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壳聚糖是一种理想的水产动物免疫增强剂和饲料添加剂。为了研究壳聚糖对香鱼非特异性免疫机能的影响,探讨其调节机体免疫功能的机理,以香鱼为研究对象,在基础饲料中分别添加0%、0.5%、1.0%、2.0%和4.0%的壳聚糖,连续投喂35 d后测定香鱼肝脏、脾脏和肾脏组织中溶菌酶活性和免疫相关基因hsp70基因表达的影响。结果表明,基础饲料中添加1.0%壳聚糖可使香鱼肝脏、脾脏和肾脏组织中溶菌酶活性显著提高,溶菌酶活性与对照分别提高了0.8倍、3.1倍和5.2倍。定量PCR分析结果表明,添加1.0%壳聚糖可显著促进肝脏、脾脏和肾脏中hsp70基因的表达量,且hsp70基因表达量与溶菌酶活性表现出一定的相关性,表明壳聚糖可通过调节免疫相关基因的表达来调节香鱼的免疫功能。  相似文献   

养殖密度对史氏鲟稚鱼生长的影响   总被引:39,自引:5,他引:39  
养殖密度对史氏鲟生长影响的研究结果表明 ,在养殖密度分别为 0 .2 32、0 .6 6 5、1.34 7和 2 .46 9kg·m-2 的流水环境中 ,各密度组的史氏鲟稚鱼的生长表现为不等速性 ,但生长离散没有加剧 .试验持续 2 8d后 ,各组的生长表现出显著差异 ,生长效率、特定生长率和日增重都随密度的增大而降低 ,而饵料转化率和净增重随密度的增大而增大 .特定生长率 (SGR)与养殖密度 (D)之间存在着显著的负相关  相似文献   

振荡胁迫后鲫血液皮质醇和溶菌酶水平的变化   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
鱼体所处的环境可能会对其产生胁迫作用,大体可分为两类,即慢性胁迫和急性胁迫。前者包括长期的高密度放养和水质的恶化等,后者则主要包括在捕捞及运输过程中给鱼 体带来的人为的短期惊扰,振荡(Handling)便是一种较为典型的急性胁迫。国外对鱼类遭受的慢性胁迫的研究有较多报道,如它可导致鱼体重下降,生长减缓,对疾病敏感性增加 等。在急性胁迫方面虽也有所涉及,但研究相对不足,国内更是知之甚少。    相似文献   

由于环境胁迫引起的鱼类应激反应常常是导致养殖鱼类对病原敏感性增高的重要原因[‘]。养殖鱼类遭受的环境胁迫主要有:水质恶化、个体间的相互竞争、水温变化以及因养殖密度过高造成的拥挤胁迫等同。有关应激反应在鱼病发生发展中的作用,国外学者已有不少研究。在国内虽也正逐步受到学者们的认识和重视,但尚未见有这方面的研究报道。据来自哺乳动物的研究认为,应激反应对机体的危害与应激因素的性质、强度、持续时间以及动物的种类等有关。由于血浆皮质醇的增高是应激反应的主要特征,而且是导致机体抵抗力下降的重要机理。本文拟从血…  相似文献   

鱼类补体系统成分及补体特异性和功能的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
补体系统由30多种可溶性蛋白和膜蛋白组成,在先天性免疫和适应性免疫中均起着重要作用。补体存在三条激活途径即经典途径、凝集素途径和替代途径,并共用一条终末(或溶解)途径(图1)。经典途径是第一个被发现的补体激活途径,由结合在细胞表面的抗体激活,其作用具特异性且同时需要Ca2+和Mg2+参与。替代途径不依赖于抗体,可直接由C3或微生物表面的特定结构激活,只需要Mg2+。1995年后才明确了通过MBL识别的凝集素途径,此途径也不依赖于抗体且仅需要Ca2+。  相似文献   

