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粪食性金龟的行为及其适应演化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
白明  杨星科 《昆虫知识》2008,45(3):499-505
粪食性金龟的行为简单分为3类:粪居型(endocoprid或dwelling behaviour)、直接掘洞型(paracoprid或tunnelling behaviour)和滚粪球型(telocoprid或rolling behaviour)。文章详细阐述各类型的特点,探讨粪食性金龟行为的进化趋势和过程,并进一步阐述粪食性金龟的适应演化。  相似文献   

采用高通量测序技术,分析比较了实验室人工饲养的王锦蛇(Elaphecarinata)、棕黑锦蛇(E.schrenckii)和赤峰锦蛇(E. anomala)3种锦蛇粪便样本的微生物多样性。结果显示,在送检的粪便样本中,Shannon多样性指数(P 0.05)和Simpson多样性指数(P 0.05)在王锦蛇和棕黑锦蛇之间有显著性差异,赤峰锦蛇与前两者均没有差异;ace与chao1指数在3种锦蛇之间没有显著性差异。共检测出8个菌门,厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)和变形菌门(Proteobacteria)是3种锦蛇共享菌门。在属水平上3种锦蛇的优势菌群明显不同,志贺氏菌属(Shigella)、梭状芽胞杆菌属(Clostridium_sensu_stricto_11)及拟杆菌属(Bacteroides)分别是王锦蛇、棕黑锦蛇和赤峰锦蛇粪便样本中相对丰度最高的菌属。3种锦蛇粪便微生物多样性存在着明显的差异,但其是否可以作为区分这3种锦蛇的依据还需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

基于COⅠ基因对三种大黑鳃金龟分类地位的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验将江南大黑鳃金龟Holotrichia gebleri Faldermann分别与东北大黑鳃金龟Holotrichia diomphalia Bates、华北大黑鳃金龟Holotrichia oblita Faldermann进行了杂交试验,得到了F1代成虫,自交得到了F2代,表明F1代的雌雄虫具有正常的生殖力,3种金龟子之间不存在生殖隔离。对这3种大黑鳃金龟的COⅠ基因进行了扩增与测序并构建了系统进化树,结果显示:江南大黑、华北大黑和东北大黑3种鳃金龟的遗传距离相近,分类地差别不显著,与外类群的暗黑鳃金龟Holotrichia parallela Motschulsky在遗传距离和分类地位上差异显著。以上结果表明,江南大黑鳃金龟、东北大黑鳃金龟和华北大黑鳃金龟应为同一个物种的不同地理类群。  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】分析大熊猫、斑马和竹鼠粪便及竹虫的可培养放线菌多样性及其生物活性,探索其作为资源开发利用的可能性。【方法】采集大熊猫、斑马和竹鼠的新鲜粪便及竹虫幼虫,用4种培养基分离放线菌。测定代表菌株的16S rRNA基因序列,并进行系统发育分析,将菌株鉴定到属。测定了分离菌株的水解活性和多种酶活。【结果】共获得121株放线菌,选取的47株代表菌株经系统发育分析,被鉴定为放线菌的9个属。从竹鼠粪便分离到6个已知稀有放线菌属菌株。从其它动物粪便中共分离到4个可能新种。121株菌的水解活性和酶活性不仅高且多样。部分菌株能很好的降解鸡毛和纤维素。【结论】动物粪便放线菌不仅对动物食物的消化吸收有重要作用,也可作为探索工业产品包括酶制剂和生物活性物质的开发资源。  相似文献   

草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)是我国主要的淡水养殖经济鱼类之一,其食性随着生长发育而改变,能利用植物性和动物性两类饵料。草鱼幼鱼期食性分为三个阶段:浮游动物食性、食性转变阶段和草食性。草鱼食性在其早期发育中变化很大。动物性饵料,如浮游动物、底栖无脊椎动物是早期生长发育阶段重要的饵料成分;随着草鱼的生长,浮游甲壳动物和摇蚊幼虫则成为较重要  相似文献   

