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The resonance Raman spectra of riboflavin (RF) and its derivatives, including 3-deuterated (3-D RF), 3-methyl (3-CH3 RF), 3-carboxymethyl (3-CH2COOH RF), and 7,8-dichlororiboflavins (7,8-Cl RF), in H2O and D2O were observed in the 700-1700 cm-1 region. The fluorescence problem of riboflavin was overcome by complex formation of riboflavin with riboflavin binding proteins. The observed frequencies of Raman lines of RF are in good agreement with those of glucose oxidase obtained by Spiro et al. by the resonance CARS method, although the present spectral range is extended to much lower frequency with a higher signal-to-noise ratio than that for glucose oxidase. The observed Raman lines were assigned to the individual ring modes of isoalloxazine on the basis of the Raman spectra of appropriate model compounds such as uracil, pyrazine, and o-xylene. The 1253 cm-1 line of RF was shifted to ca. 1300 cm-1 for 3-D RF, 3-CH3 RF, and 3-CH2COOH RF, and accordingly can be assigned to the CN stretching mode of Ring III. The 1632 cm-1 line of RF was shifted for 7,8-Cl RF and was assigned to a Ring I mode. No Raman line mainly due to C = O stretching mode was observed in the present resonance Raman spectra.  相似文献   

Determination of riboflavin and its coenzymes in tissues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

A high-throughput screening method based on the competitive binding of a lumazine synthase inhibitor and riboflavin to the active site of Schizosaccharomyces pombe lumazine synthase was developed. This assay is sensitive, simple, and robust. During assay development, all of the known active inhibitors tested were positively identified. Preliminary high-throughput screening in 384-well format resulted in a Z factor of 0.7. The approach utilizes a thermodynamic assay to bypass the problems associated with the instabilities of both lumazine synthase substrates that complicate the use of a kinetic assay in a high-throughput format, and it removes the time element from the assay, thus simplifying the procedure.  相似文献   

The ineraction between riboflavin (RBF) and tryptophan (Trp) was investigated using fluorescence spectroscopy and UV–vis absorption spectroscopy under physiological conditions. The fluorescence of Trp was quenched by RBF via dynamic quenching, which was analyzed using the Stern–Volmer relation. The value of the Forster distance R0 (2.31 nm) was obtained according to the Forster's theory of nonradiative energy transfer. Under physiological conditions, a linear relationship could be established between the quenched fluorescence intensity of Trp and the concentration of RBF in the range of 5.8 × 10‐7–2.0 × 10‐5 mol/L. The detection limit was 1.8 × 10‐7 mol/L. The method was successfully applied to determine riboflavin concentrations in pharmaceutical samples. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A synthetic gene specifying the catalytic domain of the Arabidopsis thaliana riboflavin synthase was expressed with high efficiency in a recombinant Escherichia coli strain. The recombinant pseudomature protein was shown to convert 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine into riboflavin at a rate of 0.027 s-1 at 25 degrees C. The protein sediments at a rate of 3.9 S. Sedimentation equilibrium analysis afforded a molecular mass of 67.5 kDa, indicating a homotrimeric structure, analogous to the riboflavin synthases of Eubacteria and fungi. The protein binds its product riboflavin with relatively high affinity (Kd =1.1 microM). Product inhibition results in a characteristic sigmoidal velocity versus substrate concentration relationship. Characterization of the enzyme/product complex by circular dichroism and UV absorbance spectroscopy revealed a shift of the absorption maxima of riboflavin from 370 and 445 to 399 and 465 nm, respectively. Complete or partial sequences for riboflavin synthase orthologs were analyzed from 11 plant species. In each case for which the complete plant gene sequence was available, the catalytic domain was preceded by a sequence of 1-72 amino acid residues believed to function as plastid targeting signals. Comparison of all available riboflavin synthase sequences indicates that hypothetical gene duplication conducive to the two-domain architecture occurred very early in evolution.  相似文献   

Summary MDCK cells, when examined by low-light level video microscopy displayed an endogenous fluorescence with two differing patterns. A low intensity emission which was punctate and associated with cell organelles was observed with emission and excitation conditions generally used to observe either fluorescein (450–500 nm excitation/>510 nm emission) or rhodamine (514 nm excitation/>530 emission) type dyes. A second 5- to 10-fold brighter emission for 450–500 nm excitation was observed, which was unusual in that each cell appeared to be outlined. Evidence obtained from spectroscopy and from using culture media of altered composition supported the conclusion that the water-soluble vitamin riboflavin accumulated in the basolateral spaces and fluid-filled domes and was the source of this fluorescent emission. Quantitative measurements showed that exposure to cultures to 10 m riboflavin resulted in accumulation in domes of 565±80 m. The transport rate was calculated to be 189±30 pmol/min-cm2. Onemm probenecid, a known inhibitor of riboflavin transport in vivo, reduced transport to 54% of control, while 10mm nearly abolished the uptake. The results demonstrate that removal of riboflavin reduces MDCK cell fluorescence to levels compatable with low-light level imaging. Furthermore, these cells actively transport riboflavin and provide a new in vitro model for this process.  相似文献   

