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浅谈我国动物剥制标本的历史和发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
动物剥制标本不仅有科学价值也有很高的欣赏价值.回顾了我国动物剥制标本制作的历史和发展,并从防腐与制革技术、塑型技术与材料和义眼等几个方面简要介绍了德国和美国动物剥制标本的当前常用的技术和方法.  相似文献   

李长看 《生物学通报》2011,46(10):44-46
在进行科研、教学、科普等科学活动时,收藏、使用大量的标本是必要的。标本使用的过程中,残损现象时有发生,如褪色、脱毛、虫蛀、霉变、肢残等。以动物剥制标本为例.结合自身实践,针对生物标本保藏与修复进行探讨。  相似文献   

动物剥制标本的管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物剥制标本的管理动物剥制标本在教学、科研活动中具有重要作用。管理动物剥制标本主要应做好以下几方面的工作。1选择合理的标本定、标本柜(橱)动物剥制标本室要选在干燥、通风、整洁的环境,室内要安装换气扇以便随时通风换气;窗户要安双层玻璃、挂双层窗帘(外红...  相似文献   

鸟类标本腹开剥制法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前鸟的分类,主要是根据外部形态。一般由于时间的关系,在野外采到的标本不能马上进行鉴定。为了防止腐烂,必须经过剥制过程,这样的标本,不但能达到科学研究的要求,而且可以长期保存,做为科学资料。解放以后在党的领导下,出现了很多种剥制标本的方法,除珍传的“唐家”剥制法之外,在大跃进中还出现了许多新的剥制方法。为了搞清我困的动物资源,现在许多地方的大中学校及有关部门和人民公社,都从事于动物调查工作。为了适应这种形势的需要,所以目前有必要总结技术工作,将多快好省的剥制方法加以  相似文献   

剥制标本是利用动物的外皮和部分骨骼制成的,兽类和鸟类的标本用此法制成的较多。在这类标本的保存过程中,防虫蛀最为重要,而标本一旦被虫蛀了以后,如何去修复呢?我通过2年多的实践,摸索出一套修复方法,效果较好,具体做法是:1清理用大排笔沾75%的酒精溶液,...  相似文献   

小动物剥制标本的制作过程与大型动物剥制标本制作过程中的区别主要在于小动物体形小,皮张的剥离和防腐需要特别注意,本文从实际操作经验出发,浅谈小动物标本制作过程中的各个环节经验。  相似文献   

肖方 《生命世界》2012,(11):56-61
动物剥制技术的发展 动物剥制技术是伴随狩猎而产生在原始社会的一种手工工艺。这种技术制作的产品,主要有三种用途:披挂兽皮遮护身体;用兽骨制造工具、武器和饰物;将兽皮和头骨悬挂起来作为部落标志或部落首领富有的象征。英国是传统动物剥制技术发源地之一。传统剥制技术是伴随动物学诞生的一项具有多学科知识的专门技术,至今已有300年的历史。现在,动物剥制技术有了更鲜明的主题和生命力,即为动物学服务,并得到了系统的发展和广泛传播。  相似文献   

采用风干方法制作鸟类标本   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用剥制方法制作鸟类标本,过程复杂,技术要求较高,填装、整形准于掌握。特别是对一些中小型鸟类,要想做成一个栩栩如生的生态标本就更困难了。针对上述缺点,我们对制作中小型鸟类标本做了一些改进,取得了良好的效果。我们采用自然风干的方法,制作中小型鸟类(也包括蝙蝠等适于此种制作方法的其它动物)标本,不仅省去了剥制过程中,剥皮和填装等较难掌握的环节,而且不失其自然形态,易于整形。现将制作方法介绍如下:一、工具和材料的准备镊子、软毛刷、仪眼、烧杯、钟形罩、滑石粉、福尔马林、高锰酸钾。二、制作前的处理  相似文献   

1954年1月号生物学通报刊载有关于“鸟类标本的剥制法”的文章。这篇文章是中国科学院动物研究室尹达云先生写的。经过我们细细地读过以后,觉得写的很详尽,对于初学这种技术的人来说,确实是有益的。特别是文中所介绍的剥制技术和操作规程,縱然对于在这方面有经验的人来说,也很值得参考。在这里我们也提出在制作上几点不同的意见来和大家讨论。一.关于剥制标本的用品的准备问题  相似文献   

