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朝医药是朝鲜民族在长期生活经验中总结出的抵抗病邪的智慧结晶,其理论核心是四象医学,在治疗上,倡导"药乃局限于人"的药性观。熊胆是熊科动物黑熊或棕熊的胆汁,其性味苦、寒,具有清热解毒,明目,止痉的功效。在朝医药中,熊胆属于太阴人药,具有活血化瘀,发汗等作用。通过对熊胆在临床上的应用以及有关其基础的研究,发现在药物的应用方面朝医药与中医药之间存在着有些差异,这种差异给药物的基础研究以及临床应用开辟了更多新思路,可使各民族医药之间取长补短。  相似文献   

朝医药是朝鲜民族在长期生活经验中总结出的抵抗病邪的智慧结晶,其理论核心是四象医学,在治疗上,倡导“药乃局限于人”的药性观。熊胆是熊科动物黑熊或棕熊的胆汁,其性味苦、寒,具有清热解毒,明目,止痉的功效。在朝医药中,熊胆属于太阴人药,具有活血化瘀,发汗等作用。通过对熊胆在临床上的应用以及有关其基础的研究,发现在药物的应用方面朝医药与中医药之间存在着有些差异,这种差异给药物的基础研究以及临床应用开辟了更多新思路,可使各民族医药之间取长补短。  相似文献   

Yoshimura Y 《Human cell》2006,19(2):83-86
The birth announced in 1997 of Dolly, the lamb cloned from the somatic mammary cells of an adult ewe, and the discovery of human embryonic stem cells in 1998 have been the most exciting developments in the biological sciences in the past decade. Reproductive somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) in additional species has been inefficient in that relatively few births, harmful side effects and high fetal and neonatal death rates have resulted from many attempts. Ongoing debates about the ethics of reproductive SCNT have revealed that some researchers regard human reproductive SCNT as morally unacceptable in all circumstances, others see merit in reproductive SCNT in certain circumstances and others await more information before making judgment about the ethical status of the procedure. Regenerative medicine and emerging biotechnologies started to revolutionize the practice of medicine. Advances in stem cell biology, including embryonic and postnatal somatic stem cells, have made the prospect of tissue regeneration a potential reality. Mammal cloning experiments have provided new impetus to the prospect of regenerative medicine through stem cell research. The procedure of SCNT could be used to create the raw material to replace defective or senescent tissue as a natural extension of the biology of stem cells. Researchers working in reproductive medicine should consider the potential hope given to many patients against the requisite and ethically contentious creation of human blastocysts for therapeutic intent.  相似文献   

中医药具有精准医学的核心"个体化诊断和治疗"要素。基因组学技术在中医药基于体质的精准预防、个体化诊断与药物、针灸治疗、药物复杂性、包括中医药干预人体微生物环境等方面已经有较多应用。这与精准医学通过分析人群基因信息、生活方式、环境因素等了解疾病发生发展机制、针对相关靶点开发药物的方法及目标相匹配。未来将在整合各组学技术、结合中医药自身特色等方面应用于中医药精准医学研究,为实现中医药现代化及精准治疗的目标提供助力。  相似文献   

防原医学是为五年制临床医学专业开设的一门必修的军事医学课程,理解和掌握防原医学知识,是成为具有全面技能的军事医学人才的基础。为了通过本门课程的学习,更好地培养高素质的新型军事医学人才,本文结合第四军医大学五年制临床医学专业学员的培养目标和实际情况,对课程标准的内容制定和实施进行思考,探索课程标准下的防原医学教学模式与方法,旨在进一步提升教学效果,造就新时期军事变革条件下的优秀人民军医。  相似文献   

转化医学(translational medicine),其核心是要将生物医学基础研究成果迅速有效的转化为可在临床医学实际应用的理论、技术、方法和药物。作者作为生物化学与分子生物学教师,在转化医学大背景下在生化教学改革方面进行了一些尝试,提出了转化医学在生化教学中的几点对策与思考,以供大家探讨。  相似文献   

