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Social insects possess a rich set of exocrine organs producing diverse pheromones and defensive compounds. This is especially true for termite imagoes, which are equipped with several glands producing, among others, sex pheromones and defensive compounds protecting imagoes during the dispersal flight and colony foundation. Here, we describe the clypeal gland, a new termite exocrine organ occurring in the labro-clypeal region of imagoes of most Rhinotermitidae, Serritermitidae and Termitidae species. The clypeal gland of Coptotermes testaceus consists of class 1 (modified epidermal cell) and class 3 (bicellular gland unit) secretory cells. Ultrastructural features suggest that the gland secretes volatile compounds and proteins, probably after starting the reproduction. One peculiar feature of the gland is the presence of multiple secretory canals in a single canal cell, a feature never observed before in other insect glands. Although the function of the gland remains unknown, we hypothesize that it could produce secretion signalling the presence of functional reproductives or their need to be fed.  相似文献   

The frontal gland of termites is a structure without any equivalent among other animals. Although this gland is well known in soldiers, it received almost no attention in other castes. Recently, we described it in imagoes of Rhinotermitidae and Serritermitidae. In order to provide a complete picture of the evolution of this gland in termite imagoes, we studied it in additional 34 species of Termitidae, representing 7 of the 8 subfamilies. The frontal gland of these species is formed by class 1 secretory cells only, and occurs in two basic shapes: epithelial with reservoir in Foraminitermitinae and Macrotermitinae, and epithelial without reservoir in all other subfamilies. The size variability of the gland is high, not only among Termitidae subfamilies, but also within subfamilies. Our data suggest that the ancestral form of the frontal gland is epithelial with reservoir, as found in Rhinotermitidae, Serritermitidae, and basal Termitidae. The reduction of the reservoir occurred at least two times and the gland was lost two times independently: in Protermes sp. and in Microtermes toumodiensis (both Macrotermitinae).  相似文献   

The foraging activity of Constrictotermes cyphergaster was investigated in the Caatinga of Northeast Brazil. Eight colonies were monitored for seven days, during both dry and wet seasons. Foraging activity occurred in exposed columns at night, generally between 22:00 and 05:00 h. During the wet season, foraging activity was significantly higher, with one bout every 1.6 ± 0.2 days, than the dry season, when foraging bouts were performed every 1.9 ± 0.3 days. Foraging activity throughout the study colonies presented high temporal synchronization. In both seasons, foraging was negatively correlated with air temperature and positively correlated with humidity. The foraging trails were often re-utilized and ranged from 1 to 18.5 meters in length. No difference between seasons in the area potentially utilized by the study colonies was observed. Approximately 51000 individuals participated in the foraging bout during the dry season, whereas some 87000 individuals participated in the foraging bout during the wet season. This corresponds to 43 and 74% of the estimated total nest population for the dry and wet seasons respectively. The average ratio soldiers:workers during foraging was 1:1.2 in the dry season and 1:2 in the wet season. The higher frequency and number of individuals foraging during the wet season in the present study are likely to be a strategy from C. cyphergaster to store energy reserves to be utilized during the dry season. Received 28 November 2005; revised 29 May 2006 and 16 August 2006; accepted 1 September 2006.  相似文献   

Syaukani  Thompson GJ 《ZooKeys》2011,(148):135-160
The Sunda region of Southeastern Asia is rich in termite fauna, but termites from this region have been poorly described. In this study, we described eight species from two diverse genera from this region, and from the family Termitidae. We describe Bulbitermes 4 spp. and Nasutitermes 4 spp. from new field collections. Where possible we examine original holotype specimens, and describe the essential morphological characters for soldier and worker castes. We devise two new bifurcating keys to guide the field identification of each species. In addition, we develop a nucleotide sequence profile for the COI gene. From this molecular character matrix, we use Neighbour-Joining analysis to test the monophyly of each morphospecies and genus. We find that the morphological and molecular characters are highly concordant, whereby all taxa appear to represent distinct molecular clades. For termites, there is therefore agreement between the morphological taxonomic characters used to sort species from a bifurcating key and the molecular taxonomic characters used to sort species on a bifurcating tree. This joint analysis suggests that DNA barcoding holds considerable promise for termite taxonomy, especially for diverse clades like Bulbitermes and Nasutitermes for which a global morphological key would be intractable.  相似文献   

Mauricio M. Rocha 《ZooKeys》2013,(340):107-117
The imago and soldier castes of the Neotropical Termitinae species Genuotermes spinifer Emerson are redescribed. The gut anatomy of the worker is described in detail for the first time, and morphological variations in the soldier are noted and illustrated. The known geographical distribution of Genuotermes spinifer is greatly expanded.  相似文献   

