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The present work describes the inducive effect of cresoquinone on microbiological transformation of L-tyrosine to 3,4 dihydroxy phenyl L-alanine ( L-DOPA) by Aspergillus oryzae NG-11(P1). Mould mycelium was used for biochemical conversion of L-tyrosine to L-DOPA because tyrosinases, beta-carboxylases and tyrosine hydroxylases are intracellular enzymes. The maximum conversion of L-tyrosine to L-DOPA (0.428 mg/ml) was achieved after 60 min of biochemical reaction. To enhance the production of L-DOPA, cresoquinone was added to the reaction mixture. Best L-DOPA biosynthesis results were observed when the concentration of cresoquinone was 3.5 x 10(-6) M (1.686 mg/ml L-DOPA produced with 1.525 mg/ml consumption of L-tyrosine). Cresoquinone not only increased enzyme activity but also enhanced cell membrane permeability to facilitate secretion of enzymes into the reaction broth. Comparison of kinetic parameters revealed the ability of the mutant to yield L-DOPA [Y(p/x) [i.e., mg L-DOPA formed (mg cells formed)(-1)] =7.360+/-0.04]. When the culture grown on various cresoquinone levels was monitored for Q(p), Q(s) and q(p) [ Q(p): mg L-DOPA produced ml(-1) x h(-1); Q(s): mg substrate consumed ml(-1) x h(-1); q(p): mg L-DOPA formed (mg cells)(-1) h(-1)], there was significant enhancement ( P<0.025) of these variables.  相似文献   

Llama variable heavy-chain antibody fragment (VHH) fused to four different reader proteins was produced and secreted in culture medium by Aspergillus oryzae. These fusion proteins consisted of N-terminal reader proteins, VHH, and a C-terminal his-tag sequence which facilitated purification using one-step his-tag affinity chromatography. SDS-PAGE analysis of the deglycosylated purified fusion proteins confirmed that the molecular weight of each corresponded to the expected sum of VHH and the respective reader proteins. The apparent high molecular weight reader protein glucoamylase (GlaB) was found to be suitable for efficient VHH production. The GlaB-VHH-His protein bound its antigen, human chorionic gonadotropin, and was detectable by a new ELISA-based method using a coupled assay with glucoamylase, glucose oxidase, peroxidase, maltose, and 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine as substrates. Addition of potassium phosphate to the culture medium induced secretion of 0.61 mg GlaB-VHH-His protein/ml culture medium in 5 days.  相似文献   

Dysregulation of pre-mRNA splicing machinery activity has been related to the biogenesis of several diseases. The serine/arginine-rich protein kinase family (SRPKs) plays a critical role in regulating pre-mRNA splicing events through the extensive phosphorylation of splicing factors from the family of serine/arginine-rich proteins (SR proteins). Previous investigations have described the overexpression of SRPK1 and SRPK2 in leukemia and other cancer types, suggesting that they would be useful targets for developing novel antitumor strategies. Herein, we evaluated the effect of selective pharmacological SRPK inhibition by N-(2-(piperidin-1-yl)-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)isonicotinamide (SRPIN340) on the viability of lymphoid and myeloid leukemia cell lines. Along with significant cytotoxic activity, the effect of treatments in regulating the phosphorylation of the SR protein family and in altering the expression of MAP2K1, MAP2K2, VEGF and FAS genes were also assessed. Furthermore, we found that pharmacological inhibition of SRPKs can trigger early and late events of apoptosis. Finally, intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence emission, molecular docking and molecular dynamics were analyzed to gain structural information on the SRPK/SRPIN340 complex. These data suggest that SRPK pharmacological inhibition should be considered as an alternative therapeutic strategy for fighting leukemias. Moreover, the obtained SRPK-ligand interaction data provide useful structural information to guide further medicinal chemistry efforts towards the development of novel drug candidates.  相似文献   

