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Chinese tomato yellow leaf curl virus--a new species of geminivirus   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
GeminivirusesareagroupofplantvirusescharacterizedbytheircircularsinglestrandedDNA(ssDNA)genomeandauniquegeminateparticlemorphology[1].Geminivirusesaredividedintothreesubgroupsonthebasisofgenomeorganizationandinsectvector:AllsubgroupIgeminivirusesareleaf…  相似文献   

Plants frequently engage in simultaneous interactions with diverse classes of biotic antagonists. Differential induction of plant defence pathways by these antagonists, and interactions between pathways, can have important ecological implications; however, these effects are currently not well understood. We explored how Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) influenced the performance of its vector (Bemisia tabaci) and a non‐vector herbivore (Tetranychus urticae) occurring separately or together on tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum). TYLCV enhanced the performance of B. tabaci, although this effect was statistically significant only in the absence of T. urticae, which adversely affected B. tabaci performance regardless of infection status. In contrast, the performance of T. urticae was enhanced (only) by the combined presence of TYLCV and B. tabaci. Analyses of phytohormone levels and defence gene expression in wild‐type tomatoes and various plant‐defence mutants indicate that the enhancement of herbivore performance (for each species) entails the disruption of downstream defences in the jasmonic acid (JA) pathway. For T. urticae, this disruption appears to involve antagonistic effects of salicylic acid (SA), which is cumulatively induced to high levels by B. tabaci and TYLCV. In contrast, TYLCV was found to suppress JA‐mediated responses to B. tabaci via mechanisms independent of SA.  相似文献   

Cultures of Bemisia tabaci from Ivory Coast (IC), Pakistan (PK) and USA (US B-type) were compared for the frequency with which they transmitted three tomato geminivirus isolates: Indian tomato leaf curl virus from Bangalore (ITmLCV), and tomato yellow leaf curl viruses from Nigeria (TYLCV-Nig) and Senegal (TYLCV-Sen). Frequency of transmission from tomato to tomato depended both on the whitefly culture and the virus isolate. US B-type and IC whiteflies transmitted TYLCV-Sen more frequently than ITmLCV whereas PK whiteflies transmitted ITmLCV more frequently than TYLCV-Sen. US B-type whiteflies transmitted both viruses four to nine times more frequently than IC whiteflies. TYLCV-Nig was transmitted rarely by US B-type and not at all by IC whiteflies. Previous work indicates that the geminivirus coat protein controls vector transmissibility. The differential adaptation of TYLCV-Sen to transmission by US B-type whiteflies and of ITmLCV to PK whiteflies was associated with a large difference in epitope profile of the coat proteins of the two viruses. Also, the readily transmissible TYLCV-Sen differed appreciably in epitope profile from the poorly transmissible TYLCV-Nig, which reached a consistently greater concentration in source tissues but lacked epitope 18. However, the lack of epitope 18 in ITmLCV did not prevent its transmission by US B-type whiteflies. Differences in frequency and specificity of geminivirus transmission by whitefly cultures from different countries therefore were associated with differences among epitope profiles of the coat proteins of the viruses, but the structural features of the proteins that control transmission remain to be determined.  相似文献   

为探讨番茄与玉米间套作对烟粉虱的趋避效应及控制番茄黄化曲叶病毒病的效果,设置番茄品种‘金山511'以固定株行距与玉米品种‘先玉335'分别以10、20、30 cm的播种株距进行间作套种,调查3种栽培方式对烟粉虱屏障效应及黄化曲叶病毒病发生的影响。结果表明: 与番茄单作相比,玉米植株建立起的自然屏障使番茄生长环境相对稳定,玉米播种株距为10、20、30 cm时,番茄植株在6:00—20:00的平均温度分别降低3.01、2.26和1.45 ℃,平均相对湿度分别提高13.0%、8.8%、6.0%,平均光照强度分别降低26.1%、20.4%和14.5%;在每日的高温时段可显著降低番茄温度,提高湿度,减少光照强度,有效缓解强光、高温和干旱等有利于病毒病发生的不良环境条件,且在玉米播种距离为10 cm时效果最好。番茄间作玉米对烟粉虱有趋避效应,能抑制番茄黄化曲叶病毒病的发生,玉米株距为10、20、30 cm时,烟粉虱虫口数分别比单作减少88.7%、82.0%、73.9%,对病毒病的抑制作用呈减弱趋势,间作病情指数分别显著降低67.3%、59.4%和44.5%。玉米/番茄间作的种植模式有利于番茄植株生长和坐果,可提升番茄产量,玉米种植密度越高,效果越好,本试验条件下以玉米种植株距10 cm效果最好。  相似文献   

