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Ongoing climate change is a major threat to biodiversity. However, although many species clearly suffer from ongoing climate change, others benefit from it, for example, by showing range expansions. However, which specific features determine a species’ vulnerability to climate change? Phenotypic plasticity, which has been described as the first line of defence against environmental change, may be of utmost importance here. Against this background, we here compare plasticity in stress tolerance in 3 copper butterfly species, which differ arguably in their vulnerability to climate change. Specifically, we investigated heat, cold and desiccation resistance after acclimatization to different temperatures in the adult stage. We demonstrate that acclimation at a higher temperature increased heat but decreased cold tolerance and desiccation resistance. Contrary to our predictions, species did not show pronounced variation in stress resistance, though plastic capacities in temperature stress resistance did vary across species. Overall, our results seemed to reflect population—rather than species‐specific patterns. We conclude that the geographical origin of the populations used should be considered even in comparative studies. However, our results suggest that, in the 3 species studied here, vulnerability to climate change is not in the first place determined by stress resistance in the adult stage. As entomological studies focus all too often on adults only, we argue that more research effort should be dedicated to other developmental stages when trying to understand insect responses to environmental change.  相似文献   

Cumulus cells (CCs), the granulosa cells surrounding the oocytes, play critical roles in oocytes maturation through intercellular communication by extending trans-zonal projections (TZPs) to contact oocytes via gap junctions (GJs). The adverse effect of heat stress (HS) on oocyte maturation has been well documented, whereas the HS responses of CCs and the oocytes in association with GJ/TZP colocalization remain unclear. In this study, porcine cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were subjected to HS at 41.5°C for 24 hr during in vitro maturation. Cumulus expansion was impaired and oocyte quality was reduced with lower survival rate, polar body extrusion rate, and early embryo developmental potentials. CCs and oocytes isolated from COCs demonstrated distinct responses to HS. The messenger RNA abundance of heat shock protein-related genes and mitochondrial DNA-encoded genes, together with ATP content, were significantly increased in CCs, yet decreased in oocytes, despite activation of caspase 3 detected in both CCs and oocytes. Similar changes were observed when denuded oocytes and isolated CCs subjected to HS separately, except mitochondria reactive oxygen species (mROS). In heat-stressed COCs, mROS was significantly increased only in oocytes. However, when isolated CCs and denuded oocytes were heat-stressed separately, mROS was significantly increased only in CCs. Moreover, F-actin, a TZP marker, and its colocalization with a GJ protein connexin-45, were significantly reduced in heat-exposed COCs. These results indicate that HS induces distinct responses in porcine CCs and oocytes in association with disrupted GJ and TZP colocalization.  相似文献   

It is indispensable for cells to adapt and respond to environmental stresses, in order for organisms to survive. Stress granules (SGs) are condensed membrane‐less organelles dynamically formed in the cytoplasm of eukaryotes cells to cope with diverse intracellular or extracellular stress factors, with features of liquid‐liquid phase separation. They are composed of multiple constituents, including translationally stalled mRNAs, translation initiation factors, RNA‐binding proteins and also non‐RNA‐binding proteins. SG formation is triggered by stress stimuli, viral infection and signal transduction, while aberrant assembly of SGs may contribute to tissue degenerative diseases. Recently, a growing body of evidence has emerged on SG response mechanisms for cells facing high temperatures, oxidative stress and osmotic stress. In this review, we aim to summarize factors affecting SGs assembly, present the impact of SGs on germ cell development and other biological processes. We particularly emphasize the significance of recently reported RNA modifications in SG stress responses. In parallel, we also review all current perspectives on the roles of SGs in male germ cells, with a particular focus on the dynamics of SG assembly.  相似文献   

