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Reduced replicative capacity is a consistent characteristic of cells derived from patients with Werner syndrome. This premature senescence is phenotypically similar to replicative senescence observed in normal cell strains and includes altered cell morphology and gene expression patterns. Telomeres shorten with in vitro passaging of both WRN and normal cell strains; however, the rate of shortening has been reported to be faster in WRN cell strains, and the length of telomeres in senescent WRN cells appears to be longer than that observed in normal strains, leading to the suggestion that senescence in WRN cell strains may not be exclusively associated with telomere effects. We report here that the telomere restriction fragment length in senescent WRN fibroblasts cultures is within the size range observed for normal fibroblasts strains and that the expression of a telomerase transgene in WRN cell strains results in lengthened telomeres and replicative immortalization, thus indicating that telomere effects are the predominant trigger of premature senescence in WRN cells. Microarray analyses showed that mRNA expression patterns induced in senescent WRN cells appeared similar to those in normal strains and that hTERT expression could prevent the induction of most of these genes. However, substantial differences in expression were seen in comparisons of early-passage and telomerase-immortalized derivative lines, indicating that telomerase expression does not prevent the phenotypic drift, or destabilized genotype, resulting from the WRN defect.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor protein p53 is central to the cellular stress response and may be a predictive biomarker for cancer treatments. Upon stress, wildtype p53 accumulates in the nucleus where it enforces cellular responses, including cell cycle arrest and cell death. p53 is so dominant in its effects, that p53 enforcement – or – restoration therapy is being studied for anti-cancer therapy. Two mechanistically distinct small molecules that act via p53 are the selective inhibitor of nuclear export, selinexor, and MDM2 inhibitor, nutlin-3a. Here, individual cells are studied to define cell cycle response signatures, which captures the variability of responses and includes the impact of loss of p53 expression on cell fates. The individual responses are then used to build the population level response. Matched cell lines with and without p53 expression indicate that while loss-of-function results in altered cell cycle signatures to selinexor treatment, it does not diminish overall cell loss. On the contrary, response to single-agent nutlin-3a shows a strong p53-dependence. Upon treatment with both selinexor and nutlin-3a there are combination effects in at least some cell lines – even when p53 is absent. Collectively, the findings indicate that p53 does act downstream of selinexor and nutlin-3a, and that p53 expression is dispensable for selinexor to cause cell death, but nutlin-3a response is more p53-dependent. Thus, TP53 disruption and lack of expression may not predict poor cell response to selinexor, and selinexor’s mechanism of action potentially provides for strong efficacy regardless of p53 function.  相似文献   

An accumulating body of evidence suggests that resveratrol can inhibit carcinogenesis through antiproliferative and apoptotic effects. One proposed mechanism for this is the modulation of genes, for example, Ras and p53, frequently associated with human cancer. To test the effect of resveratrol on gene expression, we used the WR-21 cell line because it contains a mutated human c-Ha-ras gene. Cells at > or =70% confluency were incubated with media alone or with increasing concentrations of trans-resveratrol (0.1-1000 microM) for 24 h. Resveratrol (30-100 microM) decreased cellular proliferation by 80% (bromodeoxyuridine incorporation) and increased apoptosis by 60% (TUNEL). Cells were then treated with media alone or with 50-microM resveratrol for 24 h. RNA was isolated for nylon-based macroarray analyses and protein for immunoblotting. Resveratrol increased (+) and decreased (-) gene expression associated with apoptosis (Birc5+, Cash+, Mcl-1+, Mdm2+, Rpa-like+), cellular proliferation (Ctsd+, Mdm2+, Egr1+, ODC+) and cell cycle (cyclin D+, cyclin g+, Gadd45a-, Mad2l-, Mdm2+). Resveratrol consistently increased by > or =6-fold Mdm2 expression and other downstream p53 effectors, but not p53 itself at 24 h. Subsequent cell cycle analysis indicated a significant accumulation of cells in G2/M, and a decrease in G1/G0 suggesting a G2/M blockade. Further RT-PCR and Western blot analyses indicated no differential changes in Ras mRNA expression or p21(ras) protein levels, respectively. These results suggest that resveratrol potently inhibits cellular proliferation, increases apoptosis, alters cell cycle dynamics and modulates associated gene expression. Furthermore, these effects appear mediated, in part, by p53 without direct modulation of mutant c-Ha-ras expression.  相似文献   

The platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) modulated growth response of the MG-63 human osteosarcoma cell line, which neither expresses c-sis mRNA nor secretes a PDGF analogue, was characterized. Scatchard analysis demonstrated that the MG-63 cells have 23,000 receptors per cell with a Kd of 5 X 10(-11) M. The receptor became phosphorylated, in a PDGF concentration-dependent manner, when 32P-orthophosphate-labeled cells were treated with PDGF for 3 h at 4 degrees C. The phosphorylated receptor was identified by autoradiography and gel electrophoresis after isolation of the 32P-labeled receptor using a solid-phase monoclonal antibody directed against phosphotyrosine. Binding of the receptor to the antibody was inhibited by 5 mM phenyl phosphate, further suggesting that PDGF stimulated tyrosine-specific receptor autophosphorylation. In addition, treatment of MG-63 cells with PDGF for 3 h at 37 degrees C induced a 7.5-fold increase in c-myc mRNA accumulation as analyzed on Northern gels. However, MG-63 cells grew equally well in either serum-(which contains PDGF) or plasma-(which does not) supplemented medium. Furthermore, PDGF did not stimulate DNA synthesis in growth arrested MG-63 cells, nor did it potentiate DNA synthesis modulated by somatomedin C. Thus MG-63 cells are a naturally occurring cell variant in which PDGF stimulates c-myc expression but does not modulate mitogenesis.  相似文献   

We previously described the construction of an intronless mouse thymidylate synthase (TS) minigene that has the normal 5' and 3' flanking regions of the gene linked to full length TS cDNA. Transfection of the minigene into ts- hamster V79 cells led to low level expression of normal mouse TS mRNA and protein. In the present study we analyzed the effect of introns on the expression of the TS minigene in transient transfection assays. Inclusion of introns 5 and 6 at their normal locations in the coding region led to an 8-9-fold stimulation of the level of TS and TS mRNA. Almost all of introns 5 and 6 could be deleted without diminishing the stimulatory effect. Inclusion of intron 3 also stimulated the expression of the minigene, although to a lesser extent than introns 5 and 6. However, inclusion of intron 4 had no stimulatory effect. Analysis of minigenes that contained various combinations of introns revealed that the stimulatory effects of the introns were not additive.  相似文献   

Induction of c-fos mRNA levels associated with the stimulation of growth by fetal bovine serum following quiescence was examined in three cell types following brief (24 h) serum starvation. Starved NIH-3T3 and HeLa S3 cells experienced c-fos mRNA induction 20-30 min after addition of serum. In contrast, Swiss-3T3 cells expressed c-fos constitutively following serum starvation. The pattern of oncogene expression coincided with the level of quiescence of each cell line prior to induction. Serum inductions of c-fos expression was dependent upon the response of each cell line to serum starvation, c-fos expression was also examined in HeLa S3 cells that had been separated into sequential cell cycle phases by centrifugal elutriation, c-fos expression peaked during the earliest part of the synchronous G1 phase. The amount of c-fos mRNA measured was approximately twice that found during other cell cycle phases. This suggests that, in addition to its role during the transition from quiescence, the c-fos gene product may play a regulatory role during the earliest part of G1 phase of the continuous cell cycle.  相似文献   

Proteinase 3 (PR3), a serine proteinase which can degrade lung tissue, is present in the cystic fibrosis (CF) sputum. In the present study, PR3 protein and mRNA expression was determined in circulating neutrophils and monocytes. CF neutrophils contained similar PR3 concentrations as healthy controls and poorly expressed PR3 mRNA. In contrast, CF monocytes showed significantly higher PR3 concentrations than controls, together with an upregulation of PR3 mRNA expression especially during pulmonary exacerbation. Interestingly, antibiotic treatment fully abrogated PR3 mRNA expression and decreased PR3 protein in monocytes. Our findings highlight a potential role of monocyte-derived PR3 in CF-associated airway inflammation.  相似文献   