The majority of true parasitoids manipulate their host’s physiology for their own benefit. In this study, we documented the physiological changes that occurred in major soldiers of the subterranean termite Macrotermes gilvus (Hagen) (Isoptera: Termitidae) parasitized by the koinobiont larval endoparasitoid Misotermes mindeni Disney and Neoh (Diptera: Phoridae). We compared the metabolic rate, body water content, body water loss rate, cuticular permeability, and desiccation tolerance between parasitized and unparasitized major soldiers. The metabolic rate of parasitized hosts was significantly higher than that of unparasitized termites. Mean total body water content of parasitized major soldiers (64.73 ± 3.26%) was significantly lower than that of unparasitized termites (71.99 ± 2.23%). Parasitized hosts also had significantly lower total body water loss rates (5.72 ± 0.06%/h) and higher cuticular permeability (49.37 ± 11.26 μg/cm/h/mmHg) than unparasitized major soldiers (6.75 ± 0.16%/h and 60.76 ± 24.98 μg/cm/h/mmHg, respectively). Parasitized major soldiers survived almost twice as long as unparasitized termites (LT50 = 6.66 h and LT50 = 3.40 h, respectively) and they had significantly higher tolerance to water loss compared to unparasitized termites (45.28 ± 6.79% and 32.84 ± 7.69%, respectively). Body lipid content in parasitized hosts (19.84 ± 6.27%) was significantly higher than that of unparasitized termites (6.17 ± 7.87%). Finally, parasitized hosts had a significantly lower percentage of cuticular water content than unparasitized major soldiers (10.97 ± 1.84% and 13.17 ± 2.21%, respectively). Based on these data, we conclude that the parasitism-induced physiological changes in the host are beneficial to the parasitoids as the alterations can clearly increase the parasite’s chances of survival when exposed to extreme environmental conditions and ensure that the parasitoids are able to complete their larval development successfully before the host dies.  相似文献   

The postpharyngeal gland (PPG) plays a major role in the social integration of ant colonies. It had been thought to be restricted to ants but was recently also described for a solitary wasp, the European beewolf (Philanthus triangulum). This finding posed the question whether the gland has evolved independently in the two taxa or has been inherited from a common ancestor and is hence homologous. The latter alternative would be supported if a PPG was found in more basal taxa. Therefore, we examined a species at the base of the Apoidea, the solitary ampulicid wasp Ampulex compressa, for the existence of a PPG. Both sexes of this species possess a cephalic gland that branches off the posterior part of the pharynx, is lined by a cuticular intima and surrounded by a monolayered epithelium with the epithelial cells bearing long hairs. Most of these morphological characteristics conform to those of the PPG of ants and beewolves. Chemical analysis of the gland content revealed that it contains mainly hydrocarbons and that there is a congruence of the pattern of hydrocarbons in the gland, on the cuticle, and in the hemolymph, as has also been reported for both ants and beewolves. Based on these morphological and chemical results we propose that the newly described cephalic gland is a PPG and discuss its possible function in A. compressa. The present study supports the view of a homologous origin of the PPG in the aculeate Hymenoptera.  相似文献   

Cuezzo C  Nickle DA 《ZooKeys》2011,(159):1-9
A new genus and species of nasutitermitine termites are described and illustrated, based on soldier and worker characters. Sinqasapatermesgen. n., can be distinguished from all other nasutitermitine genera by its singular worker gut coiling and enteric valve characters: distal margin of the enteric valve not everted into the paunch but bending towards the ileum, that is, directed against the flow of food; enteric valve armature with one ring of six equal subtriangularly-shaped ridges, each ridge with short spines on the entire surface; enteric valve armature situatedonexternal face of cone, facing the internal ileum wall; enteric valve seating tri-lobed and separated from remaining portionof the paunch; paunch subdivided. Sinqasapatermes sachaesp. n., was collected on a tree in a very narrow flattened tunnel that was well concealed beneath lichens in a northern Peru rainforest (Arcadia, Loreto Province).  相似文献   

In Lambir Hills National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia, there are four species of processional termites that coexist: Hospitalitermes hospitalis, H. lividiceps, H. rufus and Longipeditermes longipes. This paper presents the results of our investigation on the spatial distribution of nests and the foraging activities of the four species in coexistence. The results show that there are fairly marked differences in nesting sites, as well as in foraging activities, among the four species. It is noteworthy that H. rufus inhabits only the canopy area over 20 m above ground, apparently segregated from the other three species, and that their foraging activities are limited also to tree canopies over 10 m above ground. In contrast, L. longipes nests underground and forages exclusively on the forest floor. Hospitalitermes hospitalis and H. lividiceps inhabit and forage over wide areas, from the forest floor to tree canopies. The upper parts of the tree canopy (over 10 m) are also foraging territories of the secluded H. rufus, but there were no observations of simultaneous foraging of the three Hospitalitermes species in the same canopy areas.  相似文献   

Previously known from Brazil, North Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia, Diversitermes diversimiles (Silvestri, 1901) is cited for the first time from French Guiana, on the basis of the soldier and worker castes. The digestive tube of its worker is photographied for the first time.  相似文献   

A new species of Pelomus Reiss, 1989 Reiss, F. 1989. Pelomus gen. nov., ein weiterer potamobionter Vertreter des Harnischia-Komplexes aus dem Amazonasbecken (Diptera, Chironomidae)’. Acta Biologica Debrecina Oecologia Hungarica, 2: 305314.  [Google Scholar] (Diptera: Chironomidae: Chironominae), P. sophiae sp. n., is described and figured as male, pupa and larva. Diagnoses for male and pupa of the genus are emended. The larvae, reared in the laboratory to obtain all life stages, were collected on bottom sand of reservoir and ponds, in southeast Brazil.  相似文献   