The incidence of disease caused by tobacco leaf curl geminivirus (TbLCV) in ten tobacco growing areas of India ranged from 1.2% to 77%. The highest incidence of disease was observed in Andhra Pradesh (77%) followed by Gujarat (59%), Karnataka (17%), Bihar (11.6%) and West Bengal (5.4%). Under field conditions, an average of 32 adult whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci) per plant were recorded in Andhra Pradesh followed by Gujarat (20), Karnataka (12), Bihar (8) and West Bengal (5). In sequential sowings at Bangalore, all the plants were infected within 90 days in plots planted from February to June. Infection in plots planted later was progressively less. There was a positive correlation between whitefly catches and the final incidence of leaf curl disease in plantings. TbLCV was transmitted by Bemisia tabaci to 35 plant species, including Beta vulgaris, Capsicum annuum, Carica papaya, Cymopsis tetragonoloba, Lycopersicon esculentum, Sesamum indicum, Phaseolus vulgaris and Petunia hybrida. Forty five TbLCV isolates from different parts of India induced four distinct types of symptoms on tobacco cultivars Samsun and Anand 119. Group 1 isolates caused severe curling and cup-shaped enations; group II isolates induced pale green leaves, pit-like depressions and thorny enations: group III isolates caused leathery leaves, narrow and tiny protruding enations between the veins, and group IV isolates induced irregular thickening and swelling of veins and green flap-like enations on veins. Nylon net covers protected tobacco seedlings in nursery beds for 45 days. Ricinus communis and Helianthus annuus sown around the tobacco nursery bed as barrier crops attracted adult whiteflies and decreased the number found on tobacco.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy/autophagy plays an important role against pathogen infection in mammals and plants. However, little has been known about the role of autophagy in the interactions of insect vectors with the plant viruses, which they transmit. Begomoviruses are a group of single-stranded DNA viruses and are exclusively transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci in a circulative manner. In this study, we found that the infection of a begomovirus, tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) could activate the autophagy pathway in the Middle East Asia Minor 1 (MEAM1) species of the B. tabaci complex as evidenced by the formation of autophagosomes and ATG8-II. Interestingly, the activation of autophagy led to the subsequent degradation of TYLCV coat protein (CP) and genomic DNA. While feeding the whitefly with 2 autophagy inhibitors (3-methyladenine and bafilomycin A1) and silencing the expression of Atg3 and Atg9 increased the viral load; autophagy activation via feeding of rapamycin notably decreased the amount of viral CP and DNA in the whitefly. Furthermore, we found that activation of whitefly autophagy could inhibit the efficiency of virus transmission; whereas inhibiting autophagy facilitated virus transmission. Taken together, these results indicate that TYLCV infection can activate the whitefly autophagy pathway, which leads to the subsequent degradation of virus. Furthermore, our report proves that an insect vector uses autophagy as an intrinsic antiviral program to repress the infection of a circulative-transmitted plant virus. Our data also demonstrate that TYLCV may replicate and trigger complex interactions with the insect vector.  相似文献   

Chine tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV-CHI) and other geminiviruses were analysed with 20 monoclonaI antibodies. It was shown that TYLCV-CHI is serclogicaIly close to Chinese tabacco Ieaf curl virus (TbLCV-CHI). The fragment of TYLCV-CHI DNA including the common region (CR), N-terminal of coat protein gene and AV1 gene was amplified by PCR and cloned, and its DNA sequence was determined. These raults showed that TYLCV-CHI is different from other known geminiviruses in the world, and is a new whitefly-transmitted gerninivirus. Project supported by tile National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 39470034) and Chins-Israel Fund for Scientific and Strategic Reserch and Development. The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper will appear in the DDBJ, EMBL and Genebank nucleotide sequence databases with the accession number D88773.  相似文献   