p53 plays a critical role as a tumour-suppressor in restricting the proliferation of damaged cells, thus preventing formation of genetically altered cell clones. Its inactivation leads, in particular, to accumulation of polyploid and aneuploid cells. To elucidate the role of p53 in control of chromosome number, we analysed its participation in the cell cycle checkpoints controlling: (1) spindle assembly; and (2) G1-to-S transitions in cells with disintegrated microtubule cytoskeleton. Treatment with 8-10 ng/ml of colcemid causing no visible destruction of the spindle leads to arrest of metaphase-to-anaphase transition in both p53-positive and p53-negative murine fibroblasts, as well as in p53-positive REF52 cells and their counterparts (where the p53 function was inactivated by transduction of dominant-negative p53 fragment). Furthermore, p53-positive and p53-defective rodent and human cells showed no significant difference in kinetics of metaphase-to-interphase transitions in cultures treated with high colcemid doses preventing spindle formation. These data argue against the hypothesis that p53 is a key component of the spindle-assembly checkpoint. However, p53 mediates activation of the G1 checkpoint in response to depolymerization of microtubules in interphase cells. Treatment of synchronized G0/G1 cells with colcemid causes arrest of G1-to-S transition. Inactivation of the p53 function by transduction of dominant-negative p53 fragment abolishes the G1 checkpoint that prevents entry into S phase of cells with disrupted microtubules. Transduction of kinase-defective dominant-negative c- raf mutant or application of PD 098059, a specific inhibitor of MEK1, also abrogates the G1 cell cycle arrest in cells with disintegrated microtubule system. It seems that Raf-MAP-kinase signalling pathways are responsible for p53 activation induced by depolymerization of microtubules.  相似文献   

The induction of differentiation in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) is accompanied by a rapid and a transient expression of c-fos mRNA and a down-regulation of c-myc mRNA. The TPA-induced expression of c-fos mRNA was inhibited by H-7, a specific inhibitor of protein kinase C (PK-C). Dioctanoylglycerol (DiC8) failed to induce differentiation of SH-SY5Y cells or to down-regulate c-myc mRNA but it did induce the expression of c-fos mRNA. Treatment of IMR-32 human neuroblastoma cells with TPA did not cause differentiation although c-fos mRNA was induced. Since PK-C in SH-SY5Y cells was activated by both TPA and DiC8 it is suggested that the activation of PK-C alone is not sufficient to induce differentiation in SH-SY5Y cells. The down-regulation of c-myc mRNA rather than the induction of c-fos mRNA seems to be associated with differentiation process in SH-SY5Y cells.  相似文献   

Normal fibroblasts are dependent on adhesion to a substrate for cell cycle progression. Adhesion-deprived Rat1 cells arrest in the G1 phase of the cell cycle, with low cyclin E-dependent kinase activity, low levels of cyclin D1 protein, and high levels of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27kip1. To understand the signal transduction pathway underlying adhesion-dependent growth, it is important to know whether prevention of any one of these down-regulation events under conditions of adhesion deprivation is sufficient to prevent the G1 arrest. To that end, sublines of Rat1 fibroblasts capable of expressing cyclin E, cyclin D1, or both in an inducible manner were used. Ectopic expression of cyclin D1 was sufficient to allow cells to enter S phase in an adhesion-independent manner. In contrast, cells expressing exogenous cyclin E at a level high enough to overcome the p27kip1-imposed inhibition of cyclin E-dependent kinase activity still arrested in G1 when deprived of adhesion. Moreover, expression of both cyclins D1 and E in the same cells did not confer any additional growth advantage upon adhesion deprivation compared to the expression of cyclin D1 alone. Exogenously expressed cyclin D1 was down-regulated under conditions of adhesion deprivation, despite the fact that it was expressed from a heterologous promoter. The ability of cyclin D1-induced cells to enter S phase in an adhesion-independent manner disappears as soon as cyclin D1 proteins disappear. These results suggest that adhesion-dependent cell cycle progression is mediated through cyclin D1, at least in Rat1 fibroblasts.  相似文献   