We report here on the development of six polymorphic microsatellite loci for Labiotermes labralis. This soil‐feeding species is restricted to the Neotropical rainforest and then could represent a major candidate for being a bio‐indicator of anthropic disturbance resulting in the forest fragmentation. The microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized using a microsatellite‐enriched genomic library. The primers were tested on a French Guyanese population of L. labralis, represented by the sampling of one soldier in 22 nests. The primers were also tested against nine species of the same Nasutitermitinae subfamily and were successfully amplified at five loci in Armitermes minutus.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(2):101903
Ceylonitermellus Emerson is a rarely collected soil inhabiting nasute termite endemic to Oriental region with three known species. A fourth species, Ceylonitermellus sahyadriensis sp. nov. is described and illustrated based on morphological characters of soldier and gut morphology of workers. Both the castes have poorly sclerotized body and paler in colour. This is the second species from India and fourth species of the genus from world. The species can be distinguished from the closely related C. periyarensis by the pyriform and shorter head capsule and with other two species of the genus by its larger head capsule as compared to C. kotuae and smaller head capsule as compared to C. hantanae. The new species was collected from tropical evergreen forest from a small colony near the base of a tree.LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:34616357-2CC9-46B2-8B8D-3CFD984CED89.  相似文献   

Y. Roisin 《Insectes Sociaux》1992,39(3):313-324
Summary The developmental pattern of the neuter castes was studied in the mandibulate nasute generaCornitermes, Embiratermes andRhynchotermes. InCornitermes walkeri, all the workers and soldiers are male. There are two larval and a single worker instar. Workers can molt into presoldiers. InEmbiratermes chagresi andRhynchotermes perarmatus, both sexes are present among the neuters. A slight sexual dimorphism (males > females) is discernible among both larval instars and among workers ofE. chagresi; female workers can molt into presoldiers. InR. perarmatus, the sexual dimorphism is conspicuous from the first larval instar on. Male larvae go through two instars, then give rise to workers, which do not molt. InR. perarmatus, there is no worker stage in females, but a third larval instar, preceding the presoldier. Hypotheses are proposed as to the evolution of these caste patterns, attempting to conciliate present knowledge of Nasutitermitinae phylogeny and known evolutionary trends affecting termite caste patterns, according to the species' ecology.Research Associate: National Fund for Scientific Research (Belgium).  相似文献   

我国已知大白蚁属18种,其中仅1种属于大,中,小(兵蚁,工蚁)三态类型,由李桂祥,平正明定名为三型大白蚁。作者等于1994年,在云南省南亚热带地区,发现另一三态类型大白蚁,定名为箕头大白蚁新种。  相似文献   

In the identification key proposed by Mantilleri in 2016 for the genus Pertusius, some mistakes were introduced in references to figures. They are corrected here.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the soldier caste in Prorhinotermes simplex is studied with emphasis on the instar origin of soldiers, the duration of the presoldier stage, and changes in external anatomy during the soldier morphogenesis. The soldiers of different instar origin are compared morphometrically and by analysis of the soldier defensive secretion. The soldiers were found to develop from larvae of the second up to the eighth instar, via a short (13–17 days) presoldier stage. The early soldier instars were found exclusively in incipient colonies while the mature colony contains late instar soldiers only. The abrupt change in the external anatomy occurs in two steps. During the larva-presoldier moult, the head increases in length but only slightly in width. During the presoldier-soldier moult, both the length and width of the head increase markedly and the typical cordate shape is attained; the relative size of the pronotum increases considerably. The long falcate mandibles develop mainly during the larva-presoldier moult. One antennal segment is added during these two moults. With increasing instar age of soldiers a relative increase of the pronotum and the head size in its posterior region was observed. No functional differences in external anatomy were found among the six soldier instars. The composition of the frontal gland secretion is similar in the six soldier instars, an extraordinarily high amount of a defensive substance, (E)-1-nitropentadecene, was detected together with (Z,E)-α-farnesene, presumably an alarm substance. The strategy of soldier production is discussed. We conclude that the observed patterns of soldier production in P. simplex correspond well to its ecological strategy of an advanced single-site nester able to migrate and form foraging groups. Received 16 August 2005; revised 21 November and 6 February 2006; accepted 16 February 2006.  相似文献   


A new species of the spider genus Cuacuba from Brazil, C. ribeira sp. nov. is described and illustrated based on eighty-six specimens collected from caves in the Vale do Ribeira region, in the states of São Paulo and Paraná. This species is recognized by the hook-shaped median apophysis on the male palp, and females by having invaginations on the sides of the median posterior edge of the epigynal plate. Cuacuba ribeira sp. nov. is the third species recorded for the genus, and like the other two, also comes from Brazilian caves.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:44036D6B-CA3F-4C15-BBA3-3E5FE81FB299  相似文献   

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