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Leaf is one of the most sensitive organs that response to atmospheric environment changes. In arid region, especially under water stress conditions, water from foliar uptake is one of the main water subsidy sources, which plays an important role in plant survival, growth and ecosystem sustainable development. Foliar water uptake attracts more attention in physiological and ecological research all over the world. This essay summarized the main measurement methods of foliar water uptake at home and abroad in detail: vessel control method, stable isotope technology and heat ratio method. And analyzed the significance of foliar water uptake from physiological and ecological aspects; and discussed the influence factors of foliar water uptake from water condition perspective, water absorption and leaf structure aspects. The following aspects should be paid more attention in future researches: (1) measure the amount of foliar water uptake by using stable isotope technology and heat ratio method; (2) the relationship among foliar uptake of fog, dew, rain and water vapor in arid region; (3) the foliar uptake amount and rate should be simulated by models; (4) the mechanisms of foliar water uptake should be researched; (5) study foliar water uptake of different plants at ecosystem scale.  相似文献   

A model for water uptake by plant roots   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We present a model for water uptake by plant roots from unsaturated soil. The model includes the simultaneous flow of water inside the root network and in the soil. It is constructed by considering first the water uptake by a single root, and then using the parameterized results thereby obtained to build a model for water uptake by the developing root network. We focus our model on annual plants, in particular the model will be applicable to commercial monocultures like maize, wheat, etc. The model is solved numerically, and the results are compared with approximate analytic solutions. The model predicts that as a result of water uptake by plant roots, dry and wet zones will develop in the soil. The wet zone is located near the surface of the soil and the depth of it is determined by a balance between rainfall and the rate of water uptake. The dry zone develops directly beneath the wet zone because the influence of the rainfall at the soil surface does not reach this region, due to the nonlinear nature of the water flow in the partially saturated soil. We develop approximate analytic expressions for the depth of the wet zone and discuss briefly its ecological significance for the plant. Using this model we also address the question of where water uptake sites are concentrated in the root system. The model indicates that the regions near the base of the root system (i.e. close to the ground surface) and near the root tips will take up more water than the middle region of the root system, again due to the highly nonlinear nature of water flow in the soil.  相似文献   

Water vapour absorption is shown to occur in 22 species of Psocoptera inhabiting diverse environments and representing all major groups of this insect order. Evidently the faculty is a common feature of the whole order and it seems not to be related to specific environmental conditions. For the first time water vapour uptake could be demonstrated in fully winged and flying insects. The critical equilibrium humidities vary considerably among different species ranging from 58 to 85% r.h. Marked interspecific differences are also observed in water loss and uptake rates but no clear correlation with habitat or systematic group is recognizable. The uptake rates of Psocoptera are among the highest of all arthropods investigated so far. From weight recordings with a sensitive microbalance it could be seen that continuous operation of the uptake mechanism is restricted to limited periods of time of less than 1 hr regardless of the water status of the animals. Initiation and termination of the uptake process are abrupt and continuous uptake proceeds at a constant rate at a given relative humidity. Uptake rates are humidity-dependent decreasing with falling relative humidity whereas the adjustment of the equilibrium level of body water is independent of ambient humidity. Equilibrium is maintained by intermittent operation of the uptake mechanism within ca. 3% of body water mass. The uptake mechanism exhibits marked sensitivity to starvation in most members of the Psocomorpha. Some features of the uptake process of Psocoptera are in close agreement with those of Mallophaga reflecting the close relationship between the two groups.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for water and nutrient uptake by plant root systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article deals with modelling the simultaneous uptake of water and highly buffered nutrient, such as phosphate, by root branching structures from partially saturated soil. We use the simultaneous water and nutrient uptake model to investigate the effect that water movement has on nutrient uptake. With the aid of this model we are also able to show that the previous models by Barber and Tinker and Nye systematically underestimated the phosphate uptake, due to the oversimplified approach in dealing with root branching structure. In this article we show how this discrepancy can be remedied and the root branching structure included in the models of plant nutrient uptake. We will also discuss the differences in the results for continuous and spot fertilization combined with variable rainfall.  相似文献   