Changes in the rates of microbiological degradation of kerosene, diesel fuel, and fuel oil under the effect of UV irradiation were estimated by testing the respiratory activity of microbial communities. The strongest inhibitory effect was observed upon simultaneous UV irradiation of both natural water and petroleum products. Concentrations of CO2 in the microbial communities (microcosms) decreased from 6.7 to 3.6 vol. % upon oxidation of kerosene, from 5.9 to 0.8 vol. % upon oxidation of diesel fuel, and from 5.7 to 0.05 vol. % upon oxidation of fuel oil.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of intrinsic (natural) fluorescence and quenching as confounding variables in fluorescence-based enzyme inhibition assays of natural products, we measured the fluorescence and quenching properties of 25 components of popular herbal products. The analyses were performed under conditions typically employed in drug-drug interaction studies that use c-DNA-derived P450 isoforms and surrogate fluorogenic substrates. Four of the 25 compounds tested (isorhamnetin, quercetin, vitexin, and yangonin) fluoresced or quenched sufficiently to interfere with these assays. Intrinsic fluorescence had a greater effect on these assays than quenching and for one compound, yangonin, was sufficient to mask inhibition and potentially produce a false negative result. Quenching had less of an effect on these assays, but was significant enough for one compound, quercetin, to mimic "weak" inhibition. Therefore, because intrinsic fluorescence or quenching could render some natural products unsuitable for testing in certain fluorometric assays, it would be prudent to include an evaluation of these properties in experimental protocols.  相似文献   

Fluorescence quenching of tryptophan residues in egg-white riboflavin-binding protein by two typical quenchers (charged iodide and uncharged acrylamide) reveals acid-induced changes of protein conformation. At neutralpH, acrylamide flow in macromolecule, (i.e., the quenching effect) is decisive; tryptophan residue accessibility for iodide is small. At lowpH, some tryptophan residues are exposed to the protein surface and become more accessible to iodide. In contrast, acrylamide is less able to permeate this conformational state of RBP. Fluorescence of tryptophan residues in riboflavin-RBP complex and chemically N-bromosucinimide-modified RBP was quenched by iodide and acrylamide.  相似文献   

Summary Complementation of two metabolic deficiences — nitrate reductase and tryptophan synthase — was used to select for somatic fusion hybrids between tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and henbane (Hyoscyamus muticus) with prior X-irradiation of one partner. Using species specific, radioactively labelled DNA probes it could be shown that a) irradiation significantly reduced the amount of chromosomal DNA of the irradiated fusion partner in the somatic hybrid, b) irradiation with doses which completely inhibit protoplast division did not pevent transfer of substantial amounts of chromosomal DNA into the fusion hybrids (so called cybrids) and c) this method transfers functional nuclear genes together with the partial genome from the irradiated partner.  相似文献   

Many bacteria use quorum sensing (QS) as an intercellular signaling mechanism to regulate gene expression in local populations. Plant and algal hosts, in turn, secrete compounds that mimic bacterial QS signals, allowing these hosts to manipulate QS-regulated gene expression in bacteria. Lumichrome, a derivative of the vitamin riboflavin, was purified and chemically identified from culture filtrates of the alga Chlamydomonas as a QS signal-mimic compound capable of stimulating the Pseudomonas aeruginosa LasR QS receptor. LasR normally recognizes the N-acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) signal, N-3-oxo-dodecanoyl homoserine lactone. Authentic lumichrome and riboflavin stimulated the LasR receptor in bioassays and lumichrome activated LasR in gel shift experiments. Amino acid substitutions in LasR residues required for AHL binding altered responses to both AHLs and lumichrome or riboflavin. These results and docking studies indicate that the AHL binding pocket of LasR recognizes both AHLs and the structurally dissimilar lumichrome or riboflavin. Bacteria, plants, and algae commonly secrete riboflavin or lumichrome, raising the possibility that these compounds could serve as either QS signals or as interkingdom signal mimics capable of manipulating QS in bacteria with a LasR-like receptor.  相似文献   

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