王珍  姬兰柱  张悦  易雪梅 《生态学杂志》2012,31(5):1214-1220
选择长白山阔叶红松林、白桦林和落叶松林3种林型,对各林型蛾类的群落结构和多样性进行了比较。结果表明:蛾类各科(亚科)在3种林型中的比例分配明显不同。阔叶红松林中尺蛾科数量占优绝对优势,占47.0%,其次是舟蛾科,为9.3%。优势种为台褥尺蛾,占17.2%;从蛾类总种数和蛾类个体总数上看,白桦林中蛾类物种丰富度、多度和多样性指数明显高于阔叶红松林和落叶松林,优势度指数则最低;白桦林的优势种有尘尺蛾、枞灰尺蛾和双星白枝尺蛾;在落叶松林中,灯蛾科、波纹蛾科和枯叶蛾科的多度都比阔叶红松林和白桦林高,其优势种为阿泊波纹蛾。  相似文献   

标本标准化采集是昆虫多样性研究的根本。昆虫种类繁多、习性复杂、分布广泛, 基于不同的研究目标, 昆虫学家会选用不同的采集方法。由于主动式采集方法存在较多干扰因素和重现性差等问题, 以飞行阻隔器(flight interception trap, FIT)、马氏网(Malaise trap, MT)和罐诱(pitfall trap, PT)为代表的被动式采集方法被广泛应用, 并在昆虫多样性研究中展现独特的优势。然而关于这些被动式采集方法的收集特点和采集效果等还缺乏系统性研究。本研究选取香港城门13个样点, 利用上述3种被动式采集方法共156个采集装备开展为期24天的鞘翅目昆虫采集工作, 并通过多样性指数分析、多度分析、体型与食性相关分析、相似性分析以及物种累积曲线分析评估了不同采集方法对甲虫的收集效果。本研究共采集甲虫6,380头, 涉及40科197种, 分析结果显示: (1)采用不同采集方法获得的物种数量和组成存在差异。从科级和种级的数量来看, FIT (36科, 149种) > MT (24科, 79种) > PT (17科, 60种); 在物种组成方面, FIT与PT之间、MT与PT之间区别较大, FIT与MT对应的物种相似度稍高于前两组。(2)多样性指数和物种多度分布分析显示: 丰富度指数为FIT > MT > PT, 优势度指数为FIT > PT > MT, 多样性指数为MT > FIT > PT, 均匀度指数为MT > PT > FIT。3种方法采集到的甲虫个体数为1头的种较多, 个体数超过1头的种在时间和空间方面的分布较广, 优势科的种类较少, 但其个体数占总个体数的比例较高。(3) FIT和PT均采集到了6类食性的甲虫, 其中藻食性的缨甲科甲虫仅见于FIT和PT采集方法。(4)物种累积曲线的结果表明3种采集方法效果均较好。3种采集方法各有特点, 但FIT采集的综合效果最优。FIT和MT两种方法的结合提升了采集甲虫的种类、食性和体型等方面的覆盖度, 更利于对甲虫多样性及类群与生态环境功能互作的研究。3种方法所收集到的甲虫存在一定差异, 因此可以针对不同研究目的选取适宜的采集方式。  相似文献   

横断山区东部四种林型地表甲虫的物种多样性   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
2001年7月8—14日在横断山区东部选择皆伐后经过管理的人工次生林(MSF)、无人管理的农耕区次生林(USF)、邻近天然的冷杉林(NAF)和杜鹃矮曲林(NRF)4种林型,共设置样地20块,以巴氏罐诱法收集地表甲虫的物种组成和数量数据,并以地表甲虫的种类和数量分布为属性做主成分分析和聚类分析,研究森林皆伐和管理行为对地表甲虫物种多样性的影响。共采集地表甲虫标本4292号,步甲科、觅葬甲科和隐翅虫科分别占总数46.8%、13.1%和11.4%,是数量最多的类群;金龟科、象甲科和拟步甲科的数量也各在5%以上,为常见类群。其中,步甲科的个体数量在NRF显著多于其他林型,在USF显著少于其他林型;觅葬甲科在两个天然林显著多于两个次生林;拟步甲科在NRF显著多于其他林型;花萤科在MSF和NAF显著多于USF;叩甲科在USF显著多于MSF和NAF;象甲科在NRF和MSF明显多于USF;叶甲科在NRF明显多于USF。地表甲虫的个体数量从USF、MSF、NAF到NRF逐渐增多,而均匀度指数则逐渐降低;MSF内物种丰富度和多样性指数分别显著高于USF和NRF。主成分分析和聚类分析表明,除了USF与其他林型有明显差异外,其他林型间有一定的相似性,但MSF与天然NAF间相似性较低。以上结果表明,森林砍伐后并种植人工林措施改变了该地区地表甲虫群落的物种分布格局,有助于恢复物种多样性。  相似文献   

