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The objective of this study is to quantify the milk production response per cow and per hectare (ha) for an incremental stocking rate (SR) change, based on a meta-analysis of published research papers. Suitable experiments for inclusion in the database required a comparison of at least two SRs under the same experimental conditions in addition to details on experimental length and milk production results per cow and per ha. Each additional increased SR treatment was also described in terms of the relative milk production change per cow and per ha compared to the lower base SR (b_SR). A database containing 109 experiments of various lengths with 131 comparisons of SR was sub-divided into Type I experiments (common experimental lengths) and Type II experiments (variable experimental lengths). Actual and proportional changes in milk production according to SR change were analysed using linear mixed model procedures with study included as a random effect in the model. Low residual standard errors indicated a good precision of the predictive equations with the exception of proportional change in milk production per cow. For all milk yield variables analysed, the results illustrate that while production per cow is reduced, a strong positive relationship exists between SR and milk production per ha. An SR increase of one cow/ha resulted in a decrease in daily milk yield per cow of 7.4% and 8.7% for Type I and Type II data, respectively, whereas milk yield per ha increased by 20.1% and 19.6%, respectively. Within the Type II data set, a one cow/ha increase in SR also resulted in a 15.1% reduction in lactation length (equivalent to 42 days). The low predictability of proportional change in milk production per cow according to the classical SR definition of cows per ha over a defined period suggests that SR may be more appropriately defined in terms of the change in available feed offered per animal within each treatment.  相似文献   

Increased economic, societal and environmental challenges facing agriculture are leading to a greater focus on effective way to combine grazing and automatic milking systems (AMS). One of the fundamental aspects of robotic milking is cows’ traffic to the AMS. Numerous studies have identified feed provided, either as fresh grass or concentrate supplement, as the main incentive for cows to return to the robot. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of concentrate allocation on voluntary cow traffic from pasture to the robot during the grazing period, to highlight the interactions between grazed pasture and concentrate allocation in terms of substitution rate and the subsequent effect on average milk yield and composition. Thus, 29 grazing cows, milked by a mobile robot, were monitored for the grazing period (4 months). They were assigned to two groups: a low concentrate (LC) group (15 cows) and a high concentrate (HC) group (14 cows) receiving 2 and 4 kg concentrate/cow per day, respectively; two allocations per day of fresh pasture were provided at 0700 and 1600 h. The cows had to go through the AMS to receive the fresh pasture allocation. The effect of concentrate level on robot visitation was calculated by summing milkings, refusals and failed milkings/cow per day. The impact on average daily milk yield and composition was also determined. The interaction between lactation number and month was used as an indicator of pasture availability. Concentrate allocation increased significantly robot visitations in HC (3.60±0.07 visitations/cow per day in HC and 3.10±0.07 visitations/cow per day in LC; P<0.001) while milkings/cow per day were similar in both groups (LC: 2.37±0.02/day and HC: 2.39±0.02/day; Ns). The average daily milk yield over the grazing period was enhanced in HC (22.39±0.22 kg/cow per day in HC and 21.33±0.22 kg/cow per day in LC; P<0.001). However the gain in milk due to higher concentrate supply was limited with regards to the amount of provided concentrates. Milking frequency in HC primiparous compared with LC was increased. In the context of this study, considering high concentrate levels as an incentive for robot visitation might be questioned, as it had no impact on milking frequency and limited impact on average milk yield and composition. By contrast, increased concentrate supply could be targeted specifically to primiparous cows.  相似文献   

In pasture-based automatic milking systems (AMS), feed is the main incentive that can be managed to encourage reliable and consistent voluntary and distributed cow traffic. Modifying timing, placement and size of feed allocations is expected to have an effect on cow behavior that could avoid the occurrence of extended milking intervals, which have a negative effect on milk yield. Therefore, behavioral studies provide information on how cows modify their actions under different management regimes and can help explain the impact of those regimes. Behavioral observations were conducted in spring 2011 at the FutureDairy AMS research farm, as part of a study where a herd of 175 cows was split into two groups that received supplementary feed either before (PRE), or immediately after (POST) milking. In addition, all cows were offered access to two daily pasture allocations. Observations were conducted in the pasture allocation on 15 focal cows from each treatment group during four periods of 24 h to detect presence and behavior (grazing, ruminating, idling and other) every 15 min. In addition, bite rate and pasture biomass were measured every hour. Overall, despite the finding that more POST cows than PRE cows entered the pasture allocation during the first 8 h of active access, there was no difference in the total proportion of cows that had gained access by the end of the active access period (average 68% for both treatments). Cows in the PRE treatment started exiting the pasture allocation just 6 h after entering, compared with 8 h for POST cows, although their behaviors in the pasture allocation did not differ. Behaviors and bite rate were more dependent on pasture biomass than on supplementary feeding management.  相似文献   

