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Inhibition of poliovirus polymerase by guanidine in vitro   总被引:12,自引:12,他引:0  
Extracts from poliovirus-infected HeLa cells synthesized 35s viral RNA, replicative intermediate, and double-stranded RNA in vitro. Guanidine inhibited the synthesis of all three species of RNA; production of 35s RNA was most sensitive to the inhibitor. Pulse-chase experiments with [3H]UTP indicated that guanidine had no detectable effect on elongation of polynucleotide chains or the release of completed RNA chains from the viral replication complex. Experiments in which short pulses of precursor were used suggest that guanidine blocked the initiation step of RNA synthesis in vitro.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the genome of the Sabin vaccine strain of poliovirus type 3 (P3/Leon 12 a1 b) has been determined from cDNA cloned in E. coli. The genome comprises a 5' non-coding region of 742 nucleotides, a large open reading frame of 6618 nucleotides (89% of the sequence) and a 3' non-coding region of 72 nucleotides. There is 77.4% base-sequence homology and 89.6% predicted amino-acid homology between types 1 and 3. Conservation of all glutamine-glycine and tyrosine-glycine cleavage sites suggests a mechanism of polyprotein processing similar to that established for poliovirus type 1.  相似文献   

Proliferative T-cell responses to poliovirus in various strains of mice have been analyzed by using either killed purified virus or capsid protein VP1 synthetic peptides. Following immunization of mice with inactivated poliovirus type 1 (PV1), a specific proliferative response of their lymph node CD4+ T cells was obtained after in vitro stimulation with purified virus. In mice immunized with PV1, PV2, or PV3, a strong cross-reactivity of the T-cell responses was observed after in vitro stimulation with heterologous viruses. By using various strategies, a dominant T-cell epitope was identified in the amino acid 103 to 115 region of capsid polypeptide VP1, close by the C3 neutralization epitope. The T-cell response to VP1 amino acids 103 to 115 is H-2 restricted: H-2d mice are responders, whereas H-2k and H-2b mice do not respond to this T-cell epitope. Immunization of BALB/c (H-2d) mice with the uncoupled p86-115 peptide, which represents VP1 amino acids 86 to 115 and contains both the T-cell epitope and the C3 neutralization epitope, induced poliovirus-specific B- and T-cell responses. Moreover, these mice developed poliovirus neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of V510, a chimeric type 2/type 1 poliovirus, has been determined at 2.6 A resolution. Unlike the parental Mahoney strain of type 1 poliovirus, V510 is able to replicate in the mouse central nervous system, due entirely to the replacement of six amino acids in the exposed BC loop of capsid protein VP1. Significant structural differences between the two strains cluster in a major antigenic site of the virus, located at the apex of the radial projection which surrounds the viral five-fold axis. Residues implicated in the mouse-virulence of poliovirus by genetic studies are located in this area, and include the residues which are responsible for stabilizing the conformation of the BC loop in V510. Despite evidence that this area is not involved in receptor binding in cultured primate cells, the genetic and structural observations suggest that this area plays a critical role in receptor interactions in the mouse central nervous system. These results provide a structural framework for further investigation of the molecular determinants of host and tissue tropism in viruses.  相似文献   

Antigenic variants resistant to eight neutralizing monoclonal antibodies were selected from wild (Mahoney) and attenuated (Sabin) type 1 infectious poliovirions. Cross-immunoprecipitation revealed interrelationships between epitopes which were not detected by cross-neutralization. Operational analysis of antigenic variants showed that seven of eight neutralization epitopes studied were interrelated. Only one neutralization epitope, named Kc, varied independently from all the others. This latter, recognized by C3 neutralizing monoclonal antibody, was present not only on infectious virions but also on heat-denatured (C-antigenic) particles and on isolated capsid protein VP1. Loss of the neutralization function of an epitope did not necessary result from the loss of its antibody-binding capacity. Such potential, but not functional, neutralization epitopes exist naturally on Mahoney and Sabin 1 viruses. Their antibody-binding property could be disrupted by isolating antigenic variants in the presence of the nonneutralizing monoclonal antibody and anti-mouse immunoglobulin antibodies. Single-point mutations responsible for the acquisition of resistance to neutralization in the antigenic variants were located by sequence analyses of their genomes. Mutants selected in the presence of C3 neutralizing monoclonal antibody always had the mutation located inside the antibody-binding site (residues 93 through 103 of VP1) at the amino acid position 100 of VP1. On the contrary, antigenic variants selected in the presence of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies reacting only with D-antigenic particles had mutations situated in VP3, outside the antibody-binding site (residues 93 through 103 of VP1). The complete conversion of the Mahoney to the Sabin 1 epitope map resulted from a threonine-to-lysine substitution at position 60 of VP3.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of the attenuation phenotype of poliovirus type 1.   总被引:10,自引:38,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Seven different recombinant viruses from the virulent Mahoney and the attenuated Sabin parental strains of type 1 poliovirus were constructed in vitro by using infectious cDNA clones. Monkey neurovirulence tests (lesion score, spread value, and incidence of paralysis) using these recombinant viruses revealed that the loci influencing attenuation were spread over several areas of the viral genome, including the 5' noncoding region. In vitro phenotypic marker tests corresponding to temperature sensitivity of growth (rct marker), plaque size, and dependency of growth on bicarbonate concentration (d marker) were performed to identify the genomic loci of these determinants and to investigate their correlation with attenuation. Determinants of temperature sensitivity mapped to many areas of the viral genome and expressed strong but not perfect correlation with attenuation. Recombinant viruses with Sabin-derived capsid proteins showed a small-plaque phenotype, and their growth was strongly dependent on bicarbonate concentration, suggesting that these determinants map to the genomic region encoding the viral capsid proteins. Plaque size and the d marker, however, were found to be poor indicators of attenuation. Moreover, virion surface characteristics such as immunogenicity and antigenicity had little or no correlation with neurovirulence. Nevertheless, viruses carrying Sabin-derived capsid proteins had an apparent tendency to exhibit less neurovirulence in tests on monkeys compared with recombinants carrying Mahoney-derived capsid proteins. Our results suggest that the extent of viral multiplication in the central nervous system of the test animals might be one of the most important factors determining neurovirulence. Moreover, we conclude that the expression of the attenuated phenotype of the Sabin 1 strain of poliovirus is the result of several different biological characteristics. Finally, none of the in vitro phenotypic markers alone can serve as a good indicator of neurovirulence or attenuation.  相似文献   

