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微生物课程改革与职业技能鉴定衔接初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田颖  刘侠 《微生物学通报》2007,34(1):0178-0180
高职院校开展职业技能鉴定,推行职业资格证书制度,是落实“科教兴国”战略方针的重要举措。推行“双证书”制度,创新人才培养模式,强化学生技能训练,使学生在获得学历证书的同时,顺利获得相应的职业资格证书,是高职教育的发展方向。本文根据职业技能鉴定工作与微生物教学改革衔接过程中的具体实践,提出了这方面工作的途径和见解。  相似文献   

由上海第二医科大学继续教育学院、上海沪市医疗器械维修培训中心承办的《医用电子仪器维修师、医用放射线设备维修师资格认证》试培训工程全面启动。以各级医院管理和维修保养医疗设备的技术人员和管理人员(设备科、放射科、工程部的从业人员)等为对象的职业培训工作,配合推广实施“医疗器械维修人员职业技能等级标准资格认证”进行专业人员培训。参加培训者经鉴定合格可在中国首批取得由中华人民共和国劳动与保障部颁发的“国家级职业资格证书”。  相似文献   

高等教育自学考试学历证书制度与职业资格证书制度双证通融,是当前高等教育自学考试改革与创新的必然要求。如何更好地突出职业特色,拓宽专业内涵,让学历证书与职业资格证书融为一体,是目前自考改革的发展方向。  相似文献   

“岗课赛证”四元融通是以课程为中心,将岗位、竞赛和职业证书有机融合于课程的一种教学改革模式。本课程团队以“岗课赛证”融合育人为抓手,通过以岗定课、以赛促课、以证融课的方式,全面实施高等职业院校“食品微生物检验技术”课程教学改革。基于企业岗位能力需求和典型工作任务,开展模块化、项目式教学;以技能竞赛和创新创业大赛为载体,赛教融合,激发学生成长的内生动力,提升学生职业综合素质;基于“1+X”证书制度,课程标准与技能证书标准对接,优化教学资源。通过近三年的教学实践,证实基于“岗课赛证”的“食品微生物检验技术”教学改革能够有效提高学生职业竞争力,满足企业和社会对岗位人才的需求,为职业教育食品专业相关课程改革提供参考。  相似文献   

随着电子商务在我国的发展渐趋成熟,国家推出的电子商务师国家职业资格考试越来越被社会认可,并且成为高校实行"双证制"的选择。本文从江苏农林职业技术学院电子商务证书培训实施情况出发,分析并总结了高职院校电子商务专业在电子商务员培训方面的经验与不足。  相似文献   

近来,本刊编辑部陆续收到读者来信,询问“中小学教师考核合格证书制度”和“卫星电视教学”的一些问题.为此,本刊记者采访了国家教委等有关方面负责人,现汇总情况,答复如下.  相似文献   

推行医师多点自由执业从理论上讲可以打破优质医疗资源集中在大城市、大医院这种不均衡分布的局面。由于医师异地执业出现医疗损害的赔偿责任究竟是执业医师本人承担、接受或输出医疗机构承担并不明确,一旦发生医患纠纷或医疗损害可能会出现“三方都不想管、三方都要负责”的局面。从试点地区的情况来看,结果并不满意,多数属于“叫好不叫座”。尝试从医疗损害赔偿责任层面解读我国医师多点执业面临的困境后得出:必须完善医疗损害鉴定机制,构建执业医师自由人制度,医师本人需购买异地执业医疗损害赔偿责任强制性保险,在此基础上才有可能逐步推行真正意义上的医师多点执业。  相似文献   

因行业特殊性,高职生物制药技术专业学生的生产实训很难在生产企业进行,为此尝试构建校内模拟生产的拟企业化生产实训模式,实现实训与生产的基本一致,有效提高学生的职业技能和职业素养,取得了显著的成效。该模式主要包括:组建具有生产管理和教学经验的教学团队;开发基于抗生素生产过程的“多粘菌素E生产实训”项目并编写相应的生产实训教材;组建高度仿真兼具科研和社会服务功能的开放式实训基地;构建企业化的生产组织和管理方式;创建分级考核制度的过程性考核评价体系。  相似文献   

孔爱华  符凯 《生物学通报》2011,46(11):48-50
对教材进行了二次开发,将“植物细胞的无氧呼吸过程”等知识目标和“观察根尖分生组织细胞的有丝分裂”实验中细胞计数、表格设计等能力目标进行整合,引导学生应用“植物细胞的吸水和失水”实验中获得的“利用质壁分离鉴定细胞的死活”的技能来探究酒精浓度对植物细胞毒害作用影响的一般规律。  相似文献   