Behavioural and cardiac responses of multiparous dairy cows (n=24) during milking in a 2×4 stall herringbone milking system were evaluated in this study. Heart rate (HR), parasympathetic tone index (high frequency component, HF) of heart rate variability and sympathovagal balance indicator LF/HF ratio (the ratio of the low frequency (LF) and the HF component) were analysed. Measurement periods were established as follows: (1) standing calm (baseline), (2) udder preparation, (3) milking, (4) waiting after milking in the milking stall and (5) in the night (2 h after milking). Step behaviour was recorded and calculated per minute for the three phases of the milking process (udder preparation, milking and waiting after milking). HR was higher during udder preparation and milking compared with baseline (P=0.03, 0.027, respectively). HF was significantly lower than baseline levels during waiting in the milking stall after milking (P=0.009), however, during udder preparation, milking and 2 h after milking did not differ from baseline (P>0.05, in either case). LF/HF during the three phases of the milking process differed neither from baseline levels nor from each other. Steps occurred more often during waiting after milking than during udder preparation (P=0.042) or during milking (23; P=0.017). Our results suggest that the milking procedure itself was not stressful for these animals. After milking (following the removal of the last teat cup and before leaving the milking stall), both decreased parasympathetic tone (lower HF) and increased stepping rate indicated a sensitive period for animals during this phase.  相似文献   

Feed is a strong incentive for encouraging cows in automatic milking systems (AMS) to voluntarily move around the farm and achieve milkings distributed across the 24 h day. It has been reported that cows show preferences for some forages over others, and it is possible that offering preferred forages may increase cow traffic. A preliminary investigation was conducted to determine the effect of offering a forage crop for grazing on premilking voluntary waiting times in a pasture-based robotic rotary system. Cows were offered one of two treatments (SOYBEAN or GRASS) in a cross-over design. A restricted maximum likelihood procedure was used to model voluntary waiting times. Mean voluntary waiting time was 45.5±6.0 min, with no difference detected between treatments. High and mid-production cows spent <44 min/milking in the premilking yard compared with >55 min/milking for low-production cows, whereas waiting time increased as queue length increased. Voluntary waiting time was 23% and 80% longer when cows were fetched from the paddock or had a period of forced waiting before volunteering for milking, respectively. The time it took cows to return to the dairy since last exiting was not affected by treatment, with a mean return time of 13.7±0.6 h. Although offering SOYBEAN did not encourage cows to traffic more readily through the premilking yard, the concept of incorporating forage crops in AMS still remains encouraging if the aim is to increase the volume or quantity of home-grown feed rather than improving cow traffic.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to establish the effect of low-concentrate (LC) and high-concentrate (HC) supplementation in the early and late periods of lactation on milk production and cow traffic in a pasture-based automatic milking (AM) system. In total, 40 cows (10 primiparous and 30 multiparous) were randomly assigned to one of the two treatments. The experimental periods for the early and late lactation trials extended from 23 February to 12 April 2015 and 31 August to 18 October 2015, respectively (49 days in each trial period). The early lactation supplement levels were 2.3 and 4.4 kg/cow per day for LC and HC, respectively, whereas the late lactation supplement levels were 0.5 and 2.7 kg/cow per day for LC and HC, respectively. Variables measured included milking frequency, milking interval, milking outcome and milking characteristics, milk yield/visit and per day, wait time/visit and per day, return time/visit and the distribution of gate passes. As the herd was seasonal (spring) calving, the experimental periods could not run concurrently and as a result no statistical comparison between the periods was conducted. There was no significant effect of treatment in the early lactation period on any of the milk production, milking characteristics or cow traffic variables. However, treatment did significantly affect the distribution of gate passes, with the HC cows recording significantly more gate passes in the hours preceding the gate time change such as hours 7 (P<0.01), 15 (P<0.05), 20, 21 (P<0.001), and 22 (P<0.05), whereas the LC treatment recorded significantly more gate passes in the hours succeeding the gate time change, such as time points 2 (P<0.01) and 10 (P<0.05). There was a significant effect of treatment in late lactation, with HC having a greater milk yield (P<0.01), milking duration and activity/day (P<0.05), while also having a significantly shorter milking interval (P<0.05) and return time/visit (P<0.01). The distribution of gate passes were similar to the early lactation period, with HC also recording a significantly greater number of gate passes during the early morning period (P<0.01) when visitations were at their lowest. Any decision regarding the supplementing of dairy cows with concentrates needs to be examined from an economic perspective, to establish if the milk production and cow traffic benefits displayed in late lactation outweigh the cost of the concentrate; thereby ensuring that the decision to supplement is financially prudent.  相似文献   

