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The objective of this meta-analysis was to develop empirical equations predicting growth responses of growing cattle to protein intake. Overall, the data set comprised 199 diets in 80 studies. The diets were mainly based on grass silage or grass silage partly or completely replaced by whole-crop silages or straw. The concentrate feeds consisted of cereal grains, fibrous by-products and protein supplements. The analyses were conducted both comprehensively for all studies and also separately for studies in which soybean meal (SBM; n=71 diets/28 studies), fish meal (FM; 27/12) and rapeseed meal (RSM; 74/35) were used as a protein supplement. Increasing dietary CP concentration increased (P<0.01) BW gain (BWG), but the responses were quantitatively small (1.4 g per 1 g/kg dry matter (DM) increase in dietary CP concentration). The BWG responses were not different for bulls v. steers and heifers (1.4 v. 1.3 g per 1 g/kg DM increase in dietary CP concentration) and for dairy v. beef breeds (1.2 v. 1.7 g per 1 g/kg, respectively). The effect of increased CP concentration declined (P<0.01) with increasing mean BW of the animals and with improved BWG of the control animals (the lowest CP diet in each study). The BWG responses to protein supplementation were not related to the CP concentration in the control diet. The BWG responses increased (P<0.05) with increased ammonia N concentration in silage N and declined marginally (P>0.10) with increasing proportion of concentrate in the diet. All protein supplements had a significant effect on BWG, but the effects were greater for RSM (P<0.01) and FM (P<0.05) than for SBM. Increasing dietary CP concentration improved (P<0.01) feed efficiency when expressed as BWG/kg DM intake, but decreased markedly when expressed as BWG/kg CP intake. Assuming CP concentration of 170 g/kg BW marginal efficiency of the utilisation of incremental CP intake was only 0.05. Increasing dietary CP concentration had no effects on carcass weight, dressing proportion or conformation score, but it increased (P<0.01) fat score. Owing to limited production responses, higher prices of protein supplements compared with cereal grains and possible increases the N and P emissions, there is generally no benefit from using protein supplementation for growing cattle fed grass silage-based diets, provided that the supply of rumen-degradable protein is not limiting digestion in the rumen.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare growth performance and carcass and meat quality characteristics of growing-finishing pigs fed diets containing Roundup Ready wheat (MON 71800), compared with the non-transgenic genetically similar parental control wheat (MON 71900), and four commercial varieties of non-transgenic wheat (HANK, Westbred 926, Express and Zeke). The study was carried out as a split-plot design with a 2 × 6 factorial arrangement of treatments (two genders and six wheat varieties). A three-phase dietary program was used; all diets were formulated with a fixed level of wheat inclusion (70%, 80% and 85% for the Grower, Finisher I and Finisher II phases, respectively). A total of 240 commercial hybrid pigs (equal numbers of barrows and gilts) were grown from 29.5 ± 0.29 to 114.5 ± 2.23 kg live weight in single-gender pens (barrows or gilts) of five pigs (eight pens per dietary treatment) with ad libitum access to feed and water throughout the study. At the end of each dietary phase and of the test period, ultrasound measurements were taken at the 10th rib. Animals from the transgenic (MON 71800) and non-transgenic (MON 71900) treatments were harvested at the end of the study and carcass and meat quality measurements were taken. Pigs fed the six wheat varieties had similar (P > 0.05) feed intake, live weight gain, gain : feed ratio and ultrasound measures of backfat thickness and longissimus muscle area. There was a wheat variety × gender interaction (P < 0.05) for longissimus fat content. Gilts fed the transgenic wheat had higher (P < 0.05) longissimus fat content than those fed the non-transgenic control wheat; however, for barrows there was no effect (P > 0.05) of wheat variety on longissimus fat content. However, there was no effect (P > 0.05) of wheat variety on other longissimus muscle quality or composition measures. Gilts had lower (P < 0.01) feed intake, growth rate and backfat thickness, and similar gain : feed ratio (P > 0.05) compared to barrows. This study, with growing-finishing swine, suggests that the Roundup Ready wheat (MON 71800) resulted in equivalent animal performance to conventional wheat.