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在浙江温岭沿海逐月采样,显微观察了可口革囊星虫体腔中卵细胞大小组成的周年变化。3—5月,卵径30~90μm的卵细胞占大部分。6月,卵径70~130μm的卵细胞占多数。7月,大部分卵细胞卵径达100μm以上,其中130~150μm的卵细胞约占1/3。8月,卵细胞卵径均在110μm以上,其中130~150μm的卵细胞约占2/3。9月,仍多数卵细胞卵径在110μm以上,130~150μm的卵细胞约占1/3。10月,以110~140μm的卵细胞占多,40μm以下的卵细胞较少,大卵细胞开始退化。11月至翌年2月,随着大型卵细胞的逐渐退化,小型及中型卵细胞逐渐增多,2月仍可见少量未退化的大型卵细胞。分析认为,可口革囊星虫在浙江温岭的繁殖期主要在7—9月。  相似文献   

Market-based health services have arisen out of major transformations in US healthcare in the last several decades. This study addresses pricing in the human egg donation market – an under-explored topic despite substantial scholarship on commodification and financial coercion of donors. Through analysis of primary data collected from 276 US fertility clinics and egg donation agencies, I assess what impacts average donor compensation and likelihood of compensation being more than $5000. Drawing on theories of organizational behavior, I test whether organizational characteristics, ecological factors, or regulatory pressure have the greatest impact on donor compensation amounts. I find that compensation is influenced primarily by ecological/market factors. Furthermore, industry self-regulation (measured by professional affiliation) did not deter clinics and agencies from having higher donor compensation levels, despite American Society for Reproduction Medicine recommendations. I conclude by addressing the broader implications of these findings for medical market dynamics and the problem of industry self-regulation.  相似文献   

In the sea urchin, some other marine invertebrates, and the frog, Xenopus, egg activation at fertilization is accompanied by an increase in intracellular pH (pHi). We measured pHi, in germinal vesicle (GV)-intact mouse oocytes, ovulated eggs, and in vivo fertilized zygotes using the pH indicator dye, SNARF-1. The mean pHi was 6.96 ± 0.004 (± SEM) in GV-intact oocytes, 7.00 ± 0.01 in ovulated, unfertilized eggs, and 7.02 ± 0.01 in fertilized zygotes, indicating no sustained changes in pHi after germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) or fertilization. To examine whether transient changes in pHi occur shortly after egg activation, mouse eggs were parthenogenetically activated by 7% ethanol in phosphate buffered saline (PBS); no significant change in pHi followed ethanol activation. Since increased Na+/H+ antiporter activity is responsible for pHi increase in the sea urchin, pHi was measured in the absence of added bicarbonate or CO2 la condition under which the antiporter would be the only major pHi regulatory mechanism able to operate, since the others were bicarbonate- dependent) in GV-intact oocytes, ovulated eggs, and in vivo fertilized zygotes to determine whether a Na+/H+ antiporter was activated. There was no physiologically significant difference in pHi after GVBD or fertilization, when pHi was measured in bicarbonate-free medium, nor any change upon parthenogenetic activation. Thus, a change in pHi is not a feature of egg activation in the mouse. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A protein spot cored from a silver-stained two dimensional (2D) gel of germinal vesicle stage immature mouse oocytes was identified as Transforming Acidic Coiled Coil containing protein (TACC3) by tandem mass spectrometry. PCR amplification revealed two alternatively spliced forms, Tacc3a and Tacc3b, in mouse ovarian cDNA libraries. TACC3a encoded a 630 aa protein with a predicted mass of 70 kDa. It contained seven 24 aa repeats at the N-terminus and two coiled-coil domains at the C-terminus. TACC3b encoded a 426 aa protein with a predicted mass of 49 kDa also containing two coiled coil domains, but lacking the 168 aa repeat region. In addition to homology to the TACC family members, murine TACC3 also showed 35.7% identity to the Xenopus protein, Maskin, a cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein (CPEB)-associated factor. Northern blot analysis demonstrated that TACC3a is abundantly expressed in adult testis and spleen and is moderately expressed in the ovary, heart, and lung, suggesting a wide tissue distribution. Both myc-tagged TACC3a and TACC3b targeted to the cytoplasm of transiently transfected CV-1 cells. In situ hybridization of mouse ovarian tissue sections displayed abundant expression of TACC3 specifically in the cytoplasm of growing oocytes, but not in primordial or atretic follicles. This pattern of expression suggests that TACC3 is expressed in ovarian cells undergoing active growth and development.  相似文献   