水足迹研究进展   总被引:19,自引:6,他引:19  
马晶  彭建 《生态学报》2013,33(18):5458-5466
水为生命之源,水资源的合理分配与科学管理是区域可持续发展与流域综合管理的核心环节;水足迹作为一种全面核算人类活动对水资源真实占用的综合指标,将人类消费终端与水资源利用密切关联,为维护流域水资源安全、提高区域水资源利用效率提供了重要的科学依据,已成为当前国际水资源管理的前沿研究领域。在明确水足迹及水资源生态足迹相关概念的基础上,对比分析了水足迹与生态足迹、水资源生态足迹模型的异同,明晰了过程、产品及区域等不同研究对象的水足迹核算方法,系统梳理了产品和区域水足迹评价、基于水足迹的区域水资源安全研究、区域水足迹可持续性分析等水足迹主要研究内容的近今进展,并展望了进一步的重点研究方向,即水足迹综合研究、水足迹评价不确定性分析、水足迹与物质流核算的关联研究,以及基于足迹整合的可持续发展多维测度等。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the seasonal water use patterns of dominant macrophytes coexisting in the coastal Everglades ecotone. We measured the stable isotope signatures in plant xylem water of Rhizophora mangle, Cladium jamaicense, and Sesuvium portulacastrum during the dry (DS) and wet (WS) seasons in the estuarine ecotone along Taylor River in Everglades National Park, FL, USA. Shallow soilwater and deeper groundwater salinity was also measured to extrapolate the salinity encountered by plants at their rooting zone. Average soil water oxygen isotope ratios (δ 18O) was enriched (4.8 ± 0.2‰) in the DS relative to the WS (0.0 ± 0.1‰), but groundwater δ 18O remained constant between seasons (DS: 2.2 ± 0.4‰; WS: 2.1 ± 0.1‰). There was an inversion in interstitial salinity patterns across the soil profile between seasons. In the DS, shallow water was euhaline [i.e., 43 practical salinity units (PSU)] while groundwater was less saline (18 PSU). In the WS, however, shallow water was fresh (i.e., 0 PSU) but groundwater remained brackish (14 PSU). All plants utilized 100% (shallow) freshwater during the WS, but in the DS R. mangle switched to a soil–groundwater mix (δ 55% groundwater) while C. jamaicense and S. portulacastrum continued to use euhaline shallow water. In the DS, based on δ 18O data, the roots of R. mangle roots were exposed to salinities of 25.4 ± 1.4 PSU, less saline than either C. jamaicense (39.1 ± 2.2 PSU) or S. portulacastrum (38.6 ± 2.5 PSU). Although the salinity tolerance of C. jamaicense is not known, it is unlikely that long-term exposure to high salinity is conducive to the persistence of this freshwater marsh sedge. This study increases our ecological understanding of how water uptake patterns of individual plants can contribute to ecosystem levels changes, not only in the southeast saline Everglades, but also in estuaries in general in response to global sea level rise and human-induced changes in freshwater flows.  相似文献   

Hydraulic lift: consequences of water efflux from the roots of plants   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Hydraulic lift is the passive movement of water from roots into soil layers with lower water potential, while other parts of the root system in moister soil layers, usually at depth, are absorbing water. Here, we review the brief history of laboratory and field evidence supporting this phenomenon and discuss some of the consequences of this below-ground behavior for the ecology of plants. Hydraulic lift has been shown in a relatively small number of species (27 species of herbs, grasses, shrubs, and trees), but there is no fundamental reason why it should not be more common as long as active root systems are spanning a gradient in soil water potential (Ψs) and that the resistance to water loss from roots is low. While the majority of documented cases of hydraulic lift in the field are for semiarid and arid land species inhabiting desert and steppe environments, recent studies indicate that hydraulic lift is not restricted to these species or regions. Large quantities of water, amounting to an appreciable fraction of daily transpiration, are lifted at night. This temporary partial rehydration of upper soil layers provides a source of water, along with soil moisture deeper in the profile, for transpiration the following day and, under conditions of high atmospheric demand, can substantially facilitate water movement through the soil-plant-atmosphere system. Release of water into the upper soil layers has been shown to afford the opportunity for neighboring plants to utilize this source of water. Also, because soils tend to dry from the surface downward and nutrients are usually most plentiful in the upper soil layers, lifted water may provide moisture that facilitates favorable biogeochemical conditions for enhancing mineral nutrient availability, microbial processes, and the acquisition of nutrients by roots. Hydraulic lift may also prolong or enhance fine-root activity by keeping them hydrated. Such indirect benefits of hydraulic lift may have been the primary selective force in the evolution of this process. Alternatively, hydraulic lift may simply be the consequence of roots not possessing true rectifying properties (i.e., roots are leaky to water). Finally, the direction of water movement may also be downward or horizontal if the prevailing Ψs gradient so dictates, i.e., inverse, or lateral, hydraulic lift. Such downward movement through the root system may allow growth of roots in otherwise dry soil at depth, permitting the establishment of many phreatophytic species. Received: 2 June 1997 / Accepted: 24 September 1997  相似文献   

