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【目的】本研究旨在从转录组水平筛选和分析西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera工蜂不同时期蛹对低温胁迫反应的差异表达基因(DEGs)。【方法】将西方蜜蜂工蜂封盖后3 d预蛹以及封盖后6和9 d蛹分别置于低温环境(20℃)和最适发育温度(35℃)中4 h,分别作为处理组和对照组,通过转录组学技术筛选低温处理组与对应的对照组之间的DEGs,并进行GO功能分类和KEGG通路分析。利用RT qPCR分别对封盖后3 d预蛹以及封盖后6和9 d蛹的8, 6和5个DEGs的表达谱进行验证。【结果】与对照组相比,封盖后3 d预蛹以及封盖后6和9 d蛹受低温胁迫后的DEGs分别有220, 50和26个;GO功能分类发现,DEGs富集数最多的条目为代谢进程、细胞进程、催化活性和结合,封盖后3 d预蛹的DEGs在生物学进程调控、细胞部分和细胞器等有较多富集。KEGG通路分析显示,处理组和对照组间西方蜜蜂各日龄DEGs在整体概述图、氨基酸代谢、信号转导、运输和分解代谢有富集。封盖后3 d预蛹以及封盖后6和9 d蛹受低温胁迫后共有的DEG 3-磷酸肌醇依赖性蛋白激酶1基因PDK1上调表达,同时富集在自噬-动物、mTOR和FoxO信号通路。低温胁迫后,封盖后3 d预蛹的胰岛素受体底物1-B基因IRS1-B和Kruppel同源物1基因Kr-h1上调表达,而核激素受体FTZ-F1基因Ftz-F1与蜕皮启动激素基因Eth显著下调表达,说明封盖后3 d预蛹响应低温细胞自噬和蜕皮受到抑制程度更大。在低温胁迫后封盖后6 d蛹中与昆虫角质层着色与免疫相关的酪氨酸羟化酶基因TyHyd下调表达;与对照组相比,在低温胁迫后封盖后9 d蛹中DEGs最少,说明在3个蛹期中,其受低温的影响较小。【结论】本研究测定了西方蜜蜂3个不同发育阶段蛹响应低温的DEGs,结果显示大部分DEGs为阶段特有,说明西方蜜蜂不同发育阶段响应低温的机制不同。一些共有DEGs以及阶段特有DEGs的功能研究和其作用机制是进一步研究蜜蜂对低温响应机制的重点内容,为探究蜜蜂蛹期响应低温胁迫的分子机制提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

刘欣  宋雪萤  张晓萍  韩英伦  朱婷  肖蓉  李庆伟 《遗传》2015,37(11):1149-1159
近年来,在无颌类脊椎动物七鳃鳗体内发现了以可变淋巴细胞受体(Variable lymphocyte receptors, VLR)为基础的抗原识别机制。为揭示七鳃鳗鳃黏膜免疫系统中类淋巴细胞适应性免疫应答的遗传基础,探索无颌类与有颌类脊椎动物在适应性免疫应答机制上的进化关系,本文构建了日本七鳃鳗(Lampetra japonica)鳃囊组织免疫前后cDNA文库并进行了高通量转录组测序及分析。通过对组装得到的88 525个独立基因(Unigene)进行功能注释,分别有21 704和9769个unigene在GO(Gene Ontology)和KEGG(Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes)数据库得到注释。999个unigene参与免疫系统的多个通路,其中184个与高等脊椎动物TCR(T cell receptor)和BCR(B cell receptor)信号通路的51个分子具有较高的同源关系,说明七鳃鳗体内存在高等脊椎动物适应性免疫应答信号通路的相关分子。本文还发现5个VLRA、7个VLRB和4个VLRC分子,说明七鳃鳗鳃黏膜免疫组织内至少分布3种类淋巴细胞亚群。实时荧光定量PCR结果显示,Lck、Fyn和Zap70基因在免疫激发后表达量显著上调,而Syk、Btk和Blnk基因表达没有显著变化,说明七鳃鳗鳃组织受到抗原刺激后,类似T淋巴细胞的信号转导途径被激活。本研究初步证明,尽管无颌类和有颌类脊椎动物的适应性免疫系统在抗原识别机制上存在不同,但具有共同的遗传基础。研究结果为探讨七鳃鳗VLRA+、VLRB+和VLRC+淋巴细胞免疫应答信号传导过程提供了有价值的线索。  相似文献   