肖方 《生物学通报》1993,28(5):15-15
动物剥制技术是伴随狩猎而产生在原始社会的一种手工工艺。这种技术制作的产品当时主要有三种用途:披挂兽皮遮护身体;用兽骨制造工具、武器和饰物;将兽皮和头骨悬挂起来作为部落标志或部落首领富有的象征。英国是传统动物剥制技术发源地之一。传统剥制技术是伴随动物学诞生的一项具有多学科知识的专门技术,至今已有300年的历史。从此,动物剥制技术就有了更鲜明的主题和生命力,即为动物学服务,并得到了系统的发展和广泛传播。  相似文献   

蓟马(昆虫纲:缨翅目)是昆虫纲中有重要经济意义的目之一,由于个体微小,因此需要制作成高质量的玻片在高倍显微镜下观察和研究。如果玻片标本质量欠佳,常常导致无法鉴定其种类。不同的研究中处理蓟马标本的技术和方法各异。本文介绍一种新的制片方法,这一方法需要更少的化学药品,且适合处理深颜色的标本。而且,用这个方法处理的标本清晰,保持其自然体色,这些特征在鉴定种类时是十分必要的。本方法处理标本包括4个步骤:氢氧化钾透明(一般5%一10%KOH溶液中,常温放置1~2d或者100℃水浴加热1~2h,处置时间随材料大小和颜色的深浅有所变化)、纯酒精脱水(材料透明后转移到纯酒精中浸泡4—5min)、Hoyer's介质装片(滴一滴Hoyer's介质于载玻片中央,而后将脱水后的材料转移至介质中,用细拨针小心整翅、足以及触角的姿态,盖上盖玻片)和干燥贴标签(装片后放置在35~45℃烘箱中2~3d或者室温下放置1星期,然后将采集信息、寄主信息以及鉴定表格制成标签,贴于玻片两侧),与其它制片方法相比,此法最简洁。文末对不同的制片方法作了比较和讨论。  相似文献   

The downy mildew pathogen of basil (Ocimum spp.) has caused considerable damage throughout the past five years, and an end to the epidemics is not in sight. The downy mildew of coleus (Solenostemon spp.) is just emerging and here we report that it was very recently introduced into Germany. Although it has been recognised that these pathogens are a major threat, the identity of the pathogens is still unresolved, and so it is difficult to devise quarantine measures against them. Using morphological comparison and molecular phylogenetic reconstructions we confirmed in this study that the downy mildews of basil and coleus are unrelated to Peronospora lamii, which is a common pathogen of the weed Lamium purpureum. In addition, we conclude by the investigation of the type specimen of P. swingleii and downy mildew specimens on Salvia officinalis that the newly occurring pathogens are not identical to P. swingleii on Salvia reflexa. The taxonomy of the downy mildew pathogens of hosts from the Lamiaceae and, in particular, from the tribes Mentheae and Elsholtzieae, is discussed, and a new species is described to accommodate the downy mildew pathogen of basil and coleus, which is the first downy mildew pathogen known to be parasitic to hosts of the tribe Ocimeae.  相似文献   

High resolution scanning electron microscopy of the cell   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The scanning electron microscope (SEM) has become a powerful tool for ultrastructural research with improvement of the instrument's resolution and progress in specimen preparation techniques. With regard to resolution, it has been improved step-by-step in this decade and, in 1985, an ultra-high resolution SEM (UHS-T1) was developed, with a resolution of 0.5 nm. Concerning specimen preparation, the osmium-DMSO-osmium method, which is effective for revealing intracellular structures, has come to be widely used. Techniques for observing smaller objects, such as bacteriophages, viruses, and biological macromolecules, have also been devised in recent years. As a result of these preparation techniques and the availability of the ultra-high resolution SEM, the application of SEM in biology is expanding rapidly. In this paper, an outline of the ultra-high resolution SEM, techniques for specimen preparation, findings of some biological materials by these techniques, and guidelines to making the specimens, are described.  相似文献   

本文报道一种修复与翻新大中型鸟类标本的方法,包括以下步骤:1.拆标本;2.皮张回软、清洗;3.皮张修复缝合;4.涂抹防腐剂;5.支撑架制作与固定;6.填充与缝合;7.整形与标本固定.皮张回软时,利用药液浸泡可使皮张保持弹性,保证翻新后皮张仍保持完好形态.珍珠棉水果网作为填充物,既环保又可免招虫蛀,亦能使做出的标本形态更加逼真.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2021,125(8):585-595
The introduction, spread, and impact of fungal plant pathogens is a critical concern in ecological systems. In this study, we were motivated by the rather sudden appearance of Acer macrophyllum heavily infected with powdery mildew. We used morphological and genetic analyses to confirm the pathogen causing the epidemic was Sawadaea bicornis. In subsequent field studies, this pathogen was found in several locations in western North America, and in greenhouse studies, A. macrophyllum was found to be significantly more susceptible to S. bicornis than nine other Acer species tested. A genetic analysis of 178 specimens of powdery mildew from freshly collected and old herbarium specimens from 15 countries revealed seven different haplotypes. The high diversity of haplotypes found in Europe coupled with sequence results from a specimen from 1864 provides evidence that S. bicornis has a European origin. Furthermore, sequence data from a specimen from 1938 in Canada show that the pathogen has been present in North America for at least 82 years revealing a considerable lag time between the introduction and current epidemic. This study used old herbarium specimens to genetically hypothesize the origin, the native host, and the invasion time of a detrimental fungal plant pathogen.  相似文献   