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to compare values for digestible energy (DE) and metabolisable energy (ME) and apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of nutrients in 11 diets fed to both growing pigs and gestating sows. Three diets were based on corn, wheat or sorghum and eight diets were based on a combination of corn and soybean meal, canola meal, conventional distillers’ dried grains with solubles, low-fat distillers’ dried grains with solubles, corn germ meal, corn bran, wheat middlings or soybean hulls. A total of 88 gestating sows (252 ± 24.2 kg BW; parity two to six) and 88 growing barrows (40 ± 4.7 kg BW) were used and randomly allotted to the 11 diets with eight replicate sows or pigs per diet. Faecal and urine samples were collected for 4 d following a 19 d adaptation period. The DE, ME and ATTD of gross energy (GE), acid detergent fibre (ADF), neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and crude protein (CP) in the 11 diets were calculated. Gestating sows had greater (p < 0.05) ATTD of GE and CP and DE values for all diets compared with growing pigs. Gestating sows also had greater (p < 0.05) ME values than growing pigs for the three grain diets and the diets containing wheat middlings and soybean hulls. No differences were observed in ATTD of ADF and NDF between gestating sows and growing pigs for any of the diets, except that gestating sows had greater (p < 0.05) ATTD of NDF than growing pigs when they were fed the four protein diets. The ATTD of GE and CP and DE values in gestating sows may be predicted by using equations generated from the values of ATTD of GE and CP and DE values obtained in growing pigs. Results of this research indicate that ATTD values of CP and GE obtained in gestating sows are greater than the values obtained in growing pigs, but values for ATTD of ADF obtained in growing pigs are not different from values in gestating sows.  相似文献   

Breeding values for feed intake and feed efficiency in beef cattle are generally derived indoors on high-concentrate (HC) diets. Within temperate regions of north-western Europe, however, the majority of a growing beef animal’s lifetime dietary intake comes from grazed grass and grass silage. Using 97 growing beef cattle, the objective of the current study was to assess the repeatability of both feed intake and feed efficiency across 3 successive dietary test periods comprising grass silage plus concentrates (S+C), grazed grass (GRZ) and a HC diet. Individual DM intake (DMI), DMI/kg BW and feed efficiency-related parameters, residual feed intake (RFI) and gain to feed ratio (G : F) were assessed. There was a significant correlation for DMI between the S+C and GRZ periods (r = 0.32; P < 0.01) as well as between the S+C and HC periods (r = 0.41; P < 0.001), whereas there was no association for DMI between the GRZ and HC periods. There was a significant correlation for DMI/kg BW between the S+C and GRZ periods (r = 0.33; P < 0.01) and between the S+C and HC periods (r = 0.40; P < 0.001), but there was no association for the trait between the GRZ and HC periods. There was a significant correlation for RFI between the S+C and GRZ periods (r = 0.25; P < 0.05) as well as between S+C and HC periods (r = 0.25; P < 0.05), whereas there was no association for RFI between the GRZ and HC periods. Gain to feed ratio was not correlated between any of the test periods. A secondary aspect of the study demonstrated that traits recorded in the GRZ period relating to grazing bite rate, the number of daily grazing bouts and ruminating bouts were associated with DMI (r = 0.28 to 0.42; P < 0.05 - 0.001), DMI/kg BW (r = 0.36 to 0.45; P < 0.01 - 0.001) and RFI (r = 0.31 to 0.42; P < 0.05 - 0.001). Additionally, the number of ruminating boli produced per day and per ruminating bout were associated with G : F (r = 0.28 and 0.26, respectively; P < 0.05). Results from this study demonstrate that evaluating animals for both feed intake and feed efficiency indoors on HC diets may not reflect their phenotypic performance when consuming conserved forage-based diets indoors or when grazing pasture.  相似文献   