Aquaporins influence water flow in plants, yet little is known of their involvement in the water‐driven process of seed germination. We therefore investigated their role in seeds in the laboratory and under field and global warming conditions. We mapped the expression of tonoplast intrinsic proteins (TIPs) during dormancy cycling and during germination under normal and water stress conditions. We found that the two key tonoplast aquaporins, TIP3;1 and TIP3;2, which have previously been implicated in water or solute transport, respectively, act antagonistically to modulate the response to abscisic acid, with TIP3;1 being a positive and TIP3;2 a negative regulator. A third isoform, TIP4;1, which is normally expressed upon completion of germination, was found to play an earlier role during water stress. Seed TIPs also contribute to the regulation of depth of primary dormancy and differences in the induction of secondary dormancy during dormancy cycling. Protein and gene expression during annual cycling under field conditions and a global warming scenario further illustrate this role. We propose that the different responses of the seed TIP contribute to mechanisms that influence dormancy status and the timing of germination under variable soil conditions.  相似文献   

Fiorillo, B. S., Zama, U., Lino‐Neto, J. and Báo, S. N. 2010. Structural and ultrastructural studies of male reproductive tract and spermatozoa in Xylocopa frontalis (Hymenoptera, Apidae). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 91 : 176–183. In Xylocopa frontalis the reproductive tract is composed of testes, deferent ducts, seminal vesicles, accessory glands and an ejaculatory duct. Each testis comprises four testicular tubules in which multiple cysts are present containing approximately 64 spermatozoa per cyst. The seminal vesicle consists of an epithelium, a thick basement lamina and a muscular external sheet. In the luminal region some vesicles can be observed; however, the epithelial cells of the seminal vesicle do not display morphological features associated with secretory functions. The spermatozoa, measuring approximately 260 µm long, are similar to the hymenopteran pattern. The head region consists of an acrosome with an inner perforatorium that penetrates an asymmetrical nuclear tip. The nucleus is linear, electron‐dense and its posterior tip projects into the beginning of the axoneme. The centriolar adjunct is asymmetric with many electron‐lucent lacunae interspersed throughout. The axoneme has the 9 + 9 + 2 pattern of microtubules and in the posterior region the central microtubules finish first, followed by the doublets and finally the accessory microtubules. The mitochondrial derivatives are asymmetric in both length and diameter with paracrystalline material present only in the larger one. These features may be useful characters for taxonomy and phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

The increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) leads to rising temperatures and acidification in the oceans, which directly or indirectly affects all marine organisms, from bacteria to animals. We here ask whether the simplest—and possibly also the oldest—metazoan animals, the placozoans, are particularly sensitive to ocean warming and acidification. Placozoans are found in all warm and temperate oceans and are soft‐bodied, microscopic invertebrates lacking any calcified structures, organs, or symmetry. We here show that placozoans respond highly sensitive to temperature and acidity stress. The data reveal differential responses in different placozoan lineages and encourage efforts to develop placozoans as a potential biomarker system.  相似文献   

The world is projected to experience an approximate doubling of atmospheric CO_2 concentration in the next decades. Rise in atmospheric CO_2 level as one of the most important reasons is expected to contribute to raise the mean global temperature 1.4 ℃-5.8 ℃ by that time. A survey from 128 countries speculates that global warming is primarily due to increase in atmospheric CO_2 level that is produced mainly by anthropogenic activities. Exposure of animals to high environmental temperatures is mostly accompanied by unwanted acceleration of certain biochemical pathways in their cells. One of such examples is augmentation in generation of reactive oxygen species(ROS) and subsequent increase in oxidation of lipids, proteins and nucleic acids by ROS. Increase in oxidation of biomolecules leads to a state called as oxidative stress(OS). Finally, the increase in OS condition induces abnormality in physiology of animals under elevated temperature. Exposure of animals to rise in habitat temperature is found to boost the metabolism of animals and a very strong and positive correlation exists between metabolism and levels of ROS and OS. Continuous induction of OS is negatively correlated with survivability and longevity and positively correlated with ageing in animals. Thus, it can be predicted that continuous exposure of animals to acute or gradual rise in habitat temperature due to global warming may induce OS, reduced survivability and longevity in animals in general and poikilotherms in particular. A positive correlation between metabolism and temperature in general and altered O_2 consumption at elevated temperature in particular could also increase the risk of experiencing OS in homeotherms. Effects of global warming on longevity of animals through increased risk of protein misfolding and disease susceptibility due to OS as the cause or effects or both also cannot be ignored. Therefore, understanding the physiological impacts of global warming in relation to longevity of animals will become very crucial challenge to biologists of the present millennium.  相似文献   

