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Pea ovaries are induced to enter a fruit development pathway involving physiological and morphological changes by pollination or application of plant growth regulators. In the absence of these stimuli, overies stop growing and enter an alternative pathway of senesecence that leads to their degeneration. We have used two dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in search of molecular changes underlying fruit development and ovary senescence at the level of total accumulated proteins, newly synthesized proteins, and translatable, RNA populations. We have found changes in gene expression during the processes of ovary formation and ovary senescence. Stimuli that induce fruit set do not appreciably alter the overall patterns of synthesized proteins or translatable RNAs, indicating that fruit development is apparently a natural continuation of ovary formation. However, ovary senescence is an alternative pathway that involves the presence of new RNA messengers and proteins as well as the disappearance of others. These changes were detected earlier than any morphological or structural changes could be observed in the ovary.  相似文献   

郭金虎  赵寿元 《生命科学》2005,17(3):218-221
人类的物种形成与进化问题一直是研究的一个焦点。近年来,对于人和灵长类以及果蝇等其他一些动物多种组织基因表达谱的研究表明,在人的进化过程中脑基因表达的改变最为显著,并且脑中许多基因的表达呈显著上调。信息学分析显示,在多种组织当中,人的脑与睾丸可能存在最为相似的基因表达谱。这些结果提示睾丸可能与脑类似,也在人的物种形成和进化历程中起着重要作用。本文对人睾丸和脑基因表达谱的研究进行了回顾,并提出了该研究方向今后的一些研究设想。  相似文献   

SSKOIDE 《Cell research》1997,7(1):51-59
INTRODUCTIONEpidermalgrowthfactor(EGF)wasinitiallyisolatedandpurifiedfromthesubmaxillarygland(SMG)ofmalemouse[1].Itisapolypeptidecomposedof53aminoacidresidues[2].Itinfluencescellproliferationanddifferentiationandmodulatesthegrowthanddevelopmentofmammalianorgans[3--7].AnoteworthyfindingisthatextirpationofmouseSMGresultsinamarkedreductionofserumEGFconcentrationassociatedwithanimpairedspermatogenesis[3].ThisfindingsuggeststhatEGFmayregulatespermproductionanddifferentiation.Inhumantest…  相似文献   

The androgen receptor (AR) is expressed in the fetal testis; however, the role of AR in fetal testicular development is poorly understood. Disrupted AR activity and subsequent gene expression alterations may disturb developmental programming of the fetal testis and result in testicular abnormalities later in life. The present study was performed to examine global gene expression patterns in rat fetal testis following in utero exposure to various AR antagonists. Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with flutamide (50 mg/kg/day), linuron (50 mg/kg/day), vinclozolin (200 mg/kg/day), p,p'-DDE (100 mg/kg/day) or corn oil vehicle by gavage daily from gestation day (GD) 12-19. Testes were isolated on GD 19, and AR immunostaining, histology, and global changes in gene expression were determined. There were no alterations in the pattern or expression level of AR and no apparent histological changes in the fetal testes in any treatment group. Microarray analysis using Dunnett's test with multiple testing correction revealed no significant gene expression alterations following exposure to flutamide, linuron, vinclozolin, and p,p'-DDE. A less stringent analysis yielded some chemical specific effects on gene expression, and these effects were further evaluated by real-time RT-PCR. Vinclozolin treatment reduced the expression of several genes involved in cholesterol biosynthesis, though the testosterone levels were unchanged in the fetal testes in any treatment group. In flutamide, linuron, and p,p'-DDE treatment groups, the expression of hemoglobin Y, beta-like embryonic chain (Hbb-y) was reduced. Myomesin 2 (Myom2) expression was increased following linuron treatment. Given the lack of a common set of genes and the absence of overt histopathology, we conclude that the fetal testis is not a major target for AR activity at this stage of development although some cell-type specific gene expression changes cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   


In recent years a number of experimental findings have indicated that in higher plants the gametophytic phase is able to express its own genetic information, a large part of which it shares with the sporophytic generation. Quantitative estimates of haploid and haplodiploid gene expression have been obtained by mRNA and isozyme analysis in several plant species: 60-70% of the genes are expressed in both pollen and plant, about 10% are pollen-specific, and 20% represent the sporophytic domain. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that stage-specific genes are expressed in the gametophytic generation: at least two sets of genes are activated during pollen development, others are expressed only in the postshedding period, during germination and tube growth. Studies have been made to ascertain the role played by gametophyte-expressed genes in pollen development; the in vivo and in vitro pollen tube growth rate has been revealed to be controlled by the gametophyte genome itself. Differential effects of specific chromosomal deficiencies on the development of maize pollen grains have indicated that components of normal microspore development are controlled by genes located in specific parts of the genome. For single gene analysis, gene transfer can be used; on the contrary, for traits with a multifactorial genetic control, direct proof of gene expression both in the gametophytic and the sporophytic generation can be obtained when selection is applied to the pollen population of a hybrid plant, and response to selection is observed in the resulting sporophytic progeny. Response to selection, applied at different stages of the gametophytic phase, has been described in the sporophytic progeny and this with regard to many adaptive traits; thus the phenomenon can have an important bearing on the genetic structure of natural populations and on higher plant evolution, it can also be used as a breeding tool to increase the efficiency of conventional selection methods.  相似文献   

