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In this work we report the first observational evidence of infanticide in wild hamadryas baboons. The study group inhabits the lowlands of the northern Rift Valley in Ethiopia and has been under observation for over 1,200 hr, on and off, since October 1996. Here we report observations from August and September 2002 of the consequences of two takeovers of known females with black infants. After the first takeover, the respective infant disappeared and was presumed dead within 11 days of the takeover. After the second takeover, the infant incurred repeated severe aggression from its mother's new leader male and eventually died 4 days after the takeover. We interpret these findings as support for the sexual selection hypothesis regarding male infanticide. We suggest that hamadryas leader males usually protect infants born into their units, but may withhold this protection-or even directly attack and kill infants-after takeovers.  相似文献   

Aggressive behavior by an adult male toward selected infants and their mothers was observed during a long-term study of reproduction in a captive social group of sooty mangabeys (Cercocebus atys). The highest-ranking adult male in this group was observed to attack and bite three neonates out of a total of 13 infants born in 1982. All three attacks were directed attacks in which infants were grabbed from their mothers and bitten in the head. The first infant was fatally injured; the other two probably would have sustained fatal wounds had the male's canines not been blunted beforehand and had observers not intervened. The attacks were preceded by a pattern in which the male persistently stalked or chased the mother-infant pairs, a behavior first observed in the hours immediately following parturition. Unlike attacks in wild baboon groups following male immigration, these attacks on infants occurred in a stable social group in which the male attacker had been a lifelong resident. This male, however, had gained alpha rank only 3 months before attacking the first infant. These attacks, in the context of other evidence of aggression and wounding, are discussed relative to current models of infanticide in primates.  相似文献   

One component of the “dual selection hypothesis” (Greenfield [1992a] Year. Phys. Anthropol. 35:153–185) is that the tips of female canines are commonly blunted and more frequently so than those of conspecific males. Data derived from two randomly selected age-graded samples of Macaca fascicularis (n = 70) and Colobus badius (n = 59) show that at least 80% of the females exhibit tip blunting on one or both canines and that frequencies of blunting are far greater than those of conspecific males in both jaws. Sexual dimorphism in mandibular canine morphology and wear and other recently critiqued aspects of the “dual selection hypothesis” (Plavcan and Kelley [1996] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 99:379–387.) are also discussed. Am J Phys Anthropol 107:87–97. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Reproductive character displacement--the evolution of traits that minimize reproductive interactions between species--can promote striking divergence in male signals or female mate preferences between populations that do and do not occur with heterospecifics. However, reproductive character displacement can affect other aspects of mating behaviour. Indeed, avoidance of heterospecific interactions might contribute to spatial (or temporal) aggregation of conspecifics. We examined this possibility in two species of hybridizing spadefoot toad (genus Spea). We found that in Spea bombifrons sympatric males were more likely than allopatric males to associate with calling males. Moreover, contrary to allopatric males, sympatric S. bombifrons males preferentially associated with conspecific male calls. By contrast, Spea multiplicata showed no differences between sympatry and allopatry in likelihood to associate with calling males. Further, sympatric and allopatric males did not differ in preference for conspecifics. However, allopatric S. multiplicata were more variable than sympatric males in their responses. Thus, in S. multiplicata, character displacement may have refined pre-existing aggregation behaviour. Our results suggest that heterospecific interactions can foster aggregative behaviour that might ultimately contribute to clustering of conspecifics. Such clustering can generate spatial or temporal segregation of reproductive activities among species and ultimately promote reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Since Sugiyama's [1965] first observations of infanticide, empirical evidence from a multitude of primate species has supported the sexual selection hypothesis-the idea that males enhance their reproductive success by killing nonrelated, unweaned infants to hasten the mothers' return to fertility. Like other primates that live in social groups where paternity certainty is high, the social structure of geladas [Theropithecus gelada] suggests that infanticide by males could enhance their reproductive success. Nevertheless, empirical evidence for infanticide in this species is limited to anecdotal accounts. Using the timing of infant mortality and female reproductive and behavioral data collected across 26 months from a population of geladas living in the Simien Mountains National Park, Ethiopia, we test whether sexually selected infanticide occurs in this species. We also examine two additional hypotheses [noninfanticide hypothesis and generalized aggression hypothesis] for this population. Results suggest that sexually selected infanticide in geladas may, indeed, be a threat to females with dependent infants. First, male takeovers-the most likely time for infanticide-were associated with subsequently elevated rates of infant death [a 32-fold increase] comprising nearly 60% of all infant mortality. Second, females who lost infants during this period returned to fertility more quickly than if infants had lived [IBIs were 50% shorter], and third, all of these females were observed to mate with the new male. We found little to no support for other hypotheses. Finally, these results raise the possibility that anecdotal reports [from previous studies and this study] of pregnancy termination, accelerated weaning, and deceptive sexual swellings may represent female counterstrategies to male infanticide in geladas.  相似文献   

