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It has been shown recently that autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa may be caused by point mutations of the rhodopsin gene in a portion of families. In this communication, a large six-generation family with autosomal dominant RP is described. Molecular analysis by PCR amplification followed by restriction digestion or heteroduplex analysis suggested a point mutation in codon 347, in which two different mutations (Pro-347-Ser and Pro-347-Leu) have already been reported. Direct sequencing of the patients' DNA revealed a previously undescribed CCG----CGG transversion in codon 347 predicting a Pro----Arg substitution. Ophthalmological data of the patients are summarized and compared to those of patients with other mutations in the rhodopsin gene.  相似文献   

We inserted into the germline of mice either a mutant or wild-type allele from a patient with retinitis pigmentosa and a missense mutation (P23H) in the rhodopsin gene. All three lines of transgenic mice with the mutant allele developed photoreceptor degeneration; the one with the least severe retinal photoreceptor degeneration had the lowest transgene expression, which was one-sixth the level of endogenous murine rod opsin. Of two lines of mice with the wild-type allele, one expressed approximately equal amounts of transgenic and murine opsin and maintained normal retinal function and structure. The other expressed approximately 5 times more transgenic than murine opsin and developed a retinal degeneration similar to that found in mice carrying a mutant allele, presumably due to the overexpression of this protein. Our findings help to establish the pathogenicity of mutant human P23H rod opsin and suggest that overexpression of wild-type human rod opsin leads to a remarkably similar photoreceptor degeneration.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP) has recently been linked to locus D3S47 (probe C17), with no recombination, in a single large Irish family. Other ADRP pedigrees have shown linkage at zero recombination, linkage with recombination, and no linkage, demonstrating genetic heterogeneity. The gene encoding rhodopsin, the rod photoreceptor pigment, is closely linked to locus D3S47 on chromosome 3q. A point mutation changing a conserved proline to histidine in the 23d codon of the gene has been demonstrated in affected members of one ADRP family and in 17 of 148 unrelated ADRP patients. We have sequenced the rhodopsin gene in a C17-linked ADRP family and have identified in the 4th exon and in-frame 3-bp deletion which deletes one of the two isoleucine monomers at codons 255 and 256. This mutation was not found in 30 other unrelated ADRP families. The deletion has arisen in the sequence TCATCATCAT, deleting one of a run of three x 3-bp repeats. The mechanism by which this occurred may be similar to that which creates length variation in so-called mini- and microsatellites. Thus ADRP is an extremely heterogeneous disorder which can result from a range of defects in rhodopsin and which can have a locus or loci elsewhere in the genome.  相似文献   

Point mutations found in rhodopsin associated with the retinal degenerative disease retinitis pigmentosa have been expressed in mammalian COS-1 cells, purified, and characterised. The mutations characterised-most of them for the first time-have been Met44Thr, Gly114Asp, Arg135Leu, Val137Met, and Pro171Leu in the transmembrane domain; Leu328Pro and Ala346Pro in the C-terminal tail of the cytoplasmic domain; and Gly106Trp in the intradiscal domain. Several of these mutations cause misfolding which results in impaired 11-cis-retinal binding. Two of them, Met44Thr and Val137Met, show spectral and structural features similar to those of wild type rhodopsin (Type I mutants) but significantly increased transducin initial activation rates. We propose that, in the case of these mutants, abnormal functioning resulting in faster activation kinetics could also play a role in retinitis pigmentosa by altering the stoichiometric balance of the different proteins involved in the phototransduction biochemical reactions.  相似文献   

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of retinal degenerative diseases that are characterised primarily by the loss of rod photoreceptor cells. Mutations in rhodopsin are the most common cause of autosomal-dominant RP (ADRP). Here, we propose a new classification for rhodopsin mutations based on their biochemical and cellular properties. Several different potential gain-of-function mechanisms for rhodopsin ADRP are described and discussed. Possible dominant-negative mechanisms, which affect the processing, translocation or degradation of wild-type rhodopsin, are also considered. Understanding the molecular and cellular consequences of rod-opsin mutations and the underlying disease mechanisms in ADRP are essential to develop future therapies for this class of retinal dystrophies.  相似文献   