The leaf disc agroinoculation system was applied to study tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) replication in explants from susceptible and resistant tomato genotypes. This system was also evaluated as a potential selection tool in breeding programmes for TYLCV resistance. Leaf discs were incubated with a head-to-tail dimer of the TYLCV genome cloned into the Ti plasmid ofAgrobacterium tumefaciens. In leaf discs from susceptible cultivars (Lycopersicon esculentum) TYLCV single-stranded genomic DNA and its double-stranded DNA forms appeared within 2–5 days after inoculation. Whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci) efficiently transmitted the TYLCV disease to tomato test plants following acquisition feeding on agroinoculated tomato leaf discs. This indicates that infective viral particles have been produced and have reached the phloem cells of the explant where they can be acquired by the insects. Plants regenerated from agroinfected leaf discs of sensitive tomato cultivars exhibited disease symptoms and contained TYLCV DNA concentrations similar to those present in field-infected tomato plants, indicating that TYLCV can move out from the leaf disc into the regenerating plant. Leaf discs from accessions of the wild tomato species immune to whitefly-mediated inoculation,L. chilense LA1969 andL. hirsutum LA1777, did not support TYLCV DNA replication. Leaf discs from plants tolerant to TYLCV issued from breeding programmes behaved like leaf discs from susceptible cultivars.The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field and Vegetable Crops  相似文献   

烟粉虱和温室粉虱在甘蓝上的刺探取食行为比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用刺吸电波图技术研究B型、ZHJ_1型烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)和温室粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum(Westwood)在甘蓝上的取食行为,将3种粉虱的电波图进行比较,其中,B型和ZHJ_1型烟粉虱记录到np,C,pd,E1,E2,F和G波7种波形,温室粉虱只记录到刺探波形,少有取食波形。B型的20个记录中只有1个没有持续吸食波形;ZHJ_1型的25个记录中有10个记录没有持续吸食波形;温室粉虱没有持续吸食记录。甘蓝叶片韧皮部的结构或汁液的化学成分与温室粉虱的抗性密切相关。  相似文献   

Abstract To better understand the etiology of begomovirus epidemics in regions under invasion we need to know how indigenous and invasive whitefly vectors respond to virus infection. We investigated both direct and indirect effects of infection with Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) on the performance of the invasive Q biotype and the indigenous Asian ZHJ2 biotype of whitefly Bemisia tabaci. The Q biotype performed better than the ZHJ2 biotype on either uninfected or virus‐infected tomato plants. However, virus‐infection of host plants did not, or only marginally affected, the performance of either biotype of whiteflies in terms of fecundity, longevity, survival, development and population increase. Likewise, association of the vectors with TYLCV did not affect fecundity and longevity of the Q or ZHJ2 biotypes on cotton, a non‐host of TYLCV. These results indicate that the alien Q biotype whitefly, but not the indigenous ZHJ2 biotype, is likely to become the major vector of TYLCV in the field and facilitate virus epidemics.  相似文献   

【目的】烟粉虱 Bemisia tabaci 是番茄黄曲叶病毒(Tomato yellow leaf curl virus, TYLCV)在自然界的唯一传播媒介,除了可以直接取食获取TYLCV,烟粉虱还可以通过交配获取此植物病毒。虽然前人研究证明了烟粉虱Middle East-Asia Minor 1 (MEAM1)和Mediterranean (MED)隐种都可以通过交配在两性个体之间水平传播TYLCV,但有关MEAM1与MED隐种水平传播TYLCV的能力是否存在差异,不同研究的结果却并不一致。另外,目前尚无关于烟粉虱的水平传播行为是否有助于TYLCV在田间扩散的相关研究。【方法】从浙江、广东、云南和河南4个省份的田间采集MEAM1和MED隐种烟粉虱种群,在室内应用分子标记对各种群所属隐种鉴定后分别建立7个供试种群,然后观察每个种群内带毒成虫与不带毒成虫通过交配在不同性别个体之间水平传播TYLCV的能力,并选用采自广东的MEAM1隐种烟粉虱模拟群体交配实验探究通过交配获毒的烟粉虱个体是否具有传播TYLCV致健康番茄植株发病的能力。【结果】4个省内的MEAM1和MED隐种烟粉虱都可通过交配对TYLCV进行水平传播,但传播频率一般在10%以下。不同省份的MEAM1隐种种群之间在水平传播TYLCV的能力上无显著差异,不同省份的MED隐种种群之间也不存在显著差异。另外,同一省份的MEAM1隐种与MED隐种之间在水平传播TYLCV的能力上也不存在显著差异,而且在两个隐种中,带毒雄虫将病毒水平传播给不带毒雌虫与带毒雌虫将病毒水平传播给不带毒雄虫的频率没有显著差异。研究还表明,采自广东的MEAM1隐种烟粉虱个体通过交配水平获毒后不能致健康番茄植株发病。【结论】综合以上结果,我们推测TYLCV在中国境内两个入侵烟粉虱隐种MEAM1和MED各自种群内个体之间的水平传播概率较低,对该病毒在田间的扩散可能没有作用或作用不大。  相似文献   