长臂猿是唯一分布于我国的类人猿,也是我国近代历史上分布变化最明显、灭绝最快的灵长类之一。然而,关于长臂猿在历史上的分布变化以及造成这些变化的原因的研究比较有限,本文根据古文献记载,梳理了从明朝直到现在长臂猿在我国的分布变化,并对其原因进行了分析,结果表明:长臂猿的分布除了呈从东北向西南退缩的趋势之外,也围绕着各个主要分布区的中心地带向内收缩直至消失,现存的分布区仅剩下西南边陲与海南岛西北部。从遍布大半个中国内地缩减到只剩西南边陲,这种变化受多种因素影响,其中人类影响起到重要作用。  相似文献   

Current tests of the bright male hypothesis focus on assaysof adult disease resistance and their relation to male traitdevelopment and female choice. We suggest that if parasiteshave significant harmful effects on juvenile stages of a host,then females selecting males that effectively signal juvenileparasite resistance may gain a significant "good genes" benefit.Currently, there is no information on juvenile and adult infectionor resistance in the same male and whether adult male displayssignal juvenile parasite resistance. In the present study, wemeasure infection of the ectoparasitic louse, Myrsidea ptilonorhynchi,in individual male satin bowerbirds (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus)both as juveniles and nine or more years later as adults. Wetest hypotheses that examine the role of juvenile parasite infectionin mediating sexual selection. We found that (1) juvenile infectionis higher than adult infection in the same individuals, (2)adult males able to hold display sites have lower juvenile infection,and (3) juvenile and adult infection in the same individualsare not significantly correlated. In addition, comparisons amonga larger set of individuals from a single year show that bloodand ectoparasite infections are highly correlated, and bothdecrease with male age and are inversely related to male courtshipsuccess. These results, combined with the evidence that femalesmate exclusively with bower-holding males support the hypothesisthat females use adult male display traits to identify maleswith a high level of juvenile disease resistance. We suggestthat effective tests of the bright male hypothesis should include(1) assessment of infection resistance in both subadult andadult life history stages, (2) tests of whether differencesin age-specific resistance are indicated in adult male displays,and (3) tests to determine if females attend to these traitsin mate choice. Although these requirements increase the difficultyof testing the bright male hypothesis, they are necessary fora more accurate assessment of the effects of parasites on maledisplay and female choice.  相似文献   

Infanticide might be described as a reproductive strategy employed by anthropoid primate males when they immigrate into new groups. But infanticide has rarely been observed in wild prosimian primates. For the Malagasy lemurs this may reflect one or more of the following: strict breeding seasons; relative monomorphism in canine tooth and body size; small group sizes; male–female dominance relations; and male–female dyads within groups. We addressed the following questions: Do prosimian males commit infanticide in circumstances similar to those in which anthropoids do? and Is there any reproductive advantage for a highly seasonal breeder to commit infanticide? To help answer these questions, we describe the death of a 24-hr-old infant male Propithecus diadema edwardsi from wounds received during a fight between his mother, her adult daughter, and a newly immigrant male. Interbirth intervals between surviving offspring are 2 years for Propithecus diadema edwardsi; therefore, a male could dramatically shorten the time between reproductive windows by killing an infant. Whether this tactic would be favored by sexual selection cannot be addressed until more information has been collected on the length of interbirth interval due to infanticide relative to that of infant death by other causes; how social factors such as stability of breeding relationships affect long-term male reproductive success; how effective female counterstrategies are to prevent infanticide and/or whether they choose to mate with males that commit infanticide; and how often males that kill infants subsequently sire infants, particularly in groups that contain a resident male.  相似文献   