Muscle lipid concentration is known to influence pork eating quality. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of a restriction-re-alimentation feeding strategy on intramuscular fat deposition in pigs. A total of 70 Duroc × (Large White × Landrace) pigs (castrated males and females) were used. Ten pigs were first slaughtered at 30 kg live weight (LW) to determine initial body and muscle composition. From 30 to 80 kg LW (growing period), pigs were either fed ad libitum (AL) or restricted to 70% of the ad libitum intake of AL pigs (RA). From 80 to 110 kg LW (finishing period), both AL and RA pigs were fed ad libitum. In each group, pigs were slaughtered at 80 kg (n = 10) and at 110 kg (n = 20) LW. During the growing period, the growth rate of RA pigs was reduced by 30% (P < 0.001) compared with AL pigs. During the finishing period, RA pigs had a 7% (P = 0.09) higher growth rate than AL pigs due to compensatory feed intake (+14%). Plasma insulin-like growth factor-1 concentration was lower in RA pigs at 80 kg LW, but markedly increased after re-alimentation up to the level observed in AL pigs (P < 0.001). At 80 kg, the leaner carcasses of RA pigs resulted from a more pronounced reduction in fat than in lean tissue deposition rates. Re-alimentation of RA pigs increased fat tissue deposition (+160% for females, P < 0.01) but not lean deposition in the carcass, leading to limited differences in carcass composition between RA and AL pigs at 110 kg LW. Regarding tissue deposition rates, the response to feeding strategy differs between muscles. In the m. biceps femoris (BF), restriction affected lipid (-50%, P < 0.001) and protein (-25%, P < 0.001) deposition, whereas re-alimentation increased lipid (+62%, P < 0.05) but not protein deposition rates. At market weight, the extent of the difference in BF lipid concentration between RA and AL pigs was strongly reduced, but still significant. By contrast, in the m. longissimus, restriction decreased protein but not lipid deposition, whereas neither of them was modified during re-alimentation. Therefore, an increased muscle lipid concentration at 110 kg LW could not be reached in RA pigs. Modifications of onset and/or duration of restriction and re-alimentation periods should be tested to optimise effects on muscle lipid deposition and thereby achieve improved pork quality.  相似文献   

The relative contribution of ruminal short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) absorption and salivary buffering to pH regulation could potentially change under different dietary conditions. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the effects of altering the ruminal supply of rapidly fermentable carbohydrate (CHO) on absorptive function and salivation in beef cattle. Eight heifers (mean BW±SD=410±14 kg) were randomly allocated to two treatments in a crossover design with 37-day periods. Dietary treatments were barley silage at 30% low forage (LF) or 70% high forage (HF) of dietary dry matter (DM), with the remainder of the diet consisting of barley grain (65% or 25% on a DM basis) and a constant level (5%) of supplement. The LF and HF diets contained 45.3% and 30.9% starch, and 4.1% and 14.0% physically effective fiber (DM basis), respectively. Ruminal pH was continuously measured from day 17 to day 23, whereas ruminal fluid was collected on day 23 to determine SCFA concentration. Ruminal liquid passage rate was determined on day 23 using Cr-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Eating or resting salivation was measured by collecting masticate (days 28 and 29) or saliva samples (days 30 and 31) at the cardia, respectively. On days 30 and 31, the temporarily isolated and washed reticulo-rumen technique was used to measure total, and Cl-competitive (an indirect measure of protein-mediated transport) absorption of acetate, propionate and butyrate. As a result of the higher dietary starch content and DM intake, the ruminal supply of rapidly fermentable CHO, total ruminal SCFA concentration (118 v. 95 mM; P<0.001) and osmolality (330 v. 306 mOsm/kg; P=0.018) were greater in cattle fed LF compared with HF. In addition, feeding LF resulted in a longer duration (2.50 v. 0.09 h/day; P=0.02) and a larger area (0.44 v. 0.01 (pH×h)/day; P=0.050) that pH was below 5.5. There was no diet effect on total and Cl-competitive absorption (mmol/h and %/h) of acetate, propionate, butyrate and total SCFA (acetate+propionate+butyrate), but eating salivation was less (131 v. 152 ml/min; P=0.02), and resting salivation tended to be less (87 v. 104 ml/min; P=0.10) in cattle fed an LF diet. In summary, lower ruminal pH in cattle with greater rapidly fermentable CHO intake was attributed to an increase in SCFA production and decrease in salivation, which were not compensated for by an increase in epithelial permeability.