Encarsia formosa Gahan (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), a thelytokous parasitoid, is an important biological control agent of whiteflies because of its outstanding reproduction and host‐feeding ability. In this study, we evaluated the parasitism, host feeding and developmental time of E. formosa populations reared on Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (EFT) or on Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (EFB) when different nymphal instars of the castor whitefly, Trialeurodes ricini (Misra), were offered as hosts, with an aim to understand the preference of the parasitoid on nymphal instars of T. ricini. Experiments were conducted on castor bean plants at 26 ± 2°C, 50–60% RH and 16 : 8 (L : D) photoperiod. The results showed that E. formosa successfully oviposited and fed on all nymphal instars of T. ricini. However, numbers of the first instars fed on by the E. formosa populations reared on T. vaporariorum (EFT) and B. tabaci (EFB) were significantly greater (45.9 and 31.3, respectively) than those of the second (EFT: 30.4 and EFB: 15.8), the third (EFT: 22.4 and EFB: 13.2) and the fourth nymphal instars (EFT: 6.0 and EFB: 3.8). The number of T. ricini nymphs parasitized by E. formosa varied significantly among different instars, and the parasitism rates on the first instar (EFT: 15.2; EFB: 7.7) and fourth instar (EFT: 19.3; EFB: 4.9) were greater than those on the second and third instars. Encarsia formosa reared on T. vaporariorum had a significantly higher host feeding and ovipositing potential on T. ricini than EFB. When parasitizing the fourth instar nymphs, E. formosa completed development in a significantly shorter time (12.9 day) than when ovipositing in other instars (17.8–19.1 day). These results showed that EFT had a better host adaption than EFB. The information from this study should be useful for us to better understand the performance and nymphal preference of E. formosa from T. vaporariorum and B. tabaci when they parasitized and fed on T. ricini, and the interactions of parasitoids with different host whitefly species.  相似文献   

Our current knowledge concerning the transmission of begomoviruses by the whitefly vector Bemisia tabaci is based mainly on research performed on the Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) complex and on a number of viruses originating from the Old World, such as Tomato leaf curl virus, and from the New World, including Abutilon mosaic virus, Tomato mottle virus, and Squash leaf curl virus. In this review we discuss the characteristics of acquisition, transmission and retention of begomoviruses by the whitefly vector, concentrating on the TYLCV complex, based on both published and recent unpublished data. We describe the cells and organs encountered by begomoviruses in B. tabaci. We show immunolocalisation of TYLCV to the B. tabaci stylet food canal and to the proximal part of the descending midgut, and TYLCV‐specific labelling was also associated with food in the lumen. The microvilli and electron‐dense material in the epithelial cells of the gut wall were also labelled by the anti TYLCV serum, pointing to a possible virus translocation route through the gut wall and to a putative site of long‐term virus storage. We describe the path of begomoviruses in their vector B. tabaci and in the non‐vector whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum, and we follow the rate of virus translocation in these insects. We discuss TYLCV transmission between B. tabaci during mating, probably by exchange of haemolymph. We show that following a short acquisition access to infected tomato plants, TYLCV remains associated with the B. tabaci vector for weeks, while the virus is undetectable after a few hours in the non‐vector T. vaporariorum. The implications of the long‐term association of TYLCV with B. tabaci in the light of interactions of the begomovirus with insect receptors are discussed.  相似文献   