Although costs of mating have been widely documented in females,intrinsic costs of copulation have been poorly documented inmales, and there is little evidence that such costs constrainmale mating success under natural conditions. Male sagebrushcrickets, Cyphoderris strepitans, offer females an unusual somaticfood gift at copulation that may constitute a significant costof copulation: females chew on the ends of the males' fleshyhind wings and ingest hemolymph seeping from the wounds theyinflict. Previous studies have shown that once a male has mated,his probability of obtaining an additional copulation is reducedrelative to that of a virgin male seeking to secure his firstmating. If the future mating prospects of nonvirgin males arediminished because of the costs of copulation, this could stemeither from the resources required to manufacture a new spermatophoreor through the energy needed to replenish hemolymph lost throughfemale wing-feeding. To distinguish between these two alternatives,we experimentally depleted virgin males of varying amounts hemolymphin a way that mimicked hemolymph loss of nonvirgin males, withoutthe attendant costs of spermatophore production. After theyhad been treated, males were released in the field and recapturedover the course of the breeding season to monitor their matingsuccess. Control males mated significantly sooner than did malesdepleted of hemolymph. We conclude, therefore, that the depletionof hemolymph that occurs through female wing feeding is sufficientby itself to diminish a nonvirgin male's ability to secure anothermating.  相似文献   

The mating system is thought to be important in shaping animal intelligence and sexual selection has been depicted as a driver of cognitive evolution, either directly by promoting superior cognitive ability during mate competition, or indirectly via genic capture of sexually selected traits. However, it remains unclear if intensified sexual selection leads to general improvements in cognitive abilities. Here, we evaluated this hypothesis by applying experimental evolution in seed beetles. Replicate lines, maintained for 35 generations of either enforced monogamy (eliminating sexual selection) or polygamy, were challenged to locate and discriminate among mates (male assays) or host seeds (female assays) in a spatial chemosensory learning task. All lines displayed learning between trials. Moreover, polygamous males outperformed monogamous males, providing evidence that sexual selection can lead to the evolution of improved male cognition. However, there were no differences between regimes in rates of male learning, and polygamous females showed no improvement in host search and even signs of reduced learning. Hence, sexual selection increased performance in cognitively demanding mate search, but it did not lead to general increases in cognitive abilities. We discuss the possibility that sexually antagonistic selection is an important factor maintaining abundant genetic variation in cognitive traits.  相似文献   

The western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) is one of the most sexually dimorphic primate species. Mature males are twice the size of females and have grey fur on their backs and a fibrous, adipose crest on their heads. Such traits are likely to have evolved by sexual selection, either because they confer advantages during male-male fights or because females prefer males with more dimorphic traits. We developed photogrammetric methods for distance collection of morphological data from silverback males frequenting the Lokoué forest clearing in Odzala-Kokoua National Park, Republic of the Congo. Body length, head-crest size, musculature development, and extent of the grey color on the back were assessed in 87 nonbreeding and breeding mature males. Behavioral data were also collected during 312 male-male encounters involving 67 mature males in order to estimate their level of aggressiveness. The number of females belonging to a mature male positively correlated with the male crest size, body length, and musculature. Whereas morphological variables did not significantly affect the intensity of male-male encounters, the number of females attending male-male encounters strongly affected the number of agonistic displays by the two males. We discuss the mechanisms through which males with more exaggerated traits could obtain a mating advantage, namely male-male fights or female mate choice.  相似文献   