根据美国药物研究与生产商协会( PhRMA) 发布的相关报告和新药数据库中的数据,对2013 年至今进入Ⅲ期临床试验或递交新药申请(NDA)/ 生物制剂许可申请(BLA)的用于治疗糖尿病及其相关疾病的65 种候选新药的临床研发情况进行综述。将这些候选新药分为非胰岛素类、胰岛素类和复方制剂类抗糖尿病药,并重点对递交NDA/BLA 或已获得批准的抗糖尿病新药开发进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

光周期和温度是植物开花的2个关键的调控因素,植物成花转变决定于植物对光周期和温度变化的精确测量.作为短日照植物,水稻在长日低温条件下抽穗期推迟,为了阐明温度和光周期对水稻开花时间的调控效应,本文利用1个光周期不敏感的突变体及其野生型,系统地分析了不同温度和光周期处理条件下,调控水稻开花时间几个关键基因(Hd3a,RFT1,Ehd1,Ghd7,RID1/Ehd2/OsId1,Se5)的表达调控模式,结果表明Ehd1-Hd3a/RFT1通路在光周期和温度调控水稻开花途径中保守.Ehd1,Hd3a和RFT1的表达在低温(23℃)条件下急剧下降,表明Ehd1,Hd3a和RFT1表达阻抑是低温条件下水稻开花推迟的主要原因.另外,在长日照条件下,低温(23℃)处理促进了水稻开花抑制子Ghd7的表达,表明低温条件和长日照条件对Ghd7的表达具有协同作用.此外,本文还分析了Hd1与光周期开花调控途径中几个关键基因的调控关系,发现Hd1在长日照条件下负向调控Ehd1的表达而正向调控Ghd7的表达,表明在长日照条件下,Hd1-Ghd7-Ehd1-RFT1通路也是水稻抽穗期调控的一条重要途径.  相似文献   

The first clinical gene delivery, which involved insertion of a marker gene into lymphocytes from cancer patients, was published 25 years ago. In this review, we describe progress since then in gene therapy. Patients with some inherited single-gene defects can now be treated with their own bone marrow stem cells that have been engineered with a viral vector carrying the missing gene. Patients with inherited retinopathies and haemophilia B can also be treated by local or systemic injection of viral vectors. There are also a number of promising gene therapy approaches for cancer and infectious disease. We predict that the next 25 years will see improvements in safety, efficacy and manufacture of gene delivery vectors and introduction of gene-editing technologies to the clinic. Gene delivery may also prove a cost-effective method for the delivery of biological medicines.  相似文献   

Smith K 《Bioethics》2012,26(8):398-409
I examine the positive and negative features of homeopathy from an ethical perspective. I consider: (a) several potentially beneficial features of homeopathy, including non-invasiveness, cost-effectiveness, holism, placebo benefits and agent autonomy; and (b) several potentially negative features of homeopathy, including failure to seek effective healthcare, wastage of resources, promulgation of false beliefs and a weakening of commitment to scientific medicine. A utilitarian analysis of the utilities and disutilities leads to the conclusion that homeopathy is ethically unacceptable and ought to be actively rejected by healthcare professionals.  相似文献   

朝医药是朝鲜民族在长期生活经验中总结出的抵抗病邪的智慧结晶,该医学的核心是四象理论,在治疗上倡导"药乃局限于人"的药性观。鹿茸是鹿科动物梅花鹿或马鹿等雄鹿头上长出的尚未骨化而带毛的幼角,在朝医药中归类于太阴人药,其功效有补肺、补肾阳、益精血等作用,主要用于太阴人的虚劳及气虚证。通过对鹿茸在临床上的应用以及其基础的研究,发现在药物的应用方面上,朝医药与中医药之间有着某些差异,如果探讨两者之差异的根源以及其中关联,那么对药物的基础研究一定会开辟更多的思路并对临床应用也提供更有效的方法。  相似文献   

KEVIN SMITH 《Bioethics》2012,26(9):508-512
In opposition to the premises of Against Homeopathy – a Utilitarian Perspective, all four respondents base their objections on the central claims that homeopathy is in fact scientifically plausible and is supported by empirical evidence. Despite ethical aspects forming the main thrust of Against Homeopathy, the respondents’ focus on scientific aspects represents sound strategy, since the ethical case against homeopathy would be weakened concomitant with the extent to which any plausibility for homeopathy could be demonstrated. The trouble here is that the respondents are attempting to perpetuate a sterile debate. The notion that homeopathic preparations could have any biological effects represents a fringe viewpoint, one not entertained by serious scientists nor supported by reason and evidence. In the present article, I shall endeavour to explain why the respondents do not have a valid case. I will deal firstly with their general approach to scientific plausibility and evidence, and then consider some of the specific claims they have made. Finally, I will answer the philosophical arguments some of the respondents have raised.  相似文献   