Sporadic outbreaks of potato yellow vein disease (PYVD) were first observed in the early 1940's by potato growers in Antioquia, Colombia. Long known to be transmitted by the greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum), the precise identity of its causal agent (presumably viral in nature) has remained obscure. Here, we present evidence that a closterovirus with a bipartite genome, potato yellow vein virus (PYVV), is associated with PYVD. Electrophoretic analysis revealed that diseased tissue contains 4–5 disease‐specific dsRNAs ranging in size from c. 9 000–1 800 bp. RT‐PCR reactions containing pairs of degenerate primers directed against conserved motifs in the closterovirus heat‐shock protein homologue produced products of the expected sizes. Comparison of the corresponding amino acid sequences revealed striking similarities between PYVV and two bipartite, whitefly‐transmitted criniviruses, Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder and Tomato chlorosis viruses. Epidemiological surveys carried out in Rionegro, Colombia identified Polygonum mepalense, Polygonum spp., Rumex obtusifolium, Tagetes spp., and Catharanthus roseus as potential viral reservoirs. PYVV is transmitted through tubers, and visual symptoms alone cannot be used to determine infection status. A sensitive hybridisation‐based assay for PYVV has been developed for use in seed certification programmes.  相似文献   

双生病毒可通过调控寄主植物促进媒介昆虫烟粉虱种群增长,然而病毒侵染植物后是否通过调控植物挥发物来影响烟粉虱及其天敌的嗅觉反应还未见报道。【目的】本文旨在研究烟草植株感染中国番茄黄化曲叶病毒(Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus,TYLCCNV)后对烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)及其重要寄生性天敌海氏桨角蚜小蜂Eretmocerus hayati(Zolnerowich and Rose)嗅觉反应行为的影响。【方法】利用Y形嗅觉仪方法,我们测试了烟粉虱及海氏桨角蚜小蜂对带毒植株、健康植株及烟粉虱危害植株的选择偏好性。【结果】烟粉虱及海氏桨角蚜小蜂选择携带TYLCCNV病毒的烟草显著多于健康烟草植株,但烟草被病毒与烟粉虱共同侵染时,烟粉虱对带毒烟草的选择仍显著多于无毒植株,而寄生蜂虽然仍较多选择带毒植株,但无显著差异。【结论】这些结果表明烟粉虱及海氏桨角蚜小蜂偏好选择携带TYLCCNV病毒的烟草,但这种偏好作用在烟粉虱取食共同危害时有一定程度的减弱。本研究首次报道了双生病毒侵染植物可增加烟粉虱及其天敌对植物的选择作用,并就其功能及机制进行了讨论。  相似文献   

番茄黄化曲叶病毒的快速分子检测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Li CB  Cui YL  Zhang LY  Li CY 《遗传》2012,34(3):366-370
番茄黄化曲叶病毒是当前世界范围内危害番茄生产的毁灭性病害。文章针对番茄黄化曲叶病毒全基因组序列的特异区段自主设计了1对特异性PCR引物(上游引物TYLCV-F:5′-ACGCATGCCTCTAATCCAGTGTA-3′,下游引物TYLCV-R:5′-CCAATAAGGCGTAAGCGTGTAGAC-3′),依据PCR扩增特异片段543 bp的有无可以快速、准确、高效、特异地检测出是否感染了TYLCV病毒,这项技术可以方便地应用到工厂化育苗的带毒性检测、蔬菜大规模生产中植株发病情况的快速检测以及抗病毒育种,从而为蔬菜安全可持续生产提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

李常保  崔彦玲  张丽英  李传友 《遗传》2012,34(3):366-370
番茄黄化曲叶病毒是当前世界范围内危害番茄生产的毁灭性病害。文章针对番茄黄化曲叶病毒全基因组序列的特异区段自主设计了1对特异性PCR引物(上游引物TYLCV-F:5′-ACGCATGCCTCTAATCCAGTGTA-3′, 下游引物TYLCV-R:5′-CCAATAAGGCGTAAGCGTGTAGAC-3′), 依据PCR扩增特异片段543 bp的有无可以快速、准确、高效、特异地检测出是否感染了TYLCV病毒, 这项技术可以方便地应用到工厂化育苗的带毒性检测、蔬菜大规模生产中植株发病情况的快速检测以及抗病毒育种, 从而为蔬菜安全可持续生产提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