The effect of phosphinothricin (PPT), an inhibitor of glutaminesynthetase, on several aspects of photosynthesis has been studiedin primary leaves of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). When photorespirationwas suppressed, either by increasing CO2 concentration to 0.7%,or by decreasing O2 concentration to 1%, feeding the illuminatedleaves with 0·5 or 1·0 mM PPT did not affect photosynthesisto a noticeable extent. Conversely, when PPT-fed leaves wereilluminated in air, CO2 uptake decreased continuously. Modificationof the components of chlorophyll fluorescence quenching indicatedincreased reduction of QA, the primary acceptor of photosystemII, and increased chloroplast energization. Feeding of PPT toleaves illuminated in air increased the quantum requirementof photosynthesis and decreased photosynthetic rate of oxygenevolution in saturating [CO2] and high light intensity. It isconcluded that the effect of PPT on the photochemical processesis indirect, through the inhibition of CO2 assimilation probablycaused by the depletion of intermediates of the reductive pentosephosphate cycle. Key words: Feeding, Hordeumvulgare L., quenching coefficients  相似文献   

Four derivatives of 2(II)-deoxycellobiose were synthesized from d-glucal and acceptor sugars (d-glucose, d-xylose, d-mannose, and 2-deoxy-d-arabino-hexose) using a cellobiose phosphorylase from Cellvibrio gilvus. The enzyme was found to be an effective catalyst to synthesize the beta-(1-->4) linkage of 2-deoxy-d-arabino-hexopyranoside. The acceptor specificity for the d-glucal reaction was identical to that for the alpha-d-glucose 1-phosphate reaction, but the activity of d-glucal was approximately 500 times less than that of alpha-d-glucose 1-phosphate, using 10mM substrates.  相似文献   

Application of the tertiary amine bioregulator, 2-(3,4-dichlorophenoxy)triethylamine [DCPTA] to seedling Phalaenopsis plants increased seeding survival, long-term vegetative plant growth, and greatly accelerated flowering when compared to controls. Application of 30 µM (10 ppm) DCPTA during the transfer of orchid seedlings from sterile agar culture to greenhouse community pot culture caused a 2 to 3-fold increase in root and leaf growth of seedling plants over the growth of controls. After 2 years greenhouse culture, the total dry weight of 30 µM DCPTA-treated plants was doubled when compared with controls. Flowering of 30 µM DCPTA-treated plants was increased significantly (p < 0.05) over that of controls after 11 and 18 months plant growth. During a 2 year growth period, the total number of racemes produced by 30 µM DCPTA-treated plants was doubled when compared with the floral performance of controls. The effects of DCPTA on plant flowering appeared to function independently of DCPTA-mediated effects on plant growth.Reference to a company or product name does not imply approval or recommendation of the product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to the exclusion of others that may be suitable.  相似文献   

The production optimization of alpha-amylase (E.C. from Aspergillus oryzae CBS 819.72 fungus, using a by-product of wheat grinding (gruel) as sole carbon source, was performed with statistical methodology based on three experimental designs. The optimisation of temperature, agitation and inoculum size was attempted using a Box-Behnken design under the response surface methodology. The screening of nineteen nutrients for their influence on alpha-amylase production was achieved using a Plackett-Burman design. KH(2)PO(4), urea, glycerol, (NH(4))(2)SO(4), CoCl(2), casein hydrolysate, soybean meal hydrolysate, MgSO(4) were selected based on their positive influence on enzyme formation. The optimized nutrients concentration was obtained using a Taguchi experimental design and the analysis of the data predicts a theoretical increase in the alpha-amylase expression of 73.2% (from 40.1 to 151.1 U/ml). These conditions were validated experimentally and revealed an enhanced alpha-amylase yield of 72.7%.  相似文献   

Axenic cultures of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata. Rhodospirillum rubrum, and Rhodomicrobium vannielii grown with glutamate as the nitrogen source converted lactate, acetate, and butyrate to H(2) and CO(2). Conversion rates ranged from 100 to 926 mL H(2) L(r) (-1) day(-1) (where L(r) is the reactor contents), and efficiencies varied from 23 to 100% When grown with N(2), conversion rates up to 760 mL H(2) L(r) (-1) day(-1) and efficiencies up to 100%were achieved. Upon aging, cultures appear to rapidly increase in hydrogen uptake activity and furthermore decrease in nitrogenase activity, both factors leading to a slowdown of hydrogen production. This was particularly the case for diazotrophically grown photobacteria.  相似文献   