Ellen Andresen 《Biotropica》2005,37(2):291-300
Dung beetles are important components of most terrestrial ecosystems. In tropical rain forests, dung beetle communities can be very rich in number of species and individuals, and they are known to be useful bioindicators of habitat disturbance. In contrast, very little is known about the organization of dung beetle communities in tropical dry forests. The aim of this study was to describe in detail the dung beetle community of a Mexican tropical dry forest and to assess the relative importance of rainfall seasonality and forest structure in affecting the temporal and spatial dynamics of this community. Dung beetles were captured with pitfall traps at the beginning of the rainy season, the middle of the rainy season, and the middle of the dry season, in two distinct forest types: deciduous forest (DF) and semideciduous forest (SDF) at the Estación de Biología Chamela. Both rainfall seasonality and forest structure affected the community organization of dung beetles. During both rainy periods, 14 species were captured, but only three during the dry season. Dung beetles captured during the dry season were only found in the SDF. When comparing the beginning and the middle of the rainy season, differences in abundance and guild structure were also observed between both periods and between forest types, but these differences were much less pronounced.  相似文献   

Given current accelerated trends of tropical land conversion, forest fragments are being incorporated into many conservation programs. For investing in fragments to be a viable conservation strategy, forest fragments must maintain their ecological integrity over the long term. Based on fieldwork in 22 forest fragments in the crater lakes region of western Uganda and in the continuous forest of Kibale National Park, we examined (1) seed predation on experimentally dispersed seeds, (2) abundance and composition of the dung beetle community that may play a major role in removing seeds from sites of high seed predation, and (3) compared the fragments’ seedling community composition to adult tree community composition and the seedling community in continuous forest. First, the rate of seed removal at experimental stations was lower in forest fragments (85% remaining after 1 day) than at stations in the continuous forest (79% remaining) and the probability of stations being discovered by seed predators was lower in fragments (23%) than in the intact forest (41%). Second, there was a 62 percent decline in fragment dung beetle abundance. The magnitude of this decline varied among dung beetle guilds that process dung and seeds in different fashions. The abundance of large rollers that move large seeds away from sites of defecation did not differ, but medium and smaller rollers and burying beetles that process small and medium‐sized seeds were less common in the fragments than in the intact forest. Finally, we compared the seedling community composition relative to adult tree community composition by identifying all adult trees in each fragment and by sampling the composition of the seedling community. We found some evidence to suggest that there was movement of seeds among forest fragments by large‐bodied dispersers, particularly chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and hornbills (Ceratogymna subcylindricus).  相似文献   

We studied the diversity of dung beetles in three different habitats in the Lacandona Forest, Chiapas, Mexico. We found a total of 49 species. Of these, 44 were in well-preserved forests (SC) within the limits of the Montes Azules Biosphere Reserve, 42 in fragmented forests (SF), and 13 in cattle pastures (PZ). These two latter habitats were part of a fragmented landscape. Even though the species richness between the two forest habitats is similar, there is a change in guild composition and structure. About 12% of the species were exclusively found in SC, while 4.1% and 2% were exclusive of SF and PZ respectively. β diversity was the most important element for overall diversity (γ), above that of the local richness (α). Within well-preserved forests, species composition changes substantially, even among neighboring sites. Species diversity within the landscape seems to depend on canopy coverage, soil temperature and geographic distance between sites. Functional groups vary with the habitat. Large-bodied, nocturnal species with specific requirements of soil temperature and compaction are more sensitive to anthropogenic changes. In cattle pastures there is a larger number of heliophilic species, with a higher percentage of small-bodied and roller beetles.  相似文献   