为探讨白藜芦醇(RSV)对高脂胁迫团头鲂特定生长率、抗氧化能力、非特异免疫机能和抗病力的影响,试验设计5组饲料:正常脂组(脂肪水平5%)、高脂组(脂肪水平11%)以及在高脂组中分别添加0.04%、0.36%、1.08% RSV。养殖试验持续10周,在采样结束后,进行嗜水气单胞菌攻毒试验,记录攻毒后96h的成活率。结果表明:团头鲂的特定生长率和日均采食量在添加1.08% RSV组出现最小值,并显著低于其他各组,且团头鲂的饲料效率表现出相似趋势。长期高脂饲喂可导致团头鲂血浆GSH含量显著下降,血浆MDA和NO含量显著升高,形成氧化应激。而长期氧化应激状态,可使团头鲂血浆溶菌酶活性和补体C3含量显著降低,肝脏中HSP70和HSP90应激调控基因表达上调,TNF-α炎症反应基因表达也上调。添加0.04% RSV组显著降低了血浆中SOD活性;添加0.36%和1.08% RSV组显著降低血浆MDA和NO含量,显著抑制了血浆SOD和CAT活性,且添加1.08% RSV组显著增加了鱼体血浆GSH含量。添加0.04%、0.36%和1.08% RSV组均显著提高了团头鲂血浆补体C3含量和溶菌酶活性,显著下调了高脂胁迫团头鲂肝脏中HSP70、HSP90与TNF-α mRNA的表达量。嗜水气单胞菌攻毒后团头鲂的成活率显著受到RSV的影响,并且在1.08% RSV添加组成活率最大。综上结果表明,团头鲂摄食高脂日粮之后,机体处于氧化应激状态,导致鱼体非特异免疫力和抗病力低下。而添加适宜剂量的RSV能够改善机体这种氧化应激的状态,提高鱼体的非特异免疫力和抗病力,其中以1.08%的添加量最优。  相似文献   

【目的】明确拥挤胁迫对果蝇生长发育的影响,并探讨蓝莓花青素(Blueberry anthocyanins,BAC)对黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster Meigen拥挤损伤的保护作用。【方法】研究不同培养密度,BAC浓度及两者协同处理对果蝇生长发育、胁迫应激和氧化应激的影响。【结果】通过观察生长在低、中、高密度下的果蝇发现,随着培养密度的升高,果蝇的蛹历期延长,体重和雌雄比显著下降,HSP70的表达水平显著上升及MDA显著下降。BAC处理显著增加果蝇蛹的数量,缩短蛹历期,降低果蝇HSP70的表达和MDA含量。在高密度组果蝇培养基中添加维生素C(Vitamin C,VC)和BAC后,拥挤胁迫仍为主要影响因素,除了VC显著缓解果蝇雌雄比失衡外,两种药物对果蝇体重和蛹历期的恢复均无显著效应。但VC和BAC处理显著降低果蝇HSP70的表达水平和MDA含量,VC处理显著提高CAT和SOD酶活性,而BAC对酶活性的影响小。雌蝇对拥挤胁迫更敏感,因此,高密度下VC和BAC对雌蝇的影响比雄蝇大。【结论】拥挤胁迫导致果蝇发育延缓,体重下降,雌雄比失衡,这与其激发果蝇的应激反应和氧化损伤相关,VC和BAC能够降低拥挤胁迫诱导的应激反应,减少氧化损伤。  相似文献   

把实验小鼠分成2、6和10只3个密度组,饲养一周后取肝脏,采用硫代巴比妥酸法、比色法和亚硝酸盐形成法分别测定脂质过氧化物、过氧化氢酶和超氧化物歧化酶。6只组和10只组小鼠肝脏脂质过氧化物显著高于2只组;10只组过氧化氢酶活性显著低于2只组,说明拥挤降低小鼠肝脏中过氧化氢酶的活性,使脂质过氧化物含量增加,从而对机体造成过氧化损伤。  相似文献   

