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In order to explain the mechanism of high meat quality in Laiwu pigs and investigate the relation between myosin heavy chains (MyHC) composition and meat quality, meat quality analysis was conducted and mRNA expression of MyHC I, IIa, IIx, IIb was quantified by real-time fluorescence PCR in longissimus muscle (LM) and semimembranous muscle of Laiwu pigs and Duroc. The result indicated that, compared with Duroc, mRNA expression of MyHC IIa, IIx in LM and semimembranous muscle of Laiwu pigs was significantly increased, mRNA expression of MyHC IIb was dramatically decreased. However, the expression of MyHC I was not significantly affected by breeds. The correlation between mRNA expression of MyHC I, IIa, IIx in LM and meat color, pH value, marbling, intramuscular fat content was positive, but shear value of LM was negative. The relation between MyHC IIb mRNA expression and marbling, intramuscular fat content was dramatically negative, whereas shear value was strikingly positive, as well as fiber diameter, but without reaching statistical significance. Therefore, the composition of MyHC I, IIa, IIx, IIb affected meat quality, furthermore, expression of MyHC I, IIa, IIx, IIb mRNA prominently influenced meat characteristics, especially edible quality of muscle, suggesting that mRNA expression level of MyHC I, IIa, IIx, IIb can exactly and impersonally estimate meat quality.  相似文献   

A feeding trial for 91 days was conducted to investigate effects of active immunization against porcine Sox6 (pSox6) on meat quality and myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoform expression in growing-finishing pigs. Twenty-four castrated Duroc?×?Landrace?×?Yarkshire pigs were randomly divided into three groups: (1) Control group; (2) 1?mg/head pSox6 active immunity group; (3) 4?mg/head pSox6 active immunity group (4?mg/head group). The results showed that pigs in 4?mg/head group had a greater a* (Redness) and a higher marbling score, while no significant effect was observed in L* (Lightness), b* (Yellowness), intramuscular fat and cooking loss. Muscle succinic dehydrogenase activity in pSox6 active immunization groups was significantly increased, and muscle lactate dehydrogenase activity was significantly reduced. Meanwhile, active immunization against pSox6 upregulated the mRNA expression of MyHC I, while no effect was observed on the mRNA expressions of MyHC IIa, MyHC IIx, MyHC IIb. In addition, pigs in the 4?mg/head group exhibited lower Sox6 mRNA level and higher MyHC I protein level, while no significant influence was observed on MyHC IIb protein level. Together, our data imply that active immunization against pSox6 could improve the pork quality and promote the MyHC I expression in growing-finishing pigs.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with spontaneous ventricular defibrillation in mammals and the possibility to facilitate its occurrence. Clinical and experimental evidence suggest that in the majority of cases, ventricular fibrillation (VF) is permanent, requiring defibrillation by electric shock. However, a growing number of reports show that VF can terminate spontaneously in various mammals, including human beings.The mechanisms involved in spontaneous ventricular defibrillation are controversial. Available reports imply that intracellular Ca2+ overload is the key event triggering VF and preventing its reversal. Since the sarcoplasmatic reticulum is the main intracellular Ca2+ regulating organelle and the activity of the cardiac SR Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA 2a) is its prime element of Ca2+ sequestration, spontaneous ventricular defibrillation likely requires high level of SERCA 2a activity. We suggest that mammalian hearts with high SERCA 2a activity defibrillate spontaneously and those with low activity only after its enhancement. Since high SERCA 2a activity is co-expressed with the myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform V1, we assumed that those hearts preferentially expressing V1 MHC are able to defibrillate spontaneously. Hearts with small amounts of V1 MHC and correspondingly lower level of SERCA 2a activity can only defibrillate following administration of compounds that augment SERCA 2a activity and prevent intracellular Ca2+ overload.  相似文献   