By screening patients with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa for mutations in the rhodopsin gene, two deletions (8bp and 1bp) have been identified in exon 5; these deletions cause a shift in the reading frame. The predicted proteins should be radically altered with translation continuing past the normal stop signal and resulting in a rhodopsin molecule that is, respectively, 1 and 10 amino acids longer. The clinical phenotype of the patients is described and is compared with that associated with other mutations in the same region of the gene.  相似文献   

The visual photoreceptor rhodopsin undergoes a series of conformational changes upon light activation, eventually leading to the active metarhodopsin II conformation, which is able to bind and activate the G-protein, transducin. We have previously shown that mutant rhodopsins G51V and G89D, associated with retinitis pigmentosa, present photobleaching patterns characterized by the formation of altered photointermediates whose nature remained obscure. Our current detailed UV-visible spectroscopic analysis, together with functional characterization, indicate that these mutations influence the relative stability of the different metarhodopsin photointermediates by altering their equilibria and maintaining the receptor in a nonfunctional light-induced conformation that may be toxic to photoreceptor cells. We propose that G51V and G89D shift the equilibrium from metarhodopsin I towards an intermediate, recently named as metarhodopsin Ib, proposed to interact with transducin without activating it. This may be one of the causes contributing to the molecular mechanisms underlying cell death associated with some retinitis pigmentosa mutations.  相似文献   

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of genetically heterogeneous retinal degenerations that can be autosomal dominant (ADRP), autosomal recessive (ARRP), or X-linked. Approximately 30% of ADRP patients show point mutations or small deletions in the rhodopsin gene. However, over 50% of the RP patients are simplex cases (sporadic). Screening for mutations in the rhodopsin gene of 33 patients with simplex RP by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was carried out. One patient, with D-type (diffuse) RP and consanguineous parents, showed an altered electrophoretic pattern for the 5 half of exon 1. Direct sequencing revealed a new mutation ATG to ACG in codon 44; this predicts a change of Met-44-Thr in rhodopsin. The position and amino acid substitution suggest that this mutation causes the RP phenotype. Implications for genetic counselling are discussed.  相似文献   

Ten rhodopsin mutations have been found in a screen of 282 subjects with retinitis pigmentosa (RP), 76 subjects with Leber congenital amaurosis, and 3 subjects with congenital stationary night blindness. Eight of these mutations (gly51-to-ala, val104-to-ile, gly106-to-arg, arg135-to-gly, cys140-to-ser, gly188-to-glu, val209-to-met, and his211-to-arg) produce amino acid substitutions, one (gln64-to-ter) introduces a stop codon, and one changes a guanosine in the intron 4 consensus splice donor sequence to thymidine. Cosegregation of RP with gln64-to-ter, gly106-to-arg, arg135-to-gly, cys140-to-ser, gly188-to-glu, his211-to-arg, and the splice site guanosine-to-thymidine indicates that these mutations are likely to cause retinal disease. Val104-to-ile does not cosegregate and is therefore unlikely to be related to retinal disease. The relevance of gly51-to-ala and val209-to-met remains to be determined. The finding of gln64-to-ter in a family with autosomal dominant RP is in contrast to a recent report of a recessive disease phenotype associated with the rhodopsin mutation glu249-to-ter. In the present screen, all of the mutations that cosegregate with retinal disease were found among patients with RP. The mutations described here bring to 35 the total number of amino acid substitutions identified thus far in rhodopsin that are associated with RP. The distribution of the substitutions along the polypeptide chain is significantly nonrandom: 63% of the substitutions involve those 19% of amino acids that are identical among vertebrate visual pigments sequenced to date.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP) has shown linkage to the chromosome 3q marker C17 (D3S47) in two large adRP pedigrees known as TCDM1 and adRP3. On the basis of this evidence the rhodopsin gene, which also maps to 3q, was screened for mutations which segregated with the disease in adRP patients, and several have now been identified. However, we report that, as yet, no rhodopsin mutation has been found in the families first linked to C17. Since no highly informative marker system is available in the rhodopsin gene, it has not been possible to measure the genetic distance between rhodopsin and D3S47 accurately. We now present a linkage analysis between D3S47 and the rhodopsin locus (RHO) in five proven rhodopsin-retinitis pigmentosa (rhodopsin-RP) families, using the causative mutations as highly informative polymorphic markers. The distance, between RHO and D3S47, obtained by this analysis is theta = .12, with a lod score of 4.5. This contrast with peak lod scores between D3S47 and adRP of 6.1 at theta = .05 and 16.5 at theta = 0 in families adRP3 and TCDM1, respectively. These data would be consistent with the hypothesis that TCDM1 and ADRP3 represent a second adRP locus on chromosome 3q, closer to D3S47 than is the rhodopsin locus. This result shows that care must be taken when interpreting adRP exclusion data generated with probe C17 and that it is probably not a suitable marker for predictive genetic testing in all chromosome 3q-linked adRP families.  相似文献   