大黄素、维生素C及其配伍对团头鲂抗拥挤胁迫的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选取1200尾健康的团头鲂(Megalobrama amblycephala Yih),体重为(133.44±2.11)g,随机分成4组,其中1组为对照组,投喂基础日粮(含50.3 mg/kg维生素C,以L-抗坏血酸-2-多聚磷酸酯为Vc源),另外3组为试验组,投喂饲料是在基础日粮中分别添加60 mg/kg大黄素、700 mg/kg Vc、60 mg/kg大黄素+700 mg/kg Vc。饲养60d后,从各池中取25尾规格基本一致的鱼,进行连续48h的拥挤胁迫(100 g/L)实验,分别于0h、12h、24h、48h取样分析团头鲂血液和肝脏的生化指标以及肝脏两种HSP70s mRNA的表达水平,并统计各组鱼的累积死亡率。结果表明,在拥挤胁迫前,与对照组相比,大黄素、Vc组显著提高了团头鲂血清总蛋白(TP)、溶菌酶(LSZ)和碱性磷酸酶(AKP)的水平,肝脏超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的活性和诱导型HSP70 mRNA的表达水平,降低了血清皮质醇(COR)、甘油三酯(TG)以及肝脏丙二醛(MDA)的含量(P<0.05),且大黄素组还显著提高了肝脏过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性(P<0.05);配伍组虽然血清TP、LSZ以及肝脏HSP70 mRNA的水平显著升高,肝脏MDA的含量也显著降低(P<0.05),但均未表现出协同增效作用。在拥挤胁迫后,与对照组相比,大黄素、Vc组不同程度地提高了团头鲂血清TP和AKP的水平,肝脏SOD和CAT的活性以及HSC70和HSP70 mRNAs的表达水平,降低了血清COR、葡萄糖(GLU)、谷丙转氨酶(GPT)、谷草转氨酶(GOT)、TG以及肝脏MDA的水平,而LSZ活性表现为先下降后升高;在配伍组中,这些指标虽然有类似以上的变化趋势,但大多差异不显著(P>0.05),且同样未表现出协同增效作用。统计表明,大黄素和Vc组鱼的累积死亡率在拥挤胁迫24h、48h均显著低于对照组(P<0.05),而配伍组与对照组的差异均不显著(P>0.05)。由此可见,在基础日粮中添加大黄素60 mg/kg或Vc 700 mg/kg,可提高团头鲂的非特异性免疫力、抗氧化能力以及两种HSP70s mRNA的表达水平,增强鱼体的抗应激能力。二者配伍则效果不佳,其相互作用的机理还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

补体和细胞因子均为免疫系统中的重要组成部分,共同参与了机体抵抗病原体的防御反应、免疫调节以及机体的免疫病理性损伤反应。Glq、C3及其活性片段,c5及其活性片段以及其它的外体成分与TNF-α,IFN-γ、IL-1、IL-6等炎性细胞因子在炎症过程中通过各种直接或间接的途径相互作用,二者之间的平衡最终决定了炎症的发展与转归。文章不仅总结了新近研究所表明的补体对CK的调节作用,而且介绍了近年来关于细胞因子调节补体研究的新发展。  相似文献   

养殖密度对史氏鲟消化率、摄食率和生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
以体重(43.90±1.75)g史氏鲟为研究对象,研究了0.525、1.171和2.138 kg·m-2 3种养殖密度对史氏鲟幼鱼生长、摄食率和消化率的影响,实验时间为60 d.结果表明,养殖密度对史氏鲟的生长、摄食率和消化率具有显著影响.高养殖密度不利于史氏鲟的生长,低密度组中史氏鲟的特定生长率和日增重显著高于高密度组,食物转化率显著低于高密度组;特定生长率和日增重随养殖密度的降低而显著增高.低密度组、中密度组中史氏鲟的消化率无显著差异,但均显著高于高密度组.中密度组摄食率显著低于高密度组和低密度组,低密度组摄食率介于两者之间;食物转化率和消化率呈显著负相关,特定生长率与消化率呈显著正相关.  相似文献   

Dominant Nile tilapia had significantly higher lysozyme activity than did subordinate fishes (α=0·05). Plasma lysozyme level was not correlated with sex, parental origin, rearing length, weight, condition factor or rearing density.  相似文献   

