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Interspecific competition has been suggested as an explanation for the failure of some insects as biological control agents for weeds. Enclosure and exclusion cages were used, in southern British Columbia, Canada to evaluate the importance of interspecific competition between a seedhead weevil, Larinus minutus, and a gall-inducing fly, Urophora affinis, two biocontrol agents released against spotted knapweed in North America. At the seedhead scale, U. affinis, which is an inferior biological control agent based on knapweed seed mortality, was the superior competitor. Larinus minutus attack rates were significantly lower in the presence of U. affinis compared to release treatments where L. minutus was attacking alone. Reduced L. minutus attack rates were apparent in seed heads expected to contain both species, assuming insect distributions were random, but instead only contained U. affinis. L. minutus did not significantly affect U. affinis density. Although overall attack rates on knapweed seedheads were higher when both species were together at a site, the consequence of the antagonistic interaction is that overall seed destruction was not as high as it could have been if the weevil were attacking on its own. These results support minimizing the number of biocontrol agents released that use similar resources on the target weed, to avoid negative interactions between control agents and potential reductions in biocontrol efficacy resulting from competitive exclusion.  相似文献   

The role of spotted knapweed phenology on the attack rate of two seed-head insects Urophora affinis and Larinus minutus was assessed in a series of field studies at four study sites in south-eastern British Columbia, Canada. Slow or later developing knapweed plants had more seed heads that contained only single or multiple U. affinis whereas early or faster developing plants had more seed heads containing L. minutus alone or in combination with U. affinis. L. minutus did not distinguish between seed heads with or without U. affinis larvae when laying eggs. However, seed heads with multiple U. affinis present, produced fewer L. minutus adults than expected. The probability of single or multiple U. affinis galls being present increased with seed-head diameter but was not affected by seed-head height. Attack by L. minutus increased with seed-head diameters >5 mm and was lower at plant heights above 50 cm. These results demonstrate two mechanisms that enable U. affinis to successfully coexist with L. minutus: differences between the species in their response to the developmental phenology of knapweed heads, and increased survivorship of U. affinis in heads with multiple U. affinis galls through niche interference competition. These mechanisms provide a possible explanation for the persistence of U. affinis populations on spotted knapweed, in spite of high levels of within seed-head mortality that have been observed with increasing L. minutus populations.  相似文献   

Five insect biological control agents that attack flower heads of spotted knapweed, Centaurea stoebe L. subsp. micranthos (Gugler) Hayek, became established in western Montana between 1973 and 1992. In a controlled field experiment in 2006, seed-head insects reduced spotted knapweed seed production per seed head by 84.4%. The seed production at two sites in western Montana where these biological control agents were well established was 91.6-93.8% lower in 2004-2005 than 1974-1975, whereas the number of seed heads per square meter was 70.7% lower, and the reproductive potential (seeds/m(2)) was 95.9-99.0% lower. The average seed bank in 2005 at four sites containing robust spotted knapweed populations was 281 seeds/m(2) compared with 19 seeds/m(2) at four sites where knapweed density has declined. Seed bank densities were much higher at sites in central Montana (4,218 seeds/m(2)), where the insects have been established for a shorter period. Urophora affinis Frauenfeld was the most abundant species at eight study sites, infesting 66.7% of the seed heads, followed by a 47.3% infestation by Larinus minutus Gyllenhal and L. obtusus Gyllenhal. From 1974 to 1985, Urophora spp. apparently reduced the number of seeds per seed head by 34.5-46.9%; the addition of Larinus spp. further reduced seed numbers 84.2-90.5% by 2005. Path analysis indicated that both Larinus spp. and U. affinis contributed significantly to reduction of seed production over the 30-yr period. Spotted knapweed density may not decrease significantly until the seed bank falls below a critical threshold.  相似文献   

Larval supercooling points of Urophora affinis Frauenfeld and U. quadrifasciata (Meigen) were compared among plants, six research sites in western Montana, four fall/winter time periods, and among gall densities. These two tephritid fly species are introduced biological control agents of spotted knapweed, Centaurea maculosa Lamarck, and diffuse knapweed, Centaurea diffusa Lamarck. Few differences in larval supercooling points for U. affinis and U. quadrifasciata were found among plants, and where differences were found, they were not consistent across fall/winter time periods. Significant differences in larval supercooling points were found among sites and across fall/winter time periods. No relationship was found between larval supercooling points and site elevation. Larval supercooling points of both U. affinis and U. quadrifasciata showed no relationship with the density of Urophora galls within spotted knapweed capitula. Mean larval supercooling points of U. affinis were consistently lower than those of U. quadrifasciata across sites and fall/winter time periods. In conclusion, temporal differences in temperature over the fall/winter time periods and microclimatic differences among sites appear to be the most important abiotic factors influencing the supercooling points in U. affinis and U. quadrifasciata.  相似文献   