ATR (ataxia telangiectasia and Rad-3-related) is a protein kinase required for survival after DNA damage. A critical role for ATR has been hypothesized to be the regulation of p53 and other cell cycle checkpoints. ATR has been shown to phosphorylate p53 at Ser(15), and this damage-induced phosphorylation is diminished by expression of a catalytically inactive (ATR-kd) mutant. p53 function could not be examined directly in prior studies of ATR, however, because p53 was mutant or because cells expressed the SV40 large T antigen that blocks p53 function. To test the interactions of ATR and p53 directly we generated human U2OS cell lines inducible for either wild-type or kinase-dead ATR that also have an intact p53 pathway. Indeed, ATR-kd expression sensitized these cells to DNA damage and caused a transient decrease in damage-induced serine 15 phosphorylation of p53. However, we found that the effects of ATR-kd expression do not result in blocking the response of p53 to DNA damage. Specifically, prior ATR-kd expression had no effect on DNA damage-induced p53 protein up-regulation, p53-DNA binding, p21 mRNA up-regulation, or G(1) arrest. Instead of promoting survival via p53 regulation, we found that ATR protects cells by delaying the generation of mitotic phosphoproteins and inhibiting premature chromatin condensation after DNA damage or hydroxyurea. Although p53 inhibition (by E6 or MDM2 expression) had little effect on premature chromatin condensation, when combined with ATR-kd expression there was a marked loss of the replication checkpoint. We conclude that ATR and p53 can function independently but that loss of both leads to synergistic disruption of the replication checkpoint.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that the loss of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurones induces an overactivity of the corticostriatal glutamatergic pathway which seems to be central to the physiopathology of parkinsonism. Moreover, glutamatergic mechanisms involving NMDA receptors have been shown to interfere with the therapeutical action of levodopa. Given the key role played by uptake processes in glutamate neurotransmission, this study examined the effects of nigrostriatal deafferentation and of levodopa treatment on the striatal expression of the glutamate transporters GLT1, GLAST and EAAC1 in the rat. No significant changes in striatal mRNA levels of these transporters were detected after either levodopa treatment (100 mg/kg; i.p., twice a day for 21 days) or unilateral lesion of the nigrostriatal pathway by intranigral 6-hydroxydopamine injection. In contrast, animals with the lesion subsequently treated with levodopa showed a selective increase (36%) in GLT1 mRNA levels in the denervated striatum versus controls. These animals also showed increased GLT1 protein expression, as assessed by immunostaining and western blotting. These data provide the first evidence that levodopa therapy may interfere with striatal glutamate transmission through change in expression of the primarily glial glutamate transporter GLT1. We further suggest that levodopa-induced GLT1 overexpression may represent a compensatory mechanism preventing neurotoxic accumulation of endogenous glutamate.  相似文献   

Positive selection of T cells is postulated to be dependent on the counterinteraction between glucocorticoid receptor (GR)- and T-cell-receptor (TCR)-induced death signals. In this study we used T-cell-specific expression of p300 to investigate whether GR-TCR cross talk between thymocytes was affected. Activation of the p300-transgenic T cells led to enhanced thymocyte proliferation and increased interleukin 2 production. Thymocyte death, induced by TCR engagement, was no longer prevented by dexamethasone in p300-transgenic mice, indicating an absence of GR-TCR cross-inhibition. This was accompanied by a 50% reduction in the number of thymocytes in p300-transgenic mice. However, the CD4/CD8 profile of thymocytes remained unchanged in p300-transgenic mice. There was no effect on positive selection of the bulk thymocytes or thymocytes with transgenic TCR in p300-transgenic mice. In addition, there was no apparent TCR repertoire "hole" in the selected antigens examined. Our results illustrate a critical role of CBP/p300 in thymic GR-TCR counterinteraction yet do not support the involvement of GR-TCR antagonism in thymocyte positive selection.  相似文献   

A proteomics screen of human placental microvillous syncytiotrophoblasts (STBs) revealed the expression of dysferlin (DYSF), a plasma membrane repair protein associated with certain muscular dystrophies. This was unexpected given that previous studies of DYSF have been restricted to skeletal muscle. Within the placenta, DYSF localized to the STB and, with the exception of variable labeling in the fetal placental endothelium, none of the other cell types expressed detectable levels of DYSF. Such restricted expression was recapitulated using primary trophoblast cell cultures, because the syncytia expressed DYSF, but not the prefusion mononuclear cells. The apical plasma membrane of the STB contained approximately 4-fold more DYSF than the basal membrane, suggesting polarized trafficking. Unlike skeletal muscle, DYSF in the STB is localized to the plasma membrane in the absence of caveolin. DYSF expression in the STB was developmentally regulated, because first-trimester placentas expressed approximately 3-fold more DYSF than term placentas. As the current literature indicates that few cell types express DYSF, it is of interest that the two major syncytial structures in the human body, skeletal muscle and the STB, express this protein.  相似文献   

