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The aim of this study was to develop a robust, quality controlled and reproducible large-scale culture system using serum-free (SF) medium to obtain vast numbers of embryonic stem (ES) cells as a starting source for potential applications in tissue regeneration, as well as for drug screening studies. Mouse ES (mES) cells were firstly cultured on microcarriers in spinner flasks to investigate the effect of different parameters such as the agitation rate and the feeding regimen. Cells were successfully expanded at agitation rates up to 60 rpm using the SF medium and no significant differences in terms of growth kinetics or metabolic profiles were found between the two feeding regimens evaluated: 50% medium renewal every 24 h or 25% every 12 h. Overall, cells reached maximum concentrations of (4.2 ± 0.4) and (5.6 ± 0.8) ×10(6) cells/mL at Day 8 for cells fed once or twice per day; which corresponds to an increase in total cell number of 85 ± 7 and 108 ± 16, respectively. To have a more precise control over culture conditions and to yield a higher number of cells, the scale-up of the spinner flask culture system was successfully accomplished by using a fully controlled stirred tank bioreactor. In this case, the concentration of mES cells cultured on microcarriers increased 85 ± 15-fold over 11 days. Importantly, mES cells expanded under stirred conditions, in both spinner flask and fully controlled stirred tank bioreactor, using SF medium, retained the expression of pluripotency markers such as Oct-4, Nanog, and SSEA-1 and their differentiation potential into cells of the three embryonic germ layers.  相似文献   

Scale-up of cell culture bioreactors is a challenging engineering work that requires wide competence in cell biology, mechanical engineering and bioprocess design. In this article, a new approach for cell culture bioreactor scale-up is suggested that is based on biomechatronic design methodology. The approach differs from traditional biochemical engineering methodology by applying a sequential design procedure where the needs of the users and alternative design solutions are systematically analysed. The procedure is based on the biological and technical functions of the scaled-up bioreactor that are derived in functional maps, concept generation charts and scoring and interaction matrices. Basic reactor engineering properties, such as mass and heat transfer and kinetics are integrated in the procedure. The methodology results in the generation of alternative design solutions that are thoroughly ranked with help of the user needs. Examples from monoclonal antibodies and recombinant protein production illuminate the steps of the procedure. The methodology provides engineering teams with additional tools that can significantly facilitate the design of new production methods for cell culture processes.  相似文献   

Mutations in the pathways regulating mammary epithelial stem cell (MESC) self-renewal and differentiation are currently hypothesized to result in uncontrolled cell division and, in turn, breast tumor formation. Although research is aggressively being pursued to understand how such pathways result in breast cancer formation, current studies have been greatly limited by MESC scarcity. To address this issue, this study has successfully developed large-scale expansion protocols for MESC through the subculture of murine mammary epithelial tissue aggregates, called mammospheres, in suspension bioreactors. Growth kinetics of mammospheres cultured in 125 mL suspension bioreactors and T-flasks were found to be comparable, achieving cell densities of 3.10 x 10(5) and 2.75 x 10(5) cells/mL, respectively. This corresponded to a 4-fold expansion over 8 days. Yields were also found to be strongly affected by liquid shear forces, where high agitation rates reduced overall cell numbers. Bioreactor cultures were scaled up to 1000 mL operating volumes, resulting in the production of 4.21 x 10(8) total cells (5.6-fold expansion) from a single passage. Furthermore, intermittent replacement of culture medium with fresh medium dramatically improved maximum cell densities, resulting in an 11-fold expansion, thereby enabling the generation of stem cells in quantities sufficient for standard biochemical and genetic analyses. After being cultured in suspension bioreactors for several passages, analysis by flow cytometry of Ki-67 revealed that 85% of the population was composed of proliferating cells. The successful development of expansion protocols for MESC aggregates in suspension bioreactors makes available experimental avenues that were not previously accessible for breast cancer research, thereby facilitating future investigations into elucidating the role of MESCs in breast cancer tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

In suspended culture, most relevant for biotechnological application, plant cells form aggregates. This phenomenon is of importance as it is related to productivity, leads to local heterogeneities, and might be a reason for the considerable shear sensitivity of these cultures. The valid measurement of plant cell aggregates, however, is not trivial, due to a rather large size distribution and measurement artifacts implied by the measuring method. In this study, laser diffraction was used as a novel method for characterization of Taxus chinensis cells, a major source for the antitumor agent paclitaxel. Aggregate size measured in shaking flask cultivations over 10 days revealed an increase during the growth phase of a batch cycle and a decrease during the stationary phase. During growth, the increase in bio dry weight was proportional to aggregate size. Laser diffraction was found superior to microscopy and image analysis, which had a tendency to underestimate aggregate size up to 20%. This novel approach provides a practicable, rapid, robust, and reproducible way to analyze a 100‐fold more samples in considerably less time than image analysis and is therefore of especial value for quality control in industrial plant cell cultivation.  相似文献   