Two European gall-producing insects,Urophora affinisFrfld. (Diptera: Tephritidae) andMetzneria paucipunctella(Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) were introduced into Virginia in 1986 for biological control of spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosaLam.). Adults ofU. affinis(n = 2625) andM. paucipunctella(n = 450) were released at two sites in Montgomery County, Virginia, and their populations were monitored yearly by dissecting spotted knapweed flower heads. Beginning in 1992, knapweed samples collected at various distances from the release sites were checked for dispersal.U. affinisis well established and is spreading slowly. The number of larvae per flower head and the seed numbers are inversely related as plants with the greatest number of larvae per spotted knapweed head had the lowest number of seeds. Knapweed density has declined at one of the release sites which had the highest rate of infestation byU. affinis.Establishment of the moth,M. paucipunctella,is less certain as it has been recovered at a very low level from only one site.  相似文献   

Cyphocleonus achates (Fahraeus), a root-feeding weevil introduced from Eurasia, is an effective biological control agent against spotted knapweed, Centaurea stoebe L. ssp. micranthos. Because C. achates is univoltine and does not fly, distribution of the weevil has been slow. To hasten the weevil's distribution, a rearing effort using field corrals was initiated at a facility in Corvallis, Montana. Procedures for mass-rearing the weevil in field corrals are described, with an emphasis on improvements over earlier methods. The described field-corral approach is effective and appropriate for producing C. achates for distribution in the western United States.  相似文献   

Abundances and interactions among biological control insects and their effects on target invasive plants were monitored within the flower heads and roots of diffuse knapweed, Centaurea diffusa, and in spotted knapweed, Centaurea stoebe, along the Colorado Front Range. Flower weevils, (Larinus species) and root-feeders (Cyphocleonus achates and Sphenoptera jugoslavica) were released on knapweed that already supported biological control gall flies (Urophora species). At a single monitoring site, seed production by C. diffusa declined from 4400 seeds m−2 in 1997 to zero seeds m−2 on the monitoring sites in 2006, while the flowering stem density of C. diffusa declined from a peak of almost 30 stems m−2 in 2000 to zero stems m−2 in 2006. The average abundance of Urophora and Larinus in flower heads fluctuated independently during the 2001–2006 interval, while the relative abundance of C. achates and S. jugoslavica in roots exhibited a weak inverse relationship that appeared driven by climate effects. The relative abundance of insects on a population of C. stoebe was monitored for five years as Larinus species and C. achates became established on spotted knapweed that already supported Urophora species. Spotted knapweed seed production on our monitoring site declined from 4600 seeds m−2 in 2003 to zero seeds m−2 in 2006. Unlike C. diffusa, substantial numbers of rosettes of C. stoebe remained present. Larinus consumed almost all Urophora encountered in C. diffusa, and consumed about 40% of the Urophora in co-infested flower heads of C. stoebe (ca. 10–15% of the total Urophora population). No negative correlations between the relative densities of flower head and root-feeding insects were observed. The effects of these insects on target plants have produced results consistent with the ‘cumulative stress hypothesis’ for biological control of Centaurea species.  相似文献   

Spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa Lam.) is an invasive plant that alters species composition and grazing value of rangelands in the northwestern United States. The spread of invasive plants may be reduced by using livestock as a biological control. We determined if mature ewes and their lambs (n = 34 ewe/lamb pairs) consume more spotted knapweed when ewes and/or lambs are conditioned to fresh-cut spotted knapweed. Ewe/lamb pairs were randomly assigned to one of four conditioning treatments: ewes and lambs not conditioned to spotted knapweed (N), conditioned ewes with non-conditioned lambs (E), non-conditioned ewes with conditioned lambs (L), or conditioned ewes and lambs (both—B). Then, ewes and lambs were observed together for 5 days (Trial 1); 11 days later, lambs were observed for 4 days without their mothers (Trial 2). During conditioning, intake by conditioned and non-conditioned ewes and lambs varied over time (as-fed basis, treatment by day interaction; ewes P = 0.03; lambs P = 0.05). Overall, non-conditioned lambs (N, E) consumed more than conditioned lambs (L, B; P = 0.02). In Trial 1, N ewes consumed similar amounts of spotted knapweed and bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss.) as the E, L, and B ewes (P = 0.67). E ewes spent more time eating spotted knapweed than L ewes (P = 0.001), and E ewe/lamb pairs consumed more spotted knapweed than L ewe/lamb pairs (P = 0.02). In Trial 2, N lambs consumed less spotted knapweed than E, L, and B lambs (P = 0.06). L lambs consumed more than E lambs (P = 0.007). Conditioning ewes, lambs, or ewes and lambs did not increase time spent eating spotted knapweed when both grazed together in a drylot, but conditioned lambs, without their mothers present, consumed more spotted knapweed 11 days later than non-conditioned lambs. Conditioning lambs only in a group setting with their peers may have the greatest potential to enhance consumption of spotted knapweed, because of social facilitation and the predilection for young animals to try novel feeds.  相似文献   