Global warming and its associated increase in temperature extremes pose a substantial challenge on natural systems. Tropical ectotherms, living close to their (upper) critical thermal limits, may be particularly vulnerable to global warming, yet they are as a group understudied. Most studies assessing fitness effects under global warming focused on life‐history correlates such as body size and largely neglected immune function. Furthermore they did not consider to what extent temperature effects may be modulated under resource‐based trade‐offs. Against this background we here investigate effects of temperature extremes on fitness‐related adult traits (viz. body mass, fat content, and two key parameters of arthropod immune function: phenoloxidase (PO) activity and haemocyte numbers) at different levels of larval and adult food stress in the tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana. Body mass and PO activity decreased after short‐term larval food stress, but not fat content and haemocyte numbers (probably owing to compensatory mechanisms during further development). Longer‐term food deprivation in the adult stage, in contrast, diminished performance throughout, confirming that the feeding treatments chosen imposed stress. Temperature manipulations yielded contrary responses between life‐history correlates and immune function: while body mass and fat content increased by increasing temperatures, PO activity and haemocyte numbers decreased. The latter was particularly pronounced under adult food stress, suggesting a resource‐allocation trade‐off. Our data suggest that global warming will not only reduce performance through direct effects of thermal stress, but also through secondary effects on adult immune function, which may be missed when exclusively focussing on other life‐history correlates.  相似文献   

As rapid changes in climate threaten global crop yields, an understanding of plant heat stress tolerance is increasingly relevant. Heat stress tolerance involves the coordinated action of many cellular processes and is particularly energy demanding. We acquired a knockout mutant and generated knockdown lines in Arabidopsis thaliana of the d subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase (gene name: ATPQ, AT3G52300, referred to hereafter as ATPd), a subunit of the peripheral stalk, and used these to investigate the phenotypic significance of this subunit in normal growth and heat stress tolerance. Homozygous knockout mutants for ATPd could not be obtained due to gametophytic defects, while heterozygotes possess no visible phenotype. Therefore, we used RNA interference to create knockdown plant lines for further studies. Proteomic analysis and blue native gels revealed that ATPd downregulation impairs only subunits of the mitochondrial ATP synthase (complex V). Knockdown plants were more sensitive to heat stress, had abnormal leaf morphology, and were severely slow growing compared to wild type. These results indicate that ATPd plays a crucial role in proper function of the mitochondrial ATP synthase holoenzyme, which, when reduced, leads to wide-ranging defects in energy-demanding cellular processes. In knockdown plants, more hydrogen peroxide accumulated and mitochondrial dysfunction stimulon (MDS) genes were activated. These data establish the essential structural role of ATPd and support the importance of complex V in normal plant growth, and provide new information about its requirement for heat stress tolerance.  相似文献   

One of the areas of concern raised by cross-border reproductive travel regards the treatment of women who are solicited to provide their ova or surrogacy services to foreign consumers. This is particularly troublesome in the context of developing countries where endemic poverty and low standards for both medical care and informed consent may place these women at risk of exploitation and harm. We explore two contrasting proposals for policy development regarding the industry, both of which seek to promote ethical outcomes and social justice: While one proposal advocates efforts to minimize cross-border demand for female reproductive resources through the pursuit of national self-sufficiency, the other defends cross-border trade as a means for meeting the needs of vulnerable groups. Despite the conflicting objectives of the proposed strategies, the paper identifies common values and points of agreement between the two, including the importance of regulations to safeguard those providing ova or surrogacy services.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of heat stress on the plant cytoskeleton, the structure of microtubule arrays in N. tabacum suspension cells incubated at 38 or 42°C was analysed. Whilst incubation at 42 °C resulted in the disruption of the majority of cellular microtubules after 30 min, in cells exposed to 38 °C all the microtubule arrays were preserved even after 12 h of incubation, although their organization was altered. The most susceptible were the microtubules of the mitotic spindle and the phragmoplast. Several abnormalities were observed: (i) splitting of the spindle into several parts; (ii) elongation of the spindles; (iii) formation of microtubule asters in mitotic cells, and (iv) elongation of phragmoplast microtubules. Exposure of cells to 38 °C caused a decrease in the mitotic index but an accumulation of telophase cells. The recovery of normal microtubule organization occurred after 12 h. Treatment of the cells subjected to heat stress conditions with an inhibitor of protein synthesis, cycloheximide, did not prevent either the alterations of microtubule organization or accumulation of cells containing phragmoplasts. Therefore, heat shock proteins do not seem to be directly responsible for the microtubule disorganization induced by heat stress.  相似文献   