The objective of this field study with an automatic milking system was to evaluate the effects of omitting the dry period on health and productivity during the subsequent lactation in dairy cows. A total of 98 German Simmental cows of six Southern German farms were assigned randomly to two experimental groups: The first group was dried-off 56 days before calving (D for dried-off, n=49), and the second group was milked continuously during this period until calving (CM for continuous milking, n=49). From the latter a third group emerged, including cows that dried-off themselves spontaneously (DS for dried-off spontaneously, n=14). Blood serum values of glucose, β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and IGF-1 showed most pronounced fluctuations in D cows. Over the entire study period, the concentrations of BHBA and NEFA were markedly lower in the CM and DS groups. Furthermore, IGF-1 concentration was lowest for D cows and also decrease in back fat thickness was more pronounced. Mean concentration of milk protein was markedly higher in CM and DS cows (3.70% and 3.71%) compared with D cows (3.38%). Owing to the lower 305-day milk yield (−15.6%) and the lower total milk yield (−3.1%), the total amount of produced protein in the subsequent lactation was 2.5% (6.8 kg) lower, although the additional protein amount in CM cows from week −8 to calving was 35.7 kg. The greatest benefit resulted from positive effects on fertility and the lower incidence of diseases: CM cows had their first oestrus 1 week earlier compared with D cows, they also conceived earlier and showed a significantly lower risk of developing hypocalcaemia, ketosis and puerperal disorders. The present study showed that the costs of medical treatment and milk losses were twice as high in D cows, compared with CM and DS cows, and thus the reduced costs because of the more stable health outweighed the financial losses of milk yield by +18.49 € per cow and lactation.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to investigate the individual variation, repeatability and correlation of methane (CH4) production from dairy cows measured during 2 different years. A total of 21 dairy cows with an average BW of 619±14.2 kg and average milk production of 29.1±6.5 kg/day (mean±s.d.) were used in the 1st year. During the 2nd year, the same cows were used with an average BW of 640±8.0 kg and average milk production of 33.4±6.0 kg/day (mean±s.d.). The cows were housed in a loose housing system fitted with an automatic milking system (AMS). A total mixed ration was fed to the cows ad libitum in both years. In addition, they were offered concentrate in the AMS based on their daily milk yield. The CH4 and CO2 production levels of the cows were analysed using a Gasmet DX-4030. The estimated dry matter intake (EDMI) was 19.8±0.96 and 23.1±0.78 (mean±s.d.), and the energy-corrected milk (ECM) production was 30.8±8.03 and 33.7±5.25 kg/day (mean±s.d.) during the 1st and 2nd year, respectively. The EDMI and ECM had a significant influence (P<0.001) on the CH4 (l/day) yield during both years. The daily CH4 (l/day) production was significantly higher (P<0.05) during the 2nd year compared with the 1st year. The EDMI (described by the ECM) appeared to be the key factor in the variation of CH4 release. A correlation (r=0.54) of CH4 production was observed between the years. The CH4 (l/day) production was strongly correlated (r=0.70) between the 2 years with an adjusted ECM production (30 kg/day). The diurnal variation of CH4 (l/h) production showed significantly lower (P<0.05) emission during the night (0000 to 0800 h). The between-cows variation of CH4 (l/day, l/kg EDMI and l/kg ECM) was lower compared with the within-cow variation for the 1st and 2nd years. The repeatability of CH4 production (l/day) was 0.51 between 2 years. In conclusion, a higher EDMI (kg/day) followed by a higher ECM (kg/day) showed a higher CH4 production (l/day) in the 2nd year. The variations of CH4 (l/day) among the cows were lower than the within-cow variations. The CH4 (l/day) production was highly repeatable and, with an adjusted ECM production, was correlated between the years.  相似文献   