为探讨复杂生境条件下,藏药植物资源的多样性和利用现状,选取云南迪庆藏族自治州西北部澜沧江、金沙江河谷;梅里雪山、白马雪山山区和高寒山区展开了藏药植物资源调查。结果表明:该地区使用的藏药资源丰富,共调查到药用植物144种,隶属于63科,126属;资源利用方式以野生采集为主(64%),人工栽培为辅(25%已开展栽培,11%正试验栽培);部分资源存在资源枯竭问题(26%)。统计分析表明:从河谷到山区、高寒山区,各海拔梯度的植物资源均有较多使用,但使用的资源类群不同;随海拔高度上升,植物资源易濒危,难栽培,栽培开展受恶劣环境的抑制,受资源枯竭推动,易形成先枯竭、后栽培的不合理开发模式;资源使用过度、植物种群恢复能力弱、采集伤害重是天然资源枯竭的相关因素。应针对上述问题,制定适合特殊生境条件下藏药资源特点的开发策略。  相似文献   

The ancient Egyptians practiced medicine with highly professional methods. They had advanced knowledge of anatomy and surgery. Also, they treated a lot of diseases including dental, gynecological, gastrointestinal, and urinary disorders. They could diagnose diabetes and cancer. The used therapeutics extended from different plants to include several animal products and minerals. Some of these plants are still used in the present day. Fortunately, they documented their life details by carving on stone, clay, or papyri. Although a lot of these records have been lost or destroyed, the surviving documents represent a huge source of knowledge in different scientific aspects including medicine. This review article is an attempt to understand some information about traditional medicine in ancient Egypt, we will look closely at some basics, sources of information of Egyptian medicine in addition to common treated diseases and therapeutics in this great civilization.  相似文献   

In this article, I examine the process by which some biomedical physicians and nurses in Australia have come to adopt various alternative therapies in their regimens of practice, largely in response to (1) the growing interest on the part of many Australians in what is generally called "complementary medicine", and (2) a recognition that biomedicine is not particularly effective in treating an array of chronic ailments. Some Australian biomedical physicians and nurses have come to embrace "integrative medicine," which purports to blend the best of biomedicine and complementary medicine, and have even created an Australasian Integrative Medical Association and established integrative medical training programs and centers. I argue that the adoption of alternative therapies and the development of integrative medicine on the part of Australian biomedical physicians and nurses constitute another national manifestation of the co-option of complementary and alternative medicine.  相似文献   

新疆药用植物资源和民族药概况   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文报道了新疆药用植物资源的分布情况和蕴藏量,以及维、哈民族药的简要情况,还对新疆的药用植物和民族药开发利用研究的思路进行了探讨。  相似文献   

中药现代化的理论和方法研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
中药现代化的任务是对当代药物学家的挑战.中药现代化的目标、方法尚无统一的认识.吴凤锷在1989年就提出了中药现代化的方法.随着时间的推移,这一设想已被一些药物学家所认可,并开始了这方面的研究工作.通过多年的思索,对中药现代化的理论依据进行了研究,认为:(1)中药疗效是针对生药而言,即针对多种成分的结合疗效.(2)中药的多种成分特别适合于老年性多种慢性并发症的治疗.(3)中药的安全性是由于多成分、所含各成分相对剂量低的原因.(4)中药的个体针对性强,同病异治,或异病同治.(5)中药服用后进入人体的代谢过程不同于西药,对消化道中菌群产生影响,从而影响人体的生理功能.(6)中药既含有蛋白质、微量元素等功能性营养成分,又含有生物碱、黄酮等药物成分,本质上处于西药与食品之间.由于传统中药有以上特点,故中药的现代化必须保持这些特点.最好的方法就是作者所提出的用单方成药代替生药的方法.从现状看,这一方法既有理论依据,在技术上又是可行的.符合中医的传统理论及中草药的特点.  相似文献   

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