Aerial parts of Centaurea solstitialis subs schouwii afforded the guaianolides cynaropicrin and aguerin B and the lignans arctigenin and matairesinol. The structure of a third guaianolide previously found also in Centaurea behen was revised.  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2008,47(3):358-370
Two mechanisms often linked with plant invasions are escape from enemies and hybridization. Classical biological control aims to reverse enemy escape and impose top-down population control. However, hybridization has the potential to alter interactions with enemies and thus affect biological control. We examined how introductions of biological control agents affect enemy escape by comparing specialist enemy loads between the native and introduced ranges of two noxious weeds (spotted and diffuse knapweed; Centaurea stoebe L. and C. diffusa Lam.) that have been the targets of an extensive biological control program. Hybrids between spotted and diffuse knapweed are often found within diffuse knapweed sites in North America, so we also compared enemy loads on plants that appeared morphologically like diffuse knapweed and hybrids. Finally, we tested the preference for diffuse knapweed, hybrids, and spotted knapweed of one of the agents thought to be instrumental in control of diffuse knapweed (Larinus minutus; Curculionidae). In North America spotted knapweed has largely escaped its root herbivores, while seedhead herbivore loads are comparable in the introduced and native ranges. Diffuse knapweed exhibited seedhead herbivore loads five times higher in the introduced compared to native range. While this pattern of seedhead herbivory is expected with successful biological control, increased loads of specialist insect herbivores in the introduced range have rarely been reported in the literature. This finding may partially explain the better population control of diffuse vs. spotted knapweed. Within North American diffuse knapweed sites, typical diffuse knapweed and hybrid plants carried similar herbivore loads. However, in paired feedings trials, the specialist L. minutus demonstrated a preference for newly created artificial hybrids over North American diffuse knapweed and for European diploid spotted knapweed over North American tetraploid spotted knapweed. Overall though, hybridization does not appear to disrupt biological control in this system.  相似文献   

Three isolates ofFusarium avenaceum are pathogenic on spotted knapweed(Centaurea maculosa), a major weed plant of pasturelands and rangelands of the Pacific Northwestern USA. One isolate (no. 1) obtained from the European centre of origin of knapweed and isolate no. 365 native to Montana, did not significantly affect knapweed seed germination. However,F. avenaceum no. 1003, another Montana native isolate, caused a 100% decrease in seed germination and hence, no seedling emergence. When formulated, isolate no. 1003, could be recovered from treated soils after 7 days and caused a significant reduction in seedling emergence or seedling dry weight. This organism had no effect on the germination ofTriticum aestivum orMedicago sativa, but did affect the germination of other plant species.F. avenaceum appears to be a candidate for the biocontrol of spotted knapweed, however, a native isolate is potentially more effective than an isolate obtained from the centre of origin ofC. maculosa.  相似文献   

A recent decline in spotted knapweed, Centaurea stoebe L. subsp. micranthos (Asteraceae), has been observed in parts of western Montana. The release of the biological control agent Cyphocleonus achates (Fahraeus) is thought to contribute to the decline, but persistent drought since at least 1999 may be an additional factor. We conducted outdoor plot experiments to test the relative impacts of C. achates weevils and summer drought relief on spotted knapweed survival and growth. Groups of spotted knapweed transplants were assigned to one of four weekly water addition treatments (no added water, and 0.25, 0.5 or full recovery of plant water deficit, where "deficit" refers to potential evapotranspiration minus rainfall) in May to August 2004 and June to August 2005 and to either exposure to or protection from C. achates. In June of each subsequent year (2005 and 2006), plants were harvested and growth attributes that reflect plant vigor were measured. Drought indices showed that throughout the time of the study until January 2006, western Montana was in drought alert or severe drought. Summer drought relief had no effect on aboveground biomass and plant height of knapweed plants in subsequent years, but feeding by C. achates larvae reduced these two measures of plant vigor. Knapweed plants resuming growth after the drought ended in spring 2006 were significantly larger than those resuming growth under drought conditions in spring 2005. Spring drought may reduce knapweed growth, but C. achates reduced knapweed growth regardless of drought conditions.  相似文献   