As ruminants are able to digest fibre efficiently and assuming that competition for feed v. food use would intensify in the future, cereals and other field crops should primarily be destined to cover the dietary needs of humans and monogastric animals such as poultry and pigs. Farming systems with a reduced or absent concentrate supplementation, as postulated by organic agriculture associations, require adapted dairy cows. The aim of this experiment was to examine the impact of concentrate supplementation on milk production, grazing and rumination behaviour, feed intake, physical activity and blood traits with two Holstein-Friesian cow strains and to conclude the consequences for sustainable and organic farming. The experiment was a cross-over study and took place on an organic farm in Switzerland. In all, 12 Swiss Holstein-Friesian (HCH) cows and 12 New Zealand Holstein-Friesian (HNZ) cows, which were paired according to lactation number, days in milk and age for primiparous cows, were used. All cows grazed full time and were supplemented either with 6 kg/day of a commercial, organic cereal-grain mix or received no supplement. After an adaptation period of 21 days, a measurement period of 7 days followed, where milk yield and composition, pasture dry matter intake estimated with the n-alkane double-indicator technique, physical activity based on pedometer measurements, grazing behaviour recorded by automatic jaw movement recorder and blood samples were investigated. Non-supplemented cows had a lower milk yield and supplemented HCH cows produced more milk than supplemented HNZ cows. Grazing time and physical activity were greater for non-supplemented cows. Supplementation had no effect on rumination behaviour, but HNZ cows spent longer ruminating compared with HCH cows. Pasture dry matter intake decreased with the concentrate supplementation. Results of blood analysis did not indicate a strong negative energy balance for either non-supplemented or supplemented cows. Minor differences between cow strains in this short-term study indicated that both cow strains are equally suited for an organic pasture-based production system with no concentrate supplementation. Many factors such as milk yield potential, animal welfare and health, efficiency, grazing behaviour and social aspects influence the decision to supplement grazing dairy cows with concentrates.  相似文献   

放牧和异常降水对荒漠草原生态系统产生了显著的影响,群落物种组成及多样性因降水和载畜率的改变而变化。然而不同载畜率下荒漠草原植物群落物种组成及多样性对异常降水的响应尚不明晰。本研究以内蒙古短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)荒漠草原为研究对象,调查并分析不同载畜率(绵羊,CK:不放牧、LG:0.93、MG:1.82和HG:2.71羊单位hm-2半年-1)放牧区植物群落物种组成及其数量特征。结果表明:降水增加对群落数量特征和物种多样性促进作用显著,但对群落物种优势度指数有显著抑制作用;降水增加使得不同功能属性物种数目增多,引起建群种物种综合优势度降低,从而改变群落物种组成及多样性;不同功能属性物种对载畜率的响应存在差异,群落物种组成及多样性在响应异常降水变化时,降水与载畜率之间协同变化和相互制约,但直根系C3植物和群落总密度的变化主要受载畜率影响。异常降水可影响长期过度放牧引起的生态系统过程,对草地生态系统恢复有积极作用。  相似文献   