Heat waves already have a large impact on crops and are predicted to become more intense and more frequent in the future. In this study, heat waves were imposed on soybean using infrared heating technology in a fully open‐air field experiment. Five separate heat waves were applied to field‐grown soybean (Glycine max) in central Illinois, three in 2010 and two in 2011. Thirty years of historical weather data from Illinois were analyzed to determine the length and intensity of a regionally realistic heat wave resulting in experimental heat wave treatments during which day and night canopy temperatures were elevated 6 °C above ambient for 3 days. Heat waves were applied during early or late reproductive stages to determine whether and when heat waves had an impact on carbon metabolism and seed yield. By the third day of each heat wave, net photosynthesis (A), specific leaf weight (SLW), and leaf total nonstructural carbohydrate concentration (TNC) were decreased, while leaf oxidative stress was increased. However, A, SLW, TNC, and measures of oxidative stress were no different than the control ca. 12 h after the heat waves ended, indicating rapid physiological recovery from the high‐temperature stress. That end of season seed yield was reduced (~10%) only when heat waves were applied during early pod developmental stages indicates the yield loss had more to do with direct impacts of the heat waves on reproductive process than on photosynthesis. Soybean was unable to mitigate yield loss after heat waves given during late reproductive stages. This study shows that short high‐temperature stress events that reduce photosynthesis and increase oxidative stress resulted in significant losses to soybean production in the Midwest, U.S. The study also suggests that to mitigate heat wave‐induced yield loss, soybean needs improved reproductive and photosynthetic tolerance to high but increasingly common temperatures.  相似文献   

Studying the strategies of improving abiotic stress tolerance is quite imperative and research under this field will increase our understanding of response mechanisms to abiotic stress such as heat. The Hsp70 is an essential regulator of protein having the tendency to maintain internal cell stability like proper folding protein and breakdown of unfolded proteins. Hsp70 holds together protein substrates to help in movement, regulation, and prevent aggregation under physical and or chemical pressure. However, this review reports the molecular mechanism of heat shock protein 70 kDa (Hsp70) action and its structural and functional analysis, research progress on the interaction of Hsp70 with other proteins and their interaction mechanisms as well as the involvement of Hsp70 in abiotic stress responses as an adaptive defense mechanism.  相似文献   

Adaptive responses to past climate change may play an important role in the persistence of high‐mountain plants, which are vulnerable to global warming. Armeria caespitosa is a high‐mountain plant, endemic to the Iberian Central Range. Differences in abiotic environment along the elevational gradient impose two opposing stress gradients (i.e. water stress and duration of the growth season) on the species. Furthermore, the species is found in two interspersed, contrasting microhabitats (rocky outcrops and dry cryophilic grasslands) that have different effects on plants depending of the elevation. As a result of this, the species shows great among‐population variation in many reproductive and vegetative traits. We used a common garden approach to determine whether this phenotypic variation has a genetic basis or is the result of plastic responses shaped by heterogeneous environmental conditions. Plants from the high‐elevation edge and dry cryophilic grasslands flowered earlier and produced more viable fruits but were smaller. These results confirm that among‐population variation in flowering phenology and reproductive performance traits in A. caespitosa is partially genetically based. The results also show that the stronger selection response in favour of early‐flowering individuals in populations at the low‐elevation edge did not correspond with the greater proportion of early‐flowering individuals. Genetic variability associated with flowering onset may be relevant in coping with the impacts of ongoing global warming. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 176 , 384–395.  相似文献   

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