The attenuated Sabin strain of poliovirus type 1 (PV-1) differs from the neurovirulent PV-1 Mahoney strain by 55 nucleotide mutations. Only one of these mutations (A-480-->G, in the 5' noncoding (5' NC) region of the genome, is well characterized, and it confers a strong attenuating effect. We attempted to identify genetic attenuation determinants in the 3'-terminal part of the Sabin 1 genome including the 3D polymerase (3Dpol) gene and the 3' NC region. Previous studies suggested that some of the 11 mutations in this region of the Sabin 1 genome, and in particular a mutation in the polymerase gene (U-6203-->C, Tyr-73-->His), are involved to some extent in the attenuation of PV-1. We analyzed the attenuating effect in the mouse model by using the mouse-adapted PV-1/PV-2 chimeric strain v510 (a Mahoney strain carrying nine amino acids of the VP1 capsid protein from the Lansing strain of PV-2). Mutagenesis of locus 6203 was performed on the original v510 (U-6203-->C) and also on a hybrid v510/Sabin 1 (C-6203-->U) carrying the downstream 1,840 nucleotides of the Sabin 1 genome including the 3Dpol and 3' NC regions. Statistical analysis of disease incidence and time to disease onset in numerous mice inoculated with these strains strongly suggested that nucleotide C-6203 is involved in the attenuation of the Sabin 1 strain. Results also suggested that, among the mutations located in the 3Dpol and 3' NC regions, nucleotide C-6203 may be the principal or the only one to be involved in attenuation in this mouse model. We also found that the effect of C-6203 was weaker than that of nucleotide G-480; the two nucleotides acted independently and may have a cumulative effect on attenuation. The U-6203-->C substitution also appeared to contribute to the thermosensitivity of the Sabin 1 strain.  相似文献   

Summary In Coprinus radiatus, a cross homozygous for nic-2 mutation yields two types of nic-strains. The first one (nic-2F) retains the character of the original mutant, reverting at meiosis with a frequency of 20 to 30%. All crosses with the second type (nic-2 fa) show a sharply reduced reversion rate.The analysis of the progeny of crosses involving a nic-2 fa strain show the appearance of a third type of strains (nic-2 fn). The reversion of nic-2 fn strain is low, but this character is not imposed to the partner in a cross with a nic-2F strain.  相似文献   

Attempts were made to analyze the specificity of inhibitory activities of normal bovine and equine sera to the Mahoney strain of type 1 poliovirus. A total of five inhibitory factors were postulated to explain the complicated results. Two of the three bovine inhibitors were identical in specificity to certain equine inhibitors despite differences in their mode of virus inactivation and their molecular size. In addition to this, inhibitors that could inactivate certain resistant mutants, but not the parent virus, were newly detected in a number of normal bovine and equine sera. Antigenic variation of the resistant mutants against equine sera containing an inhibitory factor h-11 was determined by means of the kinetic neutralization test by using both anti-Mahoney and anti-M-H11 sera. These results offer evidence that some inhibitors, at least in part, are indistinguishable from specific antibody.  相似文献   

A laboratory strain of poliovirus (LSc) became progressively more resistant to chlorine inactivation during a series of repeated sublethal exposures to the halogen.  相似文献   

Most poliovirus (PV) strains, such as PV type 1/Mahoney, cannot infect the mouse central nervous system. We previously identified two determinants of mouse adaptation of PV type 1/Mahoney at positions 22 and 31 of the viral capsid proteins VP1 and VP2, respectively (T. Couderc, J. Hogle, H. Le Blay, F. Horaud, and B. Blondel, J. Virol. 67:3808-3817, 1993). These residues are located on the interior surface of the capsid. In an attempt to understand the molecular mechanisms of adaptation of PV to mice, we investigated the effects of these two determinants on the viral multiplication cycle in a human cell line. Both determinants enhanced receptor-mediated conformational changes leading to altered particles of 135S, one of the first steps of uncoating, and viral internalization. Furthermore, the residue at position 22 of VP1 appears to facilitate RNA release. These results strongly suggest that these determinants could also facilitate conformational changes mediated by the PV murine receptor and internalization in the mouse nerve cell, thus allowing PV to overcome its host range restriction. Moreover, both mouse adaptation determinants are responsible for defects in the assembly of virions in human cells and affect the thermostability of the viral particles. Thus, these mouse adaptation determinants appear to control the balance between the viral capsid plasticity needed for the conformational changes in the early steps of infection and the structural requirements which are involved in the assembly and the stability of virions.  相似文献   

Several avirulent samples of poliovirus type 1 derived in the process attenuating the neurovirulent Mahoney strain show an altered virus capsid polypeptide, VP-1, on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of sodium dodecyl sulfate-disrupted virions.  相似文献   

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