Phospholipase D is one of the crucial enzymes involved in lipid mediated signaling, triggered during various developmental and physiological processes. Different members of PLD gene family have been known to be induced under different abiotic stresses and during developmental processes in various plant species. In this report, we are presenting a detailed microarray based expression analysis and expression profiles of entire set of PLD genes in rice genome, under three abiotic stresses (salt, cold and drought) and different developmental stages (3-vegetative stages and 11-reproductive stages). Seven and nine PLD genes were identified, which were expressed differentially under abiotic stresses and during reproductive developmental stages, respectively. PLD genes, which were expressed significantly under abiotic stresses exhibited an overlapping expression pattern and were also differentially expressed during developmental stages. Moreover, expression pattern for a set of stress induced genes was validated by real time PCR and it supported the microarray expression data. These findings emphasize the role of PLDs in abiotic stress signaling and development in rice. In addition, expression profiling for duplicated PLD genes revealed a functional divergence between the duplicated genes and signify the role of gene duplication in the evolution of this gene family in rice. This expressional study will provide an important platform in future for the functional characterization of PLDs in crop plants.  相似文献   

为了更清楚地了解斑玉蕈菌丝成熟、原基形成和子实体发育的过程,本研究对不同菌丝培养时期的栽培瓶进行出菇实验,并对其不同培养时期和生长发育关键时期的信息素通路基因进行差异表达分析,以期揭示信息素信号通路基因参与调节斑玉蕈菌丝的生长、子实体形成和发育的作用。研究结果表明:斑玉蕈菌丝培养40-80d过程中,子实体产量呈上升的趋势,说明菌丝的成熟程度对产量会产生重要影响。对斑玉蕈基因组中的信息素信号通路基因进行分析鉴定共获得了8个关键基因。信息素通路基因差异表达分析表明:在菌丝培养40-80d过程中,大部分信息素信号通路基因在第60天时表达量最高,其中ste20cdc24ste12上调了4-20倍,而在第80天出现下降。从菌丝恢复到扭结形成原基和子实体发育的过程中,大多数基因在原基时期表达量最高,其中ste20cdc24ste11ste12表达量上调最为显著,在子实体成熟期这些基因表达量下降。因此,这说明在菌丝营养生长过程中,在第60天菌丝细胞增殖生长最为旺盛,而在第80天菌丝细胞基本停止生长,菌丝也逐渐达到成熟。同时,在菌丝生殖生长过程中,斑玉蕈持续地上调信息素通路基因表达使菌丝细胞不断地分裂增殖,从而使新生的菌丝扭结形成原基,其中ste3ste20cdc24ste11ste12基因可能对斑玉蕈菌丝细胞的分裂增殖和诱导子实体形成起到关键的作用。  相似文献   

睾丸发育和精子生成相关miRNA研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冉茂良  陈斌  尹杰  杨岸奇  蒋明 《遗传》2014,36(7):646-654
MicroRNA(miRNA)是一类长约22nt的非编码小RNA, 广泛存在于各种生物中, 调节生物体生长、发育和凋亡等过程。研究表明, miRNA在人和动物睾丸发育及精子生成等过程也起着重要的调控作用。但miRNA在不同种属的睾丸组织及其不同发育时间段均存在特异性表达。此外, miRNA在动物精子生成过程中也存在时空特异性。文章综述了睾丸发育和精子生成过程中miRNA的差异性表达、表达调控以及一些miRNA对精子生成的调节作用, 旨在为睾丸miRNA的进一步研究提供参考, 为利用miRNA调控和促进种公畜精液品质提供研究思路。  相似文献   