An extended milking interval of 24 h (24-h milking interval (24h-MI)) constitutes the acute phase of cow adaptation to once-daily milking (ODM). A recent trial including 724 24h-MI challenges demonstrated that milk yield responses to this acute phase of ODM are highly variable (from+22% to −52% of milk yield when switching to the 24h-MI, mean=−25.3%) and that factors such as stage of lactation parity and milk yield level influenced cows’ responses but did not account for all individual variability. Additional traits related to physiological, immune and behavioural adaptation were measured on a subset (96 observations) of this data set. This study aimed to determine (1) the relationship of these traits with cows’ milk yield responses, (2) their ability – combined with previously identified traits – to help predict milk yield responses to 24h-MI (adaptive profiles). The 24h-MI challenge consisted of three successive periods: one control week of twice-daily milking (cTDM), one single day of 24h-MI and then 13 days of TDM (pTDM). Milk yield responses to the 24h-MI (corrected for effects of stage of lactation, parity, milk yield level and milk yield) were related to physiological traits measured during cTDM (milk flow rate, presence or absence of interleukin-8) and to their changes during the 24h-MI (absolute increase in milk flow rate and relative udder distension). Analysis of associations between milk yield responses, stage of lactation, parity, milk yield level, proteolysis, udder expansion and immune traits found three adaptive cow profile clusters. Cows in cluster 1 had a less compliant udder than cows in cluster 2, and they lost more milk during the 24h-MI than cluster-2 and cluster-3 cows. After resuming twice daily-milking (TDM), cluster-2 cows fully recovered the milk they had lost during the 24h-MI. On the opposite, cluster-3 cows did not recover the milk they lost, likely due to udder inflammation during cTDM, as suggested by elevated concentrations of interleukin-8 in their milk. These results combining new traits with stage of lactation, parity and milk yield level constitute a first step towards predicting individual cow responses to a 24h-MI.  相似文献   

北方草原牧户心理载畜率与草畜平衡生态管理途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侯向阳  尹燕亭  王婷婷 《生态学报》2015,35(24):8036-8045
探讨牧户心理载畜率与草畜平衡生态管理的途径对于草原有效减畜、遏止草原退化、实现可持续发展具有重要意义。从生态学和社会科学相结合的角度,采用问卷调查、情景实验及综合分析等多种方法,探讨了北方草原牧户心理载畜率的存在、计算和影响因素,以及牧户生产决策行为特征和可能的生态管理途径。研究发现,在草甸草原、典型草原和荒漠草原,牧户行为属"有限理性",是有限理性的"生态经济人",风险规避是其基本特征,牧户生产决策表现出禀赋效应、损失厌恶、框架效应等;牧户草场所属草原类型和牲畜存栏数显著影响牧户对草场超载的认知和判断,在不同草原类型区,户主文化水平、性别、民族和是否嘎查干部等亦显著影响牧户对超载的认知和判断;需采取基于进化博弈的分步式、合作式及示范引导式的适应性减畜的生态管理途径,以实现牧户心理载畜率向生态优化载畜率的转移,实现优化牧户生产方式、减少牲畜数量、治理草原退化、北方牧区生态和牧民经济双赢的目标。  相似文献   

Using two PGF treatments 14 days apart as a way to enhance estrus detection rate following the 2nd treatment is a reproductive management tool that continues to be used on large dairy farms. In one study, in cows with a functional CL and a dominant follicle, treatment with cloprostenol vs. dinoprost resulted in greater peripheral estradiol concentrations. The objective of the present study was to determine if cloprostenol could enhance pregnancy rates of cows in a large dairy herd using a PGF program for 1st artificial insemination (AI). Lactating dairy cows (n = 4549) were randomly assigned to receive two treatments of either 500 μg cloprostenol or 25 mg dinoprost 14 days apart, with the 2nd treatment on the 1st day of the voluntary waiting period (57 DIM). Cows detected in estrus within 5 days after the 2nd treatment were inseminated. There was no effect of treatment on day of estrus detection, with 78% of cows inseminated on Days 3 or 4 following treatment. Cloprostenol increased (P < 0.01) estrus detection rates in 1st parity cows compared to dinoprost, 42.4 vs. 34.0%. In cows inseminated on Days 3 or 4 after treatment, cloprostenol increased (P = 0.05) conception rates compared to dinoprost, 38.3 vs. 34.4%. When treatments and parities were combined, conception rates increased (P < 0.02) with interval after treatment (27.0, 36.4, and 44.5% for Days 1 or 2, Days 3 or 4, and Day 5, respectively). Cloprostenol increased (P = 0.02) overall pregnancy rate compared to dinoprost, 14.4 vs. 12.2%. In summary, cloprostenol increased fertility in 1st parity cows inseminated on Days 3 or 4 following treatment and subsequently enhanced pregnancy rates of 1st parity lactating dairy cows compared to dinoprost. Fertility appeared greater in cows expected to have had a young antral ovarian follicle at treatment.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of stocking density and transport time on physiological responses and meat quality, 72 male suckling lambs were transported by road to the slaughterhouse at three different stocking densities (0.12, 0.20 or 0.25 m2/lamb) and two transport times (5 h or 30 min). Blood samples were collected pre-transport at the farm and after unloading in the slaughterhouse to measure levels of cortisol, creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). After slaughter, the weights of the hot carcass, liver and spleen were recorded and pH in Musculus longisimus thoracis et lumborum (L), Musculus semitendinosus (ST) and Musculus psoas major (PM) were determined. Colour, water-holding capacity (WHC), texture and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) values were measured in samples of L, at 24 h post mortem and after 5 days of ageing. Cortisol and LDH were higher in suckling lambs transported for 30 min than those transported for 5 h. Stocking density did not affect blood parameters studied. Transport time significantly affected some carcass quality parameters, but stocking density had no significant effect. Suckling lambs transported for 5 h had lower liver weights and dressing percentages than those transported for 30 min. Transport time influenced pH values, with lambs subjected to the longer journey showing the lowest pH at 0 h in the three muscles studied, with the lowest final pH in L and PM. The PM lambs transported at high density (0.12 m2/lamb) had the lowest pH at 24 h. Transport time and stocking density did not greatly affect colour and texture parameters. The meat from lambs transported for 30 min had higher WHC than meat from lambs transported for 5 h. Animals transported for longer journeys showed higher lipid oxidation after 5 days of ageing than those transported for 30 min. Loading and initial transport caused significant stress response in suckling lambs, that stress response was reduced over the time course of the journey.  相似文献   