Allelopathy has been hypothesized to promote the success of invasive plants. Support for the role of allelopathy in invasions has emerged from research on the candidate allelochemical (?)‐catechin, which is secreted by spotted knapweed. Here we describe new methods to quantify catechin in liquid and soil. With a new technique, we assayed catechin production by individual plants in liquid media and found levels up to two orders of magnitude less than previously reported. An acetone/water solution provided consistent recovery of catechin from soil, with percent recovery depending upon soil type. We evaluated soils from two spotted knapweed sites in Montana, USA, but found no measurable catechin. Idaho fescue, a native species reportedly sensitive to catechin, only exhibited slightly reduced growth at concentrations 10 times higher than previously reported to cause 100% mortality. Our results emphasize that more research is required to clarify the role of catechin in the invasion of spotted knapweed.  相似文献   

Aspartic proteinases are present in a variety of organisms including plants. Common features of aspartic proteases include an active site cleft that contains two catalytic aspartic residues, acid pH optima for enzymatic activity, inhibition by pepstatin A. Plant aspartic proteinases occur in seeds and may be involved in the processing of storage proteins. Many of them have been purified and characterized. The presence of aspartic proteases in seeds of Centaurea calcitrapa during germination was investigated by measuring the activity on enzyme extracts. The aspartic proteases are present mainly in the beginning of seed germination suggesting that they could initiate the degradation of protein reserves in germinating seeds.

These proteases were purified by salt precipitation followed by anion-exchange chromatography. Purified aspartic proteases have an optimal pH between 3.5 and 4.5, using FTC-hemoglobin as substrate and an optimal temperature at 52 °C. The ability of seed extracts for milk clotting was tested and the clotting time that was achieved is in the same range found for flower extracts appropriated for special cheeses in which weak clotting agents are required.  相似文献   

Invasiveness of non-native species often depends on acquired interactions with either native or naturalized species. A natural colonizer, the autogamous, invasive orchid Spathoglottis plicata has acquired at least three interspecific interactions in Puerto Rico: a mycorrhizal fungus essential for seed germination and early development; a native, orchid-specialist weevil, Stethobaris polita, which eats perianth parts and oviposits in developing fruits; and ants, primarily invasive Solenopsis invicta, that forage at extrafloral nectaries. We tested in field experiments and from observational data whether weevils affect reproductive success in the orchid; and whether this interaction is density-dependent. We also examined the effectiveness of extrafloral nectaries in attracting ants that ward off weevils. Only at small spatial scales were weevil abundance and flower damage correlated with flower densities. Plants protected from weevils had less floral damage and higher fruit set than those accessible to weevils. The more abundant ants were on inflorescences, the less accessible fruits were to weevils, resulting in reduced fruit loss from larval infections. Ants did not exclude weevils, but they affected weevil activity. Native herbivores generally provide some biotic resistance to plant invasions yet Spathoglottis plicata remains an aggressive colonizer despite the acquisition of a herbivore/seed predator partly because invasive ants attracted to extrafloral nectaries inhibited weevil behavior. Thus, the invasion of one species facilitates the success of another as in invasional meltdowns. For invasive plant species of disturbed habitats, having ant-tended extrafloral nectaries and producing copious quantities of seed, biotic resistance to plant invasions can be minimal.  相似文献   

阔叶丰花草是一种适用于华南果园生草控草的一年生植物。为了揭示阔叶丰花草与果园常见杂草之间的竞争关系,研究了阔叶丰花草与两种菊科植物(胜红蓟和白花鬼针草)之间的化感作用。结果表明: 10~50 mg·mL-1的阔叶丰花草水浸液处理显著抑制胜红蓟和白花鬼针草种子萌发和幼苗生长,胜红蓟和白花鬼针草的胚根长分别比对照降低57.4%~90.2%和57.3%~62.3%。胜红蓟和白花鬼针草水浸液对阔叶丰花草种子萌发也有较强的化感效应,在50 mg·mL-1的浓度处理下,阔叶丰花草种子几乎不能萌发。经10 mg·mL-1阔叶丰花草水浸液处理30 d后,胜红蓟播种苗的净光合作用、株高和生物量分别比对照降低15.2%、20.6%和41.5%,白花鬼针草播种苗的生物量也出现下降趋势;但胜红蓟和白花鬼针草水浸液处理对阔叶丰花草播种苗生长的影响均不显著。在混种条件下,阔叶丰花草的生物量与单种的水平相当,胜红蓟和白花鬼针草的生物量则分别比单种降低86.0%和27.1%。与胜红蓟和白花鬼针草相比,阔叶丰花草的化感优势在于除了能抑制对方的种子萌发,也能抑制其植株生长。  相似文献   