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is the most prevalent human retinopathy of genetic origin. Chromosomal locations for X-linked RP and autosomal dominant RP genes have recently been established. Multipoint analyses with ADRP and seven markers on the long arm of chromosome 3 demonstrate that the gene for rhodopsin, the pigment of the rod photoreceptors, cosegregates with the disease locus with a maximum lod score of approximately 19, implicating rhodopsin as a causative gene. Recent studies have indicated the presence of a point mutation at codon 23 in exon 1 of rhodopsin which results in the substitution of histidine for the highly conserved amino acid proline, suggesting that this mutation is a cause of rhodopsin-linked ADRP. This mutation is not present in the Irish pedigree in which ADRP has been mapped close to rhodopsin. Another mutation in the rhodopsin gene or in a gene closely linked to rhodopsin may be involved. Moreover, the gene in a second ADRP pedigree, with Type II late onset ADRP, does not segregate with chromosome 3q markers, indicating that nonallelic as well as perhaps allelic genetic heterogeneity exists in the autosomal dominant form of this disease.  相似文献   

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a heterogeneous group of hereditary disorders of the retina caused by mutation in genes of the photoreceptor proteins with an autosomal dominant (adRP), autosomal recessive (arRP), or X-linked pattern of inheritance. Although there are over 100 identified mutations in the opsin gene associated with RP, only a few of them are inherited with the arRP pattern. E150K is the first reported missense mutation associated with arRP. This opsin mutation is located in the second cytoplasmic loop of this G protein-coupled receptor. E150K opsin expressed in HEK293 cells and reconstituted with 11-cis-retinal displayed an absorption spectrum similar to the wild type (WT) counterpart and activated G protein transducin slightly faster than WT receptor. However, the majority of E150K opsin showed a higher apparent molecular mass in SDS-PAGE and was resistant to endoglycosidase H deglycosidase. Instead of being transported to the plasma membrane, E150K opsin is partially colocalized with the cis/medial Golgi compartment markers such as GM130 and Vti1b but not with the trans-Golgi network. In contrast to the endoplasmic reticulum-retained adRP mutant, P23H opsin, Golgi-retained E150K opsin did not influence the proper transport of the WT opsin when coexpressed in HEK293 cells. This result is consistent with the recessive pattern of inheritance of this mutation. Thus, our study reveals a novel molecular mechanism for retinal degeneration that results from deficient export of opsin from the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

