the variance-covariance matrices of trait values for sibships with at least two siblings. We derive formulas for calculating the probability of sharing two trait alleles identical by descent (IBD) for sibpairs in interval mapping of QTL; this is the coefficient of dominant variance of the trait covariance of sibpairs on major QTL. To investigate the performance of the formulas, we calculate the numerical values via the formulas and get satisfactory approximations. We compare the power and sample sizes for both LD and linkage mapping. By simulation and theoretical analysis, we compare the results with those of Fulker and Abecasis "AbAw" approach. It is well known that the resolution of linkage analysis can be low for complex disease gene mapping. LD mapping, on the other hand, can increase mapping precision and is useful in high resolution mapping. Linkage analysis is less sensitive to population subdivisions and admixtures. The level of LD is sensitive to population stratification which may easily lead to spurious association. Performing a joint analysis of LD and linkage mapping can help to overcome the limits of both approaches. Moreover, the advantages of the two complementary strategies can be utilized maximally. In practice, linkage analysis may be performed using pedigree data to identify suggestive linkage between markers and trait loci based on a sparse marker map. In the presence of linkage, joint LD and linkage mapping can be carried out to do fine gene mapping based on a dense genetic map using both pedigree and population data. Population and pedigree data of any type can be combined to perform a joint analysis of high resolution LD and linkage mapping of QTL by generalizing the method.  相似文献   

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