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate (co)variance components using random regression on B-spline functions to weight records obtained from birth to adulthood. A total of 82 064 weight records of 8145 females obtained from the data bank of the Nellore Breeding Program (PMGRN/Nellore Brazil) which started in 1987, were used. The models included direct additive and maternal genetic effects and animal and maternal permanent environmental effects as random. Contemporary group and dam age at calving (linear and quadratic effect) were included as fixed effects, and orthogonal Legendre polynomials of age (cubic regression) were considered as random covariate. The random effects were modeled using B-spline functions considering linear, quadratic and cubic polynomials for each individual segment. Residual variances were grouped in five age classes. Direct additive genetic and animal permanent environmental effects were modeled using up to seven knots (six segments). A single segment with two knots at the end points of the curve was used for the estimation of maternal genetic and maternal permanent environmental effects. A total of 15 models were studied, with the number of parameters ranging from 17 to 81. The models that used B-splines were compared with multi-trait analyses with nine weight traits and to a random regression model that used orthogonal Legendre polynomials. A model fitting quadratic B-splines, with four knots or three segments for direct additive genetic effect and animal permanent environmental effect and two knots for maternal additive genetic effect and maternal permanent environmental effect, was the most appropriate and parsimonious model to describe the covariance structure of the data. Selection for higher weight, such as at young ages, should be performed taking into account an increase in mature cow weight. Particularly, this is important in most of Nellore beef cattle production systems, where the cow herd is maintained on range conditions. There is limited modification of the growth curve of Nellore cattle with respect to the aim of selecting them for rapid growth at young ages while maintaining constant adult weight.  相似文献   

Regression on the basis function of B-splines has been advocated as an alternative to orthogonal polynomials in random regression analyses. Basic theory of splines in mixed model analyses is reviewed, and estimates from analyses of weights of Australian Angus cattle from birth to 820 days of age are presented. Data comprised 84 533 records on 20 731 animals in 43 herds, with a high proportion of animals with 4 or more weights recorded. Changes in weights with age were modelled through B-splines of age at recording. A total of thirteen analyses, considering different combinations of linear, quadratic and cubic B-splines and up to six knots, were carried out. Results showed good agreement for all ages with many records, but fluctuated where data were sparse. On the whole, analyses using B-splines appeared more robust against "end-of-range" problems and yielded more consistent and accurate estimates of the first eigenfunctions than previous, polynomial analyses. A model fitting quadratic B-splines, with knots at 0, 200, 400, 600 and 821 days and a total of 91 covariance components, appeared to be a good compromise between detailedness of the model, number of parameters to be estimated, plausibility of results, and fit, measured as residual mean square error.