Infanticide by males has been hypothesized to be a naturally selected behavioral strategy that increases the infanticidal male's reproductive success. The sexual selection hypothesis has been challenged via alternative, nonadaptive hypotheses that dispute its empirical and theoretical bases. Two of the most widely recognized alternatives are the social pathology hypothesis, in which infanticide results from overcrowding or recent human disturbance, and the generalized aggression hypothesis, in which infanticide is an epiphenomenon of increased male aggression. We report the first case of infanticide in wild, seasonally breeding patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) living at a low population density in a stable habitat, conditions which do not support the social pathology hypothesis. Its exceptional occurrence is consistent with the sexual selection hypothesis: over a 7-year period the infanticidal male was the only one of 13 resident males that was not present during the actual conception season but was present during the following birth season. Also consistent with this hypothesis, mothers were differentially targeted for male aggression, which increased sevenfold during the days surrounding the infanticide and then decreased to baseline levels after the infanticide. Aggression targeted at mothers does not support the generalized aggression hypothesis. As predicted by the sexual selection hypothesis, females began soliciting mating immediately after the infanticide, despite its occurrence in the nonconceptive season.  相似文献   

Neonatal and birth weights of gibbons have mostly been reported for single individuals, and larger samples (n = 2–8) have apparently been published for only two species of gibbons (Hylobates lar and H. syndactylus). In addition, a critical examination of the few published neonatal weights of gibbons shows that several of them should not be used. Neonatal weights are here defined as weights taken on infants up to seven days old, whereas birth weights include only those taken on the day of birth. This paper presents neonatal weights for six representative species of gibbons (H. lar, H. leucogenys, H. moloch, H. muelleri, H. pileatus, H. syndactylus) and some of their hybrids. Most of our data stem from surviving animals that were subsequently hand-reared and include 80 infants, thus making the previously available dataset 5 times larger. Our neonatal weights fall roughly into three different classes: neonates of the lar group (about 390 g, n = 27), the concolor group (about 510 g, n = 7), and the siamang (about 540 g, n = 46). This grouping corresponds not only to taxonomic units within the hylobatids, but also to grouping of gibbons by adult body weight. No weight difference between males and females is evident in our sample, and hybrids of the lar group do not appear to differ in weight from pure species. True birth weights (i.e., weights recorded on the day of birth) are available for only a few individuals. These weights are, on average, 7% higher than neonatal weights, but the difference is not statistically significant. Additional samples of neonatal weights suggest that infants that die on the day of birth weigh, on average, 17% less, twins weigh 29% less, and infants born by Cesarean section weigh 19% more than our reference sample of neonates. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Selection of sleeping trees in pileated gibbons (Hylobates pileatus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Selection and use patterns of sleeping sites in nonhuman primates are suggested to have multiple functions, such as predation avoidance, but they might be further affected by range defense as well as foraging constraints or other factors. Here, we investigate sleeping tree selection by the male and female members of one group of pileated gibbons (Hylobates pileatus) at Khao Ang Rue Nai Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand. Data were collected on 113 nights, between September 2006 and January 2009, yielding data on 201 sleeping tree choices (107 by the female and 94 by the male) and on the characteristics of 71 individual sleeping trees. Each sleeping tree and all trees ≥40 cm diameter at breast height (DBH) in the home range were assessed (height, DBH, canopy structure, liana load) and mapped using a GPS. The gibbons preferentially selected tall (mean=38.5 m), emergent trees without lianas. The majority of the sleeping trees (53.5%) were used only once and consecutive reuse was rare (9.5%). Sleeping trees were closer to the last feeding tree of the evening than to the first feeding tree in the morning, and sleeping trees were located in the overlap areas with neighbors less often than expected based on time spent in these areas. These results suggest avoidance of predators as the main factor influencing sleeping tree selection in pileated gibbons. However, other non‐mutually exclusive factors may be involved as well. Am. J. Primatol. 72:617–625, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We report here one observed and two potential cases of infanticide during a brief period of 1 month after a dominant male replacement in one group of black capuchin monkeys in Iguazú National Park, Argentina. We also compile infant disappearances and demographic data in seven groups followed from 1-14 years. Behavioral and molecular data showed that the probability that an infanticidal male would kill his own progeny is very low in this species. Females that lost infants less than 6 months old had shorter interbirth intervals than females whose infants survived (14.12 ± 5.32 months, n=17 vs. 20.42 ± 5.65 months, n=34). Females whose infants die shortly after takeovers mate with the presumed infanticidal male during the most fertile days of their subsequent estrous periods giving this male a high probability of siring the new progeny. We recorded 181 proceptive periods and 52 births from 18 adult females in two groups. Most proceptive periods were concentrated during a conception season, but there was an increase in sexual behavior after male takeovers. Seven females copulated while pregnant after the observed male takeover, an unusual behavior in this species in years of group stability. Of 24 infants born during takeover years, 62.5% did not survive the first year, whereas only 22.5% of 80 infants died in years without male replacements. We found a significant positive association between infant mortality and male takeovers, but not with food provisioning. The main cause of infant mortality in this population is associated with male takeovers. Our results suggest that infanticide can have an important effect on the behavior of this species, selecting for female behaviors that function to reduce infanticide risk.  相似文献   