The stable isotopes 2H and 18O were used to determine the water sources of Eucalyptus camaldulensis at three sites with varying exposure to stream water, all underlain by moderately saline groundwater. Water uptake patterns were a function of the long-term availability of surface water. Trees with permanent access to a stream used some stream water at all times. However, water from soils or the water table commonly made up 50% of these trees' water. Trees beside an ephemeral stream had access to the stream 40–50% of the time (depending on the level of the stream). No more than 30% of the water they used was stream water when it was available. However, stream water use did not vary greatly whether the trees had access to the stream for 2 weeks or 10 months prior to sampling. Trees at the third site only had access to surface water during a flood. These trees did not change their uptake patterns during 2 months inundation compared with dry times, so were not utilising the low-salinity flood water. Pre-dawn leaf water potentials and leaf 13C measurements showed that the trees with permanent access to the stream experienced lower water stress and had lower water use efficiencies than trees at the least frequently flooded site. The trees beside the ephemeral stream appeared to change their water use efficiency in response to the availability of surface water; it was similar to the perennial-stream trees when stream water was available and higher at other times. Despite causing water stress, uptake of soil water and groundwater would be advantageous to E. camaldulensis in this semi-arid area, as it would provide the trees with a supply of nutrients and a reliable source of water. E. camaldulensis at the study site may not be as vulnerable to changes in stream flow and water quality as previously thought.  相似文献   

In previous experiments, rates of picoplankton uptake into coral communities were controlled by sponge and ascidian biomass. Those experimental communities, however, had relatively few sponges and ascidians. In contrast, turbulent transport of particles into the momentum boundary layers can limit particle removal by layered, dense bivalve populations. In this study, the role of water velocity in controlling particulate nutrient-uptake by rubble communities was evaluated, in which the rubble was more completely covered by sponges and ascidians. Picoplankton uptake was proportional to concentration over a range of cell concentrations from 3.0 × 105 to 9.5 × 105 heterotrophic bacteria ml−1, 4.1 × 104 to 1.2 × 105 Synechococcus sp. ml−1 and 6.3 × 103 to 1.8 × 104 picoeukaryotes ml−1. The first-order uptake rate constants, normalized to sponge and ascidian biomass, were similar to previous experimental communities. Picoplankton uptake increased 1.6-fold over a 7-fold change in water velocity, 0.05–0.35 m s−1. This increase has been interpreted as a result of higher turbulent transport within the rough coral community (canopy), as indicated by a 1.6-fold increase in the bottom friction with increasing water velocity.  相似文献   

This paper develops scaling laws for plant roots of any arbitrary volume and branching configuration that maximize water uptake. Water uptake can occur along any part of the root network, and thus there is no branch-to-branch fluid conservation. Maximizing water uptake, therefore, involves balancing two flows that are inversely related: axial and radial conductivity. The scaling laws are tested against the root data of 1759 plants from 77 herbaceous species, and compared with those from the WBE model. I further discuss whether the scaling laws are invariant to soil water distribution. A summary of some of the results follows. (1) The optimal radius for a single root (no branches) scales with volume as . (2) The basic allometric scaling for root radius branches (ri+1=β*ri) is of the form , where f(N)=A(N)/(nb*(1+A(N))), nb is the number of branches, and A(N) and ε(N) are functions of the number of root diameter classes (not constants as in the WBE model). (3) For large N, β converges to the β from the WBE model. For small N, the β's for the two models diverge, but are highly correlated. (4) The fractal assumption of volume filling of the WBE model are also met in the root model even though they are not explicitly incorporated into it. (5) The WBE model for rigid tubes is an asymptotic solution for large root systems (large N and biomass). (6) The optimal scaling solutions for the root network appears to be independent of soil water distribution or water demand. The data set used for testing is included in the electronic supplementary archive of the journal.  相似文献   