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to establish the response of growing sheep, goats and cattle to different nutritional environments. Data from 590 publications representing 2225 treatments were analysed. The results showed that each 10% increase in NDF was accompanied by 0.11 g/kg live weight (LW) and 0.32 g/kg metabolic live weight (LW0.75) decreases in DMI. Otherwise, the response of DMI to CP (CP%DM) content was curvilinear (P<0.01), without any significant difference in the slope between species. The percentage of concentrate (% CC) affected DMI curvilinearly, without any significant difference between species. This meta-analysis demonstrated the negative linear effect of NDF and the quadratic effect of CP concentration on organic matter digestibility (OMd). For growth performance, the three species responded curvilinearly to variations in metabolisable energy intake (MEI MJ/kg LW0.75) and digestible CP (DCPI g/kg LW0.75) intake (P<0.01). At the same level of MEI, average daily gain (ADG) varied with CP contents of the diet, and only the intercept differences were significant between the three levels (P=0.07). At the same level of DCPI, ADG varied with energy level (below maintenance (LE−−), 1 to 1.2×maintenance (LE−), 1.2 to 1.4× maintenance (ME+−), and >1.4, corresponding to maximum growth (HE+)). No significant difference was observed between LE−− and LE−, and no significant difference was observed between ME+− and HE+. For nitrogen balance, no difference was observed between species for a given level of nitrogen intake.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to verify whether vitamin (Vit) E or natural clay as feed additives has the potential to modulate the deleterious effects resulting from exposure to cadmium (Cd) in growing Japanese quail. 648 Japanese quail chicks (1 week old) were used to evaluate the effects of dietary Cd (0, 40, 80 and 120 mg/kg diet) and two levels of Vit E (0, 250 mg/kg diet) or two levels of natural clay (0 and 100 mg/kg diet) to study the influences of Cd, Vit E, clay or their different combinations on growth performance, carcass traits, some blood biochemical components and Cd residues in muscles and liver. Live BW and weight gain of quails were linearly decreased with increasing dietary Cd levels. Moreover, feed conversion was significantly worsened with increasing Cd level. Mortality percentage was linearly increased as dietary Cd level increased up to 120 mg/kg diet. Carcass percentage was linearly decreased as dietary Cd level increased. While, giblets percentage were linearly and quadratically differed as dietary Cd level increased. Cd caused significant changes in total plasma protein, albumin, globulin, A/G ratio, creatinine, urea-N and uric acid concentrations as well as ALT, AST and ALP activities. Increasing dietary Cd level was associated with its increase in the muscles and liver. Dietary supplementation with 250 mg of Vit E/kg diet or 100 mg clay/kg improved live BW, BW gain and feed conversion when compared with the un-supplemented diet. Quails fed diet contained 250 mg Vit E/kg and those fed 100 mg clay/kg had the highest percentages of carcass and dressing than those fed the un-supplemented diet. Blood plasma biochemical components studied were better when birds received 250 mg of Vit E/kg diet and those received 100 mg clay/kg. Cd residues in the muscles and liver were significantly less in the birds had 250 mg of Vit E/kg or those received 100 mg clay/kg diet than those un-supplemented with Vit E. Growth performance traits and blood plasma biochemical components studied were significantly affected linearly by the interactions among Cd and each of Vit E and clay levels. In conclusion, the present results indicate that the deleterious effects induced by Cd plays a role in decreasing the performance of Japanese quail and that dietary supplementation with natural clay or Vit E may be useful in partly alleviating the adverse effects of Cd.  相似文献   