Abstract Fitness and efficacy of Encarsia sophia (Girault & Dodd) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) as a biological control agent was compared on two species of whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) hosts, the relatively smaller sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype ‘B’, and the larger greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood). Significant differences were observed on green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the laboratory at 27 ± 2°C, 55%± 5% RH, and a photoperiod of 14: 10 h (L: D). Adult parasitoids emerging from T. vaporariorum were larger than those emerging from B. tabaci, and almost all biological parameters of E. sophia parasitizing the larger host species were superior except for the developmental times of the parasitoids that were similar when parasitizing the two host species. Furthermore, parasitoids emerging from T. vaporariorum parasitized more of these hosts than did parasitoids emerging from B. tabaci. We conclude that E. sophia reared from larger hosts had better fitness than from smaller hosts. Those from either host also preferred the larger host for oviposition but were just as effective on smaller hosts. Therefore, larger hosts tended to produce better parasitoids than smaller hosts.  相似文献   

Tomato line LA1478 and Pusa Ruby were resistant to tomato leaf curl virus (TLCV) disease. They registered higher plant height, number of branches, total phenol content and yield per plant than the other cultivars. Variety Peto 86 was tolerant to the disease while the other popular tomato cultivars, i.e. Ace, Early Pack, Money Maker, Prichard and Strain B were highly susceptible to the disease. Plant height and number of branches per plant revealed significantly positive association with fruit yield per plant. The disease index of TLCV exhibited significant negative correlations with plant height, total phenol content and fruit yield per plant – 0–4 and 5–25 adult whiteflies were observed on resistant susceptible cultivars. In the case of epiphytically colonisation by Beauveria bassiana conidia, not all developing hyphae on the leaf surface penetrated the whitefly cuticle. Many of the germ tubes elongated to a short distance before terminating its growth. On the other hand, the rapid staining of tomato tissues injected with B. bassiana conidial suspension indicates that the entomopathogenic fungus was established inside tomato tissues until the end time of the trial. The direct injection with the spore suspension yielded high post-colonisation, where the fungus was recovered from sites distant from the point of inoculation. This indicates that the fungus has the potential to move throughout the plant tissues. Laboratory bioassay of tomato whitefly feeding on tomato tissues containing B. bassiana conidial spores indicates that plant endophytic colonisation with entomopathogenic fungi may reduce insect survival on these plants. LT50 values of the test diet were between three and four days. The mortality of Bemisia tabaci was high in the case of endophytically colonisation compared to epiphytically one (90.0% compared to 10.0% during three days) for whiteflies fed tomato tissues containing 1.5 × 107 B. bassiana spores/ml. Application of B. bassiana as an artificial endophyte inside tomato plants can be an important component in the integrated control of tomato whiteflies. The endophytic colonising can achieve biocontrol effect based on induced disease resistance in plant tissues. According the available references, this is the first report on B. tabaci controlling by plant endophytic treatment.  相似文献   

【目的】明确不同烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)生物型在新疆地区的区域分布及其携带番茄黄化曲叶病毒的情况。【方法】本文利用烟粉虱mtDNA COⅠ基因片段作标记以及番茄黄化曲叶病毒(tomato yellow leaf curl virus, TYLCV)特异性引物, 鉴定新疆不同地区烟粉虱生物型, 并检测其携带TYLCV情况。【结果】石河子市、 博乐市、 岳普湖县、 泽普县、 叶城县、 莎车县、 墨玉县、 和田市与和田县烟粉虱属于B型烟粉虱, 且720 bp COⅠ基因序列一致性为100%; 阿克苏市、 哈密市、 鄯善县、 乌鲁木齐市、 克拉玛依市与伊宁市烟粉虱属于Q型烟粉虱, 720 bp COⅠ基因序列一致性为99.9%~100%; 吐鲁番市与库尔勒市兼有B型烟粉虱和Q型烟粉虱。伊宁市、 乌鲁木齐市、 鄯善县、 哈密市、 阿克苏市、 库尔勒市、 莎车县、 和田县和墨玉县的烟粉虱样本携带TYLCV, 除2011年底已经暴发危害的莎车县外, 其他区域均为番茄黄化曲叶病毒病发生的高风险区域。【结论】本研究为新疆地区烟粉虱及番茄黄化曲叶病毒病的科学防控提供依据。  相似文献   

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