Oxygen uptake through water during early life of Anabas testudineus (Bloch)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The O2 consumption (mg/hr) through water in case of Anabas testudineus during development and growth has been measured and its relationship to body weight or length studied.The logarithmic plot of 02 uptake through water either against body weight or length suggested a statistically significant (P > 3.53) two-component curve, the point of intersection being at 11 mg body weight and 1.78 cm body length. These are the theoretical values of weight or length at which the responsibility of supplementing nearly 40% of the total O2 demand through the newly developed air breathing organ falls in the early life of the fish. One of the impelling causes forcing developing fry of Anabas to adopt a bimodal gas exchange machinery seems to be 4 fold increase in the diffusion distance at the gills.  相似文献   

Summary The concentrations of total, water-extractable and DTPA extractable As were determined in 19 calcareous soils. The activity of HAsO 4 2– was calculated in the experimental soils and superimposed on the thermodynamic solubility isotherms of As minerals. It was observed that all the soils were undersaturated with respect to Ca3(AsO4)2 and Mn3(AsO4)2 (the most insoluble As minerals in the calcareous soils). The activity of Ca2+ in these soils was found to be in equilibrium with CaCO3.Corn was grown in the experimental soils for 25 days. The corn plants were harvested, dried at 60°C, ground and analyzed for the concentrations of As. The concentrations of As in the plants were significantly correlated (P<0.05) to the water extractable As but not to the total and DTPA extractable concentrations of As in the soils. Sodium bicarbonate extractable P was significantly correlated (P<0.05) to both As in the corn and the water soluble As in the soils.  相似文献   

The O2 uptake through water has been measured in case of Heteropneustes fossilis during development and growth and its relationship to body size established. A higher rate of O2 uptake during the early phase of ontogenesis is related to intense growth of the respiratory surface area and increasing metabolic demand of the fish.The logarithmic plot of data for O2 uptake in relation to body size shows a statistically significant two-component curve; one related to the fish when it is a fully aquatic breather and the other when it changes to bimodal gas exchange. The onset of the air breathing habit brings about a 40% drop in O2 uptake through water, which is made good through the newly developed air breathing organ.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of water regime on the performance of rice were investigated in a greenhouse experiment and two field experiments. The greenhouse experiment involved four water regimes (continuous flooding, and soil drying for 16 days — begun 2, 5, and 8 weeks after transplanting — followed by reflooding), four soils, and 0 and 100 mg N/kg. Soil drying raised the redox potentials of all soils beyond the aerobic threshold. Averaged for soils and N levels, yields from treatments in which soil drying was begun at 2 and 5 weeks after transplanting were lower than that from the continuously flooded treatment, but the simple effects of soil drying on yield and N uptake depended on the soil and the growth stage of the plant. None of the soil-drying treatments had adverse effects in the soil high in N but soil drying at 2 and 5 weeks after transplanting had adverse effects in the soil low in N. The field experiments tested the effects of three water regimes (continuous flooding, alternate drying and flooding every 2 weeks, and soil drying for 2 weeks at 6 weeks after transplanting following by reflooding), and 0, 50, 100, and 150 kg N/ha on a nearly neutral clay soil, during two seasons. None of the soil-drying treatments depressed growth, yield, or N uptake by rice at any level of N in either season. Nitrate was absent after drying, so denitrification was not possible on subsequent flooding. The adverse effects on yield of alternate flooding and drying, attributed to nitrification-denitrification, may be insignificant in wetland fields carrying an actively growing rice crop.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine if the desiccation-tolerant fernPolypodium virgimanum L. ecologically resembles lower plants by absorbing atmospheric water through its fronds and actively growing in early spring when the soil along cliff edges is still frozen. Three times between February and April, 1991,P. virginianum clonal mats were treated with deuterium-labelled water. Following each application, fronds were collected over several days and analyzed for the presence of deuterium. Two treatment groups plus a control were used: fronds were sprayed directly while covering the soil, or the roots were watered while protecting the fronds. The control mats were left untreated. Soil, air, and frond temperatures, plus photosynthesis and frond conductance were monitored throughout the study period. At subfreezing temperatures in February, no labelled water was taken up from the soil and no photosynthesis took place. Small amounts of label were absorbed from the soil in March during freeze-thaw cycles when rates of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance were both low. Large amounts of label were taken up from the soil in April when the soil was fully thawed and gas exchange was at normal seasonal levels. Label was not absorbed directly through the fronds when the plants were actively growing. Despite the desiccation tolerance ofP. virginianum, the timing and patterns of its water uptake and gas exchange in early spring resemble those found in higher vascular plants, not poikilohydric lower plants.  相似文献   

