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The bast scale Matsucoccus feytaudi is a specific pest of maritime pine that is endemic in the Iberian Peninsula and southwestern France, and invasive in southeastern France, Italy and Corsica where it causes heavy damages. We developed eight microsatellite polymorphic markers using an enrichment protocol in order to study the invasion pathways and infer the genetic diversity of the populations. All loci could be successfully amplified with no evidence of null alleles. Cross‐species amplifications failed to amplify the congeneric Matsucoccus josephi.  相似文献   

We studied spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis in Adalia decempunctata (L), a beetle of the Coccinellidae family. The spermatocyte exhibits two centrioles which elongate to form a pair of primary cilia. A novel structure, appearing in cross sections as a dense droplet, is observed near the long centriole during spermiogenesis, and is soon accompanied by a procentriole (PCL). PCL structure consists of singlet microtubules, a central tubule and an incomplete cartwheel. The PCL persists until the end of spermiogenesis, when it vanishes together with the dense droplet. The sperm has an exceptionally long basal body and the nucleus is disposed parallel to the flagellar components, a peculiar trait shared by other species of the coccinellid group. The presence of a procentriole suggested by the use of antibodies is discussed.  相似文献   

Ewa Simon 《ZooKeys》2013,(319):269-281
The fore wings of scale insect males possess reduced venation compared with other insects and the homologies of remaining veins are controversial. The hind wings are reduced to hamulohalterae. When adult males are prepared using the standard methods adopted to females and nymphs, i.e. using KOH to clear the specimens, the wings become damaged or deformed, an so these structures are not usually described or illustrated in publications. The present study used dry males belonging to seven species of the family Coccidae to check the presence of stable, structural colour patterns of the wings. The visibility of the wing interference patterns (WIP), discovered in Hymenoptera and Diptera species, is affected by the way the insects display their wings against various backgrounds with different light properties. This frequently occurring taxonomically specific pattern is caused by uneven membrane thickness and hair placement, and also is stabilized and reinforced by microstructures of the wing, such as membrane corrugations and the shape of cells. The semitransparent scale insect’s fore wings possess WIPs and they are taxonomically specific. It is very possible that WIPs will be an additional and helpful trait for the identification of species, which in case of males specimens is quite difficult, because recent coccidology is based almost entirely on the morphology of adult females.  相似文献   

We provide a general overview of features and technical specifications of an online, interactive tool for the identification of scale insects of concern to the U.S.A. ports-of-entry. Full lists of terminal taxa included in the keys (of which there are four), a list of features used in them, and a discussion of the structure of the tool are provided. We also briefly discuss the advantages of interactive keys for the identification of potential scale insect pests. The interactive key is freely accessible on http://idtools.org/id/scales/index.php  相似文献   

This work is an assessment of the biogeographical, taxonomic, biological and phylogenetic knowledge of the poorly defined family Eriococcidae. The study of its geographical diversity shows the richness of the Palearctic fauna on which the present analysis focuses. The numerous systems dealing with the taxonomy of Eriococcidae are detailed, and the specific taxonomical status of the genus Eriococcus, which contains 155 out of the 175 known Palearctic species is reevaluated. The phylogeny of the palaearctic members of the scale insect family Eriococcidae is reconstructed, using 9 genera and 52 species. Three more scale insect species belonging to 3 families were used as outgroups. The cladistic analysis of 130 morphological characters of the adults resulted in 10 most parsimonious trees, placing Eriococcus buxi as the sister-group of all other sampled Eriococcidae. The genera Acanthococcus, Rhizococcus, Greenisca and Anophococcus appear as para- or polyphyletic, but the weakness of most of the clades does not allow to denounce strictly the monophyly of these genera. However, some clades are supported with high confidence, like (Kaweckia + Neokaweckia), (Anophococcus parvispinus(Anophococcus inermis+Greenisca placida) and (Gossyparia spuria+Acanthococcus aceris). Concerning host-plant relationships, the phylogeny supports an evolutionary scenario whereby the ancestor of the family Eriococcidae fed originally on woody plants, and more typically on leaves. The switch observed from Poaceae to other herbaceous plants is correlated to the switch from leaves as preferred site of nutrition to branches and stems. The supported scenario shows another switch, back from other herbs to Poaceae, associated to the choice of leaves as nutrition site.  相似文献   