Contests between males fighting over limited resources often determine the reproductive success of the contestants. It is possible that the outcomes of such contests are affected by traits that also contribute to the likelihood of males achieving paternity when sperm from multiple males compete to fertilize the ova of a single female; however, this relationship has been poorly characterized. In dung and carrion roller beetles, contests among males for the possession of a food ball – a vital resource for nesting – are frequent in nature. However, females that roll and nest with a male often store the sperm of previous mates, forcing males to engage in sperm competition. We analyzed the relationship between wins and losses in contests between food ball owner males and subsequent paternity success in the carrion roller beetle Canthon cyanellus using both naïve (virgin) and experienced (previously mated) males. Owner males that initiated contests were more likely to win, and contest durations were longer between experienced owner males than between naïve owners. The paternity of the winner owner males nesting with a female that had previously mated with another male was higher than for loser owner males, and the paternity of experienced owners also tended to be higher than for virgin owners. Our results indicate that winning and being an experienced male are associated with greater success at fighting and sperm competition than losing and being a naïve male.  相似文献   

Of what value are forest fragments to the conservation of the tropical rain forest diversity for a landscape? We compared the changes in composition, diversity, and plant structure of 15 small (1–76 ha) relatively unprotected forest fragments with those of a large (700 ha) well protected fragment (LWPF) in Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. The trees, shrubs, lianas, palms, and herbs with dbh?≥?2.5 cm were sampled in 1000 m2 at each site. For each ecological group (based on light requirements for germination: primary, secondary, and non-secondary light demanding, NSLD, species) and life form, estimates of species diversity, density, and basal area were analyzed using a stepwise multiple regression to determine whether there were any relationships between these variables and fragment characteristics (size, shape index, and isolation). The composition and plant structure of LWPF were different from those of the small fragments and large trees are absent from the canopy of the latter. Fragment size best explained the differences in composition and plant structure. Species composition in the largest fragments was similar to that of LWPF, but there was no significant difference in total richness between LWPF and the fragments, even though both the richness and abundance of secondary and NSLD species did differ. LWPF had more large primary trees in the canopy, and a greater abundance and basal area of palms and herbs. For tropical rain forest conservation, it is important to maintain the greatest possible number of large fragments and establish policies that prevent forest remnants from being further reduced in size and increasingly isolated from each other.  相似文献   

Kao  W.-Y.  Tsai  T.-T.  Shih  C.-N. 《Photosynthetica》2003,41(3):415-419
Responses of photosynthetic gas exchange and chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence of three wild soybeans, Glycine soja, G. tomentella, and G. tabacina occurring in different habitats of Taiwan, to four NaCl treatments, 0S, LS, MS, and HS (i.e. 0, 17, 51, and 85 mM NaCl) were compared. In G. soja following exposure to NaCl treatment for one month, the photon saturated photosynthetic rate (P N), the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence (Fv/Fm), the quantum yield of photosystem 2 (PS2), and the electron transport rate (ETR) decreased dramatically. These reductions increased with increasing concentration of NaCl treatment. Plants of MS and HS treatments did not survive after extending the treatment to two months. Reductions in P N, PS2, and ETR (but not in Fv/Fm) were found in G. tabacina after two months of exposure to MS and HS treatments, but the reduction was not as severe as that in G. soja. In G. tomentella, significant reductions in P N and g s were found only in HS plants after two months of treatment, but no significant differences in Fv/Fm, PS2, and ETR were found among plants of the four treatments. Thus the three wild soybeans in Taiwan have differentiated in their photosynthetic susceptibility to salinity, G. tomentella being the least susceptible, G. soja the most sensitive, and G. tabacina the intermediate. Different mechanisms are attributed to the inhibition effect of salinity on photosynthesis of the three species.  相似文献   

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