The discovery of aquaporins has provided a new basis for studying and interpreting water relations in plants. However, slow progress has been made in elucidating the functional facets of the aquaporin-mediated water pathway in whole plant systems. While increasing experimental evidence suggests that these proteins are directly involved in mediating water homeostasis at varying environmental conditions, only a few attempts have been made to understand their contribution to overall water transport at different developmental stages. By using a chemical inhibitor (HgCl(2)) of aquaporins function, here we present in planta evidence for both diurnal and developmental regulation of aquaporin activity in wheat. We demonstrate that the greatest sensitivity of water flux to pharmacological blockage occurs at the stage of ear emergence and does not coincide with the phenological stage at which the greatest plant water uptake occurs (milky ripeness). The relationship transpiration flux (Q) vs. soil-leaf water potential difference (DeltaPsi(soil-leaves)) revealed a gradual decrease of plant resistance to water flux from tillering to milky ripeness, both in HgCl(2)-treated and untreated control plants. However, the mercury-inhibition of water flux began to gradually increase at ear emergence, suggesting that a larger portion of water moves through aquaporins from this developmental stage on. Although the intercept of the DeltaPsi(soil-leaves)/Q regression line, i.e. the DeltaPsi required to initiate the water flux through the soil-plant-air continuum, was generally not affected by mercury treatment, a significant mercury effect on the intercept was observed at the stage of ear formation. These findings may have important implications for predicting which strategy plants utilize to optimize water use during their life cycle.  相似文献   

Summary A glasshouse experiment was conducted to determine how reduction conditions would affect plant nutrient availability and uptake in a red-yellow latosol (Acrustox). Soil analysis showed that the most important changes were a marked increase in extractable iron and an inhibition of nitrification. The grass andropogon (Andropogon gayanus Kunth var.bisquamulatus (Hoechst) Hack) and the legume stylo (Stylosanthes capitata (Vog)) responded differently to reducing conditions.Andropogon showed low P, Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn content in the shoots but an intense coating of oxidized iron was observed on the surface of roots. Stylo plants, on the other hand, showed no iron deposition on the root surfaces but a high iron content in the shoots. No decreased P, Ca or Mg content was observed in this case. It was concluded that in water saturated soil, reduction took place and plant performance was affected not only by restricted root development but by preventing P, Ca and Mg uptake in andropogon and increasing Fe uptake in stylo plants. It is suggested that restricted P, Ca and Mg uptake by andropogen would be the result of iron deposition on root surfaces.  相似文献   

植物多糖水解及其产物的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
多糖是自然界和生物体中广泛存在的物质,近年来对其水解及其产物的研究日益受到人们的重视.阐述了目前植物多糖水解的方法和其水解产物的生理活性,展示植物多糖水解及其产物研究和开发的广阔前景.  相似文献   

体细胞胚胎发生途径不仅是植物大规模克隆繁殖的重要途径,也是研究从单细胞到整体植株发育全过程的理想试验体系。植物体细胞胚胎发生的研究已经取得了很大的进展,但是也依然存在许多问题。根据近年来的相关研究报道,简述植物体细胞胚胎发生及此过程中相关应答基因的研究概况,探讨植物体细胞胚胎发生的生理生化基础,并对今后应该加强研究的关键问题提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

缺水与补水对小麦氮素吸收及土壤残留氮的影响   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
通过温室培养试验,研究了不同生长期缺水和补充灌水对冬小麦氮素吸收利用和土壤残留的影响.结果表明,在不同生长期缺水及分蘖期补充灌水均能显著降低冬小麦的氮素吸收,增加矿质态氮的土壤残留,土壤残留氮含量介于79.8~113.7mg·kg^-1;越冬、拔节、灌浆期补充灌水可显著提高冬小麦对土壤氮素的吸收能力,不同程度地降低氮素残留,土壤残留氮介于47.2~60.3mg·kg^-1.补充灌水引起的小麦吸氮能力提高与其对氮素的有效利用并不一致.越冬期补水,小麦籽粒吸氮量无显著变化;灌浆期补水,籽粒吸氮量相应提高20.9%;拔节期补水反而使籽粒吸氮量降低19.6%.  相似文献   

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