The aerial parts of Centaurea grisebachii ssp. grisebachii, a Greek endemic species belonging to section Acrolophus (Cass.) DC., were investigated for the occurrence of sesquiterpene lactones. The eudesmanolide, 4-epi-malacitenolide was the major compound. In addition to the sesquiterpene lactones, five flavonoid aglycons, two lignans, one nor-isoprenoid and one sterol were found.  相似文献   

Combined treatment with Beauveria bassiana, and diatomaceous earth (DE) was evaluated against the bean weevil Acanthoscelides obtectus and rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae. DE from Argentina was screened both alone or in combination with water or dry fungal formulations. DE killed 100% of A. obtectus and 68% of S. oryzae showing a significantly higher insecticidal effect than the fungal dust. For A. obtectus, median lethal time (MLT) with the DE-dry fungus was significantly lower than with a fungal aqueous-suspension. In S. oryzae, powder formulations with either of B. bassiana or DE showed a MLT significantly higher than the wet treatments.  相似文献   

生态形态学理论指出,形态相似的物种生态位相似,是导致种间竞争排斥的关键性因素。在鱼类入侵生态学研究中引入生态形态学理论,对于加深理解入侵种与土著种的种间相互关系有着重要意义。本文利用形态分析方法,对广东怀集燕都国家湿地公园入侵种食蚊鱼对土著种鳍斑青鳉和弓背青鳉的影响机制进行研究。结果表明: 弓背青鳉和鳍斑青鳉在研究区域常同域分布,但两者的空间分布格局差异显著。两者形态高度相似,符合生态形态学“形态相似者竞争排斥”理论。与群落其他鱼类相比,食蚊鱼与2种青鳉鱼类形态更为相似。聚类分析发现,食蚊鱼和青鳉鱼类聚合在同一分枝,且其空间生态位的重叠度极低。种群相对密度调查显示,食蚊鱼与青鳉鱼类种群数量呈显著的负相关关系。食蚊鱼的入侵是导致2种青鳉鱼类种群数量明显下降的关键原因。形态特征的相似性能够初步解释食蚊鱼与青鳉鱼类的竞争排斥关系,尚需从不同角度就食蚊鱼入侵对青鳉鱼类的作用机制进行深入探索。  相似文献   

Diffuse and spotted knapweed (Centaurea diffusa Lam. and C. stoebe micranthos (Gugler) Hayek) are Eurasian plants that devastate dry and mesic North American grasslands. They have a mutualistic association with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) phylotypes with hyphal links to nearby plants and a nutrient flux to the strongest sink, usually knapweed. They displace many AMF beneficial to grass and affect knapweed nutrient allocation, biology, knapweed insects and probably root necrosis and emergence of ant buried seed. AMF determined nutrient root or shoot allocation determines nutrient shoot and root allocation and the benefit to root or seed-head insect species and whether C. diffusa is an annual–biannual or a semelparous perennial needing 5 or more years to flower. Both knapweeds do well without its AMF phylotypes without competition in fertile soil. In grass in Eurasia, they have a community of seven seed-head species segregated by head development stage. Prolonged seed dormancy buffered knapweed decline that resulted in release of a surfeit seed-head species. The presence of an eliasome on the seed and vigorous seedling clumps suggests burial by myrmecochorous ants with AMF supplied carbon supporting their growth. The root species community is segregated by habitat, climate, root part, and size. With larval induced compensatory growth and AMF nutrient sharing, the growth of plants with and without a larva was the same. On feeding completion, a nutrient out flux from the attacked plants reduced growth; but without killing. This needs a dual species or a repeated single species attack. Root species packing increases knapweed utilization; but the four approved species are insufficient for maximum utilization. Two additions are suggested. The aim of the paper is to provide enough understanding of the AMF and its plant and insect interactions to facilitate knapweed biological control and avoid past mistakes.  相似文献   

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