Cell culture scale-up is a challenging task due to the simultaneous change of multiple hydrodynamic process characteristics and their different dependencies on the bioreactor size as well as variation in the requirements of individual cell lines. Conventionally, the volumetric power input is the most common parameter to select the impeller speed for scale-up, however, it is well reported that this approach fails when there are huge differences in bioreactor scales. In this study, different scale-up criteria are evaluated. At first, different hydrodynamic characteristics are assessed using computational fluid dynamics data for four single-use bioreactors, the Mobius® CellReady 3 L, the Xcellerex™ XDR-10, the Xcellerex™ XDR-200, and the Xcellerex™ XDR-2000. On the basis of this numerical data, several potential scale-up criteria such as volumetric power input, impeller tip speed, mixing time, maximum hydrodynamic stress, and average strain rate in the impeller zone are evaluated. Out of all these criteria, the latter is found to be most appropriate, and the successful scale-up from 3 to 10 L bioreactor and to 200 L bioreactor is confirmed with cell culture experiments using Chinese Hamster Ovary cell cultivation.  相似文献   

Stem cells, including embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells and amniotic fluid stem cells have the potential to be expanded and differentiated into various cell types in the body. Efficient differentiation of stem cells with the desired tissue-specific function is critical for stem cell-based cell therapy, tissue engineering, drug discovery and disease modeling. Bioreactors provide a great platform to regulate the stem cell microenvironment, known as “niches”, to impact stem cell fate decision. The niche factors include the regulatory factors such as oxygen, extracellular matrix (synthetic and decellularized), paracrine/autocrine signaling and physical forces (i.e., mechanical force, electrical force and flow shear). The use of novel bioreactors with precise control and recapitulation of niche factors through modulating reactor operation parameters can enable efficient stem cell expansion and differentiation. Recently, the development of microfluidic devices and microbioreactors also provides powerful tools to manipulate the stem cell microenvironment by adjusting flow rate and cytokine gradients. In general, bioreactor engineering can be used to better modulate stem cell niches critical for stem cell expansion, differentiation and applications as novel cell-based biomedicines. This paper reviews important factors that can be more precisely controlled in bioreactors and their effects on stem cell engineering.  相似文献   

Passaging protocols for mammalian neural stem cells in suspension bioreactors   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Mammalian neural stem cells (NSC) offer great promise as therapeutic agents for the treatment of central nervous system disorders. As a consequence of the large numbers of cells that will be needed for drug testing and transplantation studies, it is necessary to develop protocols for the large-scale expansion of mammalian NSC. Neural stem cells and early progenitor cells can be expanded in vitro as aggregates in controlled bioreactors using carefully designed media. The first objective of this study was to determine if it is possible to maintain a population of murine neural stem and progenitor cells as aggregates in suspension culture bioreactors over extended periods of time. We discovered that serial passaging of a mixture of aggregates sizes resulted in high viabilities, high viable cell densities, and good control of aggregate diameter. When the NSC aggregates were serially subcultured three times without mechanical dissociation, a total multiplication ratio of 2.9 x 10(3) was achieved over a period of 12 days, whereas the aggregate size was controlled (mean diameter less than 150 microm) below levels at which necrosis would occur. Moreover, cell densities of 1.0 x 10(6) cells/mL were repeatedly achieved in batch culture with viabilities exceeding 80%. The second objective was to examine the proliferative potential of single cells shed from the surface of these aggregates. We found that the single cells, when subcultured, retained the capacity to generate new aggregates, gave rise to cultures with high viable cell densities and were able to differentiate into all of the primary cell phenotypes in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Suspension cells of Taxus chinensis were cultivated in both shake flasks and bioreactors. The production of taxuyunnanine C (TC) was greatly reduced when the cell cultures were transferred from shake flasks to bioreactors. Oxygen supply, shear stress and stripping-off of gaseous metabolites were considered as potential factors affecting the taxane accumulation in bioreactors. The effects of oxygen supply on the cell growth and metabolism were investigated in a stirred tank bioreactor by altering its oxygen transfer rate (OTR). It was found that both the pattern and amount of TC accumulation were not much changed within the range of OTR as investigated. Comparative studies on the cell cultivation in low shear and high shear generating bioreactors suggest that the decrease of TC formation in bioreactors was not due to the different shear environments in different cultivation vessels. An incorporation of 2% CO(2) in the inlet air was beneficial for the cell growth, but did not improve the TC production in bioreactors. Furthermore, the effects of different levels of ethylene addition into the inlet air on the cell growth and TC production were investigated in a bubble column reactor. The average cell growth rate increased from 0.146 to 0.204 d(-1) as the ethylene concentration was raised from 0 to 50 ppm, and both the content and production of TC were also greatly improved by ethylene addition. At an ethylene concentration of 18 ppm, the highest TC content and volumetric production in the reactor reached 13.28 mg/(g DW) and 163.7 mg/L, respectively, which were almost the same as those in shake flasks. Compared with the control reactor (bubble column without ethylene supplementation), the maximum TC content was increased by 82% and the total production of TC was doubled. The results indicate that ethylene is a key factor in scaling up the process of the suspension cultures of T. chinensis from a shake flask to a bioreactor.  相似文献   