Fresh cytosols extracted from unfertilized amphibian eggs contain a cytostatic factor (CSF) which arrests the cell cycle at metaphase when microinjected into cleaving blastomeres. This CSF is sensitive to Ca2+, and is designated primary CSF (1°CSF). During storage of Ca2+-containing cytosols at 2°C, stable CSF activity appears, designated secondary CSF (2°CSF). In Rana pipiens egg cytosols, the development of 2°CSF coincides with the formation of a protein complex with a molecular weight above 2,000 kDa, and this large molecule exhibits a high 2°CSF activity when purified (Shibuya and Masui, 1989: Development 106:799–808). The present study shows that both the formation of 2°CSF protein complex and the development of its activity are inhibited by ethylamine and glycine-ethyl-ester (GEE), both known as potent transglutaminase (TGase) inhibitors. An affinity-purified polyclonal antibody raised against mammalian transglutaminase reacts with an approximately 68-kDa protein in fresh egg cytosols, as well as with the 2°CSF protein complex. In cytosols deprived of transglutaminase by immunoprecipitation, neither the development of 2°CSF activity nor the formation of its protein complex can occur. These results indicate that transglutaminase of Rana pipiens eggs is responsible for the formation of 2°CSF, and that transglutaminase itself is incorporated into 2°CSF molecules. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 47:302–311, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The pre‐ovulatory hydration of the oocyte of marine teleosts, a unique process among vertebrates that occurs concomitantly with meiosis resumption (oocyte maturation), is a critical process for the correct development and survival of the embryo. Increasing information is available on the molecular mechanisms that control oocyte maturation in fish, but the identification of the cellular processes involved in oocyte hydration has remained long ignored. During the past few years, a number of studies have identified the major inorganic and organic osmolytes that create a transient intra‐oocytic osmotic potential for hydrating the oocytes, whereas water influx was believed to occur passively. Recent work, however, has uncovered the role of a novel molecular water channel (aquaporin), designated aquaporin‐1b (Aqp1b), which facilitates water permeation and resultant swelling of the oocyte. The Aqp1b belongs to a teleost‐specific subfamily of water‐selective aquaporins, similar to mammalian aquaporin‐1 (AQP1) that has possibly evolved by duplication of a common ancestor and further neofunctionalization in oocytes of marine teleosts for water uptake. Strikingly, Aqp1b shows specific regulatory domains at the cytoplasmic tail, which are key to the vesicular trafficking and temporal insertion of Aqp1b in the oocyte plasma membrane during the phase of maximal hydration. These findings are revealing that the mechanism of oocyte hydration in marine teleosts is a highly regulated process based on the interplay between the generation of inorganic and organic osmolytes and the controlled insertion of Aqp1b in the oocyte surface. The discovery of Aqp1b in teleosts provides an important insight into the molecular basis of the production of viable eggs in marine fish.  相似文献   

Calcium (Ca2+) signals triggered at fertilization initiate resumption of the cell cycle and initial steps of embryonic development. In mammals, the sperm factor phospholipase Cζ triggers the release of Ca2+ from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), initiating an oscillatory pattern of Ca2+ transients that is modulated by egg factors including Ca2+ influx channels, Ca2+ transporters, and phosphoinositide‐regulating enzymes. Here we compared characteristics of Ca2+ oscillations following in vitro fertilization (IVF) and ER Ca2+ stores among nine common laboratory mouse strains: CF1, C57BL6, SJL, CD1, DBA, FVB, 129X1, BALBc, 129S1, and the F1 hybrid B6129SF1. Sperm from B6SJLF1/J males was used for all IVF experiments. There were significant differences among the strains with respect to duration and maximum amplitude of the first Ca2+ transient, frequency of oscillations, and ER Ca2+ stores. With male strain held constant, the differences in Ca2+ oscillation patterns observed result from variation in egg factors across different mouse strains. Our results support the importance of egg‐intrinsic properties in determining Ca2+ oscillation patterns and have important implications for the interpretation and comparison of studies on Ca2+ dynamics at fertilization.  相似文献   

Survivin is the smallest member of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) family and acts as a bifunctional protein involved in mitosis regulation and apoptosis inhibition. To identify the physiological role of Survivin in female reproduction, we selectively disrupted Survivin expression in oocytes and granulosa cells (GCs), two major cell types in the ovary, by two different Cre-Loxp conditional knockout systems, and found that both led to defective female fertility. Survivin deletion in oocytes did not affect oocyte growth, viability and ovulation, but caused tetraploid egg production and thus female infertility. Further exploration revealed that Survivin was essential for regulating proper meiotic spindle organization, spindle assembly checkpoint activity, timely metaphase-to-anaphase transition and cytokinesis. Mutant mice with Survivin depleted in GCs showed reduced ovulation and subfertility, caused by defective follicular growth, increased follicular atresia and impaired luteinization. These findings suggest that Survivin has an important role in regulating folliculogenesis and oogenesis in the adult mouse ovary.  相似文献   