Two mutation and selection methods were used to isolate mutants of Pseudomonas putida F1 which convert indene to cis-(1S),(2R)-indandiol in a toluene-independent fashion. Using soybean or silicone oil as a second phase to deliver indene to the culture, cis-(1S),(2R)-indandiol, cis-(1R),(2S)-indandiol, 1,2-indenediol (or the keto-hydroxy indan tautomer), and the monooxygenation products 1-indenol and 1-indanone were produced from indene as a function of time. Similarly the enantiomeric excess of the cis-(1S),(2R)-indandiol produced also increased with increasing time. In addition, mutants were isolated which produced cis-(1S),(2R)-indandiol of lower optical purity which corresponded to reduced levels of 1,2-indenediol. These data suggest this toluene dioxygenase produces cis-(1S),(2R)-indandiol of low optical purity and that cis-glycol dehydrogenase plays a role in resolving the two cis-1,2-indandiol enantiomers. Received 15 November 1996/ Accepted in revised form 09 March 1997  相似文献   

Insulin sensitivity is critically dependent on the activity of PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase) and generation of the PtdIns(3,4,5)P(3) second messenger. PtdIns(3,4,5)P(3) can be broken down to PtdIns(3,4)P(2) through the action of the SHIPs (Src-homology-2-domain-containing inositol phosphatases). As PtdIns(3,4)P(2) levels peak after those of PtdIns(3,4,5)P(3), it has been proposed that PtdIns(3,4)P(2) controls a negative-feedback loop that down-regulates the insulin and PI3K network. Previously, we identified two related adaptor proteins termed TAPP [tandem PH (pleckstrin homology)-domain-containing protein] 1 and TAPP2 that specifically bind to PtdIns(3,4)P(2) through their C-terminal PH domain. To determine whether TAPP1 and TAPP2 play a role in regulating insulin sensitivity, we generated knock-in mice that express normal endogenous levels of mutant TAPP1 and TAPP2 that are incapable of binding PtdIns(3,4)P(2). These homozygous TAPP1(R211L/R211L) TAPP2(R218L/R218L) double knock-in mice are viable and exhibit significantly enhanced activation of Akt, a key downstream mediator of insulin signalling. Consistent with increased PI3K and Akt activity, the double knock-in mice display enhanced whole body insulin sensitivity and disposal of glucose uptake into muscle tissues. We also generated wild-type and double TAPP1(R211L/R211L) TAPP2(R218L/R218L) knock-in embryonic fibroblasts and found that insulin triggered enhanced production of PtdIns(3,4,5)P(3) and Akt activity in the double knock-in fibroblasts. These observations provide the first genetic evidence to support the notion that binding of TAPP1 and TAPP2 adap-tors to PtdIns(3,4)P(2) function as negative regulators of the insulin and PI3K signalling pathways.  相似文献   

Extracts of cell suspension cultures from Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) needles catalyzed the production of (+)-catechin (2,3-trans flavan-3-o1) from the 2,3-trans-flavan,3,4-cis-diol (leucocyanidin) in a NADPH-dependent reductase reaction at pH 7.4. Catechin was also produced, along with the 3,4-cis-diol, in a double step reduction from (+)-dihydroquercetin. It was necessary to eliminate any thiol such as 2-mercaptoethanol or dithiothreitol from the extract or assay mixture because these thiols apparently formed thioethers with the 3,4-diols.  相似文献   