The male reproductive systems of spiders are highly diverse in structure across all major spider taxa. Little is known about this organ system in basal araneomorph spiders, especially Austrochiloidea; such knowledge is necessary for a more complete understanding of the evolutionary morphology of the male reproductive system in spiders. In the present study, we describe the male reproductive system of an austrochilid spider, the enigmatic troglophilic Tasmanian cave spider Hickmania troglodytes, using light and electron microscopic techniques. The male reproductive system consists of tubular testes leading into convoluted deferent ducts, which are fused close to the genital opening to an unpaired ejaculatory duct. Spermatogenesis occurs only in the subadult testes, whereas adult testes showed neither spermatogenic stages nor any generative tissue in all investigated specimens. The testes of adult males are drastically reduced in size compared with those of subadult males, but the deferent ducts are filled with large numbers of mature spermatozoa. Thus, our data suggest that males of H. troglodytes are sperm‐limited, but not necessarily sperm‐depleted as described for certain orb‐weaving spiders. Due to the absence of generative tissue, limited sperm production is permanent (PSL) and probably has an influence on the reproductive strategies in this species. As nearly no data are available on the life history of H. troglodytes, and in particular information on the phenology of males is lacking, implications of the evolution of PSL in this species are unclear. Nonetheless, our data on other representatives of Austrochilidae (Austrochilus forsteri, Thaida chepu) and Gradungulidae (Progradungula otwayensis) suggest that PSL evolved within Austrochiliodea only in H. troglodytes and might be an adaptation to its troglophilic lifestyle.  相似文献   

The spermiogenesis, the sperm structure and the sperm motility of Marchalina hellenica (Gennadius) were examined. In the early spermiogenesis a centriolar apparatus was identified, but this structure is not involved in the production of the sperm flagellum. As in other Coccoidea, the flagellar axoneme originates by the activity of the thickened tip of the numerous microtubules surrounding the nuclear anterior region close to the periphery of the cell. This region pushes against a narrow cytoplasmic layer, giving rise to a papilla. In this region a novel structure, consisting of a regular network of thin filaments, arranged orthogonally to the bundle of microtubules, is visible. The sperm flagellum consists of a series of about 260 microtubules, regularly arranged in rings around the axial nucleus. This latter extends in the middle part of the sperm length. As usual in scale insects, sperm form a bundle, which in M. hellenica is composed of 64 sperm cells, surrounded by somatic cyst cells. The sperm bundle has an helicoidal array, with a cap of dense material at its apex, lending the anterior and the posterior region of the sperm bundle with a different structural organization. This difference is responsible of the different speed gradient observed in the helical wave propagating along the sperm bundle.  相似文献   

记述中国齿盾蚧属Odonaspis Leonardi1新种——龙岩齿盾蚧Odonaspis longyanensis Wang et Feng,sp.nov.,编制了中国齿盾蚧属分种检索表,模式标本保存于西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

群管星粉蚧Heliococcus dorsiporosus Danzig为中国新纪录种。本文重描了雌成虫的形态特征,首次记述了一龄若虫的形态特征,绘制了形态特征图。此外,还编制了星粉蚧属中国已知种类检索表。  相似文献   

热带拂粉蚧Ferrisia malvastra(McDaniel),是一种分布广泛的多食性害虫,可取食30科58种植物,分布29个国家和地区.2014年6月于云南省大理市一未知植物上发现该虫,这是该虫在我国的首次报道.本文重新描述了热带拂粉蚧雌成虫形态特征并附特征图,并介绍其寄主植物、地理分布、生物学及经济意义.  相似文献   

记述中国围盾蚧属Fiorinia Targioni-Tozzetti 1新种:南宁围盾蚧Fiorinia nanningensis Zhang&Feng sp.nov.。该种近似于钩樟围盾蚧F.linderaeTakagi,1969,二者臀板均无腺刺分布,并且第2臀叶退化,略突起或全无,但是可以从以下特征区别:1)新种中臀叶狭小,末端截型,内缘无锯齿(钩樟围盾蚧中臀叶大而内缘多齿);2)躯干上无腺刺或腺瘤(钩樟围盾蚧后胸有1-3个腺瘤,第1腹节有3或4个腺瘤,第2腹节有1-2个腺刺);3)无触角间突(钩樟围盾蚧触角间突小圆锥形)。对其形态特征进行了详细描述,提供了玻片绘图。研究标本保存在西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