The present paper describes the isolation and linkage mapping of two isoforms of skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain in pig. Two partial cDNAs (pAZMY4 and pAZMY7), coding for the porcine myosin heavy chain-2B and -β respectively, have been isolated from a pig skeletal muscle cDNA library. Four RFLPs were detected with the putative porcine skeletal myosin heavy chain-2B probe (pAZMY4) and one RFLP was identified with the putative myosin heavy chain-β probe (pAZMY7). Two myosin heavy chain loci were mapped by linkage analysis performed with the five RFLPs against the PiGMaP linkage consortium ResPig database: the MYH1 locus, which identifies the fast skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain gene cluster, was located at the end of the map of porcine chromosome 12, while the MYH7 locus, which identifies the myosin heavy chain-α/-β gene cluster, was assigned to the long arm of porcine chromosome 7.  相似文献   

何一旻  顾鸣敏 《遗传》2017,39(10):877-887
肌球蛋白超家族通过水解ATP,将化学能转化为机械能,在细胞迁移、肌肉收缩等多种生理活动中发挥重要的作用。其中,肌球蛋白Ⅱ类分子是肌细胞和非肌细胞中肌丝的重要组成成分。一个完整的肌球蛋白Ⅱ类分子是由2条肌球蛋白重链(myosin heavy chain, MyHC)和2对不同的轻链组成的六聚体。在人体中,存在多种MyHC亚型,分别由不同的MYH基因家族成员编码。迄今为止,人们已经发现MYH基因家族中多个成员的不同突变与人类遗传性疾病相关。其中,MYH2突变可以导致一类以眼肌麻痹为主要特征的骨骼肌疾病;MYH3MYH8突变可以引起远端关节挛缩综合征;MYH7突变即可以引起骨骼肌疾病包括肌球蛋白沉积性肌病和Laing远端肌病,也与肥厚性心肌病的发生密切相关;MYH9突变可以导致一类以巨大血小板、血小板减少和中性粒细胞包涵体为特征的MYH9相关性疾病。本文简要介绍MYH基因的表达特点,着重阐述MYH基因与人类遗传性疾病之间的相关性及研究进展。  相似文献   

We have recently determined the complete nucleotide sequences of the cardiac - and -myosin heavy chain (MyHC) genes from both human and Syrian hamster. These genomic sequence data were used to study the molecular evolution of the cardiac MyHC genes.Between the - and -MyHC genes, multiple gene conversion events were detected by (1) maximum parsimony tree analyses, (2) synonymous substitution analyses, and (3) detection of pairwise identity of intron sequences. Approximately half of the 40 cardiac MyHC exons have undergone concerted evolution through the process of gene conversion with the other half undergoing divergent evolution. Gene conversion occurred more often in exons encoding the a-helical myosin rod domain than in the globular head domain, and an apparent directional bias was also observed, with transfer of genetic material occurring more often from to .  相似文献   

Mechanical properties and isoform composition of myosin heavy and light chains were studied in hypertrophying rat urinary bladders. Growth of the bladder was induced by partial ligation of the urethra. Preparations were obtained after 10 days. In maximally activated skinned preparations from the hypertrophying tissue, the maximal shortening velocity and the rate of force development following photolytic release of ATP were reduced by about 20 and 25%, respectively. Stiffness was unchanged. The relative content of the basic isoform of the essential 17 kDa myosin light chain was doubled in the hypertrophied tissue. The expression of myosin heavy chain with a 7 amino acid insert at the 25K/50K region was determined using a peptide-derived antibody against the insert sequence. The relative amount of heavy chain with insert was decreased to 50%, in the hypertrophic tissue. The kinetics of the cross-bridge turn-over in the newly formed myosin in the hypertrophic smooth muscle is reduced, which might be related to altered expression of myosin heavy or light chain isoforms. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Phenotypic information about several pig meat quality traits on 334 Large White × Meishan F2 pigs was collected. Effects of the association of the FokI variants in the seventh intron of the skeletal muscle glycogen synthase (GYS1) gene and the PstI variants in the ninth intron of the palmitoyl acyl-CoA oxidase 1 (ACOX1) gene on the meat quality traits were examined on all pigs. The FokI variants of the GYS1 gene showed significant effects on pH of m. semipinalis capitis (P < 0.05). Linkage analysis indicated that the peak of the quantitative trait loci (QTL) curve was located around this marker for pH, but it did not reach significance (P > 0.05). The results may be due to several reasons such as linkage disequilibrium to the causal mutations, the limited number of animals or balance of another QTL or marker with negative effects. Significant effects of PstI variants of ACOX1 gene were also found on meat colour value and meat marbling score of both m. longissimus dorsi and m. biceps femoris (P < 0.05). Dominant effects for the affected traits at those two loci were significant except for meat marbling score of m. biceps femoris (P < 0.05). The results of this study give us some evidence for the potential of those dominant markers used in the marker-assisted selection of crossbreeding of the Large White pig sire lines and Meishan-derived synthetic dam lines.  相似文献   