The beta-xylosidase-encoding xlnD gene of Aspergillus niger 90196 was amplified by the PCR technique from first-strand cDNA synthesized on mRNA isolated from the fungus. The nucleotide sequence of the cDNA fragment was verified to contain a 2,412-bp open reading frame that encodes a 804-amino-acid propeptide. The 778-amino-acid mature protein, with a putative molecular mass of 85.1 kDa, was fused in frame with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae mating factor alpha1 signal peptide (MFalpha1(s)) to ensure correct posttranslational processing in yeast. The fusion protein was designated Xlo2. The recombinant beta-xylosidase showed optimum activity at 60 degrees C and pH 3.2 and optimum stability at 50 degrees C. The K(i(app)) value for D-xylose and xylobiose for the recombinant beta-xylosidase was determined to be 8.33 and 6.41 mM, respectively. The XLO2 fusion gene and the XYN2 beta-xylanase gene from Trichoderma reesei, located on URA3-based multicopy shuttle vectors, were successfully expressed and coexpressed in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae under the control of the alcohol dehydrogenase II gene (ADH2) promoter and terminator. These recombinant S. cerevisiae strains produced 1,577 nkat/ml of beta-xylanase activity when expressing only the beta-xylanase and 860 nkat/ml when coexpressing the beta-xylanase with the beta-xylosidase. The maximum beta-xylosidase activity was 5.3 nkat/ml when expressed on its own and 3.5 nkat/ml when coexpressed with the beta-xylanase. Coproduction of the beta-xylanase and beta-xylosidase enabled S. cerevisiae to degrade birchwood xylan to D-xylose.  相似文献   

Ko JK  Choi KH  Kim HJ  Choi HY  Yeo DJ  Park SO  Yang WS  Kim YN  Kim CW 《FEBS letters》2003,551(1-3):29-36
Human Bfl-1 is an anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family member. Here, we found that Bfl-1 was converted into a potent death-promoting protein by green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion with its N-terminus. The transient expression of GFP-Bfl-1 induced cytochrome c release and triggered apoptosis in 293T cells, which depended on the mitochondrial localization of GFP-Bfl-1. Apoptosis induced by GFP-Bfl-1 was significantly blocked by the pan-caspase inhibitor carbobenzoxy-Val-Ala-Asp-fluoromethyl ketone, but was not blocked by either Bcl-xL or Bfl-1. Our findings provide a useful model for understanding the structural basis of Bcl-2 family proteins that act in an opposite way despite sharing structural similarity between anti-apoptotic and pro-apoptotic proteins.  相似文献   

The formation of HEMF [2 (or 5)-ethyl-5 (or 2)-methyl-4-hydroxy-3 (2H)-furanone] by yeast was examined in an attempt to investigate its mechanism and involved factors. HEMF formation was promoted by yeast cultivation in a heat-sterilized medium which included glucose, ribose, and a nitrogenous compound such as an extract of shoyu koji, poly-peptone, casamino acid, or an amino acid (glutamic acid, threonine, serine, or alanine).  相似文献   

Abstract: Based on a number of lines of evidence, we have proposed recently that a very early step in the pathogenesis of idiopathic Parkinson's disease might be elevated translocation of l -cysteine into neuromelanin-pigmented dopaminergic cell bodies in the substantia nigra. In vitro studies suggest that such an influx of l -cysteine would divert the neuromelanin pathway by scavenging dopamine-o-quinone, the proximate autoxidation product of dopamine, to give 5-S-cysteinyldopamine, which is oxidized further to 7-(2-aminoethyl)-3,4-dihydro-5-hydroxy-2H-1,4-benzothiazine-3-carboxylic acid (DHBT-1) and other cysteinyldopamines and dihydrobenzothiazines. In this study, it is demonstrated that DHBT-1 inhibits ADP-stimulated oxidation of malate and pyruvate (state 3 or complex I respiration) when incubated with intact rat brain mitochondria with an IC50 of ~0.80 mM. Incubation of DHBT-1 with freeze-thawed rat brain mitochondria in both the presence and absence of KCN and/or NADH causes an irreversible, time-dependent decrease of NADH-coenzyme Q1 reductase activity. Significantly lower concentrations of DHBT-1 are necessary to cause this effect when mitochondrial membranes are incubated in the absence of KCN and NADH. The irreversible inhibition of mitochondrial complex I caused by DHBT-1 under the latter conditions could be blocked only partially by glutathione, ascorbic acid, superoxide dismutase, or catalase. Together, these results suggest that DHBT-1 can cross the outer mitochondrial membrane and irreversibly inhibit complex I by a mechanism that is not primarily related to oxygen radical-mediated damage. Formation of DHBT-1 requires only dopamine, l -cysteine, and an oxidizing environment, conditions that may well exist in the cytoplasm of neuromelanin-pigmented dopaminergic neurons in the parkinsonian substantia nigra. The results of this study raise the possibility that DHBT-1 might be an endotoxin formed specifically in pigmented dopaminergic neurons that can contribute to irreversible damage to mitochondrial complex I and substantia nigra cell death in Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