Male genital morphology in insects and arachnids is characterized by static hypoallometry and low intrapopulational levels of phenotypic variation relative to other male traits. The one-size-fits-all model of genital evolution attributes these patterns to stabilizing sexual selection. This model relies on the assumption that the observed patterns of variation and allometry reflect the form of sexual selection acting these traits. We test this by examining the patterns of scaling and trait variation for a set of genitalic and somatic morphological traits in male water striders (Aquarius remigis). This suite of traits is of particular interest because previous work has shown that the genitalic traits are under strong directional selection whereas the somatic traits are under either weak directional or stabilizing selection. Because the selection regime for these traits is known, we can, for the first time, test the purported relationship between trait variation, scaling, and the form of sexual selection. We show that the patterns of variation and scaling of these traits differ sharply from those predicted for traits experiencing strong directional sexual selection. Specifically, the male genital structures show static hypoallometry and low intrapopulational levels of phenotypic variation relative to other male traits, in spite of consistent, strong, directional sexual selection. These scaling relationships and levels of variation are typical of genital traits in other insect species, where they have been presumed to reflect stabilizing sexual selection. Our data clearly refute the assumption of the one-size-fits-all hypothesis that hypoallometric scaling of genitalic traits implies stabilizing selection. We discuss the implications of this finding and propose future directions for improving our current understanding of genital evolution in arthropods.  相似文献   

Confronting a recently mated female with a strange male can induce a pregnancy block ('Bruce effect'). The physiology of this effect is well studied, but its functional significance is still not fully understood. The 'anticipated infanticide hypothesis' suggests that the pregnancy block serves to avoid the cost of embryogenesis and giving birth to offspring that are likely to be killed by a new territory holder. Some 'compatible-genes sexual selection hypotheses' suggest that the likelihood of a pregnancy block is also dependent on the female's perception of the stud's and the stimulus male's genetic quality. We used two inbred strains of mice (C57BL/6 and BALB/c) to test all possible combinations of female strain, stud strain, and stimulus strain under experimental conditions (N(total) = 241 mated females). As predicted from previous studies, we found increased rates of pregnancy blocks if stud and stimulus strains differed, and we found evidence for hybrid vigour in offspring of between-strain mating. Despite the observed heterosis, pregnancies of within-strain matings were not more likely to be blocked than pregnancies of between-strain matings. A power analysis revealed that if we missed an existing effect (type-II error), the effect must be very small. If a female gave birth, the number and weight of newborns were not significantly influenced by the stimulus males. In conclusion, we found no support for the 'compatible-genes sexual selection hypotheses'.  相似文献   

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