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Unspecific background DNA in quantitative universal real-time PCR utilizing a hydrolysis probe was completely suppressed by the addition of EMA or PMA to the PCR mix via cross-linking of the dyes to DNA during 650 W visible light exposure. The proposed procedure had no effect on the sensitivity of the real-time PCR reaction.  相似文献   

Unspecific background DNA in quantitative universal real-time PCR utilizing a hydrolysis probe was completely suppressed by the addition of EMA or PMA to the PCR mix via cross-linking of the dyes to DNA during 650 W visible light exposure. The proposed procedure had no effect on the sensitivity of the real-time PCR reaction.  相似文献   

The solution complexes of ethidium bromide with nine different deoxydinucleotides and the four self-complementary ribodinucleoside monophosphates as well as mixtures of complementary and noncomplementary deoxydinucleotides were studied as models for the binding of the drug to DNA and RNA. Ethidium bromide forms the strongest complexes with pdC-dG and CpG and shows a definite preference for interaction with pyrimidine–purine sequence isomers. Cooperativity is observed in the binding curves of the self-complementary deoxydinucleotides pdC-dG and pdG-dC as well as the ribodinucleoside monophosphates CpG and GpC, indicating the formation of a minihelix around ethidium bromide. The role of complementarity of the nucleotide bases was evident in the visible and circular dichroism spectra of mixtures of complementary and noncomplementary dinucleotides. Nuclear magnetic resonance measurements on an ethidium bromide complex with CpG provided evidence for the intercalation model for the binding of ethidium bromide to double-stranded nucleic acids. The results also suggest that ethidium bromide may bind to various sequences on DNA and RNA with significantly different binding constants.  相似文献   

G T Walker  M P Stone  T R Krugh 《Biochemistry》1985,24(25):7462-7471
The equilibrium binding of ethidium to the right-handed (B) and left-handed (Z) forms of poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC) and poly(dG-m5dC).poly(dG-m5dC) was investigated by optical and phase partition techniques. Ethidium binds to the polynucleotides in a noncooperative manner under B-form conditions, in sharp contrast to highly cooperative binding under Z-form conditions. Correlation of binding isotherms with circular dichroism (CD) data indicates that the cooperative binding of ethidium under Z-form conditions is associated with a sequential conversion of the polymer from a left-handed to a right-handed conformation. Determination of bound drug concentrations by various titration techniques and the measurement of circular dichroism spectra have enabled us to calculate the number of base pairs of left-handed DNA that adopt a right-handed conformation for each bound drug; 3-4 base pairs of left-handed poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC) in 4.4 M NaCl switch to the right-handed form for each bound ethidium, while approximately 25 and 7 base pairs switch conformations for each bound ethidium in complexes with poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC) in 40 microM [Co(NH3)6]Cl3 and poly(dG-m5dC).poly(dG-m5dC) in 2 mM MgCl2, respectively. The induced ellipticity at 320 nm for the ethidium-poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC) complex in 4.4 M NaCl indicates that the right-handed regions are nearly saturated with ethidium even though the overall level of saturation is very low. The circular dichroism data indicate that ethidium intercalates to form a right-handed-bound drug region, even at low r values where the CD spectra show that the majority of the polymer is in a left-handed conformation.  相似文献   

Vibrio sp., ubiquitous in the aquatic ecosystem, are bacteria of interest because of their involvement in human health, causing gastroenteritis after ingestion of seafood, as well as their role in vibriosis leading to severe losses in aquaculture production. Their ability to enter a viable but non-culturable (VBNC) state under stressful environmental conditions may lead to underestimation of the Vibrio population by traditional microbiological enumeration methods. As a result, using molecular methods in combination with EMA or PMA allows the detection of viable (VBNC and culturable viable) cells. In this study, the impact of the EMA and PMA was tested at different concentrations on the viability of several Vibrio species. We compared the toxicity of these two DNA-binding dyes to determine the best pretreatment to use with qPCR to discriminate between viable and dead Vibrio cells. Our results showed that EMA displayed lethal effects for each strain of V. cholerae and V. vulnificus tested. In contrast, the concentrations of PMA tested had no toxic effect on the viability of Vibrio cells studied. These results may help to achieve optimal PMA-qPCR methods to detect viable Vibrio sp. cells in food and environmental samples.  相似文献   