The electrophysiological properties of immature and mature oocytes of two crabs were analyzed. Growing immature oocytes of Carcinus maenas and fully grown immature oocytes of Maia squinado had essentially K+ dependent resting potentials, Em, of ?61 ? 1 mV, n=19, and ?67.3 ± 0.5 mV, n=68, respectively. Fully grown immature oocytes of Carcinus maenas showed an Em of ?40 ± 1.5 mV, n=19, that was k+ and Cl? dependent. In mature oocytes of both species, the plasma membrane became exclusively permeable to cl? and the Em attained–41 ± 1 mV, n=49 and ?34 ± 1.5 mV, n=27 for Carcinus maenas and Maia squinado, respectively. After in vitro insemination, a dramatic increase in egg membrane permeability to K+ was observed. This instantaneously caused a sustained hyperpolarization constituting, for these crabs, the fertilization potential. We observed that concurrently with this electrical response to fertilization, sperm reinitiated the oocyte meiotic maturation previously arrested at the first metaphase. The triggering mechanism of the fertilization potential as well as the possible occurrence of a physiological polyspermy are discussed.  相似文献   

Calcium (Ca2+) signals drive the fundamental events surrounding fertilization and the activation of development in all species examined to date. Initial studies of Ca2+ signaling at fertilization in marine animals were tightly linked to new discoveries of bioluminescent proteins and their use as fluorescent Ca2+ sensors. Since that time, there has been rapid progress in our understanding of the key functions for Ca2+ in many cell types and of the impact of cellular localization on Ca2+ signaling pathways. In this review, which focuses on mammalian egg activation, we consider how Ca2+ is regulated and stored at different stages of oocyte development and examine the functions of molecules that serve as both regulators of Ca2+ release and effectors of Ca2+ signals. We then summarize studies exploring how Ca2+ directs downstream effectors mediating both egg activation and later signaling events required for successful preimplantation embryo development. Throughout this review, we focus attention on how localization of Ca2+ signals influences downstream signaling events, and attempt to highlight gaps in our knowledge that are ripe for future research. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 79: 742–756, 2012. Published 2012. This article is a US government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.  相似文献   

Although the temperature‐size rule, that is, an increase in egg (and body) size at lower temperatures, applies almost universally to ectotherms, the developmental mechanisms underlying this consistent pattern of phenotypic plasticity are hitherto unknown. By investigating ovarian dynamics and reproductive output in the tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana (Butler) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) in relation to oviposition temperature and mating status, we tested the relevance of several competing hypotheses for temperature‐mediated variation in egg size and number. As expected, females ovipositing at a lower temperature laid fewer but larger eggs than those ovipositing at a higher temperature. Despite pronounced differences in egg‐laying rates, oocyte numbers were equal across temperatures at any given time, while oocyte size increased at the lower temperature. In contrast, there were greatly reduced oocyte numbers in mated compared to virgin females. Our results indicated that temperature‐mediated plasticity in egg size cannot be explained by reduced costs of somatic maintenance at lower temperatures, enabling the allocation of more resources to reproduction (reproductive investment was higher at the higher temperature). Furthermore, there was no indication for delayed oviposition (no accumulation of oocytes at the lower temperature, in contrast to virgin females). Rather, low temperatures greatly reduced the oocyte production (i.e., differentiation) rate and prolonged egg‐maturation time, causing low egg‐laying rates. Our data thus suggested that oocyte growth is less sensitive to temperature than oocyte production, resulting in a lower number of larger eggs at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to investigate if egg size (mass) at spawning is invariant for Scotia-Fundy summer and autumn (SFSH) and Icelandic summer (ISSH) spawning herring Clupea harengus. Oocyte dry mass measurements for SFSH females collected in 2001 and ISSH females collected in 1999 and 2000 showed a large variation. Difference in egg dry mass among fish was found to vary by as much as twofold in each stock. For ISSH, variation in egg mass was also apparent from oocyte volume measurements made jointly with a histological examination of the ovaries. Approximately 20% of the variation in egg mass could be explained by maternal whole-body mass or total length, indicating that length or age composition in the stocks can potentially influence the recruitment success. This implies that fisheries management strategies should aim to maintain a broad range in age composition.  相似文献   

Fertilization is the culminating event in sexual reproduction and requires the recognition and fusion of the haploid sperm and egg to form a new diploid organism. Specificity in these recognition events is one reason why sperm and eggs from different species are not normally compatible. One notable exception is the unusual ability of zona-free eggs from the Syrian golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) to recognize and fuse with human sperm, a phenomenon that has been exploited to assess sperm quality in assisted fertility treatments. Following our recent finding that the interaction between the sperm and egg recognition receptors Izumo1 and Juno is essential for fertilization, we now demonstrate concordance between the ability of Izumo1 and Juno from different species to interact, and the ability of their isolated gametes to cross-fertilize each other in vitro. In particular, we show that Juno from the golden hamster can directly interact with human Izumo1. These data suggest that the interaction between Izumo1 and Juno plays an important role in cross-species gamete recognition, and may inform the development of improved prognostic tests that do not require the use of animals to guide the most appropriate fertility treatment for infertile couples.  相似文献   