Downy mildew is probably the most widespread and potentially destructive global disease of spinach (Spinacia oleracea). The causal agent of downy mildew disease on various plants of Chenopodiaceae, including spinach, is regarded as a single species, Peronospora farinosa. In the present study, the ITS rDNA sequence and morphological data demonstrated that P. farinosa from S. oleracea is distinct from downy mildew of other chenopodiaceous hosts. Fifty-eight spinach specimens were collected or loaned from 17 countries of Asia, Europe, Oceania, North and South America, which all formed a distinct monophyletic group. No intercontinental genetic variation of the ITS rDNA within Peronospora accessions causing spinach downy mildew disease was found. Phylogenetic trees supported recognition of Peronospora from spinach as a separate species. Microscopic examination also revealed morphological differences between Peronospora specimens from Spinacia and P. farinosa s. lat. specimens from Atriplex, Bassia, Beta, and Chenopodium. Consequently, the name Peronospora effusa should be reinstated for the downy mildew fungus found on spinach. Here, a specimen of the original collections of Peronospora effusa is designated as lectotype.  相似文献   

Twenty-one specimens appear under the name 'Lichen rangiferinus' in the Linnaean Herbarium. Small fragments of these specimens have been subjected to chemical analysis for the first time using one or more of the following techniques: Lichen mass spectrometry, Ultraviolet spectrophotometry and Thin layer chromatography. The results, which have been stored in full on computer tape, are summarized and discussed in relation to the morphology and annotation of the lichens concerned. These studies have led to the selection of the specimen on sheet number 1273.240 as the lectotype of Lichen rangiferinus L. The fact that the chemical analysis of this specimen was carried out on less than 0.5 milligrams of thallus indicates the power of contemporary physicochemical methods in Herbarium studies of this nature.  相似文献   

Frictionless specimen/platen contact in unconfined compression tests has traditionally been assumed in determining material properties of soft tissues via an analytical solution. In the present study, the suitability of this assumption was examined using a finite element method. The effect of the specimen/platen friction on the mechanical characteristics of soft tissues in unconfined compression was analyzed based on the published experimental data of three different materials (pigskin, pig brain, and human calcaneal fat). The soft tissues were considered to be nonlinear and viscoelastic; the friction coefficient at the contact interface between the specimens and platens was assumed to vary from 0.0 to 0.5. Our numerical simulations show that the tissue specimens are, due to the specimen/platen friction, not compressed in a uniform stress/strain state, as has been traditionally assumed in analytical analysis. The stress of the specimens obtained with the specimen/platen friction can be greater than those with the frictionless specimen/platen contact by more than 50%, even in well-controlled test conditions.  相似文献   

Modeling and simulation of traumatic brain injury (TBI) resulted from collision or blast loading requires characterization of mechanical response over a wide range of loading rates under valid testing conditions. In this study, mechanical response of fresh bovine brain tissue was studied using the two modified Kolsky bar techniques. Radial deformation behavior of annular specimens, which are typically used to characterize the dynamic uniaxial compressive response of biological tissues, was examined using a modified Kolsky bar and a high speed camera to collect images while the specimen deforms at an axial strain rate of 2000s(-1). The high-speed images revealed inhomogeneous specimen deformation possibly brought about by radial inertia and causing a multi-axial stress state. To acquire valid stress-strain results that can be used to produce constitutive behavior of the soft materials, a novel torsion technique was developed to obtain pure shear response at dynamic loading rates. Experimental results show clear differences in the material response using the two methods. These results indicate that the previously demonstrated annular specimen geometry aimed at reducing inertia induced stress components for high rate soft materials uniaxial-compressive testing may still possess a significant component of radial inertia induced radial stress which consequently caused the observed inhomogeneous deformation in brain tissue test samples.  相似文献   

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