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are extremely useful in treating a wide range of diseases and have a variety of useful research applications. However, the routinely generated low in vitro concentrations of HSCs from current bioreactor manufacturing systems has been a hindrance to the full-scale application of these essential cellular materials. This has made the search for novel bioreactor systems for high-concentration HSC production a major research endeavour. This review addresses process challenges in relation to bioreactor development and optimisation for high-density HSC production under effective monitoring of essential culture parameters, such as pH, dissolved oxygen and nutrient uptake. It discusses different process strategies and bioreactor configurations for HSCs production from a commercial viability perspective, and also discusses recent advances in the field.  相似文献   

In industrial biotechnology, microbial cultures are exposed to different local pressures inside bioreactors. Depending on the microbial species and strains, the increased pressure may have detrimental or beneficial effects on cellular growth and product formation. In this review, the effects of increased air pressure on various microbial cultures growing in bioreactors under moderate total pressure conditions (maximum, 15 bar) will be discussed. Recent data illustrating the diversity of increased air pressure effects at different levels in microbial cells cultivation will be presented, with particular attention to the effects of oxygen and carbon dioxide partial pressures on cellular growth and product formation, and the concomitant effect of oxygen pressure on antioxidant cellular defense mechanisms. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:767–775, 2014  相似文献   

This study describes two packed bed bioreactor configurations which were used to culture a mouse-mouse hybridoma cell line (ATCC HB-57) which produces an IgG1 monoclonal antibody. The first configuration consists of a packed column which is continuously perfused by recirculating oxygenated media through the column. In the second configuration, the packed bed is contained within a stationary basket which is suspended in the vessel of a CelliGen bioreactor. In this configuration, recirculation of the oxygenated media is provided by the CelliGen Cell Lift impeller. Both configurations are packed with disk carriers made from a non-woven polyester fabric. During the steady-state phase of continuous operation, a cell density of 108 cells per cm3 of bed volume was obtained in both bioreactor configurations. The high levels of productivity (0.5 gram MAb per 1 of packed bed per day) obtained in these systems demonstrates that the culture conditions achieved in these packed bed bioreactors are excellent for the continuous propagation of hybridomas using media which contains low levels (1 %) of serum as well as serum-free media. These packed bed bioreactors allow good control of pH, dissolved oxygen and temperature. The media flows evenly over the cells and produces very low shear forces. These systems are easy to set up and operate for prolonged periods of time. The potential for scale-up using Fibra-cel carriers is enhanced due to the low pressure drop and low mass transfer resistance, which creates high void fraction approaching 90% in the packed bed.  相似文献   

Two key issues in the application of plant-cell-culture technology to the production of valuable secondary metabolites are reviewed: the selection of cell lines with suitable genetic, biochemical and physiological characteristics; and the optimization of bioreactor environments. Although great progress has been made in recent years in the design, selection and optimization of bioreactor hardware, optimization of environmental factors such as medium components, light irradiation and O2 supply needs detailed investigations for each case. With a better understanding of plant cell metabolism and physiology, further developments in cultivation processes, such as process integration and on-line monitoring and control, can be expected in the near future.J.-J. Zhong and J.-T. Yu are with the Research Institute of Biochemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, 130 Meilong Road, Shanghai 200237, China T. Yoshida is with the International Center of Cooperative Research in Biotechnology (ICBiotech), Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565, Japan.  相似文献   

Methyl jasmonate added at 100 M on days 8, 14 and 20 to cultures of Taxus chinensis growing in flasks and 1 l airlift bioreactors improved taxuyunnanine C (TC) production by 50–60% in flasks and by about 80% in airlift bioreactors compared with single addition of 100 M methyl jasmonate on day 8. The final TC production in the airlift bioreactors reached 565±47 mg l–1, which is the highest reported for taxoid production in a bioreactor.  相似文献   

Recent research in a large variety of tumors, including breast cancer, has given support to the "cancer stem cell hypothesis". Based on this, tumors contain and are driven by a cellular subcomponent that retains key stem cell properties. These include self-renewal, which drives tumorigenesis, and the capacity to generate cellular heterogeneity. Recently, different techniques have been used to isolate potential breast cancer stem cells with the cell surface phenotype CD44+CD24-/low lin- or expressing Aldehyde dehydrogenase. This model has fundamental implications for breast cancer treatment. The development of specific therapeutics that target this population is an important focus for the future.  相似文献   