In Europe there is increasing concern about the common practice of surgical castration of piglets without anaesthesia. One possible alternative to completely avoid castration is entire male pig production. Thus, the objective of the study was to compare the growth performance, carcass characteristics, organ weights, meat quality traits, fat score and boar taint compounds in the adipose tissue of group-penned entire male pigs and castrates. Furthermore, the effect of raw potato starch (RPS) fed for 7 days prior to slaughter was determined. Pigs (n = 36) were blocked by BW into 12 blocks (3 littermates/block) and assigned to three experimental groups: surgical castrates (C); entire males (EM); and entire males offered RPS (30 g RPS/100 g diet) for 7 days prior to slaughter (EM+). Pigs had ad libitum access to the feed from 22 to 107 kg, individual feed intake was recorded daily and BW once a week. Entire males grew slower (EM: 771, EM+: 776 v. C: 830 g/day; P < 0.01), consumed less feed (EM: 1.87, EM+: 1.89 v. C: 2.23 kg/day; P < 0.01) and were more efficient (feed conversion ratio: EM: 2.42, EM+: 2.44 v. C: 2.69 kg/kg; P < 0.01) than C. Compared to C, carcass dressing percentage was lower (EM: 79.4, EM+: 79.4 v. C: 81.6%; P < 0.01) and percentage of valuable cuts was higher (EM: 57.3, EM+: 56.5 v. 52.6%; P < 0.01) in entire males. The hearts (EM: 426, EM+: 425 v. C: 378 g), kidneys (EM: 387, EM+: 378 v. C: 311 g), bulbourethral (EM: 200, EM+: 195 v. C: 7 g) and salivary glands (EM: 99, EM+: 94 v. C: 42 g) were heavier (P < 0.001) in entire males than in C. Meat quality traits did not (P > 0.05) differ among experimental groups but the adipose tissue was more unsaturated in entire males than in C as indicated by the higher fat scores (EM: 69.1, EM+: 67.2 v. C: 63.6; P < 0.01). Feeding RPS reduced (P = 0.04) the skatole tissue concentrations (expressed in μg/g lipid) in EM+ (0.22) compared to EM (0.85), whereas androstenone and indole levels were not (P 0.60) affected (EM: 1.7 and 0.10, EM+: 2.0 and 0.09, respectively). Although the current results confirmed the high efficiency of entire males compared to castrates, the observed high androstenone levels represent a major challenge to implement entire males production.  相似文献   

In a cross-sectional study, data from records of cattle slaughtered over a 1-year period at a large abattoir in South West England were analysed using an ordered category response model to investigate the inter-relationships between age, sex and breed on development of the permanent anterior (PA) teeth. Using the model, transition points at which there was a 50% probability of membership of each category of paired PA teeth were identified. Data from ∼60 000 animals were initially analysed for age and sex effect. The age transition was found to be ∼23 months moving from zero to two teeth; 30 months for two to four teeth; 37 months for four to six teeth and 42 months for six to eight teeth. Males were found to develop, on average, ∼22 days earlier than females across all stages. A reduced data set of ∼23 000 animals registered as pure-bred only was used to compare breed and type interactions and to investigate sex effects within the sub-categories. Breeds were grouped into dairy and beef-type and beef breeds split into native and continental. It was found that dairy-types moved through the transition points earlier than beef-types across all stages (interval varying between ∼8 and 12 weeks) and that collectively, native beef breeds moved through the transition points by up to 3 weeks earlier than the continental beef breeds. Interestingly, in contrast to beef animals, dairy females matured before dairy males. However, the magnitude of the difference between dairy females and males diminished at the later stages of development. Differences were found between breeds. Across the first three stages, Ayrshires and Guernseys developed between 3 and 6 weeks later than Friesian/Holsteins and Simmental, Limousin and Blonde Aquitaine 6 and 8 weeks later than Aberdeen Angus. Herefords, Charolais and South Devon developed later but by a smaller interval and Red Devon and Galloway showed the largest individual effect with transition delayed by 8 to 12 weeks.  相似文献   

Grass for use as silage is widely grown in the UK. However there is little information on the effects of rabbit grazing on crop yield. In a three‐year trial, grass was grown in six enclosures following current agronomic procedures and was subjected to grazing by two population densities of rabbits. The annual yield loss at the end of the trial was found to be 1% per rabbit ha?1. The yield loss per rabbit was calculated to be around 200 kg and the financial loss was calculated as £3.40 per rabbit at 1998 prices (approx. £17 t?1). This new information provides farmers with a better understanding of the economics of damage caused by rabbits enabling them to make more informed decisions as to whether their rabbit population needs to be managed, or whether their crop needs to be protected by some other means.