Dynamics of myofiber differentiation/maturation in porcine skeletal muscle is associated with domestication, breeding and rearing conditions. This study was aimed to comparatively elucidate the age-dependent myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoform expression and transition pattern in domestic and wild pig (WP) skeletal muscle from birth until adulthood. Domestic pigs (DPs) of Large White breed raised in conventional production system were compared with WPs reared in a large hunting enclosure. Muscle samples for immuno/enzyme histochemistry were taken from the longissimus dorsi muscle within 24 h postmortem at 24 to 48 h, 21 to 23 days, 7 months and ~2 years postpartum. Based on the antibody reactivity to MyHCs (NCL-MHCs, A4.74, BF-F3) and succinate dehydrogenase activity, myofibers were classified into I, I/IIa, IIa, IIx and IIb types. In addition, foetal MyHC expression was determined with the use of F158.4C10 antibody. Maturation of the longissimus dorsi muscle in the WP was characterized by an accelerated transformation of the fast to slow MyHC during the first hours postpartum, followed by differentiation towards oxidative myofibers in which type I, IIa and IIx MyHCs predominated. In the DP, the transformation shifted towards glycolytic myofibers that expressed MyHC-IIb. The expression of foetal MyHC was higher in the DP than in the WP at 1 day of age, and the decline in the foetal MyHC during the first 3 weeks was more rapid in the WP than in the DP denoting an accelerated early postnatal muscle maturation in WP than DP piglets. All foetal MyHC-positive myofibers co-expressed IIa isoform, but not vice versa. The intense myofiber hypertrophy was evident from 3 weeks until 7 months of age. In this period, the myofiber cross-sectional area increased up to 10- and 20-fold in the WP and the DP, respectively. In the DP, the hypertrophy of all myofiber types was more pronounced than in the WP, particularly the hypertrophy of IIx and IIb myofibers. To summarize, the comparison between growing DP with wild ancestors showed that genetic selection and rearing conditions lead to substantial changes in the direction and intensity of postnatal MyHC transformation as evidenced by different proportion of individual myofiber types and differences in their hypertrophic potential.  相似文献   