延迟投饵对史氏鲟仔鱼摄食、存活及生长的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为了解史氏鲟仔鱼阶段的开口摄食习性,为史氏鲟的人工育苗提供基础资料,研究了延迟投饵对史氏鲟仔鱼摄食、存活及生长的影响。结果表明:仔鱼6日龄开口,7日龄史氏鲟仔鱼初次摄食,10日龄卵黄基本吸收完毕,16~17日龄,不能建立外源性营养的仔鱼进入饥饿的不可逆点(PNR)期,故其PNR是16日龄;史氏鲟仔鱼存活率随延迟投饵天数的增加而降低,6日龄后,延迟投饵时间在7d内,仔鱼存活率可达60%以上,延迟投饵时间在8~10d内,仔鱼的成活率下降至40%左右,延迟投饵时间为11d,存活率下降至10%,延迟投饵时间为12d及以后,存活率为0;史氏鲟仔鱼全长和体质量在延迟投饵4d内均增加;延迟投饵超过4d则均下降。延迟投喂时间在8d以内,仔鱼全长和体质量与对照组无显著性差异;延迟投喂超过9d,全长和体质量低于对照组;史氏鲟仔鱼适宜投饵的时间是孵出后9~10d。  相似文献   

Synopsis Plasma levels of free amino acids were compared in recently fed sturgeon and in those deprived of food for over two weeks. Fed animals had elevated levels of branched chain amino acids. It is suggested that the higher levels of these amino acids are due to reduced metabolism of these amino acids as well as high levels in the food.  相似文献   

Stocking density and hypoxia are considered priority issues in aquaculture research. In this study, two experiments were carried out in order to investigate the effects of chronic stress (stocking density) and acute stress (hypoxia) on the immune physiology responses (hematology, serum cortisol, glucose, total protein and the mRNA expression of CYP 1A) of juvenile Amur sturgeon (Acipenser schrenckii). In the chronic stress study, three triplicate groups of Amur sturgeon (42.0 ± 2.3 g) were reared in nine square concrete ponds (4.4 × 4.4 × 0.45 m3) at three stocking densities (3.7, 6.9 and 9.0 kg/m3) for 50 days. In the acute stress study, three triplicate groups: normal group (7 mg/l), hypoxia group 1 (5 mg/l) and hypoxia group 2 (3 mg/l) were used in nine 100 L indoor tanks. Sampling was performed at the end of the stocking density experiment (50 days) and at 0, 0.5, 1.5, 3 and 6 h after hypoxia stress. The results showed that increased stocking density reduced the morphological indexes (hepatosomatic index, spleen-somatic index and kidney-somatic index), while total protein and hemoglobin increased significantly in the stressed group. In response to hypoxia, the levels of cortisol, glucose and hematological parameters elevated significantly after this stress. As for spleen-somatic index, there was a decline after hypoxia though H1 group returned to the normal level at 3 h and 6 h after hypoxia stress. Additionally, In order to better understand the immune response of Amur sturgeon to chronic and acute stressors, we cloned the complete coding sequence of Amur sturgeon CYP 1A for the first time and investigated its tissue-specific expression and stress-induced expression. CYP 1A mRNA in liver showed over expressions both in crowding condition and in hypoxia stress. The same trend was also found in spleen and kidney which may provide evidence that CYP 1A could serve as a good indicator of immune response in Amur sturgeon. In addition, the result suggested a typical immune response both in high stocking density and hypoxia stress. But the chronically stressed fish might have an adaptation capability to survive under a stable crowding condition without a change in some immune parameters (cortisol, glucose, WBCs and RBCs).  相似文献   

To evaluate whether stress-response indicators in blood plasma (BP) are similarly reflected in the peritoneal fluid (PF) white sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus were stressed by a 30 min air exposure and pH, PCO2, osmolality, cortisol, glucose and lactate levels measured. Changes in certain stress indicators in the BP (pH, PCO2, osmolality and glucose) also occurred in the PF, while stressor-induced changes in cortisol and lactate were restricted to the BP. Data suggest that PF is a modified ultrafiltrate of the blood and potentially a useful indicator of animal stress.  相似文献   