Lying behaviour is important for the welfare of the cow. Therefore, reliable electronic devices may improve the management of the cows, and the devices can be used as a tool in research. However, accelerometer-based devices measure acceleration, and an algorithm is therefore necessary for the calculation of lying behaviour. Thus, validation of such devices is imperative prior to use. The objective of this study was to validate the use of the AfiTagII device for measurements of the lying time and frequency of lying bouts of Danish Holstein (DH) and Danish Jersey (DJ) cows in a loose-house system on two different bedding materials. The validation included correlations and linear regression analyses of data collected by the AfiTagII compared with data collected both by direct observations and recordings from a previously validated device (IceQube). In total, 40 cows were observed directly with primiparous and multiparous DJ and DH cows, equally represented. Furthermore, 21 cows were monitored with both AfiTagII and IceQube devices, and data from both devices were collected simultaneously. The devices were attached to the hind leg of the cow. The estimates of the lying time from the AfiTagII device was highly correlated with the recordings from direct observations (r=0.98), and there was a linear relation between these with an intercept equal to 0 and a slope close to 1. The estimates of the lying time from the AfiTagII device was also highly correlated with the IceQube recordings (r=0.94). However, the intercept deviated from 0. The frequency of lying bouts recorded by the AfiTAgII compared to direct observations showed a positive predictive value of 0.96 for lactating cows on the slatted floor and of 0.85 for the dry cows on the deep bedding. The correlations between frequency of lying bouts recorded with the two devices were high (r=0.94), but the intercept deviated from 0. In conclusion, the AfiTagII has a high accuracy for the measurements of lying behaviour in both DH and DJ cows kept on different bedding materials.  相似文献   

以短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)荒漠草原为研究对象,采用巢式样方法分析在不同绵羊载畜率下草地的α多样性以及物种组成的变化,探讨荒漠草原生态系统在放牧利用下α多样性对载畜率的响应。结果表明:物种数和α多样性指数随着载畜率的升高而下降。放牧会减少群落非优势物种的相对多度,非优势物种能够反映α多样性。40 m~2为短花针茅荒漠草原多样性研究的最佳取样面积。种-面积关系以及α多样性指数-面积关系符合对数增长模型:y=aln(x)+b。随着取样面积尺度的增加,α多样性指数沿载畜率梯度差异性逐渐增大,在取样面积为0.16 m~2到0.64 m~2时可以体现中、高载畜率和零、低载畜率水平间的差异性,在160 m~2时可以体现各载畜率水平之间的差异显著性。  相似文献   