Ultra-thin sections of various tissues were stained with ethidium bromide or propidium iodide, two fluorescent markers widely used for quantitation of nucleic acids. The fluorochromes, tested at different concentrations, were then revealed by incubation of the sections with neutralized phosphotungstic acid. We showed that at the electron microscopic level only nucleic acid-containing structures are revealed. Chromatin, nucleolus, and ribosomes appear to be stained by the end-product of the reaction. Furthermore, controls with proteases and nucleases showed that the staining is related to the binding of the fluorochromes to DNA and RNA and to the subsequent detection of the dyes by neutralized PTA.  相似文献   

Calorimetric titrations have been performed on the binding of ethidium and propidium to calf thymus DNA at temperatures in the 15-60 degrees C range. Enthalpy changes (delta HB) derived from these experiments performed with the new Omega reaction calorimeter have a precision of +/- 0.10 kcal/mol or less at all temperatures. For ethidium (a monocation), delta HB varies little with temperature, and the heat capacity change (delta CP) for the binding reaction derived from these parameters is 10 cal/deg/mol. In contrast, delta HB changes from -6.5 to -8.1 kcal/mol for DNA binding of propidium (a dication due to a charged amine group at the end of an alkyl chain attached to the phenanthridine ring nitrogen), and delta CP is -57 cal/deg/mol. At 21 degrees C a plot of delta HB vs mole ratio is curved downward for propidium in the 0.08-0.25 range, whereas the same plot at 45 degrees C is a straight line from 0.05 to 0.15 and sharply downward thereafter. Similar plots for ethidium follow the latter pattern between 25 and 50 degrees C. These observations and our analyses of delta HB and delta SB are consistent with the hypothesis that the location in the DNA complex and the rotational motion of the alkylamine chain change substantially over the temperature range in this study. Only near 50 degrees C is delta HB equal for the binding of these two cations to DNA, and caution must be used in analyses of enthalpic effects when the temperature dependence for delta HB is not available.  相似文献   

Molecular recognition of DNA by small molecules.   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  

1. The changes in membrane permeability to small molecules caused by Sendai virus [Pasternak & Micklem (1973) J. Membr. Biol. 14, 293-303] have been further characterized. The uptake of substances that are concentrated within cells is inhibited. Choline and 2-deoxyglucose, which become phosphorylated, and aminoisobutyrate and glycine, which are driven by a Na+-linked mechanism, are examples. The uptake of each compound under conditons where its diffusion across the plasma membrane is rate-limiting is stimulated by virus. Choline, 2-deoxyglucose and amino acids at high concentration, amino acids in Na+-free medium, and most substances at low temperature, are examples. It is concluded that virally mediated decrease of uptake is due to one of two causes. Substances that are accumulated by phosphorylation are not retained because of leakage of the phosphorylated metabolites out of cells. Substances that are accumulated by linkage to a Na+ gradient are no longer accumulated because of collapse of the gradient resulting from an increased permeability to Nat 2. Increased permeability to K+ and Na+ results in (a) membrane depolarization and (b) cell swelling. The latter event leads to haemolysis (for erythrocytes) and can lead to giant-cell (polykaryon) formation (for several cell types). 3. Recovery of cells can be temporarily achieved by the addition of Ca2+; permanent recovery requires incubation for some hours at 37 degrees C. 4. The possible significance of virally mediated permeability changes, with regard to clinical situations and to cell biology, is discussed.  相似文献   

Microcalorimetric titrations have been used to study the binding of Ca2+ to cardiac troponin C. Measurements were made both in the presence and in the absence of Mg2+, and at temperatures of 5 degrees, 15 degrees and 25 degrees C. Changes in enthalpy, entropy and heat capacity of troponin C associated with Ca binding have been determined. Cardiac troponin C exhibited a decrease in enthalpy and an increase in entropy associated with Ca binding. Enthalpy changes increased linearly with temperature, indicating that the Ca binding causes negative changes in the heat capacity of troponin C. These results show that the Ca binding causes a strong hydrophobic effect and a tightening of the molecular structure of cardiac troponin C.  相似文献   