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this study was to use a marked strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens to model the spread of central nervous system (CNS) tissue in cattle following captive bolt stunning. METHODS AND RESULTS: The marked organism was introduced by injection through the captive bolt aperture immediately after stunning and was subsequently detected in a wide range of derived tissues, including blood, organs, and the musculature of the entire forequarters of test animals. This was dependent on the use of high concentrations of the organism that were recovered sufficiently and rapidly to minimize the bactericidal properties of the circulatory system. These results suggest that a marked organism could potentially be used to model the effects of captive bolt stunning on the dissemination of CNS tissue from the brain. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that current commercial methods of captive bolt stunning may induce widespread and significant mobilization of CNS tissue within beef carcasses. This may lead to the widespread dissemination of such materials within meat destined for human consumption. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: In the absence of rapid, simple and sufficiently sensitive methods for the direct detection of prion in commercially slaughtered animals, marked organisms can provide useful models in studies of the dissemination kinetics of prion disease in captive bolt stunned animals.  相似文献   

羊尿对典型草原不同生活型草地植物生长特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
于应文  南志标  侯扶江 《生态学报》2008,28(5):2022-2022~2030
连续2a研究了施尿量(4,2,1L/m2和0 L/m2)和施尿期(营养期和生殖期)对典型草原多年生密丛型禾本科植物长芒草(Stipa bungeana)、多年生轴根型菊科植物茵陈蒿(Artemisia capillaries)和多年生半灌木豆科植物胡枝子(Lespedeza davurica)生长特性的影响.结果表明,不同植物对畜尿沉积的响应不同,并受施尿量和施尿时期的作用.畜尿对草地植物具短期(4周内)灼烧作用,灼烧主要发生于尿斑中心;畜尿对长芒草生长具长期正效应(4周后),对茵陈蒿和胡枝子生长具持续负效应,此效应持续至少2a且随施尿量降低而降低.一般尿斑中心(4 L/m2)所有植物伤害,尿斑中心至边缘圈植物局部器官(嫩枝叶)伤害(2~4 L/m2),尿斑外渗区域(1~2 L/m2)所有植物无显著伤害.高施尿量(2~4 L/m2)下,长芒草具较高的年均分蘖数和地上生物量,而胡枝子和茵陈蒿与之相反.尿斑处3种植物具较高的分蘖(枝)死亡率和死物质率.茵陈蒿对各时期施尿均反应敏感,胡枝子和长芒草对生殖期施尿更敏感.尿斑处禾草枯黄期延迟,返青期提前.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT For seabirds raising young under conditions of limited food availability, reducing chick provisioning and chick growth rates are the primary means available to avoid abandonment of a breeding effort. For most seabirds, however, baseline data characterizing chick growth and development under known feeding conditions are unavailable, so it is difficult to evaluate chick nutritional status as it relates to foraging conditions near breeding colonies. To address this need, we examined the growth and development of young Caspian Terns (Hydroprogne caspia), a cosmopolitan, generalist piscivore, reared in captivity and fed ad libitum and restricted (ca. one‐third lower caloric intake) diets. Ad libitum‐fed chicks grew at similar rates and achieved a similar size at fledging as previously documented for chicks in the wild and had energetic demands that closely matched allometric predictions. We identified three general characteristics of food‐restricted Caspian Tern chicks compared to ad libitum chicks: (1) lower age‐specific body mass, (2) lower age‐specific skeletal and feather size, such as wing chord length, and (3) heightened levels of corticosterone in blood, both for baseline levels and in response to acute stress. Effects of diet restriction on feather growth (10–11% slower growth in diet‐restricted chicks) were less pronounced than effects on structural growth (37–52% slower growth) and body mass (24% lower at fledging age), apparently due to preferential allocation of food resources to maintain plumage growth. Our results suggest that measurements of chick body mass and feather development (e.g., wing chord or primary length) or measurement of corticosterone levels in the blood would allow useful evaluation of the nutritional status of chicks reared in the wild and of food availability in the foraging range of adults. Such evaluations could also inform demography studies (e.g., predict future recruitment) and assist in evaluating designated piscivorous waterbird conservation (colony) sites.  相似文献   