Restricted space and close contact with conspecifics in captivity may be stressful for musk deer, as they are highly territorial and solitary in the wild. So we tested the effects of crowding on stress of forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii) in heterosexual groups, using fecal cortisol analysis as a non-invasive method. 32 healthy adults during non-breeding seasons were chose as our experimental objects. Group 1 was defined as higher crowding condition, with 10-15 m2/deer (6 enclosures, 10♀ and 6♂); group 2 was defined as lower crowding condition, with 23-33 m2/deer (6 enclosures, 10♀ and 6♂). Every enclosure contained 1 male and 3 female. These patterns had been existed for years.


The results showed that females in lower crowding condition (217.1 ± 9.5 ug/g) had significantly higher fecal cortisol levels than those in higher crowding condition (177.2 ± 12.1 ug/g). Interestingly, crowding seemed have no effect on male fecal cortisol levels (148.1 ± 9.1 ug/g and 140.5 ± 13.3 ug/g, respectively). At both groups, cortisol was significantly lower in males than in females.


These results showed that chronic crowding may affect stress status of captive forest musk deer. The captive environment should consider the space need for musk deer.  相似文献   

Li X  Wang Y  Yan X F 《农业工程》2007,27(1):58-63
Amur corktree (Phellodendron amurense) is one of the important associated species in broadleaved-Korean pine forests, and in the pharmaceutical resource plants of famous Chinese traditional medicine, named cortex phellodendri. Berberine, jatrorrhizine and palmatine are the main alkaloids to which high attention is paid by the researchers. In the present study, water stress treatments with four conditions, that is, mild drought, severe drought, waterlogging, and control (soil water potentials were controlled in the ranges of-40—-20 KPa,-80—-60 KPa, <-80 KPa and-20—0 KPa), were performed using the technique of root-sphere osmotic irrigation in a soil pond. The changes in the main medicinal compositions of berberine, jatrorrhizine and palmatine contents under different water conditions were discussed. As for the annual growing of amur corktree seedlings, mild drought was generally beneficial to the synthesis and accumulation of the three above-mentioned alkaloid contents. The three alkaloid contents did not show great changes under severe drought whereas those contents had significantly reduced under waterlogging compared with controls. Meanwhile, the growth of amur corktree seedlings was inhibited by the treatments of drought and waterlogging. The height, diameter and biomass of amur corktree seedlings were significantly lower than those of the control seedlings, which meant that the three alkaloid contents in a single seedling still kept the highest in control seedlings. Stem cortex was the medical part in Chinese traditional medicine and also kept the most abundant of the three alkaloid contents in amur corktree. Results indicated that short periods of mild drought could improve the berberine contents in the stem cortex, which might have reference value for the cultivation of amur corktree seedlings to obtain alkaloids.  相似文献   

The effect of substratum on growth and metabolic rate was assessed in larval white sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus. Yolk‐sac larvae (YSL) were reared in bare tanks or tanks with gravel as substratum from hatch until approximately 16 days post hatch (dph). The effect of an artificial substratum was also evaluated on growth alone. Substratum had a significant effect on mass, with larvae reared in gravel and artificial substrata being larger than those reared without substratum. Routine metabolic rates were significantly lower and relative aerobic scope (the difference between maximum and routine metabolic rate) was significantly higher for YSL and feeding larvae (FL) reared in gravel relative to those reared in bare tanks, particularly before fish started feeding exogenously. Furthermore, gravel‐reared larvae had higher whole‐body glycogen concentrations relative to bare‐tank‐reared larvae. Routine factorial scope (maximum metabolic rate divided by routine metabolic rate) was relatively low in all treatments (< 1·7) indicating a limited ability to elevate metabolic rate above routine early in development and mass exponents for metabolic rate exceeded 1. Taken together, these data indicate that YSL reared without substratum may divert more of their energy to non‐growth related processes impairing growth. This finding underscores the importance of adequate rearing substratum for growth of A. transmontanus and may provide support for habitat restoration and alternative hatchery rearing methods associated with sturgeon conservation.  相似文献   

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