The resistance/susceptibility of selected cattle breeds to brucellosis was evaluated in an F1 population generated by crossing animals classified as resistant (R) and susceptible (S) (R x R, R x S, S x R, S x S) based on challenges in vitro and in vivo. The association between single nucleotide polymorphisms identified in the coding region of the Slc11a1 gene and resistance/susceptibility was estimated. The trait resistance or susceptibility to brucellosis, evaluated by a challenge in vitro, showed a high heritable component in terms of additive genetic variance (h(2) = 0.54 ± 0.11). In addition, there was a significant association (p < 0.05) between the control of bacterial survival and two polymorphisms (a 3'UTR and SNP4 located in exon 10). The antibody response of animals classified as resistant to infection by Brucella abortus differed significantly (p < 0.05) from that of susceptible animals. However, there was no significant association between single nucleotide polymorphisms located in the Slc11a1 gene and the antibody response stimulated by a challenge in vivo.  相似文献   

Liu X  York DA  Bray GA 《Peptides》2004,25(12):2171-2177
Ghrelin is a peptide produced by the stomach and released into the circulation. As a natural ligand of the growth hormone secretagogue (GHS) receptor, it stimulates growth hormone secretion but it also stimulates feeding in humans and rodents. The orexigenic effect of ghrelin has been related to AgRP/NPY and orexin pathways. We proposed that ghrelin might be involved in the susceptibility to diet induced obesity and in the regulation of macronutrient selection. We have investigated these hypotheses in two strains of rat, the Osborne–Mendel (OM) rat that prefers diets high in fat and is sensitive to dietary obesity and the S5B/P1 (S5B) rat that prefers a low fat diet and is resistant to high fat diet induced obesity.

OM and S5B rats were adapted to a choice of high fat (HF) and low fat (LF) diet for 2 weeks. GHRP-2, an analogue of ghrelin, was injected intraperitoneally into satiated and 24 h fasted rats at doses of 10, 30 and 90 nmol. Food intake was measured over the next 4 h period. In satiated S5B rats, GHRP-2 stimulated intake of the LF diet in a dose dependent manner but did not affect the intake of the HF diet. In satiated OM rats, 90 nmol of GHRP-2 stimulated HF intake. In contrast, neither fasted OM nor S5B rats increased the intake of either HF or LF diet in response to GHRP-2. Fasting for 18 h induced a large rise in ghrelin mRNA in stomach of OM rats but not in S5B rats. There were no significant differences in plasma total ghrelin. An increase in ghrelin mRNA in stomach immediately before the onset of the dark cycle was observed in OM but not in S5B rats. Active ghrelin level was significantly affected by different feeding conditions in both OM and S5B rats adapted on HF diet with a trend to increase after 48 h of fasting and to decline to basal levels following 10 h of refeeding. These data suggest that ghrelin stimulates the intake of the preferred macronutrient. In addition, a differential regulation of ghrelin gene expression between OM and S5B rats may be important in their differential sensitivity to HF diet-induced obesity.  相似文献   

The effect of differing environmental conditions on competition for resources was investigated by a comparison of net photosynthetic rate (PN) and vegetative production of Indiangrass [Sorghastrum nutans (L.) Nash.] at two strip mine sites with differing reclamation histories, and a railroad prairie site where this species occurs naturally. The treatment for a competition experiment consisted of tying back all species of neighboring plants around a target plant, and measuring its PN and vegetative performance during the growing season. Environmental variables at each site were also measured during the growing season. Soil bulk density and pH were higher at the two mine sites than at the prairie site, and soil texture, nutrients, and water potential were different at each of the three sites. PN of target plants compared closely among the three sites, and were lowest for plants at the railroad prairie. The competition experiment indicated that lower canopy leaves were most affected by competition for photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) at all sites. Significant differences in PN of upper canopy leaves were found between treatment and control plants at one of the mine sites. This site had higher soil water potentials and higher soil levels of P and K than the other mine site or the railroad prairie. Target plants at the other mine site experienced a low competition for PAR, likely due to lower soil moisture availability and therefore lower aboveground productivity. The largest differences in PN and irradiances between upper and lower canopy leaves occurred in target plants with neighbors at the railroad prairie, likely due to inter-specific competition. Vegetative production of the target plants also reflected the environment at each site, but did not reflect PN differences between treatments. S. nutans is well adapted to the varying environment at these three sites, and aboveground competition for radiant energy was probably not as limiting for this C4 grass as belowground competition.  相似文献   

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