“激光辐照的遗传效应”和“巢湖翘咀红鲌的生物学及其资源变动的研究”两篇论文在合肥市科协举办的一九八三年优秀论文评选中,由合肥市生物学会学术委员会推荐参加评选,经评委会评定获得三等优秀论文证书和奖金,这里发表的是两篇论文的摘要。  相似文献   

This article provides an initial look at Race to the Top as it relates to professional development for arts educators. Topics include the philosophy of Race to the Top education reform, data informed professional development, performance pay, and how these changes may affect arts educators.  相似文献   

通过对比中英两国“注册前住院医师”临床执业现状,从培养模式、医师资格获取的时间点、临床执业资质以及执业法律环境等多个角度,分析两国“注册前住院医师”临床执业的不同之处,在借鉴英国经验的基础上提出相关建议,旨在解决我国“注册前住院医师”临床执业中的现存问题,保障“注册前住院医师”临床执业的合法性。  相似文献   

The study investigates the effects of the 11+ and HarmoKnee injury prevention programmes on knee strength in male soccer players. Under-21-year-old players (n=36) were divided equally into: the 11+, HarmoKnee and control groups. The programmes were performed for 24 sessions (20-25 min each). The hamstrings and quadriceps strength were measured bilaterally at 60°·s-1, 180°·s-1 and 300°·s-1. The concentric quadriceps peak torque (PT) of the 11+ increased by 27.7% at 300°·s-1 in the dominant leg (p<0.05). The concentric quadriceps PT of HarmoKnee increased by 36.6%, 36.2% and 28% in the dominant leg, and by 31.3%, 31.7% and 20.05% at 60°·s-1, 180°·s-1 and 300°·s-1 in the non-dominant leg respectively. In the 11+ group the concentric hamstring PT increased by 22%, 21.4% and 22.1% at 60°·s-1, 180°·s-1 and 300°·s-1, respectively in the dominant leg, and by 22.3%, and 15.7% at 60°·s-1 and 180°·s-1, in the non-dominant leg. In the HarmoKnee group the hamstrings in the dominant leg showed an increase in PT by 32.5%, 31.3% and 14.3% at 60°·s-1, 180°·s-1 and 300°·s-1, and in the non-dominant leg hamstrings PT increased by 21.1% and 19.3% at 60°·s-1 and 180°·s-1 respectively. The concentric hamstrings strength was significantly different between the 11+ and control groups in the dominant (p=0.01) and non-dominant legs (p=0.02). The HarmoKnee programme enhanced the concentric strength of quadriceps. The 11+ and HarmoKnee programmes are useful warm-up protocols for improving concentric hamstring strength in young professional male soccer players. The 11+ programme is more advantageous for its greater concentric hamstring strength improvement compared to the HarmoKnee programme.  相似文献   

Buttons of Wood     
As a result of Race to the Top, states across the country vied for school improvement grants in order to advance educational reforms including effective professional development and teacher collaboration within their school districts. Requirements of the grant included the development of teacher evaluation systems and a professional development model to support teacher growth and efficacy. Grant recipients unanimously chose to incorporate some type of professional learning community (PLC) and selected models that emphasized increasing and sustaining teacher collaboration in all disciplines. PLCs offer an opportunity for music educators to receive pedagogy specifically tailored to their discipline. Music teachers and arts supervisors should consider incorporating online PLCs into their programs not only to address professional development, but also to address teacher isolation and attrition and student achievement and, ultimately, to enact fundamental changes in their districts.  相似文献   

如何保证医、保、患三方和谐发展,建立良好沟通平台,这是我国医疗保险制度建立实施过程中面临的主要问题。天津市医保专业委员会在3年工作中进行了探索和尝试,取得较好业绩。从医疗保险专业委员会成立的背景、工作职责、工作内容、存在的问题4个方面作了介绍,并提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

探索病理学教学改革,培养高素质医学人才   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张瑰红  吴强 《生物学杂志》2007,24(4):73-74,54
病理学是医学院校的重要基础课,高质量的病理学教学是培养高素质医学人才的必要基础。从更新教学内容,科学运用新的教学方法及多种现代化教学手段等方面探讨了当代病理学教学改革。  相似文献   

Internationally, there is an on‐going dialogue about how to professionalize ethics consultation services (ECSs). Despite these efforts, one aspect of ECS‐competence that has received scant attention is the liability of failing to adequately capture all of the relevant moral considerations in an ethics conflict. This failure carries a high price for the least powerful stakeholders in the dispute. When an ECS does not possess a sophisticated dexterity at translating what stakeholders say in a conflict into ethical concepts or principles, it runs the risk of naming one side's claims as morally legitimate and decrying the other's as merely self‐serving. The result of this failure is that one side in a dispute is granted significantly more moral weight and authority than the other. The remedy to this problem is that ECSs learn how to expand the diagnostic moral lens they employ in clinical ethics conflicts.  相似文献   

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