Neural stem cells (NSCs) are primitive cells that are the "parent" cells of all the cells in the central nervous system (CNS). Their discovery in 1992 opened the door to a multitude of potential therapies and treatments to cure neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and Huntington's disease, which affect millions of people worldwide and cost billions of dollars in health care each year. This study proposes optimal serial passaging protocols so that mammalian neural stem cells can effectively be grown in suspension culture. We examined stationary culture passaging protocols and developed our own optimal procedure. Also examined was the effect of serially cultivating the neural stem cells in suspension culture for an extended period of time. The cells were grown for over 35 days in suspension with an overall multiplication ratio of over 10(7) with no decrease in growth rate, maximum cell density, or viability. The cells also remained karyotypically normal through 25 doublings and retained their ability to be differentiated into all the major cell types of the CNS-neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. For the first time, mammalian neural stem cells were grown on a larger scale in suspension culture and maintained their stem cell characteristics. A semicontinuous scheme for large-scale production is also presented.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) haploid cells were cultivated in a 1500 ml aerated and stirred batch bioreactor using modified BM medium. Cell growth was highly affected by pH and dissolved oxygen, and we observed two fairly distinct growth phases. During the first two days after inoculation at pH 5.8, oxygen consumption was high and the cells lowered the pH to a value around 4.3. After this period the pH stabilized at 4.5 and the dissolved oxygen reached a steady level. Decreasing dissolved oxygen concentration leads to lower growth rate and to higher pH. Both events mean stress conditions for the cell culture and probably result in increased genetic variability, and the loss of regeneration capacity. The stress condition during the adaptation phase can be eliminated by decreasing the pH of the medium to 4.7 before inoculation and by keeping dissolved oxygen above 40%. These conditions provide prolonged exponential growth dynamics and the cell suspensions could be the basis of large scale cultures also.Abbreviations 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetitc acid - NAA naphthalene acetic acid  相似文献   

Acetate metabolism in cell suspension cultures   总被引:11,自引:8,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Cell suspension cultures of Paul's Scarlet rose were grown over a 14-day period, during which a 50-fold increase in fresh weight occurred. Three phases could be recognized from weight, DNA determinations, and microscopic examination. From days 0 to 7, cell division was accompanied by cell expansion; from days 7 to 10, only cell expansion occurred; and from days 10 to 14, there was no further growth.  相似文献   

Stem cells have the potential for self-renewal and differentiation. First stem cell cultures were derived 30 years ago from early developing mouse embryos. These are pluripotent embryonic stem (ES) cells. Efforts towards ES cell derivation have been attempted in other mammalian and non-mammalian species. Work with stem cell culture in fish started 20 years ago. Laboratory fish species, in particular zebrafish and medaka, have been the focus of research towards stem cell cultures. Medaka is the second organism that generated ES cells and the first that gave rise to a spermatogonial stem cell line capable of test-tube sperm production. Most recently, the first haploid stem cells capable of producing whole animals have also been generated from medaka. ES-like cells have been reported also in zebrafish and several marine species. Attempts for germline transmission of ES cell cultures and gene targeting have been reported in zebrafish. Recent years have witnessed the progress in markers and procedures for ES cell characterization. These include the identification of fish homologs/paralogs of mammalian pluripotency genes and parameters for optimal chimera formation. In addition, fish germ cell cultures and transplantation have attracted considerable interest for germline transmission and surrogate production. Haploid ES cell nuclear transfer has proven in medaka the feasibility of semi-cloning as a novel assisted reproductive technology. In this special issue on "Fish Stem Cells and Nuclear Transfer", we will focus our review on medaka to illustrate the current status and perspective of fish stem cells in research and application. We will also mention semi-cloning as a new development to conventional nuclear transfer.  相似文献   

The conventional method of culturing human embryonic stem cells (hESC) is on two-dimensional (2D) surfaces, which is not amenable for scale up to therapeutic quantities in bioreactors. We have developed a facile and robust method for maintaining undifferentiated hESC in three-dimensional (3D) suspension cultures on matrigel-coated microcarriers achieving 2- to 4-fold higher cell densities than those in 2D colony cultures. Stable, continuous propagation of two hESC lines on microcarriers has been demonstrated in conditioned media for 6 months. Microcarrier cultures (MC) were also demonstrated in two serum-free defined media (StemPro and mTeSR1). MC achieved even higher cell concentrations in suspension spinner flasks, thus opening the prospect of propagation in controlled bioreactors.  相似文献   

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