The influence of intracisternal administration of antiserum to the neurospecific brain gamma gamma-enolase (aS-gamma gamma) on the consumption of 7.5% ethanol solution by rats was studied. Injection of aS-gamma gamma decreased the ethanol intake by the rats which had been drinking 15% solution of ethanol for 7 months as a single source of liquid. In vitro aS-gamma gamma caused 4-fold inhibition of the gamma gamma-enolase activity while it did not influence the alpha alpha-enolase activity. Intracisternal administration of aS-gamma gamma shifted enolase isoenzyme spectra in the direction of the decrease of gamma gamma-enolase content. It is suggested that the effect of aS-gamma gamma on ethanol consumption is due to inhibition of the activity of gamma gamma-enolase which participates in energy metabolism in neurons.  相似文献   

Reaction of cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) with single-stranded M13 phage DNA in vitro produced monofunctional platinum-DNA adducts on guanine and bifunctional lesions with either two guanine bases (GG) or one adenine and one guanine (AG). When DNA containing a majority of monofunctional platinum-DNA lesions was dialyzed against 10 mM NaCIO4 at 37 degrees C, conversion of monoadducts to bifunctional lesions was observed. We examined the effect of post-treatment formation of bifunctional lesions on DNA synthesis by Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I and highly purified eukaryotic DNA polymerase alpha from Drosophila melanogaster and calf thymus. Arrest sites on the platinated template were determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Monofunctional lesions did not appear to block DNA synthesis. Inhibition of replication increased as bifunctional platinum-DNA lesions formed during post-treatment incubation; GG adducts inhibited replication more than AG. These results suggest that bifunctional GG platinum-DNA adducts may be the major toxic damage of cisplatin.  相似文献   

(±)-(2Z,4E)-5-(1′,2′-epoxy-2′,6′,6′-trimethylcyclohexyl)-3-methyl-2,4-pentadienoic acid was metabolized by Cercospora cruenta, which has the ability to produce (+)-abscisic acid (ABA), to give (±)-(2Z,4E)-xanthoxin acid, (±)-(2Z,4E)-5′-hydroxy-1′,2′-epoxy-1′,2′-dihydro-β-ionylideneacetic acid, (±)-1′,2′-epoxy-1′,2′-dihydro-β-ionone and trace amounts of ABA.  相似文献   

我们观测了不同光照预处理对拟南芥、小麦和大豆叶片光合作用和低温( 77K) 叶绿素荧光参数F685、F735 和F685&#1089839;F735 的影响。野生型拟南芥叶片光合作用对饱和光到有限光转变的响应曲线是V 型,而缺乏叶绿体蛋白激酶的突变体STN7 的这一曲线为L 型。饱和白光可以引起拟南芥叶片F685&#1089839;F735 的明显降低, 但是F735 没有明显增高, 而弱红光可以导致拟南芥叶片F685&#1089839;F735 的明显降低和F735 的明显增高, 表明弱红光可以引起状态1 向状态2 的转变, 同时伴随从光系统II 脱离的LHC II 与光系统I 的结合, 而饱和白光只能引起LHC II 从光系统II 反应中心复合体脱离。并且, 低温叶绿素荧光分析结果证明, 饱和白光可以引起大豆叶片LHC II 脱离, 但是不能引起小麦叶片LHC II 脱离, 而弱红光可以引起小麦叶片的这种状态转换, 却不能引起大豆叶片的这种状态转换。因此, 饱和白光引起的野生型拟南芥和大豆叶片的LHC II 脱离不是一个典型的状态转换现象。  相似文献   

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