叉角厉蝽Eocanthecona furcellata是一种在生物防治方面有重要作用和潜力的捕食性天敌昆虫,触角是昆虫进行信息交换的重要器官,而嗅觉相关基因则是调控天敌昆虫捕食行为的重要分子基础。为获得叉角厉蝽触角转录组数据库,挖掘叉角厉蝽嗅觉相关基因,本研究利用Illumina高通量测序平台对叉角厉蝽雌雄成虫与5龄若虫触角进行转录组测序。成功构建了叉角厉蝽触角转录组,获得了67 843条unigenes, N50长度为2 300 bp。与七大公共数据库比对注释到27 686条unigenes,其中NR数据库注释最多(33.33%),且与茶翅蝽Halyomorpha halys相似度最高(64.20%)。14 258条注释到GO数据库中,分为生物过程、细胞组分和分子功能3个大类42个亚类;KEGG代谢途径分析表明,7 703条形成282条代谢通路,其中被注释在信号传导通路中的unigenes最多(11.50%)。进一步基因注释分析,鉴定得到134个候选嗅觉相关基因,32个化学感应蛋白基因(Chemosensory protein genes, CSP),10个气味结合蛋白基因(Odor...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recombinant Sendai virus vectors (rSeV) constitute a new class of cytoplasmic RNA vectors that have shown efficient gene transfer in various organs, including retinal tissue; however, the related immune responses remain to be overcome in view of clinical applications. We recently developed a novel rSeV from which all envelope-related genes were deleted (rSeV/dFdMdHN) and, in the present study, assess host immune responses following retinal gene transfer. METHODS: rSeV/dFdMdHN or conventional F-gene deleted rSeV (rSeV/dF) was injected into subretinal space of adult Wistar rats or C57BL/6 mice. The transgene expression and histopathological findings were assessed at various time points. Immunological assessments, including the expression of proinflammatory cytokines, natural killer (NK)-cell activity, as well as SeV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) and antibodies, were performed following vector injection. RESULTS: rSeV/dFdMdHN showed high gene transfer efficiency into the retinal pigment epithelium at an equivalent level to that seen with rSeV/dF. In the early phase, the upregulation of proinflammatory cytokines, local inflammatory cell infiltration and tissue damage that were all prominently seen in rSeV/dF injection were dramatically diminished using rSeV/dFdMdHN. NK cell activity was also decreased, indicating a reduction of the innate immune response. In the later phase, on the other hand, CTL activity and anti-SeV antibodies were similarly induced, even using rSeV/dFdMdHN, and resulted in transient transgene expression in both vector types. CONCLUSIONS: Deletion of envelope-related genes of rSeV dramatically reduces the vector-induced retinal damage and may extend the utility for ocular gene transfer; however, further studies regulating the acquired immune response are required to achieve long-term transgene expression of rSeV.  相似文献   

韩成香  方琦  李凯  胡萃  叶恭银 《昆虫学报》2008,51(10):1003-1010
为了探讨蛹期寄生蜂对寄主蛋白代谢的寄生生理效应,利用Bradford蛋白含量测定法、Western免疫印迹法及酶联免疫吸附检测法研究了棕尾别麻蝇Boettcherisca peregrina蛹被丽蝇蛹集金小蜂Nasonia vitripennis寄生后其脂肪体和血淋巴中可溶性蛋白及芳基蛋白组成与含量的变化。结果表明:寄生蛹脂肪体和血淋巴中可溶性蛋白的组成与未寄生相比基本无明显差异; 不论寄生与否寄主蛹脂肪体和血淋巴中芳基蛋白亚基分子量均为80 kDa,该亚基在脂肪体中未出现降解现象,而在血淋巴中仅于寄生后12 h的寄主蛹中呈现2条分子量相近的Western免疫印迹带,说明其降解可能先于未寄生对照。就含量而言,寄生蛹脂肪体中可溶性蛋白含量除寄生后24 h外均显著低于未寄生对照,芳基蛋白含量除寄生后48 h外也均显著低于未寄生对照,其中寄生后12 h的含量仅为未寄生的32.0%。寄生蛹血淋巴中可溶性蛋白含量多低于未寄生蛹,且寄生后2,12,24 h的差异达显著水平;芳基蛋白的含量均有低于未寄生的趋势,其中寄生后12 h的含量为未寄生的17.0%。综合认为,丽蝇蛹集金小蜂的寄生可导致寄主脂肪体和血淋巴中可溶性蛋白及芳基蛋白含量下降。  相似文献   

As low‐level laser therapy immune cells responses are not always clarified, this study aimed to evaluate cytokines and immune cells profile after low‐level laser therapy (LLLT) on arthritis‐induced model. Arthritis was induced in C57BL/6 mice divided into five groups: euthanized 5 hours after inflammation induction; untreated; dexamethasone treated; LLLT at 3 Jcm?2; LLLT at 30 Jcm?2. Cytokine measurements by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay and mRNA cytokine relative levels by real‐time quantitative polymerase chain reaction were performed with arthritic ankle (IL‐1β, IL‐6, TNF‐α, IL‐10 and TGF‐β). Macrophages, dendritic cells, natural killer cells, lymphocytes CD4+, CD8+, Treg and costimulatory proteins were quantified in proximal lymph node by flow cytometry. Data showed decrease in all cytokine levels after LLLT and alteration in mRNA relative levels, depending on the energy density used. LLLT was able to increase of immune cell populations analyzed in the lymph node as well as costimulatory proteins expression on macrophages and dendritic cells. Treg TCD4+ and TCD8+ population enrichment were observed in LLLT at 3 and 30 Jcm?2 groups, respectively. Furthermore, Treg TCD8+ cells expressing higher levels of CD25 were observed at LLLT at 30 Jcm?2 group. Our results indicate that LLLT could change the inflammatory course of arthritis, tending to accelerate its resolution through immune cells photobiostimulation.   相似文献   

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