Among its many properties, amiloride is a DNA intercalator and topoisomerase II inhibitor. Previous work has indicated that the most stable conformation for amiloride is a planar, hydrogen-bonded, tricyclic structure. To determine whether the ability of amiloride to intercalate into DNA and to inhibit DNA topoisomerase II was dependent on the ability to assume a cyclized conformation, we studied the structure-activity relationship for 12 amiloride analogs. These analogs contained structural modifications which could be expected to allow or impede formation of a cyclized conformation. Empirical assays consisting of biophysical, biochemical, and cell biological approaches, as well as computational molecular modeling approaches, were used to determine conformational properties for these molecules, and to determine whether they intercalated into DNA and inhibited topoisomerase II. Specifically, we measured the ability of these compounds to 1) alter the thermal denaturation profile of DNA, 2) modify the hydrodynamic behavior of DNA, 3) inhibit the catalytic activity of purified DNA topoisomerase II in vitro, 4) promote the topoisomerase II-dependent cleavage of DNA, and 5) inhibit functions associated with DNA topoisomerase II in intact cells. Results indicated that only those analogs capable of cyclization could intercalate into DNA and inhibit topoisomerase II. Thus, the ability of amiloride and the 12 analogs studied to intercalate into DNA and to inhibit topoisomerase II appears dependent on the ability to exist in a planar, hydrogen-bonded, tricyclic conformation.  相似文献   

Enthalpies of inositol hexaphosphate (IHP) binding to deoxy and carbonmonoxy (CO) HbA and HbM Iwate have been determined calorimetrically and compared as functions of pH. Values for deoxy HbA and for deoxy HbM Iwate are similar with CO HbM Iwate yielding slightly less heat of reaction. The results support the existence of both deoxy and CO HbM Iwate in T-like structures with only minor modifications occurring upon CO binding. For HbA observed heats of IHP binding have been corrected for heats of extraction of reacting protons from buffer. The resulting intrinsic IHP binding enthalpies show consistent values of ?7 to ?11 kcal/mol proton absorbed in binding. We suggest that a major driving force for organic phosphate binding is the exothermic protonation of histidine and/or a α-amino nitrogens induced by proximity of phosphate negative charges.  相似文献   

L A Marky  R B Macgregor 《Biochemistry》1990,29(20):4805-4811
We report differences in the interaction of two structurally similar phenanthroline intercalators, ethidium and propidium, with poly(dA).poly(dT) and poly[d(A-T)] as a function of ionic strength based on titration microcalorimetry, fluorescence titration, and hydrostatic pressure measurements. Both ethidium and propidium bind more strongly to poly[d(A-T)].poly[d(A-T)] than to poly(dA).poly(dT). Ethidium intercalation into the latter polymer displays titrations with positive cooperativity; this is not found with propidium. The enthalpy of intercalation (delta H degrees) is exothermic for both dyes with poly[d(A-T)].poly[d(A-T)]; however, the value of this parameter is nearly zero in the case of poly(dA).poly(dT). The molar volume change (delta V degrees) accompanying dye intercalation is negative under all conditions for poly[d(A-T)].poly[d(A-T)] whereas it is positive for poly(dA).poly(dT). The changes observed in delta V degrees correlate well with the entropy changes derived from the titration and calorimetric data for this reaction. The results, interpreted in terms of the relative hydration of these two polymers, are consistent with a higher extent of hydration of poly(dA).poly(dT) relative to poly[d(A-T)].poly[d(A-T)].  相似文献   

An explicit analytical theory of DNA melting is constructed. It accounts for the loop entropy and the elasticity of DNA strands. Explicit analytical formulas are presented for the melting curves of natural DNA and periodic polymers. The nature of the DNA helix–coil transition is investigated, and it is found to crucially depend on the nucleotide sequence.  相似文献   

Binding of ethidium bromide to a DNA triple helix. Evidence for intercalation   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The interaction of ethidium, a DNA intercalator, with the poly(dA).poly(dT) duplex and the poly (dA).2poly(dT) triplex has been investigated by a variety of spectrophotometric and hydrodynamic techniques. The fluorescence of ethidium is increased when either the duplex or triplex form is present. Binding constants, determined from absorbance measurements, indicate that binding to the triple helical form is substantially stronger than to the duplex, with a larger binding site size (2.8 base triplets compared to 2.4 base pairs). Furthermore, while binding to poly(dA).poly(dT) shows strong positive cooperativity, binding to the triplex is noncooperative. Thermal denaturation experiments demonstrate that ethidium stabilizes the triple helix. Binding to either form induces a weak circular dichroism band in the visible wavelength region, while in the region around 310 nm, there is a band that is strongly dependent on the degree of saturation of the duplex, and which is positive for the duplex but negative for the triplex. Both fluorescence energy transfer and quenching studies provide evidence of intercalation of ethidium in both duplex and triplex complexes. Binding of ethidium leads to an initial decrease in viscosity for both the duplex and triplex structures, followed by an increase, which is greater for the duplex. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that ethidium binds to the poly (dA).2poly(dT) triple helix via an intercalative mechanism.  相似文献   

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