Myosin is one of the most important skeletal muscle proteins. It is composed of myosin heavy chains and myosin light chains that exist with different isoforms coded by different genes. We studied the porcine myosin heavy chain 2B (MYH4) and the porcine skeletal muscle myosin regulatory light chain 2 (HUMMLC2B) genes. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), identified for each gene, was used for linkage mapping of MYH4 and HUMMLC2B to porcine chromosome (Sscr) 12 and Sscr 3, respectively. The mapping of these two genes was confirmed by using a porcine-rodent radiation hybrid panel, even if for MYH4 the LOD score and the retention fraction were low. Allele frequencies at the two loci were studied in a sample of 307 unrelated pigs belonging to seven different pig breeds. Moreover the distribution of the alleles at these two loci was analysed in groups of pigs with extreme divergent (positive and negative) estimated breeding values (EBV) for four meat production traits that have undergone selection in Italian heavy pigs.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate molecular and physiological changes in response to long-term insulin glargine treatment in the skeletal muscle of OLETF rats. Male Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF) and Long-Evans Tokushima Otsuka (LETO) rats aged 24 weeks were randomly allocated to either treatment with insulin for 24 weeks or no treatment, resulting in three groups. Insulin glargine treatment in OLETF rats (OLETF-G) for 24 weeks resulted in changes in blood glucose levels in intraperitoneal glucose tolerance tests compared with age-matched, untreated OLETF rats (OLETF-C), and the area under the curve was significantly decreased for OLETF-G rats compared with OLETF-C rats (P < 0.05). The protein levels of MHC isoforms were altered in gastrocnemius muscle of OLETF rats, and the proportions of myosin heavy chain type I and II fibers were lower and higher, respectively, in OLETF-G compared with OLETF-C rats. Activation of myokines (IL-6, IL-15, FNDC5, and myostatin) in gastrocnemius muscle was significantly inhibited in OLETF-G compared with OLETF-C rats ( P < 0.05). MyoD and myogenin levels were decreased, while IGF-I and GLUT4 levels were increased, in the skeletal muscle of OLETF-G rats ( P < 0.05). Insulin glargine treatment significantly increased the phosphorylation levels of AMPK, SIRT1, and PGC-1α. Together, our results suggested that changes in the distribution of fiber types by insulin glargine could result in downregulation of myokines and muscle regulatory proteins. The effects were likely associated with activation of the AMPK/SIRT1/PGC-1α signaling pathway. Changes in these proteins may at least partly explain the effect of insulin in skeletal muscle of diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

We have earlier reported partial cloning of a cDNA of a chick atrial myosin heavy chain (MHC) gene, CCSV2 and its expression pattern in embryonic chick hearts (Oana et al (1995) Eur J Cell Biol 67, 42-49). In this study, five overlapping cDNA clones (including CCSV2) which together encode the entire open reading frame of the chick atrial MHC gene were characterized, and both the entire nucleotide sequence consisting of 5825 bases and the deduced amino acid sequence consisting of 1931 amino acids determined. Reinvestigation of the nucleotide sequence of the previously reported and presumably different chick atrial specific MHC cDNA clone, AMHC1 (Yutzey et al (1994) Development 120, 871-883), revealed that our clone and AMHC1 encoded the same MHC. The chick atrial MHC gene was strongly expressed in developing chick atria from a very early stage (Hamburger and Hamilton stage 9, 29-33 h) to the adult stage. This gene was also expressed, although weakly, in the ventricle, somite (the precursor to skeletal muscle) and skeletal muscle during embryonic stages but not in adults.  相似文献   

In this study, we present for the first time: (1) evidence regarding tyrosine phosphorylation of myosin heavy chain, (2) evidence that insulin can phosphorylate myosin, (3) association of myosin with Csk, a signalling molecule, (4) modulation of this association by insulin, and (5) evidence that these interactions are associated with skeletal muscle differentiation.  相似文献   

The effect of a tumor promoter, 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA), on the expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms in cultured rat cardiac ventricular muscle cells was studied. The previous preliminary report [Claycomb WC (1988): "Biology of Isolated Adult Cardiac Myocytes." In Clark WA, Decker RS, Borg TK (eds): New York: Elsevier, pp 284-287] indicated that TPA turns off the expression of myosin heavy chain genes in cultured adult cardiac myocytes. Electrophoretic and immunocytochemical analyses were carried out in the present studies. The myosin heavy chain isoform profiles of cardiac myocytes exposed to TPA at concentrations of 50-250 ng/ml culture medium for varying periods were similar to those of controls that were grown in the absence of TPA, showing predominant isoform V1. Immunofluorescence microscopy with monoclonal antibodies to cardiac ventricular isomyosin revealed the structural organization of myosin in TPA-treated cells. The organization of myosin was variable among different myocytes and within a single myocyte. Immunofluorescence microscopy was extended to the examination of the organization of alpha-actinin which did not differ from that of myosin in some myocytes. In contrast to the previous report [Claycomb, 1988], this study has demonstrated that TPA has no influence on the expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms in cultured adult ventricular cardiac muscle cells.  相似文献   

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