The HIV-1 accessory protein viral protein R (Vpr) causes G2 arrest and apoptosis in infected cells. We previously identified the DNA damage-signaling protein ATR as the cellular factor that mediates Vpr-induced G2 arrest and apoptosis. Here, we examine the mechanism of induction of apoptosis by Vpr and how it relates to induction of G2 arrest. We find that entry into G2 is a requirement for Vpr to induce apoptosis. We investigated the role of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore by knockdown of its essential component, the adenine nucleotide translocator. We found that Vpr-induced apoptosis was unaffected by knockdown of ANT. Instead, apoptosis is triggered through a different mitochondrial pore protein, Bax. In support of the idea that checkpoint activation and apoptosis induction are functionally linked, we show that Bax activation by Vpr was ablated when ATR or GADD45alpha was knocked down. Certain mutants of Vpr, such as R77Q and I74A, identified in long-term nonprogressors, have been proposed to inefficiently induce apoptosis while activating the G2 checkpoint in a normal manner. We tested the in vitro phenotypes of these mutants and found that their abilities to induce apoptosis and G2 arrest are indistinguishable from those of HIV-1NL4-3 vpr, providing additional support to the idea that G2 arrest and apoptosis induction are mechanistically linked.  相似文献   

Cd++ inhibits EGF-induced 3H-thymidine incorporation in serum deprived NRK-49F cells in a dose dependent pattern. The underlying mechanisms for this inhibition are largely unknown. EGF-induced myc mRNA accumulation in NRK-49F cells and the effects of Cd++ on this response were examined under conditions that result in partial or complete inhibition of EGF-induced DNA synthesis. It was found that doses of Cd++ that inhibit EGF-induced DNA synthesis do not inhibit EGF-induced protein synthesis and myc mRNA accumulation. Cd++ doses of 0.5 µM and 1 µM were found actually to increase EGF-induced myc mRNA accumulation and amino acid incorporation. These results show that the effect of Cd++ on EGF-induced DNA synthesis is not due to inhibition of entrance into G1, but rather that Cd++ acts on events subsequent to myc accumulation; that is, events associated with either G1 progression, entry into S or DNA synthesis.Abbreviations EGF Epidermal Growth Factor - 3HTdr Tritium thymidine - MeAIB Methylaminoisobutyrate  相似文献   

It has long been known that central opioid systems play an important role in certain aspects of appetite and food intake, particularly with regard to the hedonic or rewarding impact of calorically dense food, such as fat and sugar. Ventral striatal enkephalin may be a key component of this system, as infusions of mu-opiate agonists into this region strongly increase feeding, whereas infusions of opiate antagonists decrease food intake. While pharmacological analysis has consistently supported such a role, direct measurement of enkephalin gene expression in relation to differing food motivational conditions has not been examined. In this study, the effects of a restricted laboratory chow diet (resulting in negative energy balance) as well has recent consumption of chow (short-term satiety) on striatal preproenkephalin (PPE) and prodynorphin (PD) mRNA expression were measured in rats, using both Northern blot analysis and in situ hybridization methods. As a comparison, hypothalamic (arcuate nucleus) neuropeptide Y (NPY) was also measured in these conditions. PPE expression was broadly downregulated throughout the striatum in animals that had recently consumed a meal, whereas it was unaffected by negative energy balance. Expression of an additional striatal peptide gene, PD, did not follow this pattern, although diet restriction caused a decrease in accumbens core dynorphin mRNA. Conversely, as expected, arcuate nucleus NPY mRNA expression was markedly upregulated by negative energy balance, but was unchanged by recent food consumption. This double dissociation between striatal and hypothalamic peptide systems suggests a specific role for striatal PPE in relatively short-term food motivational states, but not in long-term metabolic responses to diet restriction.  相似文献   

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