Within recent years, there has been growing interest in the prediction of bull fertility through in vitro assessment of semen quality. A model for fertility prediction based on early evaluation of semen quality parameters, to exclude sires with potentially low fertility from breeding programs, would therefore be useful. The aim of the present study was to identify the most suitable parameters that would provide reliable prediction of fertility. Frozen semen from 18 Italian Holstein-Friesian proven bulls was analyzed using computer-assisted semen analysis (CASA) (motility and kinetic parameters) and flow cytometry (FCM) (viability, acrosomal integrity, mitochondrial function, lipid peroxidation, plasma membrane stability and DNA integrity). Bulls were divided into two groups (low and high fertility) based on the estimated relative conception rate (ERCR). Significant differences were found between fertility groups for total motility, active cells, straightness, linearity, viability and percentage of DNA fragmented sperm. Correlations were observed between ERCR and some kinetic parameters, and membrane instability and some DNA integrity indicators. In order to define a model with high relation between semen quality parameters and ERCR, backward stepwise multiple regression analysis was applied. Thus, we obtained a prediction model that explained almost half (R2=0.47, P<0.05) of the variation in the conception rate and included nine variables: five kinetic parameters measured by CASA (total motility, active cells, beat cross frequency, curvilinear velocity and amplitude of lateral head displacement) and four parameters related to DNA integrity evaluated by FCM (degree of chromatin structure abnormality Alpha-T, extent of chromatin structure abnormality (Alpha-T standard deviation), percentage of DNA fragmented sperm and percentage of sperm with high green fluorescence representative of immature cells). A significant relationship (R2=0.84, P<0.05) was observed between real and predicted fertility. Once the accuracy of fertility prediction has been confirmed, the model developed in the present study could be used by artificial insemination centers for bull selection or for elimination of poor fertility ejaculates.  相似文献   

The dose responses of 14 wild plant species (two grasses, two legumes, one annual and nine perennial dicotyledons), not usually recognised as weeds, to four herbicides (asulam, glyphosate, MCPA and mecoprop) were measured in glasshouse experiments. Glyphosate was the most toxic; seven of the species tested had EDu, values (measured as shoot dry weight) of < 1.0 μg/plant, compared with only one species for MCPA and mecoprop. Asulam was the least toxic. Results were used to indicate the risk to each species from drift damage. A model of spray drift, based on that developed by Thompson & Ley (1982) for evaporating droplets, was rescaled to allow for field application rates and used to predict the distances travelled by given doses of herbicide. This gave acceptable agreement with reports for drift damage in the field, and predicted that only glyphosate sprayed at the highest recommended concentration might be unsafe to some of the species examined. The two herbicides sometimes used as volatile formulations (MCPA and mecoprop) did not cause damage at the small doses likely to result from exposure to vapour in the field.  相似文献   

The GH1:c.457C>G exon 5 missense mutation in the bovine growth hormone 1 (GH1) gene that causes the replacement of leucine (L) with valine (V) was investigated in 1027 cattle with primarily Angus and Shorthorn breeding from Australian feedlots. The allele frequency of the GH1:c.457C allele was 0.77 in Angus and 0.76 in Shorthorn. The GH1:c.457C allele was associated with lower marbling (P = 0.0472), and the average effect of allele substitution was -0.22 of a phenotypic standard deviation. This allele was also associated with slightly higher rump fat (P = 0.0541) and the average effect of allele substitution was 0.11 SD. Marbling and rump fat were not strongly correlated (r = 0.097, P < 0.01) in this data set. This mutation had no significant effect on eye muscle area or hot dressed carcass weight (P > 0.1). Given these relationships, the differences between GH1 alleles could be the result of differential deposition of fat in fat depots.  相似文献   

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