In almost all species studied to date, a transient increase in the intracellular free calcium concentration (Cai) occurs after fertilization and is essential for egg activation. How the sperm triggers this calcium signal remains, however, to be determined. In this brief review, we compare the mechanisms that are common to mammalian and invertebrate systems. In the light of our own data, we discuss how integrins that have recently been proposed to mediate sperm-egg binding and fusion in mammals might trigger egg activation through cytoskeletal structures. We suggest a model, leading to the calcium signal and common to all species, where phosphorylation on tyrosine and phospholipase Cγ (PLCγ) are interconnected pathways stimulated by a multimolecular complex involving integrins.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of female age on oocyte developmental competence, we focused on protein kinase C (PKC), a major component of the signalling pathway involved in oocyte activation, and put forward the hypothesis that, as it occurs in many organs and tissues, aging affects PKC function in mouse oocytes. Biochemical activity of PKC along with the expression and subcellular distribution of some PKC isoforms were monitored in young and old mouse oocytes parthenogenetically activated by SrCl(2). We found that PKC activity increased reaching a level that was lower in old compared to young oocytes in association with an incomplete translocation of PKCbetaI to the plasma membrane. Moreover, old oocytes exhibited a reduced expression of PKCbeta1 and PKCalpha at the protein level, without significant effects on the expression of the Ca(2+)-independent PKCdelta. Detectable amounts of PKCbeta1 mRNA were observed in young and old oocytes at GV stage with no difference between the two groups of age. When meiotic progression to anaphase II up to first cleavage were analyzed, a delay in meiosis resumption and significantly lower rates of pronuclei formation and first cleavage were observed in old compared to young oocytes. Moreover, we found that, in contrast to SrCl(2), PMA (12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate), a PKC agonist, was ineffective in activating old oocytes. Present findings provide evidence that aging affects the correct storage and activation of some PKCs, functional components of the machinery involved in oocyte activation, and suggest that these changes may negatively influence the activation competence of old oocytes.  相似文献   

Fan LC  Yang ST  Gui JF 《Cell research》2001,11(1):17-27
INTRODUCTIONFertilization in animals is the trigger that ini-tiates development, and results in a series of well-choreographed interactions between molecules lo-cated on the surfaces of egg and sperm[1, 2]. Somecell surface proteins, such as zolla pellucida gly-coprotein ZPI, ZPZ and ZP3, acrosomal proteinbindin, acrosin and lysin, and sperm plasma mem-brane protein a- and p--fertilin, have been identi-fied to mediate the interaction process[2-8]. Al-though studies on the regulative fa…  相似文献   

Immature and ovulated hamster oocytes were studied with the scanning electron microscope. Immature oocytes at the germinal vesicle stage have their surface uniformly covered by microvilli. When meiosis has progressed to the first meiotic metaphase the overlying surface shows the differentiation of a circular area 19 μm in diameter with a low density of microvilli. Later, from this region the first polar body emerges, and the oocyte surface at the point from which it was extruded shows a cluster of cytoplasmic, conical projections. When the zona-free oocytes are cultured at 37°C for 5 minutes these projections disappear and the oocyte surface at that point becomes smooth. However, when the oocytes remain in the oviduct for several hours after ovulation these projections remain unchanged. The in vitro interactions of capacitated hamster sperm with the immature oocyte was always seen at microvillus surfaces and never associated with the differentiated regions.  相似文献   

The Drosophila embryonic epidermis has been a key model for understanding the establishment of cell type diversity across a cellular field. During segmental patterning, distinct signaling territories are established that employ either the Hedgehog, Spitz, Serrate or Wingless ligands. How these pathways control segmental pattern is not completely clear. One major decision occurs as cells are allocated to differentiate either smooth cuticle or denticle type cuticle. This allocation is based on competition between Wingless signaling and Spitz, which activates the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR). Here we show that a main role for Serrate-Notch signaling is to adjust the Spitz signaling domain. Serrate accomplishes this task by activating Notch in a discrete domain, the main purpose of which is to broaden the spatially regulated expression of Rhomboid. This adjusts the breadth of the source for Spitz, since Rhomboid is necessary for the production of active Spitz. We also show that the Serrate antagonist, fringe, must temper Notch activity to insure that the activation of the EGFR is not too robust. Together, Serrate and Fringe modulate Notch activation to generate the proper level of EGFR activation. If Serrate-Notch signaling is absent, the denticle field narrows while the smooth cell field expands, as judged by the expression of the denticle field determinant Ovo/Shaven baby. This establishes one important role for the Serrate signaling territory, which is to define the extent of denticle field specification.  相似文献   

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