More than 100 mutations have been reported till date in the rhodopsin gene in patients with retinitis pigmentosa. The present study was undertaken to detect the reported rhodopsin gene point mutations in Indian retinitis pigmentosa patients. We looked for presence or absence of codon 345 and 347 mutations in exon 5 of the gene using the technique of allele-specific polymerase chain reaction by designing primers for each mutation. We have examined 100 patients from 76 families irrespective of genetic categories. Surprisingly, in our sample the very widely reported highly frequent mutations of codon 347 (P → S/A/R/Q/L/T) were absent while the codon 345 mutation V → M was seen in three cases in one family (autosomal dominant form) and in one sporadic case (total two families). This is the first report on codon 345 and 347 mutation in Indian retinitis pigmentosa subjects.  相似文献   

Autophagy helps to maintain cellular homeostasis by removing misfolded proteins and damaged organelles, and generally acts as a cytoprotective mechanism for neuronal survival. Here we showed that mice deficient in the Vici syndrome gene Epg5, which is required for autophagosome maturation, show accumulation of ubiquitin-positive inclusions and SQSTM1 aggregates in various retinal cell types. In epg5?/? retinas, photoreceptor function is greatly impaired, and degenerative features including progressively reduced numbers of photoreceptor cells and increased numbers of apoptotic cells in the outer nuclear layer are observed, while the morphology of other parts of the retina is not severely affected. Downstream targets of the unfolded protein response (UPR), including the death inducer DDIT3/CHOP, and also levels of cleaved CASP3 (caspase 3), are elevated in epg5?/? retinas. Thus, apoptotic photoreceptor cell death in epg5?/? retinas may result from the elevated UPR. Our results reveal that Epg5-deficient mice recapitulate key characteristics of retinitis pigmentosa and thus may provide a valuable model for investigating the molecular mechanism of photoreceptor degeneration.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to determine the molecular basis of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) in a 4 affected sib-family segregating this retinal phenotype.


Affected sibs underwent complete ophthalmologic examination including funduscopic inspection, electroretinogram, fluorescein angiography, visual field measurement, and optical coherence tomography. Both parents were deceased after their sixties and were reported with no visual handicap. Molecular analysis included direct nucleotide sequencing of the rhodopsin gene (RHO), at chromosome 3q21–q24, in DNA from a total of 4 affected sibs. A total of 200 ethnically matched alleles were included as mutation controls.


Sector RP was clinically documented in this family. Wide phenotypic variability was observed with visual acuities ranging from 20/20 to 20/200 and variable funduscopic appearance. Molecular analysis disclosed a c.233A>T mutation at RHO exon 1, predicting a missense p.N78I substitution.


Even though RP can be caused by mutations in a variety of genes, the RHO gene was chosen to be investigated in this RP family since it has been previously associated to sector disease. This case exemplifies the value of guiding RP molecular analysis based on funduscopic features.  相似文献   

Mutation in the PROM1 gene previously has been identified in one family with retinal degeneration for which neither ERG recordings nor detailed information about visual impairment is available. A large family with multiple individuals affected by retinal degeneration was ascertained in the Punjab province of Pakistan. The visual acuity of all affected patients in the family was severely compromised beginning in early childhood. The retinal disease in this family is a severe form of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) accompanied by macular degeneration. Fundus changes advanced with age. Choriocapillaris atrophy and posterior RPE atrophy were obvious allowing visualization of the large choroidal vessels in patients over 40 years of age. Rod and cone responses on ERG recordings were extinguished in patient’s teens. A genome-wide scan mapped the disease to a 34.7 cM region of chromosome 4p14–p16 between D4S1599 and D4S405. A maximum lod score of 3.96 with D4S403 and D4S391 is seen at θ = 0. Sequence analysis of PROM1 located in the linkage interval identified a c.1726C>T homozygous transition in exon 15: resulting in p.Gln576X in the translated protein. This mutation is found in a homozygous state in all six affected individuals and was heterozygous in five of the six unaffected family members examined. The mutation was not detected in 192 chromosomes of unrelated control individuals of the same ethnicity and from the same region. This delineates the phenotypic characteristics of retinopathy caused by mutations in PROM1. Qingjiong Zhang, Fareeha Zulfiqar, Xueshan Xiao, Sheikh Riazuddin and J. Fielding Hejtmancik contributed equally.  相似文献   

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