Potato tuber development has proven to be a valuable model system for studying underground sink organ formation. Research on this topic has led to the identification of many genes involved in this complex process and has aided in the unravelling of the mechanisms underlying starch synthesis. However, less attention has been paid to the biochemical pathways of other important metabolites or to the changing metabolic fluxes occurring during potato tuber development. In this paper, we describe the construction of a potato complementary DNA (cDNA) microarray specifically designed for genes involved in processes related to tuber development and tuber quality traits. We present expression profiles of 1315 cDNAs during tuber development where the predominant profiles were strong up- and down-regulation. Gene expression profiles showing transient increases or decreases were less abundantly represented and followed more moderate changes, mainly during tuber initiation. In addition to the confirmation of gene expression patterns during tuber development, many novel differentially expressed genes were identified and are considered as candidate genes for direct involvement in potato tuber development. A detailed analysis of starch metabolism genes provided a unique overview of expression changes during tuber development. Characteristic expression profiles were often clearly different between gene family members. A link between differential gene expression during tuber development and potato tissue specificity is described. This dataset provides a firm basis for the identification of key regulatory genes in a number of metabolic pathways that may provide researchers with new tools to achieve breeding goals for use in industrial applications.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine the effects of immunization against gonadotropin-releasing hormone on reproductive characteristics in boars. A total of 72 boars were used in a randomized design with three treatments: single immunization (SI) (10 weeks of age) or double immunization (DI) (10 and 15 weeks of age) with Improvest® and intact controls (no Improvest®; CNT) (n=24/group). At 10, 15, 20, 25 and 40 weeks of age, blood was collected and serum harvested to evaluate testosterone concentrations. Testosterone concentrations were less for DI boars compared with CNT boars and SI boars at 20 and 25 weeks (P<0.001), but not at 40 weeks of age. At week 25, 18 pigs (n=6/group) were sacrificed and testes were removed, weighed and measured, and seminiferous tubules were examined and scored using histological slides of testes parenchyma. A sample of neck fat was assessed for boar taint aroma. All testicular measurements and weights and seminiferous tubule scores were less for DI boars compared with SI and CNT boars (P<0.001). More (P<0.05) SI and CNT boars had detectable boar taint aroma than DI boars. Libido was assessed at 32, 36, 47, 60 and 63 weeks of age and semen collected at 60 weeks of age was analyzed for indicators of quality. There were no effects of treatment (P=0.41) or treatment by week (P=0.71) on libido. Semen volume, gel weight and total number of sperm cells, determined in a subset of boars (n=3/treatment), were not different among treatments. Sperm concentration was greater for DI than SI (P=0.01), and tended to be greater for DI compared with CNT (P=0.10). Sperm motility tended to be greater for DI boars compared with CNT boars (P=0.066). In conclusion, our results show that there are no long-term effects of immunocastration on reproductive characteristics in boars.  相似文献   

Cadmium delays growth hormone expression during rainbow trout development   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

This study examined the chromatin morphology, in vitro development, and expression of selected genes in cloned embryos produced by transfer of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) into the bovine ooplasm. After 6 hr of activation, inter-species nuclear transfer (NT) embryos (MEF-NT) had one (70%) or two pronuclei (20%), respectively. After 72 hr of culture in vitro, 62.6% of the MEF-NTs were arrested at the 8-cell stage, 31.2% reached the 2- to 4-cell stage, and only 6.2% had more than eight blastomeres, but none of these developed to the blastocyst stage. Whereas, 20% of NT embryos derived from bovine embryonic fibroblast fused with bovine ooplasm (BEF-NT) reached the blastocyst stage. Donor MEF nuclei expressing an Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (EGFP) transgene resulted in 1- to 8-cell stage MEF-NT that expressed EGFP. The expression of selected genes was examined in 8-cell MEF-NTs, 8-cell mouse embryos, enucleated bovine oocytes, and MEFs using RT-PCR. The mRNA for heat shock protein 70.1 (Hsp 70.1) gene was detected in MEF-NTs and MEF, but not in mouse embryos. The hydroxy-phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT) mRNA was found in normal mouse embryos and MEF but not in MEF-NTs. Expression of Oct-4 and embryonic alkaline phospatase (eAP) genes was only detected in normal mouse embryos and not in the inter-species NT embryos. Abnormal gene expression profiles were associated with an arrest in the development at the 8-cell stage, but MEF-NT embryos appeared to have progressed through gross chromatin remodeling, typical of intra-species NT embryos. Therefore, molecular reprogramming rather than chromatin remodeling may be a better indicator of nuclear reprogramming in inter-species NT embryos.  相似文献   

水分胁迫的基因表达和信号转导(综述)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
植物在水分胁迫条件下的依赖ABA和不依赖ABA的基因表达途径来调节对逆境的适应。植物通过渗透感受器感知胁迫信号,以MAPK和CDPK等途径传递信号,最终引起基因表达。  相似文献   

华琳  郑卫英  刘红  林慧  高磊 《生物工程学报》2008,24(9):1643-1648
利用随机森林-通路分析法,通过袋外样本OOB的分类错误率筛选特征代谢通路,在特征通路上作基因表达相关性研究并对通路上的基因采用MAP(Mining attribute profile)算法挖掘不同实验条件下基因的共调控表达模式,对共调控表达模式进行聚类.分析结果显示同一特征代谢通路上的基因表达倾向相似,有2条特征代谢通路存在共表达模式.其中一条通路含108个表达模式,对这些模式进行聚类,其最低聚类的相似系数仍高达0.623.说明同一特征代谢通路上的基因共表达模式在不同实验条件下仍具有高度的相似性.对以通路作为基因模块进行复杂疾病的研究具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

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