The green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is an important phytophagous pest of greenhouse and field crops. In the host finding process visual cues are of paramount importance. In order to contribute to the understanding of the perception of visual stimuli in this species, we measured the electroretinogram of alate female summer migrants of M. persicae. The spectral sensitivity was measured in 10nm steps under both dark and light adaptation from 320 to 640 nm. The dark adapted spectral sensitivity curve showed one maximum in the green region around 530 nm and a distinct shoulder between 500 and 510 nm. In presence of adapting light, a secondary blue-green peak (490 nm) and a third peak in the near UV (330-340 nm) were observed. From these results we conclude that M. persicae has three spectral types of photoreceptors.  相似文献   

通过标本观察和资料分析,作者认为在中国中部严重为害花生的新珠蚧学名应是Neomargarodes gossypii Yang,并且对该虫的各虫态特征进行了重新描述。  相似文献   

A new species and a new record of the genus Balanococcus Williams are described from China.They are B.zhejiangensis sp.nov.and B.kwoni Pellizzari Danzig,2007.The new species,collected from Zhejiang,China under leaf sheath of Phyllostachys praecox,is similar to B.kwoni Pellizzari Danzig,but can be distinguished by its hind coxa inflated,and only small type of oral collar tubular ducts present on dorsal surface.A key to Chinese species of Balanococcus is given.All specimens examined are deposited in the Insect Collection of Beijing Forestry University.  相似文献   

Despite their relevance as harmful pests on plants of economic importance, Hemiptera Fulgoromorpha have been poorly studied as regards their antennal sensory structures. In particular, the flagellum has been neglected and, therefore, to date there are no data on its structural organization and sensory equipment. In order to fill this gap, we carried out a study on the sensillum types and distribution on the flagellum of the planthopper Hyalesthes obsoletus Signoret, an efficient vector of the stolbur phytoplasma, the cause of various crop diseases. In this cixiid species the antenna is composed of three segments, the scape, an enlarged pedicel and a long flagellum. This latter is made of a single segment and presents a basal, bulb-like enlargement from which two processes arise, a short spur and a long arista. Combining scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and focused ion beam investigations, we discovered the presence of a total number of 6 sensilla, belonging to 4 different types: a single scolopidium extending from the bulb to the arista, three sensilla styloconica within the cuticular spur and two different sensilla coeloconica inside the bulb. As far as structural data can suggest, these sensilla might be involved in the perception of mechanical stimuli (possibly air-borne vibrations), temperature and humidity variations and CO2 concentration. The strong reduction in sensillum number in this species is discussed as possible functional specialization of the flagellum itself. The ultrastructure of the sensilla in the flagellum of a species of Fulgoromorpha is here presented for the first time.  相似文献   

Mated female Rhodnius prolixus were fed citrated rabbit blood containing cordycepin, cycloheximide and 5-fluorouracil. The effect of these compounds on cathepsin B, cathepsin D and aminopeptidase levels in the posterior midgut was determined. Cycloheximide and 5-fluorouracil decreased the levels of all three proteinases in a dose-dependent manner. Cordycepin decreased the levels of cathepsin B and D but did not alter the aminopeptidase levels in a similar manner. These results indicate that after ingestion of a blood meal, production of the extracellular catheptic enzymes is dependent on both RNA and protein synthesis while production of the intracellular aminopeptidase depends on protein synthesis alone. The effects of these compounds on proteinase activity cycles also supports this conclusion.  相似文献   

Abstract  A new Australian eriococcid genus Fragorbis gen. n. (Hemiptera: Coccoidea) is described for ' Sphaerococcus ' pustulans Green and four new species, F. fructus sp. n., F. pseudopustulans sp. n., F. stipites sp. n. and F. superfacies sp. n. Four of the five species are known only from Victoria and the fifth species from the High Country east of Tumut in New South Wales. All species feed on Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae), either in blister galls, or under or on the bark. The adult female of each species and the first-instar nymph of F. pseudopustulans sp. n. are described and illustrated. Keys are provided to the adult females of the eriococcid genera found on Eucalyptus and Corymbia , and to the species of Fragorbis gen. n.  相似文献   

A new species of Hemilecanium Newstead, Hemilecanium guanabana Kondo & Hodgson n. sp., is described and illustrated based on the adult female, adult male and first instar. The specimens were collected in the municipality of Palmira, state of Valle del Cauca, Colombia, on soursop, Annona muricata (Annonaceae). Updated identification keys are provided for the adult females of all 28 species of the genus Hemilecanium, and for known adult males and first instars. An updated list of the 23 species of soft scales (Coccidae) known from soursop worldwide is included.  相似文献   

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